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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 769 KB, 679x466, 4A0E8B43-447D-4F9C-B5E6-FBB20E0D0C48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5345662 No.5345662 [Reply] [Original]

>The sky in SMB. is supposed to be blu-
Shhhh. Shhhh my sweet zoomer child. You know not what it means to respect the developers intentions.

>> No.5345668

thing is most tvs tuned to that color for the sky make the bricks and sign look like literal shit

>> No.5345674

>"At that time, you could only have about 3 colors for the blue sky, on the Family Computer. It took me a while to decide which one I would use, and eventually I picked the purplish one. I felt that purple had the depth of nature. I was really into that."
>I picked the purplish one
It was a “purplish” shade of blue. Not purple. BLUE.
Get fucked, zoomer.

>> No.5345676


>> No.5345686

>he thinks "purplish blue" is blue
Oh no. Oh no no no no. Look at this dude.
Look at the top of his head...!

>> No.5345691

What would you call it then? Because it’s closer to blue than purple.

>> No.5345694

Absolute stinker of a post. Yikes!

>> No.5345695


>> No.5345701

This is correct. Zoomers like to pretend they’re informed with this purple sky bullshit, but it’s just more Wikipedia-tier e-celeb “knowledge” being regurgitated by casuals who have no right to even participate in this hobby.

>> No.5345702

This changes everything.

>> No.5345706

>He doesn’t think “purplish blue” is blue
Alright, back to >>>/v/ you go.

>> No.5345723

>be colorblind
>get the best of both worlds

>> No.5345907
File: 493 KB, 1600x1203, SuperMarioBros_Famicom_boxfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5345910

who cares? why are people saying zoomer? isnt this board about decades ago why do we need this lame modern slang? also why so many shitposts this weekend?

>> No.5345925

zoomer here. i assure you boomers we don't give a shit about this shitty ancient game, the same way we don't give a shit about atari games.

>> No.5345936
File: 903 KB, 750x2033, 1547933205331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a rat's ass what the developers intentions were. Also, pic from last thread.

>> No.5346114

>Unironically having fun playing this in 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia8bhFoqkVE

>> No.5346480

there's accepted ways to adjust crts. Even with personal preferences, reds tend to blaze on a crts with saturated colors. If the reds don't looks like shit and greens look pretty/natural then the blues/purples just follow. maybe since you can't really saturate blues is why so many people think they should look different on a crt? you can set the blue drive to anything and it will look decent. sitting distance and peripheral lighting have a lot to do with it too.

I would shoot for top right if i was sitting far away or in a brighter room, but honest middle left or top would probably look great in a darker room. I guess i don't understand why it's a point of contention when you can adjust the display to anything.

>> No.5346490


>> No.5346525

It's all about the authentic retro experience and how it was meant to be played. If you don't have that, you have nothing.

>> No.5346529


>> No.5346575

Extremely embarrassing posts, boys.

>> No.5346586

Literally this

>> No.5346854

I personally don't like crt's much these days. It just brings back the headaches of my youth, constantly adjusting the color, contrast, brightness, and sharpness in an effort to try and match the colors of an arcade monitor or a picture in a magazine. Also, I hate color bleed, crappy color convergence, image burn, and how my crt got old enough that the image (if bright enough) ends up jumping all over the place like my first tv did.

>> No.5347134

Let's settle this once and for all. I think games should be played how they look best to the player and for me it feels more natural playing with a blue sky.

>> No.5347395

You do realize that poster was being ironic?

>> No.5347457

>muh authentic experience that the developers intended
>muh upvote
>muh irony that is not really what irony is but fuck it all the other kids say it like that so I use that buzzword too to fit in

This is the kind of people that are on this website nowadays.

>> No.5347460

great, it's this thread again.

>> No.5347475

Everything about this is better than the newer designs. Bowser looks scary instead of just dopey.

