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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 250x355, Chardcorps-usbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
506507 No.506507 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that this is the best Contra game ever?

>> No.506512

But, OP, that's not The Alien Wars

>> No.506515

>can we all agree
No, we can never agree.

That said, Hard Corps is fucking great, and has held up incredibly well. I prefer Contra 3 myself, but that's a matter of taste.

>> No.506531

>Can we all agree
Don't start the thread with that statement ever.

>> No.506538


We will all (most all) tell you that Hard Corps fucking rocks, but everyone has their favorites, y'know?

>> No.506541


I had a blexican friend in highschool who had a genesis and every time I crashed at his place for the weekend we'd play the fuck out of Contra Hard Corps. Good times.

>> No.506921

Yes, we can agree. Anyone that disagrees is a plebeian with shit taste

>> No.506945

I can agree

>> No.506979

I played it after all the earlier contras and was disappointed. is the whole game like a boss gauntlet?

>> No.507001
File: 218 KB, 728x1093, Contra_Hard_Corps_Art_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide who I like the best.
I mean, the humans are pretty balanced, but the wolfman and the robot are a wolfman and a robot.
And they have some pretty powerful stuff, too.

>> No.509441



>> No.509460

There have only been three bad Contra games.

>> No.509651

Yes. Yes, we can.

>> No.509661

Brownie da bess. Using him wa like playing the game on easy mode.

>> No.509779

Contra: Hard Corps is the same as Alien Wars except with more content, branching paths, differences between playable characters, no shitty overhead levels, faster paced action, better graphics, etc.
What is there to like more about Alien Wars?
All I can think of is if you prefer things being slower and easier.

>> No.509809
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>> No.509835

Super C on the nes was pretty great

>> No.509884
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Why didn't people like Contra Force?

>> No.513638
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Though we couldn't beat it until we got a romhack that applies the Japanese health meter system to the English version.

>> No.516460



>> No.516512
File: 23 KB, 255x220, Contra14[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. But the realistic setting is no_fun_allowed.jpg.

I don't play my Contras for war sims.

>> No.517206


I LOVED Contra Force, it has many features that surpass many of the games from the saga; but I must recognize, Contra and Super C were fast-paced, and Contra Force would slow the shit out of himself with the most ridiculous things

Also, once you find out about the broken pause + jump glitch...

>> No.517258

reminder that the title is pronounced hard "core"

>> No.517312

ya no kidding

>> No.517695

I just realised I can use the magic of emulation to bust the atrocious slowdown and flickering in that game.

>> No.520229


I have played through this game so many times I'm able to single life it. Fuck yes I love this game.

>> No.520246

I've never played a single Contra game other than the first one, which I love to death.

Sounds like I've been doing myself a disservice.

>> No.520295

The original Contra is my favorite in the series.

After Hard Corps.

>> No.520409

>Every two minutes

And do you guys find yourselves often taking the same old paths over and over? There's still a boss I haven't fought and Sheena has the best weapons.

>> No.520772

Yes, I actually found a copy of it at a discount bin in a Toys R Us in 2004.

It is awesome.

>> No.520901
File: 857 KB, 800x1200, 1351484036311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original is pretty fantastic. I miss the hallway stages. Be warned they never return, although most of the other games have an "experimental camera" stage in them.

>> No.521882


That's not S contra

>> No.522008

It pisses me off that where ever I look for a japanese copy of Contra Hard Corps the prices are going through the roof..

>> No.522010

>japanese copy of Contra Hard Corps
You want that life bar so badly, don't you?

>> No.522026


haha it's rather for my newly started japanese MD collection then for playing. I am shit when it comes to playing shooters.

a blind grandma could probably fare better than me

>> No.522086

It's too hard for me

Still a cool game though, but NES Contra will always be my favorite cause of that nostalgia.

>> No.523340

>I miss the hallway stages. Be warned they never return
What is Contra 4?

>> No.523372 [DELETED] 
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It's not retro, but I can't help but love the gameplay of Shattered Solider. That one is still my favorite to blast through.

Does Contra ReBirth count as retro?

