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5146551 No.5146551 [Reply] [Original]

Which game was better?

>> No.5146558

Mother 3

>> No.5146569


>> No.5146571

it's a remake of earthbound 64

>> No.5146624

I like the improvements brought into Mother 2, like seeing enemies on the map, sneaking behind them, the rolling HP meter, the "visual drug" backgrounds, the variety in locations and boss fights as well.
However I think the plot on Mother 1 is more meaningful, and while I like 2's variety, I think 1 pitches atmosphere better.
Same with the music, Mother 2 has a lot of variety and great experimental music, using a lot of samplin techniques to produce trippy music, that goes along well with the background graphics during battles, or the colorful towns and bizarre locations like Moonside.
Mother 1 is less trippy and more down to earth, and despite being older graphics, I think it feels more "at home" than Mother 2. It's also scarier when it needs to be, despite Mother 2 being more over the top at times, it never had the same oimnous, eerie vibe Mother 1 can do.

>> No.5146626
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>Same with the music, Mother 2 has a lot of variety and great experimental music, using a lot of samplin techniques to produce trippy music, that goes along well with the background graphics during battles, or the colorful towns and bizarre locations like Moonside.
Mean to add that while Mother 1 has less amount of music and no sampling technique, it still created some of the most memorable tunes in the franchise. Mother 2's music is more about the sound, the different textures and weird effects, Mother 1 is more melody-driven.
Not to say 2 doesn't have great melody-based songs, like all the towns tracks, but IMO none of them is as memorable as Pollyanna or Bein' Friends.
The lullaby version of Polyanna that plays on Ness' house is pretty cute though.

>> No.5146751

MOTHER is much better, M2 is basically a reboot.

>> No.5146768

Kinda, but not really, it has a loose continuation. Same with Mother 3.

>> No.5146881


>> No.5146893

Whichever one has the most chad protagonist

>> No.5146895

Mother 2 is much better just because it essentially is Super Mother 1.

>> No.5146896

Ninten has asthma, but Ness gets homesick.
I'd say Ninten is the chaddest one.
Lucas is the chaddest one because he's the most powerful PSI user, secretly, and gets to sleep around with an older girl

>> No.5146920

I like both, but I like the first one better. second one is still quite fun though.

The only problem I have with both is that there isn't enough battle themes. Probably just the limited hardware though.

>> No.5146979

>Shit chapters and tedious shit in them
>Useless party members
>Small world and very linear
>Only feels like a Mother game on Chapter 4 start / When you're on the highway and NewPork City.
>game depends on nostalgia for Mother 2
Haha no

>> No.5146983

Not him but why does it have to "feel" like a Mother game and what does that mean? Having a modern city set up?
>depends on nostalgia
It literally kind of makes fun of nostalgia, or exaggerates it to the point that the main antagonist is a nostalfag himself.
Also Mother 2 has a lot of references to Mother 1 as well.

>> No.5147008
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so many to choose from but i think the greatest love of them all is mother 1 however i like some music from mother 2.

>> No.5147013

i like 1 more. i've played through it several times and it always feels fresh and fun to me, but EB i think relies pretty heavily on its wacky value. that is, the first time you see everything in it it's like "wow! crazy! haha!" but seeing it again already knowing what's coming, you lose a lot of that factor. it's still a great game, though.

>> No.5147019

You couldn't be more wrong Lucasfag, Lucas is the most virgin of them all.
>Can't save mom
>Didn't stop his bro
>It's disliked by most people and takes shit from them
>Gets PSI from a tranny
>Sleeps with an older girl, citation needed
>Won't attack his bro even if the world literally depends on it
>Needs help from dad and a literal ghosts to win
>Only MC without teleport

Yeah, no. Ninten and Ness are really much more chaddest and Ness CAN get out of the homesick if you don't call mom but still Ninten is the chaddest
>Only MC to have a magicant all about him and reach enlightment
>Canonically brave
>Kind enough to be friends for some time with POS like Porky
>Doesn't let his dog waste a party member slot
>Family complete and happy
>Respected by a gang leader and taking down said gang by himself
>Pure GF
>Still needs external help during the final battle
Now Ninten is the Chaddest
>Can solo most of his adventure and final boss with the occasional help from a nerd because he is too Chad for tech shit
>Doesn't need harmful PSI in battle, can teleport right on it too.
>Can beat up the final boss if needed but singing is faster
>Has two pure girl after his dick and two sisters
>Loved by everyone on magicant
>Had his own super robot
>GF is optional, doesn't need a thot following him around.
>Can climb up MT.Itoi as many times he wants, doesn't get stuck in the final area.
>Only has useful party members on his team.

>> No.5147025
File: 113 KB, 850x850, lucas and kumatora 3 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets to sleep around with an older girl
>implying that little wiener could ever have the balls to do it with someone as brash as the bear tiger

>> No.5147057

I swear to god I'm going to turn this thread around and then nobody is getting Dairy Queen if you children don't behave yourselves

>> No.5147062

>why does it have to "feel" like a Mother game and what does that mean?
Since the last two games had a present/modern it would have been only natural to this one to have it, Imagine if DQ suddenly had some sci fi shit instead of medieval, it's more about tradition than Nostalgia since some of those games are stand alone yet they don't fuck up the basic, What's the point of the DQ clone on modern time if it's going to have some generic fantasy setting?
>exaggerates it to the point that the main antagonist is a nostalfag himself.
How? Porky seems more obsessed with Ness and fucking with people
>Mother 2 has a lot of references to Mother 1
Giygas and ?

>> No.5147150

>it's more about tradition than Nostalgia
Yet you complain that Mother 3 relies on nostalgia.
There is nothing wrong with having a different concept or scenario. Besides, Mother 3 also has the modernized city and New Pork City.
>How? Porky seems more obsessed with Ness and fucking with people
Exactly. I mean, Porky has literally a "nostalgia corridor", with elements of both Mother 1 and 2, and has the "16 melodies" song.
The fact he's obsessed with Ness to the point of having his posessions framed, and has a movie theatre displaying Mother 2, I'd say it's pretty clear.
>Giygas and ?
There are quite a number of references to Mother 1 in 2, The Starmen, the Flying Birds, lots of music cues.
Mother 3 also has its share of references, for example the seashell houses of the Magypsies resemble the houses on M1's Magicant and the seashell poles.
Some enemies also only appear in Mother 1 and 3, like the Titani.
All 3 games are connected, and are full of references of callbacks, even if in weird ways.

>> No.5147209

>Yet you complain that Mother 3 relies on nostalgia.
You're confusing Nostalgia with tradition
A game with Noatalgia and no tradition would be like if Mother was in fucking medieval era the whole time but you got lots of reference and a main villian from the past and Ness joining your party because he also traveling trough time and shit, that's Nostalgia and zero tradition.
Now tradition and no nostalgia would be the same setting but nothing of Mother 2 or 1 is ever mentioned.
>"nostalgia corridor"
That's more of the developers giving a curtain call because this is the last game and it was aimed at players that just finished 1+2. Rmember 16 song being all about the three games but don't remember it being linked to Porky in any way.
Yes some those are but not really big stuff like a major villian (Gigyas looks nothing like he did nor you have to play Mother 1 in any way to get him) and the past protagonists. recurring enemies don't really feel like references, you also think the bellsprout from Pokemon gold are reference to Pokemon red?
Either the references at the end game where more from the developers to the players than Porky obsessing over Earthbound like the Mother 1 corridor, Porky clearly had nothing to do with that.

>> No.5147215

Porky actually adresses Ness as his "best friend" though.

>> No.5147259


>> No.5147273

with a worse setting and writing

>> No.5147294
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>tfw you lose the mentality of Ninten being a Ness clone, to realizing its Ness who is the rip-off

>> No.5147870

More like demake

>> No.5147885

What the hell happened to Duke Nukem's body proportions?

