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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 100 KB, 96x96, evilgrin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
520602 No.520602 [Reply] [Original]


Please READ this FAQ before posting, some stuff here is very important!
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/AfQkPem3
Doom setup tutorial for newfags:
Steam Group:

Discuss wads, stories, projects, servers, ask for recommendations, suggest ideas, etc; don't be shy, we're here to help!

We have many projects going, and if you want to share your maps or join in whatever thing you may want feel free to do it.

Remember, to join the /vr/ servers, you should get Zandronum
Standard passwords for /vr/ servers: vidya, vidyagaems, videojuegos
If these do not work, ctrl+f the server name.

We have an IRC channel too

irc.zandronum.com #vr
password: vrtroopers

For singleplayer, use GZDoom SVN builds. vid_renderer can switch between software and OpenGL so you don't have to install zdoom as well.

This is a begginer's pack someone kindly put up for everyone
IWAD Pack (40 MB) (Contains Doom/Doom2/Plutonia/TNT/Strife/HeXen/Heretic/etc)
Doom Pack (200 MB)
MEGA PACK (1 GB) (w/mirrors)

Let's get Dooming!

>> No.520630


>> No.520638

What's more annoying to deal with, Revenants, Flying skulls, or chaingunners?

>> No.520654

At range, chaingunners. Up close, Revenants. When using rockets, Lost Souls.

>> No.520682


I always found Revenants more dangerous at distance, especially if I'm not out in the wide open. Up close, circle-strafing was pretty trivial.

Now chaingunners, those suck regardless.

>> No.520687
File: 403 KB, 1440x900, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_010906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Releasing a test version of my map. Still highly incomplete (~10-15% done at this point), but what's there is fully playable. I'd like feedback on the gameplay, specifically if players feel there's enough health/ammo throughout the level.



-The map is Zdoom/GZdoom only. Co-op support is planned, but an actual Zandro version will come after I finish the map.
-The map has mainly been tested on UV. It SHOULD be fine on lower difficulties, but I admittedly haven't given them nearly as thorough testing.
-What's here represents an early section of the map, with a focus on ammo conservation. Try to use the chainsaw/your fists to save bullets when you can.
-There might be some visual glitches in the map, I've been having a few headaches with them. A couple of slime trails in the dungeon area can't be fixed, so if you see those, don't worry about 'em. Anything else, please let me know.

>> No.520703
File: 92 KB, 909x616, problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found a problem

>> No.520704

There's your problem

>> No.520708

Update your ZDoom, it's highly outdated.

>> No.520713

Yea, just went back and had a look, i was suprised

>> No.520723

Forgot one things-

-You'll know you've finished when you find the glaringly-out-of-place switch that says "YOU'RE WINNER" when you press it.
-The absolute latest version of Zdoom might have an issue with one of the 3D floors in the lava area. Ignore that if it's missing visually, or just use GZdoom. I know it works in r4214 of Zdoom.

And happy ripping & tearing.

>> No.520730

>August 2010
Jeez man, do you not use zdoom that often?

>> No.520745

I don't really update it until it stops working

>> No.520794
File: 255 KB, 1024x640, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_153146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to admit, i'm getting real jealous of anything with bigger weapons then me right about now

>> No.520838
File: 142 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_014022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone there?

>> No.520847

Well guess what it's doing.

>> No.520849
File: 130 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_014213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" Containment systems offline "
uh oh

>> No.520857

What wad is that?
I'm stuck on my laptop so I can only play DOOM and I can't quite play multiplayer because mah mouselook doesn't work when I'm stuck with a touchpad.

>> No.520858
File: 189 KB, 456x628, 1345947583297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.520861
File: 124 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_014405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" Security breach, containment systems offline. "

>> No.520864
File: 760 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-04-23 16-28-38-96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/oom recommend for map packs?

I have some 32-in-24 ones that were recommended by Impse, namely the ones that won Cacowards (3, 7, and 11), but that's about it. Is there anything else noteworthy? Namely I'm looking for some Invasion maps, though some other good 32-in-24 wads certainly help

Pic is relevant if you're running a 32-in-24 pack with CTF maps but without loading skulltag_actors and skulltag_data, just sharing this since I was just about to ask about this but found a solution

>> No.520870
File: 234 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_014546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliens Colonial Marines TC
This is actually really scary

>> No.520887
File: 146 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_014712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more static mixed with screaming
>garbled voices saying something about aliens

>"There are a bunch of predators in the jungles here, a couple of teams down."

>> No.520920

Alright, just finished it (i think), it's rather good, but my main complaint would be, until you get the shotgun, you're reliant on your pistol or melee to get through a horde of enemies, using melee leaves you open to get attacked by others, and pistol really doesn't have an effective enough stunlock to keep you alive with the unforgiving lack of health around the place, either you need to place more health for people who screw up, or give a new weapon earlier.

But that's just my opinion of the matter, there are plenty of other things you could do too.

>> No.520923
File: 84 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_015128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking around in jungle
>suddenly laser pointers to my head

>> No.520928

Remember that the chainsaw and berserk fists are your friend. And that I may have to put in more health items if folks are having trouble.

I can add a bit more health. I'm also thinking about adjusting monster placement to make it a bit more fair since I expect the player to rely on berserk fists & chainsaw usage through some parts. Any areas in particular that felt too unfair/unforgiving?

>> No.520935
File: 344 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_015544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha, faggot.

>> No.520948
File: 150 KB, 1024x640, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_155628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These areas with the doors that have windows were really nasty, you lose a lot of health while abusing chainsaw swag or fighting off the imps in general, simply because some jackass with a shotgun was looking out the window at the time, and you can't deal with both at once.

I wouldn't say that any area was too unfair though (i did manage to get through it), it just needs some tweaking to make it a bit less of a savescum.

>> No.520981
File: 644 KB, 1440x900, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_001740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly newer version of doomtra, has a couple fixes and replaces two more enemies with non-hitscanning versions. The SS Nazi is especially... fun. A picture just doesn't quite capture it, you have to play it for yourself.

Sorry about not updating, the semester here has been ramping up and I've been busy with other things. This is a small update but it feels almost like a complete product now with DoomtraAddon.

Get it here:

Like usual, LMK if you have any suggestions or found any bugs.

>> No.520986

Yeah, I don't want players to have to resort to savescumming to get through a section. Just feels cheap by then. I'll adjust the area so the player will have a chance to lure Imps away from the cones of fire of the zombies in the cells so you don't have to deal with both at once while RIPPING AND TEARING.

>> No.521007

Updated the pastebin

>> No.521023
File: 66 KB, 449x554, tomoko05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join samsara invasion
>fuck bitches sideways as parias
>hoard potions in between rounds so I can chug them during fights
>this and some ninja moves pulls me out of impossible situations
>everyone dies except me
>don't know if everyone else wants me to keep going or suicide so they can play
>fuck it I'll keep it up til I die, which shouldn't be too long
>circle strafe and spam hammers, whittling away at all the absurdly powerful palette swapped demons
>eventually beat another damn wave
>Oh my god I can do this I'm really doing thi--
>fall down a pit and pierce my holy ass on some spikes
>oh well at least everyone else can play now
>realize that the server has been empty for about ten minutes

I'm sorry.

I am so, SO sorry.

>> No.521054

You could take it a step further you know, make Contra themed maps, change all the enemies, and the skins, and make a full TC

>> No.521073

That's an idea that's been knocking around for a while now, but I am no artist so I haven't committed to it.

>> No.521135
File: 151 KB, 1280x573, doomin1993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone hear of that new doom game? It's pretty cool and a lot like wolfenstein 3d...

>> No.521138

May I ask what the deal was with the /pol/ map from the last thread? I only started checking these threads out a couple of days ago, so forgive me if I'm not fully aware of everything.

>> No.521145

Mainly that it released, and was a blast to play. Folks had been anticipating it for a few weeks and to see it HAPPENING was a bit of an event.

>> No.521147

Shit happens buddy, don't sweat it.

>> No.521152

A few weeks ago, an idea was created- to create a wad themed around 4chan maps. It took off, and two have since been finished- one for /tg/ some time ago, and one for /pol/ just today.

>> No.521156
File: 80 KB, 778x576, 1336238641479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take hours
technology has come so far

>> No.521158
File: 19 KB, 320x200, wolf3dtitle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...we should try this for some deathmatch fun.


It's apparently very accurate to the original game. Even the secrets and horizontal doors work right.

I've always wanted to play some Wolf 3D co-op and DM.

>> No.521165

have the /tg/ one?
I couldn't get it first run

>> No.521168

In the FAQ is a pastebin with a list of PWADs made by /vr/, the /tg/ map is there.

>> No.521169

All /vr/-related Doom mods can be found 'ere - http://pastebin.com/yStXE2qx

>> No.521175

You can find it here:

And I'm the one that made it, so feedback is always awesome.

