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File: 60 KB, 525x348, Alttp_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5417220 No.5417220 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or does ALTTP feel a lot more serious than OOT does? I've always felt Ocarina had a sort of kiddie feel to it.

>> No.5417235

I feel the opposite. Regardless, Majora's Mask is ahead of both.

>> No.5417240

It's part of a gradual regression from Zelda 2, which showed a growing maturity in both the character and gameplay.

>> No.5417270

I've always felt they're both shit.

>> No.5417274

Did ALttP even have story? Good thing Yoshiaki Koizumi worked on the manual, atleast.

>> No.5417280

It had more actual plot than Ocarina

>> No.5417283

Yes. Starts with a bloody war that ended up killing a huge number of men as they defended the sages who sealed Ganon.

>> No.5417316

Have you never actually played ALTTP? The game is filled with lore about the maidens, the war, ganon, the sacred realm, the triforce, and the master sword. Throw in the revelation of Agahnim's true identity. It has at the same amount of plot as OOT does, only difference is it isn't as cinematic, which I actually like since OOT's borderline cutscenes always bored me to tears. Also it's generally darker than OOT is IMO.

>> No.5417395
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It has so much plot that Ocarina is basically a loose adaptation of LttP’s back story.

>> No.5417720

It's the opposite, stop being a contrarian.

>> No.5417808
File: 5 KB, 256x224, E97DB506-B953-453D-8738-F977D38749EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you possibly find OOT to be more seriously themed than ALTTP? After ALTTP’s prologue which is itself mysterious and foreboding, the game opens to Zelda calling out from the castle in legitimate danger and you sneak in during a raging storm to find your uncle dead, break her out, and then hear all about impending doom for the rest of the game. The entire thing almost has a tolkeinian fee to it. AND unlike OOT’s future, the dark world is actually ravaged and in ruins. OOT has you fuck around with a bunch of fairies all accompanied by upbeat, quirky music for 20 minutes, then you talk to a tree who dies (but comes back later). The only scene in OOT even remotely comparable to the tone of ALTTP is the final confrontation with Ganon.

>> No.5417843

ignore the shitposter. alttp has less comedic characters and humorous quests except maybe helping the old lady out in the store. oh wait, nevermind there are. in any case, the lack of people and conversations make for a more serious adventure.
i liked the conversations including cutscenes in oot though, i thought they were enjoyable.

>> No.5417895

I find them fatiguing and generally useless. Just the thought of having to sit through those boring cutscenes and listening to irrevelant NPC prattling tires me.

>> No.5417897

It was better

>> No.5417901

Which was?

>> No.5417982

Doesn't seem any more or less serious to me. Maybe it just seems that way because you can't see all the characters up close so you don't see how cartoony they would most likely be.

>> No.5418220

>The entire thing almost has a tolkeinian fee to it.

>> No.5418236

ALTTP's got the far, FAR heavier backstory and premise but doesn't feel like it reflects wholly that in the main narrative aside from the Uncle and Priest's shocking deaths. OoT's got the generally more oppressive atmosphere (at least adult link's era, opening the second half of the game with the annihilated ruins of Hyrule's castle town is very bold) but is missing the grim set-up.

Amusingly, both feel far more mature than something like Twilight Princess despite the visual changes anyways.

>> No.5418301
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Definitely. Better (actual) combat, better aesthetics, dungeons (and overworld) in which you spend more time doing things than walking. No waifufaggotry. Items that are usable in combat. Secrets without resorting to collectables. Doesn't waste your time with dialogues full of filling.

A game that works and didn't need to dumb doing anything in order to appeal a wider audience Life is unfair for 2D videogames when being in 3D gives you extra points in spite of everything else.

>> No.5418310

As a kid I always preferred Alttp but having replayed both of them in the last month I have to say that while they are both excellent, the superior presentation of Ocarina of Time makes it much more memorable, beautiful and have an emotional impact on the player. It simply makes sense that it is the more popular one. Sure, the dungeons are worse, the world is much more empty, the gameplay isn't as crisp etc. but these flaws are minor. If other Zeldas didn't exist, we wouldn't even notice them.

