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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 425x425, 41xCGmOX+eL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5327865 No.5327865 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5328040
File: 199 KB, 668x400, nas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and I'm not using an external hard drive.

>> No.5328058

An NAS is a type of external drive but attached to a network anon. Are you feeling ok?

>> No.5328064

taking names literally rather than what they commonly mean doesn't make you right

>> No.5328082
File: 76 KB, 509x715, nobatteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le data apocalypse
The desperation for this is blown out of proportion. There's always going to be files available somewhere.

>> No.5328084
File: 2.00 MB, 371x331, 1305782516129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking names literally rather than what they commonly mean doesn't make you right

>> No.5328093

the only "retro" sets i'm missing are complete saturn and ps1. i've actually had to convert a lot of saturn rips(especially jap) to bin/cue standard because no one cared back then.
getting complete ps1 might be too difficult and maybe not worth it?

>> No.5328179


>> No.5328180
File: 151 KB, 1200x611, hardcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no! Do I look like The Librarian™, Defender of Roms and Keeper of Video Game History?
I just save what I'm interested in and actually want to play.

I hear you, but everyone has gotta start somewhere. Been backing up important stuff since the mid 90s cause I have been badly burned by floppy disks going bad and losing some games.
Some perceived apocalypse on the net may be a silly reason, but at least some people might rethink the way they handle their data.

>> No.5328243

>There's always going to be files available somewhere.
No, there isn't, you dumb zoomer.

There's plenty of things that are nowhere to be found-oh! Of course, "le those doesn't matter" rite?

>> No.5328254

PS1 games are added to Redump daily so downloading a full set is pointless.

>> No.5328263

Already did that with all my CD based systems. Around 24TB so far.

>> No.5328271

You know you can just update the fullset manually, right?

>> No.5328273

>Been backing up important stuff since the mid 90s
Last year I had a TB hard drive fail on me. I lost 750mb of data, some of it was irreplaceable. Most of it was from the late 90s-early 2000s. Some family photos simply don't exist because of that decision. I had a spare computer laying around and built a pretty decent NAS. I knew NOTHING about a NAS before I did it, and am glad I did. 3x 2tb hard drives are all I needed to justify how I save data, and even over the network I get pretty good speeds when I transfer. I don't know how I went so long without one. Redundancy of data is essential. I have had raid setups before, but never on an external dedicated device.

>> No.5328306
File: 46 KB, 960x540, 1e7b9605-52b6-4c51-881b-8b7885e5b509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why a have one of these.
I'm using magnetic tape drives since the early 90s. ATM it's the only viable option for long time archiving.

>> No.5328329

>This is why a have one of these.
>I'm using magnetic tape drives since the early 90s. ATM it's the only viable option for long time archiving.
With the way I use data, I need something more versatile than just archive purposes. I am constantly fiddling around with files and structures. Knowing that I have 3 drives means that I have some redundancy, and 2tb each is pretty cheap of a drive to replace when failures start. However, I have never had a full sized hard drive fail. Last year I threw out a bunch of 10-20gb from the 90s after ripping the data (IDE) to a 1.2ghz AMD athlon system just so I could transfer it to a newer SATA board.

I used saltwater to treat the drives before giving them to the garbage man, and there really is nothing of value on them. I am fairly certain they were ruined.

>> No.5328347

Yup, gotta make sure I got every shitty pachinko, mahjong, horse racing, licensed dreck, etc. ROM ever created. Full sets are 90% shit, per Sturgeon's law.

>> No.5328351

You could've backed that up on literally anything. I've still got shit I drew as a kid on a Mac Plus hanging around.

>> No.5328365

>You could've backed that up on literally anything.
That 1tb hdd was my "literally anything" replacement, and was a bit over 1 year old. It totally failed. Death clicking is never a good sign, and the freezer trick did not help it. It was still readable, I certainly could have backed it up.

>> No.5328367

>It was still readable
*IF it was still readable

>> No.5328426
File: 43 KB, 474x296, 448028f2e3b1bf205455f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm good anon, got all the psx, saturn, dreamcast, sega-cd, pc-engine cd and CDI games on a few HDD.
With all the emulation sites that got purged last summer, I'm not taking any chance.


Here you go, anon: https://mega.nz/#F!U6wl0RgA!qsuYTh9QCSKTAF7EoXCUQg and https://mega.nz/#F!gzJyQKBL!iHGsqzRuW2FP80OHUTMp6A

>> No.5328434

Yeah, I started doing it after the Nintendo scare last summer.

>> No.5328442

I have a few fullsets, just a few cart-based systems though. Biggest ones I have are 64 and GBA. Don't really feel like getting disc fullsets, someone else can take care of that. I might double back and grab some niche ones like the Jaguar though.

>> No.5328460
File: 20 KB, 311x320, quatum-tape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew, looks like I need to get a few fresh tapes for my second tape drive...

>> No.5328512

No because I'm not a prepper.

