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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 109 KB, 256x307, MystCover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5209168 No.5209168 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on myst. is this an actual playable interactable game or is it one of those bs sega cd video cd games

>> No.5209169

It’s an atmospheric point and click puzzle game

>> No.5209180

It may come as a shock for you, but i must let you know that there is a powerful weapon called Google. This day and age you can also watch videos took directly from the game itself... Also, we don't use the term "redpill" here, or at least the best users try to avoid that kind of wordings.

>> No.5209189

Ignore the onionbois OP. It's basically a piece of software (emphasis on software, rather than game) they tossed in with Macs to demonstrate the capabilities of the hardware back in the day

>> No.5209219

Adventure game. There is a difference.
The village idiot thinks he's a gatekeeper. "We" think that's cute.

>> No.5209225

It's a game, I don't like it though

>> No.5209326

makes sense considering the amount of copies i see at thrift stores. reminds of me of the gt3 they stuck inside ps2s

>> No.5209365

I recently went back to play ps2 racing games, just a bunch of garbage. Played through a bunch only ridge racer 4 was any good. Ridge racer is the best racing game on any older console. Nfs hot pursuit comes in a close second

>> No.5209380


The game that killed adventure games.
Inferior aesthetics, music, interaction, characters (lol), etc than what came before it.
But since it was bundled with CD players and multimedia PCs and had photo-realistic 3D graphics (lol), normies glommed onto it like flies to shit.

>> No.5209407

>ignorant and bluepilled

>> No.5209707


>> No.5209829

Ok, first of all idiot Google will come up with the typical hive mind results - maybe he's looking for some different opinions.

Second, he's trying to encourage actual discussion about a retro game. Go back to your ten different console war threads if you don't like it.

Third, you're not smart or insightful for being the first jackass to spout "hurr try google bazinga" - you're just being asinine.

Fourth, if you're going to police other people speech, make sure you don't precede it with a paragraph of obnoxious, inane bullshit.

>> No.5209839

UPVOTED ! :haha: :twichemote:

>> No.5209847
File: 28 KB, 450x375, gallery_2_3_453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is an actual game. Boring as fuck to some people, but still a game with goals, puzzles and three endings.

>The game that killed adventure games.
Are you sure that wasn't the 'maple-syrup cat fur moustache to use the passport of the NPC who hasn't even got a moustache' and other retarded and nonsensical puzzles?

The aesthetics of Myst are far superior (in my opinion) to those of Sierra games (and indeed, to LucasArts games too). I enjoy the surreal landscapes, isolated atmosphere, and lush chill music.

It sounds to me like you just want to wander around picking up items and clicking on the funny cartoon animals who say their silly speeches until you click on the right animal and the right item in the right order to solve your puzzle.

I'd rather trip around an environment without the annoying NPCs, solving puzzles that go beyond combining items and fetching items for NPCs, using hints for those puzzles that have been left in the environment (which I enjoy exploring, because it is laid back and not full of flashing lights).

That bundling is why it was the best selling adventure game, not the merits of the game. I know a lot of 'non-gamers' liked it, but lots of people got bored and confused by it.

You are only feeding him. We can all see he is an idiot who doesn't want to actually talk about anything.

>> No.5209971

Considering it was never released for the Sega CD I can confidently say it's not one of those games

Many of the puzzles are unsolvable for the typical neo/v/let who grew up with hand holding game play or pointing and clicking randomly until something happens. It's probably one of the worst "how was i supposed to know" chain of frustrations a person with no problem solving skills could inflict on themselves.

>> No.5209980 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 1600x1071, rageface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Now go back to your home board of >>>/pol/

>> No.5209989


>i'm a liberal zoomer: the post

>> No.5209997

It's barely a game. You flip two switches and win.

>> No.5210017

ridge racers alright but i really have to give it to wipeout for exciting and fun gameplay. although the only car games ive ever truly enjoyed are nfs underground and the later gran turismo games

>> No.5210021

Just let mods take care of the shitposter instead of dignifying them with a response. In the future just report and move on.

>> No.5210075
File: 24 KB, 480x360, there is only one matrix movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>don't use the term "redpill" here
Speak for yourself.
The Matrix was a good movie.

>> No.5210090

I tried playing this game a few times back in the day. It really tested my patience, I think because there was so much lack of movement. There was a 3d remake (like first person shooter-style) and I remember playing a short demo of it and thinking it was a hundred times more engaging, although it didn't look as pretty.

