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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5304969 No.5304969 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5304970 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5305862

This game is cursed.

>> No.5305926
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The first "metroidvania", desu.
The game could be fun but the translation is shit, the redacted version is the way to go.

>> No.5306276

Simons Quest was hard to get into. Just beat castlevania 1 and 3 on nes, and super castlevania on snes (almost identical to 1 on nes). The whole talking to villager npcs aspect on simons quest was out of place.

>> No.5306325

The Amerimutt version of this game is garbage. Literally unplayable.

>> No.5306442

What difference is there apart from the JP version having the "better" soundtrack due to the extra channel?

>> No.5306465

Depends;Wonderboy , Montezuma,Metroid and Castlevania 2-likes(faxanadu,Zelda 2,...) can all be seeing at metroidvania prototypes.
Metroidvania as a genre is difficult to define ,tho.

>> No.5306495

Enemy damage scales with your progress in the game instead of being dependent on type, Grant's throwing knife is removed, it removes the checkpoint before Dracula and some other minor changes. Its not unplayable at all just harder, sometimes in annoying ways like the lack of the last checkpoint. Still a great game.

>> No.5306559

>Grant's throwing knife is removed
Which I find a good thing, since infinite throwing knives combined with his mobility just makes him too broken. The other changes were unneeded, though.

>> No.5306564

Castlevania III is too hard to be perfect. Fuck. That. Game. (yeah, I've beaten it-ONCE! at great expense to my health probably)

>> No.5306616

Ooh, don't forget the addition of bats in places they weren't at before just to fuck with you, like the final pendulum jumps of the last level.

>> No.5306642
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I meant the first Castlevania to take on the "metroidvania" genre, not the first on its genre.

>> No.5306774

>Circle of the Moon
This is the best of the 'metroidvania' castlevanias. I always felt like SotN was cool, but rough around the edges and didn't have the same feel as the metroid style they were trying to replicate. CotM may not be a visual masterpiece, but it hit the nail on the head with the gameplay and progression. It was one big oldschool castlevania fanwank with the soundtrack too.

But i'll stop while im ahead because we still have... a few months left before GBA discussion is allowed?

>> No.5306784


>> No.5306801
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lel, im 30

>> No.5306839

>The first
Not even remotely close.

>> No.5306841

Did you play the shitty butchered US version?

>> No.5306963
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>> No.5306969
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Shit i though it was in English.
>The Cursed castle has risen, but why... it may have something to do with Richter...?

>> No.5306973
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>Why... ?
>He woke up...

>> No.5306975
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>> No.5306979
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>How strange, right?
>It's appearance is different from before.

>> No.5306985
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>> No.5306990
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>> No.5306995
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>This is to...
>the destiny of this cursed blood?

>> No.5307142
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It might not be horror like the first game, but it's the better game

>> No.5307428
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>> No.5308094

Go back to >>>/v/.

>> No.5308121

Go back to /b/mexithread

>> No.5308179
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So you really are from >>>/v/, thanks for the epic shrek XD.

>> No.5308198

Why isn't this one considered canon?

>> No.5308210
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>a few months left before GBA discussion is allowed?
If only

>> No.5308257
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>> No.5308521
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He (Iga) was butthurt when Konami chose a completely different internal studio to develop the game instead of using the same people who made Symphony of the Night, he create a excuse saying that the style of the game didn't fit what he had planned for the series and that it wasn't canon because he didn't worked on it, but here it's when shit hit the fan because he was assistant director for SotN and that was his first involvement with the franchise meaning that the others game on the franchise shouldn't be canon either.
The first fully Castlevania game by Iga was Harmony of Dissonance a far inferior game to Circle of the Moon, he redeem himself with the next four "metroidvania" games on the GBA and DS, but he still had a hate boner for CotM.
Many fans (me included) consider CotM canon because is to much of a fantastic game to be led aside.

>> No.5308523
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>> No.5308595

Nice bullshit.
Circle of the Moon is considered canon, but as an alternate universe side-story because it doesn't fit the main timeline (which Iga cobbled together because there was never meant to be a Castlevania canon before).
There actually is a game that Iga removed from canon altogether and it's not CotM.

>> No.5308881

CotM is non canon, stop fooling yourself, what that anon says is true, can't confirm being piss off at the guys who made the game but the rest is true. Fans where angry because for many CotM was their first Castlevania.

>> No.5308919

Circle of the Moon from the very beginning was not canon, weeks before the release the developers stated that the game wasn't related to SotN story wise and that the game was a standalone tittle.

>> No.5309009

>The first fully Castlevania game by Iga was Harmony of Dissonance a far inferior game to Circle of the Moon
Ha ha.

>> No.5309025

He's right, you know.

>> No.5309390

No, I don't know.

>> No.5309446


>> No.5309453

Actually, that's a prequel.

>> No.5309463

Technically, since Aria of Sorrow is superior to both.

>> No.5310094

Symphony of the night was probably my favorite game on ps1.

>> No.5310104
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Literally a year after the successful launch of DKC they managed to make it again: new mechanics, new enemies, new environment, arguably better design, while maintaining the charm of the first one

>> No.5310225

Sequels that improved upon the predecessor:
Street Fighter II
Gradius II
Darius II, then Darius Gaiden
Sengoku Blade
Raiden II / DX
Arguably, Truxton II (this one is close)
Thunder Dragon 2

>> No.5310231

Zelda II
Operation Thunderbolt
Rogue Squadron

>> No.5310241

Rogue Squadron isn't a sequel.

>> No.5310248

Sorry, meant Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III. II is crappy compared to III.

>> No.5310253

GBA games will never ever be allowed on /vr/, sorry.

>> No.5310573

Hi Iga

>> No.5311475
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You know it to be true.