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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 220x494, 220px-Polybius_Arcade_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5280369 No.5280369 [Reply] [Original]

aka an "arcade machine" although that term inaccurate because it's not going into an arcade, and it may not be used to play only arcade games.

So it's a topic for discussion.

>> No.5280371

Hook a modded Wii up to a CRT, then copy the build of a real cab, use clone or real controls, working coin slots, and don't forget to have a lighted marquee.

>> No.5280373
File: 286 KB, 580x433, crt6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To start with let's make one thing extremely clear:
If you have any intention whatsoever of playing /vr/ games you want to use a CRT.

Do not kid yourself into thinking it will be easier, or you can make the cab smaller, or you won't mind, or nobody will car, or any other bullshit excuse to fool yourself into putting an LCD into your cabinet.

Forget it. No one cares about a cab with an LCD in it. It is a joke. No one will want to play it, not even you once you have finished it.

CRT or nothing. Period. If you can't build a cab without using a CRT then don't bother.

>> No.5280378

>No one cares about a cab with an LCD in it. It is a joke. No one will want to play it, not even you once you have finished it.
>CRT or nothing. Period. If you can't build a cab without using a CRT then don't bother.

Some asshole sold me a Jr. Pac-Man with an LCD in it when he said it was a CRT. Fucking prick. It makes me sick just to look at it, but I'll throw a CRT in there eventually. Bonus: Jr. Pac-Man's CRT is special a rare, so good luck to me ever finding a real replacement.

>> No.5280389
File: 89 KB, 1024x1024, SANWA-JLF-TPRG-8BYT-SK-FRONT__52605.1491537668.1280.1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use clone or real controls
I would never use clone controls again after messing with them. If you're going to the trouble of building cab this is the one place you can't skimp. If you have shitty controls in your cab you will never feel like you're really playing the game properly, you'll think they are holding you back.

Get the real deal Sanwa, Seimitsu, Crown, or IL stuff or nothing at all. They're not that expensive.

I recommend further not fucking around and just putting a JLF and sanwa buttons in it. I know there is an urge to be different but silence it.

>> No.5280402
File: 130 KB, 800x600, P1020730[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a more controversial opinion but unless your cab is fairly large I do not think you should put player 2 controls on it. I know there is this fantasy idea in your head of playing with your family and friends but this will happen like 2-3 times maximum before they become bored with the idea or you just can't see them more than once or twice a year.

But you'll be playing the cab all the time and it's much more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing to having only a single set of controls. And cheaper. And if you really want to put more than a joystick and buttons you can use the extra space for a spinner or trackball. I recommend the spinner because trackballs look stupid and there are only a handful of games you would want to play with them. Do you really love Missile Command and Bowling that much?

>> No.5280412
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Heed my words:


In fact fuck most front ends. You built this cab to play video games, not to spend hour after hour after hour configuring all this bullshit and getting all the previews and systems all that working for 20 minutes before something breaks again or needs updating.

Fuck giant game lists with two dozen systems.

Do this: install a handful of games at once on your cab and focus on them for a while. Rotate through them over the course of a couple of weeks or a month. Let the games breath and give them a fair shot and you'll find yourself getting farther in each game, scoring higher, and generally having a better time.

>> No.5280424
File: 376 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardware choice:
emulation or real PCBs?

PCBs are only expensive if you want them to be. There are many cheap JAMMA pcbs of less popular games on ebay. If you want to go that way then have at it. It's a great feeling playing on PCB and knowing it's the real thing in there. Very easy to sit down and play too. Flip the power switch, usually a few seconds later you're playing.

>> No.5280425

Or don't be a dork and just copy some files into some folders. It's not hard to set up if you're not an idiot.

>> No.5280429
File: 78 KB, 1028x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before talking about emulation it's worth mentioning that putting a console in a cab is highly underrated. Like a PS2 in a cab would give you the ability to play some games that most people never get to play in a cab that are very good games. The same old MAME titles aren't impressive to me anymore. But I'd love to play Gradius V.

>> No.5280432

You make a great point. If the lists are too big, people also spend more time looking at the games instead of playing them.