>> No.5210096

The first game looked photorealistic in 1993 on the crappy CRTs of the time. The sequel, Riven, is still worth playing because the world building and detail put into every corner of the design is incredible, and all of the puzzles tie in with the environment beautifully.

>> No.5210152

It's playable, realMyst (both versions, although I like older version more than the new one) - even more so, but the real deal is Riven. THAT's what it's all about. Treat Myst pretty much like a prologue chapter of sorts. Also, after finishing Myst and before starting Riven, you could read Book of Atrus, it's surprisingly decent overall and quite memorable at places. So, like, you do Myst/realMyst, you maybe then give a book a look, then you finish off with Riven.

>> No.5210158

The matrix was about a bunch of black people trying to find the one white person who could solve all their problems for them.

>> No.5210273
File: 85 KB, 639x361, 6c424621b7fc2b7e7dd1a761b7a0273d77f4606a963bb50beee8a5c021534988_product_card_v2_mobile_slider_639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myst 3 was the best in the series. You could tell what the puzzles were and didn't need a guide to tell you what the point was.

I've read some other the book series. The lore is that it's an infinite universe, so everything exists in any combination. Not a multiverse, Just 1 really big one. There was a civilization called the D'ni and they lived really long lives. They could create link books to whatever world they could imagine. From one perspective they shape the worlds, but from another it's just a coincidence that a world of their imagining actually.

The D'ni civilization is supposedly wiped out. There were a lot of corrupt power hungry people among them and they basically destroyed themselves. Kinda. They had migrated to Earth at some point, but in a giant dome cave miles beneath the surface. they knew humans lived above them but they didn't mingle.
I can't remember all the details but the cave filled with poison gas I think and everyone died. A girl made it to the surface and married a human. Atrus was their son, who is the reoccurring character in the Myst series.

>> No.5210278

Nice reddit spacing, bro. Could you be any more upset?

>> No.5210283
File: 187 KB, 543x332, myst-98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have the internet as a child. So I filled a notebook up with clues. I tried every combination for the Fireplace.

I was a little disappointed the game ends there. And foolish that I didn't get the point of the game.

>> No.5210348

>we've been using the tern "redpill" for at least two summers

>> No.5210413

>good movie

>> No.5210432
File: 652 KB, 1600x1788, srslyfuckoffyounegroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh... redditor don't you want to go...
Back to the land of 4chan, to my sweet home...

>> No.5210471


tthe matrix is a good movie but if your gonna watch it again, consider this...

the rogue agent smith is the one, not neo, the oracle even declares to neo that he is not the one, agent smith is the anomaly that the architect describes, agent smith is the one that was born of the matrix, he even calls the oracle mom. it was agent smith that was capable of destroying the machines and the matrix, neo only saved zion by way of an accord with the machines to destroy agent smith,

the issue of neo using his matrix powers outside the matrix is down to the fact that the "earth" and "zion" are another level of the matrix designed to give people the illusion of a choice, the belief they have rejected the matrix, the less perfect matrix being more acceptable to the human consciousness, another pointer that "earth" and "zion" are another level of the matrix are the recurrence of the spoon from the boy in the oracles apartment, in the later film... and the fact that the architect states they been through the whole scenario several times already and became quite efficient at it

its worth a rewatch.. like watching the usual suspects when you know verbal is kaiser soze

>> No.5210653

>Ok, first of all idiot Google will come up with the typical hive mind results - maybe he's looking for some different opinions.
Then use a different search engine instead of taking his word literally thinking you can only use Google.
>Second, he's trying to encourage actual discussion about a retro game. Go back to your ten different console war threads if you don't like it.
You mean (YOU) say you're trying it because in reality you just made this thread just for the sake of more shitposting. Projecting your desire on others doesn't prove you right you know.
>Third, you're not smart or insightful for being the first jackass to spout "hurr try google bazinga" - you're just being asinine.
The only one acting 'asinine' is you because he hurt your feelings by doing something rational instead of merely looking for attention instead of starting a discussion - wait wasn't that what you assumedly wanted? Oh wait ...
>Fourth, if you're going to police other people speech, make sure you don't precede it with a paragraph of obnoxious, inane bullshit.
Anon just because someone makes a comment about your post doesn't mean he's 'policing other people speech'. Besides if nobody replied to you then you wanting any attention would've failed and that's why you made this in the first place.

How about you sit in a corner and try to think before you write nonsense next time.

