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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 300x300, P02175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5408982 No.5408982 [Reply] [Original]

How's the Wii as a retro machine? Is the 240p mode good? I mainly want it so i can play NES, SNES and PCE games.

>> No.5409003

yes it's a great fast and cheap way to emulate at 240p. I'm not that impressed with the latency regarding homebrew emulators on it, so opt for using virtual console wads instead whenever possible.

using homebrew emulators snes and pce might frame skip here and there, but if you get the VC wads they run perfectly.

>> No.5409061

cool, thanks anon!
what about the input lag? is it very noticeable?

>> No.5409081

Not as good as a PC due to input lag and lack of power so you can't emulate a lot of stuff after generation 4. But it's alright as a cheap alternative if you wanna play some 16bit jrpgs.

>> No.5409083

A thread died for this topic, again? Every other day we have some retard asking the same question.

>> No.5409087

>and PCE games

my nigga

>> No.5409197


If you use a wired controller then the Wii can effectively replace your Nes, snes, genesis and turbo. It’ll look and play the same as the original consoles on a crt. There’s also no input lag on a wired control with Wii, don’t listen to anons and their horse shit.

>> No.5409212

It's not very good and has a lot of weird incompatibilities. Any other questions?

>> No.5409213

>Is the 240p mode good? I mainly want it so i can play NES, SNES and PCE games.
Though I don't know about PCE games, it works well enough for what I needed that I boxed up my NES, SNES and Sega genesis. To play most emulation and to install Virtual console games, you only need to install homebrew which is very simple and takes less than 10 minutes.

>A thread died for this topic, again?
The thread that died was just some lame bait thread. This is a much better thread.

>Any other questions?
What is not very good about it, and please name 10 of the "weird incompatibilities". If there is "a lot" of them, you will have no issue pointing them out.

>> No.5409217

>There’s also no input lag on a wired control with Wii, don’t listen to anons and their horse shit.
you shouldn't say stuff like that if you don't know what you're talking about. I've done my own testing and I can confirm that even in the best case scenario, wired controller, virtual console, on a crt, there's still a few frames of lag compared to real hardware. It's tiny, but it's there, and it only gets worse if you're using a homebrew emulator, wireless controller, modern display, it all adds up

>> No.5409357
File: 196 KB, 1200x1200, 1529094853471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many frames on average

>> No.5409387


>> A few frames on average
You obviously have no clue what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.5409414

>> My own testing
Stopped reading right there

>> No.5409416

alright please enlighten me

>> No.5409419

eh, I'm not here to convince anyone they should be bothered by the lag or anything. If you don't feel it good for you

>> No.5409438

You're not fast enough to detect this in gameplay. No, you're not. You're not spiderman.

>> No.5409450

right, so it's not that you think I don't know what I'm talking about, your reflexes and perception are just inferior. It's completely possible to feel when things are even a couple of frames off. How do you think speedrunners pull off frame perfect shit?

>> No.5409461

The lag is what makes it not very good, as well as the lack of features in the emulators since they're far outdated versions. Not to mention the incompatibilities. Countless MAME roms don't work (hundreds), no Dreamcast or Saturn games work, tons of N64 games like Shadows of the Empire, Battle for Naboo, etc. have graphical problems so severe you can't even play, some Gamecube games don't even work like Splinter Cell for example, these are all just examples off the top of my head. It was no issue pointing them out, you weird Wii defending goober.

>> No.5409464

What are your testing methods? It would be nice to have some hard data on it.

>> No.5409471

You're really arguing that an average gamer can't feel the difference between 1 frame or 4 frames of lag? I know your autism means that you don't have quick reflexes, but normal people do.

>> No.5409475

Not him but did you really not realize the Wii has significant input lag? Is this really a question up for debate in some people's minds, STILL?

>> No.5409480

filmed 2 crts side by side at 120 fps, one running og hardware, the other using wii. synced up the footage and went through it frame by frame.

as soon as I switched from one to another I could just feel the difference though, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't placebo.

>> No.5409484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5409504

No. You can't. Maybe 6 and up. But not 4. You're not that fucking good.

>> No.5409505

gamers rise up

>> No.5409523

Of course it is, you come into every one of these threads saying "I've done my own research", post none of it and act like everybody else is stupid for ignoring your posts or not otherwise believing you. If you want people to listen to your bullshit you should start by explaining why on earth a NON-HD console designed for CRTs would have inherent input lag, then you can post the 'tests' you're so proud of.

