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File: 515 KB, 726x599, ss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5424124 No.5424124 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good Fan Missions for SS1/SS2? You always hear about Thief FMs but never for these two games.

>> No.5425038

I probably should have posted this in the Thief thread.

>> No.5425050

Kinda? IIRC, they still haven't figured out how to modify the map, so they usually don't use one. Some of the better FM's come close to the original experience in terms of level design, but they still feel like they lack direction. I've only played one or two though, I prefer just running SS2 with another person if I can get anyone else to play.

>> No.5425057

There is a map editor for SS2. Do you mean the minimap?

>> No.5425665
File: 24 KB, 700x525, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's where you make your choice, soldier.

>> No.5425729

Of course. How could the level design be different if they couldn't edit that? Last I checked both the minimap and regular map/automap was broken in FM's for SS2. That was years ago though.

>> No.5425970

There was that ReWired mod for System Shock 1 that got a ton of publicity last year but the voice acting was absolutely horrendous so it kind of lost all credibility

>> No.5426086

"Ponterbee Station" is pretty good

>> No.5426208

This won't work with SCP, right?

>> No.5426212

OSA all day every day.

>> No.5426256

Jesus sounds like shit

>> No.5427040

how do i get "nearest" texture filtering in ss2? instead of linear.

i want pixelated textures.

>> No.5427196 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 680x755, benny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your favorite mission lads?

>> No.5427310

I'm wondering this too but about Deus Ex

>> No.5427559

I advise against it, as SS2 has nice and clean textures made for filtering in mind but if you truly want to,go to cam_ext.cfg
mipmap_mode 0
tex_filter_mode 0
;pixel parts_as_disks
movie_sw_scale_quality 0

>> No.5428481

is there any reason to use Energy Weapons in SS1?

>> No.5429736

Basically free to use if you know where energy stations are

Laser Rapier is also just insane

>> No.5429760

Lasier Rapier is in a tier of its own but I never found any of the other energy weapons really worth using when there was so much ammo lying around. What's the consensus of the EE for SS1? I got it for 99 cents on sale and plan on getting around to replaying it after I finish my SS2 Psi/Melee playthrough.

>> No.5430119
File: 149 KB, 640x480, sshock 2018-09-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enhanced Edition is great. It got updated last year so it's a proper source port now. It fixes some bugs too.

It has mouselook and rebindable keys, new lighting, and higher resolution interface elements from the Mac port of the game, all of which are optional (Look in the Modifications menu for DOS portraits). Other than that it's the same game.

>> No.5430129

>other than all this shit it's the same game
fuck you, kiddo

>> No.5430137
File: 561 KB, 1920x1080, sshock 2019-03-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also if you're going to play in high resolution I don't recommend anything other than 1280x960 or 1920x1440 because the UI scales like garbage with the incorrect aspect ratio otherwise, pic related

You can set it so it plays and looks exactly like the Mac version. There are slight visual differences between that and the DOS version, but if you want that you could also use the version of the EE released before the source port came out which is based on the DOS version. I prefer the original look and control scheme and don't really play it any other way, but the new options are good.

>> No.5430150

Yeah I noticed the aspect ratio gets fucked on widescreen. My CRT isn't plugged in so I will probably just play it at 1280x960 with black bars. Do you know anything about this software mode gamma bug people complain about? I'll probably be playing in GPU accelerated mode but just wanted an opinion on that.

>> No.5430165

I don't know anything about it. GPU accelerated with all the enhancements turned off looks the same as Software to me, so I'm not sure it makes much of a difference.

>> No.5430212

The first EE before the sourceport is terrible. The music is completely fucked.

>> No.5430619

I know cyberspace sections had an issue where it would stop but I don't think I came across problems with the rest of the music

>> No.5431038

The sound levels are totally off and certain tracks sound terrible. There really should be an option for the EEs to let you use different midi players.