>> No.521198

When did you guys start dooming?

I started in 1997, when I was 5. Never stopped playing.

>> No.521207

Around 1999, when my dad deemed that I was "old enough" to play the more violent games that he had.

'Course, back then I liked Quake more, and I still do mostly. But that's when I first played Doom.

>> No.521223

I would guess late '96 or early '97. Can't pin down an exact date since I randomly found it on the 'net. Played through the shareware version of Doom 1, then managed to snag some sort of "trial version" of Doom 2 that was supposed to stop working after a month or something, but ended up breaking it by burning the program to a CD so I could reinstall it anytime it triggered the end-trial thing, which I think just corrupted the .exe. Even then, it wasn't long after that I discovered Boom and other source ports, and I don't think I had the problem anymore after that.

>> No.521227
File: 14 KB, 256x223, doom-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNESdoom was good at the time for me
then later I played 64

>> No.521231

Probably around 1999, I remember being in at least second grade

I used to be so scared of the monsters killing me in the game that I would never play without god mode on

>> No.521251

1999. I was five as well. And I too have never quit if I was able to play it.

>> No.521259

I remember trying to play Doom on a 386SX. Even shrinking the screen size to smallest, it still lagged pretty badly. I think even the smallest size I got it to in Zandronum is still twice as big and clear as it was back then.

Then the 486 DX/2 (actually an AMD part) came out and oh baby that was full on hard core speed demon city.

Can't remember for the life of me when I got into Doom exactly, probably around 93 or 94 since I remember having a lot of shareware disks back in the day. I do recall asking my dad to get Doom 2 in floppy form from Computer City back when they were still around. The original Doom I think a friend later brought over and installed the full version, I wound up buying the full game direct from id once I had checks available to me.

>> No.521292

Gentlemen there's a HUGE bounty on finding out the murderer!
Please join us @ /vr/tual bois solve a murder mystery! pass vidya

>> No.521304

>implying you aren't the murderer just trying to lure me into your icy clutches

>> No.521320

but but there's free pizza/cookies involved!!

>> No.521361

I started sometime around 1998 when I was 5 as well. Started with the PSX port, and found out about it being a PC game years later.

>> No.521363


>> No.521378

I started with it as PC game, cause I was the youngest of 4 siblings, and my eldest brother happened to be hugely into computers.

>> No.521394
File: 384 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130422_215344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing a Doom64 Cooperative server
"/vr/ Doom64 Cooperative"

pass vidya.

>> No.521489

1994, at the age of 7. Parents never got around to using computers for games.

>And I'm the one that made it, so feedback is always awesome.
That crusher room is really brilliant, because it's so unexpected.

>> No.521502
File: 45 KB, 320x200, 1366238698694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No answer yet?

>> No.521517


Play Stronghold dude.

>> No.521519

I like av, dv, cchest series, coffee break, and epic 2 to name some off the top of my head.

>> No.521591

Play eviltech.

>> No.521686


Just downloaded these. Thanks anons

>> No.521708

What we should do is help you. I'm an incompetent asshole else I'd have already done something. Combining your mod with the contra map was exciting.

Does anyone have any ideas? I'll use my sub-par mapping skills to help because I would love this.

>> No.521728

Play h_phobia.wad. It's pretty decent.

>> No.521738
File: 20 KB, 211x246, 1358870101662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 people sitting happily in a room, one of them the murd
>suddenly two people converge on one person and stick him in a corner
>they then brutally beat him to death and go after the only other guy left
>after he's dead one of them shanks the other

>two people playing 20 questions on the other side of the map while the murderer gets lost in a carnival looking for them

>> No.521764
File: 431 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130422_235210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to everyone who came down and put the beatdown on some monsters in Doom 64.

>> No.521780

I'm glad I left for that map. I wouldn't force that map on an enemy.

WDI is great but sometimes it's all wrong.

>> No.521784

Yeah, I've played that map like 4 times now and I still haven't seen all of it. It's just too big, it's like 3 maps rolled into one. It's really well made, but just... too fucking big.

>> No.521805

Populate it with monsters; you now have to deal with imps and demones along with the murderer.

>> No.521872
File: 1.96 MB, 265x200, 1364989181963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>players kills each other in crossfire and create drama


>> No.521946
File: 1.60 MB, 468x360, SimonCame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.522004
File: 2.17 MB, 286x210, No.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.522014
File: 64 KB, 558x515, 1366179295929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.522027

how to join ?

>> No.522028


>Monsters have Hellcore-grade deadliness

>> No.522034

read the FAQ

>> No.522078

everybody is gone

>> No.522092
File: 67 KB, 964x829, oh my god jc a- what the hell jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shame.

>> No.522116

>Doom 64 on Zandro
Where do I download this wad?

>> No.522171

http://www.doom2.net/~doomdepot/abs-download.html had an installer but I had no idea what wad to pull from it, so I dug up a wad called 'doom64.wad' and threw it up on a server.

It should automatically download if you try to connect.

>> No.522193


Join me on the Doom 64 /vr/ server.

>> No.522248

I updated the pasta.
Slow day today, eh?

>> No.522256

Isn't Absolution Doomsday only?

>> No.522374

Yes. It runs off it.

>> No.522395

Its slow in the weekdays. Its not unusual

>> No.522402

You removed the tripfag list?

>> No.522410

It's the pasta, not the FAQ nigga.

>> No.522423

i cant into reading. im used to see you update the FAQ i forgot you also made the OP

>> No.522420

We have a tripfag list?

>> No.522426
File: 747 KB, 248x200, 1332050555091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>semi shitposter
Well that's fun.

>> No.522430

A list of like 5 or 6 important tripfag is in the FAQ

>> No.522441

Ask faqqet

>> No.522436

Well why am I on the list then?

>> No.522449


When the hell did I say that?

>> No.522442

It's a quote from you.
Because reasons.

>> No.522443 [DELETED] 

Faqqet why the hell am I on the list.

>> No.522460

A while back, actually. Before I got a trip, I think.

>> No.522472

While were on the subject

Tfw not in the FAQ

>> No.522471

Well shit I probably was saying that during the joke about making a list of things that derail doom threads.

Or in the IRC.

>> No.522483

You know someone's bound to pop in claiming that the threads "glorify trips" and then we're suddenly the r word.

Just a thought.

>> No.522485

>then we're suddenly the r word.

>> No.522497

It's that word that you can't use because spam filter.

>> No.522506

No clue what youre talking about.

>> No.522516

I seem to be having troubles loading the pastebin. Am I the only one?

>> No.522517

It rhymes with geddit.

>> No.522527

It loaded perfectly for me.

>> No.522531

Scratch that, pastebin doesn't seem to be working at all.

>> No.522550

I tried both and they worked perfectly.

>> No.522556

I mean pastebin, as in the entire website isn't loading for me.

>> No.522561

In the previous thread someone pointed out how many doomers are aware of all the tricks concerning to traps in maps.

I beg to differ. The /pol/ map tricked me hard with the Shrektastic room, I could predict the rest of the tricks and traps in the map, but that one took me by surprise entirely

Also, we NEED more maps pulling something similar to the blue key trap in E1M3 (lights going out after picking the item)


Pastebin works for me too, try clearing your cookies or wait a few minutes. Don't worry

>> No.522572

>we NEED more maps pulling something similar to the blue key trap in E1M3 (lights going out after picking the item)

Have you tried this map? (>>520687) It's got a little something you might be lookin' for. (Also fishing for more testing anyway, so feedback is welcome)

>> No.522574

I'm honestly surprised the darkroom trigger + something even moderately dangerous isn't used more.

>> No.522593

Considering vanilla Doom is full of little traps like that I suppose everyone has it in their heads not to use them.

I play vanilla so often I get paranoid as fuck.

>> No.522613

Updated trip list
Impse !!9/alULWmsW5 - Creator of "SO YOU WANT TO PLAY SOME FUCKING DOOM"
Ingame - Impsie

DoctorAmazing !!DCngmDqLwuj - "In charge of being a fucking retard"
Ingame - DoctorAmazing (?)

Faqqet !!eXWI4KmYM/D - Creator of this FAQ (hi) and some wads
Ingame - Marrub

mapbro !z5coofV3Hw - See: name
Ingame - mapbro

CZ !XLyQ6rVpc. - "Semi Shitposter"
Ingame - CuddlyZesbian
Just added ingame names (because some are different) and replaced LOOK AT ALL THESE GUTS with mapbro because

>> No.522642

I'm flattered to be on the the list. Shame I don't really do much to show progress other than the odd screenshot or two.

>> No.522647

That's a whole lot more than some of the other people on the list contribute.

>> No.522670

Is it possible to have sliding doors (real life doors) in any of the doom ports like you could in Build? I always hated how it was impassible to create a realistic map for this game because of this only detail.

