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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 1340x754, the gang's all here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
521313 No.521313 [Reply] [Original]

>Get a mushroom
>Almost immediately run into an enemy and lose it

>Game with sprite flicker
>Occasionally things just disappear and you can't see what you're doing

>Handheld game system
>No backlight
>Trying to play in the dark or out in the sun

>Can't see the best ending unless you beat Super Hard Mode
>Can't unlock Super Hard Mode until you beat Hard Mode
>Can't unlock Hard Mode until you beat Normal Mode

>Old game cartridge
>Battery is dead

>No save feature
>Password is like a page and a half long

>> No.521330

>that picture

that's surprisingly accurate.

>> No.521349

>notice that only /vr/ is actually playing a game

>> No.521352

I thought the joke was that /v/ is the only one who isn't talking about or playing games

>> No.521358



The joke is that /vr/'s brain is permenantly stuck in 1970-1999, /vg/ is a hyper-social douche who loves E-Sports, /vp/ is an excluded furry, and /v/ is bitter.

>> No.521364


The joke is that /v/ is annoyed by his family.

>> No.521372
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, spaghett.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I do agree we tend to be stuck in nostalgia-mode, we're still the only one playing games in the picture.

Vig is talking about SC2, yeah, but he's not doing it. And by 'has a tournament', he means 'to watch'. He is Bronze-tier at best.

Meanwhile, at /v/...
>pic related

>> No.521380
File: 18 KB, 611x967, vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The drawthread from where this picture came from was from /v/ and it happened literally about an hour ago.

/vr/ is a nostalgia-fag. /vg/ is a douche. /vp/ is a furry. /v/ is surrounded by them and doesn't know what to fucking do with his life.

That is the joke. /vr/ was requested to be playing on an original Gameboy only to solidify the fact that he's into retro shit. It has nothing to do with one of them playing vidya and the others not.

>> No.521382

But still, he's the only one actually playing games.

>> No.521383
File: 83 KB, 640x360, vg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All the /v/ boards are brothers and we all play games though.

>> No.521385
File: 1.11 MB, 2239x2274, the gang's all here (except for vp).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But that's not the goddamn joke. It's just incidental.

>> No.521387

So... the joke is all the other boards actually have hobbies and interests and /v/ just sits around?

>> No.521389



The joke is that /vg/ is a dick, /vr/ is a nostalgiafag/, /vp/ is a furry, and /v/ is upset. Quit being a cunt.

>> No.521393


Most people on /vr/ came from /v/. And still go to /v/.

Like me. I come here for retro shit and go to /v/ for modern shit and go to /vg/ for actually, no, I don't go to /vg/.

>> No.521409
File: 292 KB, 613x556, 1366404738788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chocolate Ghost House
>Lemmy's Castle

>> No.521410

I came from /k/, and only went to /v/ while I was waiting for more new posts on /k/. When /vr/ launched, I dropped /v/ like a spicy keychain.

>> No.521419

>Donut Plains 2 and Soda Lake

I play through SMW 100% annually but always dread playing those levels.

>> No.521420


Naturally, there are exceptions. You're a minority.

I like /v/.

>> No.521423
File: 47 KB, 250x250, no5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing /v/ after /vr/ came out

>> No.521429


Fuck you, I want to talk about the new Luigi's Mansion.

>> No.521431
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1333458246938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not talking about games
>excessively bitter
Hello, /v/. Wanna play some Street Fighter?

>> No.521434
File: 45 KB, 467x447, 1327520819112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd tell you to speak for yourself, but I realize you already are.
I came from /tg/, the land of forty thousand catgirls.

>> No.521435


Only if it's Super Turbo.

>> No.521439

They made others?

>> No.521440 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 599x768, v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too fucking bad!

>> No.521446

I rarely go to /v/ anymore. The fact is I love how /vr/ is. I talk about the games I want to talk about, the pacing is excellent in which I can check back every three hours or so and I won't need to look up an archive or anything because I "missed out" on something. It is just better overall.

>> No.521447


There were actually lots of nice /v/ threads and I got a lot of friend codes. /v/irgins are also pretty bro-tier for online play.

It was nice.

>> No.521452

Maybe I've just been lurking at the wrong times, but I like that here it's not just possible to have a normal conversation, it's easy. There are times that I've SO wanted to discuss games on 4chan, cause I really like this site in general. And /v/'s just so blindingly fast, I much prefer the slower pace of here.

>> No.521457

>/v/irgins are also pretty bro-tier for online play

I'll give you that. Killing Floor with /v/irgins is a fucking blast.

However, towards the end of my days on /v/ I couldn't find anything of value. Nothing but /r9k/ /pol/ and /b/ shit as far the eye could see.

>> No.521458
File: 241 KB, 500x375, 1327553459161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a lot of friend code trades with /vp/ when the last set of games came out. I enjoyed the trading/breeding quite a lot. It's a shame my DS got stolen and I didn't have the time or money to get another again.

>> No.521467


Every time I've been on /v/ it's been primarily vidya. I don't know where that joke bullshit comes from.

Lookin' at the /v/ catalog right now I only see a couple of off-topic threads in a sea of vidya and they're only there because the high traffic makes the board difficult to moderate.

>> No.521464

I wish /vr/ was just a touch faster, like /co/.

>> No.521476

Maybe I've been browsing at the wrong hours but when I left /v/ about a year and half ago I could swear the ratio was 50/50.

