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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 240x160, 0775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5374959 No.5374959 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having a motherfucking blast with nightmare in dreamland. The movement is so bouncy and dynamic, the powers are so fucking cool.
Is it the best kirby game?

>> No.5374980

No, Super Star is best.

Also, please tell me you're aware that NiD is just a remake of Kirby's Adventure.

>> No.5374996 [DELETED] 


>> No.5375002

Cool. And no, I was not!
I'm an absolute tourist in /vr/.

>> No.5375147
File: 25 KB, 275x183, kirby5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing Mirror is the best one. It's the last one that was made before Sakurai left HAL, and you can tell he did his best to make it a worthy finale to his era of the series.

>> No.5375159

Sakurai's last Kirby game was Air Ride.

Amazing Mirror was outsourced to Capcom as was Nightmare and Squeak Squad.

>> No.5375170 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.5375171

Amazing Mirror was pure vidya kino. The maps were a bit confusing to read at first, but once you get the hang of it, the game is a blast.

I never got 100% completion because I had one chest left to get that was behind a big block that all 4 Kirby's needed to suck to move, and the AI could never cooperate with me. A few friends and I had planned to make a weekend out of a co-op marathon of this game, like a decade ago, but it never happened.

>> No.5375357 [DELETED] 

Not retro .

>> No.5375360 [DELETED] 

Not retro.

>> No.5375368 [DELETED] 

Not retro.

>> No.5375378

Is it the block in moonlight mansion? Because that one you need the AI's help but I've never had a problem moving it (when the AI kirby's drop their ability suck it up and spit it out so they don't reswallow it and focus on inhaling the block). All the other large heavy blocks can be solved by using something that shakes the ground to nudge the block to the right over and over again

>> No.5375535

Super Star has the best maps, but Amazing Mirror is better overall.

Nightmare in Dreamland is pretty average compared to those two.

>> No.5375550

I remember preferring Kirby's Adventure to Nightmare in Dream Land. I like how Kirby feels in the original game, and I like how easily you lose powers. The game is easy but it feels more interested in punishing the player. Kirby's Adventure is probably my favorite of them all, though I haven't played RtDL or Star Allies yet.

>> No.5375551

NiD is by far one of the most astoundingly average GBA games I've played, much less as a Kirby game

I would highly suggest branching out. Squeak Squad is everything NiD was but so, so much more. NiD felt like a lazy attempt to cash in on Kirby's name to me, it was just a rehash of the NES game. But at least it's a Kirby game, there's worse for your time on the GBA.

>> No.5375571

I like this guy. Honest and positive. We can learn a thing or two from him

>> No.5375819

He'll get corrupted just like everyone else who hangs out here long enough. He'll either become a fighter fag, a shump snob, a contrarian, or a good ol' fashioned shitposter.

>> No.5375851

Return to Dream Land was a bit below average. Very slow, I wouldn’t recommend it.

>> No.5376004

No, Kirby's Adventure is the best.

>> No.5376008

All the heavy blocks in the game can be moved by yourself if you use the down air attack of the Master Sword. It pounds the ground and moves the block without needing to suck it.

>> No.5376042

When it came out Amazing Mirror was the first Kirby game I played in many years. Also the first Metroidvania I ever played. I was confused and lost and I loved every minute of it. My favorite Kirby game until Return came out.

>> No.5376084

This game has fucking amazing controls. Which is great because the original game has the shittiest controls of any main-series Kirby games.

>> No.5376093

But... they have... the same controls...?

>> No.5376102

The two feel completely different to play. Kirby feels a lot more nimble and faster in the remake.

>> No.5376182

>Which is great because the original game has the shittiest controls of any main-series Kirby games.
I don't agree.

>> No.5376396

I know, or any attack that shakes the ground. The thing is the first big heavy block you encounter in moonlight mansion. The layout around it makes it impossible to get around and also enter the door, by the time you've made enough space to get through the door is blocked

>> No.5376835
File: 89 KB, 500x438, kdl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never enough love.