>> No.5147886

shrinker, obviously. Haven't you played Duke 3D?

>> No.5147921

>Gets PSI from a tranny

Cross dressers and drag queens are not really transsexuals.

>> No.5147939

aren't magypsies hermaphrodites though/

>> No.5147976

[citation needed]

>> No.5147981

aren't they described as being neither men or women?

>> No.5147994

That'd be the opposide of hermaphoride then, they're both.
Magypsies are supernatural beings, although obviously it's intended to be a reference to transexuals, I believe Itoi said he has friends that are "like that", but instead of focusing on the sexuality or the gender thing, he emphasizes on the fact they're "different" than "normal" people, but can be interesting too.
Then again, the whole transgender culture in Japan and Asia is different than in the west.
But yeah as far as the Magypsies themselves they're like fairies (or angels? which are also said to be neither men or women, but have aspects of both).
I like how they treat humans as kind of lesser things.

>> No.5147998

>Implying it's any better

>> No.5148000

Love me some Mother-inspired chiptunes

>> No.5148089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5148090

>Magypsies are supernatural beings, although obviously it's intended to be a reference to transexuals
wtf I hate mother now

>> No.5148105 [DELETED] 

Not /vr/

>> No.5148106

It is a matter of difference, not quality.

>> No.5148309


>> No.5148662 [DELETED] 

That's the joke

>> No.5148740

I think they are both great games, but I figure Mother 2 is going to have to get first prize. Mostly because the graphics added that much more charm to the world of the Mother series. Can't go wrong with either title though.

>> No.5148829
File: 298 KB, 588x508, jeff told you to delete this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that crap outta here!

>> No.5148967

Blow it out your ass!

>> No.5149037
File: 2 KB, 128x128, e_tough_guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come get some.

>> No.5149039
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I ought to break a broom handle off in your ass!

>> No.5149043
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Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride.

>> No.5149129
File: 27 KB, 651x789, tumblr_inline_p4347g2ndu1vnabws_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ness more American than Duke Nukem? Duke is pretty American, but Ness eats Hamburgers he's gotten out of trash cans.

That's pretty fucking American.

>> No.5149232

Mother 1 plays like shit

>> No.5149241

>can walk in 8 directions
>screen scrolls properly
>menues are fast and work fine
What about it plays like shit?

>> No.5149303

Probably inventory but that goes for all of them

>> No.5149340

I can see Mother 2 as being the better game. But I can't bring myself to beat it. I feel it's too slow, compared to the first game, that I have beaten three times already, on my computer and my phone.

>> No.5149501

at what point do you usually give up earthbound?

>> No.5149508

Mother 1 definitely gets a bonus for not having as much useless plot shit you need to carry around.

>> No.5149978
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MOTHER 2 is pretty much a direct improvement to every single aspect of the first game.

>> No.5150013

if that's true, why do I enjoy mother 1 more?

>> No.5150074

Not really, Mother 1 is more open world and more importantly has mothefucking POLLYANNA

>> No.5150085
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Mother's OST is so fucking good.

>> No.5150628

The sanctuary guardian theme in earthbound always really stuck out for me. It's such a melancholy song for big boss battles.

>> No.5151479

This is entirely my opinion as well. 2 is a great game, maybe even a better game, but I like 1 more.

>> No.5151496

This,it's like MM and OoT. OoT is definitely the better game but if you ask me which one to play I wouls absolutely choose MM

>> No.5151515

I like MM and OOT equally and treat them like they're basically a package deal. Can't play one without the other.

>> No.5151609

ness and duke would get along.

>> No.5152191 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 420x327, 1438148542129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wish

>> No.5152441 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 227x485, paula_by_kamakurako-d4flmd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo nigger

>> No.5152442 [DELETED] 

Still a better sequel than Mother 3

>> No.5152446 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 567x788, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, Underfag

>> No.5152450 [DELETED] 

kys nigger

>> No.5152452
File: 42 KB, 277x400, AC587CC6-CD8F-47CC-AA8D-B2F62BE18810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother 1 best game.
Ana best girl.

>> No.5152454 [DELETED] 

Go swallow daddy's cum.

>> No.5152470
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>> No.5152472

Used goods

>> No.5152478

Ninten used Ana, don't kid yourself.

>> No.5152482 [DELETED] 
File: 455 KB, 645x900, Ana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ana is a pure Christian loli

>> No.5152507

and here we go

>> No.5152547


>> No.5152791

2 is better in every way

Played them both for the first time this year. I even started with Mother, kinda played it for the context/experience. I had a decent time with the first game but I can't see myself playing it again.

>> No.5152796

I like Mother 1 more because it's less linear and has a better resolution to the story.

>> No.5153093
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>> No.5153112

Finally, fanart of the sailor that throws his slippers at the Kraken. What a time to be alive.

>> No.5153462
File: 634 KB, 777x954, 42600671_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have this.

>> No.5153464

Bad post

>> No.5153512 [DELETED] 

thats not a high bar.

>> No.5153742 [DELETED] 

At least Toby still gives sequels

>> No.5154145
File: 3.06 MB, 1600x1200, kraken fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraken battle theme is the best battle theme in Earthbound, prove me wrong.
>Ness canonically fights fucking Krakens alone wearing only his hat in the Japanese version of the game
Even if it's only in Magicant, that's pretty fucking hardcore. Is Ness the strongest retro Nintendo protagonist?

>> No.5154153
File: 262 KB, 900x900, 1530607469167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Ness the strongest retro Nintendo protagonist?

>> No.5154157
File: 697 KB, 1041x729, b05549f61eaba041841bb2c75a881584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.5154158

>social justice propaganda: the game

>> No.5154160
File: 337 KB, 850x700, ness magicant kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby didn't really become infinitely powerful until the more modern ones. Endgame Ness could probably take him.

>> No.5154165
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>> No.5154170

DELTARUNE is better!

>> No.5154190
File: 565 KB, 600x610, OOOOOOOH NONONON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ultimate got rid of trophies, which means we can't view the new models for Paula's panties and Poo
>Mother 1 characters will never get 3D models
>ninten didn't get in as a echo or semi-clone
>porky is probably back as a boss in his shitty Mother 3 design
>instead EVERYONE gets a fucking """"soul-infused sticker""""
what a fucking trainwreck for Mother representation in the biggest Smash yet

>> No.5154192

Paula has a new model, though

>> No.5154193

2 is better in every way, unless you're a contrarian.

>> No.5154194

Kirby is broken and shit but we still have to remember he can die by apples and shit. Only got powerful recently because Sakurai but I would say he is more of a fast glass canon

>> No.5154195

>2 is better in every way, unless you've actually played both games

>> No.5154216
File: 427 KB, 579x828, ness moonside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paula, Poo, Kumatora, and Boney got models for Ness and Lucas's final smashes. All of the Mother stages are back too, along with some new remixes and a new victory theme for Ness and Lucas. Plus the Ramblin' mushroom is a item now. Sakurai has some clear bias towards the Mother series, and I don't mind in the slightest. Feel sorry for F-zerofags though.

Yeah, and even though a lot of Kirby final bosses are strong, none of them compare to Giygas.

>> No.5154280

i know they have new models
but the fact we only have to view em through gameplay only what sucks the most

>Feel sorry for F-zerofags though.
same, at best they could've gotten Goroh, Black Shadow, and Deathborne as characters. but at least Big Blue is back and got kick ass remixes from SEGA remnants of Amusement Vision

>> No.5154301

can someone edit that to say the war against the gays?

>> No.5154383

>Grindy shit with a poor translation
>Mt. Itoi

Tell me how it's better again please?

>> No.5154516

You are going have to explain this one.

