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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5347116 No.5347116 [Reply] [Original]

One of these is my favorite shader, "CRT royale" and one is a real CRT. I could have matched the color better. The main difference is when using a shader you can tweak the noise and blur levels to your liking. People who think CRTs look better are fooling themselves. - t. CRT owner, LCD user

>> No.5347138

I never cared for CRT shaders, give me xbrz any day.

>> No.5347191

idiot, the color range is not the same.

>> No.5347192
File: 4 KB, 225x225, bleeeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5347216

"Guys the color range is completely off, we can't play on this"

>> No.5347220
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>> No.5347226
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The biggest differences when actually looking at them live (as opposed to screen captures) are:

1. Curvature (duh) but I don't give a damn about it.
2. Color range. This one is important. On my CRT it looks far more vibrant.
3. Brightness.
4. On my CRT the image simply looks better. I don't see the individual dots on the image, whereas I do on my LCD using this shader.

>> No.5347302

Anon, you need to step back a few feet. Playing 4" from the screen will make you go blind. Also lookingood.jpg

>> No.5348095

5. Contrast. Blacks are actually black
6. Response time - No motion blur.

>> No.5348118

What are you doing, just listing every physical aspect that makes a CRT different than an LCD? No one is debating these things, and we all already know them. My point was that the differences are so small that in all it's not worth using a CRT, and I actually thing the LCD looks better for a few reasons.

>> No.5348160

I prefer the look of naked pixels

>> No.5348163

who else 4k LED master race here?

I can see all the colors and sit super far away

it's great

>> No.5348173

You did say
>The main difference is when using a shader you can tweak the noise and blur levels to your liking
And it simply isn't true.

Color range, contrast, brightness, and the dots not being up in my face but having the benefit of the dots being there (which prevents jagginess from showing through) makes my CRT far better than my LCD for playing old games.

>> No.5348492

>look at this blurry photograph of my shitty consumer CRT

wow, it's nothing

>> No.5348570 [DELETED] 
File: 984 KB, 1920x1080, cant find a good image of the CV1 but it looks like the DK1 but highe rres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a dumb question, but could VR displays replicate the look of CRTs? Despite using OLEDs, the Rift and Odyssey+ look more like CRT displays thanks to the distortion and glare.

>> No.5348571
File: 223 KB, 1281x721, dk2-cv1-lens-view2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a dumb question, but could VR displays replicate the look of CRTs? Despite using OLEDs, the Rift and Odyssey+ look more like CRT displays thanks to the distortion and glare.

>> No.5348572

You're far over exaggerating the color, brightness, and contrast on a CRT. It can be very closely mimicked, to the point where an "average gamer" isn't going to care about the difference. If you want to keep reassuring yourself about your CRT usage that's fine but understand that you have a mental problem.

>> No.5348581

4k OLED here. It’s fantastic when you render retroarch in 8k with filters and downscale

>> No.5348584

OLEDs and modern LCDs have blacker blacks than a CRT anon...

>> No.5348625

But I don't want to reassure myself about my CRT, as I play on my LCD because I don't feel like burning CDs and DVDs to play games on my PS2.

But the fact is it simply looks much better. It really does. I can't prove it with photographs because what the photographs show isn't what you actually SEE live in front of the CRT.

>> No.5348636 [DELETED] 

So now you're claiming that the CRT emits a picture so magical it for some reason can't be captured by a camera? Is there any type of camera in existence that could capture such a phenomenon? Is the CRT operating in some unknown light spectrum which the human eye can view but cameras can't detect?

>> No.5348643

Patrician taste

>> No.5348665

You can't prove it because it's not true, photographs are perfectly accurate.

>> No.5348704
File: 183 KB, 1200x800, PL3EyEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks are actually black
Good one.

>> No.5348727

Playing a game on Virtual Desktop does look quite CRT like. Most current HMDs are probably too low res to have emulated scan lines not produce moire artifacts when you move your head though.

