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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5348719 No.5348719 [Reply] [Original]

Have you made any modifications to your /vr/ hardware? I just bought a backlight/biverter kit for my game boy pocket and I'm anxious to install it.

>> No.5348725
File: 616 KB, 2448x3264, AGrqPWJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another example. Personally I think inverting the lcd is a huge fuckup but damn those are some sexy pixels.

>> No.5348730

No because you should play on unmodified original hardware, the way it was meant to be played. You might as well use cheat codes or emulate if you're going to modify the original hardware.

>> No.5348818

>You might as well use cheat codes or emulate
Where do you think you are?

>> No.5348825

>implying that channers being competitive little fucks with superiority complexes would never cheat and lie about it to have an edge over their opponents

>> No.5348827

WTF IS THIS HERESY, Mario should be a dingy shade of green, just like Jumpy Yokoi intended!

>> No.5348847


why didn't you just get a gameboy light from Japan?

>> No.5348850

As much as I love dot matrix graphics the original screens were blurry garbage. You do you but I just use the sgb at home and a gba or pocket light if I gotta.

On topic: I haven't hard modded anything yet but eventually I'll console my game gear, rgb my nes, and ode my saturn.

>> No.5348863
File: 254 KB, 600x800, 7ei99pu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That costs quite a lot more money, like at least 100 dollars more. Money aside it doesn't make sense to get a gameboy light when I would want to apply a bivert mod anyway. Why mod such a rare console? I'd rather attempt to mod the chewed up gbp I got a garage sale, put a new case on it etc.

>> No.5348868

i've got a backlit + glass lens on my gba and a glass lens on my gbc, but that's about it

i'll probably backlight and bivert a dmg when i eventually get one

>> No.5348880

Light mods are okay, but in my opinion it's just vandalism to replace on old handheld's screen with a much better modern one unless its screen is broken. The whole point of using original hardware is to experience the game in the way you would have at the time of its release. If I wanted to play on a screen that actually looked good then I'd emulate the game on a modern device.

>> No.5348890

It is the same screen, only backlit and correctly polarized

>> No.5348897

If you turn off the backlight does the reflective back of the LCD still work like it used to? Maybe a frontlight mod would be a better idea.

>> No.5348905

As far as I understand the mod, the backlight is permanently illuminated once installed.

>> No.5349027

Game Boy Light isn't very good really
Much more ghosting than you expect

>> No.5349101

Only a modchipped PSone

>> No.5349113

These look like art pieces. I'm not sure I'd play a Pokemon game, but damn they look good.

>> No.5349532
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It's probably damaging to your eyes and causes neurological disorders.

>> No.5349603

>all the zoomers snagging up sales for /vr/-hardware on ebay etc. to make their shitty zoomer-hw-mods and humblebrag about it on leddit/IG/etc., driving up the prices in the process for no reason

>> No.5349660

fuck your bisexual pervert mod. build a game boy zero/cm3 instead

>> No.5349693 [DELETED] 

"Blue light" is a distraction from the real thing you should be quitting: caffeine. I've been off caffeine for almost nine months and now no screen can keep me up when it's time for bed.

It's a drug we're all expected to just keep in our system on a daily basis. We're indoctrinated into dependence on it from an early age, with cola, then energy drinks, to tea, to coffee. Not to mention kombucha, excedrine, and everything with any cocoa in it. It's a bullshit drug and more people should, at the very least, question whether or not they really need it.

>> No.5349697

The bivert mod looks a lot better than a game boy light.

>> No.5349715

I haven't done anything to my retro consoles. I did mod a PS2 to accept burnt games, though.

I'm going to replace the batteries in my Dreamcasts but that doesn't really seem like a mod as such.

>> No.5349717

>Cheat codes
Really? "I've made it so I can play Gameboy in the dark"
the fuck are you on dude?

>> No.5349729
File: 3.29 MB, 3036x2786, IMG_20190204_213406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods are one my favorite things about retro gaming. Breathing new life into old systems, fixing their flaws, etc. Here's my Super Famicom Jr. that I modded with Voultar's RGB bypass board and recapped.

>> No.5349753 [DELETED] 


Unless you continually increased the dosage (first one cup, then later two cups, then half a can, then...) the caffeine had no more physical effect on your system. The body builds up a tolerance by adding more receptors against it. It's all in your mind.