>> No.5328534

At the very least, do so for No Intro sets as they take up a non consequential amount of hard drive space. For optical disc media, the hits are fine.

>> No.5328563


Yeah idk wtf he's trying to say either.

>> No.5328567


Some games should die. Like bubsy.

>> No.5328573

I wish there was a cloud save system for emulators.

>> No.5328579

No. :^)

>> No.5328596

I got an entry level synology Nas and I have been really impressed with the interface and available software.

I have most of my stuff backed up to onedrive and on the nas. I need to put a redundant drive in it though. I dont have my roms or game center cx on the cloud side

>> No.5328601

I wish I was, but the last 2 times I tried that the HDDs ended up failing.
I still have a few fullsets (mostly stuff before PSX/N64), but allocating space for the rest is kinda prohibitive in my country.

- Goodset or No-Intro?
- Original dump or re-dump?

>> No.5328615

gb2/v/ and kys you ignorant zoomer.
I've lost ~2TB of obscure or niche shit in the past 20 years due to hardware failure. I never managed to retreive even 1/10 of the things I lost. And I looked EVERYWHERE on the entire fucking internet+usenet. I can only imagine that the bunch of people with similar interests as me also either lost their stuff or killed themselves. Generational loss also plays a role; how can a shit eating zoomer know about things that existed before you were even born you little shitstain, and there is no one to pass on the batton to ungrateful, spioled cock sucking shit eaters such has yourself who would abandon and throw it away after a week anyway?

So there is no one out there to potentially re-upload those things. They are lost forever. Gone.
One day, you retarded subhuman shit eating retard Zoomer will learn this as a life lesson. That all good things eventually come to an end and nothing in this life is for eternity.

>> No.5328624

at this point the hard part is getting massive external hds for each of those systems and manually converting the file formats
shit like multi bin and ape files

>> No.5328625


>> No.5328630

>converting the file formats
>shit like multi bin and ape files

Why do you do that?

>> No.5328631

It’s your fault you keep “fiddling” with it. You back something up and then leave it long term. You don’t leave the drives running 24/7 in an NAS and call it long term backup.

>> No.5328634
File: 377 KB, 500x381, obliterar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and ape files
No! NO! You monster!

Tell me, do you .ecm them too?

>> No.5328642

I’m not the anon you replied to. But I always convert files to a universal format. Psx games are PBP. Saturn is Bin/Cue. Dreamcast is GDI. And I backup the tools necessary to move it to different formats if needed.

>> No.5328650

Drives go bad sitting on a shelf too. If you have a nas with redundancy and cycle through your drives as they fail, you'll always have a good live copy you can access at good speed.

>> No.5328652

gotta make everything bin/cue man
if anything retroarch has helped push this mindset due to lack of compatibility

>> No.5328668

I agree about .bin/.cue, but why .ape? This just reminds me of Emuparadise's fucking PSX rips, where everything was .ecm and .ape or .wav and barely saved 20 MB in compression.

>> No.5328670

maybe I formatted that sentence incorrectly. the idea is to remove multi-bin, ape, mds+mdf and whatever random format entirety

>> No.5328673

Ah, ok. I thought you were converting stuff INTO .ape, which is in itself a crime against humanity.
I converted a few Win98 games I had to .bin/.cue as well, they were in .ccd (Clone CD) and .cdi (Disc Juggler) formats.

One thing to look out for in Dreamcast games is that some of the dumps aren't "proper", so you'd better wait for a re-dump. One example was Super Hero Retsuden, which was only properly dumped last year to .gdi. The original dump was .cdi, which had a weird glitch that for some reason played the wrong musical track everytime music would play (even though all music WAS in the .cdi).

>> No.5328694

What's wrong with multi-bin?
The only drawback I can think of is when you want to patch a game (translation, etc).

>> No.5328707

You only need the first .bin for translations anyway. The rest of .bins are just .wav files.

>> No.5328737

I have drives that are nearly 30 years old and still good. I’ve only had one hard drive fail. The vast majority of data and people out here would agree. You’re doing something very wrong

>> No.5328769

I'd love to say you're right, but I never had such luck with the newer drives. Maybe they're just not built to last? I have backup drives I've been using since 1999, and it's always the new ones that fail. IIRC:
- My first drive, a 8.2GB from WD, still works.
- I have 5 40 GB drives from 2003 that still work, lots of mp3 and games on them.
- 3 160 GB drives that still work, one of them has a few bad blocks.
(All above are IDE)
- I have 7 500 GB drives I've been using since 2010, and ALL of them have bad blocks everywhere. I have 3 drives that failed completely. I've had 1 2TB drive fail me just last month.

I don't think the matter is use. One of the 160GB drives I use on my PS2 (it can use an HDD), and I play on it almost daily since 2008, and it never failed.

tl;dr either new drives just fail too much or I'm looking at the wrong place. I know there was a scare a few months back on defective Fireballs, but I know to avoid that kind of stuff.

