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5298994 No.5298994 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5300894

: (

>> No.5300897
File: 15 KB, 300x480, mischief1440642648242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5300925

Game was too gimmicky for its own good. Fifth gen sidescrollers in general were pretty rubbish.

>> No.5300958

Video games in general became too gimmicky after Pong.

>> No.5301054

shake shake

>> No.5301398

The problem isn't the gimmick but the controller of the console it was released

>> No.5301406

if anything, mischief makers was made for the N64 controller

>> No.5301498
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>> No.5301615


>> No.5301634

not for dashing, that's for sure
to get the hardest golden gems you need to practice a lot many more or less difficult stages to the utmost perfection

>> No.5301684

What do you mean?
You dash by double tapping the d-pad. What's the problem with that?
And yeah MM has a sort of speedrun mentality behind it, you get the secret full ending by getting an average A score, and there's still a leaderboard for time records on the old official japanese website.
Getting all the gold gems don't really require good ranking though, except on bosses which require not getting hit once.

>> No.5301689

N64 dpad is ass. Way more stiff than snes

>> No.5301695

Ah haha, the good old "N64 dpad is stiff".
it's because you barely used it! Have you tried a brand-new SNES controller? The d-pad is also stiff at first.
Use it, boy. It becomes less stiff over use.
Very few N64 games used the d-pad, so naturally most N64 controllers still have like-new d-pads that are still stiff.

>> No.5302081

Good thing i used my d-pad for a decent amount of time playing ISS64

>> No.5303557

dashing is fine, i beat the game with all gold gems and a decent ranking too.
now S-Rank, that shit requires TAS-tier of skill

>> No.5304023

thats not a good sales tactic. it should be good out of the box.

>> No.5304368

It is good though, it's a regular SNES d-pad.
Again, the reason why you don't find other d-pads stiff is because they're all used to death at this point.
Most N64 controllers were only used to play stuff like OOT, SM64 and Goldeneye, so their d-pads are still pretty much mint.

>> No.5304373

I didn't have trouble using the N64 controller, but for some reason I have a lot of trouble playing it with an Xbone. Other N64 games I have no problems

>> No.5304378

Probably because Mischief Makers require 6 face buttons and Xbone only has 4? Or you mean the Xbone dpad?

>> No.5304387

I mean, everything is comfortably mapped. Directionals where they should be, C-buttons to right stick, and B/A/Z to X/A/R. I can play every other game fine. I think it's probably just that the D-pad isn't in the same place as it is on the N64 controller.

>> No.5304405

It's been 20 years, you'd think they'd have softened up a bit.

>> No.5304414

If they were never used, then no.
Anyway, even mint, it's still a regular SNES type d-pad.

>> No.5305754

is there even any other game like this one?
I really like the whole grab concept, and the movement is top-notch

>> No.5305756

This unironically

>> No.5305757

wario land shake it?

>> No.5307316

you know i never thought of that game as a MM-like game
I should give it a shot

>> No.5307330
File: 850 KB, 1191x722, mischief1398625414491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario Land shake it was also developed by Good Feel aka the ex-Goemon Team.
I never played it though, but I doubt it's actually similar to MM in gameplay, other than the shake (which is done by wagglan). I bet it's still a fun game though, since it's by Ebisu and his crew, but I don't think any game has quite the same gameplay as Mischief Makers in terms of controls (the whole dashing and how throws work)

>> No.5307341

i mean, Wario has a fuck ton of movement options in Shake It! (like Marina's jets) and the game also has missions that requires almost perfect runs (no damage, be fast as shit, etc..).
Both are different in design (Land is more of Exploration and Item Collection while MM is more about Puzzle Solving and fast reflexes) but they also share some similar gameplay ideas

>> No.5307353

Alright, I was actually talking without actually knowing, as I said I never played it.
I will play it someday.

>> No.5307439

You now realize this game is the Roll spin-off that never materialized.

>> No.5307446

Yeah, no.

>> No.5307573
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The opening theme never fails to fill me with a strong motivation. I am charged every time.
Also the obvious line

>> No.5307580

Great contribution.

>> No.5307582
File: 15 KB, 500x500, This_is_My_Clancer_Face_by_Novacevia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost positive I 100%'d this game using the c-dash. Is there any part that absolutely requires the d-dash? Maybe the races? Some specific jump/glide gem?

