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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 427 KB, 438x438, pokemon_red__blue__green_and_yellow_covers_by_morei_sky-d6oxpnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5394227 No.5394227 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how archaic Gen 1 can be.
I can´t stop loving them

>> No.5394265

I miss the archaic shit. Now Pokémon is an autistic min-max fest with a "press a to win" campaign tacked on.

>> No.5394269


>> No.5394336

I can understand the hate for genwunners because a lot of casuals only played gen 1 and then say a lot of stupid shit
But I still really love gen 1, I also like the new games however

>> No.5394371
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I just liked the art style and character designs more. It's a real shame the art style changed before they had the ability to make the games reflect it. For a series that loves to cash in on nostalgia, they always fail to sell me exactly what attracted me to the series to begin with. Imagine if that HD remake didn't use mobile game graphics and tried to emulate the look of the old watercolored art.
The chiptune music was pretty nice too. I don't care for the musical direction in the newer games outside of a handful of songs.
Also my imagination filled in a lot of the blanks with black and white Kanto, making it seem a lot more interesting than it was. The fact that every time they remake the game, they stay completely faithful to the original game's layout, but without the minimalist black and white graphics really bums me out. I definitely didn't imagine Kanto looking exactly the same as it did on my gameboy screen but in color when I was a kid.
It's hard for me to talk about the series without sounding like a total genwunner faggot, but the new games really don't do a lot for me except maybe black and white.

>> No.5394420
File: 34 KB, 250x342, 250px-Pokemon_Stadium_ja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Stadium games add a lot of life to Gens 1 and 2.

>> No.5394430

inb4 R2 was easy if you glitch the fuck out of the game and clone a bunch of rare pokemon and items

>> No.5394439

How do you feel about firered and leafgreen?

I feel like they get shit on alot for....some reason? I personally think they kept alot of the soul, and just overall improved it mechanically and removed alot of the clunkiness without adding extra bullshit in the later games like beauty contests and ribbons or whatever shit they rammed in the later gens.

It's been a while, i don't think they had that shit anyway....

Otherwise i feel most other things were on point, it does have some bloat like genders and held items and abilities but otherwise fairly faithful updates imho.

>> No.5394459

Mechanically, they're great remakes. And I'm a fan of the extra content. It also gives you shit to do after the elite four. They're technically the best way to play gen 1.

I just don't like the sounds and I think they could have been a little more creative in their depiction of Kanto. Also not sure why some of the characters were so heavily redesigned. Real shame they used that version of Red for Smash Bros. instead of the original.

>> No.5394475

I recently got copies of Silver and Yellow with new save batteries installed just to play with the Stadium games.
It blows that you need to beat the stadium modes to unlock dodrio tower because I'm either going to have to use rentals or slowly work my way through the main story and level up my mons to be good enough to use. I wish I had never lost my original games, though I imagine the batteries on those ran dry long ago.

>> No.5394491

I didn't like how it would do the whole "it stopped its evolution" thing every time you leveled up say, a really happy golbat. The only way to stop this was to either have the pokemon hold an everstone or get the national pokedex at the end of the story.

>> No.5394493

I have a launch Crystal that still has a working battery. I'm convinced that it's haunted at this point

>> No.5394509

I didn't even know about that my first time playing through. Then I started up a casual run and encountered a shiny Zubat. I was determined to use it since I love the Zubat line and it was the first natural shiny I encountered since a mareep in my original silver many years ago ( tthough Shiny doesn't mean shit anymore since they're piss easy to get now ), that message got fucking annoying fast.

>> No.5394690
File: 54 KB, 480x360, 1413843233580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small brain: Oh I just love Gen 1 of Pokemon I'm so nostalgic for it

Big Brain: Glitching the Gen 1 Pokemon games is one of the most fun video game experiences one can have.

>> No.5394709

yeah, same. I replay them every couple of years but I've never actually finished the game. It gets too grindy later on.