>> No.5328780

which brand of drives failed? western digital flat out seems better than seagate

>> No.5328785

3 backups
2 different media
1 offsite

>> No.5328786

I wish they'd offer a dat without all the demos and shit, crap just bloats the cmp-log

>> No.5328787

>and barely saved 20 MB in compression.
you are talking out of your ass.

>> No.5328791

I have a 10TB NAS with RAID1.
How can I contribute to preservation of old vidya?
I don't have access to retrowith.in

>> No.5328807

ur mom should die

>> No.5328819

Seed public torrents. Mainly just keep up to date fullsets of everything you have you the space for and you'll be fine. You could also contribute dumps for lesser known games, but that's a little outside the scope of this thread.

What's a good entry level tape drive? I'm mainly thinking of just semi longterm cold storage of ROMs like the thread entails.

>> No.5328820

I've had one raid controller fail. That was actually recoverable, but it made me stop using raid0. I have had virtually every drive I own start having greatly decreased performance and sector errors and other things that should start throwing SMART flags but they dont because it's a retarded standard.

Drives do not last forever. You need to monitor them and proactively replace them. This is basic data protection. Tapes are fantastic for offline backup. If you're going to actually use the data though, it's hard to beat a harddrive, but they simply dont last forever, and you need to be vigilant

I'm not sure why your upset.

>> No.5328825
File: 98 KB, 512x512, Yuuyami Doori Takentai (SLPS-02274) (Front).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just took a sample. Already missing:

Afraid Gear Another [SLPM-86834]
Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken: The Adventure of Little Ralph [SLPS-01853]
Koyasai: A Shred Of Youthful Memories [SLPS-01775]
Yuyami Toori Tankentai [SLPS-02274]
Zoku Gussun Oyoyo [SLPS-00488]

Which is a shame, because it does have niche stuff like Geki-Oh Shooting King - Shienryu [SLPS-02056] or Himitsu Sentai Metamor V Deluxe [SLPS-01626-7].
Also it triggers the ever bugging out of my autism that the games are missing their serial numbers and have no front and back covers included. Also whoever made this, didn't use superior .7z - which would easily shave off ~150GB of unnecessary dota bloat.

>> No.5328849


My bad, the link was posted this summer by another kind anon, I merely wanted to share it with you. Would the serial number and pictures really be useful, though? I mean, I suppose you already know the exact game(s) you're looking for.

Can you tell me what's missing, exactly? (I'll try to find them and add them)

>> No.5328946

Yes. Preservation is more important than ever that we don't lose the treasures.

>> No.5328984

>b-but what if you can't play [obscure untranslated Japanese PC game] years from now!

>> No.5329006

>My bad, the link was posted this summer by another kind anon, I merely wanted to share it with you. Would the serial number and pictures really be useful, though? I mean, I suppose you already know the exact game(s) you're looking for.
>Can you tell me what's missing, exactly? (I'll try to find them and add them)
see if these torrents help:



>> No.5329020

I'm sure your obscure german porn still exists out there somewhere, anon. In the meantime, I don't see how that's relevant to rom sets that were never obscure in the first place.

>> No.5329024

Whoa thanks for these. Guess I need a pro account for a month.

>> No.5329052

Your post would have had a point had you not been a retarded asshole about it

>> No.5329072

Got any examples from this lost treasure trove? If it's nowhere to be found anywhere it was prob. garbage desu.

>> No.5329080

I am not a clever man: how do you compare the files in these torrents with the Mega link?

>> No.5329085
File: 139 KB, 540x684, abdomen-boomer-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if this is some sort of meme edit or legit
hilarious either way

>> No.5329089

You dont want the complete ps1 set. You end up with 100GB of yearly versions of EA and 989 sports games if you do.

>> No.5329101

Chippoke Ralph and adventure Ralph are the same game.

>> No.5329105

yeah thats kinda the nightmare
but having every single ps1 game on an external for the future would be kinda nice

>> No.5329106

Ignore that. I cant read.

>> No.5329125

My ps1 set is 1167 Isos (converted to chd so they dont need to be unzipped before playing) of usa and the good English patched/ English playable Japan roms. Sifting through the mountains of shit truly is a nightmare, and I understand the desire to preserve what you have so you never have to deal with that again. I even bought a yearly amazon drIve acount so I would have an offsite backup just in case.

>> No.5329137
File: 20 KB, 392x286, 1209150230808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to let you know that the set is not complete. If I came across as an arrogant faggot, that was definitely not my intention and I would like to apologize. Sharing is caring, so you and the other anon you got it from are already doing more than 99% of us.
>Would the serial number and pictures really be useful, though?
Only for turbo perfectionist autists such as myself. Have been working for over half a year on my personal PS1 collection, manually cataloging every PS1 game with its release date, serial number, country and with back and front cover. Still have to hunt down a couple dozen games though, also getting full covers in good quality for some niche or obscure games can be a real pain in the ass to obtain.