>> No.521480

wait... is that REALLY where that came from??

all this time I thought /v/ or someone came up with it
this sucks. like when you hear a joke your friend told you on futurama

>> No.521484
File: 35 KB, 498x328, 1291914989676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's faster a few hours ago. This is sleeping-pill time for Ameridarks.

I just went, and it looked like it was all vidya; but maybe this is just me- I didn't see a single thread I wanted to participate in or add to the conversation or was even relevant to something I was interested in for reading purposes.

Hell, there's like 5 'omg phil phish is a phaggot' threads on the front page alone.

>> No.521496
File: 2.71 MB, 350x312, 1356116774988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but it is rather coincidental.

>> No.521508

I would play the SHIT out of that game.

>> No.521523
File: 162 KB, 800x472, darksiders.01.lg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darksiders is somewhat close, believe it or not.

>> No.521538

Darksiders ONE is one of my favorite games. And it is the best Zelda game I've played in ages. However, I think it would be awesome to see Link serving I guess the King of Hyrule as the God Emperor. Killing dem Gorons and Zoras and other Xeno scum trying to keep the Segmanta Hyrule pure..

>> No.521539 [DELETED] 

>an SC2 tournament
Who made this shitty picture

>> No.521546


Well? Phil Fish IS a faggot.

>> No.521559

>an ess see tuu tourney
Please don't.

>> No.521564

Who the fuck actually says ess see tuu instead of the actual name? Nobody fucking does that.

>> No.521568

its strange, i actually am playing games now, when i went to /v/ all i did was call out marketers, and hate vidya, now things are more calm, never going back to /v/

>> No.521572

>a suktoo tourney
Much better.

>> No.521581

Yeah I'm with you. I'm going to 100% DK64 this time. So much of a retro backlog now, I haven't launched Steam once since /vr/ launched.

>> No.521595


>Who the fuck actually says ess see tuu instead of the actual name? Nobody fucking does that.

Yes they fucking do because it's an abbreviation.

You don't look at SC2 and go SKATOO, you know it as ESS SEE TWO. Just like how you don't look at a DVD player and called it a DOOVDE player despite the fact that you know it as a Digital Versatile Disc player.

>> No.521603

one thing i hate about /vr/ is that the amount of autism has risen significantly

>> No.521606

He's saying (and I agree with him) that when I see that I just say Starcraft 2 in my head. So an Starcraft 2 tournament wouldn't make sense.

>> No.521621


Then read the context of the sentence and adjust to yourself accordingly. If you are pronouncing the entire words in your head and it's not a vowel sound then you can substitute 'an' for 'a' otherwise you can read it normally as written. Nothing difficult to learn and adjust about that.

I read ST as Super Turbo because it's Street Fighter but I don't crack a shit if someone writes it as "an/a ST cabinet." I know what they meant.

>> No.521626

Don't get all uppity, I'm just explaining because you did not seem to understand.

>> No.521630


But in the comic the guy says 'SC2'.

'An SC2 tournament' is correct, so...what's the problem here?

>> No.521658

Darksiders is good enough for me, I don't need to mix my grimdark and my zelda. I mean, I have Darksiders already, and it comes with a new world fresh full of new locales, religions, and people. I'd rather have a new setting than rehash something that's already been done.

>> No.521671

B-but...we have to keep Hyrule pure...Don't you want to kill the Xeno Gorons Battle-Brother-Anon-Kun ;_; ?

>> No.521673


No i understand, i just think you and that guy are splitting hairs on something so inconsequential when you can adjust the context of the sentence mentally in your own head.

>> No.521679

I wouldn't mind murdering Ruto a few thousand times. But can we abuse their economy and force them into slavery for the betterment of His glorious empire and all humanity?


>> No.521683

Exactly. 'S' has a vowel sound at the beginning. It sounds dumb if you say "I have a SC2"

>> No.521696

They are hording all the fish! They worship Jabu-Jabu instead of the Emperor. They must be wiped out.

>> No.521731 [DELETED] 

just accept it faggot, your little "joke" isn't flying here

>> No.521758

I'm also dissatisfied with our janitor. He somehow manages to both overdo his job and then not do it nearly well enough.

>> No.521771

He's human. Probably has sleep cycles and even then, mistakes are made.

It could be worse, we could have that camwhore janitor.

>> No.521778


Go back to /b/, you baby.

>> No.521786


Y'know, I actually really like this guy.
"Guy stuck permanently in the 80s/90s" seems really apropos for a board representative/avatar/fuck.

I say we adopt him.

>> No.521793

Yeah, nah. You go ahead, though.
I can't deal with a duckbutt haircut.

>> No.521812
File: 167 KB, 729x487, vr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's /vr/-tan. We've already adopted him.

He's a radical dude who refuses to acknowledge anything that happened after December 31st, 1999. He lives in a timewarp that simultaneously houses all things between 1972 and 1999.

A magical mindset where American arcades are still relevant, Sega vs. Nintendo is a gentlemanly conflict, and Atari is awesome.

Might have some kind of mental illness.

>> No.521813
File: 88 KB, 500x493, the coolest guy in the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it's based on this.

>> No.521820

>Probably has sleep cycles

Somehow I doubt that. He appears to be on here at least 16 hours a day.

>mistakes are made

They seem pretty consistent ones if you ask me. Specifically that he will delete some offending shitposts from a thread, yet leave behind the post(s) that provoked the whole mess so it can come back. Cutting down the tree, but not grinding out the stump, so to speak.

>> No.521819

That I could deal with.
But most of the time when he's drawn, no.
Needs more rat-tail, I think.
Other than that, I'm down with the character.