>> No.5394750

Those both sound pretty small brained.

>> No.5394820

Is that Venusaur one a romhack or just a boxart done up to square the image and represent all the starters?

>> No.5394929

pokemon green is a real game retard

>> No.5394965
File: 93 KB, 1173x707, 346293-TaurosHeader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fun with gen 1 these days is playing through a pokemon game with totally different mechanics. Speed Crits, a single special stat, fewer typings.

It retroactively makes gen 1 pretty unique and a lot of pokemon that are total garbage in later generations are perfectly usable (though not always great) in gen 1.

>> No.5394997

And the Japan only box doesn't look like that you idiot.

>> No.5395023

I thought it was just Red, Blue, and Yellow. When did Green come out? I was super into Pokemon as a kid and I'm surprised I missed a release that featured my favorite starter on the cover.

>> No.5395046
File: 735 KB, 479x599, Green_JP_boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Originally, Red and Green versions were released in Japan in 1996. The Japanese Blue version was a third version with some updates, including new sprites. When the games were released in America in 1998, they used the updated Blue version as the base for Red and Blue.

>> No.5395074

Ah, okay. That's interesting, I never knew.

>> No.5395254

Conversely, gen 1 had a lot of useless pokemon that were made sort of useful in later generations, such as making them show up early in the game or learning new moves, or the special split. I honestly wonder how much different the series would be if they kept speed based crits and hyper beam's cool off on KO. In RBY Hyper beam was high risk, high reward, while in other generations is high risk, low reward.

>> No.5395632

I love them and it's 100% only for nostalgia, but I don't think that's a bad thing. The sprites are great, the sound is great, it's all great.

On the other hand I love them but fuck me if I can ever be bothered to play them, tedious as hell nowadays but that's also pokemon as a whole a bit.

>> No.5395785

For some reason I thought of playing every gen with only a Farfetch'd. In gen 1 you can get it early and it is doable, but with some item usage. Gen 2 I honestly don't remember how to get one, so I just used the randomizer to start with one. And I got completely walled by Jasmine's Magnemite. I did it again in X&Y and it was simply ridiculous. There's no challenge whatsoever in that game. They throw so much exp at you that you get severely overleveled and can steamroll the game even with a shitmon. By the time I got to elite four I was lv92 and had little trouble beating them.

>> No.5395795

yeah, I get they were trying to keep it pure but adding the gen 2 evolutions would've been fine for me.

>> No.5395816

I always hold out hope they will one day make Missingno into a real Pokemon just to fuck with people.

That would be so badass.

>> No.5395891

I hope they don't, leave missingno as a weird pokemon cryptid, a mystery of the early days. Pokemon doesn't have mysteries anymore. You can get all legendary pokemon, unceremoniously handed to you over wi-fi, the games don't have any creepy glitches, rumored pokemon are debunked, I just want missingno to stay the way it is.

Besides, they'd probably give him a dumb yokai waitch redesign to appeal to the modern pokemon fan.

>> No.5395896

A way to evolve Eevee in Espeon or Umbreon without the clock would've been nice, too. Like maybe have it hold a Sun/Moon Stone when it evolves.

>> No.5395909


Pretty sure it never came out in the US. Really shows the age of people on this board.

>> No.5396006

I agree with you entirely, good sir.

>> No.5396019
File: 114 KB, 320x263, 7199EB30-16D4-4C44-8F1D-FA445F6A8A07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good sir

>> No.5396024
File: 575 KB, 1305x1186, Teams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're perfect, in pretty much every way. By far my favorite.

They're pretty much gen 1, but fixed, and much more aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.5396032

If Crystal is the same as GS, you can find a Farfetch'd in the area by Lake of Rage. That's a fair bit into the game.

>> No.5396039

Man Red was such a hard-ass motherfucker, he looks like he's about to fuck shit up in that picture. Silver was a twerp who wore his hat backwards cause Limp Bizkit did it, RSE guy wears a douche-hat with fake hair on it, everyone after that was some metrosexual faggot while the girls look like boys trapping it up.

