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File: 424 KB, 595x529, Brawler64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5297450 No.5297450 [Reply] [Original]

Preorders are back up soon, lads.

>> No.5297462

Where’s the z button

>> No.5297463

Call me autistic but using third-party controller for a console that stray to far from the original controller design feels like I'm not really playing the game as intended. Feels like cheating really.

>> No.5297467

There are 2 Z buttons where L2 and R2 would go on modern controllers.

>> No.5297472

No thanks, I prefer the 3-pronged style controllers for N64 games.

>> No.5297509

I never thought that the knowledge of how to properly hold an N64 controller would get so obscure that a company could profit off of redesigning them for brainlets, but here we are.

>> No.5297539


>> No.5297685

There's no way that people don't actually know how to fucking hold it, I'm pretty sure that that's a dead and tired meme that retro hipsters and reddit likes to parrot over and over again because they think it's funny.

The analog stick is what ruins the controller for me personally, even when they're brand new they feel like shit to use. Otherwise it's a pretty good controller for it's time, and this comes from someone who has always disliked the system, especially compared to the PlayStation and even the Saturn.

>> No.5297809



If those Gamecube style replacement sticks actually worked properly, they'd be the ideal N64 controller.

>> No.5297823

What are some recommended N64 stick replacements (OEM design, not the GameCube style) on ebay or amazon?

>> No.5297826

These controllers are fucking garbage. Sensitivity is easily the worst i've ever played with

>> No.5297849
File: 428 KB, 694x552, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man fuck this uneven button layout

>> No.5297885

Is this a Duke controller?

>> No.5297910

I’m pretty sure that’s an ergonomic decision. I’m sorry your autistic need for aesthetic perfection prevents you from seeing that.

>> No.5297967

Analog triggers

>> No.5297969

A and B are way too low on that

>> No.5297975


>> No.5297976

If you want the original stick look for replacement parts for the mechanism not the stick itself. That's the real culprit for worn down n64 sticks, they get ground down into dust and wind up with gaping spots. There was also a guy making stick replacements out of metal but I don't know if he's still doing it, they were expensive though.

>> No.5297984

Allow me to blow your mind: the 64 does not have six face buttons. It has two face buttons, and a segmented right D-pad.

>> No.5298118
File: 62 KB, 640x451, 1517472329878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Controller is ass to play No Mercy. It can Dig Diggity Dog suck my Ding-Dong Diddly.

>> No.5298119
File: 95 KB, 290x333, 1496602422386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5298142

Depends on the game. In some games it is a camera control that works on a 2d plane within a 3d world, and in other games they are buttons. (Mario 64 vs Killer Instinct)

>> No.5298146

The placement of the A and B buttons look really awkward.

>> No.5298323

Because D-pads have never been reappropriated for functions other than character or camera movement.

>> No.5298357

i dont see a color option?

>> No.5298414

Any USB option/ports?

3rd party controllers that only work on consoles are kinda dumb desu

>> No.5298420

Shill thread

>> No.5298492

Did they ever fix the transfer pack shit? They've had enough time to roll out a new chip.

>> No.5298510

Nobody said it wasn't.

>> No.5298532
File: 23 KB, 400x300, Genuine-Nintendo-64-N64-Atomic-Purple-Official-OEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atomic Purple?

>> No.5298594

Giving the controller analog Z triggers was stupid.

>> No.5298671

link please?

>> No.5298678

Advertising is not allowed on 4chan(el)

>> No.5298809

I fell for the hype and bought one. It's just okay. The layout and build quality is nice but the stick is still way too sensitive. Not as bad as the GameCube replacement but still not right.

>> No.5298878
File: 17 KB, 800x250, hyperkin-controller-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones in OP pic look way better than pic related, but when the hell is the Hyperkin Admiral coming out? I'm too autistic to use wired controllers.

>> No.5298925

I've ordered $8 controllers off amazon that feel better in the hand than these cheap plastic pieces of shit.

>> No.5299248

There are two Ns in channel, butthead.

>> No.5299394

Link anon

>> No.5299430

Just Google search brawler 64 and stop trying to get spoon fed

>> No.5299467

You retard, I want to know of these apparent $8 controllers that are good. The brawler 64 is the best non OEM controller I have seen for quality and design. Even better than those overpriced hori minipad or super pad controllers.

>> No.5299608

Just got mine in last week and so glad i finally got one. I waited till they fixed the kinks because i heard about the L button and joystick issue. Definitely worth the $40.
I agree, they should've made it buttons instead of triggers but oh well.

>> No.5299690

Fellas: he is talking out of his ass.

>> No.5301768

I still don't trust translucent plastic because it's fragile.

>> No.5301874

Truth. I want scientists to put stupid crap like cancer research on hold for a while so they can develop a transparent plastic that isn't brittle as dried shit.

>> No.5301923

If your only concern is with the “fragility” of the controller, you need anger management help.

