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5317638 No.5317638 [Reply] [Original]

finally got my hands on one of these bad boys. the settings menu is really daunting for a dummy like me. are there any good guides out there?

what are good screen settings for a 4k monitor. i know it’ll output in 1080p but I heard something about scanlines working better in 720p?

>> No.5317665


>> No.5317684


damn, thats awesome. thank you. is it worth it to jailbreak the thing to play roms? would i be able to run translation patches on sfc games?

>> No.5317710

If I remember correctly, you need to enable the advanced settings and play around with the scaling options to get things to look perfect in 1080p. Once I got things right, it looked awesome.

>> No.5317727

If I remember right, there's no support for special chips if you run roms off of the NT itself and there's no plans to support it in the future. It's theoretically possible, or so I've read, but I wouldn't count on it.
Would be easier to just buy an SD2SNES since they added SA-1 and SuperFX support recently, which makes for the entire library being playable I believe.

>> No.5317734

I use 720p with hybrid scanlines at a depth of 70, and colors boosted to 1.12. Looks pretty nice to me.

>> No.5317737

The only rom restriction is special chips. Anything else is good to go, including fan translations and other rom hacks. I play a bunch of those on mine.

>> No.5317742

About this jailbreak... IIRC some people said they had problems with losing save games or not being able to save. Is this true or not?

>> No.5317743

so even with cartridge audio enabled I don't get sound out of my games. I hear the SNES audio but no gameboy audio from the super gameboy. Could it be an issue with my super gameboy?

>> No.5317745
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This thing is almost as much as an OSSC. Why wouldn't you just get that and an original SNES?

>> No.5317753

wouldn't that require modding to get better video output from the SNES? Anyways, that's more hoops to jump through and if you're into that's fine but this is an elegant solution to playing SNES games accurately on an HDTV.

>> No.5317754

No. All the non mini SNES systems output rgb natively.

>> No.5317767

You must enter the menu (press down+select) after saving in game. This is necessary to save the sram to your sd card. Don't do it, and you lose that game's saves. You get a warning about this every time you go to the rom browser. Well, you really only have have to do it before quitting, but I make a habit out of doing it after a save.

Also, backing out of the rom browser entirely, as in back to main menu, with the b button triggers a bug that makes it so you can't save the sram without restarting the console. They added another warning though, so this is impossible to do on accident.

>> No.5317771

This is only playing on roms, mind you. There's no issues with saving on carts whatsoever.

>> No.5317780


>> No.5318610

Oh look, an emulator.

>> No.5318676

Look into flashcarts

>> No.5319879

The OSSC is nice, but it just passes the original sync frequency through, which is a problem because many modern HDTVs don't like the SNES's out-of-spec sync (60.1 Hz). By default, the Super NT actually runs a bit slower to solve this issue.

Not a traditional one. It uses an FPGA to simulate the SNES hardware at a low level in an electrical sense. This means it only emulates the basic SNES hardware. If your cart has a special chip (C4, SuperFX, etc) then that portion is actually running on your cart's chip, just as it would with an actual SNES.

>> No.5319930

> Super NT $200
> Actual SNES $60


>> No.5321051

>because many modern HDTVs don't like the SNES's out-of-spec sync (60.1 Hz).
SOLUTION: dejitter-mod (also for NES).

>> No.5321162

> pay $200 for an emulator which requires the carts


>> No.5321279

I'm not giving out any (You)s today, boyos. Come back tomorrow.

>> No.5321327

For me, emulation guy it looks very promising. Decent outputs, rom support, warranty, I would love it. Combined with proper flashcart makes it complete modern/retro machine.
Damn, shame that NES one is so absurdly expensive, otherwise would buy in heartbeat.

>> No.5321329

>Not a traditional one. It uses an FPGA to simulate the SNES hardware at a low level in an electrical sense. This means it only emulates the basic SNES hardware.
Everyone knows that. FPGAs are fantastic for many types of emulation and the lag benefits over software emulation can be huge if they're designed well.
But Analogue (who don't even design their own products) is a fart-sniffing luxury company that markets them as "not emulation" (because emulation is bad somehow?) and "perfect replicas" (lol no) and dumbasses believe them and get REALLY DEFENSIVE if someone uses the "e" word to describe FPGA implementations.
That's why it's fun to point out that they're still emulators, not perfect hardware replicas. Kevtris designs fantastic emulators but there's still some translation and alteration and abstraction going on.

>> No.5321373

Would love to have NES one

>> No.5323048

this video has pretty much everything you need to know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEyF30kenUM

>> No.5323136

Honestly the reason people get "defensive" about using the word emulator, is because in the entire history of forever, at least for any normal person, "emulator" has meant software emulator specifically. Things that used hardware to implement other hardware were just called "clones." This makes the "not emulation" marketing tactic make perfect sense to everybody except pedantic assholes, especially the "just emulate bro" types. Trying to say that FPGA implementation is "emulation" gets the understandable reaction that what you're saying is that hardware implementation is the same as software implementation, which is obviously not the case. I think by now everybody fucking knows this debate, but nobody is going to change the words they use. Everybody is going to continue saying "not an emulator" because it's software, and everybody who says "it's still emulation" is going to be equivocating.