>> No.5347498
File: 12 KB, 225x135, mariogb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but on gb it looks more blue. Odd that nes has different colours depending on tv but snes and genesis usually have correct colours most of the time.

>> No.5347508

Yeah, the sad reality is that faggot spamming boomer/zoomer identity politics absolutely succeeded in creating divisive shitposting slang in regulation use on the site. It’s a pointless, empty statement like anything else you’d be called online but this is being pushed for a narrative or something. I started just playing video games more and browsin less desu

>> No.5347545

Stay gone zoomer, you’re not welcome here.

>> No.5347573


>> No.5347640

Who cares, NES had shit color encoding.

>> No.5347654

You queers arguing over subtle differences in shades of blue are prob the same ones whining about how muh retro games are too hard and cryptic I can't beat it without save scumming. Play the fucking games and enjoy them God damn.

>> No.5347662

Its bait dummy, why do you think the discussion quality is so low? Its because only real fools believe this thread isn't bait, so only real fools are participating in it. The hyper intelligent men like me are making masterful posts in non bait threads, I suggest you do the same, though you may fit in best here if we're being honest.

>> No.5347718

Except you still have a game to play and have fun with.>>5346529

>> No.5347728

Didn't mean to add the second quote there...

>> No.5347749

>This is correct. Zoomers like to pretend they’re informed with this purple sky bullshit, but it’s just more Wikipedia-tier e-celeb “knowledge” being regurgitated by casuals who have no right to even participate in this hobby.
these incompetent faggots are so easy to spot. they're dumb as fuck and for some reason on this board, they're the worst compulsive liars out of 4chan.

>> No.5347760

> not a single image using the correct color palette
> debunked as bullshit a long time ago
>> pic from last thread
> picture from long before that
im pretty sure you're the only person that keeps reposting this garbage. take your autism pills.

>> No.5348026

I agree. Anyone who perpetuates the purple sky myth needs to be lynched desu.

>> No.5348029

>I started just playing video games more
No you didn't.

>> No.5348484

Show us the correct palette, senpai.

>> No.5348497

Go neck yourself smart guy

>> No.5348692
File: 928 KB, 1778x768, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what, retard. The sky that you think is purple IS a purplish shade of blue and not purple at all, and the "blue" sky is further from blue than the "purple" is.

>> No.5348707

Did you even read the post you were responding to? That’s literally what he said.

>> No.5348714

He was implying that the "purple" in OP's pic was no the "purplish shade of blue" from the quote, and that it was instead actually purple.

>> No.5348715

This wouldn't be a problem if fuckers didn't INSIST that deep plum purple was the intended colour and insist that even the devs are wro g if they say otherwise.

The colour's probably periwinkle because staring at bright blue on a tv screen is murder on the eyes after a while.

>> No.5348721

>deep plum purple
I don't think anyone has said that.

>> No.5348734

I don't give a shit about what color the sky is supposed to be. Whatever my calibrated D65 television displays is what color it is supposed to be.

>> No.5348749

This is why "developer intentions" arguments should be banned from this board.

You're literally arguing over something the developer cannot have intentions on because they made a game on hardware the produces different results based on circumstances that were out of their control.

No one gives a fuck about your childhood. No really, even on this board.

>> No.5348753

Go check the color in OP’s pic. You have tons of zoomers on the net saying a literal shade of purple is the correct sky color.

>> No.5348793
File: 470 KB, 1138x599, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's blue, retard.

>> No.5348801

The different results produced are constrained within certain parameters the developer is aware of, though. So the developer can have intentions by keeping in mind the variation of results.

>> No.5348803

Go make yourself blue in the face, cunt.

>> No.5348807
File: 1.77 MB, 439x1407, colour names by hue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to be upset about being wrong, friend. We all make mistakes. Here's a handy chart so you know for next time.

>> No.5348812

Kill yourself.

>> No.5348817

"I felt that purple had the depth of nature."

