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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5303927 No.5303927 [Reply] [Original]

Originals or remasters?

>> No.5303972

What do you fucking think

>> No.5303981

neither, both overrated.

>> No.5304003

Where do you think you are?

>> No.5304016

I'm not into furry stuff

>> No.5304064

Original for Spyro
Remaster for Crash.

>> No.5304065


>t. never played the original crash games

>> No.5305054

I haven't played much of the Crash remaster, but I definitely preferred the originals for both IPs. They made Spyro way fucking easier which doesn't make sense considering the originals were easy enough with the exception of Yeti Boxing, the Trolley and that tank minigame in Haunted Tomb. The only things I enjoyed about the remakes are that Elora and Sheila are fappable.

My 4 year old actually prefers to play the originals himself, though I make him play the PS4 version because he constantly switches between games when he gets stuck.

>> No.5305060
File: 49 KB, 630x583, Colored photo (1942) - A young Jewish boy attempts to escape Treblinka. A top soldier for Hitler’s army can be seen in the background preparing to gun him down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the remaster Crash there's a part where they replace enemies who had guns with paintballs.

Classic case of soul vs soulless.

>> No.5305117

Crash remake is shit. The Spyro remake is good except for Riptos Rage and YOTD

>> No.5305118

>It's good except for the two thirds of it that isn't

>> No.5305160

The originals are both examples of motivated developers working their hardest to push a system to its limits and are overflowing with care and attention to detail. The remakes are made by B-tier or lesser studios transposing the originals into a generic modern artstyles. There's really no comparison if you're someone that has any appreciation for retro games at all.

>> No.5305198
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Normal fags dont give a fuck. Theyll just call you an autist, or a nerd. Yes a nerd, as much as being "nerdy" is trendy, they are just surface dwellers and will spout some scripted insult or talking point that totally makes you a loser to other sheep. I normaly dont care so much, but those retarded fucks are encroaching on the things i deeply care about. All that comes out of their mouths is regurgitated turds they ingested just to be considered cool by the popular fake nerds. Fucking fad bandwagoners blow double nutsacks.

>> No.5305207

The only thing I legit liked about the Spyro remakes was that they brought Spyro 1's rolling into 2 and 3.

I don't really care about small things like the physics (they didn't have the source code, it was going to happen), but the art style says more "furry comic I read to fap" than Spyro to me.

>> No.5305209
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You sound like a very well-rounded person with their priorities in the right place. Getting mad at people for taking a casual interest in a glorified children’s hobby is perfectly normal—grown men are supposed to act like children.

>> No.5305214

This guy is the biggest retro game reseller and here is the link to his live stream https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/art5jpwmgnhmfnaruruvumwhfme?fbclid=IwAR0Ti9g00o1UEKwHxC336wV5tZp-_MavwdhvvzK-tPFgr5qtqteCMKmYpXI

>> No.5305221

Can you tards stop calling full-blown remakes with entirely new assets in new engines "remasters"?

>> No.5305223
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Ohh im sorry you dont have the same passion for my hobbies as i do. I dont care you think all games are made for children, im not a nintoddler. I mostly play games that would bore most kids, they wouldnt understand and/or their parents wouldnt let them play. But yeah, all videogames were made for children. Go back to /vr/, imbecile.

>> No.5305226


And another thing, shit for brains. Gi fuck yourself

>> No.5305261

Spyro and Crash are kids games. No one is trying to ruin your precious RTS games, bud.

>> No.5305276

I still like spyro for nostalgia, but its true the remakes are less than savory soulless cash grabs that most normal fags eat like ritalin. I appreciate your sentiment though.

>> No.5305290

The originals still hold up surprisingly well, I played them for the first time this year so no nostalgia goggles for me.

I can't speak for the Crash remaster since I haven't played it but I did play Spyro and I can honestly say it's a great remaster.
The controls feel identical, a lot of the Dragon designs look great, Spyro looks good too, and I've honestly enjoyed playing it.
Ofcourse it's not perfect, some enemy redesigns are awful and hunting for gems seems to be harder now since they blend too well in the background.
Also I feel like the dev team really tried and gave their best to make a fun and enjoyable game for a new generation of gamers while also trying to please the original fanbase.

>> No.5305321

Both. It's nice not having autism.

>> No.5305385

Originals and then the remasters. Play them both.

>> No.5305389

>T. Brain dead consumer that will buy literal shit if told to.

>> No.5306105

Crash and Spyro are not "remasters", they're remakes.

Remasters=original game with stuff added on top of it
Remake=built again from scratch

>> No.5306149

Haven't played Spyro but the Crash remake while great looking desperately needs a physics hack or something, I'm constantly fucking up jumps or walking off edges despite being able to ace the originals with my eyes closed. The music also sounds terrible, I don't know what the fuck they were going for, everything sounds like a fruityloops bootleg of the original that changes notes for no reason and shit like that. This is unfortunately the sort of shit that happens when it's a new team with none of the original source code.

>> No.5306164

The Spyro one was almost there but the motion blur and zoomed in camera where it should be zoomed out were annoying.

>> No.5307064

Let's see how the Warcraft 3 remaster turns out first

>> No.5307334

>he thinks crash being slow as fuck and the fucked up jump inertia is ok and the high poly fit the serie
You're a disgusting maggot devoid of destiny.

>> No.5308887

I like the old ones because they're cheap as fuk and literally the experience they're trying to re-sell you.

>> No.5309161
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originals. but i never played the remasters so i'm a little biased

>> No.5309224
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