>> No.5376917

Opinions generally lean toward Adventure or Superstar being the best. Both these games have remakes (NiD and Superstar Ultra). Some prefer the originals, I’m partial to Adventure’s aesthetic but NiD is a fine game. Highly recommend SSUltra if you haven’t played it.

Personally I like Dreamland 1 most cause of the hard mode.

Never saw what the big deal was with amazing mirror but I barely played it. Maybe I’ll give it another go one day.

>> No.5376923

Albeit not the first Kirby game I played, it's the on that's got the most nostalgia value to me. The OST is arguably the best in the whole series (yes I like it even more than Superstar and Adventure), the graphics are pretty good on the gameboy and even better on a Super Gameboy, which is also the better experience because of additional sound effects, and most of all, it never gets old to run through those levels with one of your animal buddies.

Dream Land 3 is one that's absolutely underrated compared to other /vr/ kirby games but I didn't play that one till very recently. Sucks if you don't live in the USA or Japan sometimes.

>> No.5378493
File: 699 KB, 2000x1000, remake_adv_beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby adventure is the best. NID is just a shitty remake that looks like puke

>> No.5378494

>remake comparison image
>artists completely missed the point
>missed the point
How ironic. Do the people that make these have any self awareness?

>> No.5378505

What are you getting at?

>> No.5378523

These people act like experts but miss the point of artistic merit.

>> No.5378529

Nothing about that image really suggests that kind of pretension, though. It's just pointing out that what felt more organic and thoughtful in the original wasn't handled with as much grace in the remake. And I think in this instance (I don't remember NiDL's visuals that well) they're right.

>> No.5378535
File: 57 KB, 498x492, KSD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a single bad Kirby piece of software?

>> No.5378539

Possibly Block Ball. It has a tendency to kill you in ways which are truly impossible to avoid no matter how skilled you may be with the paddle.

>> No.5378545
File: 899 KB, 2000x1408, 1550453672522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. I made a remake of your shitpost.

>> No.5378548

I don't like how much slower most of the abilities are in nightmare in dreamland. They're all really quick and snappy in adventure, but nightmare really slows down the attack rate.
Plus nightmare massively fucked up the final boss theme

>> No.5378551

I never noticed the speed difference honestly

>> No.5378614

A few notes for you:

1. Those platforms in the first screenshot are purely decorative. They exist to provide a background with the trees and such. They're at the very start of the level and then you walk away from them, you don't use them for platforming. Keeping the platforms there at all without the accompanying decoration is mind-bogglingly stupid because they only existed to prop up the decoration in the first place.

2. Dream Land is the name of the place where Kirby lives, but you're not actually IN a dream. In fact, the entire premise of the game's story is that the people of Dream Land CAN'T DREAM for some reason and Kirby sets off to find out why. You can't be in a dream if the impetus for the story is that dreams all stopped, so the "floating platforms are like a dream" idea you have there is just wrong.

3. The floating platforms in the lower screenshot are being propped up by the clouds themselves. As we see in quite a few levels, clouds in Dream Land can be dense enough to stand on and even build entire castles on, so of course they can hold up some platforms with doors on them. They're following the rules laid out for the game's world, not just arbitrarily floating on nothing.

Try again.

>> No.5378684
File: 2.42 MB, 1500x6272, remakefail_ALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5378703


>> No.5378713

I really don't see your points. You're trying to explain them as if they were objective somehow, but it really just seems like you don't like the new aesthetic.
You call the remake cluttered and messy. I think Kirby stands out from the background much better in the remake, as a simple pink circle he is always distinct from the more detailed scenery. And also because of the thing with the different outline colors and thicknesses you called out as some sort of rule violation.
This is a much more relevant point than any of the ones you make. "pleasing" is subjective. Whether or not things are distinguishable on screen is objective and important.

>> No.5378718

This is the source of the soul/souless meme, right?
People say it started with Spyro, but that was right after this image got daily threads.

>> No.5378740 [DELETED] 
File: 768 KB, 1000x3500, remake_64_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i made this image long before I made the Kirby one

>> No.5378741

ehhh, nah. That image is several years old, while the SOULESS meme is perhaps a year old at most.

