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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 158 KB, 750x650, 18350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5270384 No.5270384 [Reply] [Original]

What scared younger you when playing your vidya games, anon?

>> No.5270386

My parents

>> No.5270410

That piano ain't got shit on Unagi. The big sea serpents in Majora's Mask too.
Metroids and ReDeads scared the fuck out of me as well.

>> No.5270546
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>> No.5270576

nothing scared me. this is some kind of new millennial cancer for weak as piss kids born in the 90s. they're scared of their own shadows.

>> No.5270638
File: 52 KB, 1400x700, Moon-in-Majoras-Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me this shit didn't give you anxiety as it drew closer and closer with that long af cut scene showing everything you knew and cared for being smashed to pieces.

Nightmare fuel for a kid.

>> No.5270652

nah, im nearly 40 years old. i grew up watching 1980s r18+ horror films from around 8yo.. so im not easily scared. the most frightening part of that game is the 3d modelling (could be said for a lot n64 games i played back in the 90s). kek.

>> No.5270664
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honestly I agree. it's just pandering. I'm younger so I had a gameboy camera as a kid. There were these faces that randomly popped up when you used it. As a kid I was just weirded out and annoyed by them but everyone says that they're so "cweepy :("

>> No.5270668
File: 10 KB, 360x255, TNUhX4PDJbvfaxfudGUZPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this piece of shit right here, gave me so much anxiety.

>> No.5270672

Going off the map, even on purpose with noclip/ghost. Especially when things would go haywire, as if your "vidya reality" was collapsing on itself.

>> No.5270674

Mega Man 2 got me in a couple places.
Quick Man's stage, the part where the yellow bars appear, scared me and I would just stop at that point. If I ever wanted to see Wily's Castle then I use a passcode for it.
But that was nearly pointless because the exact same thing would happen to me with the dragon boss. I'd turn the game off right before fighting it.
Basically it wasn't until college when I finally returned to MM2 to beat it.

>> No.5270691

that wall texture in doom with the faces. I didn't like looking at it

>> No.5270709
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Something about those eyes, man

>> No.5270712

>nah, I'm a big boy!
>muh 80s classics!
you sound sooo desperate to be seen as cool.

>> No.5270713


this and going out into big open water in games always made me uneasy for some reason

>> No.5270718
File: 3 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember the day my friend brought me over to check out this new scary game his older brother bought and seeing this FMV. Fucking hell.

>> No.5270794

Quake on N64, the screen was very dark and I remember spamming all my clips on a monster and finishing it with a chainsaw, that made me very scared


>> No.5270879

Zelda 2, the game was really unnerving when I was young, the dark dungeons, the infinite pokey Rats, the muahaha ha when you died, the floaty eyeballs... Kind of spoopy

>> No.5270889


>> No.5270943

the motherfucker sleeping troll in philosopher's stone (ps1)

>> No.5271403

I was afraid to fight the bosses in Toy Story 2 because of the unsettling silence and large, empty arena that started off each boss stage.
7-year old me was a fucking pussy.

>> No.5271418

The water temple boss in Twilight Princess

>> No.5271450
File: 881 B, 135x106, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker. Also the sound effect it made before appearing. Used to give me quite the spooks

>> No.5271541
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The sound, the animation when it gets excited, the disorientation when it damages you.

>> No.5271658

Slimers in DN3D.
Fuckers would come out of nowhere.

>> No.5271670

playing DOOM in the basement. our family had one computer in the farthest back room in the basement. the sound effects would creep me out especially the lost soul jump scares

>> No.5271706
File: 17 KB, 512x512, mspauline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue and white collar soldiers in Wolfenstein 3D still haunts me to this day. Probably because I was way too young to play it when I first got to try it in the mid 90's...

Also the Shambler in Queg.

>> No.5271721

The crying children in the start of Turok 2.

>> No.5271741
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always scared of this screen when I was a kid.

>> No.5271813

>big open water
This is why I hated the N64 Superman game. I can deal with pointless quests, but a big empty world just feels wrong.

>> No.5271834


Not the screen in itself but the turning red. In my mind i always connected that to the cage getting heated...

>> No.5271856
File: 11 KB, 640x480, rogue_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read scroll
>you hear maniacal laughter in the distance

This freaked me the fuck out because I had no clue what it meant but it sounded so ominous and I nearly always died soon after. Years later I'd find out It's super useful but at the time it was the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.5271859

Would have been scarier without the face
Now it just looks silly

>> No.5272654

I'm not easily scared either, but if you're close to 40 you were too old to be part of the target audience even back then, so you weren't really expected to be spooked by any of this.

