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535378 No.535378 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever died in a Zelda game?

>> No.535394

Several times in several games over several years. Why do you ask?

>> No.535407

Who hasn't?

>> No.535417

Anyone who claims they have never died once in any game* is most likely a liar

* - barring games where you can't die, of course

>> No.535419

Ever since I found out about the special ending in LA, I've made it a self-imposed rule to never die once in a Zelda game. It's not that tough, Zelda games are easy.

>> No.535424

Yes, why? Are you going to reply to everyone and tell them to go back to /v/?

>> No.535431

I think I never managed to do a no-death run on any Zelda, not even the DS games (in fact, I died a lot in those)

The only one I managed to finish without dying was Links Awakening but only because I turned off the game everytime I died, so it's cheating. I wanted to see the good ending.

>> No.535434

>Zelda games are easy
Ok pal.

OP, yes, tens of times.

>> No.535435

I've never died in Fable

>> No.535439

I've died at least once in every Zelda game, moreso in the non-3D games. I actually made it to the end of Wind Waker without dying and then I was being a dumbass at the final boss fight.

Laughed at the OVERLY dramatized death though, holy shit.

>> No.535453
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>> No.535454

I didn't either. Or Chrono Cross.

Some games are just easy.

>> No.535465

I once repeatedly killed myself to try and get the number to 999. Didn't get all the way.

If you died 1000 times, would it wrap around to 0, and if so could you then get the good ending to LA?

>> No.535467

Only in Zelda 2.

The rest are piss easy.

>> No.535460

The only Zelda game I ever managed to clear with no deaths was Link to the Past, but that was one of my only SNES games back in the day so I had it pretty much memorized.

>> No.535472

I've died more in that game than the rest of the series combined.

Fuck Death Mountain.

>> No.535481

I just recently beat LttP for the first time.

Fucking that game. I suck at top down adventure games more than I suck at RTS games... I died over a hundred times, but I managed to 100% the fucker. Never again.
I ended up giving the game as a whole a 10/10, but on a personal, enjoyability factor I gave it a crappy Fuck Top Down Adventure Games out of 10.

>> No.535484

I was once able to complete ALttP without dying, but I played through the game so many times.

>> No.535492

i died a lot on Link to the Past

>> No.535505
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Honestly, it's cause I saw some asshole claim he never died in a zelda game and I wanted to reassure myself after completing Oracle of Seasons with 21 deaths.

>> No.535507

I found myself repeatedly letting myself get killed in the original just because I wanted to save once I had everything I needed, so I could just pick up and play the next time I was able to without having to get stuff, or forget that I needed it. I had to have done this twenty times, just to have the right stuff I'd need for the next dungeon, or just so that if I decided to give up, I wouldn't have to get everything again the next time I played. I could just have everything waiting for me that I needed on the save.

I swear to god, I may be stupid, but if there is a way to save the game without dying, somebody tell me! I mean, I already beat it, but still.

>> No.535524

Pretty sure it's on start or select.

>> No.535537

On the original Legend of Zelda? It's nowhere on the start screen. And select pauses the game as is. Start takes you to inventory with the only options being inventory selection.

>> No.535542

I never died whilst playing Okami. I was actually at the final boss and considered taking a dive to see what the game over screen looked like.

What's weird is I had a mental image of it and was sure I had seen it at least once before. I felt like a fucking crazy person when I had 0 deaths at the end.

>> No.535547

Pressing start on the second controller?

Or was that the way to warp to a checkpoint in Metroid...

>> No.535560

If this is the case, I will be pretty annoyed. Of course, I didn't have the map or instructions, so somewhere in there it might have said, but silly me, I just went with what I knew at the time and still know now. I only ever saw the save option after you die.

>> No.535563


>> No.535569

Select+UP is how it goes on the GBA port.
I think it's the same way on the NES, but you need to do it on the 2nd controller.

>> No.535584

Dude I died in Link's Awakening a bunch. And then I made it my mission to do a deathless play through. I fucking loved Link's Awakening.