>> No.5431181

The rebirth models mod for SS2 are awful. Thats all I have to say

>> No.5431262

Only the most brain damaged of people use rebirth models. More polygons does not equate to better if everyone looks like they're made of play-dough with an effeminate gait.

>> No.5432035

I'll never understand modding a low poly, low res game to look slightly less low poly and low res. At best you can get a 1999 game looking like it came out in 2001. Wowee lad

>> No.5432043

Can't you change Windows default midi driver to something else? I use a Roland Sound Canvas emulator and it sounds fantastic

>> No.5432781

For the source port or the classic version? I wasn't aware that was possible with the source port.

>> No.5433213

Both. You can't change the midi device through the game config in the EE but you can change your default device in Windows

>> No.5433398

I personally have little problem with SHODAN's voice from what I heard of it from ReWired.

>> No.5435210


>> No.5435220 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5435254

What are everyone's thoughts on the restoration bay mechanic in SS1?
I think that it trivializes the difficulty and any tension because you can almost never outright die in the game, in addition to being able to save anywhere. But I guess that's a problem with most PC games. If the restoration bays had served as save points instead then the game would basically be perfect.

>> No.5435314


>> No.5435326

You don't HAVE to save everywhere. Self control works.

>> No.5435391

Related question; is it possible to beat the computer at Tic-Tac-Toe?

>> No.5435459

Word. The ending is retarded and some of the voica acting is earrape, but otherwise its nice.

>> No.5435461

*unzips incindiary grenades*

>> No.5435845

I don't think that's really an excuse for not designing a good, challenging save system in a game.

>> No.5436521
File: 56 KB, 600x294, SS2xerxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not hacking that turret in the hallway beforehand

OSA is full of retards.

>> No.5436878

i actually did but it got killed by a spider

>> No.5437136
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, dump087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5438427

"You're in the wrong neighborhood mofo !"

>> No.5438584

I think the idea was to give you options. I personally only saved when entering a new area without the reconstruction chambers activated.
Also why is this thread so dead? We should unite with other LGS fags to keep an active thread

>> No.5439581

There ya go.

>> No.5439608
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me a hand? Shodan's speech after the walls fade away just stops and leaves me stuck there.

>> No.5439628

Check every file for a sytnax error.

>> No.5439654

Oh nevermind, fixed it by saving and loading thegame in there.

>> No.5439663

but did you use the restoration bays?

The entire mechanic just allows you to brute force the game because there's no real consequence for dying

>> No.5439726

Yeah SS2 does it better by having a nanite cost for respawns.

>> No.5439768

So I take it requires more than a switch flip to turn the conversion chambers into restoration areas? You have to actually do hacking work on them to change them?

>> No.5439918

Nah it's still a switch flip but costs nanites whenever used.

>> No.5439928

>unzips adrenaline overproduction

>> No.5440291

I was talking about the conversion chambers from SS1.

>> No.5440420

In SS1 you just need to find the switch and flip it, it doesn't take hacking.

>> No.5441452

I for one don't get most of the hate for the SS1 remake from Night Dive studios. I agree that the Hacker looks weird, The walls of the medical bay don't need to look so moist, and the change from Unity to Unreal could have been less spontaneous. But still, ITS A REMAKE! Not everything needs to be unchanged story-wise! The world is not going to blow up from the remake having several altered plot elements! Judge it by its own merits when it comes out.

>> No.5441484

I dislike:
>everything looking like it is coated in vaseline like a baby's first unreal engine project
>no real gameplay or seeming design plan as devs contradict eachother on whether or not they're going to add rpg elements to the game or keep it like the original
>pixellated textures which give me a faux-retro vibe when SS1 was state of the art at time of release
>porting over the unity assets so we still have that overly huge pipe hammer with the glowy gloves
>no talk on what they're going to do for enemy AI since in the original pretty much everything is just a hitscanner
>game is going to be shown at the epic games booth at GDC which hints at the game potentially being epic store exclusive

Aside from that, it's probably still going to be better than SS3 which is on Unity and is going to be an "exploration game" compared to Prey (which already had maybe 1/4 the amount of action as SS1 and 2 and reaffirms my belief that war inspector had no real hand in the original aside from maybe very broad design ideas).