>> No.5210875

I don't like the game
HOWEVER there's one thing that you can only experience by playing it: You do feel like you're in that creepy mountain island. Can't explain why, maybe it's the atmospheric sound, subliminar messsages in the graphics or something. You have to try it.

>> No.5211598

whats the best platform to play it on?

>> No.5212234
File: 231 KB, 335x323, 1509220536951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using paragraph breaks isn't reddit spacing dumbasses.

All of your points are garbage and hinge on the assumption that I am OP.

OP made a thread to discuss a retro game - 'durr try google next time' isn't a smart or insightful comment. He is looking for retro video game opinions on the retro video game board.

In fact - you have the exact same shitty style of tryhard humor and broken English that the original idiot did. You being so quick to hurl accusations of samefagging makes you all the more suspicious....

I understand that you were trying to be funny, but shutting someone down like that for starting an on topic discussion is actually pretty toxic.

>> No.5212267

>1-2 sentence(s)

>> No.5212275

Bitch shut the fuck up unless you wanna talk about Myst. Fucking retard.

>> No.5212294
File: 1.06 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you play

>> No.5212306

The absolute original? Probably on a Win9x machine or in Linux under WINE.

I think one of the remakes works on Win7 and 10, but that's a fully 3D remake and is different.

I dunno I guess you could try the Nintendo DS port that exists for some reason.

>> No.5212512

That's a good one.

>> No.5212627

Honestly classic mac os is miles better than windows 9x, if a game is available on it i will choose it over windows. People judge old macs based on the company now but os 7-9 is rock solid and has aged well compared to 9x

>> No.5212631


What the fuck, OS7 and 8 crashed almost as much as ME. Those were terrible systems.

>> No.5212636

Best video quality is allegedly the 3DO, but I think for all intents and purposes GOG is the way to go, legit or not. It's up to you whether or not you want the og myst or RealMyst - I haven't played the later but it looked a little strange because I was used to the slideshow style of Myst.

>> No.5212705

>a sentence is a paragraph
wew lad

>pretty toxic
le back to le reddit

>> No.5212720

Talk about retro games or shut up.

>> No.5212729

I have os9 on that old beast. Never had a problem but th n don't use it intensively.

>> No.5212732

Shut the fuck up fag, nobody cares what you have to say

>> No.5212861

i played realmyst a short while ago and found it rather novel as i remembered the slideshow action of the original

>> No.5212932

>he accuses me of something so that means I can do the same thing to him!
Well that's no promising start ...
>OP made a thread to discuss a retro game
No he made that to shitpost just like a lot of morons like to do on this site. Learn the difference.

>'try google next time' isn't a smart or insightful comment
Who says it's supposed to be an intelligent rebuttal? It's only an observation that can easily be made by anyone who's been on this site for longer than a few days.

>In fact you have the same exact same shitty style of tryhard humor and broken English that the original idiot did, you being so quick to hurl accusations of samefagging makes you all the more suspicious ...
Not only is this a lot of projecting (it is simply hilarious to call my english broken if your grammatical skills are as bad as that of an ESL) but you also make a lot of assumptions that are even more ridiculous than in the post you replied to. You really have no idea what you're saying do you.

>I understand that you were trying to be funny
I wasn't but you definitely are a funny guy.

>shutting down someone like that for starting an on topic discussion is actually pretty toxic
Hmm ... so you and OP keep throwing around buzzwords that only newfags on other boards like to say like 'redpilled' and 'toxic' while posting off-topic garbage, both images and text and I am supposed to be the guy who's shutting down 'on topic discussion'? Sure, buddy. Sure ...

>> No.5213362

>Talk about retro games or shut up
>Doesn't talk about retro games
So you're going to shut up now? At least here. You can spew whatever you want back on your containment board.

>> No.5213839

Damn you're really stupid.

>> No.5213891

Just came back to say fuck you. I wanted to talk about Myst with anons who'd played it before, but you needed a place to be autistic so the thread's all yours now.

>> No.5214808
File: 3.46 MB, 3225x2156, Myst 3do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3do version is pretty sweet. Myst doesn't have pixel hunting, so moving the cursor with a d-pad ain't so bad.

>> No.5214824

It's nice to use the wasd movement and mouse-look to find a nice spot and chill, enjoying the scenery. But really, for playing, I use the old method navigation.

>> No.5214873
File: 29 KB, 511x515, 1544480747820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is genuine autism.