>> No.5409541

>lack of features in the emulators since they're far outdated versions.
What "updated" features are missing?

>these are all just examples off the top of my head
The examples "off the top of your head" show how empty it must be in there. Re-read the requirements the OP posted. Everything you just shit out of that hollow gourd of an ear holder of yours is irrelevant to the discussion. Op asked about NES, SNES & PC engine. You are blathering on about irrelevant topics. I am somewhat suprised that you didn't include Xbox One & PS4 in your list of systems the wii doesn't emulate also.

>> No.5409550

It's pretty good since it has component output and 240p, I haven't noticed any input lag and I usually notice the sort of thing. If you really want minimum input lag though you could just use a cheap PC with component

>> No.5409554

I don't use a Wii these days so I don't even have a dog in the fight. Hard data would be really nice though, wouldn't it?

>> No.5409581


Post video or it didn’t happen

>> No.5409582

Yeah, I can. I play piano too. I can feel the difference between 1 frame or 2 frames in fact. I'm that fucking good, and so are many others.

>> No.5409593

You can just test them yourself anon.. Just load up a game and notice the lag, lol
If you really need some examples I'm sure someone can dig up the same links that have been shared over and over here before, but it shouldn't really be up for debate. Anyways you'll just get btfo and not reply
>updated features
Runahead, rewind, save states, rom compatibility, all kinds of visual and audio customization, geez, there are tons. Do you even emulate?

>> No.5409606

Here's one test that shows the lag on Wiis.
g docs

More than 5 frames, yikes!

>> No.5409608

Where might one buy a PC with component?

>> No.5409612

Bullshit. Even special forces personnel don't have a reaction time that fast. There's no way you can possibly be that tuned in.

>> No.5409624

fuck off, I didn't do it to prove it to people like you

>> No.5409630

yep, pretty much consistent with what I got although I didn't feel like taking the time to document it. It;s nice that someone did : -)

>> No.5409637

>you should start by explaining why on earth a NON-HD console designed for CRTs would have inherent input lag

I don't expect you to understand how this affects latency in games though, you don't seem too bright


>> No.5409642

>Bullshit. Even special forces personnel don't have a reaction time that fast
Not them, but muh special forces are not the fastest people in the world. They're some of the best killers, but not the fastest. Want to see fast? Want to meet someone who can do what that other anon claims? Go to a quickdraw competition. A man can fire a six-shooter, unload the spent cases, reload it, all under a few seconds. I've seen a fat lard of a quickdraw do just that in 2 seconds. Some human beings are FAST.

>> No.5409652

>> Being this retarded
This is not the video at 120fps that was claimed to exist. This proves nothing, anyone can write whatever they want on a spreadsheet.

>> No.5409657

Are you serious? https://www.forum-pianoteq.com/viewtopic.php?id=1011 What do you think audio latency nerds are talking about? The difference between 10, 20, 30 milliseconds is huge. Lurk moar

>> No.5409658

>>I didn’t do it

>> No.5409660

Those guys aren't emulating on their nintendo Wiis though.
If you got speed like this you likely have found a job where you don't need a cheap option for emulation. 1-2 frames? No. Not even a quickdraw could pull that off. You're talking like 15-40ms a frame. On reevaluating framespeed, I could believe 3-4 frames if you're really good. 5 on average.

>> No.5409664

so you really think someone made a fake spreadsheet that detailed just to prove someone like you wrong in a stupid argument? Why are you so adamant to try and pretend the lag isn't there? Does it tickle your autism bone to think you may not be playing in the most "objectively superior way"?

>> No.5409665

I'm not the video guy, but now you're arguing that the spreadsheet is wrong? Hahahah it's like talking to a flat earther. I guess if there was a video in the spreadsheet, that would have been digitally manipulated. There's just no convincing retards. Again, if you really want proof, just try the games yourself and feel the lag.

>> No.5409668

Some people are operating on a different level, anon, and I realize how truly minuscule 1-2 frames is, but when discussing lag the spirit of the argument holds up. And yes, a quickdraw probably can operate within that time. That's the deal, anon, they're doing things so fast, they're operating in a world that we can't fully appreciate.