>> No.523384
File: 37 KB, 300x300, Contra++Shattered+Soldier+Original+Soundtrack+folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not retro, but I can't help but love the gameplay of Shattered Soldier. That one is still my favorite to blast through.

Does Contra ReBirth count as retro?

>> No.524963


Hard Corps: Uprising wins that title for me. Say what you want about the art style. ArkSys did a FANTASTIC job with that game. The speed, the soundtrack, the difficulty, everything is flawless

>> No.525323
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>mfw playing as Leviathan

>> No.525342

>Does Contra ReBirth count as retro?

what does it matter? it was shit anyway. only good ReBirth title was Castlevania and MAYBE Gradius

>> No.525475

What was wrong about ReBirth? I had a blast. Sure, infinite continues is lame, but that's for babies who can't play the game.

For me, my top 3 would have to be Hard Corps, Rebirth and Shattered Soldier. I tried playing 3 but I thought it was pretty slow and thus was turned off by it.

I wanted to try Uprising but the videos look rather slow and I don't have a 360 or PS3

>> No.525510


That was the implication of his post, silly!

>> No.525505

I don't know. What is it?

They brought them back for that?

>> No.525518

That was my subtle method of saying I've never played it, you also silly.

>> No.525520

I like Shattered Soldier more. It felt very much like a Trasure game, where they give you all the weapons from the get-go, and you have to figure otu which ones work for every situation.

ASS HARD game, despite the fact you always have all the weapons.

>> No.525536

I like the overhead levels, and the graphics in Alien Wars are great, too.

I also liked the level design a lot.

>> No.525551
File: 9 KB, 256x224, superc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best contra

(pic related)

>> No.525554

I'm in the same boat, man. I play the first one all the time but haven't touched any of the others. I should get to that later

>> No.525563
File: 97 KB, 500x375, contra_rebirth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all need to play Rebirth. Felt more like Hard Corps than Uprising did.

>> No.525574

I never counted Uprising as a Contra game. It's a spiritual successor, not unlike people thinking Ikaruga is a sequel to Radiant Silvergun, when it's not.

>> No.525568
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And it's a damn fucking shame this hasn't gotten on the 3DS VC yet.

>> No.525585

I thought Uprising was pretty decent. The inclusion of dash and air dashing made running through the levels pretty damn entertaining. Though I wish the homing laser wasn't so damn broken.

>> No.525612
File: 139 KB, 720x488, extreme disaproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Contra: The Alien Wars EX
>Oh neat, someone took Contra 3, removed the overhead stages, and replaced them with levels from Contra: Hard Corps!
>dis gon b gud.gif
>Play the game
>The game runs nowhere near as smooth as the SNES version, despite being on a more powerful system
>Hit boxes are wonky
>Only hold one weapon
>Stages from Contra Hard Corps don't translate well because you don't have the slide

THE FUCKING GAME BOY VERSION OF CONTRA 3 IS BETTER. Let that shit sink in. A watered down port of an SNES game on the GB is better than a port that, by all means, should at least reach the quality of the original game.

Oh, and the GB version still had bombs. HOW THE HELL.

>> No.525617
File: 111 KB, 373x432, contra_sly_arnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax yo, this ain't /v/.

>> No.525642
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>> No.525643
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>> No.525672

Dat music

>> No.525694

>Project RS2
>has the stone-like
>not a spiritual sequel

nigga you be trippin

>> No.525695

Had a great remix too.

>> No.525729


Fuck you. /vr/ can be angry too.

>> No.525730

Uh...I said it was a spiritual successor, not a sequel. Stop twisting terminology.

Next, you'll be telling me that MGS is a sequel to Policenauts because it has Meryl.

>> No.525739

Righeous fury, not 10 year old temper tantrum

>> No.525746


Getting mad at Contra is perfectly justified.

>> No.525756
File: 69 KB, 225x225, quitgettinmadatvideogames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.525854

Not that anon, but what about getting mad when you spent money on a game based on false promises, then found out it sucked?

Mass Effect 3, I'm looking at you.

>> No.525886

So favorite Contra weapon?

Nightmare mode: No spread shot.

>> No.525882

Reviews and word of mouth nigga

>> No.525895

Fang's D weapon

>> No.525892

Homing Missle

>> No.525906

Is that the massive punch blast?