>> No.5154612

He meant communism

>> No.5154639

the same goes for me, earthbound is objectively a better made but mother 1 was a more memorable experience

also how the fuck did they manage to fint that world map in a nes cartridge

>> No.5154737

>>Grindy shit with a poor translation
>>Mt. Itoi
this meme argument again? Now I really do know you've never played 1

>> No.5154805

>not gitting good at Mt. Itoi
>not one shotting nigs with PK Beam y and PK Freeze y

>> No.5154876

Pussies, I did my first playtrough with only Ninten and Lloyd

>> No.5154879

you read those posts backwards, retard

>> No.5154885

>Ana-less gameplay
is it really possible?

>> No.5154890

Yes, you only need Lloyd to progress some roadblocks

>> No.5154963

She's completely optional.

>> No.5154970

i liked the Mother 1 doujinshi

>> No.5154972

You're not talking about the one where the BB gang rapes Ninten, right?

>> No.5154973

I prefer the Mother 2 Pokey X Giygas one

>> No.5154976

the one where chad comes in beating them up too

>> No.5154990

homos and fujos begone

>> No.5154993

I'm not a fujoshit or a fag tho, I just know about that doujin because its been mentioned all the time in these threads

>> No.5154996
File: 454 KB, 564x760, T-TEDDY-SAMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit's good

>> No.5155654

The R-Series robots are cool.
They're pretty cool for unlosable story fights

>> No.5156316

currently playing earthbound, i just reached twoson, when does the game gets good? any tips?

also why the music is so shit? the only good tracks are the remakes of those from mother 1

>> No.5156380

The game finally picks up after reaching Summers. I used to think it picks up at the 2nd visit to Winters; maybe it still does.

>> No.5156538

>some new remixes
what remixes? anything from mother 3?

>> No.5156690

>also how the fuck did they manage to fint that world map in a nes cartridge
I will answer this tonight but its not surprising and the cart they used was big

>> No.5156814


>> No.5156815

It gets good at threed and goes downhill after threed

>> No.5156837

Everything post fourside arc is shit

>> No.5156868

>post fourside
I like fourside as a location, but you're daft if you think the mall and monkey cave aren't anything but awful

>> No.5157109

Idn't Monkey cave is post everything on Fourside?

>> No.5157139

nope. it's before you can get to the upper floors of the Monotoli building, since you get the yogurt machine at the end

>> No.5157281

Mother 1 is basically unplayable and Mother 2 is a fully fleshed out game that's like a 9/10 for me. Hypothetically I could have played through the entirety of Mother 1, had a decent time, then played through Mother 2 and I'd never want to touch Mother 1 ever again.

It's kind of like what's the point of playing Super Mario Bros. 1 when you could play 3 or Super Mario World.

>> No.5157303

You're a fucking causal

>> No.5157305

It's a JRPG

>> No.5157306

You're so casual you can even play one of the easiest genres?

>> No.5157314

The only enemies that will fuck you in Mother 1 are the ones that use PK Beam Gamma when you have little to no knowledge of the 2nd Franklin Badge, and in Mt. Itoi Plateau and Peak.

>> No.5157593

The suits of armor in the Rosemary Manor are pretty scary

>> No.5157830

Oh shit I'm a little tired to write it all out but the short version is basically the map consists of 57334 (256x224) tiles (1 byte per tile) 64x64 pixels in size. There are 2048 64x64 tiles, (many of them blank). Those 64x64 tiles are made up of 16 16x16 tiles, so each 64x64 tile is 16 bytes each. Each 16x16 tiles is made up of 4 CHR graphics (a CHR graphic is 8x8.) so it is 4 bytes each. There are 4096 16x16 tiles. There are also palette data but it turns out they saved space and used the upper 2 bits of the 16x16 tiles and map areas! Finally there is map area data split up in 4x4 64x64 tiles. That's the big stuff. There are little pieces too but I will ignore it. I am not including map graphics because on NES games, graphics are actually on a separate chip than ROM data but I will say that CHR gfx takes up about 12800 bytes. So let's do some tired inaccurate math to see how much data the map is:

(256*224) tiles + (2048 big tiles * 16 size of big tile) + (4096 little tiles + 4 little tile size) + ((256/4)*(224*4) map areas).

I got 106496 bytes from this calculation but it is probably more like 132656 bytes peaking at the ROM map. The PRG ROM is 262144 bytes so it is definitely significant, considering the map takes up about half the ROM but a 262kb ROM is huge considering Super Mario Bros 1 is 16kb, or 16 times smaller.

Anyway I should be sleeping

>> No.5157832

So basically the short short version is, they used a big cart. The map data is about the size of 8 copies of Super Mario Bros. They did use a couple of tricks.

>> No.5157975

>Mother 1 is basically unplayable
absolutely and objectively false, it's easily playable these days even without a walkthrough at least the gba version

>> No.5157978 [DELETED] 

explain then how this is 256x224 tiles:

>> No.5158353

The gba version I sworse since you can't control encounters

>> No.5158380
File: 17 KB, 256x256, 1485647555791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Earthbound attracts too many fucking casuals to the series. They see quirky humor and writing as an invitation, but go all apeshit when they learn Mother 1 is harder than Earthbound.

>> No.5159449

Mother 3 >>> Mother 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mother 1

>> No.5159580

Bad opinion.

>> No.5159714

>mother 3
>above either 1 or 2

>> No.5159772

I don't like fucking boring games why does that make me a casual

If you tell me that you would happily play Mother 1 over Mother 2 I think you'd be a try hard and that to me is a more apt description of someone than calling me a casual. Would I be a casual carpenter if I didn't like smashing my balls with a hammer instead of using the hammer build things with? Because that's the equivalence of playing a game as dated and visually horrible as Mother 1.

I may like retro games but I don't play antiquated garbage. To further my point, would you rather play Final Fantasy 1 to any of the other titles? I doubt it.

>> No.5159828

my point that the gba version of mother has aged really well, and it feels like you're playing a cool story-driven game instead of a boring nes' jrpg

>> No.5160270

With the exception of the rolling hp meter, Earthbound is mechanically the same as Mother

>> No.5160285

By using unplayable I thought you were complaining about the difficulty but now that I see you're complaining about the graphics, you're a tremendous casual.

>> No.5161179
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To tell you the truth I don't really view either as being the "superior" one, I think each does some things better than the other, e.g. 1 with the run button and 4th dimensional slip, 2 and the rolling health meter and having a bit more content

>> No.5161185
File: 295 KB, 894x894, ninten render by nibroc-rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Ninten wont be DLC to shill Earthbound Beginnings on the NES libary

haha right ;-;

>> No.5161189
File: 351 KB, 718x687, 1476410089107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you use the onyx hook right before the Fallin' love scene you can do the entire game alone with just Ninten actually

>> No.5161198

Why is this in past tense? Both games still exist and are playable.

>> No.5161237

I'm pretty sure that the Run feature wasn't implemented in the original Famicom versions

>> No.5161378
File: 533 KB, 1280x4604, here's your mother echoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be happy Nibroc did a model of his Clay design
we are NEVER gonna have Ninten in his OG and Commercial design as a semi-clone or echo

fuck, Sakurai manage to reference a fucking fan trick from Castlevania and Falcon's Black Costume being from that F-Zero X commercial, yet no alternate costume referring to Ninten.

shit suxs

>> No.5161385
File: 115 KB, 624x758, god i hate asthma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ninten solo run
imagine the hell if you're not overlevel in Mt. Itoi

>> No.5161387

ahhahahhahaha how is mt. itoi even real nigga ahaahahahhahah just like 4th-d slip ahahhahahahhahahahhha

>> No.5161479

>gets puzzled

>> No.5162490

>they learn Mother 1 is harder than Earthbound.

>> No.5162510


>> No.5162539

>Sakurai manage to reference a fucking fan trick from Castlevania and Falcon's Black Costume being from that F-Zero X commercial, yet no alternate costume referring to Ninten.
wait really? when did this occur?

