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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 8 KB, 480x432, 1543684341756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5192569 No.5192569 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. A whale?

>> No.5192583
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Hind D?!

>> No.5192590


>> No.5192592

thanks for the spoilers dickface

>> No.5192595

So, link only gets to go home by...
killing everyone and destroying everything in the dreamworld.
(what an asshole)

>> No.5192597

Dreamworld? What?

>> No.5192695

If you haven't played it by now you deserve spoilers you fucking zoomer.

>> No.5192713

Zelda is garbage anyway. No big loss.

>> No.5192743

do you mourn everytime you wake up?

>> No.5192751

so why are you getting all bent out of shape over spoilers then, dickface?

>> No.5192756

no it's just your mom

>> No.5192765

what the hyell

is this a video geem

or a pacific oshin

>> No.5192785
File: 317 KB, 500x758, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game really fucks me up. What's with Marin and the other inhabitants in the island? Are they actual living beings or just solid projections of the wildly active imagination of the Windfish' subconscious? What's with Marin turning into a seagull at the end? did she become a living being out of the dream? Is it a good fate bing turned into an animal and knowing that not only your father isn't alive anymore, but he wasn't real like you to begin with?

>> No.5192796

The best game ever made, and I'm not even saying this out of nostalgia, I played this game for the first time this year with the 3DS virtual console.

>> No.5192803

fuck off, 4channel has a spoiler function for pics and text, learn to use it dickface

>> No.5192839

I'm not even that guy, dickface, just a different guy calling you out for your over-salty belligerence in a thread about a game series you claim to not even like.

Now fuck off

>> No.5192853

it's turtles all the way down anon

>> No.5192869


>tfw no qt dream island girl waifu

>> No.5192875

whales aren't fish dumbo

>> No.5192878

"The wind fish in name only, for it is neither."

>> No.5192881


>> No.5192889


The Wind Fish is the point of full out this is a dream, and that you have to wake up.

>> No.5192892

My nigga.

>> No.5192905

Jesus christ you are a dipshit

>> No.5192921

You don't?

>> No.5192968
File: 111 KB, 193x378, Owl_Statue_(Link's_Awakening).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5192975

She's a Tulpa
A Tulpa created by a god, and thus able to be granted physical form.

The dream ends, but the windfish is still alive, so everyone on the island is still alive, they just don't have a physical form.
When a play ends, the characters turn back into actors. This is just a more extreme version of that.

>> No.5192981

Why does everyone keep saying it's a dream?

>> No.5192982
File: 260 KB, 1280x847, 1489954988806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When a play ends, the characters turn back into actors. This is just a more extreme version of that

>> No.5192997

>unironically using the term "4channel"

>> No.5193014

I wonder if the Wind Fish is related to Jabu Jabu and the Zoras.
And if somehow Marin and Tarin are dreamy reincarnations of Malon and Talon.

>> No.5193037

How would you guys compare link's awakening to the oracle games?
I played awakening as a kid but never beat it, and it's still harder for me to get into these days that either oracle game.

>> No.5193041

Man, go beat the game right now.
You got stuck in Eagle Tower?

>> No.5193046

It's around 20 years old, bitch boy.

>> No.5193057
File: 22 KB, 350x350, eye of truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5193064

You would only know that this is a spoiler if you already knew it was. How could you know it is the end otherwise?

>> No.5193079

I'm not the first guy too, I've already played LA and liked it, still I have to call you out for justifying spoiling dickface
fuck off arrogant kid
can't you read the urlbar or are you still in denial?

>> No.5193082

No idea, it was when I was in elementary school and I'm almost 30 now.

>> No.5193094

Dude, go play it right now from the beginning. Emulate it or whatever. It's very well designed, if you're used to play Zelda games you won't have any kind of problem. Only infamous dungeon has a puzzle where you have to throw a giant iron ball through holes to the bottom floors to destroy some pillars and make the tower fall down. But that's at the end of the game almost.

>> No.5193106

>why do you care about other people
you are enabling wickedness and evil, spoiler images should be spoilered. think of your fellow man! obviously, not everyone has played the same games.

>> No.5193115

The only people spoiling anything are the people who are calling out that it's a spoiler and explaining to everyone exactly what the image is and where it's from.

>> No.5193123


>> No.5193128

>whining about spoilers in a very well known retro Zelda game
>That literally gives it away in the title
The only crying manbaby here is you, dickface, get over yourself

>> No.5193132

>ywn save her
just fuck me up senpai

>> No.5193134

Does any Zelda game handle exploration as well as this game?

>> No.5193138

This was another of these owl stones rights?
Those were chilling in many ways.

>> No.5193142


>> No.5193145

>you can choose to stay in the island if you want, but the lands are still covered in nightmare monsters and Marin won't give you attention after the date at the bay because she'll be frantically singing non-stop.
That's just how it is.

>> No.5193192
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, eggy weggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5193216

>In school I learned that peace is an unnatural state for humanity.

Dropped for misanthropic fatalism. Thanks for the sneak peak into how fallacious Kojima philosophy is.

>> No.5193219

Click the home button at the bottom of the page.
Take a screenshot.
Report back with the screenshot and then shut the fuck up about "4channel" forever.

>> No.5193232

...it's a reference to the influence of an important Immanuel Kant essay, not an artist's statement, you fucking cretin

>> No.5193236

It's 25 years old.

>> No.5193243 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 517x529, 1543713662579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can't beat Link's Awakening without dying
git gud niggas

>> No.5193247


>> No.5193289

You mean by gating everything off so that you have to complete the dungeons in order?

I love LA to death for its narrative but after playing Zelda 1 I had to realize that it started the series' decline into explorationless linear mediocrity.

>> No.5193309

>it started the series' decline into explorationless linear mediocrity
What the fuck? LA came after ALttP and was way more open than it. It has the perfect amount of freedom: more linear than Zelda 1 so you don't have to use a shitty map included in the manual, bomb every single wall you see, etc. while still being less linear than ALttP so you still have to explore.

>> No.5193317

She looks like she has Downs

>> No.5193372
File: 417 KB, 476x590, Marin_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's... kinda what the official art looks like, too...

>> No.5193380
File: 67 KB, 453x600, LZv04-002(a)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link's Awakening didn't really have amazing official art. It dials up the classic kids anime look a bit too high.

>> No.5193475
File: 4 KB, 320x144, lavsdx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else prefer the original title screen? The shadow was cool and I feel like the clouds take away from the starkness of the giant egg on top of a mountain.

>> No.5193482

pseud detected

>> No.5193548
File: 35 KB, 1360x872, questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so everything is the wind fish's dream... EXCEPT Link?
Or does he die too if the fish wakes up?
And if not, what the fuck is he doing there?
How did he end up in a whale's dream?

>> No.5193556

Don't think about it too hard, or you might wake up too.

>> No.5193567

It's a shared dream. He fell unconscious in the shipwreck.
Then he wakes up in the flotsam, and sees the Wind Fish flying away.

>> No.5193572

Have to say, when I was playing the game as a kid I did not expect the Wind Fish to wind up looking like that.

>> No.5193584
File: 86 KB, 884x270, xp7ubzmg9sa11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm convinced. You didn't understand the reference despite attacking its "fallacious philosophy" yet it's the guy who called out your retardity who's the pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.5193670


Why does the Windfish look as if it has taken the greatest hit from the largest bong ever?

>> No.5193684

let me tell you something about existential philosophy

>> No.5193689


Ok, so, what you are saying is, if I take the WHOLE sheet of LSD, I can essencially achive the same results and live in the dreams I am having?

>> No.5193698

No, but if you take a whole page of LSD you'll understand how your universe is merely another story.


>> No.5193710


>another story


I thank you anon! Great weekend to you!

>> No.5193717
File: 42 KB, 800x720, legend-of-the-river-king-gb-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, but once you being pink spots to the table, hard shadows are out.

Gameboy graphics can look incredible sometimes because of how artists used texture to make up for color. Just look at River King.

>> No.5193726

best video game story ever, only game to make me actually cry

>> No.5193736

I remember reading about River King in a Nintendo Power back in the day and it sounded really comfy. I wish I had gotten the opportunity to play it as a kid.

>> No.5193745

I used to draw this game's art on my chalkboard. I wasn't a big artist and never really drew much else. This game's story and adventure were just so important to me.

>> No.5193778

nigger what are you doing

>> No.5193786
File: 824 KB, 891x900, 891px-Genie_Official_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit af zelda boss coming through

>> No.5193792

so this is the enemy's new biowe𝒶pon

>> No.5193808
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5193890
File: 16 KB, 480x360, James Rolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish AVGN would review this, so he could say "A fucking whale?"

>> No.5193908
File: 3.45 MB, 384x256, andros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5193914


Not who you were talking to, but yes.

>> No.5193918


>When a play ends, the characters turn back into actors. This is just a more extreme version of that

This is actually extremely woke. May quote you on this.

>> No.5193940

i really want this guy to come back just for the fucking bloodbath

>> No.5193950
File: 442 KB, 2656x2144, Koholint_Island_Coordinate_Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may have that impression because the world, being smaller than in aLttP, forces you to cross portions of the map already discovered. But it is a good exploration game in name only.

>> No.5193957
File: 862 KB, 640x5381, the_way_home__terranigma_by_sovanjedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was terranigma inspired by LA?

>> No.5194015

>What the fuck? LA came after ALttP and was way more open than it.
How so?

You can actually do several dungeons out of order in ALttP. The dark world section of the game is actually way less linear than most Zelda games.

>> No.5194017
File: 126 KB, 1170x1085, wtfss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5194020 [DELETED] 

there were... fewer games back then

it was basically possible to have played literally every game ever up until the mid-2000s, even though the idea of that seems fucking ludicrous today

but yeah those guys had played zelda, c'mon

>> No.5194090

>only crying manbaby here is you
said the one salty for being called dickface and being so new to think everyone is the same person on an anonymous board
fuck off dickface
still redirect me to 4channel.org, since when refering to a website by the URL is wrong?
do you even know how the web works or are you acting retarded on purpose?

>> No.5194105

You don’t have to do the dungeons in order. The flippers are easily accessible in their respective dungeon and that allows you to enter catfishes maw early. It’s also possible to enter turtle rock without the mirror shield, provided you’re quick enough.
And, if you collect the seashells and get the upgraded sword early enough, you skip the ghost entirely.

>> No.5194130

Most modern AAA games like Skyrim have a huge map and let you do stuff out of order, they still feel extremely linear because you are always told where your objectives are and just go walking straight to those places. ALttP is like that, and it has to be since the map is too big for the game to expect you to explore everything without giving you directions.
LA is different. The dungeons, keys to the dungeons, trading sequences, etc. were all scattered throughout the map. The map wasn't too big so you were expected to explore every single inch of it, and after getting a new item you could go across new paths in all parts of the map so it felt like it was a new map altogether and you had to explore everything again.
You can't beat LA without exploring every single inch of the map, and that's what made exploration so special in that game. It also has the most fun items in the series, some of the best dungeons and puzzles in the series, one of the best soundtracks in the series and the best story and setting in the series hands down. I honestly think it's the best Zelda game both from the gameplay and from the story standpoints, and I didn't even play this game as a kid, I have no nostalgia for it at all.

>> No.5194131

Honestly I prefer everything about the original's graphics and palette. DX was a mistake.

>> No.5194361

Fish, thank you very much.

>> No.5194381
File: 276 KB, 379x318, Zelda_Ancient_Ruins_(Link's_Awakening).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I also prefer it. It's more mysterious and ominous.
I've talked about this before, but yeah I also prefer the original. Colors on DX clash a bit too much with each other, original monochrome is more seamless.
I wouldn't say DX was a mistake, and I can see how some people might prefer it in color, but I think the game was developed as a monochrome game artistically and it shows.

>> No.5194468

Not, it wasn't. And I'm glad it is possible to play the game with colors.

>> No.5194715

>The flippers are easily accessible in their respective dungeon and that allows you to enter catfishes maw early.

If you have to enter a dungeon to grab a progression item before just abandoning it to go beat another dungeon that doesn't really count. Yes, you technically completed the dungeons out of order, but you're required to enter the dungeons in order and to acquire the progression items in order. All you're really doing is half-completing dungeons and then adding a ton of backtracking to the game for no good reason.

>> No.5194719

it would count if LA were a roguelite though

>> No.5194721

LA is better, but the Oracle games are fun and have replayability if you like collecting junk to RPG up Link.

The original LA, not DX, also has the screen warping glitch with the select button; this is a really cool trick to play around with, and skip around the game in a non-linear fashion.

>> No.5194725

The bottle grotto (2nd dungeon) has a pretty tricky puzzle if you don't know the enemies names. Have to kill three in a certain order to get the boss key.

>> No.5194735

The original LA has a warping glitch using the select button which you can use to make the game completely non-linear. It's not playing as intended, but it's there and easily accessible.

>> No.5194750

LA shits on crapcom zelda. I think less of people who like the Oracle games as more than an amusing novelty

>> No.5195016
File: 28 KB, 160x144, la.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dungeons are better in Oracles (and you can even do a couple out of order in Seasons). But they can't compete with LA's feels.

>> No.5195056

I dont understand the obsession with doing things out of order. I think you guys are just followers by nature and easily influenced by marketers.

It doesn't make it suddenly more fun going out of order. You still play the levels. Gaming magazines and review sites have poisoned your mind.

>> No.5195116


I've never understood this, I get that for multiple playthroughs you might wanna try things in a different order, but this obsession with doing things out of order is weird as fuck.

>> No.5195137

It's because pacing and difficulty curve don't matter to the majority of gamers. They're all savestating anyway

>> No.5195241
File: 138 KB, 704x904, 1541382751757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The easy ability to do dungeons out of order makes the game fell 'messy' and results in a bad difficulty curve as you progress (see ALBW).

It's okay when the progression can split into a choice between two dungeons at certain times, for example, the OoT spirit and shadow temple.

>> No.5195264

The goron dance in OoA was enough for me to shit on the game. Although I enjoyed the dungeons in that game, because I prefer difficult puzzles in Zelda games.

MC on the other hand is oversimplified zoomer trash

>> No.5195271


I never really thought about that. Maybe that is the reason.

>> No.5195279

>"I think you guys are mindless followers for not wanting to only go where the games tells you"
Great logic there buddy

>> No.5195280


MC was good everyone who says otherwise is dumb. I played Link's Awakening as a kid on a road trip, and I only recently played MC, but I was super impressed by it, I think MC is one of the better Zelda titles.

>> No.5195305

It's objectively a bad zelda game
>short as fuck
>easy as fuck
>shrinking gimmick

>> No.5195339


MC isn't the best game in the series, but it's not even close to the worst, and by any standard it's at least as good as the Oracle games.

>> No.5195421

> but it's not even close to the worst
Of couse not, Phantom Hourglass exists.
It's kind of amazing how inconsistent the handheld Zelda games are. Both the best game in the franchise (Link's Awakening) and the worst game in the franchise (Phantom Hourglass) are handheld titles. I guess that's because since the handheld games aren't mainline titles there is more freedom to experiment with them so they end up being outliers for better or worse.

>> No.5195630


Being a polite human being, you?

>> No.5195639

lol, Link's Awakening as best. lol.

>> No.5195642

If you nodeath it, Marin flies around as the Marin sprite. Assuming nodeath is Canon, wtf does THAT mean?

>> No.5195652


What would you say the best game in the franchise is?

>> No.5195704

You forgot where I said you can enter turtle rock without the mirror shield, you just have to be quick enough, meaning you can skip eagle tower

>> No.5195721

Its Zelda.
Its garbage.
Don't think too hard about it.

>> No.5195769

Fair enough, but you're gonna have to beat Eagle Tower anyway to get the instrument so you're just gimping yourself for no reason and taking a weird detour. It just doesn't seem very worthwhile. What do you really gain by doing those two dungeons out of order?

>> No.5195791

>best characters
>best story
>best sequences (Bow-Wow, Flying Rooster, Animal Village, date with Marin)
>best overworld (dense and interesting)
>best girl
>best length
>Roc's Feather

Yup, checks out. Link's Awakening is practically flawless. Edit out the text boxes for Guardian Acorns, Pieces of Power, and stones and it's actually flawless.

>> No.5195887

If his favourite game zelda game is anything outside of ALttP, LA, OoT or MM, then his opinion is automatically invalid.

>> No.5195897


Yeah, it's kind of weird that anyone would consider LA anything other than top 5 material.

>> No.5195963
File: 138 KB, 650x490, s2152_gp1666_1488927427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still Seething that a monochrome game made by a tiny development team on a toaster console still managed to better than your AAA budget zelda game.

>> No.5195972
File: 24 KB, 240x320, 1525577548426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>including the N64 games but not the NES ones

>> No.5195973

He's drowning in an ocean

>> No.5195976


>> No.5195991

>Edit out the text boxes for Guardian Acorns, Pieces of Power, and stones and it's actually flawless.
For God's sake this. Also the power bracelet should be equipped at all times once you aquire it kinda like the flippers.

>> No.5196057

I like Twilight Princess a lot personally

>> No.5196162


Link's Awakening is without a doubt top 5, anyone who says different is high.

>> No.5196171

underrated post holy fuck

>> No.5196189

Let’s not be delusional here...

>> No.5196208

Twilight Princess is filled with too many mediocre minigames imo. The atmosphere is still top notch and I love Midna, though.

>> No.5196360

Only the nightmare, it was very insistent to stay alive.

>> No.5196363

The fire rod, which gives a quick kill on the boss of eagle tower. And yes, you have to beat all the dungeons to beat the game, that was never in question, you just stated you couldn’t do dungeons out of order and that is objectively wrong.

>> No.5196409

Okay, I accept that you can do exactly one dungeon out of order in Link's Awakening. What a marvel of nonlinear design on par with LttP and Super Metroid.....

>> No.5196414

>the power bracelet should be equipped at all times once you aquire it kinda like the flippers.

But which button would you use to pick things up?

>> No.5196426

>But which button would you use to pick things up?
A and B at the same time? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk you got me there. My biggest gripe with LA was constantly switching items all the time. Having the ability to always lift rocks instead of having to equip the power bracelet would have greatly reduced the amount of times I would have had to brought up the item screen.

>> No.5196435

Read >>5194130 , that game is way more linear than LA.

>> No.5196573

Once you're in the Dark World you actually have a lot of freedom in how you progress. There are key items found on the overworld that you can use to access various dungeons, so you can actually go through the dungeons in a surprisingly varied order. It just doesn't feel that way because the dungeons are numbered on the map. While that's the suggested path through the game, it's not actually required to follow it. Unlike LA where you have to do everything in sequence with only one exception of switching two dungeons.

>> No.5196608

You can skip beating any dungeon and get the item and do the whole thing in reverse order if you really want to

>> No.5196883

Going into a dungeon, getting all the way to the item, then fucking off to some other dungeon for no reason is not the same as exploring the overworld and doing sidequests and obtaining the items necessary to enter multiple dungeons of your choice.

>> No.5198139


>> No.5200228

all these edgy delusional contrarians who think La is anywhere near top 10

>> No.5200325
File: 50 KB, 1131x707, little_nemo_the_dream_master_by_guynietoren-d3j9473.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often ask myself if the people in my dreams stop existing if I forget them, and how many I have already forgotten by now.

Maybe my old self from the day before is one of them, forgetting this person every time I wake up.

...I dream a lot and excessive...

>> No.5200327

Let me ask you, was it the first Zelda game you played when growing up? Like when you were between 8-14?
Just curious

>> No.5200331

thinking there's actually 10 Zelda games worth ranking

>> No.5200440


Someone figure out my last 6
1. Links Awakening
2. Spirit Tracks
3. Majora's Mask (original)
4. Wind Waker HD

>> No.5200776
File: 10 KB, 480x432, 1543691092428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always though the red part was a rad giant red eye

>> No.5200854

cultured anon

>> No.5200967

What were they thinking?!!