I wish people were more often able to differentiate between "objective appeal" and "subjective appeal" and respect both. Maybe you aren't emotionally affected by an average save the princess and the world from this evil that destroyed everything you know and love by overcoming myriad of quite difficult challenges over 30 hours (if you are a kid), but at least respect how well it manages to convey this feeling, how well-structued and well-presented this game is and that it is this reason why the West has been obsessed with this fucking game for so long. You can prefer AlttP, you can say that, in some respects, it is a better game (it is) and that you respect these aspects. But if you are the kind of person that's like "oh my god OoT is an overrated piece of shit everyone else but me is an idiot don't they see [this is done better in AlttP which is important for me but not necessarily everyone]", you're a total fucking idiot. And there are way, way too many people of this type on /vr/, just like there are on /v/, but luckily not quite as many idiots as there.

>> No.5418335

>Sure, the dungeons are worse, the world is much more empty, the gameplay isn't as crisp etc.
so you admit that LttP is the better game.

honestly, OoT was the game of my childhood, and after replaying it a few months ago and finally playing LttP for the first time, the latter is far superior. OoT was fucking groundbreaking for its time, but revisiting it now.. well, rose-tinted glasses do it a lot of favors. still an incredible game, but LttP has so much more variety and dungeons that offer more than a linear path through them.

>> No.5418343

ALTTP is 1000x better than anything OOT did.
LA is 100x than anything OOT did.

OOT is widely overrated. The combat is clunky, the story is very basic, the world is ugly and not well created.

There's nothing that OOT has that's better or even close to ALTTP.

>> No.5418346

mfw you do exactly what I criticized

>> No.5418350

How does a game like OOT make you emotional apart from extreme nostalgia? I found it to be emotionally fucking barren and the characters are as 2D as can be.

>> No.5418352

Why don't you ask the millions over millions of people that basically created a cult around this franchise because of this game

>> No.5418357

Well I’m assuming you’re one of them so I already am.

>> No.5418359
File: 178 KB, 600x480, z3-death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old School Zelda was definitely a bit darker. Adventure of Link had Ganon's minions out to kill Link and use his blood to resurrect Ganon by sprinkling it on his ashes. The backstory to ALttP had Ganondorf as a thief who accidentally found the entrance to the Golden Land and then murdered his fellow thieves to get the Trifroce,

"Grasping the Triforce with blood stained hands"

So if you read the instruction manual at least the old games evoked some dark imagery and themes. I recall the Player's Guide for ALttP gives some short backstory to the warp tile near Kakariko Village, stating that it was sealed off after a child stepped on it and disappeared. Without the magic mirror there is no way out of the Dark World once you are in it. The Dark World itself is equal parts silly and equal parts genuinely depressing. You meet lots of people trapped there in bizarre forms. The whole Flute Boy thing is pretty sad and Link's uncle dies, as does the Priest. Also keep in mind that in ALttP all the soldiers you fight are implied to be bewitched by Ganon's magic and not actually bad, but you still have to kill them in droves. (at the start of the game you can talk to one who notes that the other soldiers have begun acting strangely and he's sure that he'll be affected by the evil magic too, in time)

ALttP ends on a happy note though, with all the evil undone by Link's wish.

>> No.5418372

- deku tree dying and revising the kokiri forest to see it is full of critters due to ganondorf, seeing all your cute little friends hiding into houses and the satisfactionary feeling of allowing them to go out again after going through the forest temple
- meeting ruto as a kid and being her hero and then helping her as an adult save her people by beating the water temple
- everything that happens with nabooru
- the way the game makes you feel like a total badass conquering completely different regions in what feels like a vast world, with many secrets to discover and things to do, people to help and items to get
- seeing the destroyed hyrule castle and conquering ganon's castle
- the somewhat creepy/depressing atmosphere you find in the dungeons as an adult in general
- the final showdown
- ganon and the music
- the catharsis you get for defeating the cause of all the depression and horribleness you saw in hyrule as an adult
- bittersweet ending

I know very, very well that this is all pretty shallow, but just imagine someone plays this game without the hyper-critical, experienced view some thirty year old adult has, who doesn't need complex worlds or characters for them to be believable and who suspend disbelief much more easily because they are not as used to as many different games and worlds. For such people, Ocarina of Time is mindblowing. Not because "at the time" it was good, but because it is mind-blowing when you are new to video games in general, because it is masterful at giving you a feeling only video games can, feeling like a hero after accomplishing things after overcoming challenges and helping people with it, exploring and conquering a world etc.

There is no emotional impact after playing one gazillion games. This is why AlttP is superior for most seasoned gamers that play a lot of this type of game.

>> No.5418376
File: 183 KB, 500x441, C5160B36-DF63-4BAA-9FCB-693D6E2EEB48.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat unrelated, but ALTTP is the only Zelda game to treat the Triforce as conscious entities right? I never understood why they aren’t more prominently focused on in the stories of the other games.