>> No.535610

Just in Zelda II and in Alttp

>> No.535609

I don't know why, but I simply don't understand the mad love of LA. I played and finished it but I hated it.

>> No.535651

Because it's LTTP, but far better, and on a handheld for that matter.

It was kind of a big deal back then.

>> No.535693

I only died once in SOTC and that's because I fucked up on the collapsing bridge before the final boss.

And I actually never died on MGS1, Final Fantasy 8, or Makai Toushi SaGa.

>> No.535715


I don't know what to tell you without diving into opinions. It's one of the better looking GB games, one of the best stories on the GB and in the Zelda series altogether, there's a bunch of shit to do and explore, lots of items to use and great music.

>> No.535756

Yeah, I loved using Roc's Feather/Cape in the game boy games.

>> No.535809

Yes although not /vr/ related, I died a bunch in SS
A lot of it came from a hero mode, no sheild, 6 heart run though

>> No.535854

Ever? Yes.
Also, even recently in Zelda II. It's uncommon to rare that I die in the overhead ones at all, I tend not to take too much damage except for maybe certain spots/enemies.
Zelda II, it's iffy, I might be able to do it without dying. It's balanced between me pushing aggressively to save time vs me trying to not to, if I grinded like fuck I'd be able to get through plenty of areas where I could have avoided death, but I don't feel like that's a good use of my time. So I'll attempt it weaker and level up as I go.
But yes, I have died in the games and no matter how good I get at them will never change that fact, ever.

>> No.535875

I loved it back when it came out, but replaying it, I can kind of see that.
The combat mechanics are nice, the movement is fluid and nice, the side scrolling portions are kind of nice. What isn't nice is the fetch quest shit and the weak characters and generally easy enemies all around.

>> No.535936

Tons of times
and I mean, TONS of times

I just play sloppily in normal playthroughs, if I wanted to i could do no-death runs

I stopped playing for tonight, but I'm at Demise on my first play through of the game, No shield or potions because I'm too lazy to put away my cursed medal, and 6 hearts because that's what you start with when you die. I seriously think I may have died over 100 times so far on him.

>> No.535947

Zelda 1, tons
Zelda 2, tons
Zelda 3, tons
Link's Awakening, not really. A few times. Shop Keeper.
Anything OoT and higher, never. Impossible to die. Nothing does real damage, fairies are full heals that restore all your hearts and auto-kick in on death removing even the tension of pulling your bottle out and using the potion.

>> No.535962

The 3d games and the newer ones can be too forgiving

I think the only time I ever needed to actually buy potions was one time in SS, everything shits hearts and supplies at you from all angles, All 3d games no just SS

>> No.536017

Played Zelda for the 1st time in like 15-20 years a couple months back. Apparently my memory isn't what it used to be because I died A LOT. Also had a nightmare of a time finding one of the dungeons.

>> No.536037

Most of them are. If you exclude the first two that is.

>> No.536052

I'm at the fifth dungeon of the first game and I've died a fuckload of times

>> No.536263
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I did a run where I died only once on Link to the Past.

I can tell you right now, I died the most in 2 by far. Death Mountain is a cruel mistress if you do not know the way.

>> No.536323

For link 2, is there a way to teleport or did you seriously trek all that way every time you died?

>> No.536331

Dieing puts you at the screen you died on. Getting a game over puts you back to the start with the experience penalty.

Exception is the Great Palace, where game overing there will spawn you at the entrance of the Great Palace.

>> No.536339
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We Trekkin'.

>> No.536382

>If you exclude the first two that is.

I did not exclude the first two. I would say my entire argument is that the first two are the most difficult in the entire series. And it appears as though you agree with me. /vr/ can be civil after all

>> No.536449

>Not stealing the bow/shovel and getting lazered to death by the shopkeeper next time you go in

>> No.536473


Shit, I was about to make a hilarious wario land 2 joke

>> No.536535

I've had my share of deaths in every zelda game I've played. It's conceivable that I could do it on first playthrough nowdays since I'm not a dumb kid like I was when I played them the very first time, but I still kindof doubt I'd make it through every boss if I didn't know the tricks.
I did it a 0 death playthrough once in link's awakening once because I loved it and just decided I wanted to do it. It's been quite a few years, but I remember it being kindof a short game if you already knew exactly what you were doing.