>> No.5215373

Imagine getting this assmad because your yet another myst thread turns to shit like the rest

>> No.5215513

This is fucking autism.

Stay mad that I'm calling you out for being a shitposting bitch. You have nothing to contribute, so don't get angry when anons put you on blast. No one thinks saying "use le google" is cute or funny - it was obnoxious and off topic when you posted it and you digging your heels in is worse.

Dude, I'm sorry. He was a faggot from the first post, got called out for it, and tried to derail to cover up his embarassment. It's fine- we all know who's to blame for ruining this thread - and it's the idiot with the reddit "use le google" sense of """""humor"""".

>> No.5215846

I played the game when I was only 8 or 9 and found it really challenging. got stuck about an hour in and gave up on it

aside from that I still think its a decent game.

>> No.5216723
File: 280 KB, 1280x480, original_filtered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a higher quality version of the Making of Myst? Compared to the DVD quality of the making of Riven, the making of for the original feels so scrappy. I understand that Cyan was limited by technology so they had to encode at a horrible quality, but was there no proper release in the years to come?
I even thought about filtering the shots to possibly increase the level of clarity and quality. It's pretty laborious and I have doubts whether to continue considering that audio can't be fixed.

>> No.5217287

I don't know what's worse. You thinking there's only one shitposter ITT or you thinking you're not the biggest shitposter ITT.

>> No.5217293

If you go in blind, knowing NOTHING about the game, it's actually pretty fun to figure everything out on your own.

Overall an above average game for sure.

>> No.5217314
File: 865 KB, 781x1000, you_are(nt)_here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an inspiration to many, which means it will seem cliché.
Play it if you're intersted in state-of-the-art for an earlier decade. You're already here in /vr/ so I'm guessing that works for you.
and, like older adventure games, keep pen and paper nearby to make notes.

>> No.5217942

Myst sucks balls my dude

>> No.5219332

Fucking kill yourself you pathetic virgin faggot. Jesus fucking Christ seriously.

This. ALL of this. THANK you.

>> No.5219340

When you're done whining like a pathetic virgin cunt as well please go back to Tumblr. Thanks you absolute faggot. Kys.

>> No.5220003

Whether you're the original "Google" commenter digging his heels in, or defending him for some god awful reason - you are objectively defending shitposting and acting like an obnoxious jackass.

>> No.5220008

It's a classic. Worth playing so you can get the full experience when you play Riven.

It was the top selling PC game of the 90s.

>> No.5220009

Most of the puzzles in this were pretty easy. Story is kind of meh but has some good moments, throughout. Very disappointing and stupid final puzzle. Overall a solid game but nowhere near the masterpiece that is Riven. Although to be fair no game could follow that up.

>> No.5220014

The only one here defending shitposters is you defending yourself

>> No.5220015


It is a real game, look up realMyst if you can't handle the sheer oldness of Myst 1, but 2 3 and 4 are really beautiful games

Play 1 through 4 and then stop, don't worry about the plot after that, you should understand why by the end of 4

Don't play Uru unless you're really enjoying the series

>> No.5220085

I bet you like LucasArts "guess what random bullshit Ron Gilbert finds funny to progress" crap.

>> No.5220587

Everyone laugh at this faggot.

>> No.5222747

>everyone laugh at this new kid in town faggot
Cmon kids. Lets keep this shitshow moving

>> No.5222802

You're late to the party, anon.

>> No.5222887

Keep digging in your heels and crying because you got put on blast.

We all are anon.

Did you have a stroke?

>> No.5222941

Not gonna lie, I really didn't enjoy Myst as a kid. I had already played The Journeyman Project Turbo on my 486, so the idea of pre-rendered graphics on PC didn't really wow me. It didn't help that Myst was a bit on the crashy side, or Win95 for that matter. I thought it looked and sounded nice, but really didn't care.

Getting realMyst years later, I really enjoyed it. Some of the puzzles were clearer in 3D than they were with pre-rendered images, and you really got the feeling of exploring a bizarre dream-like world. Channelwood alone is far less of a hassle in 3D. And the linking book room in Stoneship is easily one of the coolest places to hang out in a 3D videogame.

>> No.5222943

I didn't have Myst, but I had the vaguely similar Dragon Lore, and yeah, the graphics just weren't that impressive. They were soulless and flat. The emptiness of them did have a sort of atmosphere, sure, but I certainly preferred more traditional games.

>> No.5224087

>let me get one last underage shipost in