>> No.5418378

Not to mention the pretty unique feelings to the game that it manages to create by forcing you to grow up too fast, I thought meeting Saria and seeing her still be as tiny as before and you being all adult, with the message being that "we have different destinies and cannot be together" without it ever being explicitly said to be quite good. In general the game is great at showing instead of telling (i.e. what games should do). Many people loved it and for good reason.

>> No.5418379

Probably becaue ALttP's nip-name is Kamigami no Triforce (lit. "The Triforce of the Gods").

>> No.5418380
File: 387 KB, 1024x768, the-legend-of-zelda-a-link-to-the-past-2-dark-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the aesthetics of ALttP and LA, but I think you are being unfairly harsh to OOT. It transitioned Zelda into 3D as well as Mario 64 transitioned Mario into 3D, that is to say, perfectly. Granted, OOT is basically a 3D version of ALttP.

However I think ALttP's backstory is more interesting and the Dark World is for me far more memorable than the time travel in OOT. I also prefer the music in ALttP. However OOT also tells a great story and it is far more cinematic because its engine and presentation allows it to be.

I should also say that OOT is about as dark as the old games. That is to say, ultimately they aren't darkly toned as a whole but that underlying brutality is there, just implied and alluded too if you pay attention. IE: Shadow Temple, the Well, Zora's Domain in the future, what is being done to the Gorons, and Hyrule Castle Town in the future.

>> No.5418381
File: 198 KB, 650x366, z3-home-of-triforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the Triforce even been a thing you are after in the games after ALttP? OOT was the last Zelda I played.

>> No.5418386

None of that is actually sad minus maybe the ending unless you consciously look into it and make in effort to TRY finding it sad. Especially the Kokiri bit, I hate those annoying fuckers. Unless you consider them idling in their huts with mildly changed dialog accompanied by cheerful music. “sad”

>> No.5418389

of course, it was bound to happen when even you fucking contradict yourself in your post. i mean:

>you can say that, in some respects, it is a better game (it is)

glad we agree. subjective matters aside (like the story of OoT somehow getting you emotional), please tell me, how is OoT superior? because otherwise you're whining about people claiming LttP is better while also admitting that it is, in fact, better.

>> No.5418392

Wind Waker did the 3D gameplay way better than OOT, though. If that's the only hooking point to OOT, I'd rather go play a better game in WW.

OOT was just terrible for me. The gameplay itself was all over the place (in a bad way) and the story just had nothing to keep me interested.
As well as the other shit I said in the first post.

>> No.5418394

You're a retard, you're an idiot unable to empathize or understand how these things can make other people feel and aren't able to go beyond your horizon nor truly able to understand my point that for many people, these things were novel and special and are to this day if they're not seasoned players. You're 100% the close minded idiot I talked about. And for me personally OoT isn't my favourite,I'm strictly speaking from a sort of objective perspective in understanding how well the game is able to create certain emotions in most people, especially those new to games, old or young

>> No.5418398

It's only superior because its presentation when it manages to capture you leads to a greater emotional impact, making the game a more special and interesting as well as memorable experience, which is why OoT is considered the best ever for most and not AlttP. I think both are excellent, I'm criticizing retards for being too retarded to see why OoT is liked, that was my entire post.

>> No.5418408

Not retro but none of the 3D zeldas minus BOTW really so it for me. I feel they’re all excessively derivative from OOT, borrowing essentially its entire structure.
I’m not unable to empathize I just need it to be written well and more importantly I need to actually HAVE something to empathize with. I can’t imagine how juvenile you have to be to find anything in OOT remotely emotional. Perhaps if they actually showed the Kokiri trembling in their huts with changed music I might feel something but as it stands it’s executed so poorly, so genericlly, and so emotionlessly that it deflated any emotional weight their plight might have had.

>> No.5418409

dear god your entire argument is a mess. i can see why OoT is liked, considering i like it myself. i don't think anyone would argue against why it's liked, but LttP is still far and away the better game, which even you have admitted to. just because you personally think the presentation is better doesn't mean it is. it's a subjective matter. it's like you're trying to straddle this line between saying one is better than the other, when there's really no line to straddle.

>> No.5418416
File: 1.79 MB, 2214x1572, compilation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you really have to do to answer that question is look at the artwork Nintendo commissioned for the official player's guides for Link to the Past and Link's Awakening, which covers the backstory to first and second games too.

