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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5233812 No.5233812 [Reply] [Original]

One of the most underappreciated strengths of retro games is the lack of voice acting. It usually sucks, it's slower than reading, it inflates budgets, and it shrinks the script of the game. Also in recent years long time character's faces are all fucked up because they make them look like their stupid mocap actors. Voice acting is cancer.

As an example the script for FF 7 has over 344 thousand words, while FF 10 only has 120 thousand. I assume 15 is much smaller yet.

Enjoy those retro games with lots of dialog choices, NPCs to talk to, self so on... Because we'll never see them again.

>> No.5233814 [DELETED] 

Jarpigs are weebshit for brainlets anyway, read real literature.

>> No.5233817 [DELETED] 

Planescape is a JRPG? Kys

>> No.5233921
File: 450 KB, 449x642, free shrugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be on /v/ or something?

>> No.5234042 [DELETED] 

It really is:
>devs were fanboying over FF7 while developing this game
>predefined protagonist who is an emo special snowflake Chosen One type with long hair
>colorful cast of weirdos and anime waifus (waifu with a tail, pure succubus waifu, zany skull companion, some fucking robot, 2edgy4u warrior and mage)
>ridiculously long FMVs for epic spells
>repetitive combat
>uncanny, weird setting that's a mishmash of concepts and cultures
>the cast of characters can be said to have a "power of friendship" story
>the poorest p'n'p translation of all the Infinity Engine games as no GM would run a game where he has to write massive philosophical monologues for multiple NPCs and only talk to one player in the party while everyone else is just sitting here not saying anything, serving as his lackeys and only rarely engaging in roleplay in comparison

>> No.5234056

>More text is better writing.

>> No.5234060

>colorful cast of weirdos
Try Tolkien you tard.
>repetitive combat
Like every wrpg
>uncanny, weird setting that's a mishmash of concepts and cultures
It's a campaign setting for DnD you idiot. Published in 1994.
>the cast of characters can be said to have a "power of friendship" story
Like the fellowship of the ring?

>> No.5234067

More dialog choices in your branching conversations.

Are you saying Skyrim had better writing than Morrowind? Are you saying FF 13 has better writing than FF Tactics?

Kill yourself.

>> No.5234084

Autistic shumptards ruin another thread. Stay in your containment general, subhumans.

>> No.5234110

>Try Tolkien you tard.
Yeah because Tolkien invented humans with knife ears, short bearded humans and even shorter humans with hairy feet, so original.

>> No.5234120

>devs were fanboying over FF7 while developing this game
No they weren't.
>predefined protagonist who is an emo special snowflake Chosen One type with long hair
No he isn't. You can define the Chosen One yourself. You can't do that with Cloud. He is always an emo dude.
>colorful cast of weirdos and anime waifus
Sexualization came before your anime, weeb. All characters in PS:T make sense in the context of the setting. Each of them belong to a certain race that's prevalent in the setting.
>ridiculously long FMVs for epic spells
Only a couple of spells.
>repetitive combat
This is the only fact posted so far.
>uncanny, weird setting that's a mishmash of concepts and cultures
Not exclusive to JRPGs.
>the cast of characters can be said to have a "power of friendship" story
No they don't.

Weebs are quick to try an incorporate Planescape: Torment into their JRPG catalog, probably because it is one of the few games with a great story.

>> No.5234134

You literally stole this post from >>>/v/ faggot

>> No.5234150

>No they weren't.
"I have played FF7 (and loved it), and I think the influences it had on PST was the spells (which Ken Lee designed, and did a damn good job), and the fact that each type of player character would stick with one 'type' of weapon based on their personality or their personal preference.

As for the amnesia, Annah and Grace/Tifa and Aeris, as well as the three incarnations at the end -- I assure you that was not based on FF7.

Hope that helps,

>always an emo dude
>in FF7
You only learned about FF7 from Advent Children and popculture, didn't you?
>All characters in PS:T make sense in the context of the setting
Most of the time they also do in jRPGs.
>Only a couple of spells.
Same for most jRPGs.

Aside from the fact most of this list was posted specifically as a joke to rile up people like you.

>> No.5234352

Yes? The spells, as you mentioned, and one weapon type per character. That's hardly the devs fanboying over Final Fantasy VII.
>You only learned about FF7 from Advent Children and popculture, didn't you?
No, I have played Final Fantasy VII. If anything, I wasn't the one who first called Cloud an emo special snowflake, someone else did.

And fuck off, Cloud was EXACTLY that in Final Fantasy VII.
>Most of the time they also do in jRPGs.
Except in Final Fantasy you never come across characters as interesting as your party members are. In Planescape: Torment, everything is outlandish.
>Same for most jRPGs.
In JRPGs like Final Fantasy VII, all spells have long animations. In something like Planescape: Torment, only a few spells have dedicated cutscenes dedicated for them. Everything else happens in real time.