Consider the humming bird.

>> No.5409674

you know I don't give a shit if you believe me or not right? OP asked a question and I gave my answer. just go away, you're contributing nothing to this thread but saying "there's no input lag guise!!!"

>> No.5409686

>Consider the humming bird.
Don't remind me. ;_;

>> No.5409697

>Do you even emulate?
Other than on the wii, no I don't.


If you need updated wii support for emulation, Retroarch was for the wii updated just a few days ago.

I have never used retroarch, because I am quite happy with using my wii mainly for Snes (Snes9xGx) and Nes (FCE Ultra GX), and though they don't offer many of the unnecessary and unfaithful features you are talking about, they do offer save states for weak faggots who blame the game and not themselves. I have beaten many games without ever knowing that feature existed, and honestly I just turned my wii on to check and sure as fuck, my outdated version of Snex9xGX certainly has save states.

Is the wii the perfect emulator? Oh fuck no. But its "faults" as an emulation box are grossly exaggerated by faggots who never owned the real deal and spend most of their time complaining about nuanced differences with other faggots on a Somalian entomology picture board. The Wii is very good for CRT emulation. Is it the best on a HD tv? Not at all. Its real strength is on Tube Tvs that were built long before most of the dickshits on /vr/ were born.

>> No.5409707

The only one grossly exaggerating is you claiming the Wii is a good emulation box. Congrats about the one emulator not being out of date.

>> No.5409716

>deafening silence about spreadsheet proving lag

>> No.5409718

>> Someone took the time to post a spreadsheet on the internet so it HAS to be true

The absolute state of this board sometimes

>> No.5409719
File: 21 KB, 220x327, BD60974B-605B-4B2E-B37C-4DF18FA1FA2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, no one has ever posted bullshit on the Internet.

>> No.5409720

no ones says it's 100% irrefutably true, but you cam keep crying, maybe one day you'll be able to get the real consoles to try it out.

>> No.5409721

>Congrats about the one emulator not being out of date.
The one emulator that handles many systems is current and updated with support. Hows that crow taste?

>> No.5409726

idiotic comparison. the pic you posted could make someone famous if it were true. this input lag shit only concerns autists such as yourself.

>> No.5409727

>no ones says it's 100% irrefutably true, but you cam keep crying, maybe one day you'll be able to get the real consoles to try it out.
This is the failure of emulation faggots. There is no perfect emulator. Each and every form of emulation has faults. The major one is "frame lag", which is inherent to every emulation platform is unstoppable. Removing it introduces additional issues that further reinforce the idea that Emulation is only close approximation. The best way to game in 2019 is using the real systems.....Using the real games is noble as fuck if you are trying to impress a bunch of faggots on the internet, but flashcarts and cd-r media btfo collectors/resellers.

>> No.5409730

one day you'll save up enough money to move out from your parents place, maybe eventually buy the original hardware for these retro games. In the meantime stop pretending emulation has no flaws, it's pathetic.

>> No.5409734

It's your turn to prove your claims if you really want to argue there's not extreme lag. What's the matter, you can't back up your claims? How much lag is there, according to you? According to me, there's more than 5 frames of lag. What's your claim?

>> No.5409745


Lots of samefaggin’ here. Zoomer hardware shills out in full force

>> No.5409747

I use a wii all the time dumbass, this thread is about emulation and we're just saying what the pros and cons are of using it for emulation. People like you get so damn triggered by any mention of input lag for some reason.

>> No.5409754
File: 478 KB, 720x801, 1491074413093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anyway, I play SCIV and R-Type III well enough on a hacked Wii on my 20" trinitron via component.
Notice no game-breaking or noticeable input lag. Still suck at the games, but that's me not the system.

NES, SNES, Genny, and GB/C/A games on 240p component is worth any input lag that might be there. Shit looks incredible. Warm and crisp and vibrant.

>> No.5409757

at least you're willing to admit the lag might be there even if you don't feel it. I agree that it's totally worth the lag. having access to so many retro titles with the brilliant component picture is awesome.

>> No.5409758
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x3024, BC534FA7-9335-4E83-8025-CA7472970D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Zoomer hardware shills on suicide watch

>> No.5409760

right, but no one plays game in 240p test suite. Each emulator is coded different and offers different levels of run ahead, therefore input lag. Also it seems like /v/ would be a better fit for you

>> No.5409762

and i meant overhead not run ahead

>> No.5409763

>and i meant overhead
What about the overhead that the 240p test suite introduces?