>> No.521824

Oh, and he sometimes allows console war threads to go on hundreds of replies, but others get deleted in seconds. Plus nothing is done to stop CRT and emulator flame wars.

>> No.521831

Well, we could also not shitpost. There's that.
At what point does a discussion stop being a discussion and start being a shitpost? Having an unpopular opinion, or emulator, for example.

Better they clear the obvious, kill that branch, then let the fruitful branches grow. If it grows that direction again, prune it again. It is a living, organic thing. Stunting it and therefore, the discussion, will only help kill the board.

That being said, I do notice some.. favoritism. But the board's done well so far, and it could be a lot worse.

>> No.521839


I'll never be that radical...

>> No.521838

>At what point does a discussion stop being a discussion and start being a shitpost?

I would say at the point where discussion turns into mindless insults

As in

>The game you like is shit you faggot

Kind of nonsense

>> No.521841

If anything, he should own an arcade because there's almost none left.

>> No.521848

It'd be nice to have him be /v/'s older brother, as /v/ is usually college/highschool it seems. Maybe has his own business, self-enterprising?

>> No.521868

There was a point in my underage where I WAS that radical

>> No.521941

>/v/, /vr/, and /vg/ are all a single person with multiple personalities
>/v/ is the original
>/vg/ manifested through /v/'s innate loneliness and desire for social acceptance
>/vr/ manifested through /v/'s desire for the past and fear of the future

>> No.521961

And /vp/ is the closet furrydom/asperger's?

>> No.521962

Keeping in mind not to let him be too successful.
This is a 4chan avatar we're talking about.

Owns his own arcade. Keeps it open as a business.
The cabinets are all old retro machines from before the turn of the century.
He doesn't make a lot of money because arcades aren't relevant anymore, and especially not a retro arcade.
But he makes enough to get by, and keeps the cabinets lovingly in top condition.

There's something strangely beautiful in that idea.
Like a dying flower.

Or maybe I'm just a fag.

>> No.521969

It's called living the dream.
Having a means of pay and enjoying it,
and having side time to do what you like.

>> No.521993

Got a degree in electrical engineering.
So he could fix/build cabinets/consoles.
Could be making a lot more than he is.
Is pretty happy just doing his thing.
Probably won't pan out forever, but it's okay for now.
Doesn't mention how the business is doing at home.

>> No.522006

Should minor in Computer Science to make delicious retro homebrew.

Older brother to /v/, because of his age. Calls /v/ baldy or squirt jokingly.

>> No.522013

Yes but nobody in real life or in their head says "ess see two". Nobody reads it the way it is written in the comic.

I guess the retarded part is not using "an" in the comic but rather using "SC2" instead of "Starcraft 2" or "Starcraft two"

>> No.522017

>No save feature
>No password feature
>Game is way too fucking long to not have these

Seriously, Plok, what the hell were you thinking?

>> No.522021

>He appears to be on here at least 16 hours a day.
>his moderation is terrible

Well it's obvious that the /v/vg/vr/ moderators consist of nothing but dumb 13 year old kids who have too much free time and simply took on the position because they want the power.

All this shit started when Moot was holding the applications. Seems they did a piss poor job picking out who was best suited.

>> No.522035
File: 69 KB, 600x840, frowny batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Late at night
>Storming outside
>Gotten very far in a hard game with no save or even password feature
>Power goes out

>> No.522037
File: 34 KB, 555x590, I pity the dead who can no longer enjoy this booty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incase no one has; his name is Chester T. Bodacious

>> No.522041

No its not you shut your whore mouth

>> No.522039
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1366090514159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm Nobody then.

.. Aaaaaaand dealt with.

>> No.522046
File: 43 KB, 496x520, 1346480593549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bodacious Bob
>Chester T. Bodacious

>> No.522053
File: 2.00 MB, 313x240, La noire suspect may be lying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is. It was come up with after much deliberation in the original drawing thread.
There were other names, but Chester T. Bodacious stood out among the rest.

Pure coincidence. I totally didn't suggest the name and then immediately name myself Bob the Bodacious Bard on Steam in honor of it, and then started to occassionally use a variation of it on /vr/.

Nope, coincidence.

>> No.522054

Yes, you're nobody. No one ever cared about you.

>> No.522059

Stop talking to yourself.

>> No.522065


>Isn't even an r

Fuck me, except in Chester.

Whatever, fuck you, I'll call me a faggot first.

>> No.522060


There isn't even a v in that name. Fuck, there isn't even an r.

I say his name is Vincent C. Radical. Call him V.R.

The 'C' stands for cool. Cool is his middle fucking name.

>> No.522073

Right behind ya.

>> No.522068

>please use my name guyse its so cool
>also its my steam name and you will all know me by it from now on
>thank god for a slow moving vidya board in which I could create my own popular e-persona

Man I was hoping /vr/ wouldn't suffer the same fate as /x/ and /mu/. At least I have a filter.

>> No.522071
File: 968 KB, 380x262, Endless loop of optimists.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why weren't you there from the beginning? 'Cause that's much better.

