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5281435 No.5281435 [Reply] [Original]

> Franchise peaks with the second entry

>> No.5281458

Common error OP, SS is the third game.

>> No.5281498
File: 22 KB, 500x467, 1515460681_1513478577096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Star is the 4th game in the series and is inferior to Kirby's Adventure by a wide margin.

>> No.5281562

SS is better overall, pretty much a bigger and better adventure

>> No.5281567

not him but
doesb;t feel like it. it being segmented into a few smaller adventures if anything makes it feel smaller
the new powerup moves are ultimately excessive and pointless and great cave offensive and milky way wishes are bogged down by gimmicks that worsen the experience

>> No.5281598

>doesb;t feel like it.
It is bigger and the multi game makes seem even bigger.
>the new powerup moves are ultimately excessive and pointless
So are they excessive or pointless? What even is "pointless"? You don't need power ups that much aside from puzzles
>Big cave offensive
That alone beats Adventure, I wouldn't call exploring and getting the treasures a gimmick.
seriously what gimmick here? the shooter pre final battle like in most Kirby games?

>> No.5282045

It’s not exactly /vr/ but what do you think about the remake of kirby’s Adventure?

>> No.5282061

It's basically the same but more colorful and whatnot right? Probably one of those soul/soulless affairs

>> No.5282290

no, all the multi games are really short in of themselves and just makes it feel like a handful of short games. not one, more consistent longer game like adventure.
excessive and pointless don't cancel eachother out lol. i mean that having 10 different moves for each powerup is ultimately superfluous and pointless since most enemies still die in a hit or two anyway. adventure limiting your moves with each powerup to one (mostly) feels more elegant and makes every powerup feel more special
i do. i hate how a big chunk of the game is spent collecting a bunch of shit that doesn't change the gameplay at all. it's boring and i think something more linear works better for kirby
uhh maybe the fact that you can't swallow enemies? you have to find trophies for the powerups and then you can use whatever ones you've found whenever you want. takes the fun out of interacting with enemies and makes getting hit and losing your powerup pointless since you can just select it right back anyway. i'm surprised you don't remember this gimmick since you like the game so much

>> No.5282293

*rather, you can swallow enemies in mww, but you get no powerup from it

>> No.5282306
File: 1.29 MB, 500x362, 1527715500090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than adventure

>> No.5282308

Anyone else how games like Mario Land and Kirby's Dream Land only activated the harder second loop when you beat the game? By then I'd been playing for over half an hour and was done.

>> No.5282320
File: 699 KB, 2000x1000, remakefail_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer the clean pixel art and pallet of NES version. they fucked up the tone of a lot of areas

>> No.5282321

What do you expect. Remakes are always artistic disasters.

>> No.5282327

Kirby would have looked and sounded really fucking good as a genesis game

>> No.5282346

i prefer nid's backgrounds and kirby's animations are orgasmically smooth. he feels so good to control. also not to mention he actually looks different depending on the powerup

>> No.5282347

damn that's a wild idea

>> No.5282409

There's no such thing as a bad Kirby game.

>> No.5282586

Sonic-esque graphics would really fit, I think.

>> No.5282732
File: 168 KB, 256x239, KirbysAdventure-Nightmare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before anyone complains about the music.

Do you havee the space level comparison?

>> No.5282742

It's a good attempt, I'll give you that, but in the end it still sounds inferior.

>> No.5282748

My favorite track from adventure

>> No.5282761

That Ripple Field 1 cover sounds amazing. Both melodies were tight but the bass line was the best thing about that megadrive version.

>> No.5282804

If all you're looking for is challenge, sure Adventure is the best game.
Honestly my favorite is 64 though. I wish they would go back to making nice, handcrafted environments with actual atmosphere instead of just lazy tileset platforms.

>> No.5282819

>not Yogurt Yard

>> No.5283685

I love the whole soundtrack, but this one's always been my favorite. Makes me feel all nostalgic and shit.

>> No.5284360


>> No.5284381


>> No.5284392

Street Fighter
Silent Hill

>> No.5284395


>> No.5284397

NES faggots should be lynched.

>> No.5284402



>> No.5284405


>> No.5284406

This isn’t reddit fuckboy.

>> No.5284409

AND REDPILLED HOLY SHIT how are you still single

>> No.5284479

>Unironically I would have less stuff of everything and exploitation is too hard
The absolute state of adventure fags

>> No.5284482


>> No.5284538
File: 655 KB, 1080x674, 1530887437892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This ultra colorful game from a 32,768 color palette console would have been better on a system with a 512 color palette

>> No.5284645

>he thinks doing a bunch of pointless combos at the air since the enemy already died in the first hit is good gameplay just because it's "more stuff of everything" (what)
>he translates "boring" to 'hard' in his brain

>> No.5284653

not that i don't appreciate the extra moves in kss on their own terms. i just feel like they were a wasted effort since the game doesn't really seem based around them. it's why they feel so superfluous

>> No.5284656

Kirby is from a console that displays 4 shades of color.

>> No.5284687
File: 2.22 MB, 1500x5500, remakefail_001b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5284696

To be real, garish, mis-matched assets is the intended Kirby look.

Kirby's Dream Land and Adventure accidentally look good.