>> No.522679

Hell, A lot of mappers today like to think the only obstacle should be the enemies, with occasional damaging floors. It's a shame, really. I miss the creative traps we'd see in 90's/early 00's maps.

>> No.522680

I guess.

Yeah, you can make sliding and rotating doors but they're fairly limited, you need to use ZDoom or a ZDoom derivative.

>> No.522676

I would love to make maps if it weren't for limitations beyond my control.

>> No.522683

You know... I don't think I've ever killed a Mastermind with anything other than the BFG.
I just realized it because the map I'm currently playing has thrown like a dozen at me but also enough energy cells to always end them in a moment.

I imagine that fighting it with rockets would be terrible.

>> No.522687

Yes, read up on polyobjects.

>> No.522690

I know it's stupid to ask this but how do I get an announcer in zandronum? The default one doesn't work and I tried putting the skulltag announcer in the /announcer folder but it doesn't work.

>> No.522694


who cares

>> No.522693

Skulltag can use that? (or whatever is the best mod so your wad can be played in coop with friends online)

Can you post a example on youtube, tutorial ideally

>> No.522704

I find it boring to use BFG on the bosses. I only use it if I really have to.

Circlestrafing with supershotty/rlauncher/plasma is more fun to me.

>> No.522706

Rockets wouldn't work too well because spider masterminds are immune to the explosive damage so theoretically rockets only do 20-80 damage.

In Barrels o' Fun I used the Spider Mastermind as a meatshield against the arachnotrons, whittling down its health then stunlocked it with the chaingun.

>> No.522707

>Can't remember for the life of me when I got into Doom exactly, probably around 93 or 94 since I remember having a lot of shareware disks back in the day

First FPS game I ever owned was the crappy SNES port of Doom. Of course I thought it was brilliant until me and a friend played the original on his dad's 486.

>> No.522716

You're lookin' for Zandronum, and by virtue of it being based on (G)Zdoom, it has polyobject support.


>> No.522714


Oh man, I feel your pain; I actually moved the ST one in the Zandro folder and I renamed the file. And it worked for me

>> No.522721

What did you rename it to?

>> No.522720
File: 13 KB, 185x185, Zandronum announcer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.522728

>immune to the explosive damage

Its actually the splash radius they're immune to. Direct hits still do full damage.

>> No.522725

wasnt Skulltag the best for online? i used to play WDI in skulltag. Has everyone moved in zandroum?

>> No.522736

did anyone finally implement real-time lighting in any of the ports?

>> No.522739

Basically, Zandronum is Skulltag. Developer drama happened and most of the ST team split off to create Zandro.

>> No.522746

I know that,it's the same with the Cyberdemon.

I usually just skip the one in Barrels o' fun.

It's hardly a boss when it's this common. It's also not an option to take my time with them right now.

Most of my BFG shots are on Archviles though, fuck those guys.

>> No.522751

That's what I mean, a direct hit would still only do 80 damage maximum to a cyberdemon or a spider mastermind.

Slightly related, doesn't it bother anyone else when they call them "spiders"? They don't even have 8 legs.

>> No.522752


I checked the folder again, I actually deleted the Zandro announcer and put the Skulltag_98a_announcer in the same folder




What >>522739 said. Plus, it didn't helped so much that everyone was playing the same goddamn mods every goddamn time

>And to be fair, nothing has changed at all

>> No.522761

>It's hardly a boss when it's this common.
You do realise they're called boss enemies for they're ridiculous hitpoints, along with actually being bosses in the original doom, right?

>> No.522765

>deleted zandro announcer
Oh, I guess my install (I used the portable version) doesn't come with the announcers by default.

>> No.522784

that isnt the maximum direct damage

>> No.522779

On the topic of announcers, I really liked the older announcers from Skulltag like 97d and 96f.


>> No.522790

Do you think it's possible to make interesting maps with even smaller restrictions than those of Congestion 1024? Like 512?

>> No.522793

I downloaded Zandronum, clicked get servers but im getting 0. Do I have to open any ports?

>> No.522803

Not to my knowledge, are you sure your firewall isnt dicking around?

>> No.522804

Someone made a Congestion 64.


>> No.522808

This is how Rlauncher works:

20-160 (direct hit)
0-128 (blast radius)
148-288 (direct hit + blast radius)

>> No.522815

It was my firewall lol

>> No.522819

I have played that up to the map where you have to wait 5 minutes. I mean, maps that are not you enclosed in a room that is just double the dimensions of the player.

>> No.522834

I consider a boss to be the climax of a stage or game. The finale where your mettle is tested.

Not the 14th enemy of it's kind in a vulnerable position right next to just the ammo you need to kill it in one go.

>> No.522838


By the way,is it MAP14?

>> No.522839

it always is.

>> No.522848

BTW i read in some of the thread you can rename you .exe so that it starts on -fast

how do?

>> No.522849

Oh, my mistake. Sorry.

>> No.522847

Yes. I believe so.

>> No.522857

>I consider a boss to be the climax of a stage or game. The finale where your mettle is tested.

Thats what they were in doom 1.

>Not the 14th enemy of it's kind in a vulnerable position right next to just the ammo you need to kill it in one go.

Thats more the fault of a lot of custom maps we get nowadays. They were still pretty rare and troublesome in doom 2/final doom (Though "Go 2 it" being the exception)

>> No.522865

>Thats what they were in doom 1.
I know that. We all know that.

>Thats more the fault of a lot of custom maps we get nowadays.
That's what I was getting at. This map is making them into cannonfodder.

>> No.522876

Ive downloaded Zanondrum, installed and joined a server. Video is a fucking disaster, image is distorted as fuck

>> No.522919
File: 154 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_103029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god what
also I know I'm probably an idiot but I put 98A_ANCR.zip in my /announcer folder and it does nothing

>> No.522931

What map are you playing, btw?

>> No.522940

you have to select the announcer from Player Setup

>> No.522956

I'm on map 18 of Alien Vendetta.
There are some really nasty/bullshit moments in these maps but it's pretty ok.

>> No.522964

I can't, the only options are Default and None

>> No.522982

Try extracting the zip.

>> No.522989

Why not just use the quake 3 announcer? All other announcers sound retarded.

>> No.522995
File: 267 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_104922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking shotgun animation
This mod holy shit

I'm the greatest gunslinger of all time

>> No.522998 [DELETED] 

>tfw the amount of trippers is dramatically increasing

Do you really have to let everyone know who you are, you special snowflake?

>> No.523006
File: 129 KB, 1360x768, DOOM0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to beat this level with only 7 hp at the start because i took the secret exit like a retard.

But yea, i managed.

>> No.523007

I use mine for convenience. If I weren't making maps and if people didn't want to ask me about progress I wouldn't be using as trip.

>> No.523010

What's the name of the mod?

>> No.523016
File: 254 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_105520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shooting Monsters with Guns.

No, really, that's the name.

>> No.523014

Wait, don't reply.

Remember I mentioned here? >>522483

He's trying to stir shit up.

>> No.523015
File: 281 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_105412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is horribly wrong with my arms.

>> No.523021

Now, things like this I can understand. Letting people know about updates of what you're doing, sure. Maybe hosting servers, sure.
But some people just have trips just for the sake of lettings others know what they're playing and don't actually contribute anything.

Oh, so I'm not allowed to disagree. Clearly I must be a shit-stirrer. Okay, then.

>> No.523027

Not youre just avant-garde tactitool.

>> No.523029

youre just doing the same thing snake does with a knife and a gun, only with 2 guns

>> No.523034

Well I was trying to google the Quake 3 announcer for zandronum, and I found http://pastebin.com/4A6hQiQU

Yes, that's exactly what you are.

>> No.523039


didn't you know, anon? you must conform to the hivemind.
play zandronum and zdoom.
use mouselook.
get a trip.
do not question anything.
opposing opinions is terrible.
conform conform conform.

>> No.523041

If you want to discuss our trips go to >>>/q/ and link the thread, we dont want that kinda stuff here.

>> No.523048


I agree wholeheartedly, but it's really not that big a deal. If anything, the fact that they trip mean they're easier to ignore. You can easily identify people who're douches and people who aren't.


And this is exactly why you'd want to ignore them.

>> No.523057

I'm not really sure what you'd expect me to do aside from linking and thread and saying "Th-these guys are u-using trips! What do you think about it?". Which is practically guaranteed to A: Get no answers, and B: Cause a shitstorm over there.
I much prefer asking where there's actually a chance of getting answers that isn't "tripfags for le leddit lulz".

>> No.523063

this isnt doom related.
It doesnt belong here.

>> No.523074

>where there's actually a chance of getting answers that isn't "tripfags for le leddit lulz".
You'll get the exact opposite. You'll get omg troll shitstirrer ignore report and move on guys seriously. And then the topic will derail for 60 posts discussing how to handle trolls.

>> No.523080

I use mine because I made the FAQ and pasta, that's it.