>> No.5280438
File: 33 KB, 450x450, f050911a-2561-4c66-b9d9-3ecca10c095b_1.6a32e5e62cedd027e56e1b26a8b7a444[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to emulate please just put an actual computer in your cab, ok? Raspberry pi and other mini-computers are underpowered for serious emulation. A cheap old desktop computer will easily surpass them. If you can try to get one with a PCI-E express slot in it that you could add a GPU to down the road.

>> No.5280442

>If you're going to emulate please just put an actual computer in your cab
Will you take me back to 2005 with you?

>> No.5280456
File: 45 KB, 640x507, s-l640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcade CRT monitors...
If you're unsure you know how to set it up or handle it then forget about it. They're nice and very clean looking, but if this is your first go around then there are other CRTs that will get the job done.

A CRT tv is fine. Even the ones that lack component inputs. S-video can still look very good (even composite can be fine on 13" or smaller monitors). If you go with that I recommend the console route because they have the best s-video output of any devices you could easily use on the cheap (there are good RGB to S-video adapters out there if you insist on using a PC). If you really don't give a shit about native resolution you can get by with the s-video output of a GPU.

Component TVs are what you really want. Component is 99% as good as RGB and will looking freaking awesome. And it is much easier to get native resolution on a TV through the use of consoles than it is to send it via RGB with a desktop computer.

If you really want the true RGB 240p experience go for it, and find something that can accomplish it such as the various professional video monitors out there that support it. It's a pain in the ass get set up and maintain but I bet you'll still ignore everything I just wrote and go for it won't you?

>> No.5280464
File: 92 KB, 817x696, $_86[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old PC CRT monitors are very underrated for cab use. They have
>amazing picture
>great and flexible controls
>often very solid builds
>connect straight to your PC with no need to fuck around with special drivers or cards
>very cheap
Not all games ran in 240p. Why not play some 31khz arcade games in their native resolution?

And even if you have to scale you can use shaders to make a great looking image. Way, waaaayyyy better than you can with an LCD.

>> No.5280467
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>I don't have / can't use power tools!
>I live in an apartment I can't make a lot of noise!

>> No.5280479
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, mdf-461877-64_1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as building materials go you can use plywood if you want, but the cab can end up being light weight and will feel cheap. I recommend finding used melamine or other medium or high density fiberboard on craigslist or facebook marketplace. This stuff is denser and heavier than plywood and will give the solid feeling associated with arcade machines.

>> No.5280497

lol unless they're He-Man/on meth, they'll get pooped out and quit quarter way through with that thing. Save that for leisurely landscaping maintenance on tree limbs.

>> No.5280729

I’ve tossed around the idea of putting a controller port in my home cabinet project for others. It’s the ultimate “player 2 controller” situation, but I feel like it would be a good compromise between utilizing space well & entertaining people who want to play 2p. If I keep a decent stick on hand for it, even better.

>> No.5280737

>So it's a topic for discussion.
A few years ago my buddie's wife bought him a Marvel Vs Capcom Unit for a present. However, it did not work....she was totally aware of this, and he enjoyed the challenge.

The CRT was dead, so he changed it out for a Sony trinitron 27"? (If my memory serves correct). He converted controls to USB, and is using some sort of Dell CPU with an old-as-hell Nvidia 5000 series gpu directly via an svideo cable. It is very impressive what he did with it. It was a great place to start for someone like him who I don't think has many carpentry skills. The hardest part of the project was removing the trinitron from its plastic coverings and crafting a way to hold it inside of the cab.

I think it was running at 480i, but it still looked great, and worked splendid.

>Old PC CRT monitors are very underrated for cab use.
It may be the size issue. 22" 4:3 was a large monitor, and that seems small for an arcade cab. However it would look the best, and you are right would cut out all the bullshit converters/adapters to go from VGA to some sort of format that US televisions support.

>As far as building materials go you can use plywood if you want, but the cab can end up being light weight and will feel cheap
Plywood is serious business. Perhaps you mean MDF, which is cheap feeling. 1/2" & thicker plywood will get heavy fast, and is very durable.

