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File: 268 KB, 438x370, TM_GBA_DonkeyKongCountry3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5419620 No.5419620 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, was it the best one in the trilogy?

>> No.5419629

Worst one, but that's relatively speaking. They're all great games, it's just that DKC2 is a 10, 1 is a 9, and 3 there is an 8.

>> No.5419646
File: 95 KB, 480x600, Kastle KAOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people really overstate how bad it is. And even how many gimmick levels it had, even DKC and DKC2 had a lot of what could be described as gimmick levels.
That said, I think it is still the weakest in the series. The gameplay doesn't have the momentum of DKC1 and it doesn't have as tight of platforming as DKC2. I think a part of the issue really is that both Dixie and Kiddy move slowly, if Kiddy moved faster it would allow faster place gameplay and allow for a greater amount of level types.

And personally, I think the enemy redesigns are too goofy, even for this series.

>> No.5419656

DKC3 is the Dark Souls 2 of DKC

>> No.5419660
File: 411 KB, 500x436, donkeykongcountry2end.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what that means.

>> No.5419669

Best tonal shifts, best atmosphere, best aesthetic, best raw graphical presentation, best difficulty, best level design by far hands down, best post game, best variety - its the best

dkc2 fags can fuck off and dkc1 fags are a joke if they think 1 is even remotely comparable

>> No.5419672
File: 63 KB, 455x455, 8140007e15d58fb150b988e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DKC2 is the perfect blend of action platforming and puzzling. DKC3 compromised the platforming for puzzles and that is no bueno.

>> No.5419682

I feel like this is a very unintelligent post due to the fact that this anon doesn't back up his claims as well as immediately dismissing any dissenting opinions.

>> No.5419686

>I feel like this is a very unintelligent post due to the fact that this anon doesn't back up his claims as well as immediately dismissing any dissenting opinions.
I feel like this is a very unintelligent post due to the fact that this anon doesn't back up his claims as well as immediately dismissing any dissenting opinions.

>> No.5419695

>muh gimmicks
>muh different team than DKC 1&2

But actually, this game's "gimmicks" were actually great level design. Every level is so fresh with good focus. Recent mario games have been copying this formula where you introduce some platforming obstacle and develop it throughout the level. It's the best DKC.

Music is also underrated, overworld is also beautiful

>> No.5419705

>us. Recent mario games have been copying this formula where you introduce some platforming obstacle and develop it throughout the level.
Mario was doing it before DKC even existed.

>> No.5419714

DKC 3 was really the first nintendo game to reliably have a "gimmick" introduced in every level. SMW, although it's great, is mostly a mess of different stuff thrown together in a level with only a few exceptions. Same goes for SM1-3. Not much focus.

>> No.5419719

the designs principles were still present, even if they weren't as evident.

>> No.5419723

If you don't think the three games are about equal(all awesome) then you nitpick too much.

>> No.5419731

objectively wrong

>> No.5419752

Go replay Mario 3 and SMW

>> No.5419827
File: 1.47 MB, 900x900, bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not
>rng lightning btw
>water level but controls are reversed btw
>ghost barrels that pop in and out of existence to launch you off the map btw
>shields that can infinitely bounce you off the map btw
Too many late-stage poorly designed gimmick levels that just aren't present in DKC2

>> No.5419828

Best game without a doubt. Only 12 year olds too insecure to play as a girl or a babie will say otherwise.

>> No.5419887

>rng lightning
false. it's not rng. it aims for your location. you can manipulate it to your favor.
>water level but controls are reversed
remap the controls on the emulator if that matters so much to you, you fucking crybaby brainlet
>ghost barrels that pop in and out of existence to launch you off the map
just like those ghost ropes in 2 that you completely forgot about.
>shields that can infinitely bounce you off the map
that's punishment for bad timing and sloppy play. git gud.