What is there to argue about? The developer is quoted as saying "purple"

>> No.5348821


That is a moot point because everyone is arguing about differing values inside that range. Nobody gets to do this, there is no provable intention, including when using that Miyamoto quote.

Did you know online games have systems for mitigating lag? It doesn't mean the developers have an intention concerning what is an acceptable level of lag or whether the game isn't mean to be played without at least some amount of lag. They just made a product and hoped people like it.

>> No.5348826

>At that time, you could only have about 3 colors for the BLUE SKY, on the Family Computer. It took me a while to decide which one (SHADE OF BLUE) I would use, and eventually I picked the purplish one.

>> No.5348835
File: 45 KB, 499x499, smugfrog frontal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care

>> No.5348836

He's just saying, the sky is blue in the real world. He chose purple to represent the blue sky of the natural world.

>> No.5348838

It's only purple in layman's terms. That "purple" sky that people like to complain about on here is actually close to pure blue in terms of its hue, but because of its low saturation a lot of people who don't know any better will refer to it as purple. And by contrast the "blue" sky is actually further from pure blue, being roughly half way between cyan and blue.

>> No.5348909

What is Blueish Purple then?

>> No.5348934

And you’re certain of this because?

>> No.5348938

>Low contrast
It looks normal on an actual CRT or OLED. If you think any of the FBX palettes look accurate on an LCD, you’re wrong.

>> No.5348943

"As I have mentioned earlier, I wanted to make a game in which these big characters would be jumping up and down. Back then, most games only had one stage. Since people would say that games would make one's eyes weak, everybody was fixated on making the backdrop black. But the thing is that I wanted to do something different from that. That is how I came up with this game in which these big characters would run around in a wide space, under a blue sky. The theme of "Super Mario Bros." was the "blue sky"."

He's talking about setting up a game/scene under a blue sky, as skies are blue after all. However, when he went to choose the color, he goes on to say

"I felt that purple had the depth of nature."

>> No.5348949

I'm meaning how people tend to go off the deep end with "creator's intent". It's one thing to point out "oh. The sky is SMB is actually more purple than true blue." and another too doggiedly INSIST on the most extreme position of what the colour of the sky in SMB is to the point to where you pour over design documents, interviews, and even actual hardware schematics to prove your point.

>> No.5348950

The sky isn’t purple. It’s blue with a purplish hue.

>> No.5348956

>>Low contrast
Low saturation. People who don't know any better will often refer to a minimally saturated pure blue as purple.

>> No.5348970

Samefag Redditor.

>> No.5350336
File: 172 KB, 968x916, bait5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After seeing how successful this bait thread is, I can GUARANTEE you we will see this thread weekly for 3 months. At least it's not that "scotformer" faggot.

>> No.5350372
File: 38 KB, 1280x484, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5350373

Nestopia YUV is purple and I will fight anyone who claims otherwise.

>> No.5350374

>spending time to create a thread about the color of pixels in a 30+ year old video game

>> No.5350376

Bowser looks like a legit rapist here

>> No.5350378

>looks like

>> No.5350379
File: 64 KB, 594x790, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5350389
File: 104 KB, 899x794, BD099A70-1420-4748-8DA3-6E6B4FF45DDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5350406

You've gone your whole life mistaking the actual colour blue for purplish blue, and the colour halfway between blue and cyan for blue.

>> No.5350412

Cringe and blueskypilled

>> No.5350417

>Shhhh my sweet zoomer child.

The console only could do NTSC output, so the sky colour was different on every TV depending on the tint settings.

>> No.5350426
File: 48 KB, 511x475, best_smb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5350435

Why don’t people understand that NTSC has very clear specifications for color? It doesn’t matter what your personal set is calibrated to—red blue and green have very specific coordinates in NTSC.

>> No.5350436

Why is /vr/ consistently too immature to havea real discussion on authorial intent vs death of the author? There are arguments of merit for "developers intentions matter" and also for "play it how you fucking want.