>> No.5329150

have you ever ran into a ps1 game that wasn't on gamefaqs?

>> No.5329162

Even the shitty bitgamer knockoff that exists right now has most fullsets

>> No.5329167

Why? Do you know something we don't know?

>> No.5329180

You didn't come across as an arrogant faggot. I'm genuinely curious about the missing games.
As for the .7z vs .rar thing, frankly it's beyond my computer skill; that being said, while you're most likely right about saving space, I feel like it's somewhat trivial, because of the scale, to save 150Gb on a 2,75Tb archive.

Post the games you're looking for, I have like 200 psx jap games; even if they are mostly well-known games, perhaps I have something you want.

>> No.5329269

A lott of good mods for games like Unreal, Jedi Knight, Neverwinter Nights etc. have been lost forever with the sudden purge of the fileplanet and related fansites.

>> No.5329425

>I am not a clever man: how do you compare the files in these torrents with the Mega link?
You can load them up in a torrent client, and you will get a full list of the titles available. You can unselect any that you don't want to download. I am only a casual user, and in no way interested in backup of everything ever. However, there may be some of the titles you missed there? I don't know if it would help or not.

>> No.5329463

While I agree it is blown out of proportion, stuff seriously disappears and there's no getting it back. I challenge you to find a copy of "kazin dog pee" screensaver. It was an old W95 screen saver with a little dog that walked around and peed every so often. It doesn't exist.

Lots of dreamcast homebrew was hosted only on isozone, it's been recovered, but only through a dude that backed it all up on his hard drive. Look into flashpoint, it's a project achieving flash games, which are already gone or will be in 5 years time. We're never going to lose roms for popular systems, but honestly hacks, homebrew, and niche stuff does disappear all the time. I lost a lot of old oddball shit from the 90s and early 2000s that is nowhere. You might find the site on archive.org, but the downloads are all gone.

Basically when servers disappear through whatever reason, you had best hope some autist saved the data or it's gone. Hell, many game companies don't even have the source code to hugely popular titles.

>> No.5329471

I have a lot of flash games I need to upload, and also a few obscure files but first I need to backup my stuff in case one of the drives decides to act funny.

>> No.5329564

I felt pretty bad when theisozone went down. Thankfully there are sites like old-games.ru and romhustler around to fill that void. But it is getting harder to find some of the obscure stuff than back in the late 2Ks.

>> No.5329606

>when you realize 99% of documented history simply doesn't exist because there's no record of it that exists today to attest to it

>> No.5329615

>"kazin dog pee"
Why the fuck would you want to preserve that? This just confirms my that if nobody saved/reuploaded/resold it, it just wasn't worth having.

>> No.5329650

>hurf durf de files b sumwhur
No. Plenty of shit is gone forever. There are some games that can never be remastered because the devs don't have the original assets/source code anymore. If you find shit you wish to keep you are better off archiving it unless it's popular enough to be readily available elsewhere.

>> No.5329656

Fuck you, anon mentioning it now makes me wish I had it.

>> No.5329658

Internal source code never backed up != commercial game releases that aren't widely distributed online

>> No.5329693

there are stuff like pre-android mobile games which are barely saved here and there. N-Gage and J2ME got a lot of attention but there are so many other phone platforms that got ignored, like a japanese one (iMode/Doja) whos servers shut down not so long ago. I'd say 80% of it is gone for good.

>> No.5329705

They only recently recovered the source codes for the original starcraft and diablo. The source code for unreal is still lost. Those are genre defining games.

>> No.5329714

Yep. Try to find some of the PalmOS stuff. Thankfully I had all that stuff backed up. The torrents hosting it died 10 years ago or more.

>> No.5329715

Source code doesn't mean much at all.

>> No.5329740
File: 184 KB, 389x459, 1441430011951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw preserving ps3 games in the future with all those updates and dlc
>mfw it will be worse than removing sports games from full sets

>> No.5329748

least intelligent post of 2019

>> No.5329751

meant for >>5328040

>> No.5329841

>tfw finding some obscure 15-year old mpeg files re-uploaded to a streaming porn site

i thought those were lost too because they were hosted on a crappy rapidshare link for a while which disappeared, i lost the data, and there was no other way to get it. wew

>> No.5329856

actually ps3 piracy is pretty weird atm. after downloading a game you use a program that finds all the updates per region and dlc for you. some sort of giant database with everything.

>> No.5329864

raid isn't a backup

>> No.5329867

No, but I have a significant number of roms that I actually want to play.

>> No.5329880

Can I get a quick rundown on the status of hacking the console? I have a slim sitting around somewhere.

>> No.5329894

I only know ps3 emulation

>> No.5329905

just look it up. last i read about it it was really easy as long as it isnt the super slim and dont have the newest update. i did mine a long time ago when you still had to used this little dongle shit.

>> No.5329910

I saw this posted about a year ago. This has probably been updated quite a bit, but here it is anyways.


