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5245040 No.5245040 [Reply] [Original]

By Odin's beard! Super Robot Wars EX has been translated!


>> No.5245042

4:3 is the wrong aspect ratio for SNES games.
That is all.

>> No.5245045

I hope Gideon decides to finish all the projects he has in his backlog and then leaves the romhacking scene so we can no longer need to worry about his bitching

>> No.5245049

What does he bitch about?

>> No.5245054

When people ask him about his projects on places like twitter instead of giving answers he just blocks them and says that he's being bullied
Hope you're aware of the entire SMT If fiasco

>> No.5245061

I'm not but this was like the very first result on google when I searched up his Twitter so it's easy to get caught up.

Must have been a pretty big shitstorm if this is the top thing.

>> No.5245079

>Must have been a pretty big shitstorm if this is the top thing.
Nah, looks like pretty typical fan translator whining that people dare ask on the progress of a game rather than sucking their dick 24/7 for translating a game they wanna play. Get that what they're doing is in their spare time but fuck you announcing something people clearly really want and then get pissed when they're curious on your progress.

>> No.5245083

I can't help but notice that people who do fan translations are the most likely to vaguely cite "real life" as an all-purpose excuse for not working on their projects. It's like, who the fuck do you think you're fooling? Your hobby is fan translating, you really expect me to believe you have a life?

>> No.5245090
File: 359 KB, 432x555, judgemental dead penguin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man. I don't care if it's just taking you forever to make any progress. Don't care whether or not real life got in the way. Don't care if you're just burnt out and need a break. Just for the love of god make a quick status update every couple of months and don't flip out when people naturally ask you for any information on your project if you're silent about it for an extremely long time. These guys are delusional expecting only praise for their work when the translation they're working on isn't released let alone close to it.

>> No.5245338

Some people are attending college or have jobs. If you've never experienced work or school kicking up to the point where you have to shift your focus, I'm assuming you're 16 years old.

>> No.5245349
File: 13 KB, 500x259, 1331814947061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only gift... thank Gideon.

>> No.5245427

That's not an excuse to react angrily to people asking about progress though.

>> No.5245436

It's funny how for as long as fan translations have been a thing, there have been fan translators who get furious when people politely ask them for even the smallest progress update. Believe it or not Gideon's still not as bad as the Romhacking Aerie who did this before they had even released a single project. Anyone else remember that "KaioShin retires from romhacking" post? HE HADN'T FUCKING DONE ANYTHING AND HE TYPED THE LONGEST FUCKING POST OF ALL TIME.

>> No.5246085

Holy Christmas!

>> No.5246095

Well now I know what I'll be playing for christmas

>> No.5246292

It's good for people who never played it, but the Playstation Complete Box version is better.
Alpha would have been a real gift, but it's always a miracle to see Gid release anything so I'll take it.

>> No.5246298

The fucking psychopath is working on a new patch for SRW3 because apparently that's more important for some fucking reason.

>> No.5246306

Well, if it's their hobby, then obviously they're doing something else in their real life.
You sound dumb.

>> No.5246310

The implication is that it's a loser hobby which only losers with no friends would partake in and thus the suggestion that they would have real life issues to distract them is laughable.

>> No.5246312

The original SRT3 patch was pretty shit so it makes sense to improve it.
Then again, the NES/SNES games have all been made obsolete by their 32-bits ports so there's no real point working on them nowadays.

>> No.5246315

Sounds more productive than having shitposting on imageboards as a hobby.

>> No.5246336
File: 214 KB, 800x600, I wish I was never Björn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only been over a decade I guess I can wait a little longer.

>> No.5246359

Ease of emulation and easier coding I guess

>> No.5246612

These piece of shit anime license fanservice games are taking up precious time and resources when actual real games should be getting translated.

You're an arsehole. Most of these people have fulltime jobs/study and even families.

>> No.5246632

>seething persona shitter

>> No.5246641

>These piece of shit anime license fanservice games are taking up precious time and resources when actual real games should be getting translated.
Pretty ironic calling others arseholes after such a shitpost.

>> No.5246720

>from 9 years ago
gets me every time

>> No.5247107

Yeah well he uses Twitter and I don't so he still loses this battle.

>> No.5247175

Your mom's ass is the wrong aspect ratio for my dick.

>> No.5247281

Those guys were the fucking worst, Christ. They picked up all these cool looking games I wanted, but they were just the worst. Randomly canceling shit, picking up more and more titles despite already having full plates, constant threatening and whining that they were going to cancel this or that game... Just annoying as hell. I don't even remember if they actually released anything, either, and I think by the end they took their work down?