>> No.5349787

>If you turn off the backlight does the reflective back of the LCD still work like it used to?
No. It's a mirror. It would block the backlight, so it has to be completely removed for the backlight to work.
>Maybe a frontlight mod would be a better idea.
That's also an option, but the lighting is significantly less even, less bright, and any frontlight (including unlit displays that use ambient light like the stock screen does) will lower the apparent contrast of the image, so most people go for a backlight instead.
A backlight looks worse in direct sunlight, but better in every other situation.
>As far as I understand the mod, the backlight is permanently illuminated once installed.
Yes, usually. You can add brightness or color controls if you want, but most don't.

>> No.5349882 [DELETED] 

Your body builds more adenosine receptors, so you are abnormally tired unless you're drinking caffeine to suppress the excess. Then your body builds more. It's not a tolerance you're describing, it's a dependence.

And there are other ways that caffeine affects the system. It magnifies ordinary stress and increases your chance of developing arthritis. It stays inyour system for at least a whole day, depending on how healthy your liver is, and robs your of REM sleep.

You'll never experience a full night's sleep on caffeine, full stop. Quit the drug and you experience REM rebound: night after night of vivid dreams all of a sudden, until you're over th acute withdrawal.

>> No.5349939

>RGB mods for N64, PC Engine, and SNES Jr.
>clipped the tabs in the SNES Jr.
>3D-printed region-free cart slot in the N64
>modchips for PS1 and reeee-not-retro GameCube

Need to RGB mod my AV Famicom too, but I want to get a proper desoldering station first.

>> No.5350018
File: 5 KB, 160x144, clemetines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raspberry Pi projects are cool but not my thing. A RP build would cost more money than a backlight/bivert mod, but money aside, I want this mod specifically for my Game Boy Camera which has to be run on original hardware (well, I suppose I could get a GB Boy which has a backlight... but the GB Boy is ugly as fuck and still would cost more money than the mod).

>> No.5350179

Why modchip a gamecube instead of using a wii?

>> No.5350181
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, 20180410_205110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you made any modifications to your /vr/ hardware? I just bought a backlight/biverter kit for my game boy pocket and I'm anxious to install it.

Not using "washed yellow" for maximum authenticity on a modded system. Pic related doesn't look so blown out on brightness in person.

>> No.5350192
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x3024, 20180410_205157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5350198

GBI. I suppose it still counts as /vr/ in that regard.

>> No.5350295

The Zhongdi Hakko clones are really nice and very cheap. Had mine for about 3 years and it's been great.

>> No.5350316

The ZD-915, right? That's the one I've got my eye on, everyone seems to like it.

>> No.5350321

Not /vr/ but I have applied velcro pads under the strum bars of all my Guitar Hero guitars. It reduces of the noise and also helps you perform better because there's less distance to strum.

>> No.5352103
File: 110 KB, 1024x768, z0zYGEgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my backlit Gameboys. One of them has a potentiometer for brightness control. I also replaced the CMOS battery with coin cell holder in my Dreamcast, if that counts.

>> No.5352291

These all look great! How do they look under direct sunlight as compared to normal gameboys?

>> No.5352329

They're much harder to see, it is a trade-off. The reflective layer has to be removed from behind the LCD to install the backlight.

>> No.5352365
File: 745 KB, 1377x2448, 20160529_164530_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I modded all of my gameboys. I love the AGS-101 screen mod on the GBA, and the backlight mod on the DMG. I was kind of underwhelmed by the front-light mod on the GBC though and overall I consider it as having been a bit of a waste of time and money. It's very difficult to install without any dust or other visible imperfections, and even with LOCA gel the results are very washed out and underwhelming. I have since acquired a GB Boy Colour and that is currently my go-to option for GBC games.

>> No.5352369
File: 345 KB, 900x1200, 20170525_190134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a shot of my backlit Gameboys (and GB Boy Colour) running in the dark.

>> No.5352391
File: 377 KB, 1200x1350, game gears and game boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just for shits and giggles, a comparison between an LCD modded regular Game Gear, my front-light modded GBC, my McWill screen modded Game Gear, and the GB Boy Color.

The regular Game Gear scree and front-lit GBC screens are kind of similar in quality in that both are usable but neither really impresses. Slight edge might go to the GBC because it has minimal ghosting. Neither the GB Boy Colour or McWill Screen have integer scaling which is a bummer, but both offer extremely crisp and vibrant color. Between the two the McWill screen definitely wins, although the GB Boy Colour is still very nice looking.