>> No.5350439

>intelligent discussion
>on mah 4chins

>> No.5350441

and here you are on a retro videogames board.

>> No.5350451

Because on some level we all know that so long as you're not playing the game with some super fucked up palate the sky being more blue doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.5350463
File: 70 KB, 800x512, 1DE18529-6466-418B-BB3D-4FCFA9278A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at your own goddamn post >>5350379, nigger. I didn’t mistake shit.

>> No.5350472

>Not Composite
One job desu.

>> No.5350493
File: 29 KB, 253x228, 96588C79-C4BC-4803-B7F1-6581AD6D2438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel we should make a habit of properly saturating FBX palette screenshots for LCD displays. Would end arguments a lot quicker.

>> No.5350519

You said blue looks "nothing like blue". You are mistaking blue for purple.

>> No.5350552
File: 35 KB, 560x960, 6E3837BF-C8A2-40C3-8668-4BC2D069E0C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5350568
File: 839 B, 500x250, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think maybe you're just confused about how colours work. For example both the left and right squares in this image are the same hue, only the right one has a lower saturation. Someone who doesn't know any better might refer to the right square as purple or purplish blue, but in reality purple is a very different colour that's shifted much further towards red.

>> No.5350675
File: 1.73 MB, 1059x677, look at this fuckboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad about being wrong for what the sky color in a 30 year old game is

>> No.5350678

You’re dead to me. Stop responding.

>> No.5350684
File: 2 KB, 700x467, 6616440-3x2-700x467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks very similar to violet.

>> No.5350694

It only appears that way because you're confusing a saturation change with a hue change. And pure violet has a hue of 270. Your image is 259 which is more like halfway between indigo and blue violet.

>> No.5350701
File: 3.12 MB, 388x292, C1728E76-0B81-4A73-9DDA-C2A496C4C010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue in the goddamn ads. Blue in the goddamn commercials. Blue on my goddamn TV.

It’s blue. Not your fancy-schmancy slightly violet blue. Blue as in sky blue, with a bit of cyan. The way god intended it to be.

>> No.5350704

>not understanding verbal irony is
That’s a clear symptom of autism

>> No.5350712
File: 721 KB, 1296x780, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sky blue is different from blue. Sky blue is between blue and cyan. The "purple" sky in OP's pic is actually much closer to blue than the actual sky is in real life.

>> No.5350717
File: 270 KB, 725x1035, F857FDE5-9F3B-4B4F-8E3A-54E9F82B0268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally what I just said you turbo sperg.

>> No.5350726

What's the deal with the different levels of overscan in those screenshots? I've noticed this myself playing it on crt

>> No.5350738

>It only appears that way because you're confusing a saturation change with a hue change

No, I'm not. Visually, they look very similar. There is nothing "confusing" about visual similarity, don't be a retard.

>> No.5350739

It's not what you said. You were almost correct in saying that sky blue is blue with a hint of cyan, but it's more like the other way around (cyan with a hint of blue). It's roughly half way between blue and cyan but slightly closer to cyan. You also incorrectly labelled the sky in palettes like the one in OP's pic as "slightly violet blue" which it isn't. The sky in OP's pic has a hue of 235, pure blue 240, and violet 270. Pure blue is actually closer to violet than the blue in OP's pic is.

>> No.5350743
File: 91 KB, 720x720, 407D4E36-42ED-4097-AE99-DAE4E975158B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit being so pedantic you autistic little fuck.

>> No.5350747

The similarity is in saturation value and not in hue value. The image you posted is more similar to the right square in terms of saturation but less similar to it in terms of hue. Like I said, you are confusing a saturation change for a hue change.

>> No.5350748

Nothing in my post was pedantic.

>> No.5350753
File: 124 KB, 680x680, C6FBBF03-3948-42F0-A498-052F7B5465DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about your post was pedantic.