>> No.5247285

>dude that bitches about SRW in every thread it's mentioned is a dumb euro
it all makes sense now lmao blow it out your ass dude

>> No.5247303

They did release like... three patches total? Which is pretty pitiful considering they have "translating games since 2006" as their tagline. Funny for the wrong reasons. And at least one of them wasn't even their work, they just hosted it on their site because one of their guys worked on it for another group. So in the end all we ever got from them was Super Robot Wars J (wow thanks for translating the SRW game with 8-bit music and mediocre animations), Oriental Blue (admittedly cool looking but who the fuck was asking for this?), and Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart (lol).

>> No.5247883

>robot wars EX

will nightdive ever stop?!

>> No.5247897

I didn't even know Kaioshin had retired from anything, 8 years ago. His retirement post is pretty funny in retrospect.

>> No.5248237

b-but I want Alpha :(

>> No.5248335


>> No.5248336

This. A literal "Not much to report but the translation efforts are still in progress." every couple months would suffice to keep people from bothering them.

>> No.5248358

Not to defend translators but there would still be people who pester them constantly so it's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

That said a non-retarded translator would have the courtesy to provide updates every couple months and would ignore the people who pester them. Like how thin skinned do you have to be to get annoyed by something like that. Block them or ban them from your comments if you don't want to hear from them, but still give a status report every so often you fucking asshole. And if the project is dropped, then SAY it's dropped.

>> No.5248392

The translation world must be changing quickly. For Gideon to start finishing so many translations he's held captive he must really be feeling some heat.
New age people don't care about your fanslation ethics of not touching a game someone else claimed.

To me it looks like there is some drama on the inside and one group told him that they are just going to do his work for him if he keeps being a bitch. He probably thought they were joking. He doesn't think that now. I smell fear.

>> No.5248394
File: 18 KB, 600x300, phil-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, Fez 2 is cancelled all thanks to you.

>> No.5248405

The funniest part about this guy is that Fez wasn't even anything particularly special so the world collectively did not give a fuck.

"Suck my dick. Choke on it." is still a good line though.

>> No.5248418

I was gonna say I wouldn't consider it to be "so many" but then I looked at how many translations he's released compared to his usual rate and by his standards, you are correct. I hope your theory is true.

>> No.5249829

Suck my SRWEX translation. Choke on it.

>> No.5250159

Interesting theory.

>> No.5250760


>> No.5250801

I actually thought Fez was an excellent game. I loved how it blended adventure games and puzzle elements with classic collectathon platformer.
Fish is probably mentally ill, and I'm pretty sure he barely worked anyway.
Those people sadly can't function properly in our social networking age.

>> No.5252471

Cool game.

>> No.5253174

It really is.

>> No.5254756


>> No.5255661


>> No.5256407

Yeah it's surreal seeing him pop out multiple releases in a yeah when I'm used to checking his site only for nothing to progress in a decade. 65%

>> No.5256769

I can't believe the ghostbumper is a SRW fan

>> No.5257080

I'm a fan of many, many things.

>> No.5258185

Of shoes, and ships, and sealing-wax. Of cabbages and kings.

>> No.5258652 [DELETED] 

Of what the fuck...

>> No.5258674


>> No.5259686


>> No.5260813


>> No.5261394 [DELETED] 


>> No.5262301 [DELETED] 


>> No.5262309

>These piece of shit anime license fanservice games are taking up precious time and resources when actual real games should be getting translated.
What, like SMT If? That game that people stopped talking about 2 days after it was finally translated and people got to try it?

>> No.5262330

Wait, what? SMT If got translated?

>> No.5262491

Couple of weeks ago

>> No.5262501

What magical aspect ratio did your early-90s TV have?

>> No.5263252


>> No.5264017

So tired...

>> No.5265458 [DELETED] 


>> No.5265548

Looks fine to me

>> No.5267117

Works on MY machine.

>> No.5268198 [DELETED] 


>> No.5269208 [DELETED] 


>> No.5270032

It's because of the baddesthacks thing that happened some time ago. For a website that only hosts meme tier rom hacks made and kept around for funsies to suddenly show up with an out of nowhere announcement that they would soon release a 100% bullshit free translation patch for a game you've been hoarding to yourself as a project for years, and said website gives no shits about RHDN's gay little hacking rules about not stepping on toes or "respecting" senior members, would definitely stop a man from whining on Twitter to actually finish up all that work he put aside.
Gideon realizes his clout means nothing these days so he can no long stop other people from doing work using a few sly forum posts or tweets like he used to. People these days just want the work done, doesn't matter who does it so long as it's finished and done well enough.

>> No.5270630

>he can no long stop other people from doing work using a few sly forum posts or tweets like he used to
What is this referring to?

>> No.5272035

I don't know the whole story, but it basically amounted to this:
- people holding translations hostage like people do with anime subs or scanlations
- someone posted a patch to one of his translations, and he went nuts over it. I think it was DDS2?