>> No.536556

I actually JUST finished Zelda 1 for the first time (first quest) and died a grand total of 8 times. The final time could probably have been avoided, though--I just really wanted to save after I got the silver arrow.

>> No.536590

His use of "any game" is ambiguous. If he meant any game in the Zelda series that they have played. I'd agree. If he meant any one particular game, I'd say bullshit there are plenty of games you can die in that you won't.

>> No.536595

Adds one to the death count, by the way.

Not retro, but I never died in Metroid Prime. Echoes, on the other hand...

Keeping retro, I actually never died in Metroid II and Ocarina of Time. There's one fucking Iron Knuckle in Majora's Mask, however.

>> No.536605

I found Zelda 1 very hard on the second quest. I died like 50 times

>> No.536602

>Not retro, but I never died in Metroid Prime. Echoes, on the other hand...

>> No.536610

OoT being when the game came out, and I was seven.

>> No.536635

Echoes is a more difficult game than Prime. It's also a shittier one though. I recall dying on the rolling boss a few times because he timed my ass out because he never stopped rolling ever.

>> No.536642

37 deaths on my current LA file. Just got to the Eagle's Tower, fuck this dungeon.

>> No.536665

How did you manage to die that many times?
I played a portion of it through again recently, need to finish playing it though. I got a bit past the animal village. Nothing up to that point was really even remotely challenging.

>> No.536675

I couldn't get my ass out of the way from the Alpha Blogg half of the time. And some bullshit with the Spider Ball Guardian. And some bullshit with the Power Bomb Guardian timing me out.

>> No.536679

Sad thing is, Slime Eel kicks my ass pretty hard. I also tend to get lost in Catfish's Maw.

>> No.536764

I have not been trying to be careful, really. I never played much past the first dungeon as a kid (only played it at my cousin's house) so I've been fucking around, trying everything, dying to enemies most players would probably know how to kill one shot (those wizard dudes for one, didn't know you could bomb them till halfway through face place), and a couple times I died to go back to the entrance of a dungeon.

So no, it's not hard, but I'm not a careful fellow. I'm sure I've missed a bunch of stuff too, I've only found like 4 heart pieces and what, 12 shells? Missed a buncha pictures too probably.

>> No.536825

Playing through Second Quest.

I've died probably 15 times and I'm only on Level 5. Shit's 'bout to get even harder.

>> No.536874

Confession: I've never played the DX version.

>> No.536883

I'm not sure how different it is from the GB version, aside from extra things like the color dungeon and such. I do love it though as it's graphically the same as Seasons/Ages, my favorite zelda games.

>> No.536983

I die all the time in every Zelda game I've ever played. I have no regrets.

>> No.537048


>be 4 years old
>decide to try videogames for the first time with LttP
>undertake greatest adventure of my lifetime
>finally beat it and watch the credits
>brother is on the floor dying laughing

i still wear it as a badge of honor

i somehow was so into this game and new hobby that i kept fucking going at it after dying no less than 1000 times, at least 100 each attributable to Helmasaur King, Mothula, and Trinexx

i recently replayed it and finished with a big fat zero

felt good man

>> No.537061

I really dig the GB Zeldas too. I feel like they hit a nice sweet spot between LoZ and ALTTP in terms of story and presentation, if you want you can pretty much ignore the story and just go from dungeon to dungeon, but there are still fun characters to talk to and side quests to accomplish.

>> No.537118
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Recently because playing OoT on Project 64 and mouse range is haphazard at best. If I knew the perfect range and weren't too lazy/worried to change it, I would. Also, only been beat by Phantom Ganon because of it. Usually can fuck his shit up in 5 minutes or a little more over.

