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File: 904 KB, 1024x700, FFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
524936 No.524936 [Reply] [Original]

Final Fantasy Tactics Thread

Lets go over the story plot, because it is a little complicated

I will give you a little insight to start it off


After Ramza defeated Ultima in the Airship graveyard, Olan kept a history of the real records and documentation of who the REAL hero of Ivalice was (Ramza Beoluve)

The church thought that could be bad, so deemed Olan as a heretic, and had Olan burnt at the stake
>Olan died

His works were not burnt however, and Azalam was able to tell the tale, from the very own, Durei records

More insights from wikia will be posted, please contribute too.

Also, the the stuff being said are things not told during the game

/Final Fantasy Tactics General

>> No.524961

Also, if anyone was confused about Fot Zekeden, and why the Hokuten were fighting each other, here it goes..

So Ramza was chasing the Death Corps up to the right, and Zalbaag and Algus chased them up from the left

And they both met each other at fort zekeden, where gologros had teta taken hostage.

Algus took the shot at her, wasting no time, Zalbaag left to chase after Wiegraf

And Delita charged Algus

Ramza then too Delita's side

>> No.524981

I don't really understand Delita's response to Teta dying. Why did he get mad at Ramza?

>> No.524985

Algus was such a fucking asshole. Felt good to kill him for the first time.

>> No.525002
File: 155 KB, 603x750, alicia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did anyone keep Alicia on their team because she is pretty hot?

>> No.525012


Because Ramza was a noble, Delita thought Ramza saw him as secondary to himself and his family.

>> No.525016

He's an uppity commoner faggot.

>> No.525017

I'm not sure if he was mad at Ramza, more he was mad at "being manipulated"

Is that what your asking?

Because the Algus just killed Teta with no regards of her life, and Delita was fucking pissed that nobles had such disrespect

But he knew that Ramza was different from them

>> No.525021

You think that?

He could have thought that..It does somewhat make sense

>> No.525026
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Or Lavian

>> No.525042

Im pissed that Olan fucking got murdered

Also, im Ramza and Alma escaped, what of Orlandu

>> No.525053

What about when he came back as a fucking vampire?

>> No.525057

It felt so satisfying when Ovelia stabbed Delita, oh man the feels I felt

It just sucks that Delita got her back..

>> No.525069

You think Ramza and Alma lived? I'm not so sure.

>> No.525087

"Afterwards, Olan Durai appears at the Beoulve house funeral. Since Ramza is a heretic, and his body is no longer in Ivalice, he cannot be given a proper burial. After the service, he sees Ramza and Alma riding a Chocobo away to freedom. Afterwards, Olan writes up a long history of the events in the game and Ramza's role in defeating the Lucavi. However, the Church senses the danger of his work, and have him branded as a heretic and burned at the stake, though they do not burn his work, which would be become the Durai Papers. Olan's descendant, Alazlam would uncover the papers in the frame story around the game."

>> No.525083

According to the wikia they are not sure wether Ramza and Alma died, or if they did escape

Your right, it is uncertain

>> No.525091


What are you

Are you kidding

Beat the game again

They definitely survived.

>> No.525106

Some people think they were actually ghosts at the end. Which could very well be the case because how were they supposed to get back after the final battle?

>> No.525102

He was

He Was hallucinating

>> No.525115

Idk, the whole concept of using a book to get into some dead world is kind of beyond me

that whole ending kind of confuses me to the point of
"ok ill play along, but I dont know whats going on"

>> No.525114


Immediately after the scene with Olan we're treated to CG scenes of Ramza, Alma and a chocobo hanging out. There's no evidence to suggest that they were ghosts, and who was hallucinating them if there was no one watching?

>> No.525126

Idk, the game kind of let us make up the ending, they didnt give us a definite answer

I hate it when they do that

But I hate that Olan got burnt at the stake

>> No.525132


Seeing them walk around in the world of the living was a pretty clear answer to my eyes.

>> No.525135
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Last one on the trivia, they're alive.

>> No.525143


>> No.525174
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> Hating Gaffgarion
> Not wanting to go on brotastic sell sword adventures with Gaffgarion and his mercenary troop

>> No.525284


Fucking bullshit. I don't care if the creator says it.

The Temple Knights blow up the exit/entrance to Murond Death City, there is no escape. Forget Altima's huge ass explosion, how did they get out of Murond...

Yes I mad.

>> No.525307

Why don't you want Ramza and Alma to live happily every after Anon?

>> No.525314


This should not be a surprise, you SEE THEM WALKING AROUND IN THE ACTUAL GAME ITSELF

It could be worse, it could ruin the entire damn game like the scene after FFX's credits.

>> No.525316


Because it is meant to be a fucking tragedy. The honorable hero who goes against the big tide, ends up chasing his sister into oblivion, and no one cares.

The whole storyline is grimdark up to that point, why pull a 180 and turn it into a candyland fairy tale?

>> No.525327


History still hates/ignores him, Olan still dies, Delita is still remembered as a hero.

>> No.525328


This doesn't mean a goddamn thing, so what you see them in a sequence at the end running in some field.

It could easily be Olan's hallucination the scene before, and then the cinematic some interpretation of the afterlife for Ramza and Alma, finally together again in oblivion

>> No.525428

Not trying to be a shit stirrer here, and this isn't exactly retro, but has anyone actually confirmed that the anti slowdown livepatch for WoTL (the PSP FFT port) still has areas of slowdown? I haven't found any, but I'm not that far into the game.

Other than the difference in translation and the aspect ratio (can be forced through a livepatch), that's the only reason I've heard of for playing the original vs WoTL. If there are any others, I'd like to hear them.

>> No.525456

Not really. Technically there's more in WotL, but it doesn't really add anything towards or against playing it. Just a few extra battles.

>> No.525916

I actually would want to

>> No.525956

I get what your saying

>> No.525992

>not spelling it gafgarion

Shiggy diggy

>> No.525995


That's way more of a stretch than saying they were still alive. I could make up all sorts of batshit theories. Ever heard of Occam's Razor?

>> No.526004
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I think anon is just really sad that the story is not as tragic as he thought it was.

I agree that the game would have been better if the ending was more tragic, and not as happy with everyone living

>> No.526005

>er than the difference in translation and the aspect ratio (can be forced through a livepatch), that's the only reason I've heard of for playing the original vs WoTL. If there are any others, I'd like to hear them.

Cut scenes are really neat, and the translation isn't a minor issue. FFT is my favorite game of all time, but the PSX translation sucks ass.

>> No.526051

Wasnt the PSX translation like very brash?

like for example...

Ramza: "Ahh! Fuck you Delita!"

Delita: "Dammit!"