>> No.5352397
File: 287 KB, 1280x720, 20160705_145101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'll post two more shots of the Game Gear just because I think this might be my favorite system mod I've done. It's definitely not something I'd recommend for beginners but it was well worth the effort.

>> No.5352403
File: 421 KB, 962x1080, game gear mcwill hi-res prince of persia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5352409

I need to get one of Voultar's bypass boards for my 1chip. The system's video looks pretty great as is but there are definitely issues with dark grays, like Final Fantasy 6's title screen, as well as clouded backgrounds in Mario World.

>> No.5352415


had the money and the opportunity arose. I haven't really used it much. I'm pretty happy with my purchase.

>> No.5352417

I should amend that the McWill screen does have some integer scaling options, but they cause a significant amount of the image to spill off the screen so I generally don't use them. The horizontal integer scaling is pretty OK though, and the horizontal resolution on the GB Boy Colour matches the original resolution.

>> No.5352519

Is the everdrive v7 the best gb/gbc cart? Is there a v8 coming anytime soon?

>> No.5352523

Wow, that bottom pic almost looks too good to be true. I can see why it's your favorite

>> No.5352897

If I like the reflective panel, do you think it would make sense to install a bivert mod without installing a backlight? I can't find anyone who has done this. I might be too dumb to parse the answer from guides because both are always installed at once.

>> No.5352967

Mod chips in my PSX and Saturn. Most non-/vr/ consoles are on CFW.

>> No.5353063

That's a good question, I haven't seen anyone attempt it. It is done independently on a different board so it wouldn't be hard to find out.

>> No.5353095
File: 50 KB, 500x375, 51L+1WgiKBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday later I'll try it and post the results here. The more I look into these mods the more I realize it's the wild west out there. "Bivert" isn't even a real word, I mean what's going on here?
I was looking into buying a worm light but it looks like it's a pretty shitty product. Makes me wonder why there isn't some nerd out there who has made a really professional version of a port-powered positionable LED.

>> No.5353124

>"Bivert" isn't even a real word, I mean what's going on here?
It's not a real word, but it makes sense. You're using a hex inverter to invert the colors once, and a polarizing film to invert it a second time.

>> No.5353908

action replay + sd memory card thing + swiss. no need to hardmod, right?
get one of the new t12 clones.

>> No.5353910

it' x7, and that's not a version-denominator but like "basic", "standard", "pro".

and no, ElCheapoSD 2.2 does the same (except RTC) for much less.

>> No.5353915

To be honest. X3 is fine enough. No RTC, and you have to push a button for it to reset and dump the save file and no save states.
But most GB and GBC games don't have battery saving anyway, and the ones that do don't usually use RTC and there's romhacks for gold/silver/crystal to let you set the clock to whatever you want before you even boot the game up.

>> No.5353920

>TFW wormlights are so puny, you can get a USB flexlight and a usb battery pack and get better results.

>> No.5353931

As for mods. I've repaired and modded some PSPs. I replaced the screen and shell for a 2000, and put a 128gb microSD into a PSP Go.
The rest is softmods, though I did flash my own PseudoSaturn cart using the disc swap trick, and my PS1s had modchips installed by my dad.
Funnily enough my Wii has a modchip in it as well, (my dad put it in), but its also softmodded, so it ended up pretty redundant outside of booting gamecube multi-discs I made and burned to DVDs.
I don't use my Wii because I have a WiiU that's hacked that can run all three gens worth of games.

>> No.5354294

>Neither the GB Boy Colour or McWill Screen have integer scaling which is a bummer
More than just a bummer in my opinion, that's a complete deal breaker. Having lines doubled and skipped is more than distracting, makes the picture itself ugly as heck regardless of screen quality, and it causes a sort of shimmering effect with panned motion.
Good on you if you can tolerate it. But I sure can't.

>> No.5354308

>action replay + sd memory card thing + swiss. no need to hardmod, right?
Why mess around with all that and have to swap discs constantly when you could install a $3 modchip instead?

>> No.5354532
File: 661 KB, 960x720, 20170529_0138062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes down to personal preference. The NES Classic doesn't have integer scaling on the horizontal axis which is arguably much more noticable in side scrollers, whereas on the GB Boy Colour the non-integer lines are on the vertical axis. I hardly notice while playing the system unless it's something like pokemon with vertical scrolling, and even there it's not bad.