You're a fucking trainwreck. LMFAO

>> No.5419901
File: 964 KB, 500x1100, worse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>false. it's not rng. it aims for your location. you can manipulate it to your favor.
Ah yes, I sure am glad I could avoid swimming in the water too far from land with the lightning striking on the closest barrel, very cool anon.
>remap the controls on the emulator if that matters so much to you, you fucking crybaby brainlet
Physically changing the game to cope with a shit level, I'm glad you can admit it.
>just like those ghost ropes in 2 that you completely forgot about.
The ones that FADE in and out of existance and don't disappear/reappear after 1 second? The ones that challenge you to actually platform instead of waiting in place until you can walk past the instadeath ghost barrel for the umpteenth time?
>that's punishment for bad timing and sloppy play. git gud.
Getting hit once=instant combo till death, yes what a fun and skillful mechanic.

Clearly these are all bastions of good game design and could not have possibly been replaced with anything better.

>> No.5420068

DKC2 has the best everything but DKC3 has the most content and solid gameplay and level design.
It's always been a tie for me.

>> No.5420251

Based unintelligent poster

>> No.5420274

All three have hideous graphics, but really it's only DKC1 that's irredeemable trash. DKC3 is just another forgettably mediocre platformer like DKC2.

>> No.5420332

What an absolutely abhorrent anon

>> No.5420336

All three are really good. You've have to be literally retarded to get vehement over any of them being "bad." I think they all do different things well so it'd be hard to pick the best. If I reeeeeally had to pick, probably 2, but it's close

>> No.5421719

Where exactly does DKC3 have puzzles?

>> No.5421730

>rng lightning btw
...which 99% of the time aims at you and the actual bolt is signaled by a small lighting moments before the strike. Pay some attention to the game for once.
>Ah yes, I sure am glad I could avoid swimming in the water too far from land with the lightning striking on the closest barrel, very cool anon.
If you need to swim long enough in that level to risk getting hit by the lighting, you're playing it wrong.
>water level but controls are reversed btw
Grand total of two new things to keep in mind in one single level of the game.
>Getting hit once=instant combo till death, yes what a fun and skillful mechanic.
Yes, it's a mechanic, but it's you who's not skillful here.

>> No.5421735

Dark Souls 2 is by far the worst Souls game, but is still a good game, so contrarians flock to it to be different.

>> No.5422034

The hate only seemed to start when James Rolfe did a video where he played it for 10 minutes and didn't like it.

>> No.5422043 [DELETED] 

Much better than 1, which has aged poorly, but not as good as 2. Any other opinion is simply wrong.

>> No.5422347

This is about where I stand on it. DKC1 is not a very good game to come back to, it feels pretty amateurishly put together at multiple points. 2 is fucking incredible and 3 is a very solid game that has to compare to a legendary one. The aesthetic alone probably puts a number of people off of 3, but there's a bunch of neat mechanics in it and like many have said, the principle of each level having its own unique deal shines the most in 3 (this has its good and bad sides in that the level design is not as tight as in 2, but the levels are more unique). It does preserve the idea from 1 where the two playable characters are a lot more different when compared to each other (while not having it be as extreme as in 1 either, which was offputting), which 2 skimped out almost entirely on other than Dixie being easy mode.

>> No.5422358
File: 599 KB, 300x1300, ohnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...which 99% of the time aims at you and the actual bolt is signaled by a small lighting moments before the strike. Pay some attention to the game for once.
>If you need to swim long enough in that level to risk getting hit by the lighting, you're playing it wrong.
I'm not saying I'm swimming the entire level, I'm saying the rng of where the lightning strikes and when it strikes can put you in situations at no fault of your own that you can't escape.
>lightning strikes
>dodge and jump in water as its striking
>swim in water as that is literally the only path forward
>lightning strikes
>i can't reach land, i can't go on a barrel, i'm already swimming in the water
Tell me how I could've accounted for that.
>Grand total of two new things to keep in mind in one single level of the game
Why is a normal water level with reversed controls enjoyable, creative, or clever in anyway? It's not even difficult either, I literally just held my controller upside down. Do you disagree that the game would have been better if they had just removed it or better yet come up with a better/more interesting mechanic?
>Yes, it's a mechanic, but it's you who's not skillful here.
My point is that instant death for a mechanic you haven't encountered before and will never encounter again isn't intriguing or good game design.