>> No.5162563
File: 1.19 MB, 1024x1024, 1540268753062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Artsy Omni will gladly make a complete render for a fan character
>and do a shit ton of mother3 art despite not having played the game at the time
>but will only do ONE mother1 character (eve) and it was goddamn a trophy
being a EBB fan is suffering

>> No.5162654

There is something (fan project) big coming for MOTHER fans in the next year.

>> No.5162664

is it that thing I've been waiting on and off for over the course of years and actually looks and sounds competent as fuck

>> No.5162729

it is AMAZING Sakurai referenced this, its the littlest detail he truly excels on
almost as Ridley being called the Cunning God of Death as his Boxing Ring title
the official Smash 64 japanese site claimed that the black costume was inspired by the F-Zero X commercial

and yet we don't have Mother 1 stuff on Ness

>> No.5162730

which one?
because Mother 4 is getting rebranded into a Mother-inspired project (PSI is VOX now)

>> No.5162746
File: 88 KB, 800x600, ana2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best Mother 1 track and why is it Snowman?

>> No.5162751

I really like Duncan’s Factory.


>> No.5162753
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>> No.5162759
File: 25 KB, 360x360, .1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mother vocal cd

>> No.5162763

EarthBound is overrated garbage

>> No.5162781

No, it's super ultra duper owverrated garbage.

>> No.5162787

Mother is underrated kino

>> No.5162789

imagine actually believing this

>> No.5162792

Earthbound is an overrated good game

>> No.5162816

Far from garbage, and this is coming from someone who doesn't care for the game or genre in general. The fanbase is vocal, but they stay in their own lane from what I've seen. I can't see any reason to hate this game.

>> No.5162840
File: 64 KB, 400x240, ness smash starman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still a lot of love for Mother in Smash though, 4 stages, 3 items, and 2 characters in Ultimate, and Sakurai added Paula and Poo and Kumatora and Boney to Ness's and Lucas's final smashes respectively. Plus there was a easter egg in 4, where if you hit a starman with a charged ness side smash the "SMAAAAAASH!!" text would appear

>> No.5162845

i pretty that also appears if you successfully reflect his PK Beam Gamma/Omegas

>> No.5162874
File: 284 B, 15x16, happy Ninten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw this is the first time PK beam has ever been shown outside of mother1

>> No.5162883

i like it anon but it isn't vr

>> No.5162885
File: 777 KB, 1280x742, 863190ea-0413-4c1b-8f18-9ab59db82122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly for a literally dead series it's amazing how much Sakurai gives us. You can tell Nintendo doesn't care much about the series based on how Ness and Lucas never appear on promotional material but still, Sakurai adds a lot of cool stuff.

The new psi effects, Lucas' pk love finally being blue, and seeing Kumatora and Boney has been some of the most exciting things for me about this game honestly.

>> No.5162890

isn't pk beam another name for pk flash?

>> No.5162953

nope, its pretty much a overkill projectile version of PK Thunder

>> No.5163000

nah PK flash doesnt exist in mother1
pk beam is a strong as fuck psi move that can one shot most enemies

>> No.5163006

But the later pk flash moves have a chance to one shot an enemy too...

>> No.5163013
File: 75 KB, 500x740, img_EarthboundBeginnings_chr_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about protagonist, but Teddy is clearly the Chad in the series.

>> No.5163016

pk flash has a /chance/ to kill enemies
pk beam fucking obliterates anything

>> No.5163086

PK Beam y is a 100% sureshot
honestly nearly ALL Gamma variations of PK attacks are so brutal as heck, it always hits

>> No.5163091

and when i mean nearly, i mean PK Thunder y is too shit while you can K.O. all enemies with PK Fire Omega in Mother 1

>> No.5163140
File: 132 KB, 1024x576, mom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you think about it the mother1 crew could fucking stomp bother Ness and Lucas' gang
Ninten has the best defensive psi out of anyone and 4th-d slip is a instant escape
Ana has the most broken psi and can one shot anything with ease, plus they both has powershield making them completely invulnerable.
Teddys is fuckn strong as hell and Lloyd just sucks

>> No.5163223

Which version of Mother is the best one to play?
The amount of alternate versions put VNs to shame.

>> No.5163229

Original on NES with the official translation or else you're a filthy casual.

>> No.5163249
File: 25 KB, 633x651, smugku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 25th Anniversary hack

>> No.5163272


>> No.5163295

Yeah muddy, Vaseline covered 3D would have been much better than what we got.

>> No.5163387

So just beat MOTHER. I think I am missing somethint. Is Giegue angry because George stole the plans that could be used to destroy his people? Or were the plans that George stole Giegue's plan to destroy Earth? I don't get his angle. How exactly did George betray Giegue, and is Giegue's hatred of Earth and assault simply because George stole his "plans", whatever they were?

>> No.5163390

Giegue's "plans" were information on PSI and how it works, and he basically gave Earth and its creatures the power to use PSI.

>> No.5163620
File: 112 KB, 850x860, ness2 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best boy

>> No.5163659
File: 75 KB, 600x847, Ninten Mother01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture

>> No.5163726

George was a modern day Prometheus and that pissed off Giygas's race

>> No.5163909
File: 74 KB, 701x1024, 1537806995266m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hack is literally the definition of soulless

>> No.5163924

Mato's Mother 1+2 retranslation is better than NoA's translation.

>> No.5163940

Battle Against a Dangerous Foe. It's fast paced, plays the most often, and that fucking ending sequence.

>> No.5163943

Probably the ending theme is the beat but everyone forgets about that

>> No.5164241

Mother 1 was the best.
They got less good as they went. They're all still good, mind you. I just feel like they got worse for different reasons with each new one.

>> No.5164256

They went in a different direction with each game. Which is fine IMO.

>> No.5164329

>you just gotta install 20 patches to make the game playable, bro. Vanilla Mother is just too hard!

>> No.5164428
File: 139 KB, 693x623, ness3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm pretty sure that's right.

>> No.5164449
File: 88 KB, 500x500, MOTHER ninten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha its ok friend we all make mistakes

>> No.5164460
File: 501 KB, 1000x800, ness ninten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they're both best boy?

>> No.5164464

>zoomers cant handle a easy as fuck rpg

>> No.5164468
File: 314 KB, 357x358, based ninten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now were talkin

>> No.5164475
File: 405 KB, 721x1080, ninten bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it would've been neat if one of the areas you could go was Podunk in Earthbound, and maybe get to see a grown up Ninten. Are any of the Mother 1 locations even mentioned in Earthbound?

>> No.5164517



>> No.5164556

i'm baffled there isn't a SSB64 hack where Ness is remodeled to be more like Ninten
there's literally a Bomberman and Falcon vertex hack now

>> No.5164581
File: 2.85 MB, 1866x1178, summers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from my recollection, the only thing tying EB with Mother 1 is Giygas

>> No.5164597

I mean, that's the only explicit thing, I think. M2 has all sorts of parallels and references to M1 though. I am not even sure if M2 takes place on the same planet? M1 takes place in "Rural America" and M2 takes place in Eagle Land, some sort of parallel America.

>> No.5164621
File: 168 KB, 1024x767, giygas_the_pinata_by_shankya-da8ckc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the spic who did those eventually did another project, which was a Kickstarter scampaign.
later fucked off and never sharing his method to do vertex hacks and adding roster slots

>> No.5164767

Did you know your dog in M1 is actually a cute girl?

>> No.5164796


>> No.5164815

Oh. Communism probably works fine for a town of Tazmily's size honestly. But I don't think Tazmily was explicitly communist – i don't think the government is specified. The game is not about government though, it is more about turning into unnatural. Animals and monsters were put together as chimeras. Claus, who should have died, was revived as part machine. The Nowhere Islands became industrialized. Tazmily was simple until it was annexed by Porky.