>> No.5409764

>>This mug damage control
Gummies more tears bitcch

>> No.5409767

it's there, but it's obviously not exactly the same as the emulators . this input lag test is obvious optimized for that

>> No.5409770

how many more /v/ buzzwords can you throw out there.. just go back please, you're still not contributing anything here.

>> No.5409773

I contributed an asskicking. See>>5409758

>> No.5409774

This guy speaks the truth

I speedrun Mario 3 and thought using my Wii would let me practice certain levels using save states. Holy fuck that lag makes it impossible to go from the NES to the Wii. All the jumps are delayed and I was constantly running into enemies or hitting walls. Go back to the NES version and I'm doing just fine.

With that being said, I was playing Jackal with my buddy on my NES and we were doing fine and when we went to my Wii emulator we didn't have any problems. This is probably how everybody else feels when playing Mario 3 on both the NES and the Wii but the frame lag is there so don't say it isn't.

>> No.5409775

nah, you're just here to shitpost lets be real. that screenshot doesn't mean shit about the input lag on the wii's various emulators

>> No.5409778

I don't know, you'll either have to make sure that the graphics card you're buying supports it or get a converter

>> No.5409782
File: 964 KB, 672x787, F8E584E2-4411-482C-ABE2-A45EB821CD30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Screenshots mean nothing
>>Posts a spreadsheet
>>no joke, a ducking SPREADSHEET
It’s over kid

>> No.5409787

>this thread again

Fine I'll join in.
I also fell for the Wii emulation box meme. But lucky for me I only got one because I wanted to play the Metroid prime series cause Dolphin was stuttering like he'll on my craptop.

Anyway it's a cheap console and easy to hack, its great for 240p and if you hook it up to a CRT using component the image is amazing.
For NES, SNES, and Genesis it will serve you well enough, I personally also got one of raphnet adapters to hook my snes controller directly to it.

Now for the downsides, the emulation isn't perfect, I haven't played many games on it but I've noticed Super Mario world, Super Metroid and Castlevania 4 have slowdowns at times, it's not often but it happens, I don't know if it's there I'm on original hardware or not since I never had a snes but I also never bothered to check.
On the NES side I've noticed a lot of sprites are flickering but otherwise they seem to run well.

Now on to the input lag issue, I'm sure it's there but I personally never noticed it, then again I did my best to minimise it, like playing on a CRT and using wired controllers, no dumb filters either.

Hope it helps OP, if you don't have a powerful PC, lacking a lot of money and if you want to game on a CRT then sure, get a Wii. Just don't expect it to do any wonders.

>> No.5409792

ok man, you won, seriously, there's no input lag on the wii's emulators at all, you were right all a long. good job.

>> No.5409795

Finally the zoomer fucking gets it

>> No.5409798

yeah, im a zoomer, and im pathetic too this was all a just a ploy to make people using emulators feel bad, and make myself feel superior, you got me. I'll really think twice before mentioning input lag next time

>> No.5409803

You’d better instead of spouting fucking nonsense that you apparantly know nothing about

>> No.5409805

thank you, senpai, you're a great teacher, I hope you sleep soundly at night knowing you won this internet battle with me . the way you persist is admirable.

>> No.5409810

Thank you, my persistence is indeed admirable. You’ll do well to learn by me

>> No.5409817

Huh? What does this have to do with anything? Test an emulator....

>> No.5409819

don't bother, he's just trolling

>> No.5409825

>>Test an emulator

It’s snes9x running on a Wii you mongoloid

>> No.5409828

lol I'll repeat, don't feed the troll folks

>> No.5409829

You’re just pissed cause I beat you like a red headed stepchild

>> No.5409839

>he uses outdated insults with his outdated emulators
>he's so autistic he doesn't have the basic reflexes to feel the wii's lag

>> No.5409847

>>Wii’s lag
That’s where you’re wrong. See>>5409758

>> No.5409850
File: 425 KB, 600x629, 1475033659693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>88 posts
>18 ips

>> No.5409852

Can you please answer me this: Why are you so desperately trying to prove your point here. Is the wii all you have to play games on or something?