Algus: "you bastards.."

New game

Ramza: "ahh, why tis thee do that Delita?"

Delita: "christ!" (or something like that)

Algus: "you fool with father"

>> No.526061

Algus: "*you fool with no father*"

>> No.526067

Word of God states that they lived and Ramza had another adventure in another country after the defeat of the Lucavi.

>> No.526102
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anyone else know this feel?

>> No.526128
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bumping some OC

>> No.526130

Did Dycedarg have Tourettes Syndrome or something?

>> No.526163
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Good question

>> No.526173


Some lines had better impact (Animals have no god) but other bits were just awkwardly worded. At one point, I'm pretty sure the game tells you to kill someone who you need to keep alive and shit, too.

The PSP translation isn't 100% better in every way, but it is the better translation.

>> No.526189

I sucked balls at this game.

How do you break FFT?

>> No.526214

Just picked this up at the local flea market for $12 (PSX version). Did I do good guys? And what am I in for? Am I gonna love it? I've played FFTA and I loved it.

>> No.526238
File: 432 KB, 616x462, fft2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not hard

lol I just made this one

>> No.526252


Clear sweegy woods and mandalia plains. Hang around in those two areas.

Kill every monster except one, to keep the battle going.

Then, have everyone attack each other, heal each other, or use squire skill accumulate/monk chakra to build up levels and SP for whatever jobs and skills you want.

Also there's a couple of places where human enemies show up, and you can jack their superior shit long before it ever shows up in the game.

>> No.526254
File: 510 KB, 479x750, tumblr_mcw5eoM7od1qepum0o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This fucking guy! He got em all! Zodiac Beasts!

>> No.526275

It's superior to FFTA in most ways.

You need to be careful about leveling too quickly, but stay enough ahead of the story battles that you don't get annihilated. It's entirely possible to grind out a party to 99 and max out jobs on Mandalia Plains in the first chapter -- though you'll probably be under-geared unless you happen to steal equipment from human enemies as you go along.

>> No.526282

The patterns that circle each transforming character are different in each sequence. I never knew that.

Haha, granted, it probably takes seeing them together one after the other to pick up on it.

>> No.526317
File: 406 KB, 616x462, fft3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I didnt get the last one, almost

>> No.526331

I played FFTA after playing PSX FFT,

I thought ADvance was shit

Thats all

>> No.526343



>> No.526369
File: 9 KB, 268x188, agrias4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes gonna get jumped by those guys


I didnt think about that when I made it

>> No.526404
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>liking Gafgarion

>> No.526435

uhhhh what?

>> No.526471

>not wanting to go on chill adventures with gaf


>> No.526494


She's too tiny for them to notice, and would explode of those guys penetrated her.

>rubbing tiny agrias all over your dick


>not liking Gaf

>> No.526520

lol wut

>> No.526526

I think you mean Zalbag, brah

>> No.526534

? don't you have to fight all of them?

>> No.526543

In War of the Lions on PSP, there is a fight against Algus where he is brought from the dead by Elmdore as a vampire in Riovanes castle

>rubbing Tiny Agrias on dick

oh god

>> No.526553

The last one is optional in the cave with many levels, pretty hard though to get through

>> No.526609

Agrias is my waifu.

>> No.526615

oh. i may have missed it then.

>> No.526626
File: 31 KB, 336x434, agrias2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I shall post this non-nude image of her

>> No.526650

I consider Agrias a very good example of a good strong female character.

Even though she fails at her task of protecting the princess for like the entire story.

>> No.526689
File: 60 KB, 519x800, agrias6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt she get raped when she was with count dracula?

>> No.526718

That's Rafa you're thinking of. She was raped as she was growing up with Duke Gelkanis Barinten.

>> No.526764
File: 381 B, 20x34, barinten.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what lewd acts Barrington did to that poor soul

>> No.526773

>implied rape

But she did escape, but refused to talk about the events that happend pre-escape

>> No.526786
File: 140 KB, 1024x1140, dat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat ass

>> No.526812

Lol i really hate the dual translations of the game

Like in one game a characters name is Gafgarion

In the new one its gaffgarion

please just keep the names the same

>> No.526825
File: 59 KB, 534x500, agrias and ovelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That beauty tho

>> No.526854


Introducing those two was stupid. Added nothing to the story and their 'unique' skills were shittiest of shit.

>> No.526893

>not using girl and boy
>not using heavnly or hell mantra
>not getting repeatdly lucky and striking enemy 6 times

>> No.526898

Agrias in fact got raped but the count while imprisoned

>> No.527076


>> No.527141

Guys, just because she was captured doesn't mean she was raped. Not every prisoner who gets captured gets tortured, so how come every female that gets captured is always assumed to be raped? Armies are even multi-gender in the FFT universe, so it isn't like the soldiers have no outlet for their sexual frustration.

Except this was made in Japan and they love some raping.

>> No.527152
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>> No.527175
File: 201 KB, 1378x1377, agrias7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Agrias is a qt 3.14

>> No.527224


Not to mention the fact she escaped in about five minutes/was allowed to escape in about five minutes.


>agrias will never pop out of the TV and use Stasis Sword on your dick

>> No.527252

Okay I haven't played through FFT yet and I was afraid to read OPs post in case of spoilers. What do I need to know before I start playing? Does it follow any other FF storyline?

I'm playing through 7 right now but I'm really anxious to at this one.

i liked FFTA say what you will

>> No.527250

Im pretty sure she got butt-wrecked while Ramza was in the other city

>> No.527256

What do you need to know?

Just this: if the game asks you if you want to save, SAVE IN A DIFFERENT SLOT.

that is all.

Also, have at least one dancer ASAP.

>> No.527273

this, save in a different slot

>> No.527278

No FF follows any previous storylines except for a couple of specific sequels that really don't fit in /vr/. FFT has a pretty hefty difficulty curve if you're only used to normal, positioning-doesn't-matter FF games.

The story is pretty good, but it can be hard if you're not willing to invest in grinding Jobs.

>> No.527294


>steady sword>stasis sword

>> No.527314

I expected such

>> No.527523

This is such a good thread

>> No.527560

How's the difficulty of FFT compared to the SNES Tactics Ogre? I got stuck in TO after many hours and it's pretty discouraging.

>> No.527571

Never played that

>> No.527573

Curve is fucked up. The game starts challenging, gets controller/disc throwing frustrating midway, then gets super duper easy.

Now, if you know what you're doing, its a very abusable game. But you won't know this when you first play it.

However, as far as strategy games go, hard is good. Especially in RPGs, where stat growth generally makes them easier than pure strategy.

