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5279343 No.5279343 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like arcade-style Castlevania or progression-based Castlevania more, /vr/?

>> No.5279357

Castlevania was cool before it decided it was Super Metroid

>> No.5279413

The later is too easy, that's about my criticism with it.

>> No.5279416

Can't decide, I like both equally. SOTN was my first Castlevania so I'll love it forever, but I have been playing the old games recently (finally managed to 1cc Castlevania on NES just a couple days ago) and they're a ton of fun.

The only shitty Castlevania is 3D Castlevania.

>> No.5279418

Jesus Christ, did an ESL make this?

>> No.5279518

>The only shitty Castlevania is 3D Castlevania.
CV64 is good after you get used to its jankiness. The PS2 games are meh and the Lords games are trash though.

>> No.5279760
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So. Much. This.

>> No.5279765
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Okay now this is epic

>> No.5279781

Between a metroidvania and a classic action platformer I'd take the first, but between Igavanias and Classicvanias I can't tell which I'd choose.

>> No.5280746

Classic style all the way.

>> No.5280793
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SoTN with hardtype hack >>> any Classicvania


>> No.5280817

This is illegal in my country.

>> No.5280825

A "rebalancing" patch is better than nothing, but it still can't make up for the horrid level design and enemy placement, bland as fuck exploration, useless items etc.

>> No.5280828

>Castlevania was cool before it decided it was Super Metroid
The worst part was that it never became Super Metroid in any meaningful way despite trying an awful lot.

>> No.5280937

Friendly reminder that after Castlevania, next two games were metroidvanias (MSX Vampire Killer and Simon's Quest). "Metroidvania" is by no means a recent development in the series, it was there since the beginning.

Also the reason that Simon's legs aren't tired is because he walks slow as fuck, can't dash or even double jump, baka
I'd be well rested after such a goddamn leisurely strut

>> No.5280939

I like both. Only real issue I got with Metroidvanias is that they reuse Rondo's assets way too fucking much and by the time DoS came out it felt like they were phoning it in.

>> No.5280940

>useless items
That's part of the difficulty in almost any RPG. The point is knowing which items are good, and which are bad.

>> No.5280956

I like both but if I want a challenging platformer I'll play a classicvania and if I just want to explore the castle with some nice visuals and action then metroidvania

>> No.5280960

>A "rebalancing" patch is better than nothing
Doubtful, when has a HARD MODE romhack ever been good

They should just make a classicvania with SotN's assets...

>> No.5281067

It's still lacking pits and real platforming action.

>> No.5282097

I wouldn't really call the MSX2 game a Metroidvania, it plays pretty much just like a standard Classicvania, only difference is you have to get a key in the level before you can move on to the next one.

>> No.5282173
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>> No.5282383

>They should just make a classicvania with SotN's assets...
It's called Rondo of Blood.

>> No.5282392

>Friendly reminder that after Castlevania, next two games were metroidvanias (MSX Vampire Killer and Simon's Quest).
You either neverr played those games or have no idea what metroidvanias are.

>> No.5282591

I understand that Vampire Killer can be debatable since it's still divided into levels (but there is a big focus on exploration regardless), but Simon's Quest is *literally* a regular ass metroidvania. You backtrack across an open world, and get items so you can overcome obstacles you couldn't become. It's even an action RPG like SotN. How is that even controversial?

>> No.5282642

If you want a metroidvania that plays like a classicvania, play Circle of the Moon. You play a vampire hunter with a whip, and the game is probably the hardest metroidvania in the series. Levelling and equipment choices are secondary, platforming skills and subweapons are much more important.

>> No.5282651

>the best castleroid was the one that didn't have iga involved
iga on suicide watch

>> No.5282740

I like both, but I think the metroidvania ones are more flawed.

>> No.5282791

>Simon's Quest is *literally* a regular ass metroidvania. You backtrack across an open world, and get items so you can overcome obstacles you couldn't become. It's even an action RPG like SotN. How is that even controversial?
Yeah, you don't know what metroidvanias are. It's aciton-aventure on one huge map with parts of it gated by abilities you gain later.
What you're describing is every action-aventure game ever. Simon's Quest is divided into one overworld and several dungeons, like Wonderboy or fucking Zelda. Those are not metroidvanias.

>> No.5282898
File: 31 KB, 252x228, patrician_on_a_mission.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to add Constipated Patrician stance and walk cycle for Chad.

>> No.5284131

You ever see them taking a dump in the game!?
I haven't.

>> No.5284224
File: 56 KB, 512x416, 1541382435182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both good.

I always thought it was hilarious how in the exploration ARPG games, it takes dozens of levels and crazy enchanted artifacts just to do what a naked guy with a 2button moveset could always do.

>> No.5284665

The original style before it became a poor man's metroid.

>> No.5284681

Well according to this pic it makes it sound like I really only have one choice here OP....

>> No.5284689

>I always thought it was hilarious how in the exploration ARPG games, it takes dozens of levels and crazy enchanted artifacts just to do what a naked guy with a 2button moveset could always do.
It doesn't mean much when a little girl with birds can do the same job even quicker.

>> No.5285050

Finding the toilet in Dracula's castle is a bitch.

>> No.5285291

Reusing the assets made sense for SOTN as it was technically a sequel and was fan service. But all the GBA and DS sequels it was pure laziness.

>> No.5285336
File: 129 KB, 960x870, 1546712721579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5285423

I wouldn't want to take a dump in the inverted castle. Even peeing sounds awkward.

>> No.5285451

I prefer the Metroid-style ones, but I still like the old ones a lot even if I'm terrible at them.