>> No.5329918

I did it once years ago when it didn't require a dongle but, I updated to play online.
Interesting. Thanks.

>> No.5329958

>However, I have never had a full sized hard drive fail.

Just two years ago I had a drive controller board blow up, and on my main games/documents drive. Not everything was backed up.

I managed to get a replacement board and solder over the firmware to get the drive working again (and it's still working fine ever since, as a backup drive now). But it made me radically alter my stance on doing backups.

>> No.5329962

This thread is about practices for backing up game images, not critiquing how companies store their internal development builds

>> No.5330221

Not a bad price on those tapes. How long to write/read on those in your experience?

>> No.5330228

my cartridges are going to last forever prove me wrong

>> No.5330229

>Person makes false statement on a subject
>I reply to statement
>"How dare you bring up a subject I don't want to hear about"

>> No.5330237

Cartridges do last a long time. Unfortunately cassette tapes, floppy disks and even optical discs don't last forever.

>> No.5330252

A cartridge will last a very long time, but any data storage that isnt redundant is data you dont mind losing.

>> No.5330306

As much as my bad internet can allow. I tend to focus on goodsets and untouched scene releases. The next time I can leech off someone else's wifi I'll try getting those three N64 scene sets off Internet Archive.

Actually, no. Remember Nitroroms? They had plenty of scene stuff and once that disappeared some of the scene dumps did too. I feel like I'm the only person who gives a shit about these. Interesting culture, that was. I also heard that Underground Gamer was like the Library of Alexandria for rare PC games and once that got burned down so did their collection.

I left Mario Kart DS in a hotel room one summer when I was a kid and somewhat recently when my parents were away on vacation they found this big bag of 3DS carts someone lost. Cartridges are built like tanks but you better keep up with them because the handheld ones are easy to lose.

>> No.5330331

>next time I can leech off someone else's wifi
Starbucks my friend. Pay $2 for a coffee and leech their wifi for the next 6 hours.

>> No.5330335

Full romsets of NIntendo, SEGA, and Sony games? Yeah, I'm sure those will always be around.

But I don't trust basically anything else, especially not after the takedown of TheISOZone. It was a great source of PC games that still aren't rereleased, and I haven't seen anything compare to its library in that regard.

>> No.5330342

>after the takedown of TheISOZone
The sadness is real.

>> No.5330553

To each his own. I personnaly can't find a full version of Debris32, a shareware asteroid clone.

Didn't Capcom lose the data of Top Man's level and had to rush a new, shitty one from scratch?

>>tfw finding some obscure 15-year old mpeg files re-uploaded to a streaming porn site
I know that feel, last week I sumbled across a late 90's amateur porn with a big titted dumb french girl "interview" which brought back memories and a surprisingly lasting boner.

>> No.5330762

>my cartridges are going to last forever prove me wrong

>> No.5330941
File: 146 KB, 1448x1080, sleepy spike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 770 more to go

>> No.5330970

Nostalgia. I had it as a screen saver as a teenager in the 90s. Sure it's dumb but it had 90s edge and humor.

>> No.5330975

Can you hook a fellow anon up? Just found a palm pilot in a bag of stuff software is surprisingly hard to find.

>> No.5331119

Yup, I've started collecting full sets of roms and isos for the systems I care about. Mostly Nintendo systems. I got NES through N64. Having trouble locating a full collection of Gamecube isos, though.

>> No.5331217

Yes I do. With romsites getting regularly nuked by lawsuits, its easier to have everything on my backup drive. I'll never play a fraction of it, but when I hear about a cool old game I can just copy it to whatever device and start playing, instead of searching through deadlinks and doing NoScript-whack-a-mole to get some shitty Chinese filesharing site to work

>> No.5331308

If anyone has the spare bandwidth, there's a program called ArchiveTeam Warrior that downloads websites in danger of vanishing and sends them to archive.org.


>> No.5331315

Based desu.

>> No.5331502

It does if you (or more importantly they) want to port the game

>> No.5331507

Best place for that kinda info on 4channel

>> No.5331691

I've backed all my stuff up to many places. Going to upload stuff to archive so years in the future when it becomes public domain anyone can get it

>> No.5332162

Sure, I'll post a link here once I've gotten it uploaded.

>> No.5332178

What do you think external hard drive means other than "outside of a computer chassis"

>> No.5332180

>using Synology

Enjoy your Intel Atom breakdown bug. I personally know a rom hoarder guy who lost 12 HDDs worth of isos because he put them on Synology boxes which bricked themselves because they used Atom C2000 cpus.

>> No.5332181

>if it was released you can always find it
Okay. I challenge the two of you to find a full rip of the TV show "Kablam!"
Protip: The torrents on all the public trackers are incomplete.

>> No.5332202

>I personally know a rom hoarder guy who lost 12 HDDs worth of isos because he put them on Synology boxes
Couldn't he get another identical board and rebuild his hard drives?

>> No.5332210

how big are these total?