>> No.5418420
File: 132 KB, 1040x2508, FF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, you are right. But for a person who is not willing to give up the gameplay aspects in order to empathize the storytelling, it was a step back. One that sadly many videogames followed.

So those who think OoT is the best game ever (which happens to be the majority) don't have to worry about a world in which videogames aren't made the way the wished to.

>> No.5418421
File: 500 KB, 1000x750, 9E8BF501-7015-4C8B-84F8-8A48AC7A6946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I should add that I have no nostalgia for either game, and that I in fact played OOT for the first time a few years ago, tantalyzed by claims of it being the best game of all time. I romanticized dumb things like you do at first, but about half way through the game I realized I was just looking for depth to explain its regard when in fact there was none and that it’s literally 100% attributable to nostalgia. A lot like pic related.

>> No.5418429


Alright, maybe my argument is complex. What I think is that the strongest aspect about video games is that it can "tell stories" in a special way no other medium can. I hope I don't need to elaborate on that on this board. I think that if you aren't too familiar with games and haven't done the saving-the-world-from-evil-thing stuff a whole lot in many other games, and you are the type of person that easily suspends disbelief to get immersed into stories and aren't too sceptical or cynical, then OoT will feel like an extremely special and memorable experience that will blow your mind and for such people AlttP has nothing that can come anywhere close. AlttP is great: But it doesn't have any of the aspects I talked about in my other post, that give you this strong feeling of "my actions help people and change the world around me in a better way". There is almost nothing of it in AlttP, it's pure adventuring around and playing around in a sandbox.

Now what I also think that if you do not care about any of this emotional impact stuff, story, and aren't easily immersed in stories at all and only like gameplay, playing around and doing stuff in different and varied ways, AlttP is the better game. It has better dungeons, a more rich overworld, the secrets are cooler and better hidden. But it doesn't have the magic of OoT, and 3D helps it a lot with this magic.

What is a more enjoyable experience ultimately depends on you. But I think that the kind of person that likes OoT will like OoT more than the kind of person that likes AlttP, if that makes sense. If you are a gameplay-type of person and like the sandbox-yness and the many cool dungeons and riddles of AlttP, sure, you will have a great time with this game, but you won't start getting Zelda posters and shirts and join communities to obsess about it like OoT makes people do that. So I think that OoT can IDEALLY be more amazing (like to me as a 13 yo).

>> No.5418434

I'm actually not romanticizing because for a long time I was kind of being edgy saying OoT is overrated and shitty compared to AlttP and only got so popular because it is the 3D version of an actually amazing game (AlttP). Probably because I have more experience with narration, movies, and how people feel about them, etc. is why I feel quite different having replayed it now. There was a time where I only cared about gameplay, riddles and dungeon and during that time OoT was "meh".

>> No.5418440

Imagine actually thinking preferring ALTTP to OOT is edgy.

>> No.5418441
File: 533 KB, 1000x1356, z4-Marin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed that the Link's Awakening remake is just going to be the game-boy game with fancier graphics. They really could have done something special and unique if they'd put it on the Breath of the Wild engine.

>> No.5418450

Same, but another person said that the goombas, talking animals and all the jokes would feel really out of place and wouldn't work in a BotW kind of game, seems sort of true. I just hope Koizumi knows what he is doing producing his own game, and knows whether this kind of look can replicate the magic of LA. At first glance a more serious game would do the game and its completely unique setting/story justice, though, so, like you, I'm disappointed.

>> No.5418457

>to find your uncle dead

Everybody gets brought back in the end anyway, which feels far more childish than the equivalent in OoT.

LttP is generally more 'gloomy' in the sense that it lacks the brighter and more laid back parts of OoT and more or it occurs in the desolation for the Dark World, but OoT has more range and contrast.

>unlike OOT’s future, the dark world is actually ravaged and in ruins

With the Dark World it's never clear what, if any, civilization existed beforehand or how, and its its own self contained thing while the regular world is largely unaffected. OoT's future is the same land as it's own past, with Castle Town destroyed and crowds of people zombiefied.

>(but comes back later)

Wut? You're seriously getting OoT confused with what LttP actually does. The Deku tree dies, for good. He doesn't come back, at all, and I don't know why you think this happens.

>> No.5418462

Then how does the Deku sprout know everything about Link and the Kokiri

>> No.5418469

Are you kidding? LttP is pretty standard high-fantasy hero's quest stuff; all the dark tone things are in the manual and player's guide. OoT actually does get pretty dark within the game itself. I've been replaying it the past few days and as a kid I never really thought about how full of death it is.