>> No.5348829

OLEDs yes, LCD only if you're comparing with a relatively bright room.

>> No.5348830

bright room.

>> No.5348849
File: 180 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter. CRTs only have better blacks than modern LCDs in complete darkness, and even with only ambient lighting any relatively modern LCD will have superior black performance.

>> No.5348860

Great example of LCD being more vivid and objectively better looking. If anyone wants blur/lines/dots/noise/signal degradation they can add on a shader. The aspect ratio looks like it might be stretched though anon, that's unacceptable.

>> No.5348954

I like light gun games...

Also, a real CRT looks "washed out" in a way that I personally like more than the shaders.

>> No.5348959

you do know modern lcds use greys right.

>> No.5348963

Get an Aimtrak and play on a huge OLED. It's better.

>> No.5348969
File: 103 KB, 800x600, IMG_8515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both CRTs and LCDs "blacks" are grey, but unless used in a completely dark and light treated room, an LCD's "black" is typically a much darker grey than a CRT's "black" is.

>> No.5348972

I literally cant imagine it being anything like it.

Theres actual gun sights on my blasters, and the gun seems the actual pixels I am shooting at.

If I take one step to the side from my calibration its going to be all off.

>> No.5348974

Sounds like you have a setup that works for you.

>> No.5348975

CRT has natural filtering. so without a CRT you need things like antialiasing and bilenear / trileinear / anisotropic to blend shit on screen and the later means noting when you have to many pixels . it was determined to be needless overhead that nobody notices by the industry in what 2008

>> No.5348976

How well does it work with PS2 and PS1 games through PS2?

>> No.5348979

Tfw safari hunts loops dont get any harder.

>> No.5348981

crts use blacks. they do not use grays. sure for a genesis game they will look black and similar to a crt but on more natural games it will be truly black. when you play something like doom and enter a dark room there is a clear difference between a crt and lcd

>> No.5348992

You seem to have a very poor understand of how both technologies work. If you look at the picture in my previous post, you can see that the screen of the CRT itself while turned off is grey. The screen's colour is the darkest "black" it can produce. It can become a darker grey in low light conditions because the "black" of a CRT only reflects light but doesn't emit it. However, under normal lighting conditions, the LCD will have better black performance because the amount of light the "black" of the LCD is emitting is less than the amount of a light the "black" of the CRT is reflecting.

>> No.5349081

how can we utilise vantablack in monitor design?

>> No.5349171

crt pixels are 100x brighter and thus bloom out, which lcd pixels can never do, rendering the whole exercise of recreating one with the other laughable. taking a picture with a digital camera that automatically adjusts brightness etc down to capture an image within it's own limited dynamic range and trying to use that as evidence of some comparability is just... either trolling or pure child's mind

>> No.5349207

bloom is invisible to cameras? you're just talking out of your ass, troll confirmed

>> No.5349372


Good taste anon

>> No.5350327
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Ignore the fact that it's not in focus due to shitty smartphone camera. Seriously, I'm not shitting on modern displays, but a CRT can black very well if you know enough to do minor adjustments in the menu. I'm not one of the idiots who give people shit for using modern screens, but I do prefer and use CRT myself when possible.

>> No.5350338

It looks like your exposure setting are making the CRT's screen look much darker than it actually is. No CRT has a screen that black.

>> No.5350361

>I demand photo proof

Photo proof is offered.

>Must be your camera.

The absolute state of /vr/.

>> No.5350365

>I demand photo proof
Except this part of your little strawman never happened. No goalposts were moved.

>> No.5350385

>I enjoy making an effort to make my games look worse
What did crt faggots mean by this?

>> No.5350396

Cameras aren't the same as the human eye. In order to get those bright phosphors to not be completely blown out, you have to lower the exposure until the unlit phosphors are much darker than they'd appear to the human eye.

>> No.5351278

Jeeez, stop whinging. Go do the same with your LCD and post up

>> No.5351316

Why would you have to burn discs to play PS2 on a CRT?