>> No.5409853

>> IP count remains the same
You were here the whole time

>> No.5409858

That's wrong and irrelevant trolling, see >>5409606 to get with the program.

>> No.5409860

that's like 5 posts per person, I've seen way worse

>> No.5409861

Why are you shilling original hardware so hard? You’re also spreading misinformation

>> No.5409862
File: 27 KB, 200x146, 1459499100134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>87 posts of pure autist rage
>18 posters

This board is good for literally nothing except unintentional comedy

>> No.5409865

Is there any way to select the homebrew channel from the Wii home menu with anything other than the wiimote? I don't want to set up the IR sensor bar and use the stupid remote every time just to get to my 4th gen games. In other words, if I want to use my Wii as a portable emulation box do I have to take the fucking sensor bar with me everywhere I go?

>> No.5409868


>> No.5409870

so in your mind, any little mention of input lag turns me into some sort of shill. Typical /v/ hive mind-state.
I enjoy emulation on wii as well as original hardware, and I highly doubt you can say the same. You also avoided my question, you only have a wii to play on right?

>> No.5409875
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>> No.5409890
File: 7 KB, 285x177, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a Wii to emulate

>> No.5409892

you can use priiloader so that the wii automatically boots directly to the homebrew channel

>> No.5409894

It beats PC most of the time, so what's your beef?

>> No.5409897

If you have Priiloader installed you can set it to load into Homebrew Channel on boot. Just hold reset while powering on, set the homebrew channel dol to 'Installed file' and in settings set Autoboot to the 'Installed file' option.

>> No.5409927

PC has zero lag so, no.

>> No.5409935

Thank you Wiibros, this will make my experience way better.

>> No.5409940

Those official Nintendo SNES Classic controllers are great though.

>> No.5409945

This has to be a bait/troll comment.

>> No.5409962

1000000 hours in paint

>> No.5409986

I unfortunately have 3 Japanese Saturn, 3 genesis, 2 Dreamcast, a Wii, a ps2, 2 toaster Nes and a Nintendo 64. 2 Saturn have broken CD drives and both Dreamcast lasers have died. I have pseudo Saturn, an n64 flashcart and a few Nes multi carts that cover most games. I hate having all this crap in my apartment and I’m coming to the realiation that I can replace all this with a Wii, a crt and a pc

>> No.5410018

This. Dreamcast, Saturn and N64 emulation on Wii is practically better than the real thing.

>> No.5410065

N64 Emulation is better for the games that work since it's 480p instead of 240p

>> No.5410151

pretty sure mario 64 lags much less in wii than in an n64 too

>> No.5410154

>Dreamcast, Saturn and N64

Ha ha! It is funny because it can't do those things well at all. In Sovi-

>> No.5410156

If you use a wii for authentic emulation then you might as well use your computer for N64 emulation and consider the wonky textures 'good enough' for a fun time.

>> No.5410170

t. time traveler from 2011.

>> No.5410172

If you're taking games this seriously, you're not having fun.

>> No.5410175

>you might as well use your computer for N64 emulation and consider the wonky textures 'good enough' for a fun time.

Did you know that older computers with Voodoo-based graphics cards handle most N64 perfectly no sweat? Well, now you now. >grandpafromlostboys.jpg

/XP is still the best Windows

>> No.5410185

>spend 2 hours trying to get N64 emulator and the glide64 plugin to work
>paper mario has weird textures in town and the pause screen takes 5 seconds to load (everybody online says this is normal when emulating)
>get some random weird texture glitches every now and then

Not worth the frustration. I already own the game so I got it out of my parent's basement and set it up. Using the Wii for casual emulation of NES and SNES is great especially when going to a friend's house to play on their HD T.V. but don't tell me it has no LAG.

>> No.5410197

>>spend 2 hours trying to get N64 emulator and the glide64 plugin to work

..Back then, right?

>>paper mario has weird textures in town and the pause screen takes 5 seconds to load (everybody online says this is normal when emulating)

Yeah, that's a cart-only game, unless you play the VC ROM.

>>get some random weird texture glitches every now and then

Frankly, Ocarina of Time crashes every 20 hours or so, but whatever. Emulated of course.