The first dungeon takes place inside the guardian spirit-tree of the Kokiri forest. You go in to stop the curse that Ganondorf put on it, and you kill the creatures inside, but the Deku Tree still dies, leaving the Kokiri without a guardian entirely. The third dungeon takes place inside the body of the Zora's patron deity, and to stop the corruption inside you directly kill him by destroying his heart.

Then you fast forward 7 years and Hyrule Castle Town is completely destroyed and full of zombies (presumably of people who lived there before), everyone who survives is a refugee in Kakariko village, Zoras are all but extinct, and the world is just generally destroyed and drained of life. The Bottom of the Well and Shadow Temple tell stories of past horrors committed by the Hyrule Royal Family, the boss of the Shadow Temple is an execution victim.

Not to mention that all the sages try to fix the problems in their temples and end up dying just before Link comes in to defeat the boss that killed them.

OoT is FULL of dark themes. Death, decay, sacrifice, bittersweet victories... Hell, even the ending of OoT is pretty somber. LttP is pretty light by comparison, and just tells the story of a boy who goes and defeats all the monsters and saves the world, if we're going strictly by in-game content and not supplementary documents.

>> No.5418482

The Deku Sprout is a new entity, it just carries on the memories of its predecessor because of plant magic. The Deku Tree from the beginning of the game is dead forever.

>> No.5418491

This is exactly what I mean when I say people look too hard for depth in OOT Zelda and overanalyize it to make it seem less generic and uninspired than it in fact is.

>> No.5418492

>needs a story that was written so that even children could understand it explained to him

>> No.5418502


>you directly kill him by destroying his heart
>all the sages try to fix the problems in their temples and end up dying

Everything else you've said is true, but these two are respectively flat out false and unsubstantiated conjecture.

>> No.5418505
File: 799 KB, 2214x1572, wonderlandcompilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same, but another person said that the goombas, talking animals and all the jokes would feel really out of place and wouldn't work in a BotW kind of game

Sure it would. It's all about tone, and the game wouldn't need exactly the same games. Koholint is a dream world, remember? It can be a little absurd. Absurdity can be silly... and it can also be frightening. It would be quite the task, but imagine what you could do with some imagination?

Render the island to scale. You start out on the beach, scavenging for supplies. At least you are in an island paradise with a warm sun overhead and a cool ocean breeze, with bountiful fruit and coconuts in the shade under the palms. Though there is a storm on the horizon. The one that sunk your ship. You start to explore and meet Marin and the rest. Come to realize the villagers are harassed by monsters at night. The first dungeon starts off pretty normal and just introduces you to the more refined climbing mechanic (you can't just climb anything now). Next dungeon introduces you to tektites and wall masters, to further make climbing harder.

Then the imagery starts getting weirder with a castle out of time with haunted suits of armor and hallways that stretch to infinity. A massive face forms in the floor and attempts to swallow you. You're buried alive and struggle to fight your way out of the coffin, only to emerge with your head stuck out of the sand, the tide coming in and drowning you.

The dream has become a nightmare. I'd take inspiration from Alice in Wonderland. (presuming the game doesn't already)

You know, you start off with this welcoming and mundane, sensible environment, and gradually the island gets weirder and weirder.

>> No.5418510

>sages go ahead of Link into the temple and/or directly into the boss chambers
>follow them and they are nowhere to be found
>kill the boss and return to the Temple of Light
>the sages appear there "awakened"

How could this be interpreted in any way other than them dying and their spirits awakening in the Temple of Light to help Link?

>> No.5418521
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x837, fg050__welcome_to_the_dark_world_by_kenisu3000-d6xl45g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LttP is pretty light by comparison, and just tells the story of a boy who goes and defeats all the monsters and saves the world, if we're going strictly by in-game content

King is dead. Uncle dies. Girls abducted. Priest dies. Flute Boy can't be saved. Village of Outcasts.

I agree with you, but you glossed over ALttP. OOT has about the same tone, slightly darker given that you get to see what becomes of Hyrule Castle Town and eventually you realize what happened to the Sages.

>> No.5418540

Man that would be amazing. Imagine someone would remake it with the BotW engine as a mod.

>> No.5418565

>that official art
Link's uncle gets eaten by rats after he dies. Fucked up.

>> No.5418589

Yet ALttP has more of a kiddie feel to it than 1&2 does.

>> No.5418591

I don’t count 1 or 2 because their stories are communicated almost entirely through outside media, the manuals. Without them, neither even has a story outside a few sentences in their prologues.

