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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 421 KB, 902x850, dosroms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5252852 No.5252852 [Reply] [Original]

List your best sites for DOS-ROM downloads. This one seems quite fantastic, but they force you to download full ROM-sets unless you debit a membership.

>> No.5252867

try emuparadise, its pretty based

>> No.5252878

Myabandonware is the best and it also has a large selection of App-RAMs if you want old Ape ][ / Lisa floppies games.

>> No.5252879

I will never understand normies who download ROMs one at a time. For most systems, entire No-Intro sets take up a negligible amount of storage and you're guaranteed to have a perfect dump, as opposed to whatever random trash dump gets uploaded to these websites.

>> No.5252880

DOS-ROM sets are 375GB.

>> No.5252992

That's a paddlin'

>> No.5253001


Double that if you want Windows games.

>> No.5253026

That is negligible to be honest. Who doesn't have at least 8tb in their rigs?

>> No.5253030

honeypot thread do not engage

>> No.5253040
File: 17 KB, 423x377, berries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the days when Home of the Underdogs had downloads.

And Lik-Sang still imported Dreamcast shit

>> No.5253408

sane people don't.

>> No.5253498

>he doesn't know that EP is dead

>> No.5253597

What's sane about not having storage capacity?

>> No.5253691

I guess but I'll be keking when they cry about their favorite rom site dying. Feels good to have multiple torrents from each system "archived" on redundant hard drives.

As cheap as memory is now there is no excuse to not have at least 4tb.

>> No.5254097

>at least 4tb
lol at least 4tb

>> No.5254828

Is that too much, do you think?

>> No.5254835

>he doesn't know you can still download from EP with a script

>> No.5254850

>he doesn't know that EP was a shit site even before you had to use a script.

>> No.5255165

Dos roms flashcart when?

>> No.5255186

what is that?

>> No.5255236

Some sets are only 100 GB.

>> No.5255298

hotud still does game reviews

>> No.5255995

oldgames com

>> No.5256065

Lemon Amigo or abandonia.

>> No.5256232

>Lemon Amigo
I think that's lemon amiga, but close enough.

>> No.5256557

>Lemon Amigo
lol Lemon Amigo

>> No.5256972

who needs rom sites when theres limewire?

>> No.5257008

The real pros get their ROMs from Usenet.

>> No.5257112

4tb isnt cheap in brazil

>> No.5257119

Why do you always bring attention to the shithole where you live. No one gives a fuck.

>> No.5257343

Brazilians have a large appreciation for DOS roms.

>> No.5257347

That's because they were still stuck with dos computers until 2012.

>> No.5257649

Oh, don't believe that!

>> No.5257651


>> No.5257661

this is literally why these sites get taken down, because of /v/ and /vr/ sharing links and drawing attention to them

>> No.5257673

>this is literally why these sites get taken down, because of /v/ and /vr/ sharing links and drawing attention to them

>Ban the news media they are literally why crimes happen. If we don't see it, it doesn't happen.

>> No.5257706

doesn't work :(

>> No.5257729

Who the fuck are you and why do you show up in every thread?

>> No.5257939

Your comparison is flawed anon. When people say not to share links to rom/ISO websites they don't imply that illegal downloading is covered up, they simply don't want those sites to be taken down because they know lawyers are lurking and paid to send C&D letters to those owners. Hence posts like >>5253030.

Troll better next time.

>> No.5258227

What's sane about e-hoarding?

>> No.5258576

I think you mean e-boarding.

>> No.5259504

Storage is not very expensive these days.

>> No.5259513

hey anyone know an old game that was on big proper floppy disks maybe, it was about saving the dragons, and it was like first person but you just view the rooms like an adventure game, and you had to press buttons the make some bridge work?

>> No.5259519
File: 2.85 MB, 1232x1725, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Space Harrier for the Sega System.

>> No.5260054

MMMM Me no think so.

>> No.5260167

>you and why do
lol you and why do

>> No.5261005

It's nearly impossible to find a HDD that small

>poor people don't

Long ago

>> No.5261314

>It's nearly impossible to find a HDD that small
That's a bunch of bull. There's literally a two 40 GB drives within 6 ft of me. One is on the floor and the other is on a PC using its weight as a vibration countermeasure.

>> No.5261705

I wasn't talking about in an archeological dig in the 3rd world, nigerian prince

>> No.5262018

You haven't installed Windows 95 recently, have you. Those old drives are required.

>> No.5262027

https://www.amazon.com/Intel-2-5-Inch-Internal-Solid-SSDSC2BA100G301/dp/B00A8NWCQY go fuck yourself

>> No.5262428

This thread made me play Warcraft 2 and I'm having a blast.

>> No.5262498

I like Wizard of Warcraft.

>> No.5263345

That's World of Warcraft, you silly goose.

>> No.5263460

I'm not even joking.

>> No.5263649

they have some good DOS-ROM sets, but lacking manuals.

>> No.5263985

I don't know why you're calling them ROMs. They're files.
You want a manual? Use a search engine. Not hard to find.

>> No.5264204

>You want a manual? Use a search engine. Not hard to find
Oh really? Try to find the manual for Lost In Albatross.

>> No.5264228

I have. They aren't. You're retarded. And not just for using w95 instead of w98se.

>> No.5264398

The Neo-Kobe PC98-MS-DOS-ROM sets include manuals where available.

>> No.5264646

I am getting a house soon. I hope to get a 100tb curated archive of things going.

>> No.5264650

what's this script?

>> No.5264823

Windows 95 HDD limit is 32GB.

>> No.5264908

That is what Gates annownsed.

>> No.5265651

Nah, Ninty and the rest know that the spergs on 4chan are always going to be able to get roms if they want them. They only really take action when sites start crawling up the search engine indices and offering javascript emulators that allow normies to get in on the action.

>> No.5265676

I just torented giant collections. One of the downloads I got was around 20GB and fits nicely on a blu-ray.

>> No.5265686

Dude... everything hosted online is temporary. If you're not backing up what you like then you shouldn't be mad when it's gone.

>> No.5265948

>everything hosted online is temporary
and in someone else's control

>> No.5267090

they can all be shut down in the blink of an eye

>> No.5267101
File: 130 KB, 616x319, this one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5267312

And yet millions of people used it with larger drives. Doesn't sound like much of a "limit" does it?

>> No.5267509

Yeah, and they lost all their data from the gainback reflux inhibitor.

>> No.5267535

>gainback reflux inhibitor
Did you just have a stroke?

>> No.5268313

No, I won the argument.

>> No.5269263

Is that what the voices in your head are telling you?

>> No.5269712 [DELETED] 

>gainback reflux inhibitor.
lol gainback reflux inhibitor

>> No.5270165

Hopefully nothing you suggest?

>> No.5270296

sounds crazy, like eating to uch bread

>> No.5271398

>to uch bread
What is uch?

>> No.5271487

Sure, but downloading that is going to take weeks.

>> No.5271490

There are 210 million Brazilians. That's more than white Americans.

>> No.5271550

>has another stroke
You should really see a doctor

>> No.5272672

Strokes are for smokers and alcoholics.