There's also an r in Tubular

>> No.522080
File: 1.14 MB, 448x252, Chortling Column Fellows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never know when I posts without a trip
>you will likely agree with me on many points in future threads
>implying I always use this thing

>> No.522095

>The bitter middle child
>Explosive violent temper. Foul-mouthed. Seemingly hates everything.
>Has grown bitter and cynical over time because of the increasing corruption of the video game industry. Is in a love-hate relationship with his own hobby.
>Isn't satisfied unless he's arguing about something. Highly opinionated. Secretly lonely and hates himself for lashing out so much.
>Likes: Arguing, God Hand, the vidya
>Dislikes: Just about everything else (and sometimes the vidya)

>The laidback older bro
>Hates all things modern. Lives in a mental timewarp. Always talking about the good ol' days whether others want to hear him or not.
>Often acts like a character from a preachy after school special. Always reminds kids not to do drugs and don't copy that floppy.
>Always has those 3D glasses. Loves wearing a different vidya-related retro shirt every day.
>Likes: Chillin', pizza parties, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, arcades
>Dislikes: Peer pressure, any game released after December 31st, 1999, truants

>The hyper-social younger brother
>A narcissist who loves to hear himself talk. Constantly talks about the same games over and over and over. Essentially /v/ with a shorter temper and an interest in social networking.
>Well-groomed and charismatic.
>Plays all kinds of games but has a massive boner for E-Sports
>Likes: E-Sports, hearing himself talk, long conversations, dating sims about crippled girls
>Dislikes: Not being paid attention, short conversations, salt

>> No.522104


I'd imagine that /vr/-tan / Vince Radical behaves something like this.

>> No.522107

You got /vr/ wrong.
Since they're supposed to be representations about the boards themselves, /vr/ wouldn't automatically hate modern things. We mention and bring up modern things generally variants of retro games all the time, and still see the good in some.

I also really don't see us as anti-drug or anti-piracy. I mean shit, one of the biggest discussed things on /vr/ is emulation.

>> No.522115

Yeah, so, I guess /vr/-tan recognizes and appreciates remakes of old videogames, and can give commentary about some long-running series (Zelda, Mario, etc), but prefers to stick close to home.

He's probably also big into emulation. Has a cracked PSP for playing old games on, that kind of thing.

>> No.522123


What if he had a cracked PSP that he loved for emulation but felt dirty for using it?

It's always better on original hardware.

>> No.522118


It's well-represented considering that non-retro games aren't allowed here. It shows a clear aspect of the board.

>/v/ shows /vr/ Shovel Knight
>"Oh, dude, this is sweet! I can't believe I missed out on this game. When did it release?"
>"Oh, it's a brand new game."
>/vr/ just frowns.
>Slowly puts down the controller.
>Leaves the room.

>> No.522139
File: 96 KB, 475x536, 1352087220692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not seen another /fit/izen yet

>> No.522143

Never use that image again for a not board-tan related OP.

>> No.522140

Your characterization is a little bit off. It's more like this:

>Bitter middle child
>The autistic SPED kid who at heart hates and doesn't get any enjoyment from video games, but can't quit playing them
>Detests modern games, yet also is unable to appreciate old ones
>Will take any opportunity he can to turn the conversation away from vidya
>Likes: Fights, four-letter words, discussing politics, his feels, and vidya
>Dislikes: Just about everything else (and sometimes the vidya)

>Can be laid back, but often has a visible superiority complex over his younger brother
>Is sometimes easily baited into fights
>Won't use any TV set except CRTs (preferably a Sony Wega)
>Although he claims to love retro gaming, his tastes run on the pleb side
>He'll spend all day debating you on what was the best Zelda game, but if you ask him about Apple II stuff, he draws a blank stare
>Likes: Classic 90s FPSes, Nintendo, Sega, and Squaresoft
>Dislikes: Post-5th gen games, Halo, LCD displays

>> No.522151

He pops an aneurysm if anyone even mentions using ZSNES, and /vg/ has to step in and stop the idiotic arguing that ensues.

>> No.522161
File: 70 KB, 448x419, myjournalhasbeenupdated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way you think.

>> No.522170
File: 101 KB, 800x585, 1363228548319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ should have a cute pet named CRT

>> No.522169
File: 13 KB, 122x339, tumblr_m3sj3bjoJB1qh1xzho1_250[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /vr/'s mascot is pretty much this guy from the burger king advertising?

>> No.522173


>> No.522183


That actually doesn't sound like /v/ to me.

/v/ likes vidya. Feel threads and politics threads are also hated on /v/, if not rampant.

>> No.522176

/vp/ will always try to rape it

>> No.522179

>any of the /v/s
>not fueling idiotic arguing

>> No.522184

>Will take any opportunity he can to turn the conversation away from vidya

But /v/ loves to argue about vidya.

>> No.522196

Evidently you haven't been there enough

>discuss video games
>get saged and flamed
>discuss /r9k/ or /pol/ copypasta
>250 replies

>> No.522197

>/vr/ has a very non-vulgar way of slinging out insults to match his retro appearance

>/v/ calls him a nasty, cancerous smegma-sucking faggot
>"Yeah, whatever. At least I'm not a huge dork."

>/vr/ later profusely apologizes for saying such a hateful thing.

>> No.522203

that's bretty good

>> No.522205


Evidently you haven't.

Because I am looking at the catalog right now. There's a Sonic thread with over 180 replies.

>> No.522208

I'm sure it's quality non-shitposting either

>implying Sonic threads without shitposting can exist

>> No.522215


But now they're both completely unlikable. As if made by someone who hates both boards.

>> No.522223

>this is how /v/ sees the world

I love it.

>> No.522243

I like this guy's /v/. Seems about right.
I don't actually frequent /v/. The few times I've gone there, it's been a shithole.
Vidya DOES exist on the board, but it quickly devolves into arguing and shit.

/v/ goers on other boards tell me all the time that there's good threads to be had, but I never see it. I see the beginnings of good threads and nothing else.

So, this is about where I'd say it is. A guy in an extreme love-hate relationship with videogames, who is bitter and angry. He'll yell and scream and carry on for hours.
The only things he can really talk about without getting into a fury are unrelated to videogames.

