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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5359282 No.5359282 [Reply] [Original]

>over a million copies sold in one day
>hundreds of truancy arrests upon release
>people were getting mugged on the street for this game

Why did Japan go fucking bonkers over this game? I've tried it and it bores the hell out of me. At least with something like EarthBound or Final Fantasy VI (granted, those games both came out six years later, plenty of time for the genre to evolve since then) there are interesting scenarios and additions to the gameplay to keep things feeling less stiff.

>> No.5359291

That game was bigger and badder, zoomer.

I guess you had to be there. I went apeshit for it back then in America.

>> No.5359297

Not OP but I always felt this game lacked focus in a big way. I never got around to finishing it because of this. They upped their game significantly in IV and V.

>> No.5359319

Why does Goku have a crown? Why is Roshi a wizard? Why are there two Shenrons with pupils in their eyes?

>> No.5359330
File: 461 KB, 792x1092, dairy_quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DQ3 is pretty much my favourite DQ. I enjoy how open the gameplay is. It's very easy to ignore the main quest and just rip around exploring and grinding - in fact, grinding is kind of encouraged by the Tower that lets you change jobs.

The SFC version is the comfiest, and has a lot of extra stuff to do.

It certainly lacks focus, and I think that may be why I enjoy it so much. I can play it in a bunch of different ways, depending on my mood.

In a way, DQ3 feels kind of MMORPG-like, but without the other players.

>> No.5359331
File: 133 KB, 230x415, 230px-Warrior3female.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eww these designs are like, so toxic. A female warrior would not wear armor that leaves vital parts of the body exposed like that. For shame Japan this is why you need more muslims.

>> No.5359350
File: 260 KB, 800x1081, 1366455318697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighters need more muscle.

>> No.5359353
File: 333 KB, 900x850, 1370068253633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er, maybe not muscle.

>> No.5359376

If you read what you posted you will find out why is such a beloved game, OP.

>> No.5359378

That sounds like a good story. How was being a fan of jrpg back then? How did you learn about DQ?

>> No.5359386

Hey anon, I'm just getting into DQ, and am about to finish DQV. Can I get into DQIII right away or should I play the trilogy in order?

>> No.5359393

Welp I don't wanna spoiler but DQ3 has an easter egg toward the end of the game that you might only get if you play DQ1. But it's nothing big.
DQ1 GBC or SNES version has increased exp rates and it's such a short little grind you should play anyway preferably on an emulator with fast forward capabilities. You should be able to beat it in like 4 hours.

>> No.5359395
File: 86 KB, 700x500, 1366003927896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally. It is pretty much the luxury model of the first games. Some of it does make reference to the two earlier games, but since everything is so fairy-tale like, it's easy to pick up and not necessary to understand what is going on.

I love the first two games, but now I only play 1 really fast (and without grinding at all). I enjoy the atmosphere that 2 has a lot, but man, keeping that fucking paladin alive is such a pain.

>> No.5359605
File: 220 KB, 800x1131, __borongo_and_hero_dragon_quest_v_and_etc_drawn_by_shiroton_kazamineko__42520e2afe16ef2a1e0a6bf924983d04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have the ROMs for the SNES remakes on my PSP, but ehat about the Android remakes? Do they also have EXP increase? I will definitely try them all nonetheless, thank you!

>> No.5359639

does anyone think posts like this are funny

>> No.5359690

Because it was good and most NES games were shit? By the SNES era, there was no shortage of good games.

>> No.5359698

and I went apeshit for it (SNES remake at least) 5 years ago.

>> No.5359769

These weren't even funny 5 years ago.

>> No.5359773
File: 152 KB, 512x512, 1409968272742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a thinly veiled request for cheesecake.

>> No.5359956

I chanced upon discovering Dragon Warrior II for a cheap price and snatched it up. I adored that game and it cemented my love for JRPGs in a big way.

Prior to that, I had some minor flirtations with the genre.

Afterwards, I played everyone I could get my hands on.

By chance, the local rental shop got DQIII upon release. I literally rented it every weekend for a month (I was 10, so didn't have enough to buy it outright, but $2.11 with tax was affordable). My save got wiped three times. I didn't care.

>> No.5359973

>it's ANOTHER "hurr DQ sucks" thread
do you guys ever feel like talking about things that you actually like, or are you just having too much fun circle jerking this kind of thing?

>> No.5360126

Ugh... I bought up a copy of the GBC version of Dragon Warrior III for a dirt-cheap clearance price of $10. A year later, I stupidly sold it because I was young and too impatient for it despite having already played DWI&II before.

Though I have since found a new copy to replace it (bought for $30), I still regret selling the older one to this day.

>> No.5361387

They utilized the myth that Japanese birth rates matter so they can push for more Muzz immigration. Same thing happens in every wypipo country.