>> No.5410207

>...back then
No, this was last month. I have a computer with recent parts and it kept giving me troubles. I had these same problems 6 years ago when I was emulating Paper Mario and Bomberman 2 but I just dealt with it. It also sucks not having c-buttons so I just said fuck it.

>> No.5410209

You use Rice with Paper Mario, not glide64. Do you have any basic google skills? Are you retarded? It should take you 5 minutes max to set up any N64 game, not 2 hours.

>> No.5410210

Do you like PlayStation 1 controllers? The PS Classic controllers work with XP and 10, probably more. The shape buttons make great c-buttons.

>No, this was last month. I have a computer with recent parts and it kept giving me troubles

Ok, mine is like 4 years old and I can play almost anything so it's bad versions of the emulator, I'm betting.

>> No.5410215
File: 29 KB, 625x626, bait never changes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dreamcast, Saturn and N64 emulation on Wii is practically better than the real thing.

>> No.5410225

I followed a guide specifically for getting Paper Mario : Hard Mode to work and half the people got it working properly and half couldn't get it working. If I'm using an emulator I want it to be easy to use like zsnes and not require a lot of work like playing PSX games using plugins or whatever they are called.

>> No.5410227

Doesn't it seem like it's a better use of time to just buy the damn cart and console for the problem games? Yeah. I know, but you already went down that road.

>> No.5410237

Yeah I think I'm gonna buy a flashcart and just stop fussing with this. I have a couple cartridges of great games like Paper Mario and Kirby 64 so it's not like I haven't been playing anything because my emulator won't work. I haven't tried PS1 emulation in about 8 years and I wanna try getting that to work again.

Does the Wii actually emulate N64 games without any slowdown or problems? I tried Super Smash but with 2 or more characters on screen the game starts slowing down (That yoshi stage practically froze the game, took me 5 minutes to beat it when it normally takes like 15 seconds).

Wii is great for casual emulation and taking it to a friends place and playing Wii games without changing discs

>> No.5410242

well, most people that "emulate" N64 in the Wii just stick to the VC games, and those work very nicely

>> No.5410250

Just download a torrent with preconfigured emulators and roms, if you're really claiming to be too stupid to set it up yourself even with internet guides, then

>> No.5410272

>Does the Wii actually emulate N64 games without any slowdown or problems?

No. There's always some issue, usually major, but there's a handful that work well enough. Shadows of the Empire barely works with errors galore that can be worked around, while Yoshi's Story will not emulate on it at all, unless you're playing the VC ROM. GoldenEye works flawlessly..except for random slowdowns and I mean random because sometimes something will be perfect and other times not in the same spot doing the same stuff.

>> No.5410276

how do i make gba games look good? text was hard to read so i gave up and use mgba on my pc instead

>> No.5410278

>Wii is great for casual emulation and taking it to a friends place and playing Wii games without changing discs

Definitely, anon. It's a great little emulation powerhouse for everything from 1975 (pre-'75 games had no CPUs or answering chips) to around 1995. For someone to say that's not useful is being dishonest.

Oh and don't waste your time attempting to get Neo Geo games working; they do work, after 30 or more minutes of black screen. What fun!

>> No.5410281

If you ever want to go back to mess with N64 emulation, you might want to try "Not64" instead. The newest version plays Doom 64 perfectly, I think. Hadn't played much of it, but it look and sounds good on demo and on the first level at least.

>> No.5410291

bah! Too much work. I'm already gonna get the flashcart and if I want to play on my big tv I'll just use my Wii and whatever games work properly on it. I'm by no means technically illiterate but when it takes a lot of 'fiddling' to get something working and I have another choice then I'll just give up.

>> No.5410295

Nice larp. The irony is I tried Wii and it was just too much fiddling to do anything. Even some 3rd/4th gen games have issues, not to mention the input lag. Oh, and remember to use a flashcart you have to use the exact version of the rom that the cart supports. Have fun with your 320 resolution on your "big tv" lol!

>> No.5410326

>Even some 3rd/4th gen games have issues,
Nice LARP.

>> No.5410346

Literally half the dosbox games don't work, just to start. Are you a faggot?

>> No.5410354

>dosbox games

I like you, fren, you make me laugh. Also doubt.jpg
I've gotten C64 [sic], Amiga, Atari 5200 (the pain is real), and even ZX-Spectrum games to work on it. Working well to perfect, so git gud.

