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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 82 KB, 640x903, 6627_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5308713 No.5308713 [Reply] [Original]

REmake HD for Steam is objectively the best way to play Resident Evil 1. It is also objectively the best version of Resident Evil 1. In this thread we express our love for the predecessor of REmake HD, or more simply, REmake for GC. REmake is the perfect remake and it triggers my autism when people refer to the remake of Resident Evil 2 as a "REmake 2".

REmake for GC was truly revolutionary and potentially the best survival horror game ever made. The devs created the perfect haunted mansion/murder mystery atmosphere. Literally a 10/10 game.

>> No.5308761

REmake should have been a mini-series, but Capcom probably saw more money in casuals

>> No.5309058

This only applies to 4+

>> No.5309184

I played this game so much I literally have the entire mansion memorized to the point I don't even bother to grab the map when playing.

>> No.5309209
File: 38 KB, 300x264, !!e!T8UwBGM_$(KGrHqV,!k0Ez+4c2S6+BNP2mD!fc!___35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NDS port is also very good

I wanted so bad a Deadly Silence trilogy in the NDS, with 1, 2 and 3 all converted into the console.

Deadly Silence is just the best way to play vanilla RE 1 imo

>> No.5309275

>and it triggers my autism when

are you proud of admitting that?

>> No.5309316

My only complaint is that the clowns farting in the basement music is not in REmake.

>> No.5309805
File: 52 KB, 707x512, jillremake_walkie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea its peak RE

>> No.5309829

not /vr/ remakes are not allowed, and do not skirt the rules.

>> No.5309836

Gen 6 cutscene designs are so nice. Just anime enough to be idealized, but realistic enough not to be ridiculous.

>> No.5309841

Is the placement and speed/timing of enemies EXACTLY the same as in the original game? Down to a half-second difference? I want to play RE for the first time exactly as the designers intended

>> No.5309887
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>REmake HD for Steam is objectively the best way to play Resident Evil 1
Best way to play is the GC version on a CRT

>> No.5309923

Nice try

>> No.5309979

He is right, I dropped the Remaster versions as soon as I saw a shitty upscaled filter on pre rendered backgrounds, some areas are even worst, where young meet the sharks, even waifu2x does a better job.

>> No.5310012

Even if that was true, it would still be better to output from PC to a CRT.
Bad bait

>> No.5310016

So, you mean you played once and paid attention, like a normal functional human?

>> No.5310023

>it would still be better to output from PC to a CRT
>Bad bait
How is that bait? Nobody is saying not to play the HD version but stop trying to deny they screwed some shit up. They did a better job with 0.

>> No.5310083

Learn to read! I played it several times again and again and again and have the whole mansion memorized.

>> No.5310097

are you kidding me? the Steam version is upscaled garbage, at least they still had the assets for Zero but for REmake it's Gamecube all day every day.

>> No.5310167

if it weren't for the caves section it would be a 10/10

>> No.5310169

Is there a reason why the remake has like no lighting and the mirror is just a straight downgrade? I thought this shit was prerendered background art?

>> No.5310183

no one cares. even atariage has xbox/gc/ps2 posts in "classic gaming"

>> No.5310202

Not retro, fuck off.

>> No.5310242
File: 898 KB, 1588x1392, 1501564317156.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was prerendered background art but Capcom lost a lot of the original assets and had to redo stuff for the remaster. For some reason, they still had the assets for 0 which is why it still looks great even in widescreen.

>> No.5310243

Anyone know? I hope the answer is yes because if so I'm going to load this into dolphin and play at 4k widescreen 60fps

>> No.5310246

2 freaking years

>> No.5310267

REmake is the peak of classic RE but it really should be played after the original.

0's remaster makes me wish every game with prerendered backgrounds had kept their assets, shit looks gorgeous at high definition.

>> No.5310480

So how did this work? This is still prerendered animation?

>> No.5310580

No. Play RE1 if you want the original, not REmake.

>> No.5310609

>it triggers my autism when people refer to the remake of Resident Evil 2 as a "REmake 2"
I always say it's RE2 (2019) not REmake 2 (which is pretty much what Capcom thinks as well)
REmake was peak resident evil, peak survival horror even.
I wish capcom would just try and make one more RE with the three qualities the classic RE games had
>fixed camera angles
>prerendered backgrounds (in at least RE0 HD's quality, maybe even 4k, though I've never had 4k it would probably look insanely detailed and beautiful)
>tank controls (at the least, controls that depend on where your character is facing rather than where the camera is)
these three things go together beautifully, no way they would have make classic RE without them
prerendered backgrounds depend on fixed camera angles, tank controls don't get thrown off when you switch camera angles since they don't depend on where they camera is facing etc.
at the same time, I really want Capcom to properly translate survival horror into modern gameplay, since I don't think we've gotten a really good modern survival horror.