The McWill screen has an option for horizontal integer scaling and an option for full integer scaling. Horizontal integers causes the screen to spill out past the Game Gear's plastic bezel due to the size of the screen, but it's not bad and if you really want perfect smooth scrolling in something like a Sonic game, it works fine. Full integer scaling is heavily cropped since the Game Gear's resolution does not use square pixels. And you can have an unscaled image if you want, but then you will have a postage stamp sized image. All of this can be toggled with a button.

There are options beyond the GB Boy Colour for GBC backlights, but they are very expensive and require a lot of modding. The GB Colour is a fine option for what it costs though.

For the game gear, unless microcontroller tech gets cheap enough to fit an interpolation-capable processor onto a board that will fit inside the Game Gear, I think the McWill screen is going to be as good as it gets. To me, it looks fine, so I am okay with that. If I really want perfect scaling then I can plug it into my framemeister and use it on my TV. The screen's board is a bit of a technological miracle already, and everyone I've shown my modded system to have been very impressed with it. I can put up with a slight shimmer effect a lot better than I can the washed out and blurry image of the original screen. Comparing the black levels on the two screens, there's no comparison in my eyes.

>> No.5354658

>There are options beyond the GB Boy Colour for GBC backlights, but they are very expensive and require a lot of modding.
Here is a GBC backlight that just recently went up for sale. As you say, It's expensive, but apparently it doesn't require any soldering or anything. Up until now I think GBC backlight mods used a AGS 101 screen (which sounds fucking hard).

>> No.5354679 [DELETED] 

maybe you should question if you need that dick in your ass.

>> No.5354681

you're literally braindamaged.
What a horrific waste of time and money.

>> No.5354724

>These all look great! How do they look under direct sunlight as compared to normal gameboys?
I don't know actually. They look ok indoors under bright led lighting but no idea in sunlight.

>> No.5354730
File: 46 KB, 720x960, 33059910_1687686111316855_7282119790557134848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just kidding anon, bottom looks great.

>> No.5355048

This looks quite intriguing. That's a helluvalot cheaper than any of the mods I've seen that involve using AGS 101 screens, and in any case I think AGS 101 screens are better used on modifying AGB 101 units. For $70 I'd definitely be willing to clunk down some cash for a full screen replacement kit. I have paid a lot more than that for other screen mods I've done.

I wonder if I can install it in my current GBC even though I have the LED mod already? As long it's in there good and secure, it probably shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.5355229

I may buy it when/if the price comes down. If I'm satisfied with backlighting/biverting my pocket I'll probably just stop there.

>> No.5355232

Is console modding even allowed on /vr/?

>> No.5355243


Why wouldn't it?

>> No.5355252
File: 159 KB, 810x1080, 20160529_013850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really happy with my biverted DMG backlight. If a full screen replacement comes along that is even better I'd definitely be intrigued, although the experience I've had on my unit so far has been very satisfying.

I think that my ideal full-screen replacement mod on the DMG would have to have some kind of switch that lets you change the color of the screen on the fly. I would love to have very deep contrast and minimal ghosting like McWill's Game Gear screen has, although I don't think I would want just a straight pure white for the pixels. I've always associated the Gameboy with having a green screen which is why I chose green LEDs for my modded unit (although an RGB kit set to yellow would be a little more accurate). I know that's not to everyone's liking though, so the ability to change it with a simple button combination would be a wonderful feature.

>> No.5355278

The backlight mod on Gameboy pocket is a bit shit desu. Once the batteries drain even a little the contrast goes to shit, and when the batteries drain a bit more the light starts flickering. If you're plugged into the mains it's fine, but even nizn batteries didn't make it better, so to me it's no longer portable. Shame, because it looks fantastic when it's working.

>> No.5355279

Nice bait. You deserve more (You)s for this.

>> No.5355556

Are you describing the backlight that has a 5v resistor built into it?

>> No.5355624
File: 110 KB, 500x500, crystal-revo-k101-plus-clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I couldn't tamper with my GB Pocket. Had it since 1998 and wouldn't dare fuck with it.
If you're hesitant and want a great handheld, spend the money and pick up pic related. It can do GBA cartridges just not original GB games. But can load it up with roms.