>> No.5396045

I mostly agree, but gen 5 girl is goat

>> No.5396053

I always thought it was cool that Stadium had a map with the encounter rates (including levels).

Protip: Stadium has nonvolatile saves. Transfer your Pokemon to it after you've finished playing and they'll be there when you come back. Now you never have to deal with the fucking bullshit slots grind for Porygon again.

>> No.5396083

I knew about that, it's kind of outrageous how the stadium games had a better pokemon storage system than any of the games that follow it, including the subscription app who's sole purpose is to store pokemon.

Unfortunately for me I lost my original games and my copy of stadium ages ago, so I still have to start from square 1.

>> No.5396108

Stadium is great to manage pokemon AND items. Finally you can easily see which TM is what, and what Pokemons can use it.
Also great for comparing stats and all that shit.
I couldn't play the games again without Stadium.
Also free starters, fossils and hitmons.

>> No.5396128

Works for Stadium 1, but if I recall, Stadium 2 requires you to catch 50 Pokemon before you can transfer any Pokemon to a game file that doesn't match its Trainer ID number.

>> No.5396273

pokemon was never good

>> No.5396281

Why in newer art does Red look so pissed and sometimes even unhappy?

>> No.5396359

I like how open ended RBY/FRLG was compared to a lot of the other games. When you beat rock tunnel you can go practically anywhere and do events in whatever order YOU choose. Now the games stop you every 10 steps for a cutscene and force you to do things in a very specific order with no freedom or exploration.

>> No.5396362

pandering to the pixiv fanon.

>> No.5396372

and adding to that, you had to figure out how to progress on your own

>> No.5396402

They're a bit too literal of a remake for my tastes. Pretty much only the content added or changed was exclusive to the Sevii islands; no real improvements based on the actual hardware's capabilities except for higher-res graphics.

Go and play something like Emerald and then compare its routes to FR/LG. Far ahead in design.

>> No.5396415

IMO the fact that they remade RBY in 32 bit graphics and used the 3d gen engine was enough. Adding abilities, the 2 new types, natures and other balances really changes the game. It is a nominally more balanced game than the original. But yes it could have used more post game content.

>> No.5396425

they added steel and dark, they changed/fixed move sets, updated the rules, switched items up a bit, etc
I actually don't like the sevii isles thing at all; Id be fine if they left that out

The routes are pretty bland, yeah, but in pretty much every other way I prefer FR/LG.

>> No.5396776

Top-tier gen 1-3

>> No.5396779

Because he wants to be the best
but he's not the hero anymore

>> No.5397364

>the 2 new types, natures and other balances really changes the game.

It does, but it changes it for the better.

>> No.5397415

>watercolored art
What the fuck are you talking about, Anon?

>> No.5397418

Best gens, mostly 1.

>> No.5397419

Gen 1 is the ONLY gen.

>> No.5397430

>HM Slaves
I will never understand this concept. Just give your main pokemon the HMs, what's the fucking big deal? It's not as if Pokemon games are so difficult that having a few less-than-perfect moves in the mix will hinder your progress.

>> No.5397437

you don't need a full team, and HM's are largely garbage

surf and fly are good enough for your main team, and strength isn't bad if you have a normal type, but cut is weak and flash is near useless
the later HM's are even worse IMO, and there's too damn many of them

anyway, that was gen 4 which had practically no good pokemon, so I traded an egg-hatched team from soul silver and had no problem using the last two slots on hm slaves

>> No.5397445

The music in FR/LG was garbage. Would have been better off just keeping the 8-bit gameboy music than what they gave us.