>> No.523081

Tutorial about how to Timidity++ (and .sf2) in Doom


Now, some sf2 fonts that I recommend

http://www.zophar.net/utilities/soundfont/final-fantasy-5-soundfont.html (Currently testing, sounds great)

>> No.523114 [DELETED] 

You tripfags are going to be what gets us booted to /vg/. Calling it now.

When that happens, I hope you all rot.

Sage because tripfags are never on-topic.

>> No.523115

Okay, so, you contributed by making a pasta. Wouldn't the best times to trip it be when you're actually updating it and adding more information to it, rather than saying what wads you're playing and how super-fun they are?

>> No.523121

But I do update it and add more information to it.

>> No.523135
File: 6 KB, 579x132, Im_a_glorious_winged_fagget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.523137


I laughed harder than I should have.
It's funny because it's true.

>> No.523152
File: 1.73 MB, 340x213, 1334032286862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Eric and Terminus are in here causing shitstorms then.

That's really fucking great, especially seeing as how they're the same faggots that start shit when I post about something.

Fucking wonderful, I hope they're proud of the inevitable derailing #5284

>> No.523153

Yes, I'm...aware of that. That's what I'm asking. It's far better to use it for updating than going on about the Aliens TC.

>> No.523154

Im starting to wonder why its any fun to derail a thread that has the attention spawn of a kitten on cocaine.
What's wrong you dont like challenge?

>> No.523158
File: 70 KB, 570x960, 71429_560211697335716_644166631_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evry1 calm pls
there's literally nothing to this argument aside from "you have a name with a thing on the end. clearly you are at the other end of the sexuality spectrum".

>> No.523160

The only reason I use my trip all the time is laziness, guess I'll try to be less lazy now.
They're just joking around.

>> No.523161

>So Eric and Terminus are in here causing shitstorms then.

Christ, are you really this fucking paranoid? They're said on IRC they don't like it THEY MUST BE SHITTING UP THE THREAD

>> No.523162


>They're said
>They are said


>> No.523165

They're not helping.

>> No.523167

I have said nothing on the topic, I don't really give a shit beyond "It's weird, oh well".
Please keep me out of your shitstorm fantasies, thanks.

>> No.523170

They aren't hurting either.

>> No.523171

Please refer to >>523165

>> No.523174

It's not even an argument. I'm just asking questions, really. If someone else wants to say I'm trolling or stirring up trouble or whatever, hey, that reflects more on them than me.

So you're really that concerned what people say on IRC instead of in-topic?
The only one causing a shitstorm here is you.

>> No.523175
File: 97 KB, 500x596, Cacodemon eat Cacodemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523178

>They're not helping.
You're not helping.
Shut the fuck up about what's going on in IRC.
It's not what's happening here.

>> No.523184


Do you really have this much of a hate complex for them? Why don't you sit back, relax, drink a nice cup of shut up and let's have some nice Doom discusson?

>> No.523186

Well I'm sure as hell not the one who posted >>523135

>> No.523189
File: 7 KB, 241x216, 1366174944778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523198

>especially seeing as how they're the same faggots that start shit when I post about something.

Do you have any proof, or is that just rampant and unfounded bullshit?


Oh god, that's fucking adorable. Sauce, please?

>> No.523204
File: 1.85 MB, 240x190, Stop it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this bitching and moaning over nothing

Come on.

Instead of all this petty, /v/-tier bickering, how about we post more stuff like >>523175 ?

>> No.523210

It was in the picture pack that was in the OP i cant find it right now though.

Idk if faqquet removed it.

>> No.523217
File: 335 KB, 720x1038, doomguy riding cacodemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523219


Look for Doom pics in pixiv

Also https://twitter.com/88alice

>> No.523223
File: 118 KB, 685x600, 1364894912996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523220
File: 9 KB, 387x429, =3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523221

I accidentally removed it, but I can't really find a place for it. The FAQ isn't suitable and the OP isn't really either.

>> No.523226

The choice is clear.
Put it in both.

>> No.523224
File: 311 KB, 400x400, MY EYES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Op is a good place. Better than the FAQ anyways.

>> No.523230
File: 12 KB, 530x610, caco3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, adding it to the OP pasta.
Also here's my cacomack.

>> No.523237

Does anyone have the Quake 3 Arena announcer for Zandronum, if there is one?

>> No.523254 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 750x600, 652012 43432 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put it in both
A-anon, you...you p-pervert...

>> No.523267

Is there a wad that's basically a long boss rush full of custom bosses and crazy set pieces kind of like the /pol/ map's Happening?

>> No.523263



Last link, if it doesn't work, tweak it in SLADE.

>> No.523268
File: 2.21 MB, 176x322, 1359486293514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more annoyingly cute Doom pics.


>> No.523276

Boss Battles.

It's shit.

>> No.523279

EvilMonk's boss battles wad.
It's not too good, though. Hope you like instakill attacks and ludicrous HP.

>> No.523287

Is there a good one?

can we make one?

>> No.523296

Added these to OP
Doom Images Folder (compiled by DoctorAmazing)

If you happen to be looking for resources such as weapon sprites, textures or monster sprites, this is your one-stop

>> No.523297

Would it be good to play coop?

>> No.523306

So I want to start making maps/total wad conversions
i know nothing
where do i start?
best program?
best tutorial?
help a brother out

>> No.523307


Well, I can think of many concepts for a Boss fight WAD. We can represent many boss fights from other FPS games and/or include modern representations of the classic ones (Barons from E1M8, Cyber, Mastermind, 5 Mancubis,etc.), I dunno

>> No.523315


The tracking on their missiles is complete and utter bullshit

>> No.523310

>best program
Slade 3 for wads, Doombuilder 2 for maps.
>best tutorial
ZDoom wiki and/or DB2 tutorials on YouTube.

>> No.523316

Well, I might go more in-depth with the FAQ if I can, but I'll need some help compiling stuff like >>523310

>> No.523317

There is not a good one. We could make one, but the big question would be making the boss fights actually INTERESTING and not just huge HP sponges.
And that's the biggest problem. How would we make a boss fight that's more than just circle-strafe SSG?

If by "good" you mean "easier", then yes, it would be easier to play in co-op.
Bullshit is still bullshit whether it's co-op or not, though.

>> No.523318
File: 10 KB, 213x243, 1295399589275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking down a narrow corridor
>door on the other end opens up automatically as I approach and reveals a large crescent-moon shaped and open area

>> No.523321


>> No.523324
File: 245 KB, 614x528, uhave_agitation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523326

some of the armageddon bosses are p. buzzword if you ask me.

>> No.523336

Chaingunners. I can strafe lost souls and homing projectiles like a champ but I can't outrun bullets.

>> No.523343


>> No.523346

Swap DoomBuilder 2 for GZdoomBuilder if using UDMF. The extra features it has are really handy, even if you aren't making a map specifically for GZdoom.

>> No.523353 [DELETED] 

Get on Shotgun Frenzy

>> No.523360

King's on his own in Shotgun Frenzy spectating for more players, I've gotta go out now, so play

>> No.523398

You're a monster.

>> No.523406


>> No.523408

Also, where's that revenant wad? I think I'd prefer that now.

>> No.523417


Well, now I'm actually excited for BD v19

>> No.523432

Christ, I'm blind.

>> No.523459
File: 51 KB, 445x531, 600full-kung-pow--enter-the-fist-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523469


>> No.523478


About the talking, guys, remember, this is Work In Progress. On the actual version, they are not going to have only these half dozen lines. There will be many new voices and it will not sound repetitive.

>> No.523483


>> No.523501

That DOOM64 WAD is horrendus. It's not even DOOM64, and the sound is soooo bad!

>> No.523506
File: 25 KB, 500x667, 32623_644368788912925_1257261179_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know.

>> No.523509


You know what I hate? That probably we will never have some custom addons BD has in a standalone form. We should feel fortunate we have Ketchup. I've been hoping to get the fatalities for both player and monsters for ages but I don't see Mark releasing them anytime soon

Those custom marines with taunts are neat. And fuck, they can do fucking fatalities too. But truth be told, the voices are annoying

>That feel when I would replace all the taunts with "HEHUH!" if I had the chance

That's what I get for playing with you, guys. I can't help it.

>> No.523515

well least the marines are gonna be separated

>> No.523516

bind mwheeldown taunt

>> No.523525

>I've been hoping to get the fatalities for both player and monsters for ages but I don't see Mark releasing them anytime soon
They're...they're already released.

Seriously, just pull 'em out of the wad.

>> No.523526
File: 222 KB, 1172x760, EVERYTHING IS A LIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523530

>just pull em out of the wad
It isn't that simple, anon.