But if you call him on it, he'll look at you in surprise.
> "What? No, I love videogames. What the fuck makes you say I don't?"

And every so often, when he plays a good one, just for a moment, you'll see him smile.

>> No.522245


>/v/ insults /vr/
>"I hope you die. I hope you fucking die. You're a waste of human resources. Your suicide would start a national celebratory holiday."

>/vr/ insults /v/
>"Hey bro, I thought about you all day yesterday. I was at the zoo. OOOOOOOH!"
>Then he just starts high-fiving people around him.

>> No.522254

It's so accurate it hurts.

>> No.522259
File: 12 KB, 250x250, constanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can be laid back, but often has a visible superiority complex over his younger brother
Nothing wrong with displaying one's superiority over the unwashed masses.

>Won't use any TV set except CRTs (preferably a Sony Wega)
Blatantly untrue. I would never use a CRT in this day and age. That's old garbage technology. Games may have gotten worse, but not everything else has.

>his tastes run on the pleb side
Speak for yourself.

>what was the best Zelda game
ALTTP > TLOZ > Link's Awakening > MM > OOT > WW > TP > SWS > Zelda 2

>Likes: Classic 90s FPSes
Not really. I never liked FPSes much, however, early-mid 90s FPSes were at least somewhat decent compared to the shit they've been spewing out since the late 90s.

Well, they used to be great.
Not so much any more.

Have they ever made anything decent other than the first 2 Sonic games?

Meh. They had a golden period in the SNES era (FF4,6, Chrono Trigger), but other than that they're not that great. Since the late 90s, they're as shitty as it gets.

>Not mentioning Capcom and Konami, some of the greatest game developers of all time

>Dislikes: Post-5th gen games
Even most 5th gen games were shit, and 6th gen was actually a major step up for most genres. A notable exception was JRPGs.
And with great games like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls rivalling even some of the old 90s greats, at least _something_ good has come out of the later generations.

>> No.522260


>/v/'s gotten to the point where he has a strange phobia of having fun. It scares him and he's constantly looking for a way to sabotage it.

>/v/ plays Sonic Colors for the first time
>Calls 911
>"911, what is your emergency?"
>"I'm playing a Sonic game and I'm having fun!"
>"...Sir, this line is for emergencies only."
>"Oh, sorry. I'm playing a MODERN Sonic game and I'm having fun."
>"S-...sir, I don't thin-"
>"Ohgod, I just got the Rocket power-up, it's so cool! I don't know what to do!"

>> No.522262


>Not any more

This is /vr/. Who the fuck cares about what they're doing nowadays?

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls

I liked it better when it was called King's Field.

>> No.522267


>Zelda 2
>Not the best Zelda game

You giant pleb.

>> No.522272

>/vr/ goes down to the police station to bail him out for misusing emergency services
>"We had this talk, dude."

>> No.522271

>Who the fuck cares about what they're doing nowadays?
Good point. Yes, they were great in the past.
Pretty much every company that isn't From Software is shit these days, and I'm wondering how long that's gonna last.

>> No.522276


>This continues to escalate
>/v/ just gets angrier and angrier with everything /vr/ does until he's making literal death threats

>"Hey, lil' bro. If I needed a brain transplant I'd ask for yours. Y'know why?"
>"...Y'know why?"
>"Hey. Hey, bro. Y'know why?"
>/vr/ slides in close
>Whispers into /v/'s ear
>"'Cause I'd prefer one that had never been used."

And then /v/ would strangle him.

>> No.522273

You're an unlikable cunt and remind me more of /v/ than /vr/

>> No.522279


But the Souls games aren't even hard.

>> No.522281

That's what I thought, but then I started playing old NES games that were supposed to be really hard and found them to be even easier.

>> No.522287

It's a good game, sure, but definitely not the best. It's got some of the most fun combat of the series, but it's so far reaching from the standard of the other games it feels out of place. LttP has some great world design, solid gameplay, though I feel it's a bit shallow at times. The original is my personal favourite, if only for the on-your-own exploration and sense of accomplishment you feel for discovering everything that the series has deviated further and further from as it's gone on.

>> No.522284


Nah, not even /v/ dickrides From Software that hard.

Or admits that Capcom is good.

Or ignores JSR.

They also have a giant boner for Fire Emblem: Awakening, the new Luigi's Mansion, and arguably, KI: Uprising.

>> No.522289


When's the last time you ascended in Nethack or beat Wizardry IV?

>> No.522292


It's not retro. Go ask /v/.

>> No.522293
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And Bios Hock.

>> No.522290

What's JSR?

>> No.522296

He should also have at least mild ADD, because as you've noticed, this has already started to derail into a Zelda thread.

Also fits with the 90s aesthetic.

>> No.522294

Never played either of them, and probably never will. I'm not much into RPGs anymore.

>> No.522302

>but if you ask him about Apple II stuff, he draws a blank stare

That's only partially true; there's a lot of posters that are blatant "I'm so vintage!" hipster teens that post here and only talk about entry-level retro stuff they probably heard the Grrl Gamerz talking about over Tumblr or Facebook, but I wouldn't say that's the majority.

>> No.522306

Bios Hock sucks. I played it for an hour or so, then realized it was basically just a very slow and infernally boring FPS.

>> No.522313


ADD and ADHD were the "OH GOD MY CHILD IS KINDA WEIRD, I GOTTA FIND A DISORDER TO PIN THIS ON" conditions of the 1990s, like autism is now.