>> No.5310624

I'd like another Code Veronica style fixed-camera 3D one.

>> No.5310626

The new RE2 isn't even a remake, it's a reboot, there's too much shit that's been changed to call it a remake anymore, since it's lost the spirit of the original.

>> No.5310638

I wouldn't mind that either, I don't really know how much modern graphics can gain from prerendering stuff, back in 5th generation it was a huge difference. It would make the system requirements lower, but I don't think that's ever been a concern for developers, as long as it can run on the latest consoles.
also, C:V and Outbreak weren't entirely fixed-camera, right? didn't the camera follow you sometimes?
I think the thing I want the most is Outbreak remade, I felt that game was ahead of it's time, this world wasn't ready, it needed to wait a generation

>> No.5310682

The second panel looks way better. Not sure why you think this is an argument.

>> No.5310685

Remakes are allowed, so it is retro you filthy autistic nigger.

>> No.5310829

Agreed. Jill looks slightly anime but not anime enough to be taken seriously.

>> No.5310858

Shut up

>> No.5310947

>Remakes are allowed
No, they aren't. Fuck off.

>> No.5311254

Yes they are, hence why RE2 reboot threads are here. Fuck off, nigger.

>> No.5311292

My only problem with it is that the DS is very uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time for a stressful game like RE.

>> No.5311293

REmake is how the designers intended for it to be played. RE1 is just that intention built around the limitations of the time.

>> No.5311310
File: 63 KB, 300x225, inezh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, DS is the best way to play RE1 even solely for the fact that you can do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agNVd83CRtM

>> No.5311313

one of the paper cups spins the wrong way for the direction it's moving and it bothers the fuck out of me.

>> No.5311317

It has higher fidelity (in some aspects, that mirror lol), but as a composition it's much weaker. This is why HD =/= better, games with good art direction and lower fidelity assets still look better than many modern games today that don't know how to get the most out of their scenes/assets.

>> No.5311319

There's like one, you piece of shit, and it's just as off topic as this one.

>> No.5311335

imagine being this uncultured that you dont know about the grandaddy of survival horror games.
alone in the dark was the first survival game. a masterpiece that aged well unlike the pop garbage of resident evil.
sweet home is garbage compared to alone in the dark. it literally influenced nothing unlike alone in the dark.

>> No.5311342

>Remake on Dolphin
>Flawless on my PC
>HD Remake on PC
>Low framerate on my PC

How about no

>> No.5311356

Get a better computer lol

>> No.5311443

Stop supporting inefficiently programmed, bloated software.

>> No.5311456

>REmake is the peak of classic RE but it really should be played after the original.

>> No.5311480


>> No.5311504

alone in the dark is a garbage game. its full of cheap instant death traps that are impossible to avoid, all you can do is save the game constantly and load every time you inevitably run into one of them. its a shittily designed game where the only way to win is to savescum your way through, theres no strategy, no item conservation, no consideration of when to save, none of the intricacies of resident evil. it really doesnt even qualify as a survival horror game, because theres no survival involved, its not like the game is even challenging at all.

>> No.5311696

REmake HD runs great on my rig, bro. It was well worth the $20 that I paid for it.

>> No.5312192


>> No.5312418

If you don't think remake is the best re game ever made, I feel bad for you. To never know the beauty of one of the greatest Games of all time because of a limited intellect. So sad, so sad.

>> No.5312431

resident evil is garbage compared to alone in the dark, silent hill , system shock 2 and fatal frame.
your horror series is a joke literally for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.5312448


Got tired of going for the mgs baits? You do know anyone with two braincells can see right through your every post, right?

>> No.5312461

mgs is cinematic garbage and resident evil a shitty horror game.COPE.
Also you didnt refute my point.

>> No.5312537

In general SH is better than RE, but REmake can stand its ground versus SH2/SH3.

AitD is bad. SS is shit. Fatal Frame is good though.

>> No.5312631

Lol kid you didnt even make a point. You made blanket statements like "X is bad" without giving any reasons. How dumb are you? At least pretend like you are good at debates.

