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5222138 No.5222138 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of silent hill 1?

>> No.5222140

it rocks

>> No.5222146

great ambiance
meh bosses

>> No.5222152

its good

>> No.5222309

this. also some stilted dialogue and amazing music

>> No.5222351

This applies to the entire series really. In fact if these games had fewer or nearly no bosses at all they'd probably be improved. The Eddie fight is without a doubt one of the worst I've seen.

>> No.5222437

It's the bests in the entire series, but it's far from perfect. as far as survival horror goes, combat, enemy behaviour and survival mechanics are really not great. Resident Evil 2 and 3 performed much better.

The start of the game is great, but the last part of the game starting the resort area completely drops the cake, suddenly recycling content (2nd sewer, nowhere), becomes extremely linear and only having small areas. It even have some abrupt changes and timelapse. It feels very unfinished.

Finally, the fanbase is the worst ever. Worse than goddamn Sonic.

>> No.5222581

solid 7

>> No.5222595

Probably the best game for that shitpile of shovelware of a platform.

>> No.5222726
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>> No.5223061

fantastic atmosphere, sound and music
big personal fan of the visuals
why don't more people know about this game??

>> No.5223065

that it's best played via composite video on a CRT, RGB shitters fuck off.

>> No.5223197

Why is "shitters" the insult of choice for losers with their heads up their ass on here?

>> No.5223368

Good thread, bump.

>> No.5223372

Better combat than 2 because the enemies are actually a threat, but not as interesting story-wise, but overall better than 4...I won't acknowledge anything other than 1-4.

>> No.5223425
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I honestly consider it a perfect game, especially in context of when it was released. It feels perfectly paced and executed to me. The setting, the soundtrack, the voice acting, the gritty PS1 graphics, everything adds up to a perfect surreal mystery solving kind of action horror-adventure that hasn't been paralleled since.

I couldn't pick or explain a favorite part, I just enjoy everything about exploring creepy PS1 towns and combining items and reading notes. Silent Hill is the best version of that.

>> No.5223470

It's good.

>> No.5223581


n64 is the worst console ever made, unironically.

>> No.5223594

Not even Nintendo's worst system though.

>> No.5223603


It isn't, but n64 was when Nintendo fucked up and never recovered. I'll constantly say its the worst to trigger PS1 haters though.

>> No.5223637

Nintendo fucking up was ever considering allying with Sony to create a CD add-on for the SNES, plus not going through with it which gave us BasedStation.

>> No.5223647

It holds up incredibly well. I first played it in late 2015 and the game blew me away.

>> No.5223683

>stilted dialogue
In a way, that's part of the charm for SH, RE, and retro games in general. I don't believe storyline or voice acting are the most important things ever--I think ATMOSPHERE is more important for story-telling in games. You can play plenty of popular games right now with top-tier voice acting but the actual experience always feels watered down to me since you're not getting the most out of the experience as a game OR a movie. Games today are trying to have it both ways and I don't care for it. So yeah, I'll take my stilted dialogue and good atmosphere over pristine blandness any time.

>> No.5223687

You could increase the difficulty on SH2. I agree that the default/normal mode should always be more challenging but still.

>> No.5223693

Gamecube was solid and their handheld stuff seems like it's always been decent. Wii sucked but is an awesome emulation station. Wii U blows, Switch seems promising so far.

I agree PS1 is better than N64 overall but let's try to control the hyperbole a little, anon.

>> No.5223845

i agree anon, i didnt really think its stilted in a bad way it just adds the charm while being slightly unnerving and dreamlike

>> No.5223853

I really liked the Indian Runner subquest.

>> No.5223993

>The Eddie fight is without a doubt one of the worst I've seen.
Ahh, yes, I remember the Eddie fight. I was playing it with my girlfriend (now wife) for the first time for me, not for her. I wondered why getting close to him and having him punch you did as much damage as when he shot you with his gun. Her response?

>He has a lot of weight behind it.

>> No.5224032

I don't believe you have a girlfriend (now wife). Enjoy your shitty boss fight, alone.

>> No.5224046


I agree he doesn't have a girlfriend, but I can taste the bitterness and frustration you have on your life in every word. Consider offing yourself.

