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5351756 No.5351756 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this often forgotten or called the black sheep? The gameplay is classical resident evil and the story is not bad as it again classical resident evil story.

Is it ignored because it was Dreamcast exclusive

>> No.5351781

Because the first person aim parts are awful. The sniping stuff sucks and aiming the rocket launcher against Alexia final phase is awful. Alexia is one of the better villains in the series, but her boss fight was miserable desu. Totally cramped and just shit.

>> No.5351784

Thank you for posting that picture and reminding me what Claire is SUPPOSED to look like. *looks at the RE2 remake and shivers*

>> No.5351786

The first person aiming with a controller is god awful. Alexia is one of the better villains in the series but unfortunately the final fight against her is cramped and shitty.

>> No.5351789 [DELETED] 

>Because the first person aim parts are awful
I mean it's kinda clunky but it's also only for two very short sections of the game.

>> No.5351793

I don't mind her baby-face in REmake 2 all that much. Not as excellent looking as Ada and Leon but it's whatever. I do mind her voice acting though, or more specifically, the way it was recorded. It sounds like someone recorded it on their snowball for a fan game.

>> No.5351796

I played CV on dreamcast for the first time this past October and the sniper and launcher sections were perfectly serviceable. I was playing on real hardware with an original controller. I agree that the final Alexia fight is cramped and shitty though. Best you can really do is stand still, unload ammo and brute force it with healing items. If you try maneuvering you'll just get stunlocked. Also why the FUCK did Capcom remove the dodge feature from RE3? Was it because they were being developed simultaneously by different internal teams?

>> No.5351814

What parts of the game used this? I honestly don’t remember.

>> No.5351821

>Is it ignored because it was Dreamcast exclusive
Well it had a PS2 port. I think most people just assume it's a side-story or a spinoff, since it wasn't a numbered entry, even though it's more of a sequel to RE2 than RE3 was. It doesn't help that it was technically outsourced to a Sega-owned developer.

>> No.5351827

It was fun when I played it years and years ago. I can say Steve is one of the worst characters in the franchise. God, he was fucking awful.

>> No.5351848



>> No.5351862


Thats because sony paid money to have some sort of exclusivity over the first 3 titles of RE
The spin off was actually what ended being RE3 and the RE:CV was the natural secuel, but in order to comply to the agreement, they renamed them.

>> No.5351864

I never understood these lame-ass IGN and Gamespot reviews that judge ports of old games by modern standards. Nobody buys a remaster of a Dreamcast game expecting it to match the latest Cowadudee.

>> No.5351868

>Thats because sony paid money to have some sort of exclusivity over the first 3 titles of RE
[citation needed]
Pretty sure they just didn't want to have PS-only RE fans feel alienated by having RE4 be a Dreamcast-exclusive.

>> No.5351874

It's not a horrible game by any means but it is a low point in the series. Still plenty worth playing imo

>> No.5351883

It isn't really that good gameplay wise... It's long and has a decent story but overall it isn't good. I mean, the controls are fine but overall it doesnt flow as well as re 2

>> No.5351895

Because it's really inferior to 1, 2 and 3.

>> No.5351904 [DELETED] 

You’re all just sexist the MC and the villain are female.

>> No.5351936

I said that I like it lol

>> No.5351940

almost every RE has a playable female though. stop trying to falseflag.

>> No.5351957

there's parts of this game that are so unbelievably campy and cheesy it's hard to play through. For example, Steve is without a doubt the worst character in RE history, retro or not.
They also made a strange design decision where per-rendered backgrounds were replaced by Dreamcast tier textures. It doesn't look bad but it certainly hasn't aged as well as 1-3 and not even close to REmake.
I love CV because the locations are great and the story is really interesting(minus everything with Steve). A remake of the 3rd game is a no brainer but I really hope Capcom revisits CV too because there's a lot of potential there.

>> No.5351978
File: 312 KB, 636x360, clairexwesker_bully2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its great, but the non-prerendered backgrounds looked worse than previous games, even if the characters looked better.
also replaying some of the same areas with Chris were a turnoff for some.

>> No.5351991

At the very least I'd like Capcom to port CVX HD to modern console and PC. It's kinda lame that it's stuck on PS3/360.

>> No.5351995

>also replaying some of the same areas with Chris were a turnoff for some.

>> No.5351998

I don't remember this cutscene. Was this one of the new ones added in X?

>> No.5352032

>Steve is without a doubt the worst character in RE history, retro or not
Yeah...he is really bad

>> No.5352036

i liked this wesker. the way he moved and talked was cool. chris was still human too

>> No.5352038

those are different scenarios and optional. CV its all 1 long game

>> No.5352052


Drab backgrounds and jumped the shark storyline. It was on ps2 too and didn't sell well either due to the reputation it garnered.

>> No.5352076

It's structured differently but I think most people would argue that you didn't really beat RE2 unless you completed scenario A and B.