>> No.5272659

everything that you don't understand should be rightly feared in these games

>> No.5272676

That first zombie FMV gave me nightmares for the longest time.

>> No.5272683
File: 5 KB, 240x160, Sealed_Chamber_RSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite retro, and I know I'm probably gonna get comments about my age, but randomly stumbling upon this place after putting 50+ hrs into the game, combined with the music and the sheer mystery of it, did creep me out a bit.

>> No.5272685

Bears, mountain lions, rattle snakes. Not much else. I certainly wasn't a little bitch who got scared by my own toys.

>> No.5272692

>Majora's Mask was so scaaarey and basically a hardcore horror-game

that's the sense I got from shitboards like /v/ over the last 5+ years. it's ridiculous.

>> No.5272843

You were such a tough child, I bet all the girls were just swooning

>> No.5272845
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>> No.5272880

Nah. The girls I grew up with didn't swoon. Most if them were strong but feminine and appreciated a strong dude. A far cry from the week non gendered things you're used to.

>> No.5272884

>week non gendered things
Not sure what you're talking about at this point but you seem very upset over something unrelated to this thread, old man. Too much social media? It can be overwhelming.

>> No.5272920

how the fuck did you even think of this

>> No.5272934
File: 19 KB, 320x240, choking_hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


remember when in my shareware days, one from dark carnival level caught me (it was in a cage but if you got close enough under certain angle, it could catch you) i didnt know about mashing Use key at the time so i always thought that their attacks are instant death

>> No.5273894

Not even mad sport

>> No.5273908
File: 34 KB, 640x456, ar1sncnddpk11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen anything like it before, and it didn't help that my dad and brother (who were playing the game) sucked at it. So hearing Jill scream as the zombie munched on her to death with blood squirting out really fucked my shit up as a seven year old boy on Christmas morning.

>> No.5273979

the hand that would come from the ceiling in some dungeons of oot. and also in majoras mask when you're in the clock tower right before you meet the mask salesman you cross a small bridge that runs over a little stream. the dark water in that stream scared me very much. what's in the water? where does it run to?

>> No.5274078
File: 13 KB, 283x300, An+enemy+from+smb+2+called+phanto+creepy+looking+_1eb7d65d1d6e7d9c46d3b92393ae26fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5274442

Had my first night mare at around 7 years old over this scene. I had been watching my sisters dad play this, it was passed my bed time to.

>> No.5274463

Lol calm down. None of this shit shook us to our core...it's just what we found mildly creepy or kind of stressful--like the Sonic drowning music. It's called being emotionally invested. I can look at that famous painting The Scream and say, "Gee that's kinda creepy!" and not lose sleep over it. That's all this is, bro-chacho.

Oh well. Any chance to puff yourself up and hate on some group anonymously over the internet. That kinda shit always says more about you, anon.

>> No.5274465
File: 115 KB, 1280x1024, Final Fantasy VII Screenshot 1 Jenova Specimen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chasing sephiroth through the shinra building with blood everywhere got me pretty hype. Had butterfly's in my stomach. But he actually freaked me out to. It was like, I wanted to be like cloud, but couldn't help feeling more like sephiroth. I knew life was gonna be tough and I felt like it would be easier to just make murder people instead if seeing this life through. I guess in the end im still trying to be more like cloud, and less Like sephiroth.

>> No.5274495

I find literally impossible to believe someone got scared of this faggy ass piano, ever, regardless of how young they were. Anyone that unironically did should never breed.

>> No.5274673

>piano unexpectedly jumps and makes a startling noise
>average person jumps
>"That was spooky."
>22 years later on an anonymous internet board
>"Fuck you people for having reflexes. You shouldn't have children because something startled you when you were a kid."


>> No.5274680

Startled, but not full-on scared here, anon.

>> No.5274767
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was like eleven or twelve when MGS2 came out. I was home alone when I fought through Arsenal Gear. I thought I was past the point of being scared by non-horror fiction, but for some reason the fourth wall breaking glitched codecs really freaked me out. I got pretty intense paranoia and had to continually rationalize that it was just a game. Kojima did it right, I don't know if I could ever have another unnerving video game experience like that one. Death Stranding looks insane but I'm probably too old and not schitzo enough to be that caught off guard again by a game

>> No.5275548


>like the Sonic drowning music

>OHSHITohshit this is it he's gonna drown, ohshitohshitohshitthistimehe'sgonnadrowndefnintelyohcrapohshit... PHEW