>Save that for leisurely landscaping maintenance on tree limbs.
That saw is for cutting dry lumber, not wet branches. There are saws with tooth patterns designed to cut wet timber. For the basic frame of a box, it would work great for 2x4s etc. I don't think I would fuck around with plywood and a hacksaw however. I have built many fish tank stands with nothing but 2x4s and a good hand saw. Always wear gloves and be prepared to be made a man or give up trying. Get a good circular saw and know what you are doing before you cut off half your hand.

>> No.5280739


Actually looking at building one myself out of particle board.

Do you think a 14" Sony trinitron would would well?

>> No.5280748
File: 48 KB, 316x371, dx2nilyw4aagcp4(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's assume I'm a lazy European, is there anything I can purchase that gives me a fully functional cabinet?

>> No.5280764

I bought a cheap project cab + a PVM to use as a monitor a few years ago. The cab is one of those weird multicade situations with a few classics. The Sony monitor has gotten a lot of use with my retro consoles but the cabinet is still sitting in the garage. I want to gut the electronics, replace the stock buttons with Sanwas, and basically set up a JAMMA supergun on the inside with the trini. Honestly the only thing that’s stopping me is that PVM seems like a bitch to mount, it’s so boxy and awkward. I was really hoping I wouldn’t need to take it apart.

>> No.5280770

Too small for a full size cab. You could do a smaller scale one or a bartop, possibly a cabaret.

>> No.5280774

Have been looking into building one, but having a hard time deciding what i need to get and what the costs will be

>> No.5280836
File: 99 KB, 750x728, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a list, using 2 players with sanwa buttons/sticks on a raspberry pi 3 build it would be around 210-225
Looks like Ill have to put it off for now, dont have the funds atm

>> No.5280854

Hyperspin is fine if you set it to single system and narrow down your game selection before setting it up.
The problem is that the development community clearly don't actually play games with it, so you can get overwhelmed by customizations that have no practical purpose.

>> No.5280859
File: 2.29 MB, 3207x5683, _20190102_022108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old PC
Old TV
Wood 100$
Elektronik 120$
Stiker 150$
Old Display
Kabel and Soundboxes 100€

>> No.5280872

>Hyperspin is fine if you set it to single system and narrow down your game selection before setting it up.
>The problem is that the development community clearly don't actually play games with it, so you can get overwhelmed by customizations that have no practical purpose.
I found it a huge pain in the anus and the whole thing focusing on locking assets like artwork behind paywalls.
Managed to find some old Mega dumps of things like wheel art that's harder to find and then just used Attract Mode for a similar experience that only took about 30 minutes to set up.
There seems to have been a weird regression to early 2000s style garbage with arcade cabs. I dunno if it's just zoomers who have never seen a real cab or just so many have-a-gos with their sick Raspberry Pis but 90% of time now when some redditor posts their custom build it's a clearly unusable piece of shit with Zelda stickers all over it. I guess maybe it's better than seeing rare old dedicated cabs mangled so some idiot can put on 57 buttons and four inaccessible trackballs.

>> No.5280874


Looking at 52" high and 28" wide. Using a mini pc that used to power digital signage. I'm not a very skilled wood worker so something the shape of a space invader cab is what I'm thinking.

>> No.5280878

Use a bezel or smoked plexi to help cover the leftover space and you’re probably fine as long as it’s not laughably out of proportion. Cabs with undersized monitors can just look kind of trashy, so you have to be a little thoughtful about the layout.

>> No.5280882

>locking assets like artwork behind paywalls.
Honestly, I haven't updated Hyperspin for at least three years. I didn't know they were doing shit like that now.

>> No.5280947


Thankyou for the advice.

>> No.5280995

The amount of autism in this post is staggering. No normal person cares if its CRT or LCD. Yes if you're going for authentic but other than that, nobody cares.

>> No.5281236

Would love to build one but no clue how id move it around the house afterwards
Its one big clucky case

>> No.5282897

Easiest thing to do is look at local classified sites equivalent to craigslist/facebook marketplace/ebay and buy a working cabinet. Then literally pay a geek from one of the various boards like byoac or shmups to come over and convert it to what you want. This would still be way cheaper and have a lot better result than buying an off-the-shelf multi-cade.

