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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 376 KB, 1280x960, alKCKFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5252541 No.5252541 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5252547

its how they intended it to look

>> No.5252550

Honestly better than filtered textures at native res.

>> No.5252551

Is this real? That looks atrocious

>> No.5252571

Only a retard would say that

My understanding is that this image is what Ocarina looks like without the hardware anti aliasing. It's not "intended" to look like this, but without the N64 blur/smear effect, this is what you get. I have never seen any video footage of this, so I dunno. It could be a troll image

>> No.5252573

No, it's a troll post, probably from you-know-who.

>> No.5252578

It's not a troll post. Rather, if you think it is, please feel free to post a "real" non-anti-aliased screenshot of Ocarina.

>> No.5252579

>Saging so his shitty little opinion won’t get challenged
It’s objectively superior to how Ocarina looks on real hardware. Even using a CRT.

>> No.5252581

Most powerful fifth-gen console and best game of all-time familam *twitch*

>> No.5252582

/vr/ is really going down the shitter.

>> No.5252583

Well let me just break my N64 real quick for you guys. There is no way anti-aliasing make those look right, no way. The base of that tree and everything else to way too jacked up for it to be that, no sorry. Not buying it. It's something fucking around in Project 64, nothing else.

>> No.5252584

>blatant polygons everywhere is good
>ps1 chic is good
No, fuck yourself. If this looked good, then the game would have been designed to look like this. It wasn't. These polygons were designed to be smeared for a final product. Pure autism.

>> No.5252587

>It’s objectively superior to how Ocarina looks on real hardware. Even using a CRT.

>> No.5252592

Wow this comment really made the board a better place. How constructive :eyeroll:

>> No.5252603

>PS1 was the only console with unfiltered 3D
>Thinks unfiltered 3D is the only defining quirk of PS1 graphics
Typical zoomer sperg. You probably refer to aliasing as “jaggies :((“.

>designed to be smeared
It doesn’t matter what they were designed for. It looks like shit on real hardware. Quit being a little queer who fellates the “developers intentions” for some fake validation.

>> No.5252609

>Polygons everywhere
That’s how 3D works ya simp

>> No.5252610

>It looks like shit on real hardware
Not the other anon, but you're being retarded. Either you have never played a real N64 or you're trolling. OoT does not look like your pic on a real console. Period.

>Quit being a little queer who fellates the “developers intentions” for some fake validation.
You mistaking wisely following established parameters for optimal enjoyment with validation. That's all in your head.

>> No.5252612

>OoT does not look like your pic on a real console
I never claimed it does. It looks worse on actual hardware.

>You mistaking wisely following established parameters for optimal enjoyment with validation. That's all in your head.
ESL or did you have a stroke while writing that?

>> No.5252613

>It looks worse on actual hardware.
Wrong, fool.

>>You mistaking wisely following established parameters for optimal enjoyment with validation. That's all in your head.
>ESL or did you have a stroke while writing that?
You're, faggot. Happy?

>> No.5252616

i know, its a shame. there are only a few good threads at a time and the last great thread was the joust thread.

wow, and your shit fucking sarcastic post is supposed to help? go fuck your face against a brick wall, nothing person!

>> No.5252617

There's lots of good threads, but only the cool people go into them and comment.

>> No.5252618

Muddy textures, anti-aliasing that makes FXAA look pin-sharp, and dithering don’t look good. You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

No. You’re still following an illusory authority figure so you can enjoy your games. If you wanted optimal enjoyment you wouldn’t be using original hardware. Period.

>> No.5252620
File: 315 KB, 1280x960, Unfiltered Saria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought these were satisfying to look at.

>> No.5252621
File: 794 KB, 1397x770, Ocarina of Time unfiltered 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5252623

>nothing person
This is an anonymous forum. Maybe you didn't get the memo when you clicked the link on reddit

>> No.5252624
File: 421 KB, 1398x771, OoT unfiltered 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5252625

So, devs put in about 0 effort to normalize texel density back then?

>> No.5252626

>Muddy textures
Mud and trees aren't supposed to be glass sharp, kiddo. The N64 is a deluxe experience on a CRT and I am glad that you can't appreciate it, it's all that much more sweeter for me.

>No. You’re still following an illusory authority figure so you can enjoy your games.
Who? Jame Rolfe's wife's strapon?

>If you wanted optimal enjoyment you wouldn’t be using original hardware. Period.
LOL. You're on your period. Period.

>> No.5252627

Looks like what i see when i have an ocular migraine

>> No.5252628
File: 342 KB, 1260x1782, 1539388508239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that makes both of us non cool people then. shut your dumb mouth. you are a shitstain on society. fuck you, and fuck your retarded family. I want nothing more than to know that you are gay so you dont reproduce. faggot nigger bitch! I hate you and I hate people like you. your type are the reason society is a shithole, go die away from me.