>> No.5441541

Just because the game is running on Unreal Engine does not mean that has to be on the Epic games store exclusively.

>> No.5441716
File: 53 KB, 640x480, SS2hybrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marines are the worst branch: Change my mind.

>> No.5441825

>>pixellated textures which give me a faux-retro vibe when SS1 was state of the art at time of release
That's because the textures are literally the SS1 textures used as placeholders

>> No.5441845

No it's their intended look. They've stated they are going to go with no texture filtering on a modern game.

>> No.5441991

standard weapons are overpowered

>> No.5441997

And most of the Energy weapons are underpowered.

>> No.5442012

just carry 3 laser pistols lmao

>> No.5442118

I can understand pure annelids not being effected by the Dual-Circuit EMP rifle, but why not half-annelids either? It should have been capable of doing at least 0.75x damage to the likes of standard Hybrids and Rumblers.

>> No.5443538

It would be an easy change in the editor. I might try my hand at a balance mod sometime but I actually enjoy SS2's whacky balance since pretty much every path has something overpowered.

>> No.5443582

what is the best weapon class to invest into?

>> No.5443602

standard is the strongest by far, especially once you get 6 points in it and can use assault rifles

>> No.5443695

soundtrack in this game is a fucking disaster
>moody spaceship full of deformed people and malevolent AI
why not have some fucking rave lights while we're at it

>> No.5443710
File: 69 KB, 1039x861, Cyberspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not have some fucking rave lights while we're at it
that would be sick

>> No.5445174

reminder that SCP fucks with the game balance

>> No.5445858

thief thread is fuckin DEAD
maybe let's just combine thiaf ss and dudesex or whatever and make lgs thread

>> No.5446084

sounds good to me
just make an LGS thread including their flight sims and terra nova

>> No.5446123

>terra nova
Fuck yeah


>> No.5446238

Not retro but SS3 is supposed to be in this keynote stream in about an hour and a half. If anyone else has a morbid curiosity as to what the game will be like or what bullshit warren spector is peddling now here's the link.

>> No.5446494

Fuck. Did I miss it? The hosts are fucking awful

>> No.5446501

no, nothing has happened except some fat guy was crying crocodile tears while asking for donations to some nz thing

>> No.5446586

Shodan looks terrible.

>> No.5446736

Speak for yourself. I think she looks at least passable.

>> No.5446749

she needs a thinner nose, but it's fine, I suppose.

I guess what really bothers me is that she looks too solid. Instead of Matrix style streams of holographic images.

>> No.5446947

looks awful compared to the previous two iterations
has Unity written all over it

>> No.5446967

>t.Unreal elitist

>> No.5446986

Not him but making a 3D fps game with Unity is dumb.

>> No.5446987

Prey used Cryengine but looked and ran great. This abortion is going to end up just like Underworld Ascendant.

>> No.5446995

Unity can be good if handled correctly and with the right team, just as with Unreal, Dark, CRY, Renderware, Build, Havok, and other game engines.

>> No.5447002

Given Otherside's track record I wouldn't get my hopes up.

>> No.5447836

Is there a list of weapons that can and can't damage Shodan?

>> No.5447884


>> No.5447905
File: 70 KB, 483x600, arnold-schwarzenegger-cigar-i29253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerds with a hypo addiction who put up with spending the majority of the game farting energy balls at enemies in order to get to play with some cool gimmicks later

Poor sods who were fooled into thinking that hacking is worthwhile

Pic related

>> No.5448026

>it's another make-game-as-techdemo-to-sell-engine-episode

>> No.5448214

>poor sods
Hacking has its advantages. Navy also learn standard weapons along with in the 3rd year, have a choice between getting an advantage in speed, endurance, or research skills.

