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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 164 KB, 800x1024, 200934-anno-1602-creation-of-a-new-world-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5237926 No.5237926 [Reply] [Original]

So, Anno 1602 is free.


>> No.5238041

Did they release the sourcecode?

>> No.5238383

Every /vr/ game is free, this one is nothing special.

>> No.5238483

Anno series had comfiest music.

>> No.5238490

Greensleeves > *

>> No.5238532
File: 1.60 MB, 1644x826, 599dy4r7drq01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum comfy game. Spent so many days on this. I really wish more advanced map/island editors would exist. When I was a child, I liked to install the colony on an island with natives or pirates on it. Natives you could exchange with them, but pirates would hate your guts IIRC.
I remember being excited for Anno 1503 but when it was released I felt overwhelmed somehow.

In the Beginning. The very start is kinda dull but then it gets really engaging.

>> No.5238535

Forgot the youtube link ffs

>> No.5238545

All I remember around the time it came out how relentless and sustained the shilling for this game was by every German video game journalist, it being "an important domestic release" and such. I completely ignored it over all this.

>> No.5238567

You remember something that happened over 20 years ago?

>> No.5238569

What's with the arbitrary years? Why not a hard number like 1600?

>> No.5238578
File: 1011 KB, 2300x978, anno-1503-gold-edition-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1404 and 1701 too. And soon 1800. No idea.

>> No.5238596

It would make sense if the last number was supposed to be the actual order of the games in the series, like 1701, 1602, 1503, 1404, but a quick search reveals to me that this is not the case. Weird.

>> No.5238676

Maybe they just think it sounds better.

>> No.5238949

*blocks your Kontor*

>> No.5239020

The sum of the each game's year's numbers is always 9

>> No.5239051

But why though?

>> No.5239071

1. I have working memory and, unlike many users here, an actual attention span.
2. You have to be 18 to post here, GTFO

>> No.5239076

I remember getting 1503 A.D. (the US release) as a kid and being completely confused as to what to do. I have all of the first four games now. Which one is the best?

>> No.5239089

The one that doesn't force you to install Uplay

>> No.5239096

I have them on GOG so that's thankfully not a concern.

>> No.5239139

And how old are you?

>> No.5239160

I just started Uni when the first Anno came out. Happy now?

>> No.5239168

Yeah. I usually don't get an answer when I ask that question.

>> No.5240649 [DELETED] 


>> No.5240675

I remember an ad for it with a quote saying it was better than Age of Empires and being disappointed that combat was such a small part of the game. I'd like to try it again eventually now with my expectations readjusted.

>> No.5241310

why not

>> No.5242579

>remembering things from 20 years ago is bad

what a stupid comment, kiddo.

>> No.5242601


>> No.5242683

Each had their own hallmark, great one lies at the old version though.
>1602 the first are simple and very modular, really feels the quality at the first release.
>1503 is more like the enhanced version of 1602 with more resources, more island variations.
>1701 is resimpled one (resources, islands) yet totally different to previous both games (3d, AI). The only thing I hate is that it is missing cathedral compared to two previous games yet comes with great palace ornaments and lighthouse for night scenery.
>1404 is totally different play style, build large, expand large, play both orient and occident. In terms of city building, it is the best version.
>2070 is just copy of 1404 with total revamped gimmicks of future era (eco-balance, powers, in more clusterfuck political factions). But, fuck 2070 with it's forced UPlay and true Anno souls lies in the discovery era of the previous games.
>2205 is even more absurd future settings.

>> No.5243127

You're technically not supposed to request personal information about anons outside designated threads, like /soc/ hookup threads.

>> No.5243643

I doubt this is included in that rule.

>> No.5243658

It's probably because 9 is a special number that is used in a lot of different math tricks.

They should do Anno 9000 someday. That would be cool.

>> No.5243745

It's also off-topic on any board with a topic except /soc/

>> No.5243774

Yeah, well, good luck with that one.

>> No.5244896

The sum across the individual numbers is always 9. I dont know why it is always a 9, but its the rule.

>> No.5244945

Fuckin zoomers. Here's a tip kid, there is a good amount of people on here who've been in the industry for more than 20 years. Some of us have shipped more titles than your age quadrupled. I remember the marketing for my first releases, some of them still get their own threads on /vr/. You're on the wrong fucking lawn, boy.

>> No.5244948

Based on your use of the "zoomer" meme which is only used by 18 year olds who think it's the funniest thing ever, I doubt it.

>> No.5244956

They probably do it because it makes the titles stand out and gets people talking about them. As you can see we're still doing it right now even though some of these games are decades old.