>> No.5422829


>> No.5423184

I'd prefer it over DKC1 if it was more difficult. Really, that's my only problem with it

>> No.5423289
File: 848 KB, 471x902, 1460172413478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DKC2 feels more mystical to me whereas 3 tones up the creep factor while toning down the magic a bit. Like the non-tropical feeling of 3.

>> No.5423312

All three games have objective flaws and qualities, the presence of which in their combinations keeps all games comfortably feeling their own.
I don't think any out-qualifies the other objectively, but that depending on what you're looking for.

But that's not why this thread is here, now, is it? Goodness, no...

>> No.5423803

>I'm not saying I'm swimming the entire level, I'm saying the rng of where the lightning strikes and when it strikes can put you in situations at no fault of your own that you can't escape.
Can't disagree that the lighting can sometimes be a bitch.
>Tell me how I could've accounted for that.
Well don't get in the water unless absolutely neccessary. In that level water is a major death trap to be avoided.
>My point is that instant death for a mechanic you haven't encountered before and will never encounter again isn't intriguing or good game design.
Yes you have encountered it before. In case you've managed to play the game until that point without ever being knocked back once by a DK coin kremlin, the very first enemy you come across in Koindozer Klamber is a koindozer on flat ground. It's literally the game reminding you that shields knock you back and now you better watch out for shield-carrying kremlins that also move.

>> No.5423882
File: 38 KB, 930x520, 1446858618107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game's not even that hard. You just suck.

>> No.5425256


>boats were a nice llitle touch
>banana birds had pontetial, but were sub used
>Every level has a gimmick is dumb
>kiddie should in a fire raped by a horse-cocked demon
>Colorful graphics but theme is all around the place. DK1 and 2 were far better at seting a mood.
>Gyrocopter takes ages to get and is absolutely useless
>Enemies, with no exception, have way more retarded designs than 2.
>fuck that faggot elephant
>Poisonous Pipeline and Low-G Labirynth can both suck my dick
>Having Diddy and DK appearing on the finale, was a cruel dick tease.

>> No.5425471

Let’s just ignore his sucky aesthetic for a minute. Let’s pretend these things don’t matter (sorry, they do!) and just examine Kiddy from a gameplay perspective.

Kiddy is slow. Slow is not fun in an action/platform game so you need to make up for it with utility. Here are his unique characteristics:

Holds barrels in the front: Just means he’s useless against Arich.
Throws Dixie: In a weird arc unlike in DKC2 so it’s not really a viable attack. For big enemies you can just jump on them like you did with DK. This is a worse system than in DKC2 because it limits Dixie alone.
Water skipping: it’s used in maybe two levels, it’s fluky, shoehorned in, and you can easily get around having to do it.

Everything just seems to point to like, they were going to have it be Donkey and Dixie, then some dipshit said “no, that’s not original enough,” so they tweaked DK until he became this simmering retard with half-baked mechanics.

>> No.5425802

LIke, no one has mentioned the music?

The music fucking sucks. Period. The very first level starts with that ridiculous side show / carnival themed music that clashes so hard with the visuals, that of some sort of lakeside / boardwalk / outdoorsey look it's going for.

It sucked so hard, they had to redo it all for the gba version. Companies don't change SHIT for a re-release unless they know they have to- the music was so fucking mediocre they had to actually go and re-record it.

Didn't have to do that with the other gba donkeys.

>> No.5425851

just looked up the gba soundtrack because of this post, didn't know they did that.

holy fuck what an absolute abomination. what the hell is wrong with you that you prefer this?

>> No.5425852

I know exactly what that means

>> No.5425873
File: 806 KB, 368x196, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realise your the minority right?

Like i said, companies do the bare fucking minimum for re-releases like this. This was a quick cash grab, when every company that made a snes game realised the gba was basically a portable snes. They usually fiddled with the res, shifted some buttons around to accommodate the lack of x and y buttons, and got it out the fucking door.