>> No.5448235

what's with this shit site being contrarian even where it comes to vidya builds? Everyone agrees Navy is the most versatile class and hacking is useful but as usual some faggot on 4chan goes
>no fuck you you're a nigger, cuck and SJW the proper way to play SS2 is picking PSI and using wrench exclusively

>> No.5448253

can you slap even more buzzwords into your post

>> No.5448289

Found >>5447905

>> No.5448869

System Shock: Remastered footage was posted. Not a fan of the complete tone shift.

>> No.5448874

posted the wrong link whoops

>> No.5448879

The proper way to play SS2 is to utilize the assault rifle with extreme prejudice

>> No.5448939

Also I feel the need to add that it's clear they haven't really been doing anything for 2 years if all they have to show is some empty rooms and the same two enemy types scattered around the first level.

>> No.5449791
File: 133 KB, 300x400, whatthefug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow nightdive fucking up who would have thought

>> No.5449826



>> No.5450142
File: 561 KB, 1200x711, EL_SHOBLINO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5450223

This is a year of work after scrapping all they had done, why do people act like this is all they've been working on ever since the demo? They have dev streams and a Discord if you want to see progress

>> No.5450225

Also they have work done on other levels as well, though I don't remember the extent

>> No.5450227

i guess i can wait for the finished product in 9 years then since it took this long to partially make one level

>> No.5450238

I already said they have work done on other levels. I've seen reactor, engineering and flight deck completely laid out in previous streams.

>> No.5450615

Nose is too wide.
Eyes aren't slanted/alien enough.

>> No.5450990
File: 172 KB, 1300x731, SS2HappyNoodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you head on over to Happynoodle after spending the day mind-raping a suspected terrorist.

God bless the OSA.

>> No.5451006
File: 827 KB, 1400x1050, ey_lil_hacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living the dream

>> No.5451309
File: 21 KB, 480x360, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, fuck off. The fact that they completely restarted the project because they felt they were straying too far from the system shock theme, to then post this shit that is still a complete tone shift and looks like babby's first unreal game with wet textures and so much shitty blur is enough to tell them to fuck off.

Also, the ceo is a huge faggot and tries to talk shit on other """retro""" studios all the time sniffing his own farts thinking he's the 2nd coming of christ. Meanwhile all his studio does is gobble up old dead IPs and "remaster them" cause they can't make something unique themselves.

>> No.5451328

Let's hope the current CEO gets assassinated.

>> No.5451332

Oh, and while the game has many wet-looking textures in Medical and maybe also flight deck, that doesn't mean that all areas are equally wet. Time will tell what it looks like on release.

>> No.5451340

Brilliant! Then the new one can sell out to EA!

>> No.5451342

A darker station isn't exactly a "complete tone shift"

>> No.5451347

>Implying his successor would have to like EA all that much

>> No.5451361
File: 8 KB, 70x72, retraded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SS1 1994 - arcadey cyberpunk vibe with cool music, bright levels with colorful unique layouts
>SS1 Remake - Doom 3 clone with darker areas and ominous soundtrack, random fog for no fucking reason, attempting jumpscares and everything is black and wet

wow, almost like a 180 in tone :o !

>> No.5451375

>Doom 3 clone
No demons or anything doom-esque are present. The fog is a concern for me, yeah sure. However,
>Implying that 1994 SS1 never had its scary moments

>> No.5451398

they haven't even settled on music for that level yet and the layout is exactly the same as the original so I don't see how that's an issue. Also the shittiest looking Doom clone if that's what they were going for
Everything is black? If you're colorblind I guess
wow, what a dealbreaker

>> No.5451403

It doesn't really matter if they're demons for lore purposes. Doom 3 was a sewer crawl full of gross monsters. The System Shock remake is a sewer crawl full of gross monsters.