>> No.5397458

The original Pokémon games were accompanied by art drawn by Ken Sugimori and painted in watercolour. It looked totally different from the "cartoony" art that was used in most of the promotional material at the time of Pokémon's Western release. This art was more in keeping with the style of the anime whereas Sugimori's had a very different character indeed. As a child, I was quite surprised at the illustrations in the game manual but there was something fascinating about the way these characters were painted...

>> No.5397472

no, it was really good

>> No.5397473
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what do you mean?

>> No.5397493
File: 702 KB, 1342x884, New_Vs_Old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here. I made a quick and crappy image comparison with mspaint using the official art hosted on bulbapedia. Even when they remake the exact same art poses used in the original, each iteration comes out flatter than the previous one.




You can see the evolution of the artstyles here and despite keeping the same shape it looks worse every time.

>> No.5397497

The anime's influence on the franchise's art-direction got stronger with every generation.

>> No.5397501

I really wish Pokemon could have kept that watercolor style. It's so unique and charming.

>> No.5397505
File: 391 KB, 783x515, 121Starmie_RB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugimori's original watercolour art is top tier, it's the best pokemon has ever looked. The new ones lack the delicate colour and lightness of the originals.

>> No.5397509

Damn thats a good one. It looks like its incredibly shiny on all its edges without a giant obvious "shine" mark. The subtle blue on the back portions make me think I'm looking at it underwater as it swims by right under me or something.

>> No.5397529
File: 215 KB, 1217x559, 250px-121Starmie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colour is applied in a way where the lack of colour also deliberate. Grayscaling it and the current artwork shows the depth of value and the lack of it, respectively.

>> No.5397541

This. I’ve tried playing Ultra Moon and holy shit I wish everyone would fuck off and just let me adventure.

>> No.5397709
File: 224 KB, 450x800, phonewall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we got the most basic lifeless stock pokemon art in Super Smash Bros as spirits instead of any of the original RG or RBY art

I used to love this franchise but it hurts to even look at anything pokemon related anymore.

>> No.5397715

Red and Blue had different artwork than red and green, the pokemon were in much more dynamic poses and most of them looked a bit more fierce. Red and Green just had them in very standard poses not doing anything special.

>> No.5397950

Pokemon's representation in Smash Bros. is literally shaped by the anime itself. Things like Goldeen being the dud summon instead of Magikarp, for example.

>> No.5398136
File: 34 KB, 500x626, InukoInuyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows why the hell was Meowth given his own starring character in the anime? Was he another popular pokemon, or there was a different reason?
Not complaining though, Meowth is my favorite pokemon, and he got voiced by a favorite artist of mine, Inuko Inuyama. Just keep wondering if there was a "official" reason why he was chosen among the 150+ mons, kinda like how Pikachu was choosen in a poll or something, same with Jigglypuff and why he is on Smash, I believe Jiggy came 2nd after Pikachu in the poll

>> No.5398230

i forgot how smug the electrode was

>> No.5398232

probably because it's just a really good design

meowth is like a mix between mickey mouse and tom and jerry

>> No.5398250

Japan loves cats.
Also they probably figured that the antagonists having a Cat mascot would be a good foil to the protagonist's Mouse mascot.

>> No.5398365
File: 255 KB, 640x421, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So would it be fair to say that the "30 year old boomer" would have a team comprising of overpowered gen 1 pokemon while the zoomer has a team comprising of carefully EV trained cookie cutter metamons?

>> No.5398374

boomer would be a team comprised of gen I-II and it'd be an odd mix-n-match of favorites, not necessarily overpowered mons

- pikachu
- one of gen wun starters
- one of gen two starters
- mew2
- hitmonchan
- some odd personal favorite, most common being gengar, other being maybe clefairy or jigglypuff or something

zoomer would be a carefully trained team of smogon approved gen IV and onward 'mons carefully cared for over 1000 hours

>> No.5398375

The Zoomer would have a bunch of eeveeloutions.