>> No.5246097

Fun fact: Anno's name comes from the Japanese word for "Umm."

>> No.5246139
File: 36 KB, 450x332, slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to /a/

>> No.5246479

>anno-sourceports still impossible
it will be lost forever, right?

>> No.5247871


>> No.5247894

Oh, it was the first Citybuilder game Ive ever played. Absolutely loved it, still have CD somewhere

>> No.5248343

Well I guess you'll have to find it now because it's not free anymore.

>> No.5248479
File: 11 KB, 120x120, 1519559993645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5249720

Deciding to ask here because I am finding no answers anywhere else. Anyone have any idea why 1602 has an issue with map panning? Using arrow keys or the mouth, any amount of scrolling takes me all the way to the edge. This is on both the GoG (picked up free) and original disc copy. I've managed to get it windowed via DXWnd, but it doesn't fix the scrolling issue. I'm hoping against hope that someone, anyone has a solution to this. I really want to enjoy this part of my childhood again. (I admit 10yo me didn't get very far.)

>> No.5250471


>> No.5252153 [DELETED] 


>> No.5252896

Something weird is going on.

>> No.5253662 [DELETED] 

I think.

>> No.5254820 [DELETED] 


>> No.5255770


>> No.5257157
File: 139 KB, 954x1410, 1525410654268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5258268 [DELETED] 


>> No.5258417

germans were our only hope for a decent economic simulator. sadly they didn't come through and are truly worthless. every econ-sim ends up playing like some japtastic spreadsheet trash with illogical values and modifiers.

>> No.5258449

Less whining, more productivity

>> No.5260141

Every time.

>> No.5261389


>> No.5262367 [DELETED] 


>> No.5263229 [DELETED] 


>> No.5264045

Strange things are happening.

>> No.5265812 [DELETED] 

Uh huh.

>> No.5265882


>> No.5265918

Still younger than Yukari Tamura.

>> No.5267024

BOOM box.

>> No.5268757 [DELETED] 


>> No.5270254

can somebody please ban this ghost-bumping faggot already?

>> No.5270476

What do you honestly expect that to do?

>> No.5271301 [DELETED] 


>> No.5271548

>Anno 9000
>Anno 900
>Anno 90
>Anno 9

which one would be the best?

>> No.5271897
File: 111 KB, 636x477, 56c4947e88a7e300458b4660-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anno 900

>> No.5272364


>> No.5273116

fund it

found you again ;)

>> No.5273220

Thanks for the bump.

>> No.5274586

Thanks again.

>> No.5275765

>Anno 1602 is free


>> No.5275775
File: 1.47 MB, 1494x997, 12366i9550704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5275781


it doesn't feel right without the cheesy german voices. but still, thanks a lot.

>> No.5275782

Because fuck you, that's why

>> No.5275809

It was free on Uplay. It isn't anymore.

>downloading games from IGG
Do you like installing bitcoin miners on your computer?

>> No.5277473


>> No.5278527

Well I guess I'll be the first one here this time.

>> No.5278542

>Do you like installing bitcoin miners on your computer?
>He doesn't scan what he downloads
Said that, taking out of all things Anno 1602 from them is fucking stupid. So many better and more reliable sources

>> No.5278563

Yeah. I still wouldn't download anything from IGG though. They straight up modify the files of the games to edit in their watermarks. Dunno where to go now that Good Old Downloads is dead but I'm sure there must be a better option than IGG.

>> No.5278629

>Good Old Downloads is dead
Ekhem... They are called now God Games

>> No.5278639

Also, they are still on github, so you can just take their code and run with it.

>> No.5278653

The worst part is that IGG, rather than improving their own shit, simply doxxed GOD. Fucking salty cunts, destroying the only good place in the net. Just another reason why not use IGG

GG is dead, my man. Someone launched the project, but obviously dropped it soon after.

>> No.5278685

What I found surprising is how both parties were able to dox the other side so easily. Like, you'd think the GOG guy would have hid his own identity better if he was going to dox someone, lest he face retribution, but apparently not.

>> No.5278714

It's the reverse. IGG tried to dox them, fucked up, GOD retaliated, IGG then throw a shitfit and went to copyright trolls.

>> No.5280415 [DELETED] 


>> No.5281087

Every time you ghostbump a thread, a kitten is raped.
Why do you want kittens to be raped?

>> No.5281381

This isn't a good idea.

>> No.5282685

show me pics of the kittens, then I'll decide if I need them raped.

>> No.5282730

It's as they say, "a cat is fine too."

>> No.5283448

They also say "Yikes."