>> No.525926

I have weird tastes, I love the L-gun from the original Contra. Everyone tends to think it's terrible but I really enjoy its function. Does pretty concentrated damage on bosses too.

Browny's chevron cannon is pretty cool too.

>> No.526118


If you don't get mad at videogames then you're probably not very passionate about videogames.


Paid reviews and brainless hype.

>> No.529515

Top Tier: Browny

A weapon fucking goes through everything, B weapon does fuckton of damage, C does tons plus homing, D is a great homing weapon with good damage

Standard Tier: Ray

A is just a stronger machine Gun, B does great damage but limited range, C is the FUCKING SPREAD GUN, D, is good homing but average damage

Meh Tier: Sheena

A is strong machine gun, b is strong but a bit hard to use, C is high damage but slow, and D is weak but wide range plus homing

Expert Tier: Fang

A hits with a pretty wide range, B is super short but horrifically strong, C is slightly longer and goes through walls, D fucking wrecks but is super slow


>> No.530207


The GBA had more completely butchered ports then any other system probably.

>> No.530251

I wouldn't go that far. The GBA had some amazing ports as well. I doubt there was a disproportionately large amount of bad ones. The GBA was a pretty good system.

>> No.530261


I'd probably prefer hard Corps but I'm more familiar with Alien Wars because I've played it with other people.

>> No.530273

Fire up some Hard Corps in 2-player.

I'll admit I don't play Contra with others most of the time though. Finding someone who can hold their own for more than a level is kind of rare with the average friend skill-level. Doubly so to not get distracted with that much more going on on the screen with another player.

>> No.530318


I totally would if only I could get a friend to play a video game with me, let alone a Contra game.

I have to cling to Alien wars because that's the only one that my circle of friends/family is familiar with.

>> No.530356
File: 435 KB, 1024x768, BakemonogatariWally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US version was made totally cheap.
Go here for the patch to bring it back to the original release:

>> No.530391
File: 153 KB, 270x270, 1353787275290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting hit points in Contra
Why? Why would you ever?

Besides, there's only one truly hard path. Every other one can easily be achieved. And the other being just a bit more work.

>> No.530449

Controls are horrible, there is action lag to everything and it ruins the gameplay.
There would be 0 difficulty in that game if it wasn't for that delay, and overall "floaty" character physics. The two hardest chokepoints in the game - the train boss and the final sequence with falling debris are hard preciously because you are required to rely on wonky physics of wall climbing.

>> No.530475

Broken Tier: Fang.
Because you can fire fully charged D-shot, by switching from B-shot mid-punch.

>> No.531061

Play it then, brah!. Its got a Mega Man 9 feel to it, the graphics are just slightly better than 3, and the levels are really good without being simple throwbacks to previous games. The base stages return too.

The only thing wierd about it is that both DS screens are used simultaneously, making the play area really verticle (and leaving a blind spot in the gap between the two DS screens)

>> No.531074

Is this one easier than C1? I fired up both yesterday and played them each until I ran out of continues. Got WAYYY further in Super C, maybe I just got lucky though

>> No.531085

Super Contra will always be my favorite.

>> No.531096


>> No.531104

The C gun, don't know what the real name is. In C3, I always keep the spread shot and C as my two weapons, C is devastating to bosses and other faggotry that takes more than 1 shot to put down

>> No.531129

This. I don't know how anyone could beat that game in arcade mode, I only beat that train boss because I accumulated a fuckton of lives in the RPG mode. Still haven't beaten that final boos just because the platforming part of it was too retarded.

>> No.531782


fuck yes electromagnetic yo-yo

rips bosses a new asshole in record time

>> No.532145

is Hard Corps worth 20 bucks cart only?
some old guy at a flea market is probably ebay-ing it and i don't think he will budge on the price.

>> No.532184


>> No.533250

>It's payback time!

>> No.533320
File: 125 KB, 800x1231, 1245062329369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That part in Hard Corps where you completely ditch the fucking hovercycle thing, and just start hauling ass on the freeway with your bare feet. All I can imagine is playing as the Doomguy on that section and blast some mother fuckers going 60mph.

>> No.534293

Yes. It really is. Hopefully the cart is in good condition though.