>> No.5284698

that first one's stupid. wispy has a different outline because he IS part of the background. none of the other enemies have that issue

>> No.5284703

It's not that I disagree the original looks better, but the comments are just cringy nonsense

>> No.5284713
File: 1.92 MB, 822x720, kirbyfallsoffstar1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most kino moment in videogames

>> No.5284716

The 3DS remake/remaster did it better than the GBA's one.

>> No.5284718

This is retarded. Nightmare in Dreamland looks better than Adventure.
All Stars looks better than SMB3.

NESfags are a fucking plague.

>> No.5284721

I'm guessing your some sort of South American or Eastern European, since you think something that looks like a mash-up ROMhack looks anything other than awful.

>> No.5284727

*floss dances aggressively*

>> No.5284729

It’s not a remake or remaster. It’s the same game; they just added 3D and an ugly pink border that you can’t turn off.

They really are delusional, aren’t they?

>> No.5284730
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x3624, remake_allstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All Stars looks better than SMB3.

>> No.5284731

mash-up romhacks don't usually have fantastic gamefeel like nid does though. also kirby himself looks and is animated much better

>> No.5284736
File: 177 KB, 1710x658, remake_nightmare3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left or right?

>> No.5284738

The gba version looks better, especially in motion. The only big issue is removing the rotating towers.

And fuck them for that crane game part. The gba had 4 player multiplayer, more minigames, and playable meta knight. Where's that in the nes version?

>> No.5284739

this one's even dumber than the nid one. the only one that's even a valid criticism is the top one

>> No.5284743

I do like the way Mario 2 looks in All Stars.

>> No.5284745

the graphics were designed with the original gba’s non-backlit screen in mind. everything looks perfectly coherent when using proper color correction


>> No.5284750

i remember it being hard to even make out the adventure nightmare's complete shape on a crt since he blended so much with the background so i'm going to go with rightie

>> No.5284756

>only good criticism
>muh random ice cave that doesn't fit with the rest of the world's theme
>muh empty, blinding cyan background. muh square boxes
>muh ugly star backgrounds and vomit green
>muh formless darkness and lack of any detail whatsoever
>muh reused powerup shapes randomly floating in the sky
>muh...actually i have no idea what's even supposed to be better here. does the person who made this just have an autistic aversion to any background that isn't just a solid color?

>> No.5286003

>Kirby's Adventure
shit sux

terrible followup to the original. worst mainline game in ther series

>> No.5286018

Left. Especially when you see those backgrounds in motion. Nightmare is also far too large on the right. NES Nightmare takes some finesse to hit at times, but GBA Nightmare takes up 90% of the screen.

>> No.5286432

left because of a far better song.

>> No.5286462

Ristar looks better than any Kirby game.

>> No.5286534

The artwork is totally fine except for the rotating towers and the platforms. With a few slight tweaks it could have been an awesome remake.

>> No.5286546

That being said the background is totally lacking in castle like structures and that alone is disappointing as shit.
The guy who made that image is also neglecting the fact that the new artwork actually has a lot of detail, especially the boss animations.

>> No.5286586

You take that back, nigger. I will fight you.

>> No.5286940

The new artwork is based on the anime, which all the GBA/DS games did as cross-promotion.

>> No.5289539

I remember doing the Boss Rush in Adventure, I kept dying to Sun & Moon if Kirby lost a lot of health in my bad attempts and died to Nightmare on my good attempts. Any time I took more than 3 hits I just give up.

>> No.5291445

That happens a lot. First games have a unique or fun idea/gimmick, second one makes small improvements and perfects the formula, every sequel thereafter either tries to recapture the magic to varying degrees of success or go in a completely new direction to spice up the franchise.

>> No.5291451


>> No.5291456
File: 26 KB, 220x221, 220px-Kdl1ussmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"kirby looks better white"

>> No.5291458
File: 518 KB, 1600x500, soulkirb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he used to be so cool

>> No.5291460

he ate a white member of his species and took their appearance when they took the photo

>> No.5291467

His design barely changed in 30 years.

>> No.5291468

Why has nobody been talking about the Game Boy versions this entire thread

>> No.5291601 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 500x378, UFO Cameo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the runner up

>> No.5291607
File: 90 KB, 500x378, UFO Cameo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the runner up

>> No.5291612

>tfw king dedede did not mean any harm

>> No.5292134

Yeah and 3 of those were bitching about the same cave. Its like he knew it was shit and opened with his strongest argument.

>> No.5292143

Shit taste

>> No.5292148

Left. Get that anime shit out of my Kirby.

>> No.5292860

Well, might as well post the issue I'm having with Kirby's Adventure in this thread. So, I used to own it on cartridge and decided to try it emulated for the first time. But, if I try to press a direction and jump at the exact same time, there's a decent possibility the jump won't even register and I'll just move, usually into an enemy or down a pit. Thought it was the common "can't press multiple keys at the same time" issue for certain keyboards, but the same thing happens to my USB keyboard and, more interestingly, it doesn't happen at all with any other game including Kirby's Dream Land. Tried Mesen, Nestopia, even one of those dumb browser emulators. Same issue in all. So, is this a problem with the ROM rip or did this seriously happen in the original game and I just don't remember because I was 11 at the time.

>> No.5293886

I gotta agree with OP here.

>> No.5293894

Does /vr/ often get crossboard shitposting from /v/?

>> No.5293924

Are you serious?