However I do believe the Pigmasks are supposed to resemble kind of Nazis. Their uniforms remind me of Nazi uniforms and their salute is similar to the roman salute used by Nazis and I guess Porky is kind of a...well I guess he is a monarch. Also chimeras WERE Nazi experiments (and they apparently may have survived for a few minutes).

>> No.5164819 [DELETED] 

more like go back to /v/

>> No.5164820

more like you go back to /v/

>> No.5165098

[citation needed]

>> No.5165172

tits or gtfo

>> No.5165283

All you need to do is manipulate your dog to get out of his home and into enemy spawning territory for the dog to become a cute glasses wearing school girl.

>> No.5165291

Paula = Ana > Tracy > Ness's Mom > Venus > Kumatora > Minnie = Mimi > Ninten's Mom > Samba > Hinawa > Pippi

>> No.5165296

Majority blonde.

>> No.5165341

the game makes NO references to communism and anyone who thought it did is a blockhead.
it's much more about humanity's relationship with nature, with tradition, and with 'God', and how advanced technology, television, propaganda and capitalism tear all of that apart and make people miserable/un-feeling drones. With that in mind, this is clearly a spiritual statement and not a political one. A critique of modernity and civilisation as a whole, not right-wing politics/economics. I don't know why people try to make out that everything is political these days.
Like all the other games in the series, Mother 3 is about the importance of friends and family and people caring for one another. 3 explores the reasons why unity has become rarer in modern times. The beginning shows us a strong community coming together to overcome a tragedy, then as the game progresses and the villagers are given happy boxes and money from their corporate jobs, they become self absorbed and fragmented. You also see a bunch of tourists coming into Tazmily, further diluting the meaning of their community.

>> No.5165352

that kumatora model is awesome and makes me sad that she's not playable

>> No.5165585 [DELETED] 

enjoy what you have at least

>> No.5165602

This game stinks.

>> No.5165707
File: 3 KB, 248x192, Mother live house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you remeber that Ninten is technically the one singing the song
>yfw you realize this is Nintens canon voice

>> No.5165837 [DELETED] 

>ninten is a canon soiboy

>> No.5165850

enjoy what you have at least
>forgetting about mods

>> No.5165958

One important aspect of Earthbound for me is that it's a silly world, but all of the characters takes it seriously since that is all they know.

Then comes every "Earthbound inspired" game and completely misses the point. So many characters act way too self-aware of the silliness of the world making it lose all the charm.

Why is it so difficult to make a game feel like Earthbound?

>> No.5166007
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, Ninten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ninten a onions boy
he american, dates a christian girl and beats the crap out of hippies, he's far from a soi boy

>> No.5166025

Ninten is a pure American boy who likes ribs, baseball, cute girls and vidya games, you want a sissyboy go look at Lucas

>> No.5166029

>this discussion
Leave /vr/ and never come back.

>> No.5166035

People see the quirk of Earthbound's world but almost never make the attempt to actually see how all the humor and oddities are written.

And like you said. Mother presents its oddities as being apart of the world. It's a modernist piece of writing.
Many Earthbound (if not all) inspired works are post-modernist. They can't have the quirks just for the sake of creating comedy, it's always self-referential as if saying "look at how quirky and silly we are, we're just like Eathbound".

>> No.5166041

>Video games
Are vidya games even ever mentioned in Mother 1?

>> No.5166045

Super Mario Bros 8 is mentioned

>> No.5166048

A kid in the school mentions Dragon Quest Mario in the Sandhop translation and another about playing his Gameboy on the roof

>> No.5166050

In the Japanese version it was Dragon Quest III

>> No.5166053

I didn't play the japanese version because I'm not a fag or slant eye

>> No.5166054

Always thought Mother 1 took place before home consoles were a thing, guess I got my timeline wrong.

>> No.5166057

They never state specific years, I've always figured it was around the time of their release.

>> No.5166058

What would make you think that?

>> No.5166062
File: 284 KB, 1600x1200, Earthbound beginnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the peanuts-like artstyle and characters made me think it was the 50s or 60s.

>> No.5166076

nah, it takes place in the 80's.

I think the rural and retro qualities of the setting, plus the alien abduction plot makes it very easy to think it takes place before the 70's though.
For example, Teddy looks like a greaser, the car enemies look quite old in model, the robot enemies resemble Robbie the robot. Aliens, Laser guns and such are often associated with 50's science fictions.

>> No.5166083

heck off

>> No.5166175
File: 118 KB, 850x511, mother girls 2 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and?
Blondes are cute.

>> No.5166208

justify this statement

>> No.5166295

Winters sucked

>> No.5166374
File: 33 KB, 347x346, que.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enter in the thread expecting a lot of people talking about how the choice was too obvious and that everyone prefers Earthbound and doesn't care about Mother 1

>It turns out that almost practically everyone is talking about how they prefer Mother 1

What the fuck ??

(I don't prefer either, but never before in my life I saw something like this thread lol)

>> No.5166386

More people started actually playing Mother 1 instead of parroting e-celeb opinions about it.

>> No.5166454

People say his singing sucks but I find it adorable

>> No.5166462 [DELETED] 

Undertale is probably the one that does it best

>> No.5166485 [DELETED] 

Undertale is edgy trash: https://gamebias.wordpress.com/2015/12/16/undertale-review-progressively-pointless/

>> No.5166489
File: 66 KB, 1139x268, 1519679385005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5166503

desu the upside of the 25th hack is that they made all the R703-series fights play the Factory theme
it fits well due to how bullshit the bosses are intentionally

>> No.5166514

God I love the spritework in Mother 1.
All the enemies are just exuding personality and charm.

>> No.5166539

Mother 1 got a virtual console release a few years ago, so that made it accessible for most people who didn't care enough to emulate it.
Plus Mother 1 hasn't been discussed and meme'd to death unlike Earthbound.

>> No.5166540

many of those foes are indeed dangerous.
A few really should use different themes though. Like the skunks.

>> No.5166549
File: 4 KB, 512x448, WHEREISSHE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, I'm here at the fucking cemetery exactly where I'm supposed to rescue Pipi, but when I entered there was only one casket with a Pseudo Zombie in it. I fought him and it disappeared. The room is completely empty. This is a quite old savegame. Without knowing exactly what I had done and what to do, I talked to the mayor and he said that something about rescueing someone, which would obviously be Pipi. But where the fuck are the two other caskets? What did I do wrong?

>> No.5166551

have you talked to pippi's mom?

>> No.5166553
File: 160 KB, 828x965, m1__magicant_dragon_by_anniemae04-dakzc2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5166556

I figured it out. I've already rescued her in this savegame. I talked to the mayor's assistant and he gave me a zoo key. What is the mayor even talking about?

>> No.5166557
File: 720 KB, 1280x720, wargay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5166567

where's the slit at?

>> No.5166569
File: 124 KB, 584x661, 36391 - EarthBound Mother giygas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5166663 [DELETED] 

look, you cant post shit like that without giving sauce.

>> No.5166792

/vr/ is full of hipsters and contrarians. Since Earthbound is the popular well known game they all say they like 1 or 3 better because they're insecure faggots who need to be special and different. They're all good games but Earthbound is easily the best all around, anyone interested in being honest and objective knows it too.

>> No.5167128 [DELETED] 

It's just some image I found on Gelbooru

>> No.5167132

You need to head to the zoo. Did you get the canary and found its use?

>> No.5167160

Canary isn't THAT near the zoo. From what I remember, whenever you try to get to the first department store, if you reach the diagonal path, you first see, make a hard left and you should come up to a sign and keep going left and into a field with some pillar seemingly blocking your entrance, but not really.

>> No.5167307

imagine being so deluded you think anyone who doesn't have the same opinions as you is just being a contrarian

>> No.5167585 [DELETED] 

good lord

>> No.5167592

MOTHER is a fundamentally better game. M2 is more or less a remake.