>> No.5418598

only Zelda 2 doesn't have a kiddie feel

>> No.5418617

Alttp may have darker material on the surface, but you'll be hard pressed to ever get me to feel more emotionally invested in its story or characters than oot.

>> No.5418628
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Sure, I can agree with that. ALttP is light on characters and story, as were its predecessors. That was pretty standard at the time and clearly wasn't the focus of the game, just there to give the mechanics some context.

>> No.5418631

/vr/ grossly overrates Link's Awakening. It has a good story and decent dungeon design, but everything else is so dry and somewhat boring.

>> No.5418638
File: 339 KB, 950x591, z4-darkstairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find the game dry or boring at all but I do agree that it gets over-hyped due to nostalgia. When I described this: >>5418505

I'm imaging what the game could be if it was set free of its original design, which had to be fit into a gameboy cartridge.

>> No.5418645
File: 34 KB, 349x353, 07A25C56-4A60-49B1-8338-17818E106C6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw the flute boy dies

>> No.5418654

>someone says oot is better than attlp

>> No.5418663

We all know both are inferior to Zelda 1 anyway.
Lttp ruined what made Zelda 1 great and OoT merely exacerbated it.
Story ruins video games, return Zelda to the realm of pure gameplay and stop trying to tell an “epic” tale!!

>> No.5418664

>trying so hard to fit

>> No.5418668

In my opinion both stories arc in a dark direction, although LTTP does it quite quickly (stormy night, your uncle gets BTFO in a dungeon, kidnapped princess, kingdom under control of a dark sorcerer in the first 5 minutes), whereas OOT draws you in slowly through the childlike world of Link before plunging you into Gannon's hellscape.

>> No.5418673

>game based on adventure stories and fairy tales
>doesn't need a story
Even Zelda 1 had a story, as barebones as it was.

>> No.5418678

Yeah, but it didn’t interrupt your gameplay to tell it.

>> No.5418680
File: 884 KB, 600x900, darkworld__great_fairy_by_woodland_mel-d49131g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lttp ruined what made Zelda 1 great

Uh, how? I mean Zelda 1 is more open and non-linear too, but it is also kind of broken due to limited graphics (you have to be a little obsessive to find all the bombable walls) and a poor translation

>grumble grumble

>> No.5418684

stop replying is obvious he is a zoomer trying to fit in.

>> No.5418687

I actually do feel bad during that part. Something about it is kind of unnerving

>> No.5418721
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>> No.5418724
File: 493 KB, 1134x985, 2695E2BD-A6CE-4617-80EE-8CEA9D3AA67B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s becsuse the flute is clearly meant to retroactively be the Ocarina of Time.
You had just used it’s magic power to give life to a lifeless statue, it stands to reason that it’s power is also capable of turning living beings into statues, so it feels like you’re directly killing him.

>> No.5418742
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OoT they ramped up the goofiness for Zelda. The NPCs look silly and comical and make goofy sounds, Ganon is now a big nosed meanie for most of the game, not a hellspawn monster, instead of grizzled old men helping out Link throughout the way you have Zelda dressed as a sleek ninja type guy, instead of elderly mysterious women attendants in the castle you have Impa in the form of a big strong woman, even the "mysterious" elders in the game like the scientist and the witch have a goofy appearance that looks like it was designed more to be fun and comical than anything. Even a "mysterious" character like pic related, in a graveyard, has an overly friendly aesthetic meant to make you more comfortable than uneasy. The flamboyant townspeople, including the big burly men who run around in a faggy way are some of the worst offenders of this design philosophy.

LttP also is more goofy than Zelda II, which has a very uneasy aesthetic, but it still strikes a balance where it has its own sense of a menacing world around you and mysterious characters. OoT went full on for "charm" and "fun." You're getting "kiddie" vibes from it because that's how it was designed. Even the very easy combat, enemy AI where multiple enemies will often stand around as they attack you one at a time, and inability to really get lost on the open Hyrule field with Navi guiding you the whole time are all part of this game being more tailored toward little kids than previous Zelda games, even if we did enjoy the previous games as kids. It was a total transformation of the Zelda series.

>> No.5418747

Except it predates Ocarina of Time so it wasn’t written to be it.

>> No.5418752

Link's awakening was goofier than oot. And npc designs were designed around hardware limitations.

>> No.5419010

>translation: someone doesn't agree with me

>> No.5419047

You don't kill the flute boy. He gets transformed into a tree by the Dark World. Same thing that happened to the talking trees who spit bombs at you.