>> No.527603


Enemies scale with you. If you aren't careful, any 'mook' battle can rip your shit-hole apart.

>> No.527604

Im about to show you guys who have never played the game how to abuse the game in a few simple tricks

>When starting out as squire, learn accumulate (the move that grants +1 physical)
>during early random battles at mandelia plains, put all 5 of your warriors in the little rock fortress, and hide there
>spam accumulate which gets you job points and experience
>become super powerful
>but the important thing is that it boosts up your level and job points SUPER FAST when you spam it
>have Ramza use Yell instead for +1 speed

You will be OP in no time, but enemies get stronger as Ramza gets stronger, don't forget about that

>> No.527621

Even as you change job class, keep "Basic Skill" on as your secondary ability when you want to power level, since it levels you fast and gets Job points fast


>> No.527693

I hate pretty much every other FF game (not a JRPG fan) but FFT is one of those GOAT games, and one of my favorite story lines in any game.

>> No.527706

Calculator. How does it work? I tried using her skill with Protect magic and she casted it at enemies too.

>> No.527750

Clac effects EVERYTHING with it's level skills.
that is why you used protect on the enemies.

>> No.528298

I'd recommend going on gamefaqs and find a calculator guide

Those guys are tricky to use

>> No.528947


>> No.529002

coming late to the thread but...

who else hated the retranslation of the PSP version?

I loved the vagueness the PSX version's translation had. I didn't even give a fuck that I didn't understand the story until years later.
It was one of very few games that achieved a powerful level of immersion and part of that was thanks to the olde-englishy way the characters spoke.


>> No.529020


Man I love this game but the PSX translation is horrible. Some lines were better, but overall the thing's a mess.

Each to their own, though.

>> No.529065

You missed out on the 1PM banter

>> No.529108

>It was one of very few games that achieved a powerful level of immersion and part of that was thanks to the olde-englishy way the characters spoke.
They didn't speak olde-englishy, they spoke "translated by Sony's janitor" English. It was only vague because it was fucked up.

>> No.529126

I like the original and PSP translations. The PS1 has some weird things in it, but I did enjoy some translations (ie. The Hokuten and Nanten knights rather than the generic Northern/Southern Sky), didn't really like the retranslations of a lot of character's names or areas, plus the lack of spell quotes, but if anything I'd just play the PSX emu'd with the WOTL translation. PSP lags too much.

>> No.529131

I will always remember them as the Hokuten Knights rather than the order of the whatever

>> No.529212


I liked that they renamed Delita's unit to the Black Sheep, though.

Does he survive in the end. For that matter, did Ovelia die? I'm pretty sure she died.

>> No.529221
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What ratio would you put Delita's motives to help Ovelia at? I'd say it's fifty-fifty. He half wanted to just genuinely help her but the other half knew what a powerful tool she could be for his agenda.

>> No.529235

Yeah, he survives in the end. It's debatable about her. A lot of her dialogue deals with him using her and being torn about that. He ultimately does what he promises to do: ie crush both the Hokuten and Nanten and set her up as Queen.

>> No.529236

>The Hokuten and Nanten knights rather than the generic Northern/Southern Sky
but they mean exactly the same thing

>> No.529248


If you don't speak Japanese, it doesn't sound as cliche.

>> No.529261
File: 258 KB, 1338x871, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite class?

Geomancer for me. Even though I knew they sucked I've always had a thing for naturalists.

>> No.529269

>jap names
>medieval european-ish setting
b-but muh immersion

>> No.529278


That's not what I meant and you know it.

>> No.529280

Id bend over the archer in this one

>> No.529282

Lancer/Dragoon class is shit
come at me, prove me wrong

>> No.529284

Ability wise Monk or Ninja. Can't decide.
Design wise Lancer/Dragoon.

>> No.529290

These are pretty funny

>> No.529304


>2 square range regular attack
>fucking EIGHT square range jump attack
>massive damage
>invincible in the air
>ignore height
>equips most powerful weapon in the game

Come on.

>> No.529316


Two questions:

1. Are there any circumstances where an Onion Knight is actually good?

2. What the fuck was up with those horns on the summoners?

>> No.529334

>Also, have at least one dancer ASAP.
What do dancers do?

>> No.529348


They dance. Really, though they basically do hurtful things to all enemies every turn.

>> No.529352

Priest is cutest, Monk i'd do in the butt

>> No.529362

I fancy myself the knight from that image

>> No.529378

Hey can I get the image of the chick in the middle of the screen?

>> No.529385


>> No.529389
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>> No.529398

Thanks sir.

>> No.529403
File: 101 KB, 700x756, celia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem

>> No.529407

If you have any more please post them. My damn external got destroyed.

>> No.529424
File: 11 KB, 188x268, agrias mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are also some good pictures

>> No.529428
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>> No.529429
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But she died

>> No.529454


>no she didn't!
>wait, I'm thinking of Meliadoul
>which one was Miluda again?
>oh yeah Weigraf's sister and the most relatable villain of them all


Why couldn't I save her?

>> No.529467


Chemist is purest waifu. Samurais were also awesome but expensive as fuck.

>> No.529497


>you will never have a cutie chemist throw you a potion in the heat of battle

I was always confused about how that worked. When I was younger I actually assumed they were throwing it so hard that it would break apart when it hit you and, like, wash over your injuries. But then years later I realized they were holding it over their heads after the got it so I guess they either poor it over themselves or drink it or whatever.

>> No.529565

>flood the damn
>get off the switch
>get off the switch
>have to wait for body to crystallize
>are you fucking kidding me
>finally get both switches
>watch as a torrent washes over the characters I'd stupidly left in it's way
>they don't die

>> No.529586

>dat everything

>draw your sword, Ramza

>> No.529596

I was kinda surprised nobody got hard over the Oracle. Just saiyan. Good to know I'm not the only one.

>> No.529734

I think it's funny that Orlandu is this unstoppable badass war hero and his son is a bookish nerd.

>> No.529924


I would hardly call her a villain...she represents the anguish of the people and fights for a just cause, just so happens that scumbag weigraf is her brother.

>> No.529942

he was kind of a cool guy at first, fighting against corrupt nobles and shit.
If Ramza didn't kill his sister they could even have jolly co-operation in later chapters.
But Ramza kills his sister and he goes off the deep end.

>> No.529972

Anyone mess with the lion editor?

>> No.529998


His cause was just, but as a character he was just a pompous as the nobles.

I don't consider the death of Miluda to be the cause of his decline. Sure he wanted to avenge his sister's death, but his involvement with the Temple Knights to further his ambition resulted in him revealing Velius' power and then he went all biblical nutso.

>> No.530701

How come Tactics Ogre for the PSX doesn't have any hacks?