>> No.5350765

Your opinion was the opposite of reality in both directions. Not only did you think sky blue was somehow closer to blue than actual blue is, but you also thought that the blue in OP's pic was closer to violet than pure blue is, when the opposite is true. A pedant is a person who likes to correct slight errors. Someone claiming an inverted version of reality is the truth is about as far from a slight error as you can get.

>> No.5350803 [DELETED] 


>> No.5350809 [DELETED] 

This is an 18+ board.

>> No.5350812

>climb mountains
>black magic

>> No.5350813 [DELETED] 

Uber cringe.

>> No.5350828

>The similarity is in saturation value and not in hue value.
But there’s still a visual similarity. No one said anything about it being from a saturation or hue value.

>> No.5350841

I never claimed there wasn't similarity, only that it's in saturation and not in hue.
>No one said anything about it being from a saturation or hue value.
This thread is full of people referring to a desaturated blue as purple.

>> No.5350845

Because it looks like purple.

>> No.5350856

Well blue is close to purple. It looks like purple about as much as orange looks like red. It's not purple though, and is in fact blue.

>> No.5350859

No it looks like purple. More than orange looks like red.
If this wasn’t the case you wouldn’t have so many people calling the sky in SMB. purple.

>> No.5350873

Why are people arguing about the sky and not discussing how impossible this game is without save states?

>> No.5350880

Listen here...

>> No.5350916

It's the case because a lot of people don't really have a clear understanding of colours and their names, or of the difference between a hue change and a saturation change. Perception of colour is directly linked to language. A small colour vocabulary can actually impede your ability to perceive the differences between colours. There are even some primitive tribes that have languages with such limited colour vocabularies that they can have difficulty telling the difference between red, blue and green.

>> No.5350919

That's why it's important to have art classes in schools.

>> No.5350936


NTSC has the worst color recreation of all TV standards. The fact that this thread exists proves that, it's just a phenomenon on American and Japanese TVs. Each TV creates different colors.

>> No.5350941


The only boards on this site that more full of manchildren are /jp/ and /toy/.

-It's my childhood you're talking about here-

>> No.5350946


You're trying to create a visual distinction that only exists in digital models of the real world.

>> No.5350952

It's a digital representation of colours, but these colours and the distinctions between them still exist in the real world. A low saturation blue isn't purple in the digital world or the real world.

>> No.5352152 [DELETED] 


>> No.5352450

You're confusing irony with sarcasm. Besides, it doesn't work as well in written form unless you're making it obvious that you're not actually being serious. Thanks for the additional buzzword that made my earlier criticism about kids thinking they're cool or fit in better by using words without knowing what it actually means by the way.

>> No.5352459

Maybe because it's not at all impossible without savestates. It's very accessible even for a Mario game and if you really want to use saves then play a later release like the All Stars version or the Gameboy Deluxe one. You absolutely suck at playing games if you can't even beat Super Mario Bros. on the NES.

>> No.5352486

You’re definitely on the spectrum.

>> No.5352493

t. guy who used the stair trick and warps and thinks he has "beaten it"

>> No.5352569

Dude I beat Super Mario Bros. warpless several times, even as a kid. It's not that unheard of to beat it without warps. Just because you didn't bother learning to play the game doesn't mean nobody can. Again, compared to other NES games and even compared to those from later console generations it's far from hard.
Do you even play video games or are you just on 4chan to shitpost?

>> No.5352686

Sorry your games were butchered and don't run at the correct speed.

>> No.5353410

So, is this why I remember the blue yoshi being purple? My CRT TV settings were incorrect?

>> No.5353430

The thing that pisses me off the most about this is that he didn’t stretch his troll pic to 16:9.

>> No.5353432

What an absolutely fucking abysmal thread you've made.

>> No.5353437

Cringe desu.