>> No.5352079

This is my favorite RE. I remember playing it on my old Dreamcast some decades ago. What a lovely game.

>> No.5352095

Is there a difference between CV and CVX?

>> No.5352097

I know there's a couple of extra cutscenes. There might be some other changes too

>> No.5352143
File: 33 KB, 640x480, wesker_suprised.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wesker gets beaten by Alexia harder in the original

>> No.5352147

Is CV when Wesker went from being a good villain to a retard?

>> No.5352157
File: 591 KB, 1280x720, weskerxchris_001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, its when he went from being a good villain to a great villain

>> No.5352185

>Chris, I'm going to inject you with my D virus right here, RIGHT NOW
What did Wesker mean by this?

>> No.5352198

He was always retarded, but he was good-retarded in RE1. Cheesy and campy with an iconic death scene, getting impaled right through his whole torso.

Then CV brought him back in the stupidest way.
>oh, turns out that all his internal organs being punctured and destroyed was just a flesh wound
>you see, that seemingly irreparable damage didn't matter because he actually injected himself with a super special virus sample and then purposely let himself "die" so he could heal up and revive with Neo powers and be ultra strong and quick
>where did he get this special virus that makes him immensely powerful and durable without dramatically altering his appearance or affecting his mental faculties? His friend and rival William Birkin gave it to him as a gift
>why didn't William Birkin think to use this incredibly useful virus formula on himself or even present it to Umbrella as the greatest thing he ever invented? I don't know, I guess he forgot about it
>did anything else come of this? Nah, they just produced a genius supersoldier and then moved on

>> No.5352208

It's boring to play, that why it's forgotten into oblivion.
I don't know what went wrong in all seriousness though.

Some parts are slog and downright annoying.

Something about of how it's structured feels just wrong.

It's kinda like SH4 The Room.

>> No.5352258

This is what I mean. In RE1 he was the double agent, manipulating STARs from the shadows (and 0 too I guess). Fast forward to CV and he is a fucking supersoldier who could hold his ground against Neo from the Matrix in a 1v1. It's just so fucking retarded.

>> No.5352276


They explain they away with only 1 in a billion can reap the rewards, same way only certain people can become tyrants. Wesker children and all that helped too.

>> No.5352305

And Wesker just knew he was the lucky guy that it would work perfectly for. The Wesker Children shit from 6 just made his character even more lame.

>> No.5352319

The pacing was dreadful, was inconsistent in a lot of aspects (like zombies suddenly appearing with zero logic or explanation), and some parts of it were just busywork.

Nosferatu at the end of Claire's first part, and Alexia's final form. It's mandatory for Alexia, but you can kill Nosferatu with the knife with surprising ease.

>> No.5352385

>Was it because they were being developed simultaneously by different internal teams?
That's exactly it. CV came out a little less than 6 months later.

>> No.5352661

Claire's parts were good, Chris' were boring. Though the Redfield sibling thing was cool, but the game would have been 100% better if I was just Claire. Fuck the first person controller aiming. Fuck it to hell.

>> No.5352669

Is code veronica the one with the super powerful knife?

>> No.5352701

The original Code Veronica was a dreamcast exclusive. Code Veronica X was what got released on everything else and that changed up a bunch of things from what I remember. Personally, I can't stand how censored the games come off compared to the previous three.

>> No.5352783

There were first person parts in this game?

>> No.5352798

you use a sniper rifle and a weird laser cannon thing a couple of times during the game.

What I found interesting was using the gameshark to get Alberts rifle really early on. It was pretty fun seeing all of the areas they never intended you to see

>> No.5352874


>> No.5352885
File: 941 KB, 1920x1080, RESIDENT EVIL 2_20190206144049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it inevitably gets a remake, you can bet your butt that Alfred will be changed. No way they'd have a schizophrenic crossdresser as a secondary villain in today's climate.

>> No.5352891

A) It just isn't as good as the PS1 games
B) This is where the RE story started to get REALLY dumb
C) Steve

>> No.5353040

yea, some weapons had a FPS aim and you can unlock a full FPS mode

>> No.5353054

This unironically

>> No.5353104
File: 47 KB, 273x246, 1535276409683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If that's the case, why is it that the vast majority of bad RE games featured male protagonists?

>> No.5353159

By the time this one came out, people were getting tired of the formula. It also didn't help that Wesker was brought back in the stupidest way. And Steve was just overall a bad character. There are also couple of spots where you can get stuck, if you play poorly. Chris vs. Alexia 1 comes to mind. It starts so suddenly, if you failed to equip Chris with any good guns, you will be unable to defeat Alexia, since her 1-hit kill move makes it impossible to even knife her. Also, the devs didn't fully employ the potential of the new, fully 3D game engine.