>> No.5419072
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>> No.5419089

This whole thread can be used as justification for culling people.

>> No.5419123

Is better than OOT, let's start there.

>> No.5419190

Imagine being this angry people don't like a game you do.

>> No.5419283

>too dumb to articulate a coherent thought or opinion

>> No.5419432

Ganondorf is honestly more threatening than the big blue pig Ganon.

Oot has more kiddy stuff but it also gets darker than lttp, nothing in lttp comes close to bottom of the well or shadow temple. Oot has more range and there are positives and negatives that come with that.

You’re also overstating how many npcs in oot are goofy caricatures. There are quite a few but besides the bazaar owner I don’t remember a single person in castle town looking really cartoony, the gerudo all look fine, like half the npcs in kakariko are regular people. Lttp is quite cartoony as well, some npcs are bucktoothed weirdos, there are tiny elf blacksmiths and, once again, the main villain is a giant blue pig wizard with a cape. Yeah there’s a dark bent to some of it but you’re kidding yourself if you think lttp is some mature experience and not just as ‘all ages’ as oot.

>> No.5419472

Somebody should post a Sprite sheet of the NPCs for example.
I know sahasrahla is pretty goofy with his giant forehead

>> No.5419495

I always thought oot had a more tolkien vibe to it. The childtime to adulttime reminds me A LOT of hobbit to lotr.

>> No.5419556
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>> No.5419818

>game where link turns into a pink bunny
>more serious


>> No.5420000

Hardline LttP fans are probably the most delusional of the lot. They're not quite as obnoxious as MM fans, but MM's fans at least correctly recognize the specific aspects their game has over everything else, rather than building up their game as the best over elements that barely stand out over the other games at best.

>> No.5420119

Not to me. Its a great game but OOT and deals with themes like growing up, lost innocence and fate much better.

And before LTTP pile on me we could also discuss what LTTP did better, but that isn't the question at hand.

>> No.5420127

True, majoras mask is just resident evil for toddlers, while trying to steal ff7s meteors impending doom but failing horribly. It reminds me of fraggle rock being threatened by a mining company, which is actually funnier to think about than mm is fun or scary. The only good thing about the game is short generic anime plot lines for sesame street npcs.

>> No.5420134

Dude do you remember the part of a maze with blood on the floor and the scary feels of forest and fire temple? The way hyrule got destroyed? Are you retarded? OoT was darker, fuck off.

>> No.5420689
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Blood that got censored out by Nintendo itself. Even then that’s just a texture on a floor.

>scary feels in the forest and fire temples
Are you literally 5 years old? I played them both literally just yesterday and neither even remotely - remotely - got to me.

>hurtle being destroyed
It’s so dumb to me when people say this. Only Hyrule town is immediately in ruins. No where else in the entire overworld changes significantly to the point where it’s be impossible to tell what time you were in if it weren’t for adult link’s model. Unlike ALTTP where the entire dark world is a fucked and miserable wasteland.

>> No.5420720

>No where else in the entire overworld changes significantly
Not him but

>zora’s domain frozen
>lake hylia drained (temporary)
>death mountain erupting more and boulders everywhere
>goron city empty (temporary)
>kakariko full of refugees
>kokiri town full of enemies (temporary)

Half these aren’t permanent but then nothing in dark world lasts beyond the game’s ending, while in oot even after you win it will take a lot of groups years to recover. And the people who died stay dead.

Like I agree that dark world is a worse state than ootfuture but you’re underselling oot’s grimness here.

>Blood that got censored out by Nintendo itself.
Irrelevant and fuck the 3ds version

>Even then that’s just a texture on a floor.
And the darkworld is a bunch of spriteart, it’s a fucking videogame you dumbshit. The implication that the royal family endorsed torturing, killing and experimenting on prisoners is what makes it so grim.

>> No.5420780

>while in oot even after you win it will take a lot of groups years to recover. And the people who died stay dead.
As usual the OOT fan cites things you never explicitly see happening as reasoning behind the game being good.
>The implication that the royal family endorsed torturing, killing and experimenting on prisoners is what makes it so grim.
You're looking far too deeply into it. More than likely some Japanese 3D modeler in the 1990s put it there because he thought it looked cool. But note how you've concocted an entire head-canon around a one-off texture. This is what OOTfags always do.

>> No.5420784

The OoT secrets/theory threads are cringe as fuck.

>> No.5423450

It is one of the weirdest and unease parts of any videogame aimed for children. What the heck were they thinking? What the heck was Miyamoto smoking at the time?