>> No.5353445

Thanks super famicom

And remember: purple skies are for cucks

>> No.5353824
File: 105 KB, 700x700, 1406440910023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm blue/green colorblind

>> No.5354750
File: 158 KB, 1255x1125, 2332232332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago I connected a Famicom to a 13" Sharp television similar to those used in official Nintendo advertisements through a RF connection. The sky was indeed a purplish blue. A -very- slight adjustment to the tint control of the monitor could send it to sky blue or violet in either direction.

In years past during the CRT era if a person's tint setting was not spot-on they would likely see a different sky color than the next person's. I think it is also quite likely that many players reached for this control and adjusted it to get a sky that was more traditionally sky blue because they assumed there was something wrong with the video signal.


go to 05:12
even a generation of VHS recording removed you can still tell the sky is a "purplish blue" or as some others have said in this thread, a low saturation blue.

Pure sky blue is simply incorrect. Times when it may have appeared in Nintendo ads or even on boxes are in error.

I'm surprised the argument hasn't been more about what color the bricks are in 1-2...

>> No.5354853

>getting triggered by the sky's color
/vr/ is maximum autismo.

>> No.5356083

>being this autistically obsessed by sky color
>not even playing the game

>> No.5356123

I only ever played it in black and white. The "good TV" was always taken for television, VHS, or eventually more modern consoles like SNES.
So I have no nostalgia for either sky color. It's not a big deal regardless.

>> No.5357625

You try playing the same game for 30 years and tell me it’s still fun.

>> No.5359857

Then why is the sky sky blue in the Deluxe port on GBC?
It was marketed as sky blue because that became the intended color. Get over it.

>> No.5359990

>Then why is the sky sky blue in the Deluxe port on GBC?
Developer oversight and error. It isn't the only release of the game with this problem.

>> No.5360001
File: 68 KB, 640x448, SMBO4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Developer oversight and error. It isn't the only release of the game with this problem.
simply epic

>> No.5360006


>> No.5360014

We have a literally direct statement from the developer regarding this matter, which was already posted in this thread
>"At that time, you could only have about 3 colors for the blue sky, on the Family Computer. It took me a while to decide which one I would use, and eventually I picked the purplish one. I felt that purple had the depth of nature. I was really into that."

The question of what color the developers picked is over with. The color can be extracted via RGB values. No amount of development documents you post can change what ended up in the final game.

How that color displayed on televisions of the time via rf or composite connection is the question.

Nintendo has very likely decided sky-blue is now the official color for ongoing releases because that's what most people think it ought to be. But the original version of the game has a purplish-blue sky when played back on devices of the time with proper color calibration.

>> No.5360053

Wow, thanks for adding nothing of value to the discussion.
The point was that the sky color being sky blue in rereleases isn’t an oversight or error. Go flex your autism muscles somewhere else.

>> No.5360074

Hey, this is really cool. Where do you get this stuff. I love behind the scenes stuff of old vide games. Can I have some links?

>> No.5360082

>The point was that the sky color being sky blue in rereleases isn’t an oversight or error.
It's an error in the sense that it doesn't reflect the original design choices by the original developers, whether by ignorance or by intention. If you want to call it a retcon have at it.

>> No.5360159

>The point was that the sky color being sky blue in rereleases isn’t an oversight or error.
But it is. The OP pic proves it.

>> No.5360193
File: 35 KB, 350x350, 894FF036-2E07-40C7-A37A-7D7B132FDAA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5360361

i guess we know where bowser jr came from

>> No.5360941

It was actually a fucking bright blue colour on my TV when I was a kid, I never knew what the purple meme was about until I looked into it

>> No.5361749

There isn't one and thats by the very nature of NTSC and the way the NES generate's it's analog image. Keep in mind, NTSC is also in the TV industry joked as "Never The Same Color" twice.

>> No.5362987

Shut up.

>> No.5363103

>I dont understand adverbs

>> No.5363359


>> No.5363781

Reminds me of that one comic. You know the one.