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File: 207 KB, 1280x720, falcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5233898 No.5233898 [Reply] [Original]

What's the source on his name being Douglas Jay Falcon?

>> No.5234173

My ass

>> No.5234958

Why did you put it on Wikipedia?

>> No.5235493


>> No.5235636

Fuck you OP

>> No.5235647

parenthesis trigger the autist

>> No.5235664

What on earth are you two talking about?

>> No.5236126

Seriously, guys.

>> No.5237636


>> No.5237650
File: 384 KB, 1146x637, c99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The F-Zero X website

>> No.5237671

His real name is Fabio L. Coné

>> No.5237721

Captain Phil Ken, who drives car 07.


>> No.5237857

>Batman character named Falcone
>actors can't decide whether to pronounce it Fal-cone or Falconi

>> No.5237970

That feel when they give Falcon's game the most amazing medley of all time and his series is just completely dead.

No wonder he's still the only F-Zero rep despite being in Smash from the start.

>> No.5238721

Good questions...

>> No.5238778

>batman character named Ras'
>gets pronounced Raz and Roz by most actors
>official pronuciation is Raysh
DC is fucked across the board

>> No.5238897

Is this the first time "Port Town" has ever been in SSB?
Still no GX Fire Field though.

>> No.5238925

Douglas J Falcon was a localization change, and doesn't exist in the JP version. For what it's worth, Captain Falcon's true identity in the anime was Andy Summer, older brother of Jody Summer.

>> No.5238942

Oh shit, an actual good Nintendo character that shares my name.

>> No.5240185

Apparently so. Which is really weird considering they have no problem tossing some of the original SNES tracks in there and they have LITERALLY had the Port Town stage since Brawl, so I have no idea why it took this long.

Then again 90% of the "Earthbound series" tracks are from Mother 1 despite Ness being the character pick rather than Ninten, so I guess it's not even the first time they've made weird music picks.

>> No.5241095 [DELETED] 


>> No.5241246

hey jody.

>> No.5242547

Not really. In the anime Summer isn't short for Summerfag

>> No.5242739 [DELETED] 

Haha funny jokes XD

>> No.5243640 [DELETED] 


>> No.5243660

Thats only in F Zero GP legend which is an anime(and 1 GBA game), Douglas jay Falcon came from the old Nintendo F-Zero X site.

>> No.5243796


>> No.5243821

That chapter is fun.

>> No.5243986

It really is. It's one of the few I can beat after not playing in forever

>> No.5245251 [DELETED] 


>> No.5246078 [DELETED] 


>> No.5247403

Damn, didn't realize TAS had it right all along.

>> No.5247406

>Star Wars character named Han Solo
>characters can't decide whether to call him Hon (like "on") or Han (like "hand")

>> No.5247673

I actually liked that the new movie acknowledged that by having Lando intentionally pronounce it that way just to annoy him, despite Han trying to correct him.

Don't care what anyone else says, Solo and Rogue One were actually good.

>> No.5248341 [DELETED] 

That's a shame.

>> No.5249754 [DELETED] 


>> No.5250394


>> No.5251217

Rogue One was great and I think a lot of people agree. The amount of nostalgic pandering in Solo was gross desu. I'll admit that Han shooting first gave me a genuine smile however

>> No.5252182

After TLJ ruined the franchise even worse than TFA did, Star Wars needed a bit of nostalgic pandering. But R1 was indeed the better film. Disney really needs to stay away from making numbered entries, everything else has been interesting at the least but TFA/TLJ were painful to watch and it's like a bad joke that these are the ones they decided to make numbered. I'm worried because we still have one more to get through and if it's as bad as TLJ it might kill the franchise. TLJ already may have considering how Solo performed, but we'll see. At least The Mandalorian is a thing. I trust Favreau, he has satisfied me more than he has let me down.

>> No.5252650

Yeah, they totally ruined the franchise and not the prequels more than a decade before.

>> No.5252738

I don't believe that the prequels ruined the franchise. That's such a mindless opinion. They're not perfect, they're far above anything the sequels have done.

>> No.5253309

When humans are attracted to each other, they are also attracted to the chemicals that our bodies create. So we like the smell and taste of the people we most love because we like the feel of these chemicals. Basically kissing is just a process of wanting to taste more and more of these chemicals.