Because Gideon has a lot of pull in RHDN, he could just go there, post a rant, and stop a project in its tracks. Even if you made a patch to his translation, it couldn't be posted on RHDN. So, because people were already mad at RHDN's admins, they just said fuck it and made their own website with blackjack and hookers. Most of them were shitposters that wanted to make romhacks changing Megaman's name to Cockjuggler or something, but there were a few serious guys in there as well. Gideon saw that he couldn't just sit on his projects forever and started churning them.

(I distinctly remember someone announcing a new translation of one of his parked projects, and him rushing to release the thing in a week).

I think that's it.

>> No.5272241

>(I distinctly remember someone announcing a new translation of one of his parked projects, and him rushing to release the thing in a week).
I'd like to announce that Super Robot Wars Alpha is now being translated by Fuck You Gideon productions, look forward to it soon.

>> No.5272281

Honestly if someone were to actually announce a SRW translation I wish they'd stop wasting time on the old ones with their poor animations and do something nice like Z.

>> No.5272396

You're not entitled to anything. Translators / hackers are going to work on the projects they like, they're not your slaves.

>> No.5272404

Overly defensive much, Gideon?

>> No.5273559
File: 36 KB, 605x253, 1515977289061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.5274704

>like Z.
Wasted effort, a full read along translation exists for that game. (though I wish it existed when I played it...) They ought to focus on games that don't have fully translated stories.

>> No.5274707

Sounds like a passive aggressive way to say 'you didn't credit me you absolute cunt'.

>> No.5274734

Well he actually did so that's probably not the issue.

>> No.5274971


>> No.5274978

Nah they should translate the ones that have decent stories like R or D

>> No.5274979

poor poor tom he is a good guy, THANK GOOD dds came back after 8 year hiatus and decided to pair up with tom

>> No.5275015

> on the old ones with their poor animations
But the ones that get translated have no animation, unless you think that a beam shot that comes out of the torso of a gundam is an animation, animation appeared in the alpha games.

>> No.5275024

That's exactly what he's saying, that newer ones need to get translated. Alpha is like 20 years old.

>> No.5275032
File: 62 KB, 642x648, jim carrey as the mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you lot *want* me to cancel the SMT if... translation? Keep asking.
LMAO feels good to be a rune reader, I don't have to bend knee to enormous faggots like this. I'll have playing through the improved PS1 version, thanks.

>> No.5275039

I was discussing about the non-existent animation in the games, but yeah it would be nice if they translated, dunno alpha 3, W or MX.

>> No.5275043

How nice it must be, do you have any advice about learning to read moon runes.

>> No.5275048

This site's your one-stop shop. Ganbare.

>> No.5276661

What does that mean?

>> No.5276783
File: 11 KB, 240x240, ganbare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5276874

Dont give the baddesthacks retards any credit, please, they are literally all useless and shitpost for the sake of it. They put on airs but they're full of shit.

>> No.5277517

>by underage pubes

>> No.5277676

Uh, what?

>> No.5277908

You're underage and are into crazy shit like lame quotes, you having pubes, you reeking of anything except child child weeb juice etc. Do I need to go on?

>> No.5277920

You talk in a barely functional autistic way.

>> No.5277959

The guy is a really persistent shitposter, I'm amazed he's still at it after weeks.

>> No.5277960

Nothing's more depressing than an old hipster.

>> No.5278017

>get caught underage posting
>muh autist
Slick burn kid

>> No.5278263
File: 60 KB, 551x360, trolling vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4:3 is the wrong aspect ratio for SNES games.

I agree, he should be playing in 16:9 to make better use of screen estate on TVs.

>> No.5278446

>doubles down on his autism

>> No.5278849

Time to go back kiddo

>> No.5278884

Time to yikes at you again.


>> No.5279749 [DELETED] 

Yikes and reddit spacing to boot. Not sure if I'm strong enough to fight of this level of cancer

>> No.5279753

That's gonna be another yikes from me.


>> No.5279998

imagine being that butt blasted

>> No.5280419

Yeah, he really was butt blasted. Good thing we defeated him with the power of friendship.

>> No.5280606

As long as no one ever sees another y word ITT I'm calling it a win for humanity.

>> No.5280615


>> No.5280621

Speaking of which, has anyone dumped the Magical Drop 2 translated cart yet?

>> No.5281621

I hope so.

>> No.5281913

>there's no cure for cancer

>> No.5281960

He's an ESL who thinks he's way more clever than he is, yikes.

>> No.5282753

I'm going to punch you.

>> No.5283071

>i don't always project but when i do i project like a mother fucker

>> No.5283145

This is alright and everything but honestly considering the batshit crazy crossover rosters the newer games have I'd rather have those translated.

>> No.5283194

Well. The very newest games do have official translations, so at least it's no longer a concern with those.

I think the only reason Gideon is even putting out these translations is because they're shorter than the average game.

>> No.5283328

Yep, it seems that most people here don't understand that some games requires much more effort to translate. Much easier to translate all of the snes SRW combined than to translate one of the Z games.