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5357970 No.5357970 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most overpowered weapon ever available to player in the history of retro Games?

>> No.5357992

Game Genie/Action Replay/Game Shark

>> No.5358006

E=MC2 trooper
photon man

>> No.5358039


>> No.5358063 [DELETED] 
File: 588 KB, 449x318, Farsight_reload.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 shot kill
>can 1 shot kill
>can automatically find targets

>> No.5358124
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>> No.5358141
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>> No.5358174
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>> No.5358175


>> No.5358192

Gotta be the Farsight in Perfect Dark. Who the FUCK thought a laser AWP with wall hacks was a good idea.

>> No.5358261
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>> No.5358417

I'm going with this one.

>> No.5358427
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>> No.5358429

ray blaster in might and magic

>> No.5358457
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>> No.5358468

Also, Tifa's Powersoul is broken as fuck for speedruns.

>> No.5358764

the reset button

>> No.5358785

MK sweep kick

>> No.5358809

Cerebral Bore.

>> No.5359047
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>> No.5359106

What's your criteria of op weapon? Op inside the game it's available or op in general?

>> No.5359112

the dragon tooth's sword in deus ex

essentially game breaking especially with either of the leg augmentations at 2 or more upgrade levels, even the objectively shittier one

there are other weapons in the game, particularly the explosive ones, that can hilariously rek anything you come up against but the scarcity of ammo for them and tendency to work just as effectively at killing the player if you're careless at all balances them, the sword you can just run up and kill anyone, they should have given it battery packs or something else to limit it

>> No.5359148
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standard doom shotgun

>> No.5359208

There are multiple single-screen arcade games that have weapons that will kill every single enemy on the level with the push of a button.

>> No.5359232
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Do Pokemon count as weapons?

>> No.5359403

X-COM Psi. Completely dominates the game by itself when you get it.

>> No.5359440 [DELETED] 

Either him or Snorlax in Gen 1, Amnesia was a powerful move, compounded by Special being a single stat instead of just one.

>> No.5359442

Either him or Snorlax in Gen 1, Amnesia was a powerful move, compounded by Special being a single stat instead of two separate values.

>> No.5359484
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>> No.5359489 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5359494 [DELETED] 

that was how i played deus ex. wait behind a corner and active augmentation speed, then run out and rush at them like a ninja before cutting their heads off. i literally played the whole game like this after hong kong. and it was probably the most fun i had with the game.

>> No.5359497
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I meant this

>> No.5359505

in my latest playthrough I decided to do "pick only shitty augmentations" and it was still easy, and arguably more fun to use the silent run and the sword

I kinda wish they had done something more with the sword and melee skill, since you're best just leaving it untrained since the sword instantly kills everything, idk what you could do with the limitations of melee in the game being one attack though

>> No.5359506

One of the most underrated guns of the series

>> No.5359507

The armageddon spell
so good it makes the game unwinnable

>> No.5359520
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>> No.5359590

Angel Slayer in Valkyrie Profile, you have to beat the strongest boss in the game ten times to get it so it's far beyond a bragging rights trophy, but it's so overwhelmingly powerful it makes mincemeat out of her.


>> No.5359713


the fuck?

>> No.5359931
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I can't think of anything more OP than the Sheild Rod - Alucard Sheild combo. You can just walk into anything including the end boss dealing mass damage while getting healed.

>> No.5359935

Buffalo Star + Duplicator kills things even faster from range

>> No.5359942

True say, but it lacks the healing and you have to tap buttons. Guess sheild rod is more OP and lazy.

You can make weapons in legend of mana that will ohko everything too.

>> No.5359979

Who or what is that?

>> No.5360038

but some enemies were immune to it

>> No.5360042
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Anyone who doesn't know, don't know games...

>> No.5360048
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>> No.5360051

The Diamond Weapon from FF7. It's a joke in speedruns and it's even more of a joke if you actually level and play the game normally. I'm not sure why that anon posted it.

>> No.5360080
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>> No.5360081

FF7 is a gigantic joke unless you willfully avoid wise materia combos
the Materia (and class, and magicite, and GF) system(s) are less about 'making characters' or 'customizing' and more about having gamebreaking power.

Multiple summons of KotR pls

>> No.5360089

In one playthrough I set up Cloud with a Cover and then various Counter Attack shit so he covered every attack and then countered so many times it added up to more than kotr. It was pretty rad till I forgot to take it off before the Sephiroth fight. I hadn't seen Supernova and really wanted to. So I spent the whole fight having everyone throw megalixers at Seph so he'd stay alive long enough to use it this time.

>> No.5360093

golden gun, bro. one and done

>> No.5360095

Well it removes the annoying combat from my point and click adventure

>> No.5360291

This right here.

>> No.5360825

This actually a good response. Game mostly breaks once you get blasters with master fire magic Haste.

>> No.5360854

Lol, master a 4x cut for each party member and equip master a bunch of counters and the game is so broken at this point. I see people talk about how it is necessary to use KotR to kill Emerald Weapon, but he dies in less than 10 minutes with 4x cut and counter spams.