>> No.5423452

probably tripping on shrooms, like everyone else.
psylocibin shrooms didn't become illegal/considered dangerous drugs in Japan until 2002 (due to Fifa's 2002 world cup)

>> No.5423497

I think it’s meant to be iconic.
The corruption of the dark world turns everyone into weird and sometimes monstrous things, but Link is so pure he just becomes a bunny.

>> No.5424154

not that anon but there is dialogue mentioning Hyrule's dark past within the Shadow Temple and the blood texture itself is located next to a martyr's cross which easily indicates torture

>> No.5424162

Yeah, I think it turns you into who you are inside or something?
Hence Ganon being a pig. But I don't know if that was just a rumor or confirmed.

>> No.5424218

He's correct and you are not, you know?

>> No.5424264
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what the fuck is this?

>> No.5424356
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Nintendo Peak.

>> No.5424429

You glossed over the part where they are all alive in the ending.

>> No.5424445

yeah. ALttP felt like a 6/10 to me.

>> No.5426338

No, and Koizume was the one who created OoT story, until Miyamoto fuck everything and create the Young Link... they iterated it so many times that they end up creating a lot of races, so the maidens from ALttP don't connect with the sages of OoT...

But Koizumi couldn't keep up with so many iterations, so OoT story was kind of fucked because of it.

It's clear that the true mind behind Zelda universe was Koizumi all along.

>> No.5426341

>and to stop the corruption inside you directly kill him by destroying his heart.

You destroy a parasite in his intestine.

>> No.5426385

And everybody is also alive and well in OoT's ending, including the Sages.

>> No.5426494

If there was a 3D Zelda that had OOT's engine but LTTP's overworld and all its content it would be the greatest Zelda. Then it could have a sequel with a 3D Link's Awakening.

>> No.5426627

>a 3D Zelda
That's what you don't want to undestand.

>> No.5426638

big oof

>> No.5426647

I can't help but agree with this. Both games have their dark, serious moments and both have their silly moments. MM is way darker than both.

>> No.5426739

I guess I'm just retarded but I never realized he was dying. Wow

>> No.5426793

Koizumi is the true mind behind all good story content from Nintendo.

>> No.5426813

Link's uncle in Lttp recovers. He can be seen in the ending. Why does everybody think he dies? Granted, it sure looks like it in-game, but play to the end and pay attention mang.

>> No.5426818

>Never seen again after you get his sword
>Last words are cut short because it's implied he died before he could get them out
>He recovers because Link used the Triforce to undo his death and all the other damage Ganon caused

>> No.5426824

Honestly how the fuck were you supposed to find the flute w out the older kid w a game informer telling you? Same w playing it in front of the birb statue for that matter.

>> No.5426828
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Is it just me, or does LoZ feel a lot more serious than ALTTP does? I've always felt Link to the Past had a sort of kiddie feel to it.

>> No.5426978

>Flute Boy tells you he buried it under flowers, so you dig up every flower-covered tile in the grove until it pops up
>You find the flute and show the boy, and he asks that you play it for his father
>You play the flute for the sleeping man in the bar (who earlier in the game muttered where his son was) and he wakes up. He then asks that you play it for the bird statue.

>> No.5427292

>It is dangerous to go alone!
You are treated like a small kid from the very beginning.

>> No.5427620

It's epic because you get the Triforce and it talks to you

>> No.5427629
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>> No.5427698

Link to the past is goat. Its literally a perfect game that can't really be improved. Including graphically. Oot is great but there are ton of ways to improve it

>> No.5427778

HD texture packs are getting ambitious I see.

>> No.5427885

nostalgia fags couldn't even be bothered to finish the game probably.

>> No.5429257

It's literally the opposite.

>> No.5430030

Because you see the explicitly dead king alive, too, so it’s clearly within the power of the Triforce to resurrect the dead.

>> No.5430414

Well he actual die in the game, another thing is whether he resurrects later.

The credits descriptions are there to comfort the player. It is clear that it happens only in the mind of Link. There is no way to return to his world and those characters cannot come back. He is trying to cope against desperation.

>> No.5430436

I can't get into this game because of its looks alone. I just do not like original Zelda+16 bit, it's not enough, plus OoT is almost the same story isn't it? At any rate, OoT is the best Zelda game and everyone knows it.

>> No.5430458


>> No.5430460



>> No.5432525

Yeah I know. Kids go around with a sword fending for their life fighting monsters in dungeons every morning.