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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5288856 No.5288856 [Reply] [Original]

So would you call this game's difficulty legit or bullshit?

>> No.5288873

To be fair it wasn't even play-tested, at least not until the end. So yeah, it's pretty bullshit to its very core.

>> No.5288881

completely legit, there's nothing in it that isn't overcome with simple logical deduction and practice but of course the low effort unintelligent soi generation want achievement without actually achieving and want to blame everything else for their shortcomings than themselves for being worthless stupid shit which they are.

see? look at this cock, all excuses.

>> No.5288885

Truth posting.

>> No.5288893

Yeah, it's shit. Typical western-style bad design.

>> No.5288907

Who got the GET?

>> No.5288908

Imagine how shitty your life must be to get this angry over nothing.

>> No.5288917

>says the truth i dont want to hear
>quick deflect call him angry and seething!

like clockwork.

>> No.5288923

Getting irritated at befuddled shit for brains crying over "artificial difficulty" is a legit thing to complain about on /vr/. Go back to retard era or readit if you want to circle jerk over made up terms and "meme game to hard" in an echochamber, fag munchkin.

>> No.5288947

I'm pretty good at games in general, and I've beaten Rayman 1 with no cheats, it was hard as fuck for all the wrong reasons. The level design is dreadful, even for eurojank. Some bad enemy placement, and oh, the fucking secrets that need to be triggered by going forwards and then backwards with no context or hints. It's kinda like Sotn, the production values and presentation are great, but the actual game is pretty bad.

>> No.5288948


I agree with all your sentiments, but you haven't played the game or else you wouldn't be saying that. I doubt you even came up with your rant.

>> No.5288949

a lot of segments in picture city are poorly designed but some of the other worlds have legit difficulty.

>> No.5288967 [DELETED] 

It's hard from the second world onward while still remaining fair. Only at Cave of Skops does that change with the difficulty becoming hilariously unfair.

>> No.5288968


>> No.5288974

It's hard from the second world onward while still remaining fair. At Cave of Skops it becomes hilariously difficult for the wrong reasons.

>> No.5289021

He actually said legit stuff, the game wasn't play tested. But who am i kidding, trying to make a redditor undersand...

>> No.5289032

yes i have, i've beaten the jag version and the fixed pc version.

he said it wasn't tested then correlated that with it being bad which is false, there was a year between dev on jag and ps1 version for which they made some changes so it had to of been tested to some extent and there's nothing broken or anything in it. It's just excuses by untermensch as usual.

>> No.5289045

You are one bad-ass gamer with some OP skill and a real attitude.

>> No.5289054

still doing the deflect strats? i haven't any attitude or anything else, im just stating facts and truth 2 things which prove inconvenient for you.

>> No.5289069

I’m not the guy you were replying to.

>> No.5289071
File: 368 KB, 241x250, 20shlee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rayman didn't get good until they made Betilla hot

>> No.5289074

and yet you're a cookie cutter so the rule proven to apply to the hivemind.

really makes you think.

>> No.5289076

You can almost smell this post

>> No.5289097

Easy. I finished Saturn version in one sitting.

>> No.5289101

Degenerate thirsty mofo.

>> No.5289114

100% Legit, until you get around to trying to find all the hidden cages.

Without a guide telling you where they are, it's total bullshit.

If you have guide to refer to, though, the game is quite doable without cheats. I managed it, and I was 12.

>> No.5289146

This was my first ever video game and I beat it as a child. Not bragging because I died a lot, just saying you're pathetic if you're complaining about it as an adult. Controls are tight, generous manuerability in the air. Boss fights have a lot of health so you can't afford to luck through them. Git gud you brainrotten fogeys

>> No.5289423

she thicc

>> No.5289429

have jacked it to rule 34 of this thicc slut

>> No.5289576

legit, play battletoads on snes to play some bullshit difficulty.
Rayman gets hard but is playable

>> No.5289583

Jesus christ

>> No.5289598

It's difficult but not overly frustrating until you beat the Cave of Skops and suddenly need to find all the cages. Seriously, I know there wasn't a lot of testing, but who thought it was fair to have tiny blinking pixels that make stuff appear at random parts in the level without any sort of hint as to where or even what it is that just spawned? I gave up on the game then, and I've played it up until that point three or four more times since, but even with a guide I just run out of steam once I've got all the cages in the Blue Mountains. I've never once beated the whole game just because of that tedious bullshit in an otherwise fun game.

>> No.5289603


>> No.5289620

I only ever played the shitty GBA port (Rayman Advance), is it any easier on other systems/PC?

>> No.5289623

This was the game I got with my GBA on launch. I played the hell out of it but didn't find it too difficult. I gave up when I got to the end and they wanted me to free all those fucks from cages.

>> No.5289628

No, the GBA port is supposedly the easiest version. They removed a few enemies here and there and gave you some extra hit points.

>> No.5289635

That wasn’t the hard part for me, it was having to find all the cages while listening to the earrape that is the GBA speaker

>> No.5289717

There is no hivemind. You're just an arrogant douchebag who asserts his opinions as fact, posing as a "hardcore l33t gamer" and thinking that adds any credibility to his position. If you had an ounce of tact people likely might've listened to your "truth" rather than calling out your tard behaviour.

>> No.5289719

Rayman grills cook my sausage pretty good.

>> No.5289721

Ah yes the insecure beta is intimidated and bothered by inconvenient truth. So i'm acting hardcore for pointing out basic facts? the game is not that hard nor is it broken or anythiung else, you're just a fucking dumb piece of low effort scum shit because your parents are low i.q and a fucking failure.

cunt off dough body specs n tits shit piss.

>> No.5289723

His tone has nothing to do with his content, if you can't focus on what's important what you are is a sensitive mangina
Also, that guy is actually good at games, this is a replay of his

>> No.5289750

Yeah the cage hunting is definitely the worst part. I don't know if they changed any cages in the GBA versions though; I've played all versions and always given up on that part.

>> No.5289756

He's either baiting or actually autistic. You're not wrong but there's no point in replying.

>> No.5290258

>le buzzword soup!!

Calling the able autistic is just a strategy for theshit ie you to feel better about your lack of skill by attempting to paint effort and skill as some kind of negative flaw. Everything i said is also a fact and not opinions so you're both retarded and rayman is still a fairly but not stupidly challenging well made game that's completely fair.

Forget autistic you're actually a low i.q meatskull spastic cunt and a dirty mum shit, probs the milkmans..

>> No.5290268

now this is what I call zoomerposting

>> No.5290280

Joe's level is complete bullshit

>> No.5290412

I posted this >>5288873 and i don't recall i ever said it was a bad game. I played the shit out of it and i liked it a lot, but you can't deny that some choices were very debatable and it doesn't have anything to do with it being tested or not, that was just the last straw; the game was actually poorly thought at the core regarding certain aspects and it's undeniable, like some of the bullshit you have to do in order to get all the cages in the game. If we want to close an eye regarding these awful choices though, i would play this game with pleasure even to this day because of the commands responsiveness and simplicity, art style, soundtrack and so on.
Here another (You), my little underaged faggot, seems like you were craving for it. Now go to sleep.

>> No.5290563

I wasn't talking to you. No one here likes you regardless of what you say or think because you're being absolutely insufferable. Just shut up for at least one minute, or watch yet another thread about your favorite game die out.

>> No.5290570
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>muh tone

>> No.5290597

Notice how the last ten or so replies are all by you, in response to you or by someone I suspect to also be you? Now do you have anything else to say about Rayman that isn't about how you're the best/everyone else sucks at it?

>> No.5290616

I'm not the same guy

>> No.5290683

t. the same guy