>> No.5355647

I thought the real Revos were out of production, and now it's just a bunch of horrible chinkshit knockoffs that are available?

>> No.5355659

could very well be anon but the one i got has the Revo name on it and actually plays my GBA cartridges. The knock ones typicall can't and will only play roms on a micro SD card. that Soulja boy meme shit is the same way

>> No.5355774

>even a 3ds feels a bit cramped
What are the best handheld emu machines for /big hands/?

>> No.5355852

It was the 2.0 so I had to add the resistore myself. I did it ages ago, and I can't remember if I ended up using the resistor or not. I'm thinking of doing the bivert mod to see if it helps things. It's a shame, because the DMG mods I've seen looks amazing, but I'm so underwhelmed with the Gameboy pocket.

>> No.5355892

Looks like all you need is a 5v resistor to keep the pocket juiced. Sufficient power would improve contrast even without diversion. More info here
Here's a practical guide that makes more sense

>> No.5356381
File: 370 KB, 1264x1080, 20160518_173515s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post some of my home console mods, too. Here's my Gamecube, which has a matching translucent purple Viper case for full-size backup DVDs. I was really lucky to have tracked down a seller on a message board who still had a few of those cases some years ago.

>> No.5356391
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 20170716_133638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Darth Vader Atari 2600 with RGB out and a power LED.

>> No.5356395
File: 226 KB, 853x1170, modded N64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my RGB modded N64, with an illuminated badge. This is the old school RGB mod that's a simple passthrough, although at some point I will probably upgrade to the new mod which has sharper output and the de-blurring switch feature.

>> No.5356402
File: 189 KB, 960x720, 20170201_233126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lastly, the RGB modded NES. I don't recommend this specific spot for the multi-out adapter because it will require more modification of the inside of the case, but I didn't realize that until I had already cut the hole. Ultimately it works fine, though.

>> No.5356556

>swap discs constantly
why? AR loads stuff (in this case GBI) off the memorycard.

>> No.5356558

>hardware you bought doesn't actually belong to you
Bold opinion.

>> No.5356560

>with an illuminated badge
ok this is epic

>> No.5356960

I don't like the Wii's form factor, needing to have the front and a side of it open kind of sucks, and putting it vertical means you have the controllers coming over each other, leading to more easily tangled wires.

Plus, no Gameboy Player.

>> No.5356962

That is fucking sexy as hell. Congrats.

>> No.5356964

>except RTC
M8 Gold/Silver/Crystal are like 25% of why I bought the X7 in the first place.

>> No.5357171
File: 839 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20140531_153714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've made a few mods. Mostly GB jobs for the chiptune posse.

First was my frontlit GBC using the old GBA screen

>> No.5357176
File: 585 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20140621_183452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic doesn't do it justice

Then was my backlit prosound Michelangelo mod

>> No.5357184

What eldritch creature did you have to fuck to get RGB out of a Vader?

>> No.5357189

I sure hope that pic doesn't do that one justice either. Yikes.

>> No.5357194 [DELETED] 

If you were curious then you could always try it for yourself, friend.

>> No.5357196

Fucking sick. How long does it stay running on, say, eneloop pros? That's what I'd throw in mine if I still had it.

>> No.5357204


Still hoping for the 7800 version myself.

>> No.5357205

>(except RTC)
>no pkmn Crystal then

I wish that, when someone pays much less for an alternative, that they would just be happy with their purchase and keep their dumb mouth shut.

>> No.5357208

as if anything could improve a 2600's image quality

>> No.5357209

What is the appeal of d-blurring? Is there a performance gain from making everything look like a PSX game?

>> No.5357243

Removing the blurring only removes the blurring. Much like turning off FXAA. The sharper and clearer output alone is the appeal.
Personally I'd rather have my aliasing clearly visible than blurred and smeared away.

There is no performance gain. The blurring is a secondary process, which is why it's easy to bypass.
>like a PSX game
Nshitty4 still has perspective correct textures, no low resolution vertex location aliasing from calculating those on the CPU/GTE beforehand, 3-point linear filtering, among other things, so it still looks far different than PS1 graphics. No signature psychedelic wobbling or point sampled textures, at least.

>> No.5358296

pokemans can be patched, though.
but then
>playing pokemans

>> No.5360408 [DELETED] 

dude my mom has been drinking nothing but coffee for the last like 50 years and i'm pretty sure she can whoop your bullshitting ass.