>> No.5167594

>M2 is more or less a remake.
I don't really know why people say this. Other than lazily reusing 3/4 mother 1's playable characters how is it similar enough to be a remake?

>> No.5167603

rehashed music, rehashed story, rehashed characters, rehashed locations, etc

>> No.5167608

>rehashed music
Sure, but most game series do that.
>rehashed story
>rehashed locations
only magicant

>> No.5167648

No Pollyanna and Beign Firends, overall inferior except for Final boss 1st phase and Fourside and all it's variations
>Rehashed story
He probably meant the whole go find the eight melodies but you can say the same about the needless
>Rehashed locations
>Both games had cities, snow, swamp and a desert they must be a rehash
Yeah it's stupid, at least it they had good deserts unlike Mother 3

>> No.5167670

>No Pollyanna and Beign Firends,



>> No.5168013

Mother was cool that it was non linear, but Earthbound was better at game pacing and telling you where to go next. Plus fuck the random encounter mechanic, no matter how edited it is through ROMhacks.

>> No.5168023

>Earthbound was better at telling you where to go next.
>wanting your hand held

>> No.5168029

You know what, you're right! I guess Simon's Quest has superior puzzles because it doesn't hold your hand through anything!
Not all games that tell you once where to go is "holding your hand". I don't see a giant quest marker ontop of your screen or a mission list telling you where to go at every time.

>> No.5168039

How can you get lost in Mother? The game pretty clearly spells out where all the song pieces are

>> No.5168106

The map is pretty big

>> No.5168131

for you

>> No.5168135
File: 1.82 MB, 2800x1400, don't stare at my hips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.5168145

Ness, because we all know he was the one who truly had the biggest hips with how chubby he is.

>> No.5168181

can you imagine paula making fun of ness for being chubby while fondling his gut?

>> No.5168189

No because Paula's too nice to ever make fun of Ness. That's something Poo would do, then force Ness into strict training.

>> No.5168193

yeah, but it's not hot when poo does it.
Poo would totally make fun of Ness for being a fat american though.

>> No.5168196

You're right, it's only hot when Jeff does it.

>> No.5168201

That depends. Is Winters and Foggyland the Canada or Britain analogue?

>> No.5168204

C'mon now, Ness isn't even that fat, at least looking at his sprites.

>> No.5168205

Ness weighs 4 steven universes

>> No.5168210
File: 97 KB, 850x700, ness food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has Stonehenge and the boys in the boarding school wear comically short shorts, it's obviously based off Britain. Plus boarding schools in general are a really British thing.

Multiple NPCs throughout the game make fun of Ness for being chubby/fat, but some to say he is skinnier after you beat the game. He looks kinda chubby from his sprites, especially his jap Magicant ones.

>> No.5168240

please, dont do this to me. It's November

>> No.5168302
File: 304 KB, 597x490, ness and paula 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humiliation fetish

>> No.5168354

actually humiliation, fat, and the wonders of a childhood's discovery and early romances are all things I hold dear

>> No.5168361
File: 209 KB, 512x512, Ness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting, all you have to do is add hand-holding to that list.

>> No.5168383

>"you know Ness, maybe it's time for another adventure and less pizza..."
>Paula pokes Ness' tummy as he bluses
>she pecks him on the cheek and grabs his hand
>"But you're still my brave hero, tummy and all"
so innocent, so cute reminds me of my first girlfriend from ages ago...

>> No.5169176
File: 74 KB, 777x777, 1541572268531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, could you guys imagine if we had a video game where our favorite Nintendo characters could fight to see who was the strongest?

It's a shame nothing like that will ever happen though

>> No.5169220
File: 9 KB, 203x248, images_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so innocent, so cute reminds me of my first girlfriend from ages ago...

>> No.5169383
File: 224 KB, 510x660, 1537374250148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because unlike most earthbound fans we can actually stand an old rpg and see it for what it really is
why do you think most people love mother3? that game is the easiest to pick up and has all its "messages" handfisted to you where as in mother1 it takes time to get ahold and is more underground in its story

or at least thats my take on it

>> No.5169384

is there one for the other songs?

>> No.5169406
File: 238 KB, 500x712, Ninten 3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smash ultimate roster finalized in 2015
>Earthbound Beginnings released same year
>DLC confirmed for next year
>mother1s 30th anniversary is next year
>switch has a libary consisting of ONLY nes games
>Magicant technically is the newest mother stage and its directed at mother1
>all mother1 party members are a spirit except him

>> No.5169414

The base roster was finalized in 2015, Sakurai confirmed about a week ago that Nintendo choose the newcomers and finalized them just recently.

>> No.5169426
File: 10 KB, 307x426, ms ninten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let him dream

>> No.5169492

None of these compare to the fear of a Gabelin

>> No.5169552
File: 291 KB, 350x500, 33F2AAAC-E9AE-441C-A9E2-78653A0B057A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I allowed to post this cutie here?

>> No.5169578

Not /vr/, fuck off to /v/.

>> No.5169632
File: 93 KB, 1142x481, 1521662174666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5169637
File: 418 KB, 2048x1706, mom1 crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much soul

>> No.5169639
File: 217 KB, 1014x900, Earthbound Sprite sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We posting sprites?

>> No.5169641

If it weren't for the incredibly tedious random battles, I'd replay this game and actually finish it this time. Can anyone point me to one of these romhacks mentioned in the thread that fixes it?

>> No.5169663
File: 375 KB, 1073x609, 1524215078400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More themes presented here.

>> No.5169687


Earthbound has much more soul than Mother.
doesn't help that the English localization for Mother is shit

>> No.5169736


>> No.5169792

get one with the easy patch or tomatos mother1+2 version
avoid the 25th anniversary edition, it butchered the artstyle and fucked the overworld map

>> No.5170154


>> No.5170179

Paula is cute and must be protected

>> No.5170192

She gets taken by a Mook and probably got groomed by a Mani Mani Statue possessed Geldegarde Monotoli.

>> No.5170540

Don't forget being kidnapped by the blue blue cultists, gosh what a slut, Ana is the purest

>> No.5170547

mother 1 if your a hipster. its got that raw nes feel, the looks, the music, its very cool

but mother 2 is better of course

>> No.5170554

The whole Mother series is literally the most hipster series on the west

>> No.5170576

Shut the fuck up you cunts, Paula is pure

>> No.5170668

Just because the battle system is poorly designed and grindy doesn't make it harder.

>> No.5170691

>battle system is poorly designed
literally the same battle system as earthbound

>> No.5170859

Battle system on Mother is the same as Dragon Quest.
There's nothing poorly done, but some enemies can act as a wall. Basically at the end of the game you'll be fighting boss-tier enemies constantly.
There's ways to deal with them though. If by the end of the game you have both Frankling Badge and healing omega you can tank them. Plus you have the convenience of the Magicant hook, and the Eve chip to teleport back and forth (and Teleport, of course).
In fact you can zap through Mt. Itoi using Teleport to avoid battles.
Mother 1 is exactly a clone of Dragon Quest in terms of inventory and battles. The difference is on the presentation, not just the modern day setting but also the structure of the world map, how you can walk in 8 directions, and how towns aren't sub-maps, but actually part of a big interconnected world.
Like its contemporaries, Mother had a high rate battle counter, sometimes it can be annoying but the good thing is that they're quick and over in less than a minute most of the time. This is the benefit of old RPGs, no flashy graphics or animations means it's really quick.
I wouldn't say there's anything really wrong about Mother's design, Mt. itoi is hard as fuck, so are many final game areas of many RPGs.
The game provides you with a lot of options to finish the game even if you're below level 30.

>> No.5170867

people are just literally too stupid to use Ninten's shields, buffs and debuffs.

It's no wonder Earthbound nerfed Offense Up to the point of uselessness, the devs knew nobody would use them anyway.