>> No.5307584

The golden gem on the olympic race requires the d-pad dash. Maybe it's possible to do it with the c button but that'd be insane, I think d-pad is faster.

>> No.5307593

>I think d-pad is faster
It is, kind of.
But I didn't know this at the time. Although it's possible I used both depending on what my thumbs felt like that day.
>When on the ground, press either <C or >C to do a fast accelerating, but slow max speed dash. This dash comes out quicker when you press the button, and has a higher initial speed. Press <D or >D twice to do a slow accelerating, but fast max speed dash.

>> No.5307597
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forgot random image. It's too late now.

>> No.5307604

This game should of been on the saturn. Imagine how much better the 2D sprites and backgrounds would've looked, better music quality too.

>> No.5307659

Can you talk about your background, upbringing, education, and current lifestyle a little OP? I'm honestly curious about they type of people who make threads like this.

>> No.5307667

I thought shake it was fine but I wouldn’t recommend it to someone on the grounds that they like mischief makers. MM has movement that feels really smooth, and you move in a lot of arcs with lots of aerial control. The grabs and throws really makes it feel like everything on screen can interact with everything else, because it pretty much can.

Shake It is a wario land that doesn’t really do much unusual for wario land besides having a really nice artstyle and those rundash things at the end of levels. Almost more of an exploration puzzle game than a platformer, whereas MM is all about the feel of movement.

Only game I can think of similar to MM is gunstar heroes, and even that’s really different and isn’t as focused on movement and momentum.

>> No.5307694
File: 146 KB, 600x600, Mischief_Makers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Saturn could have handled some more impressive backgrounds, but honestly I think the Mischief Makers sprites are quite good. Marina's animations in particular are great and smooth.
Music I also think it's quite nice quality. I never felt N64 had bad quality music in general, the problem was voice sampling which often sounded muffled.
I also like that MM has no loading times whatsoever.

>> No.5308043

wouldn't have changed anything besides a redbook ost and loading times.
They just opted for a pre-rendered look and quirky soundfonts that imo fits perfectly well with the game, The N64 could do some very good sprite-work actually (Project Wonder J2, Rakuga Kids, Magical Tetris Challenge come to mind).

>> No.5309109
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1333, shyna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smash-like fighting game starring Treasure characters when?

>> No.5309115

You mean Rakugaki Showtime?

>> No.5309129

No. Rakugaki's gameplay is bad.
And Marina is the only Treasure character in it.

>> No.5309130

>opinion dismissed

>> No.5309136

If I wanted to play a GOOD dodgeball game I'd boot up Dodge Dampei or the Kunio-kun one.

>> No.5309158

I guess you're right.
I'm still mad Saki didn't made it as an actual playable character in Smash Ultimate.

>> No.5309293

shake shake!!

>> No.5310195
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>> No.5310341



>> No.5311697

Shake it, baby.

>> No.5312037

For whatever reason MM had achieved sacred cow status and it makes no fucking sense

>> No.5312050

In what way it's a "sacred cow"? Define sacred cow.
Just because people like a game doesn't mean it's a sacred cow. Especially on the modern internet where contrarians like to be very vocal. I don't think there's any sacred cow game anymore, there's always going to be that one guy that will call it shit.

>> No.5312092
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>> No.5312103

shake shake

>> No.5312180

OP here, sure glad someone is showing interest.
I'm a 18yo faggot raised by a commune of hippy buttfuckers, they told me that one magical night I came out of the asscracks of hairy Steve after a two hour daisychain (he is my 'main' dad). Went to faggotschool where I was best in class. After sucking dicks all day in the back of my favorite allyway I was chanting 'shakeshake' while juggling the dude's balls afront of me, who told me about this game... Never played a video game in my life tbqhfamalamadingdong... Did I mention I like sucking dicks?

>> No.5312245
File: 619 KB, 600x763, 8b4a840adc0265113ba5edab96600842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you chuckling while typing that post?

>> No.5312950
File: 415 KB, 350x263, Headdy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headdy > Marina

>> No.5313007
File: 10 KB, 205x163, listen here dipshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ronald McDonald > Headdy > Marina

>> No.5313181

Actually I was sucking dick, did you not pay attention?