Alternatively you can actually learn to do a little bit of this yourself. It's very easy. If you bought a JAMMA cab you could just swap a 60-in-1 board in it within about 5 minutes with no more tools than a phillips head screwdriver.

>> No.5282907

Just put a flat plywood shelf in the cab and sit the PVM on the shelf. Don't worry about using the old arcade monitor mounts.

>> No.5282914

what kind of cab did you have in mind to build?

>> No.5282953

>. No normal person cares if its CRT or LCD
You are wrong.

>> No.5283158


The rules. I've done it all.

Don't use this as a replacement for consoles.

Don't use Raspberry Pi. Buy a decent used PC for 50 bucks,

Don't use Hyperspin. Period. Latest MAME has an excellent menu system. The Arcade classics will run well on a potato computer. Hyperspin, not so much.

Use Happ controls.

Keep your Arcade machine an Arcade machine. Don't try to make it a Nintendo, SNES, or Playstation.

>> No.5283176

Oh yeah - you can add crt scan lines if you wish. I don't get the CRT tweakers here - If you want a monitor the size of a Volkswagen that weighs nearly as much, go nuts.

>> No.5283180

If you want a meme monitor that can't even have its tint adjusted thus making some games look wrong forever, go nuts.

>> No.5283190

Enjoy your old TV Bro. Most people going to the trouble of building a Cab will use it for other things. Netflix, Pandora, whatever. Use your old 300lb CRT as you wish. I have a 32" Sony Wega (Vega?) You can have if you haul the heavy SOB downstairs and out my front door.

>> No.5283193

>Use Happ controls.
Going to need an awfully convincing argument, friend.

>> No.5283195

A 19" CRT weighs about 20 lbs. A 27" weighs maybe 40 on average. Professional grade monitors are double that, but still enough I can pick them up and move them by myself the two times a year I have need to.

32" is too big for anything but a showcase cabinet, and you have room for one of those you can get a friend to help you move it into place where it will sit for the next decade.

Overall, you're full of shit.

>> No.5283201

>Going to need an awfully convincing argument, friend.
Just experience. I'm a Happ fan - always have good luck, and they are an industry supplier. I'm not speaking ill of other hardware mfg's though. If you've had luck with others, speak out.

>> No.5283207

You want the big useless TV or not?

I've built 13-14 Mame machines. NOBODY wants a heavy assed CRT.

>> No.5283215

>NOBODY wants a heavy assed CRT.
Except for OP, everyone in the CRT thread, everyone on /r/crtgaming, everyone on byoac and shmups who built or own cabs with them, everyone in the SSBM scene, everyone who went out of their way to buy a PVM or other pro CRT, and myriad of other types of gamers

tl:dr you're an idiot who doesn't know squat and your further posts will be disregarded no matter how many cabs you claim to have built. Now brag to clueless normalfags about how superior you are to us CRT nerds, I'm sure they'll love it

>> No.5283221

Wow. tl:dr - you are a virgin NEET who has NO idea what goes on in the real world. You go ahead and disregard my posts Sweetie. Others, who want real advice, might gain from my experience.

Oh, do you want this useless heavy assed TV?

>> No.5283226

>Others, who want real advice, might gain from my experience.
Not him but you're a fucking retard, I'd sooner listen to the other anon than you any day.

>> No.5283238

Samefag, but listen as you will. I bet you couldn't discharge a CRT if your life depended on it. O hope someday you try, with your fingers.

>> No.5283248
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>bet you couldn't discharge a CRT if your life depended on it
Despite the fact that I have, numerous times.
But I'm not sure why that would matter or why you're so asspained about it.

>> No.5283251
File: 51 KB, 900x600, metal desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have owned a few cabs, and played on a lot more for long periods of time. I would say the single most important thing to keep in mind when you're building an arcade/video game cabinet is comfort. Most cab designs out there are not really that comfortable to play on for any time longer than about a half hour or so. You end up having to sort of hunch over and extend your neck out in an awkward position that gets painful over time.