>> No.5451408

>The System Shock remake is a sewer crawl full of gross monsters.
Well I'm glad you're deciding this based on an unfinished level

>> No.5451413

The first thing you see when you play a game might as well be the entire game, since gamers have the attention span of a gnat overdosing on coke.

>> No.5451419
File: 41 KB, 680x383, oldmanyellsatcloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ignore the 6 words in my sentence after Doom 3 clone, cause that's what I meant by stating that. You know better than to do that.

SS1 had its scary moments for sure, but this game is building itself around its scariness and "gotcha!" mindset and wants to FOCUS on it, which wouldn't fit with what the original game established. It's kinda ironic, cause doing this kind of game design would fit pretty well for SS2, which is the one I believe they should have remade instead SS2 > 1 fight me.

It's basically like what happened between Doom 1/2 and 3 (again, the doom 3 clone concept comes full circle). Doom 3 wasn't a terrible game though, actually kinda good, and who knows this could be fun to play, the gameplay aspect of the footage doesn't look completely fucked. But I just can't trust this studio after their fumbling of the situation.

>> No.5451430

I've actually been replaying Doom 3 again and this demo is actually darker than Doom 3 which is hilarious. The way lights are placed seem poorly thought out and you get a mix of ultra dark and ultra bright spots.

>> No.5451576

Marines. Bring the hordes on

>you will never get a system shock movie with Arnold tearing through a space station killing stuff and stopping Shodan.
Why did the 90s have to end?

>> No.5451584
File: 3.39 MB, 314x293, 1549867357742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets jacked up on hypos
>let the bodies hit the floor starts playing mentally

>> No.5451593
File: 17 KB, 232x312, 1551749558970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't like
>melee weapons
>standard weapons
I take ityoud be the autist OSA agent who thinks hes gonna save the world with his psi ball and black trench coat and gets cut down by a hybrid before he can activate his shield. As you die you scream
>no fair! FORCEFIELD!

>> No.5451602

Navy gets Hacking training AND the choice to learn up to level 3 in standard weapons. Oh and to top it all off, choice between speed, extra endurance, and a head-start in research skill in 3rd year of Naval duty.

>> No.5451610

Actually I preferred Navy overall. Good balance of hacking, endurance, solid start in standard weapons.

OSA is fun too, though.

>> No.5451623

I'll be honest, Ive only played through SS2 once. I did Marine because I tend to find when all else fails in games, violence is a valid answer.
May have to do navy this next time though. I spent some points on hacking to get into crates and such, it was helpful

>> No.5451626

the class choices don't actually matter it just affects what you get at the start of the game

>> No.5451632

I know, but it kinda helps make a playthrough feel unique doing different classes in vidya.

>> No.5451756


>> No.5452151


>> No.5452526

I am fine with a general LGS thread, but when will it be made? After this thread dies?

>> No.5452657

wouldn't mind just making a new thread then letting this one die off just include a picture or thread description that encompasses thief, system shock, and ultima underworld at the very least

>> No.5452727

If you haven't beaten the game wrench only with no upgrades you might as well be working full time as a glory hole cumdump because there's nothing about your existence that's respectable.

>> No.5452760

God I wish

>> No.5452791

fuck, both living and executive quarters, sci and research, and energy/reactor are just so good

>> No.5452802

Yeah, it's pretty great

>> No.5453169

TO this day I wonder How SS1 would have looked on the N64 and Sega Saturn.

>> No.5453280

Dunno about looks but it would have been hell for controls

>> No.5453314

Can't believe noone's posted this yet

>> No.5453331

that's just a video of the navy path dude

>> No.5453347

>not dancing the macarena

>> No.5453385

Has more than 8 buttons, even when not counting the Start button.The N64 version would have had to have an entirely different soundtrack(save maybe for the opening cutscene)
>Sega Saturn
Had both a keyboard and Mouse controller.

>> No.5454176

somebody already did: