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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5204262 No.5204262 [Reply] [Original]

Why was America shafted so hard?

>> No.5204263
File: 22 KB, 768x571, S-video-connection-57fa78fe3df78c690f76895b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had this and it was great. Stop being an autist who thinks anything below RGB is trash

>> No.5204282

Which not a single console had, so what's your point

>> No.5204284

what are you talking about? Most consoles from the 16-bit generation forward up to HD consoles support it. There are few exceptions

>> No.5204292

I'm pretty sure only the NES and the TG16 were the only consoles which forced you to go composite. Everything else after that had S-video available.

>> No.5204296

Virtually every /vr/ console supports S-video.

>> No.5204297

show me a Genesis s-video cable that was available at ratail

>> No.5204302
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How stupid are you anon

>> No.5204303

were able to go to the store and get an s-video cable for them though? NO so it didnt matter at the time was the system theoretically could output f you had no way to actually hook the fuckers to the tv

>> No.5204307
File: 45 KB, 500x375, AFF3C0EE-279B-4E02-B184-4B2B0A2C4A7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serioulsy retarded?

>> No.5204313

Of course you fucking could, are you stupid? I had an SNES S-Video cable in 1995. Used it up until the GameCube when I got the component cable. Got one for my PS1 as well.

>> No.5204314

Found the former retarded/poor kid that didn't know better than Composite. Official S-video cables exist for most consoles.

>> No.5204317

All consoles post-NES could generate a RGB signal.

>> No.5204318

>at ratail
yes, that's an exception. The person I was replying to said "not a single console" had it

>> No.5204320

You guys had 50hz, you can't really tell us jack

>> No.5204357

Supported very sporadically. Even the cheapest euro TVs have a SCART I put.

>> No.5204358

>being this young and dumb

I'm pretty sure you're as dumb as the fool you're replying to

I was. You weren't because you weren't born yet.

>> No.5204434

Because they liked it. They even invented bullshit like "composite is the way developers intended" to deal with it.

>> No.5204435

They were available from specialist game stores and all of those mail order places you'd find in magazines, you moron.

>> No.5204439

Was simple always worked, Was small enough so VCRs and TVs had the connections on the front of the device, at the time it was just fine

>> No.5204452

>Why was America shafted so hard?
Our games ran at 60hz.

>> No.5204453

None of the TVs I had as a kid had an s-video plug

>> No.5204458

Developers intended nothing really but making a paycheck, but it is am established fact developers did use graphical tricks that would only be used with a composite connection. Early CGA titles on computers were heavy on using effects, but it also doesn't mean most developers were like "no you can ONLY play my game with shitty composite!" it was just cool stuff devs did on the job with the technological limitations at the time.

>> No.5204460

50hz is actually better for games that were programmed with that in mind.

>> No.5204461

south american here, my genesis came with a s-video cable.

>> No.5204465

While you technically *could* you didn't get s-video cables for your fucking systems back then. You weren't an adult autistic hobbist back then. You were a kid who wanted games, not fucking cords.

>> No.5204469

because you got yours in 1998 when it was more common

>> No.5204476

True but most of the demo scene on home computers was European because the slower 50Hz refresh allowed more time for coding during the vertical retrace. In general it's easier to write a game on a PAL machine simply because the slower speed gives the programmer more time.

>> No.5204483


>> No.5204486

>played nes, snes in composite on a c64 1702 monitor since childhood
>didn't knew that the rear ports are svideo
>still have it
>tried it recently, picture looks super sharp
well, fuck

>> No.5204490

Literally none were.
Literally no one cares about faggot demos or your shitty europoor mascot platformers.

>> No.5204494

>Literally none were.
GoldenEye has stabler/smoother performance on the PAL version.

>> No.5204495

I had S-video for Dreamcast when I was like 10. But it was more commonplace then than it was in previous generations.

>> No.5204501

It can’t be optimal if it runs at 50Hz.

>> No.5204504

At least something like James Pond or Apidya didn't cost 60 USD and you could copy it and swap it with your friends at school. You can't do that with a Nintendo cartridge.

>> No.5204586


What are you such a retard?

>> No.5204596

OP is a butthurt Europoor. Almost all of their good games were ntsc imports slowed down to 5/6 speed and/or homegrown garbage.

Also, retro console used s-video in North America. Brittbongs like to conveniently forget about s video and the fact that it was better than scart RGB. Scart used sync on composite, which was hot garbage.

I’ll brace myself now for all the Britt fags who will claim that they all modded their consoles for 60hz and pure rgb when they were 10.

>> No.5204601


I’d rather buy a good game than pirate a shitty one.

>> No.5204607

((They)) gave us amerimutts more color and blur

>> No.5204608

Anyway, it's time to repost this and remind me that Americans paid 2-3x the money for a computer so they could play the "games" in the second column.



>> No.5204726

Americans like to bend over and open wide their ass for corporations who give them inferior products.

>> No.5204739

Meanwhile in the real world outside of games, PCs were much more useful.

>> No.5204770

Why are Eurotards so incapable of understanding that Americans didn't buy computers for games? Amigas were shit for actual work.

>> No.5204772

>Why are Eurotards so incapable of understanding that Americans didn't buy computers for games?
Actually if you were a PC gamer it was more for stuff like Ultima and King's Quest, not arcade stuff. You had consoles for that.

>> No.5204776


Well, then fuck off to /g, we talk about retro games here

>> No.5204787

I don't remember anyone who had a PC back then playing any of the linked games except Arkanoid. You used them for dungeon crawlers and stuff like Monkey Island.