>> No.5332221

No because they're so readily available, if i lose any in a hard drive crash i can just re-donwload them in seconds.
That's because redump sets are all laughably incomplete.
Downloading a proper full set is what you should be doing.

>> No.5332226

>raid isn't a backup
Can you explain it further than that?

>> No.5332229

I've lost almost 1TB worth of data and had to painfully search and download all of them.
Managed to only get at most 70% of them back.
Now I automate my backups monthly.
Still searching for some shit I've lost.
People say that it'll be on the internet forever, but I never found that to be the case.
Stuff loses seeders over time.

Nowadays I'm looking for a method to securely share shit, because I also want to give back.

>> No.5332301

I've heard bad things about Synology lately. I use Qnap myself. It's a 7 year old unit and I still get software updates for it.

>> No.5332305

There are only six games I care about keeping forever, so all I need is a flash drive.

>> No.5332309

Which games?

>> No.5332320

Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3
Gradius V & Gaiden
Super Mario Bros. 2 JP

>> No.5332350


>> No.5332358
File: 71 KB, 400x562, zire_31_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. All the Palm OS software I've collected over the years. It's kinda scattered and there's probably doubles, but it is what it is.


>> No.5332365

What are your favorites?

>> No.5332374
File: 86 KB, 350x493, 4ecbd4bda5c52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gradius V

>> No.5332383

>There are only six games I care about keeping forever and they are all meme games.

>> No.5332390

>and they are all meme games.

That's fine if you think that anon, what games do you like?

>> No.5332419


Thanks a lot, I was planning on getting a Zire 31 for nostalgia's sake and I was worried all the games had vanished from the internet.

>> No.5332431

I am. More importantly I'm backing up all that shit that isn't in the "full sets" But thanks for playing. With your silly little toy.

>> No.5332447

>has NAS external
>"not an external"

based retard? or baiting for you's?

>> No.5332449

>Jedi Knight

Was that one mod compilation that steals other people's mods lost in the great Fileplanet purge of 20XX?

>> No.5332464

Don't forget to learn how to draw while you're at it if you are a prepper. Being able to make your own porn on demand after shit hits the fan is golden.

>> No.5332478

You're thinking of KotF (Knights of the Force), not retro, wrong Jedi Knight

>> No.5332519

Typical that this gets no reply.

>> No.5332542

>Downloading a proper full set is what you should be doing.
Good thing there are so many full sets of disc systems just laying around for everyone to trip over all over the internet.

>> No.5332557

Too many to list, but I have been playing Strikers 1945 1&2, Rampage World Tour, Soul Calibur, RE Code Veronica, C&C Red Alert.

>> No.5332575

Well that selection is nice, I was never into Resident Evil because Silent Hill got me first, but I have good memories of all the rest.

>> No.5332580

>Good thing there are so many full sets of disc systems just laying around for everyone to trip over all over the internet.
There is always an emulation thread in /vg/ that would be able to help you. Yes, there is more than a few full sets of data floating around if you simply ask or know where to look.

>> No.5332614

The Zire 31 was my first one. I got a Zire 72S after that. Still have it, but the audio is broken after a failed attempt to repair a broken headphone jack.

>> No.5332625

Reminder to back up your NAS regularly.

>> No.5332629

Nope, if you do that it will go to factory default mode, which requires you to set up the input drives ie. format anything inserted before you can use them.

That, and we are talking about $1600 worth of replacement parts.

>> No.5332648
File: 133 KB, 796x600, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.5332668

Pretty sure anon was just stating an obvious fact, as opposed to baiting for (You)s like (You)

>> No.5332690

RAID won't protect you from viruses, user error, lightning strikes, house fires, etc. Backups won't keep your work from being interrupted when a disk dies.
The best strategy is to combine RAID with rotating (and offsite) backups. Then your files are almost always available (thanks to RAID), and even if something really bad happens (house fire) you can just restore your backups to a new RAID.
You should also generally put your RAID in a NAS, because that makes it easy to access all your files from many different devices (even if you are only using one device at a time). For example, if you want to use both Windows and Linux, you don't have to deal with FAT32 limitations or rely on Linux having reverse engineered NTFS perfectly. You simply access all your files over the network.

>> No.5332753
File: 29 KB, 600x600, 1536633515985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm planning on building an archive, but i had difficulties with external memory devices in the past. Mostly from them just getting corrupted for no reason other than use.
Should i buy a really good external hard drive or fill blue ray disks with shit? or something else, idk

>> No.5332806

I'm the synology shill from above, so my choice should be obvious.

I'd supplement it with blu Ray's or tapes for an off line or even off site backup

>> No.5332808

I imagine theres someone in a similar position to synology, maybe drobo. But this tier of product is a lot better than no name shit they have at frys or even the name brand hard drive external solutions

>> No.5332874

Oh man, thank you so much. I can finally get a little use out of this thing! Seriously anon, you just made my day!

>> No.5332974

Build a ZFS box, more robust and cheaper than Shitology.