>> No.530715

Because it is considered like the worst version.

>> No.532109


>> No.532125

his ADOPTED son, that;s why

>> No.532129


>> No.532140

I've always thought if Ramza found a way to keep Miluda alive, Wiegraf would have joined Ramza in his quest to fight the church and became a friend

>Instead, Ramza murdered his sister, Wiegraf snapped, and he found the mystical church power, and became evil incarnate

All because Ramza killed that qt 3.14159 Miluda

>> No.532153

Time to make some more FFT OC dialouges..maybe some with Miluda...idk

>> No.532208
File: 174 KB, 480x272, miluda6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New content

>> No.532227

There are livepatches for the slowdown and horizontal strech the screen gets on the PSP. If you have a hacked PSP (why would you have a non-hacked one, anyway?) it's a non-issue.

I started playing it a few days ago with the livepatches and I haven't noticed any slowdown, plus the graphics don't look like stretched shit anymore. Also, higher res cutscenes.

Really though it just comes down to matter of personal taste/opinion/whatever you want to call it.

I just don't like when people talk about issues with the PSP release that have been fixed in an easy to apply manner.

>> No.532230
File: 118 KB, 400x300, dinkleburg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a wiegraf thread?

>> No.532257
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>> No.532269
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>> No.532287
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Night sword

>> No.532995

>lancer/time mage with move up-hp, defense up and speed save

Tips for new players:

Abilities that raise and lower brave/faith stick permanently; every ±4 brave and faith during combat translates as 1 permanent brave or faith. So increase the brave of everyone to 90+ to maximize the efficiency of counter attack skills.
Auto-potion is one of the simplest, easiest and most effective counter abilities in the game. Not the best, but it'll certainly carry you through the entire game easily.
Don't underestimate how strong move hp-up and regen are, especially with Haste and defense up; a character wearing a shield and a mantle becomes almost unkillable with that set-up.

>> No.533063

>Auto-potion is the best counter in the game

Fixed that for you

>> No.533109

That's why it needs them

>> No.533292

Say that to my Abandon fucker and not Auto-Potion and see what happens.

Low faith lancer with Abandon, an act 4 shield (crystal+) and Feather Mantle is almost unkillable.

>> No.533408
File: 398 KB, 600x810, dffdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on what you are doing with the character, but in most cases it is the best option.

>> No.533428

So without a PS1/2, can I still play this? I actually still have the game disc, PSX emulation not suck anymore?

Someone rip it to a PC version? Anything? Suddenly got the itch 'cuz I haven't played this in... ~8 years?

>> No.533474

>who else hated the retranslation of the PSP version?

Me. I HATE the awkward pseudo-shakespearean.

>> No.533489

>2. What the fuck was up with those horns on the summoners?

Final Fantasy Convention. Horns were said to communicate to the Summons.

>> No.533503

So how about that GBA sequel?

I'm trying it for the first time. I really want to like it because the story and such is honestly a jarring though refreshing change of pace I liked FFT's story a lot, but I personally prefer more fantasy grounded stories, and I do actually like the race system. Fuckyeah Moogle Power.

But it's just so damn easy. The game doesn't even try to give you a challenge, and the way the stats work means you probably won't ever get a perfect really advanced class like a Sage until much later.

>> No.533504

>So how about that GBA sequel?

No such game exists.

>> No.533531

I got bored but trudged through.

There is no redeeming quality or challenge unless you happen to find a partner to fight against in multiplayer, it's far too easy to power through most of the game no problem, if you're looking for any of the original's challenge you won't find it. I'd almost go as far as to agree with >>533504 because they're nearly nothing alike.

>> No.533535
File: 21 KB, 247x383, dragoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game never had a sequel, but the game your playing is ok if you enjoy being the villain.

>> No.533549

The last PSX emulator I snagged said it was able to play from the CD in the drive.

>> No.533568

Eh. Cocatoris is a transliteration of the characters that would be written to spell Cockatrice in Japanese. Square used to be REALLY bad about transliteration.

>> No.533595

IIRC Tactics was the first game released in the US that used the 'summoners with horns' thing that had started in FFIII. The 'lore' behind it is that the horn allows the Summoner to communicate with their Eidolon.

>> No.533607
File: 187 KB, 499x350, tumblr_lxcuw1KlTJ1qg39ewo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was playing it blind and thought it had a loose connection towards the end or something.
Well, fuck.

>> No.533638

Keep in mind the last time I tried to emulate a psx was.... ~12 years ago. But thanks, so I suppose it's moved *way* on.

>> No.533658

ePSXe was the one that I grabbed that ran a Tactics rom pretty well. The menu had an option to run from disc, so I'd say give that a whirl.

>> No.533685


Everything you need is on the wiki.
Ask the /vg/ thread from there if you have issues.

>> No.533846
File: 47 KB, 256x240, delita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, I'd rather have delita say

"Fuck you algus!"

>> No.533861

i dont know exactly what the retranslated one says, but its not as real as the psx one

>> No.534295
File: 2 KB, 62x96, golagros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your daily reminder that Golagros > Gustav

>> No.534315
File: 2 KB, 62x96, gustav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your daily reminder that Gustav got outmaneuvered by Wiegraf

>> No.534332


I like this game too, but are you a nutter?

>> No.534359

you what mate? I'm just keepin this thread alive for day 2, trying to see if it will see the light of day 3

>> No.534364

>DmC-tier dialogue
Don't get me wrong, profanity has it's place in good writing, just... A direct "FUCK YOU" just seems out of place in most discussions.

I was AFK, bookmarked, read, and thanks.

>> No.534378

I can't actually remember if Delita said fuck you

But I remember they did say "Damn it!" every now and then

And a lot of the use of "Bastard!"

>> No.534450


I think you're the reason I hate tripfags

>> No.534491
File: 360 B, 18x35, dycedarg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.534669

He probably just has autism.

>> No.534773

I have to say, I loved all of the villains of FFT. Even Algus.

It's not so much the standpoint held by the person, it's their ability to back it up. Algus may have a mentality that we hate, but at least he's can explain himself. We may despise his explanation, but for what it's worth, it's there.

I'd rather someone have evil values they can explain than good values that they can't.

>> No.534798

Algus was an bitch, he shot teta

>> No.534803

I get you're passionate about the game, but there's no reason to spam the thread with no content posts. Just keep it nice and neat.

Polite sage for no content to add.

>> No.534827


But he was doing what life taught him to do - claw his bloody way to the top, however many bodies he had to trample to do so. And it would have worked, at least to get him back up into the nobility, had he not had the misfortune of running afoul of the protagonist's summary execution.