>> No.5323478

If you're referring to the redesigned SNES, then no they don't.
Without modding, the only signal you're gonna get out of them is composite.

>> No.5324692

>in the entire history of forever, at least for any normal person, "emulator" has meant software emulator specifically.
Not if you know anything about computers. That's not how anyone involved in emulation, or anyone with more than two braincells, has ever believed, nor is it the technical definition. The only people falling for the "hardware emulation isn't a real thing" meme are the casuals who don't know shit about emulation other than what they read in a guide while desperately trying to get Pokemon running on their phone.
We all know that idiots think "emulation"means "those nintendo players my cousin installed on my computer" and that's why we don't listen to them, and why trolling them is funny. If they don't want us to troll them they should stop being stupid.
Also, FPGA implementations are programmed (that's what the 'P' is for) in much the same way as software emulators, with many of the same techniques and abstractions being used. Sometimes (like in Analogue's case) they run more traditional software on top too. They have a lot of the flexibility of software but with the speed benefits of hardware. It's called reconfigurable computing and it's what makes them so great.
You should read some of the interviews with Kevtris. He's a cool guy, and he knows that he's building really good emulators with a few intentional abstractions and compromises to make them work better on modern TVs, not perfect magical replicas. The "no emulation, perfect accuracy" shit is all marketing spin from the company that bought his work, not the people who actually know what they're talking about.

>> No.5324704

>All the non mini SNES systems output rgb natively.
>>hurr durr acktually the snes mini doesn't have rgb durrr
that's literally what he said
he said all NON-MINI SNES models have RGB. meaning the mini doesnt. but the rest do
why cant people read?
>many modern HDTVs don't like the SNES's out-of-spec sync
>By default, the Super NT actually runs a bit slower to solve this issue.
the fact that the NT Mini runs slightly slower than a real SNES bothers me enough that i'd rather just use an OSSC, even if the difference is extremely minor. the colors are a bit washed out too, although they're also a little off on a framemeister.
hopefully the framemesiter's replacement is better with colors.

>> No.5324728

It's good for those whose SNESes are aging and don't want to fuck up their childhood systems anymore.

t. owner of a brittle, heavily yellowed SNES

>> No.5324762

It likes to have electricity running thru tho
You gotta fuck with originals

>> No.5324778

The default mode of the Super NT runs it a bit slower, but there are two other modes:
- native speed, but you get some tearing every so often (the framemeister does the same thing)
- native speed with some sort of triple-buffering/vsync which eliminates tearing but introduces some lag

The default mode is the best option, IMO. No tearing and the lowest input lag.

>> No.5324791

does it work natively with a freesync monitor?

>> No.5324796


>> No.5324797

How are you going to fuck it up? It has no moving parts.

>> No.5324804

wait, so an emulator with a freesync monitor would run at native speed and without vsync lag giving you a better experience?

>> No.5324823

Define better experience. If you just want to play roms, there's no reason to buy a Super NT and use jailbroken firmware or a flash cart. The Super NT is marketed toward people who want an easy way to play their old SNES cartridges in a fashion that mimics an original console but looks good on a modern HDTV. If that's not what you're looking for, then you need not apply.

>> No.5324973

Technically it's got a buzzing sound problem too, luckily there is a spare SNES which I use.

>> No.5325034
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It's not emulation, it's hardware simulation. Learn the the difference, it could save your life.

You might want to check out the RetroUSB’s AVS.

>> No.5325086

And for all that, Nintendo themselves can only offer you a mediocre emulation box.

>> No.5325461

>Not if you know anything about computers.
Hence I said " for any any normal person." Nobody gives a FUCK about the "technical definition." And compared to the actual emulator user base, the emulator development community is microscopic.
Jumping into every conversation to say "akshuually" isn't very funny since we've all had this conversation 20 thousand times before.

>> No.5325487

>Not if you know anything about computers. That's not how anyone involved in emulation, or anyone with more than two braincells, has ever believed, nor is it the technical definition.
This is incorrect. Stop spreading misinformation like this, that is not true. I know you think you have super advanced knowledge and all so you get to shit on all the normies and their smart phones, but in fact in videogame parlance and sometimes in other contexts in EE, emulation has ALWAYS meant software.

It doesn't matter if you don't agree with that "technically" speaking or otherwise, that is what it has meant for decades by convention. It doesn't even matter if it comes from a mistake. Language works and evolves by whatever becomes popular whether you like it or not. So stop acting like you know shit and are here to correct us all cause you're really just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5325491

>We all know that idiots think "emulation"means "those nintendo players my cousin installed on my computer"
I mean what the hell are you talking about. I just want to punch you in the face for being such a faggot and a troll.

>> No.5325553

>It's not emulation, it's hardware simulation
There is no difference.

>> No.5325718

How is the AVS? Been eyeing one for a while.