>> No.5333001

N-Gage (30-35) games may be preserved but not symbian 9 games and apps

>> No.5333041
File: 198 KB, 593x533, SymbianOS9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean these games?

>> No.5333160

it's okay, all my drives are in raid 1 so the data is safe

>> No.5333165

Serious question, do you suffer from autism?

>> No.5333174


>> No.5333187

And no it's around but it's bad, instead play Survival Mod 2: Revenge Of The Droids

>> No.5333207
File: 78 KB, 752x639, kablam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol never thought I would ever hear other people mention Kablam. I actually had the pilot for that show on vhs. My parents worked on the Sniz & Fondue segments.

>> No.5333436

Not with MY internet, I'm not.

>> No.5333767

>n-gage 2.0
it were hundreds of symbian games which weren't made for n-gage

>> No.5334238

oh ok, I just remembered seeing that symbian name in a pack I downloaded not long ago. I didn't know what the deal was

>> No.5334276


>> No.5334287

Upload to Archive.org, it should be safe there, with the DMCA exception and all.

>> No.5334327

I do it with cartridge systems because complete romsets are a gig or less and the time it takes to download the whole thing is a fraction of how long it would take to hand pick every good game and download it individually. Theres so many good games that the amount of chaff you inevitably download is tolerable.

However, 5th gen disc systems A. would take forever to download a complete romset of and B. would be a huge fucking waste of space because just downloading the 50 or so games I want takes up a lot less space and would honestly probably take less time than having to download several terabytes worth of snowboarding and college football games that I'll never play.

>> No.5334409

I too remove the sports filler

>> No.5334812

I was thinking about this last night. And like, how game updates and DLC will be impossible to get eventually. Even buying physical current generation games almost feels like a waste of effort.

>> No.5334848
File: 145 KB, 632x682, 0dba2262712af2c02e9bac664908ef1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5334851

>format anything inserted before you can use them.
That is shitty as fuck. I have had Nvidia raid setups rebuild themselves when I didn't need/want them to, and you are saying that a commercial NAS product will fail and bomb out all the data on it? Fuck, that both sucks and is stupid at the same time.

>> No.5334868

>You should also generally put your RAID in a NAS, because that makes it easy to access all your files from many different devices
My "backup" is a freenas setup with 3 HDD. In the event of a house fire or other total catastrophe, I don't give a fuck about anything on it, since I will have lost everything anyway. It is dedicated and ONLY runs the basic ZFS unix/linux system. It is redundant, and offers me a level of safety that is more than what I ever will need. I can't lose 2 drives at once, but one at a time would be a safe situation. I would never trust my data "offsite", and we honestly don't have the bandwidth to justify it.

>> No.5334907

>5th gen disc systems A. would take forever to download a complete romset of
Can confirm. I'm currently downloading a full set of American GCN games and it's 605GB. I started yesterday and it's estimated to take 3 more days to download.

>> No.5334980

One thing I like to tell myself is that you never lose data if your hard drive fails, it's just a matter of money to recover it. Hopefully some day drive recovery prices will come down to a point where you will be able to recover your family photos without a second thought about it.

>> No.5335009

>family photos
You can buy a 64gb thumb drive for $10 - $20 depending on the brand and speed. I trust flash memory more than spinning drives to be honest. I think data recovery from hard drives will always be pricey.

>> No.5335029

Is there anything substantial about the supposed protection? The back issues of Nintendo Power were hosted there and then taken down.

>> No.5335358

>I trust flash memory more than spinning drives to be honest.
I've seen fuckloads of flash drives and SD cards from well known and trusted manufacturers die. The biggest killer is continuously streaming data like movies and music from the device. I had a friend who liked to replace the music in fighting games with his own and it ran off an SD card in his Wii. They only lasted several months before expiring. I had a flash drive die after a few years because I ran random emulators from it so I could play games at the school library computers.

>> No.5335381

Even if it's not publicly accessible [right now] they will keep a copy of it

>> No.5335563

I still have all of the NGage games... On one MMC card. And I also have an NGage QD that works for the most part, except for the one that matters - half of it's keypad is totally busted, including the "confirm" button so I can't launch anything, and no hardware service center around is willing to attempt a repair.

>> No.5336117

Isn't it possible to recover info from the disks without the NAS? Like, plugging them into external cradle or something?

>> No.5336493

nvm, found the answer:
>t. DS218J owner

>> No.5336527

Is this an ISO or full set, as in the OP? Was there even a commercial release for this? Are you saying this was never available to begin with?

>> No.5337934

Everyone over here is talking about hoarding every ROM file they can find, and I'm here just deleting games I 'm not interested in from my collections.

>> No.5338062

You monster.

>> No.5338127

Now I'm really curios to know what kind of "niche shit" you lost. Are those Germans horror z-movies or unknown 80s mecha anime?