>Deku Tree took maybe 20 minutes including fight with Gohma
>Dodongos Cavern took same amount of time
>mfw child Link dungeons take 10-15 minutes and adult Link dungeons take maybe 15 if you're good

I know we shouldn't harp on about how short a game is, but with all the bonus content how long should this game really be? I'd say 26-10hrs tops

>> No.537151

I actually managed to complete a no-death run of Zelda II, but only after enough playthroughs to have memorized most of the game, and even then I spent a lot of time grinding respawning enemies like blobs and horseheads to get magic refills.

Shit makes you feel accomplished once you pull it off though.

>> No.537171

in a ocarina of time hack.
shit, they put Darknut's on the first dungeon.

>> No.537182


Muh immersion

>> No.537464

I suppose we all have our awfulness when gaming at a very early age. I recall playing games I used to die at when I was younger and clearing them without any problems when I was older. Especially anything where you need to estimate trajectories I was worse at when I was younger and it's second nature to me now.

>> No.537527

>mouse range

>> No.537545

You can die in Wario Land games.
On the inside.

>> No.537548

A thousand times in the original game. Then again, I was 8 years old at the time and it was years and years before the Internet, so it's not that surprising.

I have died a few times fighting the water dungeon boss in Twilight Princess NGC, but that isn't /vr/.

>> No.537549

It's actually possible to get a game over in Wario Land 3.

The final boss is the only thing in the game capable of killing you outright.

>> No.537558

I honestly liked Wario Land 4 a lot better because you could die.

Because holy shit, nothing kicks you in the dick quite like getting knocked off the boss' platform from getting hit ONCE and having to do the whole fight over again.

>> No.537902

Of course I've died in Zelda games. Everyone has. This thread is full of liars boasting. They would even boast about having never died in Contra or Ghosts n Goblins. On an anonymous image board. It's pretty stupid, but people are stupid. It's also pretty sad.

>> No.537934 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 160x144, Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Seasons (USA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level NOOB

>> No.537932

No. I have also never really played any Zelda game. That might be because I've only ever tried the DS ones, and I hear people say they're bad.

>> No.537938

>This thread is full of liars boasting

did you even read the thread?

>> No.538158


>Hey guys, I'm ...

>Look guys. Hey, I'm ...

>Guys, I'm so hardcore that ...

>Come on guys, listen I'm ....

>Seriously, guys. I'm so hardcore that ...

>Jeez guys, will you listen, I ...


>> No.538330
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Mah nigga! Onyx was tough as nails for me when I was a kid. Also run was without fairies, because fairies are shit tier healing.

>> No.538342

I never died in Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

At least, I never did in this timeline.

>> No.538440


You should try a no bottle no armor run, makes the game hard but not intolerable.

I just finished this run, died most in Turtle Rock to the level and not the boss.

>Everything dealing 4 hearts in damage
>Failing to lazer beams

>> No.538463

I don't THINK I ever died in the newer ones. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess. It's been awhile, though, so I'm not 100%.

But I remember I used to die a lot in Link to the Past, and Zelda II.

Fuck Zelda II.

Laughing Ganon gave me shit terrors as a kid.

>> No.538476

Yes. There are some posts from people claiming that they only died in a few Zelda games (Zelda II) and that all new Zelda games are easy and you can't possibly die there unless you are a casual softcore retard or something worse.

>> No.538484

there are no darknuts in ocarina of time. do you mean stalfos or iron knuckles?

>> No.538487

how could you have died on the water dungeon boss in TP? he doesn't even have attacks!

>> No.538520

I haven't died in the newer ones, but I haven't played any of the handhelds except for Link's Awakening. So I can't really attest to their difficulty. Maybe they're harder? I don't know.

But for the main console ones, all it took was making sure to restock my potions before each dungeon, make a note of how much damage I'm taking at any one time, and sometimes farm for hearts by smashing pots.

Really, you can do that in LttP, but I wouldn't because I was a dumbass kid. As an adult, I've just gotten better at not being a dumbass.

I don't think anyone is casual just because they've died.

I think of myself as pretty casual.