>> No.534841

Thanks for being polite about it

Algus is pretty shrewed, hes a manipulator

>> No.534848
File: 16 KB, 400x300, algus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant for u

>> No.535105

>1. Are there any circumstances where an Onion Knight is actually good?

Onion Knights are stupidly over powered. assuming of course you are willing to grind every class to mastery, delevel(nega-grind?) your character back to level 1, then grind back up to level 99 as an Onion Knight, and then grind the onion equipment in multiplayer mode.

>> No.535740

I liked Gustav better than Gologras, that is my unpopular opinion

>> No.535760

Nah, just a stuck-up cunt.

>> No.535874

Look up theclaude on twitch if you're into speedrunning and/or FFT

>> No.536082

There's nothing shrewd and manipulative about him.
He's just an asshole.

>> No.536092

He uses people to get to the top

>> No.536095

>gets rescued by noble dude

>gets to castle of noble dudes

>immidiatly asks noble dudes brother "I DEMAND AN ARMY"

he used ramza

>> No.536121

yeah, so do FUCKING EVERYONE. Except Ramza, he just murders his way through nobility.
Algus uses people in the least subtle way possible. I don't think it's possible to be less subtle than he was, even wearing swastika-adorned black cape, handlebar moustache and having big fluffy white cat to pet when laughing villainously.

>> No.536148

Did it for a side quest... but sure

>> No.536169

Does she make you hard anon?

>> No.536172

They Debuff things. they can also attack

>> No.536186

No Agrias did

>> No.536198

;) what about miluda

>> No.536227

Algus was great. I loved Algus.

He had an idea, a consistent understandable idea, and he stuck to it. He'd probably been working for years to regain his family's standing, and becoming a top lackey to the Beoulves was a good idea.

- You saved me, Beoulve. How embarassing, but it's good to see a friendly face. Wait, I was saved by Delita too? For heaven's sake, I'm just crap.
- Look, Ramza me old mate, why don't you ditch that scum Delita and hang out with me and we can be cool.
- Okay. You're an idiot, Ramza. I'm outta here.
- You're still an idiot, Ramza, and now I'm going to shoot this girl because I was ordered to.
- You're STILL an idiot, Ramza, and frankly, I'm sick of you.

>> No.536231
File: 288 KB, 850x777, sample-c0b5c96957495b1e21678dc088259dd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do not like Algus because I think he is a mastermind or something. I like Algus for the same reason that I like Gafgarion, Delita, and Wiegraf. It's easy for a very closed-minded person to just call them evil and move on, but what's really compelling about them is that they aren't really evil at all so much as they are simply products of the world in which they live.

Although Gafgarion really epitomizes this, Algus shows us a good example of what someone at the bottom of the medieval food chain is like, or at least at the bottom of the ruling class pecking order. An entitled brat from a fallen household, doing what he thinks he has to do to recover the status his family name once held in society. He is broken and jaded from circumstances which predated himself. He sees how quickly and easily one can be cast out from the in-group of noble society, and sees the simplest path to success as pleasing one's superiors, smashing one's rivals, and treading thoughtlessly upon everyone already beneath himself in status. It ain't nice, but he never once stops to pretend that it is. It's just the way of the world, as far as he can see.

>> No.536257
File: 6 KB, 300x168, gafgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good insights

But what is gafgarions story

>> No.536305
File: 144 KB, 850x1614, sample-589749b2ec6683db35dbf2ecc88eff99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think Gafgarion is basically an improved Algus. Algus was pragmatic in his methods but fucked up in his ideology. Gafgarion dispenses with the class obsession and concerns himself only with getting by the best way he knows how - doing dirty work for people who pay well to keep the blood off their hands. He holds himself up well in his debates with Ramza, his most compelling point being "If I don't do this, someone else will." Gafgarion does not have the inflated ego of Algus. He is much more rational and humble about his position and his capabilities. Like Algus, he would have been on a relatively successful track in life (though perhaps it would have only been a matter of time before he got so tangled in the dark affairs of nobles that he would eventually have become a disposable liability to them) but he had the misfortune of crossing swords with a very stubborn JRPG protagonist. Gafgarion lived by the sword and fell by the sword, but in a way, he was always true to himself.

>> No.536310

I'm convinced that everybody who was in the Academy either has the shiniest silver tongue, or has some kind of magical manipulative powers.

Ramza just talks to people once and they follow him to the ends of the Earth and let him nick their stuff.

Delita licks his finger, holds it up to the wind, walks in that direction until he finds somebody important, and immediately gets put in charge of all their stuff as a well-liked and respected Freelance Dude. Over and Over Again.

>> No.536380
File: 128 KB, 850x1200, 1364201969392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delita is simply possessed of incredible talent. His greatest power is empathy - his ability to understand other people, often better than they understand themselves. The reason he is so successful working at the estate of Goltana is because he understands Goltana's mind. Delita understands that perception is everything and that the deluded and powerful need only be fed reinforcement for their delusions - not corrected - in order to play them in the palm of his hands despite technically being under their thumb. He understands when the perfect time to strike at the throat of his superior is, and how to place himself in the position of obvious successor just prior.

Sadly, it's all the result of Delita being broken by the events at Fort Zeakden, but that's what it took to make him what he was. In Ovelia, he may have found someone who could have saved some sliver of the person he used to be, but she was so disgusted by what he had become that in the end, even she betrayed him. Delita is what happens when the brightest of minds completely loses its humanity.

>> No.536543

DUUDE your so good at this

Please, do more characters

if you take requests..

>Elmdore, Miluda

>> No.536618

I'm just glad that somebody's been able to keep track of the game at all. Even with constantly looking at the Brave Story, I couldn't do it. Ramza changes his name at the start of Chapter 2. You'd never know if you didn't look it up.

The whole Ivalice/Delita Does Stuff experience was a bit like a courtroom theatrical drama, except you only got to see half of the events.

>> No.536617
File: 408 KB, 510x408, gafgarion trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In tribute to Gafgarion
>new oc

>> No.536650

FFT kinda slipped by me over all those years (never released where I live). The story seems interesting.

I do own TTA. But I could never get into it. One problem I had that I remember was that stores wouldn't show you how a piece of equipment would change a character's stat.

>> No.536664
File: 387 KB, 214x153, 1358685161614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I even begin reading this thread, tell me we're going solely on the original FFT canon and -NOT- FFTA canon also. God GOD that additional canon/rewriting is horrible..

>> No.536663


>> No.536674
File: 33 KB, 341x500, seahawks dude wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get that shit out of here!

>> No.536678

The thread is epic, if you read it, I am very vocal about my hatred of the ffta

>> No.536689



Stop being a fucking idiot.