>> No.523537
File: 36 KB, 257x246, 1351599965395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Them Hell Knight halves trying to crawl away

>> No.523542
File: 157 KB, 903x603, Rua0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated /pol/ wad now available:



--fixed issue in multiplayer where you could get stuck in the starting room during late-game
--fixed what I think caused the issue one anon had where you could close starting room door after opening it, locking yourself out
--added easy difficulty level and tweaked medium difficulty to make it slightly easier
--fixed an unaligned texture I missed before

>> No.523546




sage for all caps


You best not be rusing me. Checking it.

>> No.523549
File: 274 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_124551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck happened to my hands?

>> No.523551

Doomguy's attempting to make shadow puppets

That's a butterfly

>> No.523561

also on the illuminati room
If you try to climb the pyramide from the side you wont be able to climb the last stair.

>> No.523564

tacticool hands

>> No.523591

Is that...HacX with Xaser's Parkour? Heh.

>> No.523594

Yes, it really is.

Make a new decorate file with the enemy states. Inherit from existing enemies and add the fatality states.
Give the damagetype that triggers them to the player somehow--whether it's via his fists, in which you'll have to replace the BulletPuff damagetype with another puff, or make a new puff.

It really is that simple.

>> No.523613

>That feel when looking back at THE HAPPENING (>>518183)

Gonna test >>523542 after a few minutes. Seriously guys if you haven't played this map yet, DO IT. It's awesome


Okay, I'm downloading the most recent BD, let's see if I can get this done. If not, then I'm an useless twat

>> No.523645



I mean Code is not, and cannot be, obsfucated and I frankly doubt anyone really wants to make addons would give a hoot if its original authors throws a hissy fit or not.

>> No.523674


This is brilliant btw. I used to make Doom wads and the only things I'd change would make some things look a bit more techy, like you're in a 4chan server, and possibly a town-like area that looks like what /pol/ thinks the future could be, but these are minor things and you've thought of plenty already, awesome job with the wad!

>> No.523689

>get to first switch
>it raises to IT BEGINS
oh god, I'm laughing so hard

>> No.523727

How did you know?

>> No.523735

The first screenshot you posted tipped me off, with the mirrored pistols.

>> No.523741
File: 10 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed.

>Updated version of Updated /pol/ wad now available:


(it's the same link, but I tested and it does download the updated version of the updated wad)


--fixed issue in multiplayer where you could get stuck in the starting room during late-game
--fixed what I think caused the issue one anon had where you could close starting room door after opening it, locking yourself out
--added easy difficulty level and tweaked medium difficulty to make it slightly easier
--fixed an unaligned texture I missed before
--fixed issue with top stair on pyramid in illuminati room, also won't get caught on inset around switch if trying to run across the top
--also made it so that if you make the jump to get the blue armor in the illuminati room instead of using the teleporter, a soulsphere spawns next to the blue armor as an additional reward.

>> No.523746
File: 340 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Chex_20130423_132424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dual wielding spoons

>> No.523764
File: 24 KB, 300x225, tv019_absolutely_disgusting[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flemoid sprite w/ gzdoom filters

>> No.523771

Yeah, it looks really horrible.

>> No.523784


I thought of doing that, but I figured it would clash with the rest of the wad. Also something like that would fit /g/ more than /pol/.

>> No.523805
File: 342 KB, 640x480, CHEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.523828

That illuminati stair was pretty awesome.

>> No.523879

sorry to beg for ideas like usual, but can anyone give me something to make? I really want to get something done.

>> No.523893

Yea, i thought you had to walk from the side so it took me a while to reach the top.

>> No.523894

don't you have like fifty things you haven't made much progress on?

>> No.523903

Just played the /pol/ map.
Many giggles were had 10/10

>> No.523904

A circular deathmatch arena set in a sci-fi gladiator stadium?

Also, would you be willing to upload what you have of the Cyberrunner map?

>> No.523907

A stair tower level.

>> No.523912

Doomtra map.

>> No.523913

>tfw couldn't make the strafe to the armor ;_;

>> No.523932

It could possibly be part of the Lamepro issues. Might be funny. Could check all the April issues of Gamepro to find out of it is or not.

>> No.523937

Well there's my cyberrunner map and my marble hell map too. and HPack.. So.. that's 3.

Sounds like a neat idea I guess. I don't really feel comfortable releasing what I've done because there isn't really a lot to do.

Damn, that actually sounds like a good idea. I might try making the first map from Super C or something.

Didn't you say that the last time, too? What's with you and stairs, eh?

>> No.523943

It isn't. It's a fake image by Linguica (the guy who founded doomworld)

>> No.523946

Anybody want to talk ideas for the board WAD? We had a good discussion a couple of threads ago, but I forgot to save anything from it.

I feel like the /v/ map, and possibly others, should be a collaboration rather than a single mapper's work. To do that though we're going to have to be fairly organized in its design.

>> No.523956

A shame. I forget about it and be amused by it once more.

>> No.523958

This is the best thing ever


>> No.523963


Idea for the /v/ or /x/ map:

>basically a huge horror buildup
>then 20 revenants silently teleport in as this begins playing:

>> No.523968
File: 301 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_140121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking SHIT why do these faggots go up/down so fast, this is seriously the first area where I feel I seriously can not get past it.

>> No.523973

They're just Cacodemons.

>> No.523974

Problem goyim?


>> No.523978

I made something similar, except there was no real horror buildup.


>> No.523979

Yeah, I know, but there's seriously like a 100 of them and I can't get below them because I have it on strict doom compatibility.

>> No.523989

the /v/ map is about 2 marine yelling faggot and talking like if they knew something about the game market.

>> No.523990

oh no. that would make things a bit tedious.

>> No.523997


you can climb the stair jump off onto them, then cacosurf past them

>> No.524006

not if he had strict doom compatibility on.

>> No.524002

Im trying to test my map to see if i can make doors properly but it work when i try to test it.

I tried using "changemap [mapname]" but it didnt work. It just loads MAP01

>> No.524016


huh, what does that do?

>> No.524017
File: 151 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_140952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.524018

>i can make doors properly but it work when i try to test it

>> No.524019

>I don't really feel comfortable releasing what I've done because there isn't really a lot to do.

>> No.524028
File: 208 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_141128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.524029

What? There is like, literally 3 rooms.

>> No.524024

Sets compatibility options so that old glitches and whatnot are present in ZDoom, and makes it so actors are infinitely tall.

>> No.524036


It wont work*

>> No.524030
File: 144 KB, 640x480, 10859660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting my ass handed to me pretty hard in blood, pink inside difficulty, holy cow

>> No.524039
File: 269 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_141238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.524050

Playing the /pol/ map, I was chuckling to myself constantly, from the room full of nazis to the hall of burgers

Very nice

>> No.524054


Quick question to those who played this from the mapper:

Was making those two pillars different textures enough indication that that they held important things (the bfg and the exit)?

>> No.524064

No, I actually didn't know that

>> No.524065

I thought it was indication enough.

>> No.524067

It was hard for me to notice since I was constantly running around.

>> No.524076

I dont think so, but hey, i still managed to find them.

>> No.524089


What >>524067 said, plus fucking baronnigers squashing me like a worm

>> No.524113
File: 144 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_142747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is the first time I've raged so hard that I actually ended up quitting a game.
Fucking niggerbarons, archviles, and cyberdemons wrecked me within a few seconds of getting the BFG.

>> No.524118
File: 67 KB, 666x666, 1319438248581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.524123

The map isnt even rage quit worthy...

>> No.524129
File: 281 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130302_173416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing on UV, and got mad because this is my first try where I actually got to the BFG.

>> No.524139

It's fucking easy man.

>> No.524141

try it on HMP

>> No.524154


I don't know what difficulty you're doing, but I noticed the increase in archviles during the happening on UV as opposed to HMP modifies the difficulty a good bit. Probably you've already thought of this, but I save invulnerability sphere for when they start coming down. Only thing that really helps you in big fights like that is "crowd control" instincts, which I found got thrown a bit off kilter by the new nigger baron monsters.

>> No.524156

Guys, not to sound like a "go to /v/b/" faggot, but shouldn't you guys go to /vg/ with these threads? I mean, it has a monstrous first page for a reason, and you won't have to remake threads every day, too.

I'm not saying this because I think you're out of place here - I'm saying it, because you certainly'd be more in place there.

>> No.524159


What do you think would work better?

I tried putting the exit door texture on the exit pillar but it just looked terrible.

I'm not sure what could be done with the bfg unless I moved it to something that wasn't a pillar or somesuch.

>> No.524167

Can you have some sort of radiating light when the pillar fully comes down? Like the holy grail in the onslaught.

>> No.524169

Please refer to the FAQ.