>> No.5170870

Yeah that too, Lloyd's consumable Death laser is also pretty strong but you have to keep buying it. In Earthbound you just get the definitive bazooka and use it forever.

>> No.5170891

Plasma beams are pretty cheap all things considered. By the time you'll be needing them for every battle enemies will give enough cash to buy them in surplus.

>> No.5171424

now THIS is a game that's gotten way too overrated over the past 10 years

>> No.5172589

I wish Twoson and Scaraba were longer like Onett and Threed.

>> No.5173269
File: 32 KB, 455x396, stop earthbound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paula and ness being mean to eachother
begone degenerate

>> No.5173284

This, Paula is already to mentally scarred after all the rape to even confess to Ness, much less being mean. Ana is superior and purer in every way

>> No.5173287

nigga paula would have frozen their dicks off if they even tried anything. why do you think the cultists were outside of the cabin and not inside with her?

>> No.5173294

She would ran out of PP sooner or later

>> No.5173295

but gotten a lot more pp soon after

>> No.5173304

there were only two of them, she could handle it.

>> No.5173309

>anafag is also a degenerate

>> No.5173315

>Implying the whole gang didn't have their way during all the time she was caught
Just stating the facts your waifu isn't pure

>> No.5173319

she was level 1

>> No.5173336

it's called earthbound dickhead

>> No.5173389
File: 143 KB, 700x473, D7AF34C7-C514-4FE3-BDFC-A41D02ABB396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this shitposting about Paula being raped
Degenerates, the lot of you.

>> No.5173393

True, she enjoyed it. Gosh what a slut

>> No.5173395

Stop sexualizing underage children

>> No.5173470

almost nothing happens there what u saying

>> No.5173589

Mother 2 is better but I enjoy Mother 1 more. I can understand finding it a slog but I personally don't see it that way.
Also I would play FF1 over 13, and others if I felt like it that day.

>> No.5173652

Quality post.
A big part of the weirdness I think is that it creates a feeling similar to a young kid exploring the world. Playing the game, everything feels foreign, strange, and slightly uneasy. Even things as an adult you should be familiar with (fast food joints, hotels, etc.) feel odd. And when something crazy comes out of nowhere, it's like being a kid trying to make sense of something new.
That's my perspective anyway.

>> No.5173665

>anyone interested in being honest and objective knows it too.
Almost everyone itt who say they prefer mother 1 admit this.
Also as someone else pointed out: 1, 2, and 3 are all pretty different, even if the first two seem very similar.

>> No.5173669
File: 20 KB, 300x400, boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a feeling similar to a young kid exploring the world. Playing the game, everything feels foreign, strange, and slightly uneasy. Even things as an adult you should be familiar with (fast food joints, hotels, etc.) feel odd. And when something crazy comes out of nowhere, it's like being a kid trying to make sense of something new.

>> No.5173767
File: 109 KB, 1200x804, DETWEgGXcAAi_E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked mother1 more because the story felt more fleshed out, the characters joining you felt natural instead of being being thrown at you (Poo comes to mind)
the combat felt more tame since i didnt have a rolling meter aggravating me every battle and i love the peanuts-esque artstyle of the characters

i could go on why i consider it my favorite of the trilogy but im sure you get my point

>> No.5173870

Lloyd is the slowest party member in the entire Mother series.

>> No.5173879

Well yeah, he's obviously retarded.

>> No.5173913
File: 27 KB, 500x494, 1538348085714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if you like this game clearly your just being a hipster"

>> No.5173916

which means he's the perfect target for Offense Up.

>> No.5174025
File: 660 KB, 1750x1240, earthbound ness anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5174549
File: 31 KB, 589x481, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to legit go through this dungeon, which is built like a labyrinth where every room/corridor look like each other? Am I supposed to draw a map on a piece of paper?

>> No.5174554

just meander your way to the top floor. checking every present can net you some sweet loot. A psi stone and I think a second franklin badge, too

>> No.5174643

underrated post

>> No.5174707 [SPOILER] 
File: 592 KB, 4607x2558, 1542827512379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duncans factory is the low point of the game, here's a map if you need it

>> No.5174778

Bread will also save your ass if you use it, but not eat it. I think you plant the crumbs back in Merrysville, over by the rocks, to save time. After, using the Onyx Hook, of course.

>> No.5175318

ana isnt pure either, she cucked ninten for teddy.

>> No.5175319

>t. anafag
you guys are worse than kumafags

>> No.5175326

That's impossible since I'm pretty sure there's only 2 anafags on this entire site, and I've never seen a anafag outside of this board. Trust me, kumatorafags on /v/ are by far the worst. You can tell that 99% of them just have a shitty tomboy fetish and haven't even played a Mother game.

>> No.5175367

I personally would like to fuck ninten's grandma

>> No.5175370

fair enough.

>> No.5176571
File: 3 KB, 256x224, 1542163177820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5176615

>unsheathes defense down or offense up

>> No.5176642

>not unsheathing 4th d-slip
>teleports away from you

>> No.5176770

>wasting 16 pp

>> No.5176892
File: 15 KB, 291x339, YOU UNDERESTIMATED THEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, lissinup. What If: Pokey fucking with time jazzed things, such that there were some splits and loops. It's an excuse for this- The cast of Mother 1/2/3 end up remixed. to your choice. Which means that Ninten, Loid, Ana, and Teddy could experience Mother 3 in place of the original 4, and so on. You can keep one timeline cast the same if you swap two others if you want. Assume Pokey is obsessed in 3 with whoever was protag in 2.

How do you remix?

>> No.5176902

Lucas and Claus somehow both get into Ness's place and Porky gets jealous over their brotherly love, and Claus once again is a retard and goes to try and stop giygas himself and gets fucked up again. Porky then becomes obsessed with trying to become Lucas's new twin brother, but once again he can only show it by being a dick to Lucas.

>> No.5176925
File: 3.00 MB, 1200x1692, 70783986_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are mother threads here so fucking shitty?
>people arguing why liking one over the the other game is contrarian
>"Dude, what if this character was raped XDD" like this is some edgy mario parody
>bunch of shitty meme shit like "chad vs virgin" and similar garbage
I don't think even /v/ mother threads are this bad. I used to love discussing my favorite series here, it's just embaressing and makes me feel like I'm on a youtube comments section.

>> No.5176930

You know you can always just try and make good discussion other than shitposting yourself. Or just post more art.

>> No.5176941
File: 2.98 MB, 3507x2480, 68704511_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposting is posting something with the intention of it being low quality, I don't see how my post is shitposting.

All I'm saying os the people in these threads feel juvenile, if this is due to them being younger posters or not is impossible to say but I feel it might be the reason.

>> No.5176945
File: 80 KB, 900x500, ness yoyo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a result of the anons in the Mother threads usually being the same anons, and most stuff to discuss has already been talked to death, especially since some retard keeps making these threads right after one dies. /v/ threads are a gamble, you get a bunch of anons that discuss stuff or you get kumatorafags or shitposters. That, or the thread just dies before it gets to 10 posts.

>> No.5176947
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1000, 70403845_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's true. I don't know who keeps making these threads one after another. I love the series but I don't need to discuss it 24/7. Maybe every couple of months or so a nice mother thread would be good to see, not on a daily basis.

I just wish these threads didn't degrade to such a terrible quality.

>> No.5176953
File: 127 KB, 298x579, earthbound ness blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this is bad, take a look at any general on /vg/ that's run out of things to discuss. Trust me, this thread is far from terrible. There's few things more soul-crushing than watching a general of a game you like slowly turn into a degenerate circle-jerk of off-topic discussion. There's a reason everyone hates being exiled to /vg/.

>> No.5177305

You say it like this is some sort of general when OP only asked which was better

>> No.5177316

I try to make quality posts in these threads but sometimes I just want to make a quick shitpost to keep the thread afloat

>> No.5177682

You don't belong here.

