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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 300x225, sonic-adventure-dc-07.small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5347068 No.5347068 [Reply] [Original]

"Technically, it's the best graphics of any current home game console" I tried to explain
Chad walked over, cocking his head in complete disbelief, palms raised posing a question "Anon it's not even a fun g-"
"REE!" I screeched, running away with my arms behind me, hoping it would give me that Sonic speed

>> No.5347103

Adventure is just a spinoff series and Sega themselves confirmed green eye Sonic is a different guy from classic Sonic

>> No.5347108

What was a better looking 3D platformer from 1998? Too bad the game still suffered from awful bugs and was a bit janky.

>> No.5347109

Sonic adventure is 30% comfy unchallenging gameplay, and 70% terrible voice acting and frustrating minigames

>> No.5347119

>holds forward on the stick and presses A at about the right times

>> No.5347120

>>holds forward on the stick and presses A at about the right times

The game is only like this for a small portion of it. You have to also add the annoying fishing levels, and Knuckles fetch quest levels, and slow ass Amy levels and Tag-along Tails levels and that fucking robot. Yeah I completed the game and with all characters. Only the Sonic stuff is really "push forward and press A to jump", and even then it's still less than half of Sonic's section.

>> No.5347154

Crash 3 says hi. And he didn’t stutter or slowdown.

>> No.5347158
File: 65 KB, 640x480, 54413--crash-bandicoot-3-warped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks this looks better than Sonic Adventure

>> No.5347183 [DELETED] 

Montezuma's Revenge. Console fags can't even compete with their blurry low resolutions.

>> No.5347190

Montezuma's Return. Console fags can't even compete with their blurry low resolutions.

>> No.5347281

>ontezuma's Return. Console fags can't even compete with their blurry low resolutions.

That's a good one. Tomb Raider 2 also didn't look too bad with 3DFX acceleration either. Sonic Adventure did also support 480p through VGA, which was pretty impressive for a console game.

>> No.5347287

Crash also runs at half the actual framerate and resolution. While looking like shit the entire time.

>> No.5347305

The Dreamcast did 480p, which upscales beautifully to 1080p.

>> No.5347476

>non-integer upscale

>> No.5347489

nothing, it looked stunning and way better than the best pc games but it would be late 1999 that most people in the west playing it. Textures, pollies, lighting, music all amazing.

>> No.5347621

PCfags seething about the lack of good pc platformers.

>> No.5347884

>tomb raider

>> No.5348250

Crash 3 ran at 30fps, same fps as SA1.

>> No.5348268
File: 10 KB, 362x141, 1547180844079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a reason why pinball is more or less 2 dimensional.

>> No.5348354

>PCfags seething about the lack of good pc platformers.

The PC didn't have many original 3D third person platformers. I guess Montezuma's Return would be classified as one, even though it is first person. PC devs mostly focused on FPS, RTS, infinity engine RPG's, flight sims and stuff like that.

Most of the 3D platformers that made it to the PC were just upscaled PS1, N64 and even Sega Saturn console ports. Like all of the Tomb Raider games. The two Croc games were ported to PC. Pandemonium 1 and 2 have PC ports (Those are "2.5D" platformers). Then there's other stuff like Gex: Enter the Gecko, BUG! (which was ported from the Sega Saturn and maybe a few other random licensed 3D platformers. Rayman 2 was ported to the PC in 1999, it was based on the N64 game with enhanced graphics. The Dreamcast port was released in 2000 and does have additional content in it. The DC Rayman 2 runs at a pretty steady 60fps at 480p. American McGee's Alice was release don the PC in 2000, it is a 3rd person 3D platformer that uses IdTech 3. The game was dark, but looked generally pretty good.

But in 1999 Sonic Adventure 1 was one of the best looking games on a home console.

>> No.5348369

Actually, the PC had a good amount of original 3D 3rd person platformers, it doesn't really seem like you know what you're talking about but you're trying to speak with some authority.

>> No.5348375

>good platformers

>> No.5348406

PC was the best system for platformers. It featured the best graphics for games like Rayman 2, Tomb Raider, Spiderman, Toy Story 2, Prince of Persia.. But it also had originals you couldn't get on console, like Montezuma's Return or Thief. There wasn't anything close to Thief on consoles, which is probably why console owners are still mad to this day. Best of all, PC can of course emulate any console platformer.

>> No.5348416

>Montezuma's Return or Thief
No one cares about those shitty games.
pc platformers are still complete gargabe.

>> No.5348420


>> No.5348425

>Actually, the PC had a good amount of original 3D 3rd person platformers,

Name some? Because the majority of them seemed like console ports to me. Also Thief is third person.

>> No.5348427

>Also Thief is third person.

I mean first person.

>> No.5348437

I don't understand, what's the obsession with camera angle? Ok, if you're obsessed with 3rd person, Indiana Jones. Later remade as a N64 game but the graphics weren't as good.
Ok then, what are some console platformers that aren't shitty garbage? Are you going to name some children's 3d games? Or Sonic Adventure? Console platformers were all for 5 year olds but since you're probably a manchild it makes sense that you like playing them and thinking back to being breastfed by mommy.

>> No.5348438

seething pcfag

>> No.5348442

i bet you think amiga platformers were better and more mature.

>> No.5348449

>tries to think of good non-kiddie console platformers

>> No.5348459

who cares even those kiddie games had more value than the entire of pc platformers.

>> No.5348537

>I don't understand, what's the obsession with camera angle? Ok, if you're obsessed with 3rd person, Indiana Jones. Later remade as a N64 game but the graphics weren't as good.

3rd person generally lends itself better to platforming? As you can see the player feet. Though you have to give credit to Montezuma's Return for having full body awareness in 1998. Though FPS games like Duke Nukem 3D, the Quake series and Half-Life 1 can get pretty platform-y too.

>> No.5348605

>being this mad about not being able to afford a computer

>> No.5348650

still mad because your lack of platformers pcfat?

>> No.5348668

>not knowing how many platformers there are because you only know about games from v's recommended list

>> No.5348690

Not interested in shovelware

>> No.5348697

Please keep the low effort /v/ threads on /v/ where they belong.

>> No.5350370

Which leads to 100% nostalgia

>> No.5350762

>Console platformers were all for 5 year olds
Yeah pack it in you lost

>> No.5350767

>Playing Starcraft with friends on school computers
>Chad walks up behind us
>"What the fuck is this, it's just a Command & Conquer ripoff. What a gay game."

>> No.5350958
File: 85 KB, 800x600, montezumasreturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't unironically believe that this game looks better than sonic adventure.

>> No.5350980

Sonic Adventure was never good.