You gave up too soon, you fool! :D

>> No.5410357

*you need to plug in a keyboard and mouse. Some emulators won't launch without 'em.

>> No.5410395

Yeah, I'm sure your larping is more trustworthy than the official compatibility list put together by the emulator developers. https://wiibrew.org/wiki/DOSBox_Wii/Compatibility_List

>> No.5410414

lol You think that means you're right? No, man, you fucked up by not heeding that guide; instead you tried games that won't work. Whose fault is that?

>> No.5410424

I didn't try them, because I looked at the guide... I guess you really are a retard after all.

>> No.5410428

Has little to do with reaction and lol muh special forces. Anyone can feel an extra frame or two of input lag.

>> No.5410438

>I didn't try them, because I looked at the guide.

Some people will believe you at some point, breh.

>> No.5410441

>PC has zero soul
Fixed that for you.

>> No.5410442

>I didn't try them, because I looked at the guide.
Which is why you're not butthurt.

>> No.5410451

>Oh and don't waste your time attempting to get Neo Geo games working; they do work, after 30 or more minutes of black screen. What fun!
I have not tried it yet, as I use the VC versions of any of the Neo Geo games I want to play, but I am reading that retroarch will run neo geo titles as well.

>> No.5410454
File: 18 KB, 480x360, good one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>but I am reading that retroarch will run neo geo titles as well.
>but I am reading that retroarch will run neo geo titles as well.

lol Good one. Don't believe everything you read, huh? (some work, but it's a bitch)

>> No.5410461


>> No.5410462

Hi, Pat.

>> No.5410526

Lol why would I be butthurt? I'm merely pointing out the incompatibilities of Wii's emulation. Your projection is palpable, however.

>> No.5410536

You are a delight!

>> No.5410538

>Nintendo warrior exhibits basic sarcasm

>> No.5410541

>^The PC gamer lashes out to mask his fear of inadequacy in the face of a large purchase.

>> No.5410568

The best retro machines (out of what I own):
>Wii U
Native support for 3 generations of Nintendo and god-tier emulation for the earlier 3 and handhelds. Great for HDMI output. Gamepad. Tons of controller options.
Best portable option. Great support for Playstation, N64, GBA, SNES, etc. Alternative would be 3DS if you prefer DS games over PSX and N64.
>SNES Classic
Best set of SNES controllers and some already great games set up. Great for low end platforms (Playstation, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, GBC, Genesis, SMS, etc. all the easy to emulate shit) when modded. Lowest effort for some decent results. Top tier UI and the loading times are quick.
>Raspberry Pi 3
Tons of customization options. Active community with constantly improving emulators and accessibility. Low end stuff only but does its job well.

For what this board considers "retro", SNES Classic is your best bet. Best comfort of any of the choices. The SNES controllers actually feel like SNES controllers unlike the knockoffs ive tried. Plus, native compatibility for Wii Classic Controller, which is also pretty god tier. Fast menus and easy to mod. Only issue is that only 3 worthwhile N64 games run well, and Saturn doesn't do well at all. Also, controller extension cords are pretty much needed, same with a USB OTG cable if you intend to include PSX games.
While Raspberry Pi and PCs are capable of more, they don't really provide the same ease, comfort, and simplicity.
I intend on buying a Vita soon to see what it is capable of (and to play P4G and Gravity Rush on the go)

>> No.5410745

I said Wii and PC, but it’s ok if you wanna double down on stupid

>> No.5410780

I don't remember exactly, but you might switch to 240p and turn off any filtering in emulator settings, I think it outputs in 480i or something by default
not him btw

>> No.5411151


>> No.5411192

>ninty's not selling snes-classic-controllers, just the shitty nes-bricks
>want to get a snes classic for the controllers
>they go for 100yurodollars now
>used ones aren't much cheaper because scalping zoomers with buyers' remorse

>> No.5411218

>you can't emulate a lot of stuff after generation 4
This is either mostly true anyway or irrelevant
The N64 and Saturn are in an uncanny valley of weird hardware design where you need the skill level of John Carmack to write a decent emulator
Whereas the PSX can be emulated on anything, even contemporary PCs from when it was made
Everything since gen 5 is either close enough to PC architecture to be easy to emulate, or has backwards compatibility on devices you can find used for under $100