>> No.536684

It's also a soon to be 3 day old thread

You are reading ancient material

>> No.536692
File: 338 KB, 400x554, okayruss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.536701

Had no idea that some people dislike FTTA,. My impression was a general positive reception.

>> No.536712

i played it, very dissapointed by the story, and generally everything about it. especially since i was expecting a game quality like the original

>> No.536719


Good. Glad to see there are still some decent, true, die-hard FFT lovers out there. T:A has corrupted far, far too many.

>> No.536726

My ain gripe with FFTA was the replacement of one particular character for a new one.

I think you know who I'm talking about..

>> No.536737

is it bad that i never like any of the FFT games or anything that plays like it?

>> No.536739

replacing ramza?


>> No.536758

no, it just means not your style. I know lot of people who hate tactic games cause too slow for them/hate grinding

But of course, I shiggy diggy

>> No.536759

i used to love playing video games man. then xbox1 came out with no games and i just burnt out i guess

>> No.536768

this is embarassing to read

>> No.536775

its so weird seeing /sp/ in /vr/, happens every now and then too lol

this is like my second home to spee

love the classics the most

>hating on my oc

>> No.536797


Your OC is pretty weak, man.

Is everyone from /sp/ like this?

>> No.536805

Of course not. They're worse.

>> No.536810
File: 31 KB, 124x121, mad frog2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.536820
File: 319 KB, 640x480, The Eliteminators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come say it to our face fucker

>> No.536834

>who's the chick with the tits?


>> No.536830

Who's the qt in the middle of that image?

Almost makes me want to play whichever game she's in.

>> No.536837


Your OC is pretty weak, you're both kind of obnoxious attention whores.

>> No.536846
File: 730 B, 64x96, valmafra2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and make that double

It's Valmafra, Delita's girl

I'll dump some of her now

>> No.536842

That is also an accurate description, yes.

>> No.536848


/v/ is a couple'a doors down, please go home


>> No.536854
File: 84 KB, 644x645, Seahawks 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trolling. i loled

>> No.536852
File: 141 KB, 775x975, valmafra5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.536857


I could say the same with them a /sp/

>> No.536869
File: 55 KB, 480x272, valmafra vs delita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you wanted to play the game for her, I recommend not, cause

>very minor character
>gets raped
>is like a 16-bit sprite

Not even a playable character

>> No.536881
File: 168 KB, 580x434, meanwhile in finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets raped
Yes, and?

>> No.536886

You could, but they're contributing to the actual thread, instead of shitposting and trolling.

>> No.536918
File: 83 KB, 282x564, val.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the end of her, she has a short character life, is not really that important, and is really not that useful. Barely moves the plot forward

>> No.536972


I don't remember that.

>> No.536978

I don't think the jury is gonna buy it.

>> No.536987

>Ramza changes his name at the start of Chapter 2. You'd never know if you didn't look it up.

I did. Hell, Ruglia's been my user name for pretty much everything since 2005.

>> No.536990


I'm not sure you know what trolling is

>> No.536995


No, really, can you remind me of that? I really don't remember Balmafula being raped.

>> No.537028

>Delita and Valmafra only ones in room
>Valmafra gives off intentions
>Delita says something like "get over here" i dont remember actual words

Then the scene has Delita approach her, against the wall, and the screen scrolls up, and you hear her shriek

>> No.537043

Isn't common concensus that Delita cut her tongue out?
Or maybe that's an outdated notion. Seemed to be what I read from a lot of people, though.

>> No.537058

okay, let's put it this way

Watching your attempts at humor is like watching a puppy with amputated legs who is trying to run.
It's futile and kinda sad.

>> No.537072

That's one translation of it, I prefer mine though, it's more sadistic/realistic

>> No.537075

I just saged your post in all fields

>> No.537084

>more sadistic than cutting someone's fucking tongue out

>> No.537090

>equating sadistic with realistic

>> No.537091

you got me there.

But I just don't see how or why Delita would cut her tounge out.

Another version says Delita killes her

I think rape is most logical, since she squeals

>> No.537102

Your disapproval fills me with joy.

>> No.537129

i always wanted to just learn like flare and haste and cure 3 and all the really necessary spells (and that's it) and slap 'em onto a calculator

that way i don't have to fumble around before i wreck things

>> No.537145

mages are kinda shitty anyways.

>> No.537150

I always thought he cut out her tongue too.

>> No.537176

Thats the plebian viewpoint

>> No.537754
File: 58 KB, 500x500, cc8f25edb76af2da01ba474fc2dc90f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like every time I join an FFT conversation, another female character is assumed to have been raped.

Now we're assuming that Delita's lackey gets raped because the screen scrolls up and she screams?

So I guess that means EVERY OTHER CHARACTER THIS HAPPENS TO also "got raped" instead of the more obvious, y'know, death?


Fuck's sakes, it's not even clear that Rafa was raped, but everyone passes that one around like gospel truth, too. THERE ARE LITERALLY TWO LINES IN THE WHOLE GAME THAT PEOPLE THINK PROVES THIS, BUT THEY ONLY WORK IF YOU READ INTO THEM TOO MUCH.

One is when Rafa, appealing to Malak, says "You know what he did to us - what he did to me!" and even though this could easily just be an appeal to his sense of familial duty to protect his sister from ANY sort of harm or exploitation - like, say, being trained and used as assassin-slaves, which is their explicit plight - everyone seems to jump to the wild conclusion that it means she got dicked. The second suspect line is when fatso himself taunts the sword-wielding Rafa about how she can't bring herself to attack him because of her instinctive fear of him: "Your body remembers the fear." Again, a vague line that COULD imply rape if you wanted to take it there, but there's no reason it couldn't just mean she's afraid of the man who took her in off the streets and served as a harsh surrogate father figure to her - a much more well-established plot point in the game.

There is no conclusive evidence of any rape in either of these cases, and in fact in the entirety of FFT there is no precedent that the plot, as dark as it is, ever gets THAT dark.

>> No.537905

Totally agree. Rafa does have questionable lines which become even more questionable in the PSP translation. Of course, Bariten (sp?) was kinda a creep so it wouldn't surprise me if he raped her, but as you said, there could be other reasons. Why does it take Malak so long to side with her, for instance if he knew she'd be raped?

The scene with Balmafula are questionable, but are they really alone in that scene? I recall Oran is still there when she pulls out the knife and Ovelia has simply gone down some stairs and is clearly eavesdropping. Not to mention when we do see Bamafula again with Olan, she has no lines. Of course she's a super minor character and lines aren't necessarily needed, but I saw it as her not being able to talk.

tl;dr Rafa's situation seems way more questionable than Balmafula's. Delita can be a bastard, but would he really rape her? Yeah he was ambitious and quite literally drunk on power, but in that case why not rape Ovelia at some point to ensure he can marry her later on? He wouldn't waste his time with a church spy, IMO.

