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File: 91 KB, 405x318, bfw-contra-art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5220256 No.5220256 [Reply] [Original]

>start playing
>5 seconds in
>blow up a car and kill an enemy
>instant slowdown
Do people actually prefer this trash to Contra Hard Corps?

>> No.5220270

Those are both great games, your pretty arguments are beneath me

Also the NES games are more fun anyway

>> No.5220280

>pretty arguments
Agreed on NES, except Force obviously

>> No.5220282

Still the more intense game of the 2 since your time isn't spent standing in place holding the shoot button waiting for a boss to attack so you dodge it and then go back to standing in one place.

>> No.5220518

Only Stage 1 of both games plays like a proper run-n-gun, and then they become boss parades with brief platforming in between.

>> No.5220528

>complaining about things that existed before you were born

>> No.5220557

Sadly you're mostly right though 3 does have more run n gun bits after. This is why NES Contra and post-PS2 Contra are the best.

>> No.5220571 [DELETED] 


>> No.5220602

This is the only contra tier list I’ll ever agree with. If you disagree you can eat a gigantic size bag of monster cock

Shattered Soldier
Hard Corps/Alien Wars
Super C
Contra NES
Neo Contra

>> No.5220609


There's OC to remove slowdown from SNES games now:


>> No.5220654 [DELETED] 


>> No.5220682
File: 56 KB, 1420x946, 11-drake-hotline-bling.w710.h473.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shittered Soldier/Hardbore at the top
Get some tastes

>> No.5220701


Shattered Soldier isn't bad, but it's kind of derivative and the colors are pretty fugly.

My ranking:

1. Contra III
2. Super C
3. Neo Contra
4. Contra
5. Shattered Soldier
6. Contra Rebirth
7. 4
8. Hard Corps
9. C: The Contra Adventure
10. Contra: Legacy of War

>> No.5220759

>Contra Hard Corps
>top shelf
>Best Contra game
pick three

>> No.5221440 [DELETED] 


>> No.5221459
File: 1.25 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like one of the few places it slows down

Also I beat easy the other day

>> No.5221473

it's deliberate slowdown to allow you to savour the drama of the exploding car.

>> No.5221474

beating easy is.... easy

>> No.5221480

>slowdown is there to make the game easier to play
>complains about it
well look at the badass over here

>> No.5221484

Not if you're a clumsy mongoloid like I am.

>> No.5221486
File: 54 KB, 276x279, 1544796816744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slowdown is there to make the game easier to play
This is what Nintendownies actually believe

>> No.5221493

I like Hard Corps better, but whatever.

>> No.5221520

You will get there eventually. Just wait until you see the new final bosses in normal and hard modes.

>> No.5221592

Shattered Soldier is a drab, low energy Hard Corps with zero charm, which itself wasn't great to begin with.

>> No.5221641

Coming fresh out of Easy I made it to the Road Warrior level (4) on my first go on Normal.

I always lose a lot of lives fighting that engine with the swinging legs and trying to destroy the shield generators on the space ship when you're jumping between missiles.

>> No.5221674

Everything has a pattern that allows you to win without losing a single life. Figure out what the patterns are and then memorise them.

>> No.5223093
File: 28 KB, 277x430, tarma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin contra
the chad metal slug

>> No.5223097

Oh yeah, it's fun to push further and further each time while losing fewer lives.

>> No.5223101


>> No.5223276

This so much. I think it was those future Treasure faggots that ruined the 16-bit Contras with that boss-rush bullshit. But really, there were only two good Contra games, the NES ones (minus Force). They took a mediocre arcade game, and turned them into something awesome on the NES.

>> No.5223347

So I just played through Contra, Super (arcades and NES) and Contra 3. Which one is supposed to be the next one in the series? I don't want to go out of order because I have ASD. I don't count the gameboy games because that could cause a mental breakdown.

>> No.5223365

If Metal Slug is so good, then why did they need to copy contra at almost every turn?

>> No.5223369

Hard Corps.

>> No.5223371
File: 771 KB, 1536x2100, 1523802545404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, stupid.

>> No.5223384

Oh right. I forgot about that one. Nice catch faggot.

>> No.5223390

Not him, and I'm neither a segautists nor a nintendrone, but Contra III is probably the hardest Contra game, even with the slowdown.
Hard Corps seems hard at first but then you realize it's actually the easiest one.

>> No.5223398


That's home ports right?


Metal Slug has flashier graphics sure, but every sequel feels like a romhack due to how much they re-use assets. Also, there's no diagonal shooting. Meanwhile, Contra is the superior shooter, and there's WAY more variety in the series, including art style, characters, enemies, gameplay, and stages.