>We're not on /vg/ because the threads were being ignored. Even with expanded to 90s FPS General, we would be lucky if we even got 40 points before the thread died.
>We moved to /vr/, and the threads fucking blossomed. We go through over a thread a day now. We asked on /q/ whether it was allowed, they said they'd be fine with it.
>Strictly speaking, it is more of a "general" thread. We're not just discussing the games itself, we discuss the culture, the community, the mods, the source ports, and same-engine games, and even similar other games like Duke Nukem 3D and Rise of the Triad, but the mods accept it and we flourish here, while we were stagnating on /vg/. None of us want to go back to our floundering death.

>> No.524170

There are specific pillars I'm supposed to do something with? There's so much clusterfuck going on in that room I thought you just had to survive

>> No.524178


Try this

Wait till the wave of niggerbarons starts, then pick the invisibility sphere, then keep running around wrecking shit with the plasmagun, but DON'T pick up the plasma cells YET.

As soon as you see the cybers, try getting the BFG as soon as possible, if you run out of health, pick the medikits, if you feel desperate, pick the soulsphere.

When you feel like it, pick the invulnerability sphere and focus all your power on the cybers, archviles and niggerbarons; if you run out of energy cells, then you should pick the ones in one of the sides of the map

Remember, keep circlestrafing like hell and focus all your energy in dodging everything until you can pick the BFG, be patient.


Leave it like that, honestly. Try putting some [EXIT] signs around it

>> No.524187


The exit already has that and flashing, but I can add that for the bfg one.

The issue with the doom engine is that unless there are actual walls there you can't see the light effect, so no pillars of light. It will be visible on the ceiling though.

>> No.524190

Argh, I really cant test my map.
How is it supposed to work.

>> No.524191

Or maybe put exit signs at the base/top of the pillar so the player knows to keep an eye on it

>> No.524195

Cyberrunner map with vanilla wepun spawns for samsararunner pls.

Also CR survival with normal enemies and standard map tropes like traps n switches. Its what I plan on working on.

>> No.524193

>Try putting some [EXIT] signs around it
Is it really necessary?

>> No.524198


Yeah, all that you have to do with the one that has the silver texture is run over it to exit.

The one with the red ground beef texture has the bfg on it when it lowers.


>I thought you just had to survive

you don't survive

>> No.524204

I am curious, is there a way to have an invisible wall that you can pass through but will still have light cling onto so it will go up the wall?

>> No.524208

>when doomguy dies he grows a blood mustache

>> No.524209

Hey, I was doing a pretty good job of surviving until I got telefragged

>> No.524219

I thought there were Romero heads you had to kill. Spent the better part of an hour on trying to kill them.

>> No.524220


No, I mean, right when the pillar stops descending, I don't know if I'm making myself clear. I think I should post a picture

>> No.524230

haha I'm dying of laughter.

>> No.524232

>you don't survive

I actually did when I finally got to the end. Might have just been a fluke for me though.

>> No.524239

CR Survival?

>> No.524235

How about using the silver teleport texture, which is used in vanilla for exits?

>> No.524238


Maybe something like a window, something mostly transparent to simulate smoke or whathaveyou.

I don't know how to do semi-transparent textures though. Will have to look that up.

>> No.524243

Not the guy you're replying to, but yeah I can do that.

>> No.524245

I second this - plus maybe have a federal reserve reference? New "EXIT" texture with "AUDIT THE FED HERE" and a curtain?

I dunno, you're clearly a superior mapper, but I had trouble with this and didn't figure it out until I godmoded and wandered a bit.

>> No.524247


did you have invul powerup?

>> No.524264
File: 24 KB, 877x495, semptoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard at the beginning, when you have no weapons - while a bundle of TNT being absolutely essential to kill groups of enemies without being wounded too heavily (RMB setting it on fire and then throwing it so it bumps from a wall and goes around a corner, in contrary to LMB when it just acts like a grenade launcher). In the first level of first episode there is a crate of them in a secret, you can see it at the fitst demo on the main menu.

Seriously, TNT. There are 3 types of it for a reason.

Also, set up the controls right. Most important is mouselook - in setup.exe, in advanced mouse setup set it like in the pic. Also set the Y-axis secale to 50-60.

Sorry for offtopic, guys. Tryin' to help.

>> No.524261

oh, also, I haven't found shit for secrets, should I idspispopd my way around?

>> No.524271

Well, the rest of your map is glorious, so until I see it, I'll defer to your judgement.

>> No.524267


What if I made it so the ceiling over the exit was lowered, so it would flash once the pillar skin lowered fully?

>> No.524272

Cyberrunner survival... Really I just meant a map with hazards and monstersthat plays well in coop and has doom style progression. But cyberrunner sized.

>> No.524302

Vincent, is that you?

>> No.524312


if you want hints:

There are two wallhumping secrets, three shooty secrets
There's one in the starting area, one in the blue room with the yellow ke and the rest in the illuminati room

>> No.524314


>> No.524318

There's more than one in the illuminati room? Shit, I thought I found the only one

I also found the BFG and the megasphere in the jew room

>> No.524315

Speak for yourself, that shit was frustrating for me. Still satisfying though.

I just ran around like a faggot with the SSG and rocket launcher to keep the horde at bay until the BFG finally arrived, then immediately went for it & the invulnerability, and started plowing through the horde of cybers and archviles. After that it's just using your giant electric cattleprod to lead the horde whichever way, and make any new Archviles that appear your top priority when they show up. Don't use any cells until the BFG arrives.

There could definitely be more indication that the key to winning the fight is a teleporter specifically. I had thought I was either waiting for some custom monster for a final fight or that I needed to kill all the Cybers or niggerbarons to trigger something. I'd say do some trickery with lighting to make it more obvious to the player that he should GO HERE STOOPID, like use some of those phony light textures and some use of a flashing colored sector lighting to make the exit more obvious since the player will be focused on RIPPING AND TEARING otherwise.

Used that shit a while before the end. No powerups when I finally won.

>> No.524323

yup, missed all that. I'll replay it.

also, is it just bias at work here or do niggerbarons really have a metric fuckload of health

>> No.524341

Heretic guys. I think its about time I play it. Should I just play it or are there improvements and mods for it like for doom? (also does it have local coop)

>> No.524345

Some duke nukem stuff from the #vr lagoon.
His name in the first game is spelled Duke Nukum ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48332341/dn1_003.png )

>> No.524350


the bfg and the armor+invul are the only ones in the illuminati room, but they're two different secrets. If you jumped to get the armor then you're missing a secret; try one of the cubbyholes that open up

>> No.524358 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 250x140, Belphegor[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they're reskinned belphegors

>> No.524369
File: 1 KB, 33x47, POL1B4B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the niggerimp is still missing his pants in several frames.

>> No.524368

Yeah those nigger barons were crazy. That attack speed.

>> No.524371

Managed to get that room done without knowing about the BFG, just a lot of strafing and drilling into shit with the plasma, then again I was playing on gigantic pussy mode.

>> No.524381
File: 118 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_132103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that from the Jew room, you can see through to the Shrek room

>> No.524382

Niggerbaron has 1500 health. I'd assume that's as much as the Belphegor that >>524358 mentioned

Normal Baron has 1000 health.

>> No.524401


it's a slime trail I wasn't able to get rid of.


yeah, still need to fix that. I just pulled the sprites from the NSDoomS.wad as is.

>> No.524428

Oh god is this shooting monsters with guns running on chex? I need this in my life.

>> No.524436

I know I played it before that but my earliest memory of Doom is playing Doom2 in my brother's Windows 95 on January 5 of 1996. I was playing through The Factory, I remember fighting with a Mancubus, when my mother told me to dress up to go to the Three Kings' Parade.
I was 6yo.

>> No.524451
File: 140 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_142710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better for the exit? It flashes.

Will something similar work for the bfg pillar?

>> No.524452

>January 5 of 1996
>January 5
How do you remember?

>> No.524459

I have to say, with the pillar coming down and protruding from the roof it will make it more noticeable rather than a slightly raised platform in the middle of a bunch of corpses.

>> No.524464

Are you guys cool if I host the mother of slaughtermaps, Hell Revealed?

>> No.524482
File: 16 KB, 248x253, 1271531433889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jon St. John seems like a pretty cool guy, did he do this for free or something?

>> No.524486

So I locked my keys in my car at the abortion clinic the other day. They got really upset when I asked them for a coat hanger.

>> No.524493

hahahahahaha, somehow posted that in the wrong thread - I'm gonna go ahead and blame 4chan X, although it's probably me being retarded

my bad

>> No.524502

>Don't use any cells until the BFG arrives

Definitely do whatever suits your own way of playing, but I found I could plasma a helluva lot (both on HMP and UV), and still use the BFG fine when it came down. Rockets could be a bit perilous thanks to the sheer amount of monsters and lost souls milling around, but for me I tended to just fire them off at the start when there aren't so many. Got invulnerability when the archies appeared then went straight for them and the cyberdemons with the BFG. Thanks to the niggerbarons' higher health and rapid projectiles they caught me on the hop several times though.