>> No.538529

Thank you OP! The Zelda II fags are getting my jimmies rustled with their constant whining about how many GAME OVERs they have experienced. Zero GAME OVERs is a point of pride. Who the hell plays until that point? These are manually saveable games. No autosave to fuck up your record. You have to have no pride at all to save after a GAME OVER. All of my Zelda character files have zero game overs. It's a little difficult, I guess, but not really. And honor points. I would be ashamed to have gameovers besmirching my record.

>> No.538562

Water dungeon boss in TP? Morpheel? Sure you don't mean some other boss? I don't think he can actually attack, he's bugged or something.

>> No.538606

I definitely beat this without any game overs and I never killed myself just to save, but I don't remember how to save. It's extremely unlikely since Zelda 1 is a long game, but it's possible to just leave your system running. I did that to beat some of the Mario games when I didn't have the time to sit there for a few hours.

>> No.538612

Its pretty easy to die in the overhead ones. You get impatient and sloppy and take a ton of hits.

>> No.538689

but you still got the game overs.
you're just sweeping them under the rug.
you're making a mockery of the accomplishment.

>> No.538716

I die all the time. Even in games like LTTP where I have the game practically memorized from playing it so much as a kid. I'm reckless when I play games like these.

>> No.538824

I have never seen the game over screen for the majority of the Zelda games and for the early ones that I played when I was a kid, I learned how to be judicious. I'd backtrack and get more potion/fairies when I was running low. I wouldn't get into areas where I could die before I was ready to handle the heat. The thing is that sweeping it under the rug like that teaches you exactly how far you can go. It's a real pain in the ass to have to redo large portions of the game just because you got a game over so you learn how to play without ever getting game overs. I could pretty easily complete all of them now without ever seeing the game over screen. And I've never saved a game over to my record. I play conservatively and I do all of the side-quests before moving on to the next level so I am well prepared for it.

>> No.538914

i get that.
but where do you draw the line?
if you've ever gotten two game over's in the same area, it goes beyond your explanation.
if you've never died more than once per area, but still died several times throughout the game, it still seems to inch beyond testing your limits, if you ask me.
i'm just saying it's not a pure no-death run if you die for any reason at all. that 'pain in the ass... of hav[ing] to redo large portions of the game' is part of the reason why it's an accomplishment in the first place.
but you sounds like someone who plays very strategically, if a bit too cautiously for my taste.
respeck, nonetheless.

>> No.538960

I never die in most games I play, because I'm not a fucking casual.

>> No.538968

After OoT, I hadn't died in a single game...and then came Skyward Sword.

I wasn't used to the controls, and I watched my streak die in the first dungeon.

>> No.538984



>> No.539698

>Recently because playing OoT on Project 64 and mouse range is haphazard at best.

Dude. Just use the keyboard. The only thing the mouse is required for is aiming reflected beams from the shield, if I remember correctly. I couldn't get the sunlight to focus long enough on the statue to burn away the path to the bosses with the keyboard controls.

>> No.539718

What's with the video game tough guys that are posting more often now.

>> No.540610


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.540674

pride in a vidya. Who fucking cares...
OH wait, now I see why achievements were implemented. The vanity of it all.

>> No.543650

>pride in doing things you do well
oh the huge manatee

>> No.544453
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>> No.544485

/v/ is waking up and getting sick of itself. When we left the trolls only had trolls to troll. Now they're expanding out from their cesspit.

>> No.545680

I've played Zelda II before, so yes, of course I've died.

I'm being completely honest here when I say that I don't remember dieing even once in any 3D Zelda games, though.
Not saying I haven't, but I don't remember it.
I guess it's also worth pointing out I haven't played Master Quest.

>> No.545747
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Although the only control pad direction that works is up.

>> No.545770

It's quite unfortunate.

>> No.545801

I cam beat LA without being hit at all nowadays, but I died plenty of times when I was young.

I recently played Majora's Mask for the first time and never died, though. If someone has only played the older games and only started playing Zelda as an adult, never dying is feasible.

By the way, I like to play Fire Emblem games without resetting. If I get a game over, I start a new game. Anyone else do the same?

>> No.545867


In the orginal Zelda 1 NES, the death counter only goes up to 255

I know this because my account has had 255 for the last 20 years.