>> No.5360489

grow up, reddit

>> No.5360494 [DELETED] 

I quit caffeine for three months straight and it had no effect on my sleep and wakefulness.

>> No.5360542

I put one of those FM synth expansions into my Sega System. Fantasy Zone 2 never sounded better. I also a/v modded my 7800.

>> No.5360619

Thank God for euroscart. It's the only good thing about living in Europe when it comes to retro gaming.

>> No.5360872 [DELETED] 

Why so hasty to defend caffeine? You must really be addicted.

>> No.5361039

Did you mod this yourself? How the hell did you get that badge illuminated so nicely? The light looks even as hell.

>> No.5361139

Ok, nerd. Gonna write that technical manual one day?

>> No.5361187

Le Zoom Zoom

>> No.5361202

t. Brainlet poorfag

>> No.5361981

That's because the Light is still a front-lit model

>> No.5362001
File: 1.71 MB, 3838x1365, 7C622AA1-9C2C-4A1B-A542-57BE70022B8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want to do that but I’m sad right now that I realize my game boy color is missing.

>> No.5362007

Is there a backlight solution for the Neo Geo Pocket Color? I did the front light mod. It sucks.

>> No.5362127

You could get a GBA flashcart that fits flush in a DS/Lite. Like EZflash V or Omega, depending on whether battery saves are a major issue.

>> No.5362627

This is kinda the same reasoning I used when getting the everdrive 64. I don't need the RTC to play an inferior version of Animal Crossing and I don't mind having to hit reset to save a game as I always turn off my stuff when I'm not using it anyway.

>> No.5362638 [DELETED] 

>Ok, nerd. Gonna write that technical manual one day?
Not even the same guy, where the fuck do you think we are?

>> No.5362640

>Ok, nerd. Gonna write that technical manual one day?
Not even the same guy, where the fuck do you think we are?

>> No.5362717

I did the mod myself. The trick I did was to take a piece of aluminum foil and make a reflector "dome" out of it, which went in the cavity behind the light and badge. I also sprayed the foil with some matte varnish so that the light would be more even.

>> No.5362723

I no longer own it, but I did the composite LCD mod on a Sega Nomad. You basically just buy any decent 3" in-car rear-view camera display off alibaba or whatever, preferably with a composite in connection. Then you disassemble it and the Nomad, remove the original display, and wire the new one to the Nomad's built-in composite out. It's an amazing difference. I want to buy another and do it again.

>> No.5362840

Gameboy Colors are dirt cheap right now.

>> No.5363000

I love mods

I've got a chipped ps1 and ps1, a psp with a "big battery" install (take out the umd drive and put in the most battery you can), backlit thicc gameboy and a backlit gba. I also get flash carts when they aren't insanely spendy (BennVenn gb/gbc and Ezflash IV)

I'm trying to figure out how to do some work on my Trinitron, it has some ghosting and warping around bright graphics on dark backgrounds. I think it needs recapped and adjusted. Gonna at least try to do the recap myself. Might go for gold and rgb mod it too, I found the schematic online.

Also looking into trying to get better output out of my sega master system, as it only does RF. I hear svideo is possible, but I'm having trouble finding information about it.

>> No.5363016


Bivert isn’t really needed for the Pocket.

Backlight is nice, though I’d rather just get a Light instead.

>> No.5363025
File: 2.17 MB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stuff.

BennVenns new backlight kit is coming for my Purple one, the Pokemon Center is frontlit (whoch sucks dick btw).

>> No.5363196

I installed a GDEmu in my Dreamcast, if that counts. That's all I have done, though, as far as hardware modding. I have done soft-mods for every console I could (including PsudoSaturn Kai and FreeMcBoot on my PS2 to play PS1 games off USB) but I have zero soldering skills. Anything that needs solder I am averse to.

>> No.5363425

>I installed a GDEmu in my Dreamcast, if that counts
replaced the psu too?

>Might go for gold and rgb mod it too

>> No.5363427

>Replaced the PSU too?
No, why?

>> No.5363436

removing the drive causes the stock psu to become very hot and waste power for some reason.

>> No.5363742

Yeah I noticed I saw one in a pawn shop and impulse bought it.
The battery door is broken, so I might as well give it a whole new case and screen for fun

>> No.5364379

Yep, that's the ticket.

>> No.5368020

You add a resistor to cause load on the now unused rail to prevent that.