>> No.538060

what version should i play?
PSX (on psp)
or iOS (iphone4s or ipad mini)

>> No.538092



>> No.538096


>> No.538097
File: 40 KB, 350x523, 3e6f9ce0898f9b75aa0172fd278a5d33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm biased and prefer the original PSX version but that's just because it's the one I played to death since its release date. There are romhacks of it which make balance changes to the job and ability system and increase the difficulty as well as using the updated PSP script, but as with all cult classics I recommend you play it as it was originally released at least once.

Especially when it comes to the script, it always causes issues between fans of the old and the new, but imagine playing only FF6 remakes and never learning of Kefka's hatred for sons of submariners.

>> No.538139

On PSP version you get to kill Algus twice.
Thrice if you count rendezvous.

>> No.538694

But Rafa, Agrias, and Valmafra got raped during the course of the game

>> No.538708

PSP, you get to kill Algus a second time!



>> No.538731


>I think rape is most logical

Please keep your whack ass fantasies out of FFT

>> No.538747


I diesagree, I think with Rafa it's pretty clear what happened. You COULD interpret those lines that way, but why would they have chosen such suggestive lines if that's not what they were trying to convey? This isn't a scroll up and a scream, she mentions what's been done to her, restating it like it was something that WASN'T done to her brother. And "your body remembers the fear" isn't a very vague line at all. If it wasn't rape, it was torture, or something else done to her body.

>> No.538757


Doesn't he say that in the GBA version? I remember him saying that, and have never played the SNES

>> No.538778

>"You know what he did to us - what he did to me!"
That's a mistranslation, there's no mention of "us" in the original. She's just talking of herself.

It's absolutely clear that Rafa was either raped or otherwise physically assaulted by the fatso. Judging by his lines he's a sadistic arse so I guess just beating her would be more likely. Or both.

>> No.538864


I think mistraslation is sort of inaccurate. It's more likely just embellishment, in this case.

>> No.538927

I think if anyone WAS raped in the course of FFT, it would've been Rafa. If anything, the PSP translation makes it more clear. Hell, I remember when I first got to Riovannes and saw those lines in the botched PSX translation and it made it pretty clear Bariten had done something to her. I can support her being raped, but not Balmafula and definitely not Agrias.

>> No.539062

Nah. Well, that wasn't even a straight quote from the game anyway, it seems. Dunno why he tries to make points with made-up quotes.

"You know what he did! What he did to me! I KNOW you know!" is the original PSX translation.

"You know, don't you? You know of the...the thing he did to me. You are
my brother, you know of this, and even yet you-" is the PSP version.

The PSP localization on a whole is pretty interesting as it is a billion times better written than the original japanese and takes loads of liberties. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, though.

>> No.539162
File: 113 KB, 850x993, sample-182cbbb4c0d2e41c3ba213403c472fc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really have to stretch the interpretation of those lines to wind up jumping to the rape conclusion. It's a really shitty thing to try to focus on anyway, because it completely cheapens the already significant character development that's occurred for these characters.

There are literally no signs of an Agrias/Ovelia rape while they are detained. Literally nothing exists outside of the opportunity. That people manage to assume a rape occurred out of thin air here is damning of the rest of the rape theories.

Rafa had plenty of reasons to be pissed at Fatso-McGee without needing a hot dicking to be a part of it. She spends a significant amount of her plot exposition telling Ramza about her and Malak being orphans, getting found and trained to be assassins (which she resented) and later learning that the this particular Bad Guy of the Week was directly responsible for the deaths of her family members. Where in any of this is there even a hint of rape? In a line that could much more easily be an appeal to her brother's sense of familial loyalty? In Lord Fatso metaphorically telling Rafa he knows she doesn't have the guts to off him?

And on top of that, Delita's church agent pulls a dagger on him when he reveals that he's "not a dog of the church." As in, her employer. What's the most plausible course of action for him here, bend her over a table and pound some pussy, cut out her tongue, or just kill her because she knows too much and is now a threat to him? And what's more likely - he rapes her and she's okay with it later, or he saves her from being hunted by the church by staging her death, which he has already been shown to do for other important figures?

If you seriously think the most obvious and plausible development in all these cases was just rape, I'm sorry to say that you've simply turned off your brain and deductive reasoning skills when you were playing the damn game.

>> No.539264

>Rafa had plenty of reasons to be pissed at Fatso-McGee without needing a hot dicking to be a part of it. She spends a significant amount of her plot exposition telling Ramza about her and Malak being orphans, getting found and trained to be assassins (which she resented) and later learning that the this particular Bad Guy of the Week was directly responsible for the deaths of her family members. Where in any of this is there even a hint of rape?

What are you even trying to argue? In what way do there being other reasons for Rafa to be pissed at the dude make it implausible for him to have raped her? Read the dialog, for god's sake.

"You know of the...the thing he did to me."

"You cannot do it. Do you know why? The flesh remembers, Rapha. It
remembers fear, cold and trembling. But it will not always be so. In time, your
fear will blossom into another flower - and I shall have that one as well."

Fat bastard is looking to dick her until she likes it.

Any other character-being-raped theories are total bullshit, though.

>> No.540831

>whats the most plausible course of action for him here, bend her over a table and pound some pussy?

No, pound that ass

>> No.540873

What do you think happens to beautiful female prisoners when they are being held captive?

Especially when their male protectors are out cities away.

Although nothing was stated, Agrias could have been raped, but did not want to talk about it. That is what happens to most people who get raped, they don't mention it.

But the fact that they were held prisoner for a while can suggest that happend.

Also, how else do you think Agrias broke free?
And why just Agrias?

Because someone at the castle was trying to have a "little fun" with her, but perhaps at some point she managed to break away from the scene, destroy whoever was doing the cruel act, get back her armor/weapons, and run away

>> No.541204

Im thinking of making some more OC

>> No.541295
File: 151 KB, 512x480, wiegraf oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has to do with Wiegraf! Hope you like it

>> No.541342

>being this autistic

>> No.541373
File: 17 KB, 78x96, ramza feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.541609
File: 116 KB, 512x480, Ramza what have i done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one took me a while

The idea that is

>> No.541638

He is quite artistic

>> No.541654


I'm starting to think he's actually trolling us

>> No.541662

I'm not... I was just having fun making these new scenes... Why must you end my fun

>> No.541692

>implying female prisoners are always raped




>> No.541708

Why didnt Ramza and his group just bribe Gaffgarion to get him back into the party?