>> No.522314

Jet Set Radio. It's a game for the Dreamcast, released in 2000 so technically not /vr/, but that's never really stopped anybody talking about it.

Despite the 1999 restriction, it's safe to call the Dreamcast a 5th gen console in retrospect, in my opinion. I'd ask on /q/, but I think its already been established by the mods that Dreamcast stuff is a-okay.

>> No.522320


Literally all sources list the Dreamcast as a 6th gen console because that is what it is.

>> No.522324

The /v/ one is accurate, but even this very thread shows that /vr/'s is inaccurate. It's more like:

>I don't trust the look of this ruffian. Let's go, good sirs, before this vagabond robs us

You missed the point about the games. There are thousands and thousands of old games, but /vr/ doesn't stray from the mainstream.

Yes, we know that the Souls games come from King's Field. At least I hope... if you don't know that, then you don't belong on a board based around old games

However, King's Field has always been shit. At least the Souls games have good fighting mechanics

>> No.522330

I thought the first one was okay. The plasmid powers were pretty creative, but it was otherwise slow, and the twists were so choreographed you could see them coming about an hour beforehand.

Infinite's the same, only the powers are less creative and the game relegates them to window dressing.

Never played 2. I got a copy for free with Fallout New Vegas, of all things, and have never bothered to even unseal it.

>> No.522331

>Jet Set Radio. It's a game for the Dreamcast
Oh, that. I saw someone streaming it once a few months ago, but never hard of it before that. Didn't look that great.

>> No.522337

>I don't trust the look of this ruffian. Let's go, good sirs, before this vagabond robs us

So /vr/ is leddit?

>> No.522341

>There are thousands and thousands of old games, but /vr/ doesn't stray from the mainstream


Eat a dick.

>> No.522348
File: 24 KB, 419x499, 1352076736317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... you said it, not me

>> No.522349

It's a pretty decent action platformer about vandalising public property. Most people like it because the cel-shading was novel at the time (and still looks pretty decent now) and the soundtrack is really varied.

If you don't like early 3D platforming, you'll probably not be swayed by it, but if you do, it's well worth a play.

>> No.522345

>There are thousands and thousands of old games, but /vr/ doesn't stray from the mainstream.
I'll happily play any game, if it's actually good. I'm guessing the reason people generally discuss fairly mainstream games is because back in those days the mainstream games were actually good (and I guess video games weren't really exactly mainstream at all in the first place), and they were what people played when they were kids and therefore know of.
I'm sure I've played the occasional obscure and non-mainstream game over the years, but they're usually not anything worth discussing.

On that topic, did anyone ever manage to beat FBI Fred?

>> No.522346

Those were both done by 2K, I think, which is why they'd be packaged together.

>> No.522347


>Doesn't stray from the mainstream

/vr/ taught me about fucking Dragonstomper.

>> No.522352

>>I don't trust the look of this ruffian. Let's go, good sirs, before this vagabond robs us

Please never type that crud again. This is a retro vidya board, not a faggot board.

>> No.522357
File: 188 KB, 468x339, 1285121773506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see how you can't enjoy taking every speed boosting gene tonic and caving a Splicer's head in mid-stride with a pipe wrench at every opportunity.

>> No.522353

I think New Vegas was published by Bethesda, but was distributed by the same guys who distribute 2K games (in the UK, at least), so I presume they just had a bunch of unsold copies in the warehouse.

>> No.522362


That's all nothing but flashy presentation.

In the end Bioshock is just a casualized System Shock.

I'd rather just play SS2 again. Infinitely more satisfying and well-made.

Also getting sick of retarded, forced Shyamalan-esque plot twists and 'cinematic experiences'.

>> No.522368
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Part of that is, because we are an internet culture, we have shared experiences that even many 'gamers' of that era wouldn't necessarily.

For example, I rented Mischief Makers. I was the only one in the store who ever did. The cashier had made note of this, and brought it up repeatedly. No one I met in person had even heard of the game before.

I come on /vr/, day one, and everyone knows about this game I tried on a whim and put my rental money out on a limb for so many years ago. What seems 'mainstream' on this board may not have been at the time.

>> No.522369

Yeah, funny that. I actually played System Shock at a later time, and found that unlike BioShock it was actually very good and unique, and the music is amazing.

>> No.522371

I'm not talking about ancient, obscure games, I'm talking about expanding beyond Chrono Trigger and Doom. It feels like /vr/ has played no more than fifty games

As readily available as these games are, there's really no excuse. And if I'm gonna debate about a game with someone, I want it to be on its qualities, not their personal memories about it.

>This is a retro vidya board, not a faggot board.
Not everything is as advertised.

>> No.522380


I completely agree.
I didn't even play many retro games before this board was created, but since the quality of discussion is incomparably greater here I've played through lots of games that I never got around to playing before and loved them.
This board has reinstated my enthusiasm for video games.

>> No.522383


I beat Sunsoft's Batman on NES.

Or is that also entry-level?

>> No.522385

>I want it to be on its qualities, not their personal memories about it.
Of course. Memories are not debatable.
I won't deny that I've played and enjoyed many games as a kid that, looking back at it, were just plain objectively bad. However, I won't argue that they are good.

>> No.522390


Yes, and that's all there is to say on the matter.
There's no actual discussion.

>> No.522393

could some one add /mu/ to this like off in a corner obviously being ignored yelling "VIDEO GAME MUSIC SUCKS, CHIPTUNES SUCK, YOU ALL SUCK!!", I know /mu/ isn't exactly related to the video game boards, but that always happens when ever video game soundtracks are brought up.

