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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 11 KB, 250x173, 250px-Soul_Blazer_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5266474 No.5266474 [Reply] [Original]

I'm amazed how solid this game is. Early SNES title too

>> No.5266484

Love it. Quintets best.

>> No.5266890

Really? To me it has always scored low in all aspects. Shallow and samey gameplay. Audio/visuals aren't great. And the story certainly doesn't make up for it.

>> No.5267025

Different strokes for different folks. After replaying the Soul Blazer "trilogy" I find Soul Blazer to the strongest of the three. The gameplay is simple but it's satisfying cutting monsters up and making them explode, and it plays at such a brisk pace that I feel there was never any real downtime.
Illusion of Gaia suffers from a slow start and Terranigma's combat gets obnoxious in a real hurry.
That being said I'd recommend everyone play all three games because there's not many games like them.

>> No.5267049
File: 145 KB, 480x672, IMG_3544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about a mix between a shmup and a fighting game makes this infinitely replayable with friends. We just jump in, pick a ship and shoot at each other until one of us dies.

>> No.5267106
File: 53 KB, 219x160, 220px-Top_Gear_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5267135


One of my favorites of all-time too. Play it every few years all the way through.


>> No.5267184

So what makes you put Terranigma over IoG?

>> No.5267194

What's wrong with Illusion of Gaia?

>> No.5267201

That whole series of games is vastly overrated and offers bland / stiff / shallow gameplay

>> No.5267235

I've always thought that IoG was incredibly slow with generally boring puzzles and generally boring combat. I think it's still a good game with plenty to offer, and clearly some people really like it, but I wouldn't give it the same shining recommendation that I would give to the generally much quicker Soul Blazer.

I do need to play Terranigma though.

>> No.5267253


Anybody played the retranslation of this yet?

>> No.5267263

Point me in the direction senpai

>> No.5267285



>> No.5267421

that retranslation is pure fucking garbage, the translator made up a lot of the text, even change spells and items just because!

>> No.5267431


>> No.5267585


It's a very functional game, but not fun. It's slow, the combat is boring and the upgrades are useless.

>> No.5267607

SNES games through 1992 have mostly aged better than the later releases.

>> No.5267984

Saw this got a retranslation patch recently, anyone tried it yet?

>> No.5268115

>Example red-hot items is been changed to Ignis
Relics, which in my opinion is far better that red-hot chilli peppers bullshit... anyway here's NUTTY'S SWAP MEET

>> No.5268142

Yeah it's great. I played them both in 2018 and it's better than Terranigma.
Don't bother.

>> No.5268485

LAST POST, its garbage!, the guy doing the translation made up a lot of text, the NA release have a better translation, don't bother with that crap!

>> No.5268604


It's terrible that in general now you cant trust translations because they are all sjw faggots inserting their own biases and making it their "own".

>> No.5268646

Your scanlines are going the wrong way

>> No.5268696

How can you even tell that?

>> No.5269351

wew lad

>> No.5269369
File: 116 KB, 640x872, streets-of-rage-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, I beat it every year with my friends.

I love the shit out of Illusion of Gaia, what makes this better (as everyone seems to be saying)?

I LOVE the feel of this game, but for the life of me I can't qualify after the first couple races.

>> No.5269395

based retard

>> No.5269640


found the no skill soi spastic cunt.

>> No.5270116

Are you seriously implying this game requires some kind of skill to complete? I beat almost every boss on the first try.

>> No.5270371

Reading comprehension: The fail.

But at least you got that (You) you wanted.

>> No.5270436
File: 132 KB, 955x563, SoR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based SoR2. It really is fucking perfect. I've tried Final Fight and Turtles in Time, but no other beat 'em up has come close. It has juuuuust a little more depth while still maintaing the simplicity of the genre. I've 1cc'd normal with each character. Currently going for a hard 1cc with Axel. Hoping to get a mania 1cc some day. Anthopants on youtube recently beat mania with no lives lost as Axel.

>> No.5270443

>what makes this better (as everyone seems to be saying)?
Soul Blazer is very simple but it plays at a very brisk pace, being able to strafe walk and cut up shitloads of monsters almost Gauntlet-style is a lot of fun and watching the towns come back to life is satisfying. I'm fond of the straight forward and simple narrative too. It's just a nice fun arcady action RPG.

SoR2 is loads of fun too, I love using those stunning jump attacks by holding down as you attack and then throwing dudes as Max. Abadede and that claw fucker can go to hell though.

>> No.5270449

Judging from when he posted that I'm gonna hazard a guess and say it's the same buffoon that's trying to stir shit up in other threads here on /vr/.
20 bucks says he replies later with SEETHING.