Upright cabinets are usually more comfortable to play than cocktail cabinets, even though you're standing up. However, using a stool in front of an upright actually makes it less comfortable than just standing. So your legs may get tired. Namco-style uprights like you usually see with a Galaga that have the low-boy laid back style of monitor in them are pretty comfy for longer sessions. Cabinets with my upright monitors like a Dynamo cab you'd usually see Street Fighter in are harder on the back and neck over time. Midway cabs like Mortal Kombat are a little bit better, but still not to comfortable with a stool.

Japanese candy cabs are overall better about this, as well as some cabinets like the Nintendo VS sit down cabinet that came out in NA.

If I were building a new home cab I would build something that sort of resembled a computer desk that you can get your knees under and maybe even a computer chair with a good back to it. Just with a joystick and buttons where a keyboard and mouse would usually go up on top of the desk. Internal hardware could go off to the side and the monitor would either just sit on top or you could build an enclosure for it. There used to be these things called half-cabs or cigarbobs (after the guy that popularized the concept) that were like this and I always wanted to build one.

I stopped using cabinets because they just didn't have comfortable ergonomics for me. A nice chair + heavy arcade stick + good sized monitor at eye level is better in most practical ways. But I do miss that arcade feel.

>> No.5283252

I'm not pained at all, I just see you as the guy who gets tossed a charged cap, and catches it. At any rate, I've offered up a sweet Sony CRT to anyone willing to move it. No takers.
I've also stated that the latest Mame releases offers scan lines /CRT emulation. No argument there, correct?
I also stated the faggot that took offense to my statements was a virgin - no argument there either.

>> No.5283257

Nice post, Boss. To me the nostalgic arcade feel is what I am after, so I rebuild standup arcades. I find the gameplay gets old if I am sitting at the desk.

>> No.5283259

>Most people going to the trouble of building a Cab will use it for other things. Netflix, Pandora, whatever.
lol ok, kid.

And already got a nice 32" RCA. My advice is to keep it for when you see the light.

>> No.5283260

Hey, retard. Not arguing with you. Just telling you your le real world advice is shit.

>> No.5283268

Ok Boss - you be you. My real world advice is based on building cabs for profit - not playing Super Mario Bros in my parent's basement.

>> No.5283269

Again, you want some CRT's? I have like 17 (including the aforementioned Sony) - make me an offer! Please!

>> No.5283273

What state are you in?

>> No.5283281

Alabama. In all fairness (other than the Sony TV) my arcade monitors all have burn-in. You can turn them off and still see the Defender High Score. Hell, I'll give them to you if you are close though. We are pretty close to carrying them to the dump. They are monitors I pulled from dead cabs.

>> No.5283285

Of course you are. lol Shit, last time I dealt with a guy from Alabama he shipped me a Street Fighter II arcade cabinet that smelled like 800 Jiffy Lubes and it was partially broken. Not good times. I'll have to pass since the South can't ship again.

>> No.5283289

You're just too far for this stuff, dude. Good luck to you, but my advice is to keep those CRTs for a rainy day. More and more people are going to want them.

>> No.5283295

I wasn't offering to ship, faggot. You sound like a northern nigger who'd just as soon offer up his sister as pay 50 bucks. I offered free,you toss out an insult.

>> No.5283298

>I wasn't offering to ship, faggot.
I didn't ask you to, you pea-brained non-English speaker. :) And I didn't insult you. I told you the truth, when I said, "of course you are" I was talking about the damn distance (I'm West Coast). Fuck, you Southerners are paranoid of us. Got an inferiority complex? Being overly sensitive is off-putting online and off. I even made another post, but you're still assmad.

Tell you what, I'll drive to you and pick up for YOUR PRICE, but you have to agree to English lessons from me.

>> No.5283302


>> No.5283303

>replying to an obvious troll

>> No.5283304

How can you be so sure?

>> No.5283305

>The Arcade classics will run well on a potato computer.
Not really. Games like Tekken 1/2/3 are arcade classics and require decent hardware.