>> No.5204802

How strange, on /g/ they say retro games should fuck off to /vr/.

>> No.5204831


And they would be correct

>> No.5204832

>Well, then fuck off to /g
Ironic, coming from a redditor

>> No.5204837
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>> No.5204838
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you mean getting the definitive experience?

>> No.5204843

This kills the PVM fag.

>> No.5204848

>inb4 that ZX Spectrum comic

>> No.5204858
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, 1544231469952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More accurate version.

>> No.5204864



>> No.5204867
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>> No.5204872
File: 32 KB, 620x348, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a dad who shared your interests with you
He helped me with all the cords and we had fun doing it. Dads love messing with TV cables. That's how all that Fudd lore about 'clean' signals and gold connectors and other crazy un proven bits of tech is passed down through the ages. my dad told me, and his dad to him, and he built bombers in WW2, and that's the way they did it then. That also happens to be why Americans stick with old tech for so long, but still, being a kid isn't the reason.

even if you didn't have masculine role models in your childhood, you should at least recognize the trope from your adult cartoons you watch.

>> No.5204875

>That also happens to be why Americans stick with old tech for so long
lol what. that shit goes in the trash if they don't break it before then

>> No.5204878

I smile when I think of all the retro computers like the Apple II, Atari 800, and TRS-80 CoCo that used NTSC bleed for color and Yuropeans just got a black and white picture on their TVs. Lyl.

>> No.5204880

>oh no, they spotted my unfamiliarity with proper board directories
>better open up my damage control folder...!

>> No.5204881

>computers that were completely irrelevant in Europe

>> No.5204894

Did it even matter that much when like 90% of Apple IIs were just used with a green monochrome monitor? I've honestly known people who weren't aware it even had color.

>> No.5204902

The Apple II yeah, it was far too expensive and colour wasn't possible on PAL TVs. The Ataris were too expensive until the late 80s and they were always an also-ran. The TRS-80 CoCo was alright but the UK computer market was too saturated for it to make a significant impact.

>> No.5204909

I mean, I like the Apple II conceptually, it was much like the ZX Spectrum in the general idea of it just being a CPU glued to a keyboard and some logic to generate video and some rudimentary graphics, but it was impossibly too expensive and only found as an office machine here or used in laboratories. Software was hard to find and virtually no games were available.

>> No.5204916
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>> No.5204926

>Amigas were shit for actual work

Amiga: 1MB or more of completely flat, open memory that was immediately accessible to you on power up

PC: 640k cut into 64k pieces that made it a terrible headache to write compilers around. Had to resort to ridiculous gymnastics to get any more memory.

>> No.5205201

>this again
I still play all my games from NES up to Wii / PS2 with composite, maybe even RF, no fucks given

>> No.5205215

isn't composite just color piggy backing on a b/w signal? clarity aside, it was a way to introduce color to existing signal definitions. If anything american being #1 (thanks) shafted us because we had to bring color tv to and entire continent with existing signal standards. now why it was common/available for about 40 years. Who knows. I just can't muster research into scart definition because i don't have any sets with that standard and i probably never will

>> No.5205220
File: 43 KB, 484x534, asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another Euroniggers screech about Composite thread

>> No.5205221

>plug in the yellow wire
>getting inbehind the huge ass boxy tvs was so hard
>decide fuck it no audio let's just play
so comfy

>> No.5205224

But that's not fair because the Amiga was newer technology and wasn't designed around a 70s microprocessor.

>> No.5205239

I literally played melee yesterday with my wii using composite on a 42" tv. No fucks given

>implying as a kid you cared for image quality, aspect ratio, PAL×NTSC...

>> No.5205245

Try living in Australia

>PAL country
>RGB SCART never took off so TVs were composite only, maybe s-video if lucky

>> No.5205247

>not fucking up dad's tv and unplugging the rf signal
comfy for a few hours

>> No.5205272

>GoldenEye has stabler/smoother performance on the PAL version.
Nobody plays the PAL version because the game already has a highly fluctuating framerate, rarely ever hitting 30.

>> No.5205280

say that to our knob and tube wiring and shit tier rail systems. your thinking of gadgets.

>> No.5205310

>yet another stupid /v/-tier region-war/poorly disguised /int/ shitposting thread
I miss when this board had a regular mod.

>> No.5205396

Is it my fault you wanted to keep using 70s technology like that?

>> No.5205403

Or they paid over 2000 USD for a Mac with black and white graphics and bleeper sound.

>> No.5205447

>amiga 1000: 256K slow ram stock, max 512k
>you: even less

>> No.5205448

Except nobody really had the original A1000 and it was essentially an unfinished machine. About 80% of Amigas were A500s and almost everyone had at least 1MB of RAM.

>> No.5205478

The PAL version is precisely more stable because the maximum framerate is closer to the actual average framerate (about 20 FPS)

Also the PAL version runs at a higher native resolution like a good conversion should

>> No.5205547

it had?

>> No.5205552
File: 154 KB, 151x86, DotCrawlCloseUp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs to be an animated gif/png with dot crawl for the authentic composite look.

>> No.5205553


>>Unfamiliarity with board directories
>> Damage control

Such a frantic grasp at straws. You’re a weird little fucker

>> No.5205680

But I had an Amiga. That's what they were called. And knew lots of people that did. Just because whoever you learned about them from is johnny come lately that doesn't change facts.

>> No.5205712

Why didn't they adopt it anyway?