>> No.5224485

stay furious, shitter

>> No.5226021


>> No.5226289

Shittier graphics made it scarier
Oh no it's this guy again complaining about combat not being good in a Survival Horror game. That's like people who complain about there being too much story in a JRPG.

>> No.5226390

I figured it probably aged poorly so I'm watching Supergreatfriend's let's play of it rather than playing it myself. Looks pretty decent tho. Might playthrough it myself one day

>> No.5226426

>the absolute state of zoomers

>> No.5226494

Not him but i'm an actual "zoomer" and even I went out of my way to get a rom of silent hill and play it blind, and I beat the whole game with the good ending.

I then did a next fear playthrough and got the UFO ending and good+. There is no excuse.

>> No.5226565
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>picked up SH1 on release
>tell bro
>we play through it together
>make him play when darkness falls after you exit that one house with the katana

we're still friends, but that closeness is gone

>> No.5226578

is anon making that first person hack still working on it?

>> No.5226586
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Well, I once let out a silent fart in a public library and it smelled so bad that they had to close the library and febreze the entire place due to many people getting sick from the smell. And nobody knew it was me. So yeah, I think Silent Hill is a pretty great game.

>> No.5226597

I know they're not all /vr/
But how would you rank the first 4 games?

>> No.5226605

Silent Hill 2 > sh3 > 1 >>>>>>>>> """silent hill"""" 4

>> No.5226665

>why don't more people know about this game??
too many people saying 2 is the best game ever and 1 sucks because of the cult plotline

>> No.5226673


2 just has a much better story. 1 has an unfocused plot that does not make the details clear. It's great on its own, but people misunderstood it at the time and demanded a direct sequel for the cult arc, missing the point. The cult around the town was just a backdrop to present the mystique of the town. So what we got because of that was SH3, which took backward steps compared to 2.

>> No.5226683

I think 1 and 2's stories are about the same quality. I never really felt like 1 was unfocused, but it benefits from replaying once you know the ending so you can fully understand and appreciate it. I think that people just didn't like or understand how so much of the story can revolve around Alessa when you barely see her directly.

>> No.5226691

The horror genre is better when things are barley explained. Things are scarier when you understand less. Fear of the unknown. That's why I like 1 for leaving things at "drug ring" and "cult" with things like vhs tape and some of the journals giving clues of what happened but never fully explaining everything.

>> No.5226706

Yeah, it's best to set up the atmosphere and then leave a little to the imagination. I get chills just thinking about watching the video tape. And how you don't know too much about Alessa until near the end, when she dies soon after anyway, is just tragic.

>> No.5226723

1>2>3. Don't have much interest in 4 after hearing what some people say about it, and also because each one felt like it was already a little worse in some ways than the one before it. I still like the first 3 a lot and have played them all multiple times, but it felt like a little more went wrong with each one.

1 was just perfect with the industrial horror, all the issues it touches on with the plot, how it tells Alessa's story, etc. but also just great as a game with the enemy design and no cinematic breaks. 2 matched 1 in most areas, the story was still great, how it uses the other characters to reflect on James was clever, Pyramid Head was a good design, but I wasn't a fan of the travelling and escort sections and it felt like the enemies were mostly the same and not threatening. 3 started out mostly decently but the enemy design overall felt more irritating than threatening, it had too many cinematic deaths, and Heather's character felt a little aimless with how she went from being creeped out and confused to sassing Leonard to what seemed like the sudden realization that she's Alessa. 3 still had a good atmosphere and did some interesting things too though.

>> No.5228094

>good+ ending after the first playthrough

>> No.5228329

>2 just has a much better story. 1 has an unfocused plot that does not make the details clear
This is only the case if you have ADHD or are a brainlet. SH1 plays like a detective novel. If you don't look for clues, you won't know what's going on. SH2's story is extremely basic and in your face at every turn, then has a plot dump at the end. SH2 is told better, but SH1 has a much better plot, because there's more than 3 lines of plot. I like SH1 better, but it's just preference. The games are basically polar opposites.