>> No.5283306

Nah these CRT's I have are shit. I'll have to pay to dump them. BUT - if CRT's ever come in demand again, Mfg's will respond. I'm able to get tubes to repair old radios, guitar amps, etc - and it's all new stock. The caps, etc are all replaceable with new stock.

If there is ever a demand for standard resolution TV's, they will be made again. If not, then stock up on old TV's. They can be had all day long at a thrift store for 20 bucks a pop.

>> No.5283310

>I'm able to get tubes to repair old radios, guitar amps, etc
But not CRTs for TVs.>>5283306
>stock up on old TV's. They can be had all day long at a thrift store for 20 bucks a pop.
Heh, if they haven't put them up on Ebay, but that is good advice. Is this Alabama man or another anon?

>> No.5283313

You drive to me, pick up my shitty burned out arcade CRTs, and I kick your ass when you arrive for being a douchebag. My brother-in-law is a paramedic so I can assure you the best of care.

>> No.5283316

Go to your local goodwill or thrift store. CRT TV's are like 20 bucks.

>> No.5283317

>and I kick your ass when you arrive for being a douchebag.
lol I'm sure, dude. At any rate, you're trolling just like other guy. This brings up a good topic: Don't ever go to anyone's house unless you're sure they're not a nutjob, like you're trying to sound like. Imagine, being so angry over words over this shit.

>> No.5283319
File: 127 KB, 299x287, 1534815935150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer redneck that builds DadMAMEs for other boomers enters the discussion
and the thread is dead

>> No.5283323

I'll just wait for people to put more TVs out come spring and summer and get them for free, but if I see a dandy, there's no reason not to spend a measly 20 bucks.

>> No.5283326

I'm not angry, you really can have all these CRT's though, if you want them. They really are fucking worthless though. Not sure how we got this deep on me offering some monitors I am about to dump. (pay to dump)

>> No.5283334

DadMame - LOL. I'm probably YOUR Dad. I imagine your Mom was pretty loose in the day.

>> No.5283335

You're so angry. Again, good luck and keep the best ones for later.

>> No.5283340
File: 77 KB, 1136x984, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is probably true. I've spent hundreds if not thousands of hours on my HS setup, and it is fucking amazing when everything is set up right, but getting to that point is torture. Want to add a rom to your setup? Easy, just edit your xml to add the new game (don't forget to fill in the manufacturer/year/genre fields!), log in to emumovies and download the demo video for that game. Now go to hyperspin's site and have fun navigating the slowest, most aggravating search function in existence and find the wheel art and maybe a theme for that game. If they don't have it, try the hyperspin FTP which you paid for access to but for some reason is never fucking updated with new shit. feel shame for a few moments, download what you want, and get out.

Alright, time to play! Wait, the wheel art isn't working! Ahh, here's the problem. Someone named the wheel art "Broken Sword - Shadow of the Templars Director's Cut (USA)" and my xml says it should be "Broken Sword - Shadow of the Templars - Director's Cut (USA)". Haha, how silly. Let me just manually edit that. Oh wait, now the video isn't playing. Fuck, name mismatch again. Finally it's all set up and you realize it took one hour to add one fucking game.

This is Hyperspin. I'm in too deep to change now though, so fuck it.

>> No.5283347

Just forsake bathing, all social life, going outside, sleeping, and set it up, anon. It's not hard. git gud

>> No.5283359

Try the new MAME front end. It won't help for your other emulators, but it's SO sweet. And it works.

I sucked the HyperSpin teat for a while - but it's too much overhead and too big a pain in the ass.

>> No.5283368

This is why I advocate the one console in a cab design. You never have to do anything like this. Everything is always set up perfectly and is accessible for someone who is a complete beginner. Just put the game in and go. You do get less variety in games, but most popular consoles have a good selection to pick through. If you were to build a cab with a PlayStation 2 in you'd have at least a hundred good titles to choose from that were 100% cab friendly.

>> No.5283371

>Try the new MAME front end
Not them, but what it's called and where does one get it? I'm asking because googs is pozzed and the MAME autists have their shit organized in autismo mode.