>> No.5302001

B and A buttons seem low, probably should be swapped with the C buttons

>> No.5302540

USB version ever?

>> No.5302587

For what reason?

>> No.5302596

>no grape
>no smoke

>> No.5302756


>> No.5302845

To play video games with.

>> No.5302854

You can get N64 controller to Usb Adapters, think that would work with this controller?

>> No.5303014
File: 16 KB, 184x184, 1543515497175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think this thing would be great for literally everything on the N64
>D-pad is absolute ass
How do you fuck up the one thing about the N64 controller that's absolutely perfect?

>> No.5303016

No idea but I wonder if this is finally going to be a controller that works with the Transfer Pak. None of these third party N64 controllers work with the Transfer Pak, even the Hori mini barely works with it, often having a slow enough read time that it times out in Pokemon Stadium.

>> No.5303023

ocarina of time and mario dont use it

>> No.5303092

I mean there's only a handful of games which use the d-pad, and even fewer that require it.

>> No.5303094

And yet the N64 had one of the best ones Nintendo ever made, and the Brawler64's is absolute ass.

>> No.5303181


>> No.5303184

>tfw you can buy 2 or 3 used original controllers with amazing build quality or one new cheap-plastic and insensitive-joystick controller for the same price

>> No.5303217

Gave up on these andnkust bought a Ralph Tech GameCube to N64 adapter.

I probably will never use the N64 controller

>> No.5303219

i bought those too but i never use it any more
real n64 pads for lyfe

>> No.5303225

Curious to know why? I honestly can’t find an issue with this adapter. The new model has the built in memory pak which is cash money

>> No.5303229

yellow buttons are actually buttons
d pad
quake 2 controls

>> No.5303236

Fair enough

If I’m quaking then I’ll fire up the classic iMac. Feels wrong on a console

>> No.5303279

its danksauce with splitscreen. but damn, both the dpad and yellow buttons are basically unusable with gamecube adapter. its good for mario 64 i geuss

>> No.5303624

doesnt look that bad, does it feel bad to use though? id rather have a mediocre dpad over a three handed controller
at least its not the xbox or xbox 360 dpad lol

>> No.5303726

I cant imagine playing N64 without the Trident of Power and that satisfying analog stick.

Are there any stick replacements that try to recreate that crunchy clicky feel I crave? The gamecube style replacement is mad gay.

>> No.5303729

This fucking dude the N64 stick is amazing how can you not love that feel??

>> No.5303764

Yes, there's a guy creating brass gear, you can order it. Another one is steelstick 64. Kitch-bent used to make too, but you had to sand a little bit and stuff, they're not selling the sticks anymore though.

>> No.5303767

they look good

>> No.5303964

I prefer emulating N64 with DS3 controllers. The true patrician way.

>> No.5303997

I never knew people actually liked the n64 dpad.
i always hated it.

>> No.5304068

It's identical to the SNES pad. I don't see how anyone can dislike it.

>> No.5304085

>The new model has the built in memory pak which is cash money
This was part of the reason I got some of these new controllers since at the time they didn't do memory cards.

at least i have a fuckload of 3rd party n64 controllers for all those games ill be playing with myself

>> No.5304134

Any other 3rd party N64 controllers to recommend?

>> No.5304691

gamecube to N64 controller adapter. Works well apart from lack of rumble/memory card support. You can remap buttons any way and save upto four configs. Only problem is gamecubes analog triggers(can be fixed by taking it apart and removing the springs inside) and both controllers weird layout(which depends on the games themselves and if you dont mind mapping c-buttons to c-stick). The catch is high price, especially if you want to do any multiplayer.

THeres also the steel sticks but last time I checked they still aren't available reliably, and its been that way for years/long time.

>> No.5304898

Those controllers look cheap as fuck. The d-pad looks like it would be painful to use and the buttons look like typical third party "quality."

>> No.5304915

I already have a perfectly fine Mini Hori 64

>> No.5304984

It has mem card support? The old version didn’t but v3(newest) does.

>> No.5305007

They are about as good as hori or that superpad. If you get the chance to try them you should, unlike most people that would reply to this thread spewing nonsense acting like they have used these.

>> No.5305009

>Mini Hori 64
>Perfectly fine
I am glad some people in the world are ok with mediocrity.

>> No.5305023

But what do I do with my third hand?

>> No.5305046

well now you can jerk off properly to the sunflower in conkers bad fur day while still playing the game

>> No.5305859

Thats cool, I have the old version then

>> No.5305949

Brass gears + steel bowl look awesome.


>> No.5306718

the c buttons look annoying to use for fps like turok. Had the same issue with the hori mini pad c buttons. Too flat and spaced out.

>> No.5308104

I bought the original grey one. The amount of deadzone is disgusting. It legitimately only recognizes 16 directions. I just have it to give to the fourth player.