>> No.5313675

I would love for RE2 and RE3 to be remade like REmake, but we do not live in that timeline ;_;

>> No.5313860

still waiting for classic RE1/RE2/RE3 collection on Steam.


>> No.5313883

No, they intentionally fucked with enemy placement and spooks to make it surprising to fans of the original. Plus there's new enemy types, a slightly changed layout, different puzzles, and an entirely new subplot and boss.

Play the original if you want the original (or the DS version if you want some modern conveniences)

>> No.5313898

>the grandaddy of survival horror games
That'd be Sweet Home. Talking about being uncultured eh.

>> No.5313925
File: 155 KB, 1000x753, cut myself on the low poly edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aged well
It has some of the worst 3d models ever created.

>> No.5313936

friendly reminder to play Alone in the dark 4, the GOG re-release. Its pretty high res, looks and runs awesome and it has gamepad support for dinput stuff

>> No.5314603

Wow look at those models!

>> No.5314623

You've seen nothing, pleb

>> No.5315645

>a masterpiece that aged well
Alone in the dark is the textbook example of "aged like milk"

>> No.5315658

Edord Coiniby

>> No.5315791


The game is very different overall, layout wise, so no

>> No.5316354

The problem with REmake is that Lisa Trevor is a poor edition

>> No.5316963
File: 1.49 MB, 4032x3024, C4A42682-457F-44EA-8474-51DEA2CAE49F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retards

>> No.5316986

The 3D models look dopey but the color scheme and general aesthetic is great. Lots of sea greens, burgundy reds, and purples

>> No.5317000

As if you even played Sweet Home. It's nothing like Resident Evil and plays nothing like a survival horror. It's more like an RPG. Resident Evil is way more inspired by Alone in the Dark, from the controls to the camera style.

>> No.5317781

Not retro.

>> No.5317782

Yeah, they're not that different.

>> No.5318216


>> No.5318496
File: 78 KB, 640x400, mechwarrior-2-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, early 3D was shit, but they did work with colors in interesting ways, like I love the aesthetic of Mechwarrior 2.

>> No.5318651

They are though. Also Crimson Heads work so much better at subverting expectations if you played the original RE1 first and think you know exactly what to expect.

>> No.5318701

Ewww...no. I'm much more glad what we got than whatever you just suggested there.

>> No.5318713

Get fucked.

>> No.5318759

Similar remakes of 2 and 3 with their own gameplay twist like Crimson Heads and addional plot element would have been cash.
This too. Damn shame DS didn't get enhanced ports of 2 and 3 as well. DS is the best way to play the original RE1.

>> No.5318849
File: 22 KB, 400x300, f4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you got fucked with all this asspain you're spouting.

>> No.5319072

>They are though.

>> No.5319107

I think they're different enough to warrant playing both. RE is such a short game anyways.

>> No.5319191


>> No.5319197

RE is far superior to AitD. Deal with it.

>> No.5319254

I agree that they're both worth playing, but after playing one you'll be familiar enough with the layout of the mansion where the second one won't take you that long. You'll know what to expect, for the most part.
Also still not retro.

>> No.5319720

Prove this claim or fuck off.

>> No.5319794 [DELETED] 

Good bait brother

>> No.5319817

Imagine how good a prerendered styoe remake could look now on current consoles. Use all that power in making great models and lighting effects. Plus the quality of backgrounds you could make.

>> No.5319959

Is this a meme or legit? Those screens look pretty convincing but how much of the game is affected? I have the Gamecube version and a CRT, as well as PS4 version. Is the Wii version just the Gamecube version? Any advantages to it?

>> No.5320358

They both have key differences even if they share a lot of elements. i personally prefer the OG because the mansion has a distinct, lived in feel that really creates that "just walked into a recent disaster" atmosphere. REmake just feels like a really generic haunted mansion to me in comparison.

>> No.5320362

Wait wait wait hol the fuck up. GameCube is retro now after years of people fighting against it?

>> No.5320426
File: 44 KB, 630x215, But why tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5320445

The same can be said of REmake 1. It added and changed a bunch of shit. Not that it's a bad game, but it's clearly not the same beast as RE1.

>> No.5320449

Just wait, anon. In another 5 or so years, as a new wave of children hit 4chan, the PS4's gonna be considered retro.

>> No.5320485

100% legit. I thought I was the only one who noticed this shit. I couldn't get through the remaster and I wasn't sure why, but this is the reason. The level of artistry at work is night and day. The Gamecube version was amazing.

>> No.5320723

Remakes are allowed.

