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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 200x195, Radiant_silvergun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5300196 No.5300196 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that no one talks about RS. Or the other Treasure shoot 'em ups for that matter, Radiant Silvergun is actualy the only game i can play over and over again, the soundtrack is amazing and the story is beautyfull.

>> No.5300208

Shmupshmucks are too low-IQ to grasp Treasure's ingenius scoring systems and game design so they fellate Caveshit, Raizingshit, and other bog standard shmups that are more pleb-friendly.

>> No.5300212

Never 1CC'd it on normal. I could get to the final boss, but I wasn't good enough at leveling up my weapons so I just had to survive the fight until the time ran out. Couldn't beat him without dying. I should come back to it someday I guess.

>> No.5300225

Xiga really was a bit of a pain in the ass, had to leave my 460 on for almost a whole day untill i managed to beat him (Luckily it was a slim so it didn't overheat)

>> No.5300236
File: 36 KB, 425x282, 580b585b2edbce24c47b29f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I tell you that hasn't been said already a million times? I own two Saturn copies, the STV cartridge and a signed soundtrack. I'd love to see a re-release with lots of extras - on PC for example. It's a well made game with lots of though and heart put into it and I enjoy it more than its spiritual successor. It's a good shooting game, but probably not for everyone.

>> No.5300257

>stop and start
>stupid scoring system and weapon level up mechanic
>ugly graphics
>pompous soundtrack
>it's just not that fun

>> No.5300292


>> No.5300336

Are you good at the game?

what else would it be?

>> No.5300341

Is there something worse than jarpigs who constantly argue about which Homo Fantasy is better?
Oh yeah, shmcucks who LARP as hardcore gamers but actually abuse save states all the time.

>> No.5300347

Vast majority of people into shmups are twitch dodging shitplayers. Treasure games actually require memorization beyond simply knowing when to bomb.

>> No.5300353

That's just an old school shmup thing, perhaps you mean that most people into shmups these days prefer bullet hell

>> No.5300364

No waifus or cave bullet patterns in it so idiots dont like it.

>> No.5300369

No, I mean most people can't play for shit. Ikaruga is also bullethell in a way, but it's actually difficult to play.
Guwange is also cave bullethell and barely anyone can even play it. All they can is just twitch dodge and bomb their way through.

>> No.5300374 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 490x714, the eternal kraut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see

>> No.5300379
File: 58 KB, 558x768, silvergun_player2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no waifus
*clears throat*

>> No.5300386

Yeah I mean people do totally twitch dodge and bomb their way through R-Type
gtfo Kraut

>> No.5300390

Where did I ever say r-type was difficult? A 1-all in r-type is relatively easy. Get a fucking brain subhuman.

>> No.5300391

how many fucking shmup threads do we need?

>> No.5300394

Enough to kill /vr/ with this pointless jarpig vs shmuck war.

>> No.5300395

Now you know what it feels to browse a board with eight million Final Fantasy threads, except that's been a thing for years and not an exception

>> No.5300396

huh? who gives a shit about ff anymore?

>> No.5300398

It's easy but memo-based, you can't twitch your way through R-Type, and I've seen noobies playing those games recently on /vr/. Basically, you're wrong

>> No.5300397

He's saying people play R-Type and R-Type takes memorization rather than just twitch dodging and bombing.

>> No.5300403

huh? all shmups require memorization. No one is dodging shit from reflexes, they're basically puzzle games.

>> No.5300406


Again, r-type is easy peay. It's a memorizer, yes, but a fucking easy one for a 1-all.

>> No.5300410


not true, i blind 1cc'd cho aniki for ps2 on my first try

>> No.5300415

Moderately. Arcade version only because Saturn mode is too long to keep my state of zen up.

>> No.5300416

He should have said most, and then memorization requirements and styles difer quite a bit between games

>> No.5300419

puzzle + real time execution, at least

>> No.5300427

Cave games usually have many modes which are so easy you can just dodge almost everything on reflexes. Same goes for touhou games, etc

>> No.5300429

well yeah raiden 3 has a mode where they don't fire bullets at all.

>> No.5300435

yea, for example
there are many shmups which have pretty damn easy modes, or easy first loops, and treasure games are certainly not that kind of shmup

rsg and ikaruga only become really fun when you actually start scoring, and this is wway beyond the usual twitch dodge 1cc

>> No.5300439

shmupfags hate jarpigs because jarpigs are feelfags and shmupfags are autistic

fighting game players are the real chads

>> No.5300441
File: 104 KB, 636x712, yoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5300782

Of course. I'm just trying to clarify why the guy said R-Type.

>> No.5300859

'cuz it's hard as balls and most of us here are scrubs. Also Ikaruga and Gradius V are better.

>> No.5300861

*beautiful, dumbass.

>> No.5301830

>most of us here are scrubs.
I love honest /vr/ posters

>> No.5301850
File: 85 KB, 728x392, Doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5302275

>Also Ikaruga and Gradius V are better.
Disagree. Ikaruga has shit bosses compared to RSG, and V takes too long to loop (also no moais; wtf trashure).

>> No.5302278
File: 2.77 MB, 638x480, gradiusv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5302437

>Ikaruga has shit bosses compared to RSG
RSG is the game with shit bosses. They just look like blocks and milking them is boring as fuck.

RSG is Ikaruga for kusoplayers

>> No.5302671
File: 32 KB, 400x300, gedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RSG is the game with shit bosses.
Keep telling yourself that, baka.