>> No.541770
File: 219 KB, 480x360, ramza vs wiegraf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point

>> No.541782

Even though it's old news, that story still makes me so embarrassed to be an American.

>Jessica Lynch is found in a hospital, where Muslim doctors work around the clock to keep her alive
>they go home and tell everyone about how they rescued her from the vicious sand-nigger rape troupe
>cue millions of young men saying "amma join the army to git them niggers what raped a wat woman"

It was like "women in refrigerators" IRL.

>> No.541787


There are like 20 other boards to have this discussion on, and this is not one of them.

>> No.541794

too bad he later turns into the umpteenth copy-paste character "who cares, MUST BRING CHAOS LOL"

>> No.541806
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>not bring the chaos

Also on a side not, how about that Funeral character?

He got so rekt

>> No.542051

>Rafa had plenty of reasons to be pissed at Fatso-McGee without needing a hot dicking to be a part of it. She spends a significant amount of her plot exposition telling Ramza about her and Malak being orphans, getting found and trained to be assassins (which she resented) and later learning that the this particular Bad Guy of the Week was directly responsible for the deaths of her family members. Where in any of this is there even a hint of rape? In a line that could much more easily be an appeal to her brother's sense of familial loyalty? In Lord Fatso metaphorically telling Rafa he knows she doesn't have the guts to off him?

I'm only arguing this one, not those.

Motivations aren't my problem--the lines state it pretty explicitly.

>> No.542084


The difference between this and Rafa is you are making one hell of a stretch and a lot of assumptions.

>> No.542098

But that explains how Agrias broke free

And how she was being chased as she was fleeing the castle

Luckily Ramza was there to save her at the right time

>> No.542551


Because the only way to escape from captivity is to struggle out of a rape attempt. That's how Bond always does it - nobody can resist that beautiful British ass.

>> No.542574

His first name was Marge. What?

>> No.542587

And now I realize that Rafa is probably the only rape victim in the entire FF universe.

>> No.542710


I don't think you know what "explicit" means.

>> No.542790

Not him, but pitching my tuppence. I quote two parts of the game.

>Rafa: You know what he did! What he did to me! I KNOW you know!


>Barinten: Hya, ha! You can't... And do you know why? Because your body recalls the terror... Don't worry...that terror will gradually subside. Hya, ha, ha.

It's not outright said, but it's perfectly obvious that he raped her.

>> No.543082
File: 28 KB, 400x300, battle28_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm playing through the game again for the first time in years and just got to that part at riovanes haha definitely never got what happened to her till this playthrough

sidenote...is there ANY reason i should take rafa and malak, i mean really? i don't need them for anything special later down the line like you do mustadio, right?

>> No.543094

Rafa has the potentially highest damage attack in the game with their special move.

assuming it strikes the same square 9 times

>> No.543116

Rafa's naturally low bravery makes her good for using move-find to get rare items without having to make a dedicated chickenshit.

Other than that, no, their initial jobs suck.

>> No.543412

make them all you want.
Just don't post them on 4chan.

>> No.543465


Maybe Agrias was secretly a SUPER SAYIN all along and used her awesome ki power to blast through her prison wall but being exposed to the green kryptonite in the lock took away her powers forever, so she decided to never reveal what she had once been.

That would explain how she broke free, too. And there's just as much evidence for that as there is for her being raped.

>> No.543671

But I want to share my work

>> No.543898

but your work is shit.

>> No.543926
File: 40 KB, 344x326, tfw seahawk MAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.544507


At best you could make an argument for the language as being suggestive or implicit, but it's nowhere near this oft-touted "confirmed" status we get in these discussions. That's what pisses me off about all this. I need more than two vague lines which could mean anything before I'll accept any pet theories or interpretations as "confirmed."

>> No.545264

Is this a fanfic thread?

>> No.545275


>> No.545289

Okay, just wondering, never played FFT before. (I'm going through the classics and I just beat CT)

>> No.545308

You might appreciate this if you just beat CT

>> No.545312

Yeah, I used to own it as a kid, but never got past the first two stages... loved the fuck out of it. I'll get around to it.

>> No.545601

You should get on it fast

>> No.547006


They're not as vague as you're suggesting. There is no reason to have the lines as they're written if it were anything else.

>> No.548538
File: 108 KB, 500x692, zalbaag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In celebration of day 4 of this thread, I shall post the best character of this game

>> No.548558

Zalbaag was a badass, the only real brother Ramza had

>> No.548562
File: 7 KB, 205x246, feeels man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That face when you had to kill Zalbaag, and there was nothing you could do about it

>> No.548568

tfw you will never know that feel of killing both of your brothers with yours own hands

>> No.548574


>that face when

>> No.548635

The dumb Lucavi shit was easily the weakest part of the game.

>> No.548957

What is you guys' favorite song from the game??

I like a few..

>In Pursuit



>Ovelia's Anxiety

Those are my favs

>> No.549280

learn double sword then switch to Paladin. Paladin with Fighter Tech, strikeback, doublesword. GG

>> No.549302

So, is there a PC version of this shit yet? There really needs to be.

>> No.549313

Nope.. But the ipad version is really good

>> No.549315

I can't stop laughing.

>> No.549323

>So, is there a PC version of this shit yet? There really needs to be.
What? Why?

I swear to god, there have been weird people on /vr/ recently.

>> No.549457

I don't think references to a teenager getting raped would go down well with the ratings board. Regardless, what else could it reasonably be?

>> No.549470

Modding possibilities would explode, that's one edge PC games will always have. Yes, you can mod console games, but we all know how emulators can be.

>> No.549561

Why's that weird? I prefer my vidya on my PC.

Which I will have regardless, because I have FFT from back in the day, and I have an emulator, but i was asking the question. Anyway, besides emus, google says nope.

Cool, might look into that, I have an iphone I keep around, switched to android but I use the iphone as a mini-tablet and shit.

>> No.549621


>What? Why?

Enhanced graphics/bugfixes of the iOS version on a screen bigger than a playing card, for one thing

>> No.549758


It makes more sense as a story if they do die, personally.

>> No.551756

It sure does

>> No.552848

Final Fantasy Tactics is worst Fantasy

>> No.552961

Faggot shitposter is faggot shitposter.

>> No.553060
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>Wiegraf doesn't join you
Cried like a bitch

>> No.553061


>> No.554695

Because the Algus just killed Teta with no regards of her life,

not only this but this is who Algus was he always felt he was higher than the filthy commoners since he was a noble and since Ramza put him in his place that one time and held Delita in higher regard Algus knew this was a way to get back at both of them. Algus was an unsympathetic bastard!!!