>> No.5320725

>"no jaggies no soul"
this is a great autism test. if you care about a chair not having a shadow or not having jaggies i have bad news for you

>> No.5320728

I agree with this image to a certain extent. The GC version had a certain "warmth" to its picture which is lacking in the HD version, but in general the HD version looks far superior.

>> No.5320749
File: 189 KB, 1680x1050, fb843d1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You contrarians cannot look me in the eyes and with a straight face say that this iconic scene does not look vastly superior to the GC version.

>> No.5320778
File: 160 KB, 1600x609, zombie_compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this part looks much scarier in the original. the zombie just looks more human-like which made it scarier

>> No.5320783

Yeah this zombie was definitely most unsettling in the original.

>> No.5320787

This image would be so much better without all the pointless wordy shit and just turned into a gif that switches between the two.

>> No.5321182

Too dark

>> No.5321280

Pretty sure that mirror is now a polygonal model in the remaster. In the GC version, it was part of the prerended background.

>> No.5321283
File: 1.70 MB, 200x150, RE1 INTRO CHRIS SMOKING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REmake HD fucks up a lot of things from the original, such as
>makes moving objects in the background static
>fucks up animations
>fucks up shadows
>some music plays at twice the speed
And a lot more.
And here's some issues REmake has in comparison to the original
>no Arranged mode
>lacks a majority of RE1's optional rooms
>the Guardhouse is way too tryhard
>the return trip to the mansion butchers everything into a straight line
>the library is changed from a neat puzzle room to a fucking boss fight and another room with neat files
>they removed the room overlooking the landing pad
>Barry's survival is changed from a more subliminal choice to just a flat out YES/NO question
>exploration is more limited
>the caves are extended to include more Lisa Trevor, but the extensions are the worst part of the game

>> No.5321292

still better than the original re1 boomer

>> No.5321301
File: 48 KB, 610x189, Screenshot (95).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please play the original before talking about it

>> No.5321302


>> No.5321303
File: 43 KB, 434x327, 1545408065616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Things zoomers say.

>> No.5321306


>> No.5321307

Why do people shit on CV so hard? My only one to pick is that the fully 3D levels didn't age as gracefully as the prerendered stuff.

>> No.5321308
File: 70 KB, 765x530, 5035951_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concession.

>> No.5321335
File: 61 KB, 585x480, crossdress2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was too hard for normies

>> No.5321346

It does feel like it ought to have had the dodge feature from 3 though. Fighting Bandersnatches felt clumsy. Getting swatted at from several feet away with no telegraph is pretty shit.

>> No.5321671

This looks like shit.

>> No.5322058
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, 1547583637152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a stressful game like RE

>> No.5322190

The real horror is how many people who played REmake HD, hardcore or casual fan, have no idea that this is a slightly different game than the Gamecube version with all these game design and graphical changes.

>> No.5322223
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, 457990-chrono20cross20kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such as? You can manually reload without having to open the inventory screen, which is pretty cool. What else is your autism referring to?

>> No.5322449

Underrated post.

>> No.5323105

RE1 is better. Why the fuck would they add Crimson Heads? Retarded

>> No.5323108

What why?
Only on CRT prerendered backgrounds do not look like low quality jpeg.
There are many PC games with prerendered backgrounds.

>> No.5323117

Sorry to hear that you are a pleb. AITD gave birth to your puny weeb series.

>> No.5323120

You have no idea what we went through when we created models back then.

>> No.5323129

AITD is a french game?

>> No.5323185

The only thing wrong with the HD version is the music after zombies pop out. In some cases (if not all) it's not as chilling. For example, when you try to leave the kitchen for the first time, the zombie walks down the stairs and enters the kitchen and the music is chilling in the GC version. In the HD version the music is dull and does not do it justice. Also, after getting the mask from the garden area the music that follows when the zombies crash through the windows is very dull in the HD version.

>> No.5323423


How has this word never been wordfiltered?

>> No.5323426
File: 222 KB, 1654x984, remake dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of the Steam version if the Dolphin emulation looks great for free?

>> No.5323428
File: 201 KB, 1596x977, remake dolphin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5323432
File: 181 KB, 1664x983, remake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5323576

Can manually reload without having to open the inventory screen.

>> No.5323587

But can you play it with the Donkey Kongos?

>> No.5323959

Why would it be?

>> No.5323962

REMAKE is the better game but
The original is just pure kino.

