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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5226038 No.5226038 [Reply] [Original]

How would gaming be like if Nintendo didn't "save" the industry? I think it would of gone more towards computers and macintosh.

>> No.5226052
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The "Video Game Crash" is partly-partly-revisionist history. What really happened is that all the cheap knockoffs that should have failed, did so. All the arcades that closed were already in a fully saturated market, so when it was all over, all the fat had been cut and the consumer still had near endless choices. Arcades were still everywhere; etc.

>> No.5226053

Brace for butthurt europoors.

>> No.5226062

...or more productivity, less furries and Sonic-induced autism.

>> No.5228669

i still think the crash is still a matter of perspective.

my favorite are the people who welcome another game crash because they think it'll magically fix all of the ills with the industry.

it won't

>> No.5228701

Street Fighter II probably would have still happened. But possibly without the hearty console market to amplify its already huge arcade success.

>> No.5229474


>> No.5229482


I don't want it fixed. I legitimately want it dead.

>> No.5229525

fix it? burn it to the ground, it's irredeemable at this point

>> No.5229535

ITT retarded burgers that don't know that the "crash" was exclusive to the American home console industry and had no effect on video games as a whole.

>> No.5229540

"What would gaming be like/ how would it be" Check your grammar.

>> No.5229547

Hello 4chan user in the Nintendo timeline. I am writing you from the timeline where Nintendo did not save the industry in America. Things are real bad here. We have to import fun from your timeline, and it's quite a complicated transferring process for our time machines. Please be grateful you exist in your timeline. You can't imagine ours.

>> No.5229790

if wrestling didn't die when it crashed, if comics didn't die when it crashed then video games wouldn't die if they crashed.

it's entirely cynical to think otherwise.

>> No.5229823

What crash? Gaming at that time was perfectly healthy in my part of the world, and many others, at that time. Only amerifats fucked up so hard they nearly sunk vidya in their own territory.

>> No.5229867

>Only amerifats fucked up so hard they nearly sunk vidya in their own territory.
They didn't even do that. It was console gaming that crashed, both computer gaming and arcade gaming was perfectly healthy in America after the "crash".

>> No.5230482

Honestly america and the world had an obsession with tech. Watch old sci fi from the 60s-90s. All it would have took is "the next big thing" to get people interested in video games again. The pace of tech might have been slower without video games to get people interested in programming and inventing tech, but I think eventually we would be where we are now tech wise.

Even with the "crash" people didn't lose interest in video games, but I do think nintendo helped the image of games at the time. Crap games did harm the market and eventually they would have had to lower prices for people to buy the crap. Once video games cost less, you would have a hard time ever selling and marketing them for more (even if they were good games). Making $50 the norm for buying a new game was an important strategy. If you could buy a crap game for $5, you would have a hard time selling an excellent one for $50 at the time. People weren't as tech savvy and you can bet parents would rather buy a kid a $5 game rather than a $50 one.

You can kind of see nintendo fail in this aspect with the Wii, but they had to milk that cash cow and motion control gimmick as much as they could since they really bet on that with the wii.

Interesting topic, made me think about things I didn't really think about before. I have no idea how full of shit I am with this, but it's interesting to think about anyway.

>> No.5230529

I understand your thought, but how could gaming have went any differently? It was and always has been an industry about making money. Companies get better at making money and using predatory practices to milk consumers for every cent they can. I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but do you think there could have been any alternate timeline where gaming didn't end up just how it did today?

I legitimately can't imagine any way it would be possible as long as money was/is the motivation for games. Some indie games have the passion that old games did, where the dev is just nerding out and trying to make something fun, not a best seller. I guess maybe the key to games not just being some soul sucking shitstorm is that, only play games that are good and passion projects. Maybe we should all start making games if we don't like what's out there now? Hell if I know, but it's food for thought.

>> No.5230624

the real problem was every fucking company making their own "console" and Atari seriously misjudging the demand for games, not only ET, and systems. I think the most important lesson the console industry learned from this is that you have to make games work as an excuse to get a new console and not the other way around, which is what was happening in the "Atari" days

>> No.5230717

Games would probably be less of an American thing in general

>> No.5230720


Not sure what the fuck you mean by that.