>> No.5398413

Boomer here. My end-game team was:

>> No.5398425

Red/blue or bust, and spare me your "REEE UNBALANCED" horseshit; it doesn't matter. Nothing has come even close to the ambiance and atmosphere of the first game.

>> No.5398493

If anything a gen1 team would be underpowered as more stuff is viable due to random broken mechanics without knowing what is truly good. Also a lack of internet communities and widespread easily accessible tier lists. Everyone I knew thought a pokemon like Exeggutor was trash but it turns out he was top tier.

>> No.5398509


>> No.5398545

Oh you didn't know? Boomer and Zoomer are the hip new slang words to call nostalgiafags and the people who hate them respectively. Words can mean anything now.

>> No.5398681

literal 30 year old boomer, these were my teams

>> No.5398712

This was my team at indigo league
I got my ass fucking handed to me and only finished after 20 retries

>> No.5398838

Were you just bad? That's a solid team

>> No.5398857


not him, but the elite 4 are like 20 levels higher than your team of 6 when you get there organically

>> No.5398979


>> No.5398993

>solid team
4/6 of his team got their shit pushed in by Lorelai or whatever the fuck the first elite four member name is

>> No.5399040

It's been so damn long I wish I could remember what my team was. I know I had Blastoise and Raichu, seems like my first go around I had Fearow but then later games I had Pidgeot maybe. I played blue version so I would get a Victreebel. I liked Alakazam but then swapped him for Mewtwo asap, maybe I had an Onix? i dont recall if i used any legendary birds but I think i used Articuno. Oh and I liked Dragonite. So my team was probably Blastoise, Raichu, Dragonite, Psychic type probably Alakazam then Mewtwo at the end, Articuno, and maybe rock or fire type, possibly Onix, although I seem to recall I used Ninetails before I caught Moltres

>> No.5399072

nice blog faggot.

Now my turn to blog. No legendary's, no mewtwo cause that's bullshit and mewtwo could never be on anyone's 'team'-your team is what took you through the elite 4 the first time, so mewtwo doesn't count.

I had no friends so i had a fucking graveller on my team, and a ghastly i think, cause fuck me right? Plus a raticate (criminally under-rated), blastoise, primeape and dodrio.

>> No.5399076

My team was this:
Alakazam (switched this slot a bunch)
A bit generic, but I loved it.

>> No.5399137

lol frig off just trying to remember it all, it's been like 20 years.
>tfw 28 yr old boomer
>no mewtwo cause that's bullshit and mewtwo could never be on anyone's 'team'-your team is what took you through the elite 4 the first time, so mewtwo doesn't count.
hmm okay. well for my first time it was probably:
Fearow or Pidgeot
Probably Articuno to sweep Lance
last one idk, could be any I listed
>I had no friends
haha u fag, even I, king aspie had a fat friend that I traded with
>tfw being a kid and thinking trading pokemon to evolve meant you wouldnt get it back
>tfw traded my kadabra and my friend traded his machoke and we got our pokemonz evolved
good times

good team

>> No.5399158

Pretty sure my team was just all the starters, Kadabra, Pikachu, and Pidgeot.
The anime made me into such a Pikachu fag and i'm still a pretty big one. I always have a Pikachu my first hall of fame as a tradition. Except for gen 5 since there weren't any.
I was also a reptilefag, and still am, so of course I'd be all over the Kanto starters.
Kadabra was sick in the anime, really left an impression on me.
And Pidgeot knew Fly.

>> No.5399162
File: 383 KB, 640x640, 5F2B12BE-4A80-4BB0-9D72-EB2AA8B47F4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon prism does a good job of filling the void

>> No.5399852

My original Red playthrough as a kid was so exciting, I just couldn't put it down.

I went with a team of Blastoise, Pidgeot, Butterfree, Wigglytuff, Vileplume, and Starmie. Still some of my favourite mons now.