>> No.5324129

Which other Gamecube Resident Evils are good? I've only ever played 4, but Re 1 is on its way in the mail.

I see RE Zero, 2, and 3, and Code Veronica? Are those any good? Are these 2 and 3 port/remakes worth it at all or do I pass them up? I know nothing about RE other than 4 which is apparently totally different from the rest.

>> No.5324181


IMO REmakes the best, then RE2, then RE3 so play those definitely.

RE Zero fits the whole image of how good REmake is but the bosses are garbage and the story is where the RE canon really started to take it in the ass (main antagonist generic Sephiroth guy seriously???)

Code Veronica is the same as 0, has cool areas, a good few very traditional to the RE gameplay feeling but it flops with the story, secondary characters and main antagonists.

>> No.5324217

I would agree but theres a bug in REmake for PC that makes everything move slow. Don't know how to fix it

>> No.5324230

All the RE games on Gamecube are good and worth playing (but 0 is the weakest)

> I know nothing about RE other than 4 which is apparently totally different from the rest.
The gameplay of RE4 was mostly about going room to room to kill lots of enemies. The REs before 4 were about exploring rooms for keys and puzzle items in order to progress to new areas, with enemies being of lesser importance (aside from a few boss fights, you can and should run past a lot of enemies).

>> No.5326062
File: 599 KB, 840x640, status fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essential RE title, play the original RE1 first though, it's on PSX and by extension PSN (PS3, Vita, PSP), easily emulated as well.
In the same style as REmake, fairly weak though
>2 and 3 ports
Straight ports of the PSX release and fairly expensive due to limited release. Dreamcast is better and RE2 N64 has better extra content (no Ex Battle like PSX Dualshock and GCN but it has the EX Files)
>CVX Port
On two discs like the Dreamcast release, while the PS2 version is one disc. Better lighting than the PS2 release in my experience, but the most expensive release, CVX HD on PS3 and 360 is probably best. Or get the RE Essentials Box on PS2 with CVX, 4 and Outbreak File 1.
Play order for the series is
>BIOHAZARD 4D Executer (optional, movie)
>Wesker's Report
>Survivor (optional, PSX)
>Gun Survivor 2 (optional, PS2, import (just read the canonical files online)
>Dead Aim (optional but really fucking good, there's a 55 page analysis on it from Project Umbrella back in like 08 that is also worth a read)
>Outbreak 1 and 2 (optional, PS2, good if you like Raccoon City)
>Wesker's Report II
>Umbrella Chronicles (mostly optional, at least watch the cutscenes online)
>Darkside Chronicles (optional)
>Revelations (optional, shit)
>Degeneration (movie)
>5 (play with DLC and play Lost In Nightmares as soon as it's unlocked)
>Marhawa Desire (optional, shit, manga)
>Damnation (movie)
>BIOHAZARD the Stage (optional)
>6 (shit)
>Heavenly Island (manga)
>Vendetta (movie, shit)
>Musical BIOHAZARD Voice of Gaia (optional)
>Umbrella Corps (optional, shit)
>7: Not a Hero
>7: End of Zoe
>REmake 2

>> No.5326258

This happened to me as well when I first installed it. I don't remember how I fixed it, but I assume that it was by changing video settings somewhere. I googled it, you should too. It is definitely fixable.

>> No.5326384

>Play order for the series is
>a bunch of shitty movies and comic books

>> No.5326390

Hey man, they're pretty decent

>> No.5326402

I remember cringing while watching Degeneration. They told me it was better than the live action movies but it ended up being worse in a different way.

>I'm super serious Leon who is now asian, watch me snipe 30 zombies in 2 seconds and not give a shit because I'm-- and I can't stress this enough-- REALLY cool! Believe me!
Fucking babby shit

>> No.5326972

Why I prefer the first game:

1. REmake is overly dark and lacks colors to a fault. Basically it doesn't stay true to the original mansion besides the layout. It threw away the atmosphere of the original mansion. REmake mansion is your typical horror mansion trope. Would be fine otherwise if it were an original game and not a remake.

2. It actually is a bit easier than RE1.

3. I simply love RE2 the most of all RE games. It was such a well done game with plenty of replay value and one of the greatest of all time.

4. Silent Hill games are scarier and do even better atmosphere than REmake.

One other thing I love about RE1 mansion that nobody really notices is that area where you meet the first zombie is great and spooky because it is basically a dead end at the end of a long hallway. REmake puts a door where either there was a picture or window instead in the original. Some of you might say autism but I don't care. I'm really the only one I've ever seen point this area out and even though it was likely never intentional by the developers I think it gave the area a sort of psychological horror that worked to the games favor. Kenneth basically got trapped in a dead end by that zombie and was too shit of a stars member to shoot it to death.