I agree with what other people are saying too, the BFG and the exit weren't immediately obvious to me either, and looking back on it I think I might've just got lucky by spotting the BFG on my first playthrough.

Nice touch on the Golden Dawn symbol btw, it's like id done the hidden swastika in the original Doom. Great wad!

>> No.524497

Hopefully that'll help

>> No.524510

WELP, here you go guys

Host: :: [BE] New York :: /vr/ plays the mother of slaughtermaps and there's nothing you can do about it
Pass: nopubbies

Also, weird, it's playing the Doom 2 soundtrack

>> No.524515

Yeah, the only reason as to why I ran over it is because I think I saw ammo on one pillar thus I'd just rush to a pillar when ever I could to pick up some ammo or what ever goodies there were. I didn't know one had a BFG, the other had a Megasphere, or the exit.

>> No.524526

gzdoom + heretic + shootingmonsterswithguns + ketchup + timidity = army of dankness

>> No.524534

load hrmus.wad

>> No.524537


So that means I should restart the server

Oh well

>> No.524539

What are some suggestions on storage areas/box mazes?

>> No.524540


Yup, for free. Normally he charges about $100 per voicelip, but he liked Samsara so much he did one for free.
He told me he plays it every now and then, but didn't say if he goes on any servers.

Hopefully he pops in sometime and says hi.

>> No.524548

Because the 6th is the Epiphany, and the day before is when there's a parade with people dressesd as the three wise kings throwing candy.

>> No.524558
File: 1.87 MB, 274x200, 1365440723981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont have that here.
The more you know.

>> No.524560


Ok done

For details see >>524510

Come join, niggas

>> No.524570
File: 41 KB, 515x500, Snake Reggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scarface's neck.

>> No.524580
File: 17 KB, 601x695, 1341136652303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was late to the party.

At least Doom's community is still alive and ripping.

>> No.524593

started in the late 90s. stopped a few years later.
Stepdad gives me his Depths of Doom trilogy in 2006.
Find out about Skulltag and ZDoom in 2008.

>> No.524594
File: 27 KB, 245x287, Chainsawing time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just recently. I think last year I finally picked it up and went through most of the games. Though in middle school my friend mostly played on PC (got Doom 2, got Bleem, and other such things) so I was exposed to it then. Decided to go back to it and use a source port with easy to use mouse support for simple turning and easy to use strafe and did it on UV and really enjoyed it more so than my first play through.

>> No.524603
File: 32 KB, 533x533, note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing on-and-off since 2008. Haven't managed to scrape together any maps.

>> No.524612

I remember not playing Doom for a long while, mostly because I had become so used to playing FPS games with mouselook

I also remember having an itch to play, so I googled "Doom with mouse support" and discovered Zdoom

It was like a total godsend, and I have played Doom at least once a month since that year

>> No.524630
File: 586 KB, 640x1920, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_144418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wad now has changes made to bfg and exit pillars.

The download link is the same as before in >>523741 and >>523542

>> No.524634


Prob 1994. I played the Doom shareware thousands of times. At first at my dads job. My brother steered our hero and I fired with the mouse button. I remember us shitting our pants first time we met a Demon.

Played the shareware for like a year. A friend had Doom 2 on his computer, so I played that and then bought it and just fell completely in love with it (still my favorite). I then got Ultimate Doom, Final Doom, Heretic and Strife. I played the shareware version of all of those when they came, as well as Hexen. However I didn't finish The full Hexen game until like 2 years ago. Also a great game.

>> No.524656

Circa 2000. I was six at the time. And I was afraid of Pinkies.
Also I thought the enemies were some kind of aliens, not demons.

>> No.524670

1996-7 with a shareware disc, started mapping when I was around 11 with DeepSEA (what a piece of shit) and Legacy (also shit).

>> No.524682

Bump for >>524510

>> No.524724

Is there any particular order to play the Master Levels of Doom II in?

>> No.524734


>> No.524763
File: 635 KB, 725x725, Rockstars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the last thread, I asked about making the in-game music sound like the original recordings (like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qURei6svd90&list=PLA0EBF9D26C37FF6E&index=3)) are there any soundfonts that can do this, and if there are, I need some instructions

>> No.524812

Can anyone link me some good textures besides that damn website with a thousand baron re-skins? It'd be greatly appreciated.

>> No.524827


>> No.524857

How do you make it so that text pops up on screen when you cross a linedef?

>> No.524864

ACS magic.

>> No.524872

Get a Roland MT-32 Soundfont.

>> No.524896

teach me, o great wizard of olde

>> No.524919

Any instructions on how to get it working on GZDoom/Zandronum?

>> No.524937

Really, Helios?

>> No.524960

the best is how platforms you can shoot each other off of instantly turns everyone into assholes

>> No.524974

Sorry man, I don't know much about ACS besides the wiki tutorial. If you can get on the #vr IRC, and talk to ijon, he knows a lot about ACS.

>> No.524978


Well, next time someone hosts a server should turn that thing off, is that even possible?

Also, where's the server?

>> No.524991
File: 97 KB, 400x300, tumblr_static_tumblr_mdjs0sbein1r2to8go1_400[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or the Best-Ever servers have been failing recently?

>> No.524996


#include "zcommon.acs"

script 1 (VOID)
print(s:"ur a faget");

then make a line that calls Script 1 [linedef action 80: Script Execute]

>> No.525020


make the linedef have an action of 80 (in zdoom/hexen format anyway) and specify the script number

then in the scripts window put

#include "zcommon.acs"

script 1 ENTER
print(s:"ur a faget");

then when they cross that linedef it will inform them that they're a faget

>> No.525027


haha oh wow, we both just decided to replace "hello world!" with the same phrase

>> No.525029

sorry bro, beat you to it.

also ur a faget-mind.

>> No.525030

It's just you.

>> No.525036


I'm wrong with "ENTER", it should be (void) like>>524996

>> No.525052

Where'd this whole "agitated skeleton" joke come anyway?

inb4 do you even doom

>> No.525068


>> No.525062

Check the pro doom strats in OP

>> No.525123
File: 108 KB, 1023x701, Untitled_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not just him, actually; I've been having problems connecting to the ::BE:: servers too; I mean, just look at this, it doesn't help that most of the servers are empty and no-one cares to shut them down after they're finished. Sometimes they last DAYS, even weeks

>> No.525136
File: 57 KB, 300x322, ID Software stares at you with mild contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright faggots, what's your least favorite level from the Official Doom games?

>> No.525140


>> No.525147

Probably Chasm.

>> No.525148

>least favorite level

MAP09 and 24, no contest

>> No.525156
File: 20 KB, 225x223, Devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone playin'?

>> No.525193

I was planing to join either Doom64 Survival or Shotgun Frenzy.

>> No.525202

I can't stand that doom 64 thing it is so poorly made. The sound quality is awful and the maps are hideous. I thought it was actually going to be the doom 64 tc.

>> No.525197
File: 157 KB, 1440x900, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_173531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a public service announcement:

Y'all niggas should play Hell Ground. If you haven't already, of course.

Thank you for your time.

>> No.525198

I'd be up for Shotgun Frenzy if anyone else was on.

>> No.525214

I just tried Doom64 and yeah, you're right. It's just not the same; I thought it was Doom64TC too. Shotgun Frenzy it is.

>> No.525267

e1m3 prolly

>all dose secrets

>> No.525273

Least favorite?
The Focus.

>> No.525272


whoops, misread your post

>> No.525319

It's not hard, not long... just... not really fun at all, which is weird for doom

>> No.525353


The Focus could be fun to play if you try to go along the music; I'm not a fan of Devil May Cry as much as I am a fan of Doom, but I think they have this "stylish" system of combat in which they award you with points and stuff if you do certain attack patterns or something. Feel free to correct my sorry ass if I'm wrong

>> No.525405


Thanks for not being dickbutts.

>> No.525438
File: 283 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_192701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.525443

Perfect hatred

>> No.525496

That place looks fulla danger.

>> No.525498
File: 693 KB, 1024x2240, 563521452435746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad there is no jumping on the map
cannot even get blue key

>> No.525509

Hey is anyone slightly /k/ in here? I've been planning a doomguy costume for a while now No I'm not a stringbean thank god so it wont look too shitty. I was just wondering what kind of shotgun looks the most like the standard one we find in doom, or if just any will do.

>> No.525513

Just edit the MAPINFO yourself.

>> No.525526
File: 14 KB, 500x375, doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Captcha: recommending letoygn
>recommending le toy gun

>> No.525538

Thanks man.

Now to find conventions.

And f-friends ( .__.)

>> No.525553

If you can find it. It's not even sold anymore. But if you do find it, you get bonus points for authenticity. That's the actual gun.