>> No.5400090

Blastoise (fav Pokemon along with Snorlax and Dragonite)
Dragonite (as soon as i got the super rod i always catch Dratini and expend like 2 days leveling up until level 55 only to get Dragonite)
Jynx (have it because Lance is a dick)
Dodrio (cuz i always thogh that the three heads where cool)
Raichu (cuz fuck Starmie)
Dugtrio (cuz is just funny the moves he learns without having hands)

>> No.5400095

Forgot about Snorlax, i change between him and Dragonite, for those nasty Psychic types.

>> No.5400126

I never did get why so many people like blastoise, he seems far and away the most boring of the three, and those stupid metal cannons don't fit at all; if he'd been a snapping turtle with some sharp edges here and there and a pointy tail, and the cannons were instead bone or something, then I'd be on board

>> No.5400143

It's the only gen that I can tolerate.

>> No.5400164

One thing that I think gets lost in a lot of Gen 1 talk is back in '99 it was pretty alien to play an RPG game that had a relatively contemporary setting. Internet was relatively new to the public and it was so different to play a game where characters used PCs that wasn't set in "20xx...after the nuclear war" or whatever

>> No.5400206
File: 165 KB, 291x561, 2cddd9c76d6a174791d7a45d10a2d434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really miss the old chunky watercolor art style. The new stuff looks so generic and cheerful.

>> No.5400240
File: 726 B, 80x80, growlithe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- some odd personal favorite

>> No.5400263 [DELETED] 

Agatha and Lance would always cause me to lose. Agatha had me barely standing on my feet and Lance would quickly finish me off

>> No.5400268 [DELETED] 

Agatha and Lance would always cause me to lose. Agatha had me barely standing on my feet and Lance would quickly finish me off

>> No.5400406

>30 year old boomer
Sorry, that's about 30 years too young. You're not even a Gen-Xer, you're a millennial.

>> No.5400416

Gen 1 was super good, but I the slide into Gen 2 was where things got amazing. Yellow was okay, Gold and Silver had a lot of improvements. Crystal was mind-blowing. Honestly if it was on the gameboy, it was good. The limitations of the system really bred creativity.

I still enjoy pokemon here and there, played Sun, skipped out on the Ultras. They're still pretty okay games.

>> No.5400429


>> No.5400497

>I-- I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.5400513

are you new or just stupid?

or if you're trolling, you got me

>> No.5400517

The whole boomer/zoomer shit is retarded, admittedly.

>> No.5400521

Hopefully I got you enough to realize that the old comic is true. People who do stupid stuff as a joke just look stupid. Except to people who are stupid or otherwise ill informed.

And then they go ahead and spread that wrong information and suddenly it's not a joke any more.

>> No.5400691

What if they battled using their respective rulesets? For example, the Tauros would have a high crit chance because that's how it worked in gen 1, and special would only be one stat. I reckon when you add in all the weird quirks of gen 1 and were to somehow make them work against a newer gen, they'd still be broken.

>> No.5400723

Indeed OP, I don't play it now, but I still have the cartridges with my ancient saves.

Shame the batteries on G&S 404'd those saves.

>> No.5401264
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>> No.5401272
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>> No.5401274

i fucking hate pokemon

>> No.5401275
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>> No.5401279
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>> No.5401281
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>> No.5401286
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>> No.5401290
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>> No.5401292
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>> No.5401295
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Gym leaders incoming

>> No.5401297
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>> No.5401302
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>> No.5401304
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>> No.5401308
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>> No.5401313
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>> No.5401315
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>> No.5401319
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>> No.5401323
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>> No.5401325
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>> No.5401326
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>> No.5401327
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My pokemans, let me show you them

>> No.5401330
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>> No.5401332
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>> No.5401336
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>> No.5401339
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>> No.5401341
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>> No.5401345
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>> No.5401347
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>> No.5401348
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>> No.5401351
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>> No.5401354
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>> No.5401357
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>> No.5401358
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>> No.5401360
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>> No.5401362
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>> No.5401364

Tyranitar and ...?