>> No.5252630
File: 393 KB, 1440x1080, Majora's Mask unfiltered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5252632

you are a nothing person, plebbit bitch cunt. go jack off with a shotgun up your anus, nigger! pull the trigger bitch!

>> No.5252634
File: 349 KB, 960x720, majora's mask unfiltered 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5252635

>shut your dumb mouth. you are a shitstain on society. fuck you, and fuck your retarded family
Merry Christmas to you too, loudmouth ghoul. Do you realize that you're the one being laughed at? Nope.

>I want nothing more than to know that you are gay so you dont reproduce. faggot nigger bitch! I hate you and I hate people like you. your type are the reason society is a shithole, go die away from me.
I'm having lots of white kids.

>> No.5252638

hahahhah, faggo nigger. you are a dumb nigger, kill yourself. you need to tie that fucking noose really tight you cunt. I absolutely hate you! FUCK YOU! I want jesus to rape you. I want baby jesus to stick a gun in your mouth and blast away. I will kill all of your kids by rape!

>> No.5252639
File: 29 KB, 750x424, 1525354488023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5252641

A final fantasy thread died for this

>> No.5252642

>The N64 is a deluxe experience on a CRT
You’d have to be a ‘toddler to actually believe this. I’m sorry having Vaseline smeared all over your screen amounts to visual fidelity in your eyes.

>trees aren’t supposed to be glass sharp
Can’t even tell they’re supposed to be trees at native res with texture filtering lmao.

>> No.5252643 [DELETED] 

I will make sure you die fast. nigger, kill yourself. youre god damned right im seething. seething at your autistic fucking bullshit of a human stain. i hate you, I FUCKING HATE YOU. If you give me your address i will come to your house and beat your face with a hammer!

>> No.5252646


>hahahhah, faggo
Listen, atomic dweeb, we both know that you got nothing going on upstairs in any way, so just go back to making mystical posts on Yahoo. your words aren't even that creative. Go to bed, child.

>> No.5252648

Fucking kill yourself. I'm not afraid of you, punk. Honestly, kill yourself, the world will be better off. :) Have a great night, faggot.

>> No.5252649 [DELETED] 

yeah im seething and obsessed, fucking prick nigger. have anymore brainwashed nothing person sayings to type? go fuck yourself with your moms flacid penis. I hate your. you are nothing and you will always be nothing.

>> No.5252651

listen fucking bitch nothing person. I hate you, and you are nothing. post your address i fucking dare you. fucking cunt bitch!

>> No.5252653

post an address if your not afraid, nigger!

>> No.5252654

Remember when /vr/ was considered to be one of the least autistic boards?

>> No.5252656

666 I Am Your Nightmare Lane 66666 Mobile, Alabama

>> No.5252657
File: 301 KB, 1000x800, 1519288706344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek check out the internet tough guy over here

>> No.5252658

remember when you were not retarded?? I didnt think so.

>> No.5252661

He's definitely the "Sega System" dolt. He's legit angry that we won't accept this New SEGA Order.

>> No.5252663

so edgy bro, how about you fist your cunt with serrated blades.

>> No.5252665

SEGA Master System. :D

Btw, I am psychic and I know that your mother molested you. Too bad, that. You need to move on, though.

>> No.5252668

check out the frog posting bitch, cunt

its the master system you dumb fucking dipshits! you autistic fucks dont know shit, but i didnt expect much!

>> No.5252670

"Master System" More stuff incoming about the troll, oh man, he killed his sister's dog because she gave it more attention than he. You so wanted to have le innocent incest, but it was no to be, so now you troll /vr/.

>> No.5252671

What the fuck even is this thread.

>> No.5252672

yeah and ill stuff my dead sisters dog up your ass. try harder faggot. id rape my dead sister and spread the cum on your face just to jack off.

>> No.5252674

fucking new fags are a joke, go back to plebbit and retard era

>> No.5252675

I know that you also got busted for shoplifting two years ago too.

>> No.5252676


>> No.5252678

So be quiet, Justin.

>> No.5252684
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, 1537728023460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5252685

And people want 6th gen in this place lmao

>> No.5252687

No console can ever match the autism of the N64

>> No.5252692

Gamecube babies are worse

>> No.5252694

The GC had great arcade ports and collections. I don't care that that it had less hits than the competition.