>> No.5253373


>> No.5253384

Correct on both accounts. The official Japanese site for F-Zero X doesn't even mention anything beyond:

>In addition to being an F-Zero pilot, he's also earned a name as a bounty hounter. However, his profile is full of mysteries, and other than coming from Port Town, his past is unknown.

>> No.5253391

Cpt. Falcon has been in more smash than his own series.

>> No.5253397

Also the site is still up

>> No.5254000

Anime Falcon and OG Falcon are 2 different characters though.

>> No.5254842

When he first got in Smash, his series only had two games. It's not implausible that his Smash popularity is the only reason F-Zero got more games than that. It just seems like it's never been much of a big seller.

>> No.5255745

I am Odor.

>> No.5257101 [DELETED] 


>> No.5258197 [DELETED] 


>> No.5259675 [DELETED] 


>> No.5260816 [DELETED] 


>> No.5260819 [DELETED] 



>> No.5261403

Heh heh.

>> No.5262304


>> No.5263193

Big Chungus.

>> No.5264042 [DELETED] 


>> No.5265806 [DELETED] 


>> No.5265849

He's also been defined more by Smash than his own damn games due to all his silly moves and goofy shouting his attacks. Honestly i love that.

I busted a gut in the Story mode of Brawl when he accidentally kills all the Pikmin during his dramatic entrance.

>> No.5267168

Falcon is a good example of why Smash is at its best when it's working with characters who you wouldn't normally see in a fighting game, because it requires them to get inventive.

>> No.5268752 [DELETED] 


>> No.5270257

hey, cunt, fuck off.

>> No.5270397


>> No.5271295


>> No.5271318

Generally they just contact game composers and ask them to submit tracks. The composers choose what to do, Sakurai and the development team aren't the ones who decide on which tracks should be made. They just listen to the submissions and pick what to include.

>> No.5271360

this, what the fuck

>> No.5272097

Damn a lot of people are getting fucking owned in here.

>> No.5272102
File: 51 KB, 320x427, And Then, To The Gods of Speed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never read the official F-Zero novel
Fuck my life.

>> No.5272106

Man. I had not heard of this and there is barely any information about it on the internet. Strange to think that something Nintendo-related could be so obscure.

>> No.5272110

All that's really known about it comes from a short review on its japanese amazon page. All it describes is the novel being a dystopian sci fi, being about orphans taking down some huge corporation, and that Captain Falcon actually dies in it.

>> No.5272150

>dystopian sci fi
>orphans taking down some huge corporation
sounds generic af

>> No.5272217

It was also written 30 years ago when this kind of thing was a fresh and new idea, so.

>> No.5272220

This kind of stuff was stale long before F-Zero came out

>> No.5272232

You weren't even alive back then.

>> No.5272236

In 1990? Sure.

>> No.5273224 [DELETED] 


>> No.5273238

It's Rick Wheeler.

>> No.5273239

you're one dumb motherfucker

>> No.5273281

Says the guy who just got predicted. Dance, puppet, dance.

>> No.5273368
File: 313 KB, 4685x2457, 47d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5274359 [DELETED] 


>> No.5274364

Do you have a video not narrated by an annoying beta?

>> No.5274368

Sorry man, all I've got is videos narrated by you.

>> No.5275023


>> No.5275026


>> No.5275128
File: 64 KB, 709x408, czvdsvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His real name is Kaede Akamatsu

>> No.5275137

2 GBA games, F-Zero Climax that wasn't localized still uses the anime characters.

>> No.5276667 [DELETED] 


>> No.5277874

Have I been missing out?

>> No.5278249
File: 231 KB, 472x359, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By none other that DAYTONA man.

>> No.5278512

You were saying, Mr Ghostbumper?

>> No.5278514

Are you autistic?

>> No.5279758

He might be.

>> No.5279774

Literally zero.
If anything the closest thing to an official name he has is Andy Summer from the non-canon anime.

>> No.5280484

Oh yeah?

>> No.5281148

Just bringing attention to Ghostbump-sama's evil plot against poor cute kittens. Somebody has to stop him.

>> No.5281375

You're making a huge mistake.

>> No.5281863


>> No.5283440