>> No.5228725


>> No.5228763

It's charms lie mainly with it's presentation. Art style, graphical filters, plot, sound direction and music. All AAA+. The only areas here that are lacking is draw distance (which plays perfectly into the whole fog and darkness motif) and some of the caracter models and animations are just terrible.

The gameplay is alright. It gets the job done, at least. It's not challenging at all and some of the area layouts are pretty hap hazard.
Like, the main areas themselves are pretty decent, but the town is mostly empty and just has enemies and ammo sprinkled about it. And for that matter, there are totally optional side areas with nothing but healing items in them. Like the gas station interior. They could have done a lot more, is what I'm trying to get at, I guess.

And the whole "go throigh every area twice in a row" thing got old. Especially when games like Soul Reaver did the two worlds thing so much better.

That said, SH is still a classic, and an easy 8/10 game. Definately worth playing. Just don't expect perfection.

>> No.5228778

>it's all preference man, I prefer 1
>you like 2 because you're a brainlet

Take your meds, you schizophrenic nigger

>> No.5228790

Kino camera work

>> No.5228808

4 is still worth a play. It has the best graphics and sound track of the whole series. Also some great atmosphere, and the ghosts invading the apartment is a brain fuck and a half. The apartment itself is pure comfy, creeper, what the actual fuck game design. It's just great.

The game's short comings mainly come from half assed core gameplay. Now, obviously horror games don't have to have amazing gameplay to be good, but SH4 just doesn't hit any major beats with is's control scheme.
It never really feels awkward to control normally, but combat is clunky as hell and movement is never enjoyable or totally smooth. Its just functional.

Add to that, the fact that the second run through every area is just a long brainless gauntlet, relying heavily on said combat, with very little ammo and a wounded woman who moves slowly and can barely help fight in towe, and there's your real problem.

There's also the issue that Fatal Frame 3 is a FAR superrior version of the same idea...

Anyway, my point is that SH4 isn't all bad. It just has a lot less polish than the first 3. It's still worlds better than everything that came after it.
You should at least pirate it and give it a try once. You may find yourself enjoying aspects of it.

>> No.5228825


Just used Fatal Frame 3 earlier to judge my HD CRT image quality. Man, HD CRTs are almost useless, but the one thing they're made to do, which is 480p games, they do better than any other sort of TVs. Haven't played it past first hour though. I did beat FF2 and thought it was very good.

>> No.5228952

The reason he likes 2 is because he didn't understand 1's story. This means he is either
1. stupid
2. didn't look for/find clues around the town
The fault was his own, not the game's. Nice projecting though.

>> No.5228959


I have done all endings and understood the story, and even praised it too. I just happen to prefer 2. Nice projecting, though.

>> No.5228962

Congrats. If you are the post I originally responded to, you are an idiot. If not then enjoy 2 more. The plot is quite clear in 1 if you actually play the game and get the true ending.
2 doesn't play anything like 1. It's much more linear and focused. Some people prefer that, I don't myself.

>> No.5228968


You're an idiot. Linearity being objectively a bad thing is a zoomer 2010's gamer thing. You're not smarter because you dislike the most popular entry in the series. 1's story is just not as good. Congrats on tainting an otherwise good thread, though.

>> No.5228982

I didn't say it was bad, brainlet. I said I prefer 1's style. I like 2, but keep projecting. It's not my fault you needed a youtuber to understand 1's plot.

>> No.5229173

I wouldn't say the fanbase is the worst, there's plenty more worse fanbases
really the biggest disagreements I see are whether 1, 2, or 3 is the best, and which post-4 SH is the only good one, which is pretty minimal in terms of vidya discourse
granted there are some folks that are crazy think shit like everything's a metaphor for circumcision but that's beside the point

>> No.5229198

I love it. First played it around when it came out in the US, if I remember correctly.

Probably heresy to say this, but I'd really like to see it remade since the locations could look great with a modern rendering. Granted they'd probably outsource it to some 3rd rate developer and the end result would be unplayable shit.

>> No.5229774

>1's story is just not as good.
the stories aren't too different, but they're told in much different ways which seems to be a bigger factor in what someone will prefer.

>> No.5230069

>Huh, radio... What's wrong with that radio?
Gets me everytime

>> No.5230979

>Finally, the fanbase is the worst ever. Worse than goddamn Sonic.
Would you justify this opinion please?