That RE1 mansion for me is just legendary. Its probably the most memorable location in a game for me and I love it.

>> No.5327121

Dude you cant have a game with fixed camera be the best anything. Also the beat survival horror game cant be 3rd person.

>> No.5328170

Is it? I tried playing the psx version and it seems to be harder clunkyer and less comfy than Silent Hill.

>> No.5328350

There’s actually a film roll in REmake showing exactly what happened to Kenneth. Panic fire

>> No.5328357

Lol nice try kid

>> No.5329083

REmake would have been fine without CHs

>> No.5329136
File: 67 KB, 606x686, becca_talk_sleepy1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this game

>> No.5329185
File: 1.93 MB, 1856x704, 1547489121485.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very affected. Animated backgrounds were completely botched for the most part. Wii version is exactly the same as GC one far as I know.

>> No.5329206

Just be happy it's at least related to a retro game, enjoy /vr/ before the PS2 becomes retro, then it'll all be downhill from there.

>> No.5329785

>Up to 1440P
>Up to 120 FPS

We're in 2019 M8, up your standards FFS. I LOVE regular HD (so many old games max at 1024x768 or don't support WS properly), but 1080P 144FPS is what the enthusiast gaming standard should be.

If nothing from this page works, either your system just can't run it properly or the bug is one of those nightmare scenarios where it simply hates your rig. Good luck anon

>> No.5330292

Code Veronica was the best in the series.

>> No.5330546

code veronica was absolute trash
fuck off segafag

>> No.5330554

can't you get those stats in dolphin? upscale to 4k even?

>> No.5330570

wrong, dickhead
resident evil director's cut or deadly silence is the best way to play RE1

REmaster is the best way to play REmake

>> No.5330774

Nice try bud.

>> No.5330802

If the colorings/backgrounds on the remaster are really bonked then just play gamecube version on Dolphin. Looks great, the only thing I don't like are the visible compression artifacts on the background images.

The RE0 re-release, on the other hand, is worth playing instead of the Gamecube version if they're using high res versions of the original backgrounds. This looks pretty damn good >>5310242

>> No.5330817
File: 968 KB, 1280x960, Resident Evil (USA)-190127-230553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got around to finishing Resident Evil (1996). My impressions:

1. The game is not scary.
2. Most of the "survival horror" mechanics (a.k.a. "survival horror" just because the game that had them used this moniker) were tedious as fuck: blatantly easy puzzles that took more time actually getting them done than figuring them out; extremely limited inventory that only encouraged backtracking because you couldn't drop items or use items as you picked them up (e.g. using a Herb you just found).
3. One puzzle made me look up a walkthrough because of just how AWFUL it was designed. I was stuck in the game because I had a few spare key items I knew I needed to use somehow, but didn't know where or how. Turns out I had to check two of them in a specific way in the inventory, when never, EVER during the rest of the game do you need to do such thing to "uncover" the key item's mysteries (e.g. when you check any of the keys it instantly tells you what does it do, you don't need to spin around the Helmet Key for Jill to go "oh it's the Helmet Key!").
4. The practice of kicking the player back to the main menu when he/she dies is retarded so I simply saved next to typewriters (which I had used a ribbon on) to get around the 30 sec inconvenience of dying.
5. The controls are shit.
6. The gardens and the underground feel like filler.
7. Voice acting is awful but everyone knows this.

Positives are:

- The atmosphere.
- The graphics.
- Mansion, Laboratory, Guardhouse, from best to worst (but still good). If the game had just taken place inside the mansion with the laboratory located below it I would have been much happier. The other locations were fairly crap.

Overall I'd say it's a 7/10. Very much worth playing but not exactly "best of all time" material.

I finished the game in roughly 7h 30min. This obviously doesn't account for the time lost playing the game (like progress lost when you die).

>> No.5330838

Imagine you're back in 1996 and the first cutscene you see in the game (aside from the rad intro) is some hyper-realistic (for the time) dude eating another guy's face. That's scary.

I'm not kidding here when I say I always jumped in my chair whenever the Licker broke the window in RE2. I was 10 at the time.

>> No.5330848

Yes, mostly the value of the game is due to being new and "good for its time" and because we (assuming most people here) played it when we were young

>> No.5330865

Well, in 1996 we were still playing The Smurfs on the SNES. RE was a revolution at the time.