>> No.5234793

I really like how Torment manages that, there's only some short voiced parts that show the characters personality and the really important stuff, but most of the long ass dialogues aren't voiced.
With everything voiced I end tired of waiting, cutting the sentences in half and fucking the inmersion because of that.

>> No.5234810

I agree about lack of voice acting, though it's for the pure simple reason that the voices I imagine when reading a book are always better than those you hear in the movie or whatever.

>> No.5234835

cutscenes are the worst
I skip all cutscenes NO EXCEPTIONS

>> No.5234939

Hey reddit-spacer, why are you implying that Legacy of Kain would be better with wall of texts instead of magistral voice acting? Are you retarded?

>> No.5235034

The issue is that Legacy of Kain had magistral voice acting and it was an action-adventure game. By comparison, RPGs with voice acting usually have mediocre voice acting and are worse RPGs because of the abscence of choices.

>> No.5235048

That's not reddit spacing you retard. Those are called paragraphs.

>> No.5235052

Yuck, wall of text.

>> No.5235068
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That's why Link is the perfect MC. Keeps his mouth shut and listens to the NPCs

>> No.5235108

It's called reddit spacing here. I can see how that might cause confusion for a redditor like you.

>> No.5235114
File: 15 KB, 450x340, 1538825614540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5235121

People shouting "Reddit spacing" are either newfags or actual Redditors.

>> No.5235153

>implying Tolkien didn't establish high fantasy conventions

Dunno what yall were arguing about but it's literally inaccurate to say that anything elves and dwarves doesn't take from Tolkien. You'd literally have to shut yourself away from moderm culture and produce your work after only reading Nordic and Irish mythos for reference.

>> No.5235157

The fuck is "here?" I see it nowhere on /vr/. Perhaps you're talking about your home board?

>> No.5235164

>a single line is a paragraph
illiterate faggot, go away.

>> No.5235171

>A paragraph (from the Ancient Greek παράγραφος paragraphos, "to write beside" or "written beside") is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences.
>A paragraph consists of one or more sentences.
>of one or more sentences.
>of one
4channelers on suicide watch.

>> No.5235196

>muh reddit spacing
maybe you should head back there where you came from, since you seem to be so familiar with how they do things.

>> No.5235204

Yeah, i mean you could be right if you quote the ancient greeks.

But i don't think the majority of people that use "paragraphs" on this website are doing that because they're some kind of /lit/fags.

Rather, i bet they're accustomed to something familiar that comes naturally for them, that is, i dare to say: reddit spacing.

What i'm trying to say is that it wasn't that popular to use "paragraphs" a couple years ago, here on this website.

It's a trend that came little by little, until finally exploding.

You can see it in every board and in every thread by now.

Are you saying that all of those people use paragraphs because it looks good?

That would be simple, pure bullshit, my dear fagottino

- Yours sincerely
A nigger

PS: You're disgusting

>> No.5235206

You should lurk more, 4channel knows way more regarding reddit spacing than reddit itself.

>> No.5235216

It has nothing to do with the Greeks, bro. It's about paragraphs having each a different idea, and thus being acceptable. A problem would be doing the stuff you just did as a joke, for instance:
>What i'm trying to say is that it wasn't that popular to use "paragraphs" a couple years ago, here on this website.
>What i'm trying to say is that it wasn't that popular to use "paragraphs" a couple years ago, here on this website.
>You can see it in every board and in every thread by now.
Not only it is vastly exaggerated (literally no one is typing like that), not only it has nothing to do with Reddit (why would it?), but it also separates sentences into paragraphs that should be just one paragraph, because you are talking about a single idea.

No one uses paragraphs because it "looks good", we use paragraphs to express different ideas (at best), and to make certain points stand out (at worst, which is still commendable).

>> No.5235221
File: 156 KB, 909x720, 2005 paragraph breaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called 4chan spacing, retard. it has always been here.

>> No.5235235

Fuck me then, you're one of the 1% of users that is using the thing in the correct way.
>Not only it is vastly exaggerated (literally no one is typing like that)
I wish you were right. Although to be fair it's something that i see way more often on other boards, but it's taking its lead here too
>No one uses paragraphs because it "looks good", we use paragraphs to express different ideas (at best), and to make certain points stand out (at worst, which is still commendable).
I agree with this.

>> No.5235250

Reddit Spacing is when people separate sentences



>> No.5235273
File: 36 KB, 478x354, 1265387646993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]








>> No.5235320

Nobody else has posted anything remotely similar to you. Fuck off to /b/ you retard.

>> No.5235323
File: 169 KB, 2118x1440, everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assmad redditors
>assmad redditors everywhere

>> No.5236802

Lurk more, retard