>The shotgun and the pistol seen in the game are photographs of toy weapons bought at Toys "R" Us; the shotgun a TootsieToy Dakota cap gun;

>> No.525565

My girlfriend has been trying to get me to go cosplaying at some convention. My only defense has been, "I don't know what to do," but now I'm actually sorta hyped to cosplay as doomguy. Hell, I bet it'd make for a great halloween costume as well.

As long as no one freaks out like when that one guy was walking around as Master Chef with power armor and everything.

>> No.525576
File: 66 KB, 800x600, plas0003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.525573

Dang man.

But to be fair if it is the actual reference they used, I'd be willing to drop a fair amount on it.

I'm a sucker for that stuff.

>> No.525598 [DELETED] 

Hmm I think the worst I could get would be "b-but master chief doesn't wear that" In which case I'd have to educate some nerds with the butt of that gun while blasting doom Midi's FROM SPEAKERS I BUILD INTO THE AMOUR screaming "RipandTear,RIPANDTEAR"

Actually that sounds fun now...

>> No.525603

do want

>> No.525623
File: 66 KB, 800x600, plas0001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken from this nerf gun

>> No.525631


>> No.525635

>dat ceiling

>> No.525641

What wad?

>> No.525639

Nah the worst that could happen is getting mistaken for Haloman.

>> No.525654


Dude just cut something like



It'd do the job.

>> No.525657

Looks like UAC Ultra to me.

>> No.525664

>those moving blinds blocking the sergeants

Cheap shot, id.

>> No.525663

Could be wrong, but it looks like Valhalla.

>> No.525674
File: 312 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_192419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uac Ultra

>> No.525689

What's worse is that they can seemingly fire through it if it isn't fully closed.

>> No.525721

For a splitsecond I thought that Revenant was way too agitated.

>> No.525727

No kidding, my health always drops by at least 25% after clearing out that entire first area

>> No.525759

I always tapfire the chaingun without leaving the room. If you do it right you can clear out everything in front of you without getting hit.

>> No.525770

Same here, the starting room is a bunker and the chaingun RIPS through zombiemen.

>> No.525772

Fuck all of them the archville is pain in the balls

>> No.525775

1994 or 1995. It was right after Doom 2 came out. Runnin in dos. Makin maps with waded at 7 years old. Demon killin.

Good times.

>> No.525791


Muh nigga.


>> No.525815

Archvile is literally the only enemy I really have a problem with. He is undoubtedly the most terrifying, as soon as he puts his flame on you, fear and anxiety take over as you push Imps over by the masses to find cover.

Is there a wad that replaces all enemies with children?

>> No.525823


>> No.525870
File: 296 KB, 1000x902, M37_x_6_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think it looks like an Ithaca 37, specifically a riot variant or just really sawn down.

Though realistically you probably can't get a shotgun as short as the one in Doom without having to file under NFA Title II and pay the 200 some odd dollar ATF tax stamp.

This particular shotgun has an 18" barrel. Anything under 26" needs the whole license and tax stamp deal.

Maybe you could get an 870 or Mossy 5xx in wooden furniture and most people couldn't tell the difference from any other pump-action shotgun. Or perhaps just get a toy or model gun if all you are doing it for is cosplay.

1995. Ultimate Doom, didn't play Doom 2 until years later. And I played the PS1 version of Final Doom (dunno whether it was tnt or plutonia) at a friends house a few years later. Didnt get my hands on the PC Final DOOM IWADs until recently. Neither of them are that great.

>> No.525912
File: 1017 KB, 500x258, 1334600232285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Around '94-'95. Playing Reader Rabbit and Read Write and Type could not prepare my 4 year old mind for all the ripping and tearing

>> No.525937

Master Chief = Haloman... Or are you rusing me?

>> No.525946
File: 103 KB, 425x600, Magical god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends where they are placed and how off guard you are caught. If it is just a chaingunner around the corner it is very easy to take care of, but a lot of the times it isn't that simple like monster closet behind you with a single chaingunner taking off at least 30% of your health or even more before you knew what hit you. Also a bunch of them out of your range can be a huge problem as well since chances are you are in their range.

Archviles are only a problem if cover is sparse or something is preventing me from getting to cover, or that they have had ample time to revive a bunch of guys and you are low on ammo.

Revenants can be a bit of a pain in an open room with a bunch of them, especially ones in different sniping positions so when you try to take out one sniper you have other Revenants firing rockets at you from different angles.

Flying skulls are only a problem if I have a rocket launcher.

Chaingunners have to be the worst to deal with all around.

>> No.525957


Badass, but I don't think I'd ever buy a gun because "it's the one that video game guy uses".

This is coming from someone who owns several already (hunting mostly). It just seems silly. Similar to people who'd buy a model 29 S&W just because Dirty Harry uses it, I mean I love the film but $1,000+ is a bit crazy.

>> No.525972
File: 110 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130423_194309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not quad-wielding double barrel sawed-off shotguns
do you even weapon

>> No.525985

>implying the only reason to own an M37 is because a video game guy uses one

Yeah, I hear you though. Again, if this is just for costume, you're better off purchasing a cheap model gun or air gun that looks similar.

>> No.525993
File: 11 KB, 250x181, Doom Emperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.526008

That and the fact that I'm sure most conventions won't let you bring in an actual gun to use for your costume

>> No.526024
File: 19 KB, 240x160, 126480-blackthorne-game-boy-advance-screenshot-duel-shoot-the-enemy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And even after that your sorry ass is still uncovered on the back

That's why I love that silly Blackthorne-ish shotgun variant. If I knew how to sprite from zero I would've done the sprites for the player and the shotty

>> No.526034

That looks like it's from the gbc, don't fucking tell me it isn't.

>> No.526043
File: 497 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130401_075744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quad-wielding double barrel shotguns
>not quad-wielding quad barreled shotguns
step it up m8

>> No.526038

I went to Sakuracon last year and saw a chick cosplaying as Revy from Black Lagoon. She had two Taurus PT99s holstered. The convention staff had to hold onto the magazines and add barrel/chamber plugs to both of them.

Some cons let you, others won't.

>> No.526065

It took me awhile to figure out your reference, see I only saw the two at the bottom

>> No.526058

What about quad wielding that sawed off shotty from RE5 that could hold 8 bullets. (while only having 3 canons)

>> No.526070

So, servers are empty.

>> No.526072


Well, yeah, that's actually from the GBA port, I was looking for pics of the game showcasing the backwards thing, and it was the first that popped out, so eh


Enjoy your vulnerability while loading the next batch of shells while getting stunned by her chaingun

>> No.526090

>implying reloading
>implying that puny chaingun is gonna scratch 2000+ shields and 5000+ health

>> No.526091


I live down here in Texas and the two big cons that come to my mind are Akon and San Japan

Wonder what their stance on real guns used as props is

>> No.526092

someone do the math on how many bb's are being fired at once

>> No.526093
File: 170 KB, 791x1024, 1251159887944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know the names of video game characters

You should get your girlfriend and a buddy to cosplay as Metroid and Killzone

>> No.526105

>Brutal Doom
>Not killing it with 16 extremely overpowered and explosive shells from quad wielded superduper shotguns

>> No.526109

1999, our school computers had lots of violent games

>> No.526119

So bump limit

Hold on, guys

>> No.526123

If he was dating a nerd that had the body to pull off Samus, I'd assume he'd be too busy ripping and tearing something else that's pink.

>> No.526140

brutal... No. That's russian overkill.

>> No.526174

No need to do any math. It's right there in the mod.

>A_FireBullets(25, 7.5, 240, 15, "ErasusPuff")
240 pellets at 15*1d3 damage each. Theoretically speaking, maximum damage is 10800 from the pellets alone. But RO isn't content with that. The quadshotgun also seems to fire a short-ranged invisible projectile that does 12000*1d8 damage. So, at point blank and assuming that somehow every single bullet does maximum damage and the short-ranged projectile does its maximum damage of 96000, you'd have a total damage of 106800. Not bad, for the low low price of 16 shells.

>> No.526191

Oh, and if you've got the Half Quad shell upgrade, the damage of the pellets is doubled, making the highest possible damage without influence of temporary powerups 117600.

>> No.526195
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, space-1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a moonbase_alpha.wad in /rs
please tell me this is a doom wad.
- and if not what's it for?

>> No.526217

Real life answer.

A typical 12 ga 00 buckshot shell has 9 .33ish caliber pellets.

Nine times sixteen barrels is 144, so that's 144 pellets of freedom in your face.

>> No.526256



>> No.526283

can Crysis guy come

i dont think any kids would understand the reference, you may be required to go outside

>> No.526386
File: 96 KB, 232x217, Updating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updating my pastebin

>> No.527598

Around 1998, my parents knew what doom was, how to play it and deemed me old enough to try it and play Duke Nuke 3D too(I was born in 1996..yeah.) (Later when I got a PS1 the first games they bought to me was Dino Crisis, Resident Evil and Duke Nuke that was in 3rd person view.) Never stooped playing Doom since