>> No.5330897

How is RE:0?

>> No.5330907

Worst of the classics and not retro vidya.

>> No.5332207

Can someone post the version difference graphic for RE2 and 3?

>> No.5332409

Flawed, but worth playing. Don't forget about the grappling hook.

>> No.5332480

We all love Rebecca

>> No.5333376

It's not even real RE1

>> No.5333389

>not retro

>> No.5333456

All this talk about emulation, but the only ones that I would recommend emulating are the original RE1, which doesn't run well in modern machines, and CVX, which doesn't have a PC port. All the others have PC ports that work perfectly and look and play better than any console stuff, and possess extra content, so why not just play those instead of emulating shit?

>> No.5333498

That CRT filter is horrific. It doesn't look anything like a CRT, it just looks like a blurry halation mess.

>> No.5333720
File: 60 KB, 641x1024, 1541171293495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5334183 [DELETED] 

/vr/ is calling you little one

>> No.5334252

That CRT shader looks like it was configured by someone who has never laid eyes on a CRT in their lives. Awful.
>7h 30 minutes on the save file
Jesus christ. Some of your critcisms are pretty valid but maybe this genre isn't for you. RE is easily a sub 6 hour game, even for new comers.

>> No.5334257

How do you feel about Operation Raccoon City?

>> No.5334303

>RE is easily a sub 6 hour game, even for new comers.
Not really. I would expect around 8-10 hours for someone who has never played a RE game before, especially if they take all the time to explore every nook and cranny of the map.

>> No.5334541

not retro

>> No.5334576

Best way to play 1-3 not including remakes?

>> No.5334591

1: deadly silence or director's cut, your choice really
2: gamecube or PC
3: PC

>> No.5334592

PC port of all 3. Director's Cut black label for 1 also works.

>> No.5334615

Is RE0 good?

>> No.5334619


Its by far the weakest true RE game.

>> No.5334652


>> No.5334671

it's probably the weakest mainline entry, and one of the weakest games overall

>> No.5334745

As others have said, it is weak and I dont disagree. Though it is fun to imagine how good it could have been if you were able to choose between playing as either Rebs or Billy in the same way that you chose Jill or Chris in 1. Just imagine....the game is gorgeous and the environments are fun to explore....the inventory system (which is a result of the partner system) really hurts it. Also, a lot of puzzles are sending items up/down dumbwaiters and having Billy boost Rebecca or push objects that she is too weak to push. I would give it a 7.5/10. I love it, but it is weak.

>> No.5334748

Shit game and non canon because its geography of the city doesn't actually work.

>> No.5334751

I hear anons. I think I have it for GC collecting dust somewhere, suppose I might as well give it a shot. I haven't played any classic RE yet so I was thinking to maybe start with 1-3, I got ps1 roms for each of them

>> No.5334765

is it only on gamecube ?

>> No.5334774

why is it called resident evil it should be called resident evil 4 or 5

>> No.5334781

Well it's a remake of the first game. Are you serious?

>> No.5334796

REmake is on PC and ps3/4 as well.

>> No.5334802

ok now i understand

>> No.5334828


I'm huge RE fan, so I have 0 and have played through it more than once, you should play it, but after you've played all the other classics, since both gameplay and plot wise, the things it added aren't very good.

>> No.5335384

God bless whoever made this image. Kids really ought to learn how fucked some ports are. At the end of the day, the original GC version on a CRT looks vastly superior to the Steam version on a monitor.

>> No.5335560

Having played RE0 recently, these were my thoughts
>Graphically, its gorgeous, it has prerendered graphics like REmake, except even better looking, its a beautiful looking game
>Its a true old-school RE game, with the trademark tank controls, fixed camera angles, slow pace, puzzles, limited ammo and so on
>The partner system is very annoying and breaks immersion. Many puzzles require use of both characters, so you can't just leave one in a safe room and just use the other. Not to mention, you'll end spending 2X as ammo and herbs/first aids, which means that 0 is the only old school RE where you can seriously run out of items even being careful
>No item boxes is a major pain in the ass. You'll sorely miss them throughout the whole game. Having to drop the items in the ground and then having to backtrack when you need them is just not fun. And there's only six slots per character, AND many items take two slots, especially the goddamn hookshot, by far the most hated item in the whole RE history.
>Its very hard, the hardest classic RE game overall not counting meme difficulties. Normal is comparable to Hard on REmake, and Hard is just a kick on the teeth
>Many new enemies are retarded, just random animals made bigger
>Leech zombies will make you miss Crimson Heads. If you thought it was bad having to burn zombies to avoid them transforming, leech zombies can ONLY be killed with fire, forcing you to carry a fire based weapon at all times
>Dodging is the hardest to pull off out of all classic REs
>The plot is terrible and full of plotholes. No comment on it, see it for yourself.