>> No.5231351

>suddenly recycling content (2nd sewer, nowhere)
Didn't you go through the school and hospital twice right in the beginning of the game?

>> No.5231362

Justification: gibe (You)s plos.

>> No.5231393

Not him, but I think anon means that the otherworld hospital and school feel different enough and have enough changes to make them feel like different areas, while the sewers is just running down a few boring, long hallways and the nowhere is just the otherworld hospital again mashed with a few rooms and assests from other areas.

>> No.5231518

An absolute masterpiece. I replayed it again this year and I still cannot play it in the dark.

>> No.5231635

I guess I can understand that criticism but I still felt like there were good parts to the sewers and Nowhere. Sewers felt like a good test of how well you could manuever and dodge enemies. I thought the atmosphere of Nowhere was terrific, and since you don't have a map, it being a bit more linear and familiar was okay.

>> No.5231905

Best piece of 1

>> No.5231908

>not RF
composhiters get off

>> No.5231936

My best random game purchase of 1999.

>> No.5232837

>not enjoying heavy dithering visible

>> No.5232879

Oddly enough dialogue in older SH games always felt Lynchian to me. I had always wished a dev would be self aware enough of it to do it properly but SH has moved away from an overall atmosphere to atmosphere in increments blended with action what have you.

>> No.5233075

>best silent hill post 4
Normally i would've said none, but then i played Origins

>> No.5233095

>Not ascii dot matrix
Rf fags fuck off

>> No.5233138

>Not Shattered memories, it was interesting with all the psychological shit and the whole phone mechanic, I wish it just had better otherworld sections and dropped the whole chase segment bullshit

>> No.5233257

I like the worm fight where hes diggin around

>> No.5233718

It's a product of the 90s unfortunately and has not held up very well.

>> No.5233847



was just watching this fellow's yt tutorial thinking in my late 20s i'm way too old and jaded to ever be scared... lo and behold i was checking dark corners and night and was still shuddering at the thought of the otherworld as i woke up this morning

aside from the poorly directed and waaaay too calm voice overs the atmosphere is A+ shit that still gets under your skin like little else in games

>> No.5233908


I thought Origins is somewhat okay for the fact that it almost feels like a SH game, and the opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP00DhUvTqM

>> No.5233914

Origins might of been better if the focus was put more on Travis and less on the sh1 characters we already knew about. Also fuck how the otherworld works in origins

>> No.5233918

>directed and waaaay too calm voice overs
I remember the voice direction in SH2 was purposefully awkward to make the player feel uneasy. Whether that worked or not is a different story, but I wonder if SH1 had similar voice direction with the same intent.

>> No.5233939

i was thinking the same after reading >>5223683

it's significant that harry questions whether what he's experiencing is even real after shifting into and out of the otherworld and several dream scenes... his and cybil's calm detached demeanor comes off as denial or a tranquilized state especially combined with the strange electronic soundtrack

>> No.5233940

also the fact that he is a nobody civilian and cybil is just a small town cop while RE's characters show much more fear despite being military people -- it all doesn't make sense and comes off dreamlike and nightmarish

>> No.5233942

Best horror game ever made.

>> No.5233954
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I don't know why you replied for me but i agree, it finally feels like a Silent Hill game, probably the last one to be so.
Actually the objective of that title was to explain what happened before the events of every SH, thus introducing the cult and Alessa in the most direct way possible; the best part though is that this doesn't exclude the introspection factor, Travis is an important character and the focus is often on him, although in a veiled way. The Butcher himself is what is Pyramid Head for James, and it describes very well the inner nature of this new main character. If you don't like how the Otherworld works, that's debatable; me too i prefer how it was handled on the first three titles, but i also bet that it could've been a lot worse.
Nah, fuck Shattered Memories, that game was ass. The only thing i liked about it was Akira Yamaoka and the impact of your decisions towards the enemies faces, but that's something way too trivial if compared to the bigger scene: the gameplay itself is a monotonous, repetitive mess that is never fun, i wouldn't recommend it to no one... Funny thing, it even dares to "reimagine" the best chapter ever, like if a success so well received needed something like that.