>> No.5283374

If anyone wants to talk about arcade sticks I've built a 24 input arcade stick using an Arduino Micro and Seimitsu components, so if anyone wants some advice on that front I can offer. I also used acrylic for the case which I find very nice to work with, and once I get the funds I'd probably build a whole cab out of it over wood.

>> No.5283379

>If anyone wants to talk about arcade sticks I've built a 24 input arcade stick
Does it work with Midnight Resistance or Ikari Warriors? How about Forgotten Worlds?

>> No.5283381

I'm not mad. You show up with hand trucks, that Sony TV is yours. If you bother to look in your area though, they are often listed as free on Cragslist.

>> No.5283390


The trick is getting the roms. If you have the roms, great.

>> No.5283395

Ugh. you must be one of the MAME devs. You guys are incapable of being helpful to live humans.

>> No.5283407
File: 91 KB, 400x400, 1506048429985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no trick. You can get them right here:


or just go here

this fucking 4chan(nel) bruh. No one gives a shit about linking to straight up rom sites

>> No.5283408

It works as a keyboard so if you're using something can recognize its input it'll for sure work. Also since it's programmed you can put any key on any button, and there's three options that let you change layout, switch buttons, or activate turbo.

>> No.5283409

No, I meant this, no troll. Come to my house, get free CRT's. I'm kicking your ass when you get here. It's really that simple. Do prove your identity, I do not wish to assault a contract driver.

>> No.5283417

I don't link the virus free sites, but get your roms as you will.

>> No.5283418

That sounds sweet, man. You selling them on Ebay or what?

>No, I meant this, no troll. Come to my house, get free CRT's. I'm kicking your ass when you get here. I
God, you really are a Southerner. Look, you'd probably want to end your life after getting literally beaten down by your northern superior.

>> No.5283421

emuparadise, mateys.

>> No.5283424

MAME is the one system that works the best for hyperspin. Everything has wheel art and most games have their own themes. File names are standardized as well so you don't end up wasting time chasing down stupid incosistencies in naming conventions.

>> No.5283426

>That sounds sweet, man. You selling them on Ebay or what?
Thanks dude. I thought about it but I'm not sure where to start and I would need some starting money first I think. I also gotta design a PCB for it because now I'm using a breadboard and jumper wires for it.

>> No.5283432

If you think on it too long,it won't happen. You should build a prototype and think big. Fucking sell some stuff you don't want anymore or need and make it happen. The difference between the ones that make it happen vs not is that they...make it happen.>>5283426
>I also gotta design a PCB for it because now I'm using a breadboard and jumper wires for it.
You could probably farm that out for a piece of the action.

>> No.5283437

Are you retarded? Literally every USB controller already works...

>> No.5283441

Are you? I don't want to play Midnight Resistance with a plain vanilla controller. Way to prove that you're a Zoomer, though.

>> No.5283445

Let that Northern Superior come get my free CRTs! He won't see snow again :)

>> No.5283453

Everyone point and laugh at the dumb serial killer from the South! Threaten someone online then commit a crime-it's foolproof. Yeesh.

Seriously though, to improve the longevity of those CRTs, they need to be kept warm, but not too warm, so lube their chassis with WD-40 and shove them up your asshole.

>> No.5283454

I was born before Jimi Hendrix, but that doesnt make any difference except that I'm like 1000 points smarter than you, and I might even be your father.

>> No.5283456

>1000 points smarter than you
lol most stupid people think they're smarter than actual smart people. You're not my father, either, I'm probably your age.

>> No.5283459

You're right, I should try to sell some stuff. I think I can figure out how to use Eagle well enough to get a PCB done, but we'll see.

I looked it up and it looks like it's 8 joystick inputs and 10 button inputs? That's definitely doable.

>> No.5283465

Nah, re-thinking this, I'd guess you were conceived at a NickelBack concert. That shame should be enough. Live, and don't end it. You deserve to live, even all things considered.

>> No.5283474


Probably during an ABBA concert..