>> No.5201031

New to the thread, but LA was my first Zelda game, and I managed to "solve" the puzzle by the simple trial and error method. There are only 3 baddies, so at most 8 combinations. It doesn't take that long.

>> No.5201181

no the first zelda game I played was the first zelda game

twilight princess was something I played when I was like 20, I quite enjoyed the motion controls

>> No.5201205
File: 28 KB, 388x309, BloopBloop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if.

>> No.5201221

you mean six combinations. 3+2+1

>> No.5201731

It's hard to tell what the clue is referring to, and if I recall correctly, even what room the boss key is in. Once you know it's that room and that killing the enemies in a given order is the way to solve the puzzle, you are correct that it's quite simple to try all of the combinations, until then it's a bit confusing. I played the original version when I was a kid, and I'm unsure if the DX version makes it clearer.

>> No.5201809

Sorry, were you expecting a cute girl?

>> No.5201816

There were no humans on Koholint prior to Link arriving as the Wind Fish has no knowledge of humanity. All the humans were part of Link's dream, including Marin. Prove me wrong.

>> No.5203968

>including Marin
So did the windfish make her into a real seagull as thank you to link?

>> No.5203980

What if Marin was always a seagull, dreaming of being human?

>> No.5204534

Ruto is best girl tho, otherwise I agree. It needs a remake that makes use of more buttons though

>> No.5204538

Why is spirit tracks that high? I would argue that even phantom hourglass was better

>> No.5204628

Yes, but not because my dream world is dying.

>> No.5204695

Colonel, what's a Russian gunship doing here?

>> No.5204967

I would love that. Could you imagine dedicated boots, bracelet, and feather buttons? It would be so good.

>> No.5205420

What if everyone was a seagull? What if Hyrule never actually existed and it was all just part of Seagull Link's dream?

>> No.5205891

Why does it have better controls than pokemon with less memory space?

>> No.5206071

She's a bad guy.

>> No.5206151

>buying into hiroshimoot's renaming scheme
math checks out, probably a bugman

>> No.5206620

I wish being asian, instead I'm surrounded by idiots who get triggered by an URL name and probably doesn't even know what's a web browser and what it does

>> No.5206715

>being so autistic that you can't comprehend why people are upset by hiroshimoot's advertiser-friendly bullshit restructuring

>> No.5206780

>advertiser-friendly bullshit
who cares, content blockers exists and the only other solution is paywalling, the only inconvenience of the change was updating my addon rules
nu-moot had not choice if the domain was getting increasingly blacklisted because ignorant journalists keep spreading bullshit about this place
no revenue -> no website, you hippie brainlet, are you ready to pay for a pass or just acting righteous and sperging about a not-existent problem?

>> No.5206839

>no revenue -> no website, you hippie brainlet, are you ready to pay for a pass or just acting righteous and sperging about a not-existent problem?
If 4chan died I'd be free.

>> No.5206897

learn to self-control, you are supposed to be an adult
I don't want this site be killed by autism

>> No.5207001
File: 215 KB, 400x392, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Link's_Awakening_(Player's_Choice).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else Player's Choice edition here?
Most people seem to have played either the original in 1993 or the colored version in 98, but who here was buying this golden GB box with a weird looking owl in the corner inviting you to an unnerving adventure in 96?

>> No.5207204

>weird looking owl in the corner inviting you to an unnerving adventure in 96
He just wanted to tell you how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.

>> No.5207259


have it automatically proc on walking into a rock for a couple seconds.

>> No.5207608

It already has been. 4chan is dead, and you let it die because you weren't willing to fight.

>> No.5207706

Did anyone else feel it was the video game equivalent of sacrilege when the windfish appeared in that ad for Switch Hyrule Warriors? Nintendo is gonna fuck around and ruin their IPs.

>> No.5209246

But then how would you pull things?