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File: 119 KB, 630x520, Streets-of-Rage-2-630x520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5325828 No.5325828 [Reply] [Original]

Don't get me wrong, Final Fight was great back in the day, but it's amazing how Sega turned Capcom's quarter-sucking button masher into such a well-thought-out and balanced action game. What are some other spiritual successors that surpass the original?

>> No.5325831

You design a game differently for home consoles than for an arcade release. Anyway REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5325860

>well balanced
>gives out so many extra lives the counter can't display them

>> No.5325861

>the one genre even more boring than shmups

>> No.5325862

>normal difficulty

>> No.5325863

>he thinks it works differently in Mania
SoR2 "fans" don't play the games they claim to love, WHAT A SHOCK!

>> No.5325867
File: 90 KB, 1300x957, hand-sprinkling-salt-blue-background-50890991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5325873

It was balanced for console gameplay (ie. fun). The arcade releases of SOR2 removed all the extra lives.

Mania eats up all those extra lives incredibly fast once you hit past stage 4.

>> No.5325874
File: 1.91 MB, 350x262, tumblr_o2ibpgygTE1usrgjso1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm supposed to be salty because some guy out there likes the watered down retarded cousin of fighting games? You're not the sharpest guy around I see.

>> No.5325879

>credit feeding is fun

Way to send my sides into orbit

>> No.5325881

>throw a million extra lives at the player
>add in a bunch of bullshit enemies that eat up lives
>have to loop even basic encounters Capcom boss style to play well
mmm yes, BALANCE

>> No.5325885

You're stupid friend the genre has nothing to do with fighting games besides melee combat and an emphasis on spacing, it's all about fighting big crowds of asynchronous enemies and it's BASED

>> No.5325886
File: 61 KB, 640x360, gitgud-front-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just need to get good, scrub.

>> No.5325890

Huh? Beat em ups don't involve rock-paper-scissors...

>> No.5325894

No thanks I'd rather play a game where good play doesn't resemble the worst aspects of other beat em ups

>> No.5325948

>Mania eats up all those extra lives incredibly fast once you hit past stage 4.

wow yeah its almost like the designers had no idea how to balance or make a game so just threw in fucking loads of lives so it no longer matters.

there's a fucking reason why alol the sor2 players are one trick ponies who are complete siht at the genre on the whole, its because sor2 teaches terrible habits and requires none of the skills like in good bmups, final fight pisses on this clunky piece of shit.

>> No.5326283

SOR2 is the noob/reddit choice of beatemups.

>> No.5326295

>muh skill
Beamups can only be fun with friends anyway while preferably under influence. If you play bum'ups alone you're a chode.

>> No.5326319
File: 94 KB, 680x788, 73a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

co-op 1cc > solo 1cc >>> co-op credit feeding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solo credit feeding
t. someone who tried all of those

>> No.5326584

fuck off you squalid degenerate, go hang at the barcade with the bros and dribble on their man tits.

>> No.5328384


Ridiculous. Even the shitty snes final fight sequels were still leagues better than the streets of rage crap.

>> No.5328425

>the counter doesn't display lives after a certain amount

>> No.5328427

Name 5 arcade beat em ups which had this problem, much less had it before you even hit the halfway point of the game. It's a problem in console shit which is poorly designed

>> No.5328430

Oh man, that’s a hot take right there.

>> No.5328439

I wasn't talking about the difficulty. I was pointing out that your shock to seeing lives stop being counted in that era of gaming was not shocking at all.

Streets of Rage 2 is incredibly easy on the lower difficulty settings, no doubt. I love the game and the difficulty is one of the little nitpicks I have with it. You will not see that problem if you play on Hardest or Mania though.

>> No.5328446

I'm not talking about difficulty either, go on name an arcade beat em up where they throw extra lives at you like candy in the same way this game does. You'll have a very hard time if you'll even find one at all, because those games were well balanced. The easier difficulties are a total joke and mania is an unbalanced mess where you have to loop everything. It sucks.

>> No.5328450

Are you really this mad because Sega btfo’d Final Fight with SoR? Take a walk. You’re borderline hysterical.

>> No.5329259
File: 31 KB, 1204x140, ff btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name 5 arcade beat em ups which had this problem,
arcade quarter suckers have their own problems, like intentionally fucking the player over, INSERT SHEKEL TO CONTINUE

>> No.5329305

you're quoting someone who has 1ccs of final fight and 2-alls in strikers games.

>> No.5329339

What do you think SoR2 has no luck element involved? I guess you haven't seen Anthopants' Mania no miss grind. That's just how games with a lot of randomness are, but it's not like you can't get good consistency with practice. People have done Final Fight Haggar hardest no miss WITHOUT RECOVERY ITEMS after all

>> No.5329489

Maybe the pointless arcade version of this game. Before anybody is like "there was an arcade version", it was the exact same game on almost the exact same hardware, and a Japan only release. Funnily, that version was called Streets of Rage 2 there as well instead of Bare Knuckle 2.

On a side note, I hate the lag after attacks in this game.

>> No.5330575

>quarter-sucking button masher

Dude, you just suck at the game. Don't blame the game.