Like Dck1. And 2. But not 3, they knew. They fucking knew they had a stinker on there hands, and most of the smell was coming from that soundtrack. It's the fucking overuse of the brass horns man. I'm not a big musichead, but is it the trombone? Or trumpet? Someone had a hard on for some brass fucking horn instrument and fucked it all up.

Notice they dropped that shit for gba and went back to more melodies, more woodwinds and more xylophone use.

They literally had to call up David fucking Wise, the guy who did DCK2's music, nearly ten years later and beg him, fucking beg him to re-record the music for 3, after that bimbo Eveline Fischer farted out the abomination known as the snes soundtrack.

Pic related, they fucking begged him.

>> No.5425886

Shit smells like shit no matter who took it.

>> No.5425897


>> No.5425904

First of all, both Wise and Fischer composed the OST for DKC3. Guess which songs Wise did? The "ridiculous side show / carnival themed music" AKA Stilt Village and other "kiddy" songs like Crazy Calypso (the music at the file select screen). Fischer composed the rest of the soundtrack, which felt much more like the music from the first Donkey Kong Country which makes sense considering she co-composed that with Wise to begin with.
Secondly, the reason Wise made a new OST for the GBA port had nothing to do with the reception of the original soundtrack. The SNES OST relied on a lot of low tones, which would sound even worse on GBA speakers. Like the rest of the team who worked on the GBA version Wise had very little time to optimize it so he had to do everything from scrath and almost no time left to polish it like he usually could like he usually could. It's no coincidence that a lot of songs in the GBA version are pretty much remixes from the first DKC game and some songs that sound extremely out of place in the new version. You thought Stilt Village sounded bad? In that case I'm surprised you're not saying anything about the GBA versions of Treetop Tumble and Frosty Frolics (seriously, tell me you listened to those tunes and DIDN'T think of some lame saturday AM cartoon).

I don't care if you do or don't prefer DKC3 but you could at least wait with posting nonsense before you actually check your statements before you send them. This sounds like you're either ignorant to the matter at hand or too bored to have a serious discussion and resort to shitposting for the sake of it.

If you don't believe me about Wise's involvement with the GBA OST: look it up, he said it himself in an interview years ago.

>> No.5426008

Better than the first game at least.

>> No.5427501

I don't care what anyone says. If this song was pumping through SNES audio and not GBA it would be considered among the elite DKC soundtracks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQl9uM-buhU

>> No.5427560

I like a lot of the songs though. Like rock face rumble, nuts and bolts and water world

>> No.5427607
File: 4 KB, 160x128, Biggoron_OoS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a goron for your ignored reasonable opinion

>> No.5427641

Just because someone isn’t belligerent doesn’t necessarily mean they’re being reasonable.

DKC3 is like having a bonus level pack that you’re more or less glad to have, but isn’t that good compared to the core game.

>> No.5427646
File: 23 KB, 186x271, 1383402016346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really this autistic to get worked up over something like this.

>> No.5427903

lmao let it go, he's only complaining that the game is too hard
these are all game elements, if you dont wanna git gud, dont play it

>> No.5427910

Reminder that Eveline Fischer/Novakovic did
>Simian Segue
>Candy's Love Song
>Voices of the Temple
>Forest Frenzy
>Treetop Rock
>Northern Hemispheres
>Ice Cave Chant
For DKC1

>> No.5428152

Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.5428182
File: 936 KB, 644x644, too old for this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5428259

There's nothing autistic about having a hobby and discussing about it with others in the same niche so to speak. If anything, it's usually the guys who lack self-awareness and rather talk about meta subjects instead of the subject of the thread who show traits of that.

>> No.5428282

they are all shit

they feel floaty, no gravity

>> No.5428651


>> No.5428692

23 is number 1.

Oh queenie, do you think I'm a traitor?

>> No.5428697

Rather verbose way to say no u

>> No.5428723

It doesn't make it any less true. You're not telling me you feel ashamed when others ask you if you like playing video games, aren't you? Some shitposters posting some inane drivel doesn't equal everyone on this board (or anyone who likes playing video games for that matter) being autistic. Was your mere observation everything you wanted to say or did you want to argue about something?