>> No.5378746
File: 247 KB, 1427x570, remake_adv_cliffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you gonna defend this?
it looks like they toggled the background tiles off in an emulator.
you are legally blind if you think the remake looks better

>> No.5378749

Post it in motion.

>> No.5378778
File: 125 KB, 386x318, 1506323610524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the point. Try again. Its saying that the change with the floating platforms arent that big of a deal and that you cant entirely judge the game based om that screenshot comparison.>>5378684
completely proves my point about people not getting the GBA version.I love how in the bottom it just gives up and the descriptions and makes a wild assumption that the minor enemies were changed because they look like humans(...?)
again this anon thinks they are supposed to look the same despite a different art vision and intentionally forgets the abundance of floating land objects in kirby

>> No.5378783

The game doesn't spawn background tiles magically when it moves.

>> No.5378831

I dismissed this shitpost but I am honestly amazed how bad it is the more I look at it. Do people realize that they intentionally made the environments in such a way that makes Kirby 'pop out'? Why does the Tree need the same outline as Kirby? Why does it make a point to say that polka dot doesn't occur naturally as ground? Does purple and red/yellow stripes occur naturally? Why does he call that dirt? Why do the glowing trails seem bland, its not something you see in "just space". Still seems pretty dreamlike imo and hey remember when someone tried to correct me and said its not supposed to look dreamlike? Go figure. With the Kracko one, the castle is out but it still looks good; I dont know what the 'details' are supposed to be. If anything it adds detail back by putting polka dot clouds as the ground, and Hey didnt the author of the image say they like polka dot ground patterns? Why does it say same background as below when that Kracko background doesn't show up again in the image? Was the guy drunk while making this? I dont get whats wrong with the Yogurt Yard one, it looks more like a mountain, the text on the bottom is just a sequence of buzzwords.The Butter Building scroll effect was cool and I barely remember it being removed in the remake but thats a valid complaint. But not 'randomly spawning enemies and a door that appears out of nowhere" because that happens all the time in Kirby. Already remarked on the beach one but again nonsensical floating things are everywhere in Kirby. The crane game was not only removed but replaced. Seems like its trying to be misleading. And below are a collage of screenshots that look perfectly fine and dont even have text explaining what the author has against it. Lastly the replaced monsters dont seem to look human at all.

>> No.5378832

why the fuck are people discussing GBA games on /vr/

>> No.5378837

because its a remake of an older game.

>> No.5379131

SOULESS started from tube vs transistor amplifier arguments.

>> No.5379153

>see thread in catalogue
>click and just ctrl+f "SOUL"
>5 results
That's oddly low. I'm disappointed /vr/

>> No.5379250

I literally don't understand why you would complain about remakes, the original doesn't stop existing when it's remade, if you don't like the remake you can still play the original game

>> No.5379564

Capcom has never made a Kirby game. It's always been HAL Laboratory.

>> No.5379580

Amazing Mirror: HAL, Dimps, Flagship(funded in part by Capcom)
Squeak Squad: HAL, Flagship
Epic Yarn: HAL, Good-Feel
And of course Kirby's Avalanche was made by Compile.
You're right, but it's not like HAL has been working alone exclusively.

>> No.5379673 [DELETED] 

Not retro.

>> No.5379697

remakes are okay on /vr/

>> No.5380709

I'll never forgive the fucked up Butter Building in NiD

>> No.5380987

It was bad enough that I wasted my birthday game on what turned out to be a remake instead of an original game, but that's the moment I realized it was an inferior remake to boot. What a bloody disappointment.

>> No.5381135

Superstar is still my favorite. The longer kirby games always lose me. I liked Superstar because it never stays with one thing for long, it regularly changes things up and keeps it fresh. Even if it's just small changes like a timer and a running commentary by the villains.

>> No.5381139

At first I was gonna dismiss this, but I kinda see what it's getting at as I go down the list. I wouldn't call it a gamebreaker, but some of the changes don't make sense.

>> No.5381472
File: 188 KB, 651x568, soul1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butter building doesnt spin

>> No.5381474

Grr how dare they remake a game from scratch for a handheld! They didnt do the tower scrolling effect, thats so evil!