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5380156 No.5380156 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this obscure masterpiece?

>> No.5380161

is that acraiser? doesnt seem so obscure

>> No.5380174

Would have liked to have seen deeper city-building elements. That being said, the game is a bonafide classic.

>> No.5380193

>playing ActRaiser on anything but action mode with Expert difficulty
Plebian as fuck.

>> No.5380196
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>action mode
The sim part is the best quality

>> No.5380214

It's not really obscure. Great game though.
They did a action only actraiser. It fucking sucked.

>> No.5380229

No it isn't. I hated the sim shit.

Not talking about AR2.

>> No.5380232


>> No.5380281


>> No.5380283

play the uncensored version, it's literally kino

>> No.5380304
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>city-building elements.
This bit of the Actraiser GCCX show is one of my favorite segments in the whole series. I could watch Arino terrorize his townspeople forever.

>> No.5380334
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>> No.5380339

It's mediocre, arcade version makes it better by removing the crappy building parts but it's still just an ok action platformer at best.

>> No.5380340

The music's great and all, but overall it feels like two half-assed games put together to me.

>> No.5380346

2 could have been really good if it was faster and the enemies weren't such damage sponges

>> No.5380352


>> No.5380369


>> No.5380371


>> No.5380373


you wanted to say "hidden gem". now that's out of the way: well, it's not one of these. technically any game that gets a sequel and sells well enough is by definition not obscure. and if you want to define obscurity by gameplay and story elements it doesn't really fit the bill either and even then "obscurity" is a hazy term that doesn't mean shit. it just means dark or secretive. ActRaiser is none of that except the god (the role you play) is purposefully hidden and undefined so you can fill in the blanks. "god games" are an established thing since Molyneux. I don't remember if ActRaiser came first or if it was actually Populous.

>> No.5380376


>> No.5380379

le 4chan downvote isn't a substitute for an argument, try again

>> No.5380380

you have shit taste

>> No.5380381

Because I don't like time wasting, tedious, extremely shallow building games? lol

>> No.5380382


>> No.5380383

ok nigger

>> No.5380390


>> No.5380392

Final boss is bullshit, Arino deserved a win. Multiple forms bosses shouldn't be a thing without generous checkpoints FUCK NINJA GAIDEN

>> No.5380428

They basically tried to cram two games into one, and miraculously didn't fuck it up. Instead of just a little preamble before the title screen, playing through each level of the city builder before the action segments gave me in-depth context, and reason to care about the action parts. I remember feeling so personally determined to beat them, and carefully, because the village of people I just worked so long to establish and protect, after hearing their emotional pleas and praise for so long, are relying on me. The city-building parts were a little simplistic, but considering the only real comparison for it is Sim City (the dedicated city-building game that had no equal in terms of city-building), that's not too bad for a game that also contains an action-platformer with the scale and integrity of a slightly shorter Castlevania title.

Also, the good soundtrack was the glue holding the whole thing together; without that, this thing could have been a flop.

The only other game that I can think of which comes close to what Act Raiser tried to do, is Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring for PS1, and Ehrgeiz sure as fuck doesn't have a memorable soundtrack.

>> No.5380481

Toyed around with it for the first time a few days ago. I love the concept. May keep playing. Has potential to get boring, though.

>> No.5380596

Obscure? This was all over magazines. It's also very well known here in Japan, because of Mr. Koshiro.

>> No.5381017
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Thoughts on this obscure masterpiece?

>> No.5381043

Desperate, your turn.

>> No.5381086


>> No.5381090

Cute munchkin. <3

>> No.5381628

well there's Terranigma, also by Quintet that achieved a similar feeling. And on a tangentially related note Dark Cloud.

>> No.5381641

Anyone download this weird album dedicated to Actraiser? it looks pretty cool


>> No.5381713

>professional version's Act 1 Aitos
yeah no, whoever thought removing the only thing making that fight tolerable should have been punched

>> No.5381769

European Expert is the real deal

>> No.5381787


>> No.5381808


>> No.5382345

You're not interested in discussing it, you just wanted to call a well known game obscure.