>> No.5283482

You know ABBA? Fag. I'm guessing you are the Dancing Queen?

>> No.5283485

>You're right, I should try to sell some stuff. I think I can figure out how to use Eagle well enough to get a PCB done, but we'll see.
You can do it, anon. I believe in you, and believe in yourself. Nothing worth doing is always easy.

>I looked it up and it looks like it's 8 joystick inputs and 10 button inputs?
I don't know, it's been years since I played it, but you could make blockers to match it up, y'know? Like how you turn an 8-way into a 4-way stick?

>> No.5283489

ABBA's awesome and if that makes me a fag, the so be it. Those women were hot and they helped my balls drop to a good beat and quality lyrics.

>> No.5283494

Yeah, ABBA were pretty cool. I withdraw that attack. We do agree on something.

>> No.5283509


That's one of the very first videos I ever saw, ABBABRO

>> No.5283513


Slightly better quality. Youtube really deletes the best ones. Fuckers.

>> No.5283526

Damn, Awesome. We are friends, If you will have it, Anon.

>> No.5283567


>> No.5283575

Damn that's one friend I have tonight. Thank you.

>> No.5283589

You're welcome, anon. Frens lets frens watch MST3K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8Q-RuAx4V4 Maybe that's not your thing, I don't know, but laughing is what friends try to make each other do.

>> No.5283602

Thanks man! I LOVE MST*.* - from the beginning! Gonna watch and be happy.

>> No.5283609

Right on, then. My favs are Mike-era. The Legend of Boggy Creek II is way up there, along with this one, Girl in Gold Boots, Terror From the Year 5000, and too many to remember. The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-UP Zombies is also a favorite.

>> No.5283636

I meant there are 4 micro-switches per joystick and 5 buttons per player. Add them together and multiply it by two and you get 18 micro-switches.

>> No.5283639

accurate post

>> No.5283659

Inaccurate post.

>> No.5283687

Oh, got confused. Dang, I guess it has that many buttons per player for ambidextrous play.

>> No.5283728

>I've built a 24 input arcade stick using an Arduino Micro
Why not use one of the many existing USB encoders?

>> No.5283730

Not them, but why don't you ask why anyone has ever built their version of things that already exist in different forms?

>> No.5283736

I remember most that I looked at having less than 24 inputs allowed, plus it allows me more flexibility in my code. Arduino code is C++ after all.

>> No.5283902


>> No.5283923

When I upgrade my arcade machine its going to run with a FX8350 and a 270X 4GB I have spare. Its already in the PC case, but the cabinet needs some major renovation. I was going to put fresh decals, a newer iPAC board with USB in, and redo the control panel entirely first.
I use an LCD panel but its because the mount the original owner installed only fits LCDs. I may have to redo that mount to fit a CRT monitor in there or something, but that's the lowest priority of the above.
At the moment its using a Raspberry Pi 3 and a very hacky way of getting it all working. It had a Pentium 4 PC in it but it died.
I'm going to have 2x JLF sticks and sanwa button in it instead of the generic crap I have now because I plant to play a lot of fighters old and new on it. So having a LCD isn't too bad because I could pump up the resolution of the newer fighting games.

>> No.5283926

Its also going to have a ton of ram (32gb DDR3 its already got it installed) and its going to have two 4tb HDDs in it with some virtual network drives to access for media, like a NAS.
So its dual purpose.

>> No.5284050

>also going to have a ton of ram (32gb DDR3 its already got it installed)
Why? You don't need any of that, the only expensive component should be a fast processor. My cab has an old gen i7 I liberated from a past job and the rest is just hand me down scraps. It only has 3GB RAM and I've never had any issues with RAM.
>Most people going to the trouble of building a Cab will use it for other things. Netflix, Pandora, whatever.
Funniest post of the thread. Imagine the kind of dickhead who stands up to watch TV..

>> No.5284248

wtf. are you retarded? Did you not look at any pictures or immediately notice upon seeing the fucking cab?
>wanting to be edgy and retro so bad
>can't tell the differnece between crt and lcd monitors

just put whatever crt in there you fucking mongrel.