>> No.522392


I loved both System Shock and Bioshock, personally.
Bioshock isn't exactly mentally engaging, but it's fun.

>> No.522403

>And if I'm gonna debate about a game with someone, I want it to be on its qualities, not their personal memories about it

I agree. Nostalgia circlejerks have nothing to do with the game itself. What do I care that you had your first gay experience playing Perfect Dark at a sleepover?

>> No.522407

How about instead draw /a/-/jp/ throwing trashed comics and shitting down the chimney because they decided to make /v/ and /vg/ their personal shitposting and circlejerking ground.

>> No.522412

Like with the Dreamcast rule.
It won't hurt to add the only console that is in between

>> No.522415

>If you don't like early 3D platforming, you'll probably not be swayed by it
I guess not. I never liked 3D platformers back then. I played SM64 at a friend's house, but the clunky controls, boring gameplay (compared to previous Mario games) and general mediocrity put me off to it. After a while of seeing only unimpressive titles in that generation, I just assumed pretty much everything on PS1 and N64 would be similar 3D crap and never even bothered to pester my parents about buying either of them.

>> No.522416


That happens whenever any music is brought up on /mu/, but yeah, they generally take a pretty negative stance on OSTs of any kind.
In their defense, if you're having a discussion of your favourite albums I would take a dim view of someone who chips in with the Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire OST.

>> No.522417

why not combine both ideas, lol

>> No.522429

>That being said, I do notice some.. favoritism

Towards what in particular?

>> No.522434


It's not in-between. It's a 6th gen console.

>> No.522435

true, but I have seen seperate threads made for it and some still goes in and shitposts trying to prove that /mu/ only talks about "real music" not that shitty video game bleeps and bloops man

that being said, I actually like /mu/, I just thought it would be funny

>> No.522447

5th gen console gaming is weak in general. PC games of the period were so far above their level it wasn't funny.

>> No.522445

How did it compare hardware-wise with Ps2, Gamecube and Xbox?

>> No.522461

I think the Atari 7800 is the single most mixed-up console. It was pre-NES technology, it was designed to play 2nd gen kinds of games, yet its commercial lifespan took place entirely within the 3rd gen era.

>> No.522462


Gens have nothing to do with hardware.

They are generations. They are chronological. The Dreamcast was Sega's 6th gen console.

The Gameboy and Gamegear are both 4th gen handhelds despite the Gamegear being leagues ahead in terms of graphical capability.

>> No.522467

Yeah, I'd have to agree. I ended up pretty much completely switching to PC after SNES. And then in the late 90s, after my old SNES broke, I discovered emulation and played SNES games on PC as well.

>> No.522468


There are a lot of edgy teenagers on /mu/, it's true.
They listen to Trout Mask Replica twice and decide they're King of the Patricians and can dictate opinions to everyone.

>> No.522481

>implying that any of those have remotely similar hardware either

all of those systems vary wildly in both the type of hardware they use and how much power they have, you are just doing ye olde straw man

>> No.522478

go back to /v plz

>> No.522482

I never went there, and I'm not about to start.

>> No.522493

It's not that we talk about entry level games, it's that we ONLY talk about entry level games. When someone creates a thread about a game that doesn't pop up in IGN's top 100 games of all time, it dies a quick death. And there's no excuse for that when it takes less than five minutes to try out these old games.

And of course Batman on the NES is entry level. You probably had it as a kid, right? But what about Shatterhand, another great Jaleco NES game. I actually played it very recently because of a thread on here, a thread that died after about 15 posts.

It's like the only games /vr/ wants to play or talk about are games that they remember as kids. Perhaps it's just growing pains, but as I always say, things can't grow and evolve without criticism.

We really do too much reminiscing. It's fine to get nostalgic about your memories with your friends and family, but we're all anonymous here. Are we even going to remember the childhood stories of Anonymous Poster #701345? Wouldn't it be better to get into the nitty gritty of a game and attain a deeper understanding of it

>> No.522495

Why? Don't they only discuss new shitty games there?

>> No.522491


I think you'd fit right in around /v/, but basically what we're saying is go away, you're annoying.

>> No.522492

PC games from the Windows 9x era (which was parallel to the 5th gen) were like a hand-crafted luxury car while console games were the equivalent of a Chevy Cavalier. Ugly, generic, mass-produced, and not particularly put together well.

>> No.522498

you are one of those people that only know of /mu/ from what you hear on other boards, aren't you?

>> No.522514

>Shatterhand, another great Jaleco NES game. I actually played it very recently because of a thread on here, a thread that died after about 15 posts.
Well, maybe if people make threads about it here more people will play it, and it will become more popular.

>> No.522515
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No, I go there daily.
The amount of "stop liking what I don't like" and obsession with having "good taste" in music is appalling.

>> No.522519

>It's like the only games /vr/ wants to play or talk about are games that they remember as kids

It's not like that. Even if you bring up a game you had as a kid, it won't get any replies unless it says Nintendo, Sega, Square, or Konami on it.

>> No.522524

>Pitchfork threads

But there's some good there. I got into drone thanks to /mu/, or rather the drone that was already in my likes became aware of it.

I wouldn't suggest anyone go there, though. You sort of need to decide when you're ready for that sojourn yourself.

>> No.522525

>You probably had it as a kid, right?

No. I never owned an NES. I didn't start playing NES games until I was in college.

And yes, of course I've played Shatterhand. It shows up on NES recommended lists all the time as an overlooked game. It's okay, if not highly derivative of Sunsoft's Batman.

>Another great Jaleco

But I said Sunsoft.