>> No.5285812

I'll always like the classic games over the metroidvania games.

if they didn't have richter mode (SOTN & PoR) & julius mode (the sorrow games) i wouldn't give a shit about them.

>> No.5286390

I like both.

True. The GBA and DS titles offered hard modes though, which is at least something.

>> No.5286401

I guess you could kind of call Simon's Quest a pseudo-Metroidvania? Like it's kind of non-linear, and you need to seek things out to progress I suppose.

I'll be blunt, there's more to fix in SOTN than just the difficulty, the upside down castle for instance.

>> No.5286405

CoTM's Dracula was a fucking bastard of a bossfight, I never managed to beat him.

>> No.5286408

Just piss and shit on the floor, you're not in Castlevania to be courteous, you're there to kill the owner and his staff.
Wipe your ass on his cape.

>> No.5287569

This but unironically.
Did it ever get "better" than Symphony of the Night or Aria of Sorrow?
I try to be respectful of people's opinions but I truly feel that the original games had a much tighter design
>They should just make a classicvania with SotN's assets...
SotN is 90% sprites ripped from Rondo.

>> No.5287585

and the remaining 10% is from IV.

>> No.5288329


Kill thyself, you cur

>> No.5288342

I thought it was a giant mess where the difficulty swung all over the place depending on what drops you got. It's the only one besides SotN I tried and I shudder to think they got worse from there.

>> No.5288352

I really wanted Symphony of the Night when I saw it in magazines, because the graphics looked amazing. You just didn't see many great looking games at the time.

When I finally got a PS2 and played it, it was honestly kind of a letdown. It is all style over substance. Great graphics, great music, nothing much else.

>> No.5288726

>when has a HARD MODE romhack ever been good

>> No.5289376

Harmony Of Dissonance is tighter in that regard. It's kind of like Symphony Of The Night, but much better realized and, not as thinly spread.
If Symphony almost felt like they were making up things as they went, Harmony feels like they looked at what Symphony became as a whole, and decided to focus on making a game like that from the get go.

For instance, it has a second castle, but instead of just taking the base castle and flip turn it upside down, and you only reach it at roughly the halfway point, Harmony has the second castle available basically at the beginning, and you don't even realize it until you find the means to traverse between the two layers intentionally.
Harmony's second castle is instead of a mirror flipped image, noticeably different, the environments are darker and weirder, and some places which you could easily pass through in the normal castle, you couldn't yet.

Aria Of Sorrow I think is a pretty fun game too, and though it isn't as crazily exploitable in terms of player power as Symphony, it kind is an easy game. Hard mode makes enemies tougher, but it needs to be unlocked. Gameshark could fix that.

>> No.5291523


>> No.5291543




>> No.5293828

I always assumed that Simon was just making a b-line to Dracula, while Alucard was trying to kill everything in the castle.

>> No.5293836

arcade style
progression metroidvania is so slow, too much backtracking and the enemies are a joke.

>> No.5294629

SotN was my first Castlevania and I'll live it forever for it no matter what other say.
The other igavanias were also good.

I'm playing the classicvanias now and while the severe change in level design and gameplay hit me like a brick wall, once I got used to them they are quite enjoyable and pretty good games. I encourage everyone to play them.

>> No.5294634


>> No.5295284
File: 85 KB, 960x720, 1296912802873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but I still like SOTN and even harmony of despair. Arcade linearity is still the best but I'm cool with metroid as long as the game has an emphasis on speed and movement. The handheld metroidvanias seem slow as fuck by comparison.

>> No.5295613

Paper Mario 64's hard mode romhack is pretty good. I'm a big fan of it's "Luigi's Challenge" where you can equip 64 badges from the start, but you can't level up.

>> No.5295670

Metroidvanias fill me with rage.

>> No.5296052
File: 38 KB, 605x1024, 1526079784250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one, Aria of Sorrow is genuinely an amazingly polished game on all levels and is easily in my top 10 of all time... but it's really easy. Too damn easy.

Not retro, but Order of Ecclesia is by far the most difficult of all the Igavania games. I don't know what that other anon was talking about, Circle can't even compare. Ecclesia is actually unique in that it tries to blend together classic-style separate levels, progression and difficulty with Iga-style controls and RPG elements. It also has super fun post-game challenge areas, a brutal difficulty mode where you can't level up at all, and tons more extra content(see if you can beat all the bosses without getting hit). If those elements appeal to you, then I say go for that one.

>> No.5296464

>Trivialized enemy encounters and non-existent platforming
>carefully placed enemies and challenging platforming with actual death pits

hmm very difficult choice

>> No.5297486

They have platforming and challenging enemy encounters though.
To varying degrees, and they don't really get proper challenging unless on hard mode, but it's there.

>timing jumps while swarmed by medusa heads
>spike pits that take a fat chunk out of your healthbar for failing a jump
>crumbling platforms punishing you for being too slow
>tunnel spaces lined with spikes, which you need to move through while dodging attacks
>obstacle course you need to finish in a hurry, if you're too slow you need to redo it
>scaling a large clocktower space full of moving platforms, and hoping you don't get knocked off by medusas or enemy projectiles, possibly having to scale the entire tower from the beginning if you fall bad enough
>moving platforms over spike pits, also populated by beam skeletons and medusas (or were those winged demons?)
It seldom goes as hard as the classic arcade entries, but there's some platforming to be found nevertheless.

>> No.5297571

Image is correct but was obviously made by a virgin try-hard and is not funny at all.

>> No.5297596

...and a lot of fan service by the looks of it. Never change, Japan.

>> No.5297621


>> No.5297674

If you played the game you'd know that the main character is the complete opposite of that and that fanart will always be fanart. But hey, you do you I guess.