>> No.5335680

Leaving the AI outside of a room and then going in solo to clear it is a good strategy...its just unfortunate that you cant trust the AI to not waste ammo or get bitten. It makes me so fucking mad. RE0 could have been a 10/10 (or close to it) without the partner system.

Also, it is best to just completely ignore the retarded leech plot and how the fucking leeches adapted to Dr. Marcus' memories. The idea of that fucking leech thing leaking the virus in the Spencer mansion is so fucking stupid that I pretend that it didnt happen.

>> No.5335725

Too bad I have a CRT next to me so I know what they look like.
>Jesus christ. Some of your critcisms are pretty valid but maybe this genre isn't for you.
How does playtime = "this genre isn't for you"? Come up with an actual criticism.
>RE is easily a sub 6 hour game
It would easily be a 3 hour game without pointless key item inventory limitations that only inflate playtime.

>> No.5335731

This, pretty much. It's my first time playing a RE title and I overestimated how deep the game was, so I pretty much explored the entirety of every room. It's a shame because once you know where everything is you can't really be surprised anymore. It's one of those "play once" (in this case twice, if only because of Jill and Chris) games, but at least there are self-imposed challenges for those who are into that kind of thing.

>> No.5335779

postings of the year

>> No.5335784

The two most glaring plotholes in RE0 are
>Where the fuck all those places you visit in the game come from? They weren't mentioned anywhere else, and earlier RE games ostensibly mentioned that the Umbrella research facilities at Raccoon City were located at the Spencer Mansion and nowhere else.

>Rebecca from this game just cannot be the same character that she is in REmake. After kicking ass by killing so many zombies and monsters and uncovering conspiracies, she suddenly becomes a helpless scared girl that "doesn't know anything". Perhaps she hit her head and got amnesia, but it's still not convincing.

I prefer to consider RE0 non-canon, too many things in it don't make sense.

>> No.5335786

*Raccoon forest, not Raccoon City

>> No.5335789

Not to mention it just feels aesthetically misguided. The singing leech man looks like a fucking Final Fantasy villain.

>> No.5335818

Yeah, dressed in white standing on a hill overlooking the train...absolutely retarded. Now imagine that same guy releasing the virus. It is just astonishingly retarded.

>> No.5336153

Then you have a horribly calibrated, near death CRT.

>> No.5337014
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1280, DSC-5570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks fine to me.

>> No.5337532

i like that the mansion in RE1 looks lived in. REmake tried a bit too hard.

>> No.5337546

I thinks its way too easy, they just throw ammo at you. I dropped it after 30 minutes or so because i wasnt thinking about gameplay, my mind was wondering and the zombies just seemed easier to kill. I was kind if disapointed, honestly.

>> No.5337843

I get that, but I think that the devs created the perfected haunted mansion/murder mystery atmosphere and I love it.

>> No.5339279

>try playing RE2 sourcenext
>all the enemy placement is different and it's also EASIER
is there a way to solve this?

>> No.5340013

Get good

>> No.5340015

Since that's the Japanese version, I think Arrange Mode replicates US enemy placement.

>> No.5340026


>> No.5340027

This version has more difficulties than the console versions. Play it on harder difficulties than Normal.

>> No.5340029


>> No.5340037

>I like to call RE1 remake as "REmake"
>it triggers my autism when people call RE2 remake as "REmake 2"

yep, you're on the spectrum....

>> No.5340040

I didn't know this existed till the other day and honestly, this is extremely underrated.
It's my favourite way to play it, wish 2-3 was on it but the bad rep it got probably killed any chance of it.

>> No.5340317

I love REmake but not being able to turn off invisible zombie is really annoying even though he is easy to avoid.

>> No.5340551

oh, i thought arrange radically altered the game like in 1. i didn't think it was the western difficulty.

>> No.5340557

The RE2 remake isn't made in the same spirit as REmake and doesn't deserve to be related.

>> No.5340760

The new RE2 isn't so much a remake as a "RE-imagining" or less technically, a "REboot."

>> No.5341403

>not retro