>> No.536024

Laser and ripple.. You just play it safe for the first levels to get both to lv.3 Ripple destroys train boss because it bounces first phase bullets back at him and lv3 laser kills him before he fires his cannon. Final boss is still a bullshit though.

>> No.538317


One of the best for sure.

>> No.538538

nope, because the best contra is ALIEN SOLDIER

>> No.538553
File: 34 KB, 256x224, Russians Attack!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is the best Contra.

>> No.539247


The fuck are you guys talking about ? The controls are so goddamn solid in that game...

>> No.539263


Lv.3 Homing Laser is so goddamn satisfying to use. If you're actually able to reach it, you deserve to use it (In arcade mode of course...Bahamut can start with it in Rising mode)

>> No.540071
File: 66 KB, 256x224, Shatterhand9_1337[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please. You're not even the best pseudo-Contra.

>> No.540074

Maybe they tried to emulate.

>> No.540373

They are not.
After Shattered Soldier and Hard Corps on genesis playing Uprising is a chore. Climbing, wall physics are a joke, dashing from wall works half of the time, everything has animation delay which rustles my jimmies.
The game is piss easy in rising mode, pretty easy in arcade mode with laser or sayuri, and bullshit impossible in arcade without laser, because you are gonna eat a lot of random shit if you don't kill bosses quickly/shut down enemies before they fire, and other weapons are terrible and weak or situational at best even at lvl.3.

>> No.541056

There's that word again...
The underlying tendency of 4chan to latch on to certain terminologies and continue using them is quite stunning. You know I hear that term is on other parts of the internet now. That's means you're not cool anymore. Furthermore, there's no need to be so disdainful towards anonymous for its taste in games. That seems like a fairly "low class" thing to do.

>> No.541074


Couldn't fit this in because 4chan though it was spam.

I'm not huge on the Contra series myself. Although I have to say I feel like Hard Corps has the best presentation, Contra 3 is probably my favorite retro title.

My favorite non-retro title isn't even a Contra game.

>sage because I still don't feel like I contributed anything

>> No.541474
File: 46 KB, 696x535, 1298923209776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That all probably sounded so intelligent in your head.

>> No.541496

You are directly discussing the topic now. The other post I get, but if you have something on-topic to say, don't sage it. It's not the "polite" thing to do just because it doesn't draw attention to yourself. It lets a perfectly good thread fall to the bottom of the board while relevant things are being said.

>> No.541718
File: 34 KB, 600x450, 12987001234890123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I hadn't noticed. That's just how I always talk.


Also, I just fired up Contra III and it took me 5 continues just to beat the first boss. Then I gave up...

>> No.541758
File: 23 KB, 672x501, 1356966567162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just fired up Contra III and it took me 5 continues just to beat the first boss.
Oh no man, no. Tell me it isn't so.

>> No.541774


Haha, I know. I haven't played it in FOREVER. That being said, Schmups and Run'n'Guns were never really my forte, anyway.

>> No.541780


>He thinks stunning is a big word

Holy shit dude. Are you from the South or something?

Sage because I'm shitposting

>> No.541796

>Also, I just fired up Contra III and it took me 5 continues just to beat the first boss.

This is a lie. I didn't have this much trouble with Contra III when I was 6.

>> No.541803
File: 6 KB, 88x162, 8974514997177324896.jpeg___1_500_1_500_cb94de6a_.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoulda have called out

Hard Corps is the shit. Brad Fang is mah nigga.

>> No.541825


I'm so sorry I'm bad at run n guns. I haven't played Contra III in YEARS. If there was an aim lock I'd have that shit. But I've always had trouble with those controls specifically. Which is weird because Contra I have on lock down.

I've always preferred more platform-based action games

>> No.546618



>> No.549967


Bump to save this.

>> No.549983

That ending where the space laser explodes and you die with it.

>> No.550120

Because Contra-style gameplay with Gradius' power-up system is an atrocious combination

>> No.550139


The gameplay is fine. The problem is that the game is so fucking slow.

It also probably shouldn't be called a contra game, either, just for the sake of not upsetting people. Between the slowdown and powerup system, it doesn't feel very "contra"