>> No.5252695

t. TREMBLING N64 babby

>> No.5252698

hello fellow gamecube baby

>> No.5252703

Melee, Wind Waker, Sunshine, Prime, Time Splitters, DoR, etc..
Feels good to be GameCube Chad tbqhwyf

>> No.5252708

ill shoplift some lip gloss to smear on your butt hole before i gape that shit. you wanna be gay, well come to daddy, bitch!

im not justin, just an old fag waiting for you bitch ass nothings to reclaim what was once 4chan.

>> No.5252715

Lying won't help you,

>> No.5252717

ill eat your ass so hard, youll get pregnant with jesus's baby. you tired as sjw fucks got nothing. throw something at me bitch. i want it hard in the mouth like youre trying to kill me!

>> No.5252720

I feel like you’re all in on some joke and I just can’t imagine what it is.

>> No.5252721

and another thing, my parents wouldnt name me something gay and plebbic like justin. im a unique snowflake waiting for that magma to rip my asshole a new hole. ohh but you guys cant handle my sick bants. fucking faggots, go away!

>> No.5252725

The thing with Ocarina of Time is that it's truly immersive without being intimidating.

>> No.5252726

No, it's just a mentally ill guy whose purpose in life is to troll us over myriad inconsequential technicalities.

>> No.5252730

im only trolling because these fucks dont know where they are. i like actually talking about retro video games, but nintoddlers from reddit are to spergtastic to oblige. nobody who is actually a /vr/ fag wants these nintoddlers or ff faggots to make 3 threads a day about " da best vidya gams evah!".... its ridiculous, its dumb, its moronic. this is 4chan, if you cant handle the heat, go fuck yourself!

>> No.5252735

Then discuss OoT, a retro game, good sir oldfag.

>> No.5252742

oot is completely overrated and there nothing left to disucuss. there is multiple oot and ff threads, no need for more. this board should be slow, but everybody wants to come here to talk about bing bing wahoo, tranny zelda, fucking trailer trash bear and ostrich or why ff8 & 9 are da best gams in da frenchfries. this is fucking stupid. you are fucking stupid. go back to plebbit and talk about the same stupid shit in your gay echochamber.

>> No.5252745

do you think there's senile people posting on this board

>> No.5252746

go senile your self back to retard erea

>> No.5252747

What games would you rather talk about?

>> No.5252750


>> No.5252758

school daze
sonic spinball
super street fighter 2010
it came from the desert
space quest, leisure suit larry, kings quest, dk 94, daggerfall, arena, ultima, yoyos puzzle park, pokemon, mario bros usa, congo bongo, JOUST 1 & 2, puyo puyo, parodius, zombies ate my neighbors, super star wars trilogy, smash tv, a real ff7 thread ( no other franchise shit), bushido blade, king of fighters, dark castle, apple 2, a good amiga thread, great cpc games, dos underrated games, fucking put put, how about an oregon trail thread, math blaster, new years themed games, weird unknown games regardless of other sites, astrix and obelisk, rygar, best shmups, best text adventures, mohawk that weird snes game, toe jam and earl, pinball threads (what happened to the pinball threads), tail spin, donald duck and related games, tales of spike mcfang, blast chamber, japanese wrestling games, etc....

>> No.5252763

Lol but instead of making that Rygar thread you throw a tantrum that I didn't. I love you, /vr/ never stop shining like the star you are :)

>> No.5252768

ecco the dolphin
gunstar heros
metal slug
smrpg for fucks sake
gb/gbc zelda games
ape escape
metal gear on nes and msx
pole position
anime themed games
time crisis
killer instinct
eternal champions

fucking anything besides n64 and final fantasy for the love of god and all that is holy!

lets talk about rygar...on what system is your favorite rygar game?

>> No.5252790

in these trying times of /vr/... i wish gramps and 7 leaf were back. i know, they are tripfags, but they were our tripfags and they were better than whats happening now!!!

>> No.5252834

This is one of the worst threads i have ever seen not only on this board, but on this site in general.

>> No.5252973


>> No.5253062

>on what system is your favorite rygar game

>> No.5253121
File: 12 KB, 214x216, 1216373527286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people confusing anti-aliasing and texture filtering

yes i know texture filtering is technically a type of anti-aliasing, but that's not what people mean when they use each phrase

Educate yourself here >>5252354

>> No.5253176
File: 543 KB, 460x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtered by ai neural network

>> No.5253235

>on what system is your favorite rygar game?

PS2 unironically. That game was pretty awesome.

>> No.5253290

Someone's upset.

>> No.5253773

Nice try Gramps

>> No.5253804

I don't understand the post so if you want me to use the proper terminology you're going to need to spoonfeed me with less technical language. Now.

>> No.5253823
File: 325 KB, 500x500, 1492731259836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf bump