>> No.5401369
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>> No.5401373
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As I recall there was an interview in there where he said they were concept Pokemon, but they wound up using Tyranitar in the end.

>> No.5401386

I miss fat pikachu

>> No.5401462

Boomers team
>Zapdos because it's the easiest to catch
>Level 100 Dragonair

>> No.5401464

I thought the GameCube in your house in gen 3 was a great touch.

>> No.5401474

I liked to roll with these fellas
> Articuno

Never caught mewtwo. As soon as I beat the elite four I would restart and do it again. Starting again for me was the exciting part.

>> No.5401597

I love gen 1!
T. Speedrunner

>> No.5401685
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>> No.5401689 [DELETED] 

>first screenshots establish this is all from Red
>Chansey screenshot is from Gold/Silver

>> No.5401703
File: 3 KB, 256x224, pokemon_blue_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the color palettes of the Super Gameboy so much.
Red's room on the center of that pic looks different, though.

>> No.5402007

That other pic is using Yellow's colors on the GBC.

Also the Gengar pic is a romhack, the Pokedex entry is from Red/Blue but the sprite is from Gold.

>> No.5402039

He has no dad, he's sad and pissed for that.

>> No.5402098
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My favorite gen too! <3

>> No.5402292

I wish there was a hack that had all the improvements of FR/LG but kept all the aesthetics and the 8-bit music and sound effects of the original.

I know there's some decent hacks that try to be more faithful to the original rby but they still have GBA aesthetics and color palettes.

>> No.5402542
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>I wish there was a hack that had all the improvements of FR/LG but kept all the aesthetics and the 8-bit music and sound effects of the original.
oh god yes! <3

>> No.5402553

I didn't notice any difference with how FR/LG sounds
this sounds like a dumb meme that plebs fall for and spread around

>> No.5402687

You'd have to have a whole potato field growing in your ears to not notice the difference between Gameboy and Gameboy Advance sounds.

>> No.5402706

ah, the tried and tested 4chan way of saying "nuh uh"
god forbid anybody on this website ever have any fucking proof

>> No.5402767

Except it wasn't, it was actually one of the best in the series. Try again.

>> No.5402994

You are killing me by nostalgia

>> No.5403012


fanfare music is grating as hell

also physical/special split was a mistake and made a whole bunch of pokemon unusable

>> No.5403426

i think this is what you are looking for


i found this a few days ago on /v/ or /vr/ i dont remember which but yeah anyway. i couldnt get it to work though, when i try to patch the rom it says "select output file" and when i try to do that it says "the patch is broken and cant be used" oh well, knock yourself out

>> No.5403430

>also physical/special split was a mistake and made a whole bunch of pokemon unusable
when will this meme die
some of them got a soft-nerf, but that number is pitful compared to the amount of pokemon that stopped being unusable

>> No.5403435

I have a dumbass question. If this game was created in black and white or grayscale, how does a system know which objects on screen to make which colors?

>> No.5403437

because some games were purposely done with the SGB in mind

>> No.5403505

In that pic, all the screenshots of the overworld use the same palette for the whole screen, so all sprites and backgrounds are the same color.

The battle scenes give different colors to individual Pokemon. That's done because the Pokemon games were released after the SGB came out, and Game Freak put in commands that set the colors that way.

If you were to play Red and Blue in a Game Boy Color, the GBC will try to add color, but it's less intelligent and can only distinguish between sprites and backgrounds. That means that on the overworld, people and Poke Balls and stuff will use one palette, while the map itself will use the second palette; and it means that in battle, unlike when you play on a SGB, both Pokemon will use the same palette (the background palette).

>> No.5403518

that gengar sprite is gen 2 though

>> No.5403542
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I get why people like Gen 1 but I'm not sure how G/S/C isn't the most loved by old school players. You still have the comfy Sugimori art, you still have good chiptunes and comfy 8bit, tile based graphics. You get Johto AND Kanto. G/S/C will always be the best imo.