There's still plenty of good in this game. The overall plot finally advances away from Raccoon City and reunites the Redfield siblings. With the exception of Wesker's return, the story was heading for the right direction. I like how it expands on Umbrella and it's activities, and even hints us about possible rivals to the company. Potential that Capcom, sadly, failed to capitalize on in later sequels. The island setting was sufficiently creepy and atmospheric, to its credit.

There were many good ideas, but also a lot of wasted potential.

>> No.5353168

Yes, CVX only.

>> No.5353249

>By the time this one came out, people were getting tired of the formula
That has never been true. CV just wasn't as well made as the ones before it. A big part of it I think is that the 3D environments made the game ugly and charmless.

>> No.5353261

Why wasn't it called RE4?

>> No.5353265

Would've released far too close to the eventual RE3 and confused people.

>> No.5353402

Probably has to do with the deals Capcom made with Nintendo at the time. They had to make main series RE games gamecube exclusive, which brought about the RE1 remake, RE0, and RE4. By calling it Code Veronica, they could release it as a multiplat game without breaking contract.

>> No.5353406

It isn't. In fact, it's better than 3, it advanced the story after Raccoon explodes, and it ended on a somewhat alright decent hook. Wesker didn't really need to revive, but whatever. People that wanted the dodge from RE3 on it are wrong. Not only was CV being developed at the same time as 3, it wouldn't benefit from that move. The game is quite balanced, and as a result its the hardest of the classic ones, up there with 0 and Outbreak.

>> No.5353407

Deals. RE3 is the spinoff and CV is the actual 3, but Sony had a contract that specified that they had the right to another mainline numbered game on the PS1.

>> No.5353421

You idiots keep saying this shit and it never stops being wrong.

>> No.5353590

Does anyone have that image saved with the best ways to play RE2 and RE3 on pc?

>> No.5353598

This game is on PS2 and Xbox 360/PS3 as well.

It's not good.

>> No.5353621

so i'm the only one who thinks it's better than 2? i thought it was more memorable in its environments, characters and music

>> No.5353632

>Implying there's crossdressers that aren't schizophrenic
This is Capcom, RE 5 is spent killing thousands of cannibalistic niggers and not one person at the company apparently thought that would look a bit dodgy in 'today's climate'

>> No.5353637

>quite balanced
Ever used the knife in CV anon?
When you're plodding around fighting regular enemies the game is so easy it's a sin, then as soon as a boss fight comes up everything goes from 0-100.
And those first person segments are as unforgivable as they all say.

>> No.5353709

And it was under development a bit longer too. RECV was showed off as early as late 1998, whereas RE3 debuted at E3 1999 just a few months before it's release.

>> No.5353730

Nextech going under probably didn't help, since they own part of the code for RECV.

RECV was basically Capcom's apology for cancelling the Saturn port of RE2. Contrary to what the other Anon says, it was never really intended to be the "real" RE3 or anything like that, although the proposed RE3 was going to be a different game from what we got (it ended up being promoted to RE4 before becoming the first Devil May Cry).

>> No.5353861

CVX changed cutscenes into retarded Matrix ripoffs.

>> No.5353883

>In fact, it's better than 3
Truth. 3 was the most boring game in the series and gets overrated because of the Nemesis gimmick.

>> No.5354156

what never stops being wrong? something that hasn't happened yet?

have you been paying attention to the games industry the past 10 years are are you a literal tranny?

>> No.5354174

Mercenaries though is the best special mini game in all the series.

>> No.5354187

Not him but there's been no shortage of game antagonists with mental illnesses for the last decade.

>> No.5354192

Dreamcast version is superior?

>> No.5354208

But they're all painted in a positive light, whereas is a crazy degenerate.

>> No.5354215

>Alfred is a crazy degenerate

Fixed, even talking about trannies gives me a stroke.

>> No.5354237

>But they're all painted in a positive light
No? Being a schizophrenic is (unfortunately) still demonized and it's almost always the/a antagonist. It's fucking rare to have a playable character with some sort of mental illness kike Senua's Sacrifice.

>> No.5354245

Nice Freudian slip, fag.

>> No.5354250

Alfred wasn't trans though. He crossdressed and had some Hollywood version of dissociative identity disorder.

>> No.5354319

there was a controversy with RE5 being "racist":

and it was 10 years ago, so it's not a big stretch to fear what would be today's reaction

>> No.5354407

>In Eurogamer's February 2009 preview of Resident Evil 5, Dan Whitehead expressed concern about controversy the game might generate: "It plays so blatantly into the old clichés of the dangerous 'dark continent' and the primitive lust of its inhabitants that you'd swear the game was written in the 1920s"
But that's exactly what Africa is.
$10 says Dan Whitehead is Jewish.

>> No.5354664

Lol yeah

>> No.5355293

Definitely. CVX'S cutscenes are like a bad joke. A relic from an unfortunate period in time where every piece of media was trying to ape The Matrix.