>> No.522530


It's great for finding new music, but listening to anyone's opinion is a hilariously bad idea.

>> No.522536

>not Capcom
>not Sierra
>not LJN

It's like you're on some other board. Are you sure you're not browsing /an/ instead?

>> No.522546

The 90s (and especially after the event of DirectX and Windows 95) were the period where PC gaming reached a high level of art. One can see potential in 80s games, but the technology then was too limited to really have AAA titles.

>> No.522564

I never see threads about square games other than FF games, and I never see kanomi threads at all

>> No.522565


Have you not paid attention to the multiple Popful Mail threads recently?

Or any of the /vr/ gauntlet threads?

>> No.522575

>Or any of the /vr/ gauntlet threads?

The Gauntlet threads are not a bad idea since they force you to move outside the Nintendo/Square/Sega axis and experience something different.

>> No.522580

I think you are completely missing the point of his post, he wasn't even saying they were bad

>> No.522591

It's like I said, the threads just die. Even threads based around old hugely successful DOS games don't last long because only richfags had computers back then. Which is disappointing because I'm trying to catch up on all the old DOS games that I missed from growing up a consolefag, and that's what I want to talk about now

The thing about Shatterhand is, of course, the OP said "I loved this game as a kid!" The reason why those games from those huge publishers are talked about so much on here is because EVERYBODY played them as kids. And that's what I mean, it's like /vr/ is trying to live up to the nostalgiafag moniker that hounded people like me, who genuinely prefer the old design principles, on /v/

So you're the exception. But I'm not saying that the entire board is like this, I'm just pointing out bad habits. I don't know who you are, so naturally I'm not criticizing you personally

>> No.522604

/ck/ here. I now have boards that represent both of my life-loves.
I tried going to /v/ once, but everyone was exceedingly unpleasant to one another, so I didn't bother posting.

>> No.522618

>It's fine to get nostalgic about your memories with your friends and family, but we're all anonymous here. Are we even going to remember the childhood stories of Anonymous Poster #701345? Wouldn't it be better to get into the nitty gritty of a game and attain a deeper understanding of it

Why can't the board be about both? The two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.522669

Because one is based around emotion and the other is based around logic. Maybe they're not mutually exclusive, but they are two very different discussions entirely

>> No.522701

>Sega vs. Nintendo is a gentlemanly conflict
that was never the case though, go through some old bbs archives from the time period, it's jut /v/ with different systems

>> No.522703

Well, I'm sure the board can handle TWO different types of discussion.

>> No.522709

But it doesn't, and that's my issue

>> No.522776
File: 15 KB, 290x265, 1365424195329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So make threads about discussing these games.
If you sit and bitch about it in other threads no one's going to talk about them.

Nobody's talking about R-Zone either, but I'm not losing my shit about it.

>> No.522814
File: 14 KB, 286x400, ferret bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> people honestly hating Bioshock
You guys severely disgust me sometimes.

>> No.522892

>So make threads about discussing these games.

I do, but that's not the point.

When did the idea formulate that to criticize something is akin to bitching and crying? Imagine if there were no criticism in, let's say, the fiction world. Everybody's writing novels and they're all shit, and when someone finally says "wow this book is bad," someone else runs in and says "stop crying and write something better."

Why is criticism such a scary thing? It would make sense to point out how my criticism is wrong, but to CRITICIZE criticism itself is foolishness.

It's not a very good game. Every game mechanic in the game, aside from the stupid camera, is a severely dumbed down version of its parent in System Shock 2. So it wants to focus on shooting things, that's fine, but the "gunplay" feels horrible and lacks tactile feedback. It's fun the first time you play it because of the atmosphere, and it's a lot better than Infinite, but it fails when under scrutiny.

>> No.522906

I came from /pol/ after a slow day of shitposting Aussies. I never lurked /v/, only visited to see what people were bitching about nowadays. I like this board so much; it's interesting and friendly.

>> No.522965


It's a poor mans SS2. I enjoyed the game due to the environments, but everything else was seriously lacking.

>> No.523046

>6th gen
Time takes priority over gen

>> No.523053

To me, it was a simplified (but a hell of a lot more appealing) SS2, and i don't even think the simplification was a wholly bad thing. Bioshock kept the pace fast while giving you a lot of detail if you bothered looking, SS2 was a neverending trudge through similar corridors backed by a neat story.


>> No.523240
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I'm surprised we haven't brought out the storyboard, and arranged a hilarious cartoon series based on the video game boards.

>> No.524292

I posted on /v/ a few years ago, but I pretty much stopped going to 4chan altogether after I gave that up. Then one day I happened to randomly check on the site out of boredom, and lo and behold there was a new board being advertised. Now I come here all the time.

>> No.524465

I came here from /vp/

I never liked /v/, and I only went to /vg/ to talk about games I wanted advice on/people to play with

>> No.524543

HA! I get it! Because they are all the same guy

>> No.524628
File: 115 KB, 432x576, 1363744667653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I came from /vg/ to /vr/ because I went to /v/ once and learned that nobody actually liked vidya.
>I only went to /vg/ for the /dsg/ community
>mfw this is the only board I can actually talk about my favorite hobby

>> No.524993
File: 44 KB, 400x519, JS0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in brland we had this gaming magazine with this totally rad dude named JOE STICK

look at him, just motherfuckin look at him

>> No.526310
File: 44 KB, 616x2624, worth it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys what's up

>> No.526629

I came here from /mu/, the land of the eternal tripfag orgy. Never regularly browsed /v/, only visited very occasionally.