I really miss when Pokemon games were set in Japan too. As a kid it added a real sense of mystique to the games that setting them in France or Hawaii just doesn't have. Sprout Tower or Goldenrod City felt so cool as a kid.

To a degree, I think the internet has also ruined what was fun about Pokemon as a kid. Half of it was how huge the world seemed and all the mysteries and rumours that came with it. Nowadays the games are datamined before they're out in English and there's no mystery to it anymore.

>> No.5403568

Like 9/10 of actual players love gen 2 the most. The gen 1 faggotry is from people who played one Pokémon game and then stopped gaming until the Xbox 360 came out.

>> No.5403571

I stopped playing Pokemon after gen 1 because I never owned a Game Boy Color and the marketing for Gold and Silver tricked me into thinking they were GBC exclusives. So I skipped them and just never managed to get back into Pokemon again.

>> No.5403573

>I really miss when Pokemon games were set in Japan too. As a kid it added a real sense of mystique to the games that setting them in France or Hawaii just doesn't have.
To be fair, Japanese people probably feel exactly the opposite.

>> No.5403583

Most people my age that I know say GSC was best.

To be honest though it was probably mostly due to it being a new game and also having Kanto in it.

Revisiting the prior generation really should have been a tradition in every game moving forward. But I guess they figure that'll make people want remakes less.

Don't the Japanese love that shit though?

>> No.5403597

>Revisiting the prior generation really should have been a tradition in every game moving forward.

Honestly this is one of the reasons why I skipped out on Ruby/Sapphire. I came back to the series after, but there was just too many changes and gimmicks compared to the difference between RBY and GSC and not a lot of cool stuff like revisiting the area you'd been to before.

>> No.5403663

But anon don't you like earning ribbons in puppt pageants and making pokeblocks?

>> No.5403668

Nope. I did eventually play Emerald, and I've played at least one game from every generation since. There's definitely fun extra stuff they've added to do, but a lot of the fun goes away when it's time to move on and the next game doesn't care or interact with those at all, especially when there were evolutions tied to those activities. None of the releases since have really had the feeling of going from RBY to GSC and feeling like the world has expanded. It's always just a new place, new things, forget the old.

>> No.5403672

Fight the good fight anon. Keep educating those memers. I'm sure they'll change their ways

>> No.5403675

What do you want, waveforms? It's its an opinion, how does it sound to you? There's your answer. Don't come back here and tell us though, we don't care what you think either way

>> No.5403680

I want to be able to tell my children lol what children that I fought valiantly in the meme wars.

Seriously though, there's way too much low effort trolling going on in /vr/. I feel like a lot of the people interested in good discussion mostly have fucked off.

>> No.5403718

I guess so. I dunno. They only ever did the first three Gens in Japan, right? Where's my Hokkaido based Pokemon game?

That's exactly it, isn't it? It's kinda disgusting when you figure they've made billions of dollars on this franchise and they can't even throw us a couple of fucking bones.

>> No.5403770

you thought we cared what you think

they sound the same

>> No.5403785

When Gen2 came out I thought it was the best thing ever for a long time. Recently when I started replaying it my fun was diminished as I realized the starters really sucked and it was kinda hard to get a decent team depending on your starter. The special split needed to happen but so many pokemon went from good to complete shit. I kinda wish they didn't maintain trading from gen1 to gen2 so they could rebalance stats properly instead of forcing some pokemon into having either no special attack or no special defense when they needed it. Gen4 fixed some problems but to this day some perfectly viable pokemon in gen1 went straight into never used with no chance at redemption.

Also Gen2 started HM bloat and every team gets to be gimped with one or sometimes two wasted team slots.

>> No.5403806

You didn't need to answer that, I was joking. The side content in Pokemon games is a joke.

Why should they throw anyone a bone when they have a guaranteed best seller with minimal effort?