>> No.5223451

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

>> No.5223519

That final boss on hard eats lives like no other.

>> No.5223543

Doesn't count since it wasn't made to be a Contra in development.

>> No.5223564


metal slug is prettier but the gameplay isn't nearly as good

>> No.5223785

another pretty argument idgaf about

only a strange crazy person would not enjoy both

>> No.5223824

What does the cover say?

>> No.5224029

>Also, there's no diagonal shooting
There is with the heavy machine gun and I think the rawkit lawn chair.
I agree that Contra is better overall, but Metal Slug feels like a homage/parody to Contra, at least the first three. I'm sure the devs loved that shit. Also Metal Slug came at a time when Contra was going through a weird period of western devs in the PS1 era.

>> No.5224096

Still better than contra

>> No.5224127
File: 42 KB, 640x400, AMIGGERVANIER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konami should've learnt to not outsource their IPs to westies after the mistake that was Amigavania.

>> No.5224185

Surface level complaints, particularly a lack of diagonal shooting. The game is balanced around 4 shooting directions and the levels are laid out as such, and it's good to have limitations for tight encounter design. Rolling Thunder 2 has no diagonal shooting either but it's a far better game than any Contra. 30 FPS is a legit complaint but then you could just play Demon Front.

>> No.5224190

el goblino?

>> No.5224205


i still prefer contra and super c to those games

>> No.5224653

They never learned, it's what eventually killed Silent Hill.

>> No.5226639

At least silent hill had 1 somewhat decent game come out of doing so, which had no right in being as good as it was. Then again it's still not as good as the original 4 games.

>> No.5226829

There's nothing wrong with boss games. Furi and Cuphead are amazing games, and they're run'n'guns.

I'd much rather play a series of well-designed bosses with interesting attacks than play through slogs of platforming stages where I just move right while melee enemies endlessly spawn from both edges of the screen, or I have to perform platforming challenges with shitty controls that were never designed for platforming (but for dodging). Seven Force from Gunstar Heroes might be the best boss - and the best level - in the entire history of run'n'guns (which I guess starts with either Berserk or if you only count sidescrollers, Elevator Action).

>> No.5226857

There's plenty wrong with boss focused games for a start they are very passive in gameplay style and this is very obvious in Hard Corps and Cuphead where your shots have no effect on the bosses until they die, it's just dodging some attacks they throw at you while standing still and pressing shoot. Especially bad in Hard Corps where the bosses take longer breaks between attacks, it gets insanely boring fast. Furi's a bit better because you have a bunch of mechanics that let you dictate the pace of the fight to an extent but even that is limited and you just end up holding shoot and parrying. Levels don't suffer from this because you are generally free to go fast and play aggressively with higher levels of risk coming with it. Seven Force is total crap compared to a good run n gun level, like the last level of Rolling Thunder 2

>> No.5227310
File: 52 KB, 512x512, apocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they should just be more careful with the devs they choose. Apocalypse and One are good run'n'guns on the PSX.

>> No.5228243

More like Metal Cµck, all graffix, garbage gameplay.

>> No.5228249

cringe contrababby

>> No.5228250

Contra is fucking garbage. fuck konami.
even rolling thunder was better.

>> No.5228338

>even rolling thunder
and just what is wrong with rolling thunder you dope

>> No.5228378

1,3,hard corps & 4 were always my favorites personally.

>> No.5228570

la creatura

>> No.5228847

Shattered Soldier is the best game in the series faggot.

>best story
>best characters
>best OST
>levels have great variety in them
>hit rate give replay value

>> No.5229298

>giving a fuck about story and characters in a fucking Contra game
>implying thematic variety in levels does anything when they're all short uninspired stretches of run n gun that would be too simple even for level 1 of most other Contra games, and look drab as shit
>needing shit like hitrate for replayability when the series always gives plenty of it with 1cc's, no death runs, loops, etc.
And the gameplay is just gay desu, memorize slow as hell boss attacks and stand still shooting. Yawn.

>> No.5229395

Merula how dare you.
Contra 3 is quite possibly the best game ever made.

>> No.5229886

i really enjoyed contra and metal slug anons. Especially contra hard corps with the crazy bosses. Are there more games like that, the more boss focused the better

>> No.5229929

>The absolute state of zoomers

>> No.5231682

Imagine a time where people would play the games and have fun with them instead of starting stupid threads trying to compare games with stupid arguments like a bunch of autistic school kids.