>> No.5338138

heather blowjob rips in dvd quality

>> No.5338147

Not retro but there were original xbox fan hacks that I can't find anywhere else since it went down

>> No.5338151


>> No.5338168
File: 905 KB, 634x360, 1548728265070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I started doing it out of a whim in 2010 while sitting at my desk listening to Johnny Cash and talking to a vidya shop owner I knew
>mfw all the internet censorship bills almost happened but didn't
>mfw old rom sites came and went
>mfw Megaupload got just'd
>mfw Google started censoring search resulting and failed miserably at making roms harder to find
>mfw the rompocalypse finally happens and one of the proverbial horsemen is a fat aging plumber who needs to sue everyone out of existence to sustain his own

Bitter at Nintendo for destroying history to profit their dying sales system? Sure. They've been doing it since day one. Am I mad? Nope. As a matter of fact the day Nintendo went after EmuParadise I downloaded every Wii and 3DS game just to spite them and stored them on an external. I've pretty much got just about every game since the Oddyssey All the way up to the PS2/XBox/Gamecube era along with every PSP, 3DS and Wii game. Not too interested in PS3 and Xbox since I started losing interest in consoles around that time as the industry began to go stale. Besides, with 360 and PS3 emulators in the works, I've already got all the games I wanted to play on those systems anyway. Someone'll come along one do and put all the downloads for those respective systems into place one day, and when that day comes I guess I'll go buy a for more externals.

>> No.5338431

i lost 2tb worth of movies and tv shows in 2014. ive slowly been building it back up but cant find some of it due to the sopa shit and sites taking down copywrited material.
man, sharing with others on the internet (to me) used to mean getting any video you wanted... not telling everyone on Facebook that you were gonna be out of town in july or shit like that.
things i miss:
underground gamer
the purate bay (the 1st one)
kazaa and morpheus

>> No.5338719

Anyone have a mega for a full romset of N64 roms? That was the only one I was missing when Nintendo caused the rompocalypse

>> No.5338762
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 1548813263199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not Mega, but just as good. Have fun bro.


>> No.5338887

You're using an external server. Okay? Is this somehow superior in your eyes or do you only now realise that it's basically the same thing but with slightly differently configured hardware?

>> No.5338891
File: 296 KB, 560x560, 1548365878016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the folder is empty

>> No.5338918

There are 2 separate links there, check again.

>> No.5338963

Of course.

>> No.5338978

I've never seen a Zoomer sperg out like this, why are Boomers (i.e. "people who think they are boomers because they are 25") so autistic?

>> No.5338990

Not that guy, but...

Holy shit dude, stop being such a sperg. Its a hard drive holder with wi-fi compatibility. I've got one. To call it a server is a bit disingenous, since that implies that its a full stack with the ability to run and host third-party applications, and as far as I know the thing doesn't have the hardware to actually run your movies, games or anything else you store on it. Its an empty box with the basic guts of a wi-fi card in it, with some slots you can stick hard drives into. It isn't a server.

>> No.5338997

>serves files over a network
>not a server
u wot m8

>> No.5339004

>Intel Atom
The fucking worst.

>> No.5339026

That's Nintendo being turbojew as usual.

I doubt anyone is going to care about a bunch of old Palm applications.

>> No.5339050

REALLY easy to find no-intro rom sets. Those aren't going anywhere.

>> No.5339078

Yeah but I want the original games, I don’t want modified roms with the intros taken out

>> No.5339153

this is an incredible post and i appreciate the time and effort you put into it.

>> No.5339183
File: 73 KB, 167x226, Huber Wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know whether to curse or applaud.

>> No.5339257

Thank you

You can applaud, it was a joke :^)

>> No.5339261

>yfw archive.org gets destroyed in a fire or something and everything is lost

>> No.5339271

More likely that your place is going to go up in flames, anon.

>> No.5339357

Doesn’t archive.org keep physical offline backups of everything in a warehouse too?

>> No.5339376

Actually I think it's more likely that they'll be sued into oblivion somehow because idiots keep uploading copyrighted things that are still being sold. I hope they have a good contingency plan because it would fucking suck to lose the Wayback Machine just because of a bunch of plebs were too lazy or too stupid to use torrents.

>> No.5339379

Literally who in the motherfuck gives a shit about Palm OS, aside from the enthusiasts?

>> No.5339384

backed up nes and snes roms x)

>> No.5339385 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 1030x309, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't there more emulation philanthropists? We could've had cycle accurate n64 ages ago.

>> No.5339472

>My parents worked on the Sniz & Fondue segments.
Your parents are awesome and you should see if they'll do an AMA or some other Q&A. There's barely anything out there about that show, and it has a ton of fans.

>> No.5340120

no idea what's the point in deleting a couple hundred MiB when I got 16TiB+ of storage

>> No.5340485

Careful not to trigger file hoarders.

>> No.5342239

>file hoarders
You mean file sharers?

>> No.5342732 [DELETED] 

hunger gets what hunger wants

>> No.5344681

too late.