>> No.5178334

Is it possible for Ninten to travel on the tracks solo?

>> No.5178345

Do you not need Lloyd to break the rock to the tracks?

>> No.5178349

You'll have to get lloyd first, and then get ana and teddy, then use the onyx hook when ana takes you into the room alone. Now you can beat the game as ninten alone.

>> No.5178360

No, I meant, the subway train tracks; the one where you get punished hard by Gabilans and Nancys.

>> No.5178496

I just got earthbound beginnings and I am really liking it so far. I just got to magicant. I like how big the world is and how it doesnt hold my hand. The grinding sucked at first, but I really am enjoying it now. The atmosphere is pretty good so far too.

>> No.5178507

Yeah, just be sure to get the Onyx Hook in magicant, it'll make backtracking a lot easier later. Be sure to get the defense coins for any new party members you get later on.

>> No.5178513

The only thing I have bought so far is the wooden bat. Is there anything else I need to buy by this point? I only got two tunes so far.

>> No.5178549

Asthma spray is good just so you won't get a game over to the car enemies.

>> No.5178568
File: 118 KB, 479x500, paula2 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Paula.

>> No.5178618

Ninten can't use asthma spray while having an attack, though. That's important

>> No.5179446

ITT: Weebs referring to EARTHBOUND as "Mother 2"

>> No.5180308
File: 22 KB, 359x316, luigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aeris/Aerith tier autism

>> No.5181158
File: 10 KB, 236x282, magicant nin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldnt get in as an echo for either Ness or lucas
>couldnt even be an alt skin for Ness
>Magicant is more heavily based on mother2 instead of mother1
>not even metioned in any of the sm4sh trohy descriptions
>entire earthbound beginings cast got spirit'd
>porky is probably gonna be dlc, meaning Mother 2 & 3 are only ever getting recognition
>and on his 30th birthday nonetheless
Sakurai doesnt like mother 1 does he

>> No.5181168

>Porky dlc
Lol no

>> No.5181184

game got datamined and Porky is completely missing
and considering Sakurai acknowladges hiss existence its safe to assume otherwise

>> No.5181208


>> No.5181686

yea you can run through but its long and the enemies are super tough, if you manage to make it you can get Ana really early

>> No.5181895
File: 177 KB, 433x1319, Mother1 bean paste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up encyclopedia mother since im curious for some info
>find this comic in it
>thats Nintens mom
damn son..

>> No.5181906
File: 94 KB, 600x405, mother14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ninten drawn in a crude, Shin-Chanish style
>His mother is drawn like a typical 80s anime girl
What a weird contrast.

>> No.5181979
File: 175 KB, 464x1319, Mother 1 rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another one for ya
>Lloyd : "Let's move this rock using the big missile that's at Duncan's Factory."

>Lloyd : ".......You probably would have been better off if I hadn't become your friend...."

>> No.5182142

this shit is so nice to listen to while moving around the world

>> No.5182150

Ban mother 3 and click the lamers

>> No.5183219

just beat earthbound a few hours ago and damn was it an amazing experience manly tears were shed

im kinda interested in mother 3 but without spoiling what is its connection to earthbound? if there is one beyond being in the same series like do any characters appear in 3, any storylines that connect to stuff in earthbound?

>> No.5183263

Mother 3 is a little bad become big bad episode

>> No.5183278

i like the plot of mother 1 more but the story is better in 2

>> No.5183312
File: 758 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.38.021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wandering in mother 1, getting lost and turning overleved

>> No.5183515
File: 57 KB, 1920x1080, mGBA_2018-11-26_19-55-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am spooked

>> No.5183535

I played it before I played mother 2 and enjoyed it

>> No.5183546

>manly tears were shed
Don't ever play Nier or Nier Automata mate, you will kill yourself.
Mother 3 is fantastic, probably my favourite of the 3. It's not tied to EB in any way that i can remember though apart from being written by Itoi and being a slightly quirky and wonderfully unique scenario.

>> No.5183912

>1/8 chance of breaking Lloyd battle items

>> No.5184139

I thought it was 1/12.
And that applies to psi stones, too. have fun

>> No.5184490

I think Summers is a pretty great area. It's the only place to fight Duke Nukem-like people and the location's pretty memorable with a few setpieces.

>> No.5184561
File: 311 KB, 480x640, winters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's your favorite enemy? The Hippie is mine

>> No.5184629

smilin' sphere

>> No.5184674

reab yddet

>> No.5184902

Desperation attacks suck harder than PK Beam Gamma attacks. Fuckin' GrizzlyBears.

>> No.5185460
File: 56 KB, 1019x895, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ - Mother

>> No.5185643
File: 123 KB, 800x830, sleepy .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shotafags get the fuck out of my board

>> No.5185648
File: 25 KB, 500x293, 1498803029293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5185653 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 610x109, 1543379526210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Itoi isn't secretly a shotacon when he puts stuff like pic related into Earthbound
Not to mention Lucas's ass in Mother 3 and the unused naked Claus sprite.

>> No.5185743

Why even bother with the distinction?

>> No.5185779
File: 213 KB, 898x1200, ness mr saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you the naked shota butt in 2 and 3 but it doesn't give you the right to make lewd of Ness/Ninten/Lucas and their friends.

>> No.5185820
File: 280 KB, 800x1139, ness mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault that Itoi lewds them himself.

>> No.5185878

gay or European? It's hard to guarantee. Is he gay or European?

>> No.5186251

whats with the piss filter jesus

>> No.5187738

So whatever happened to the people who sang the vocal Mother 1 soundtrack? I know Catherine Warwick completely disappeared, but what about the other singers?

>> No.5187771
File: 61 KB, 1038x807, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the miscolored tile on the top,

>> No.5187789

I love Mother 1 but the probable answer is that /vr/ is full of contrarians. Literally look at all the threads up now fellating Castlevania Chronicles

>> No.5187790

Nice, how much progress have you made?

>> No.5187795

Not much. Been busy. :(

>> No.5187810
File: 7 KB, 282x289, 1435281564163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love Mother 1 but the probable answer is that /vr/ is full of contrarians.

No fuck off, I genuinely enjoy Mother more than Earthbound and if you actually bothered to read the thread, you might be able to see why myself and others feel that way.

>> No.5187813

Keep at it, you've got me interested.

>> No.5188091

currently playing mother 3 after beating EB and im not too sure what to think of it

the battle system is kind of an improvement but it being split into chapters and having all these characters to play instead of just 1 i dunno its just weird to me

and looking at the guide theres apparently 8 chapters im on chapter 3 and still not playing as lucas

the story isnt too bad also definitely a different more serious tone im not sure what story is better at the moment

>> No.5188104

Where can I buy PSI stones, in Mother 1?

>> No.5188109

If you're going on a casual playthrough with an end game Ninten who's past level 25, your biggest opportunities to obtain PSI Stones, is through killing Starmen and certain Mt. Itoi Peak enemies; if you can kill the latter two enemies without losing to them.
You can't buy PSI Stones in Mother 1. However, there are 6 that can be obtained without need to battle.

>> No.5188440

Most likely the most reasonable post in this mostly toxic thread, but to play the devil's advocate:
>Tazmily resembles, intentionally or otherwise, an anarchist-communist society.
>There is no state, classes, or market.
>Villagers all work to the extent they can, to cover everyone's needs
>No wage slavery, everyone is productive through occupations they chose to pursue
>Direct democracy
To be honest, as views and definitions differ, one could call Tazmilly a mutualist, anarchist, or (proto-?)communist society. What makes it awkward is that material conditions for communism to develop wouldn't apply to it, as it is indeed a fictional society that doesn't follow our world's transitions and history. We don't come from a ship that set sail after humanity's last war.
That's what makes it more abstractly ideological or artistic than political. Politics do leak into everything, for better or for worse that's hard to deny, but that doesn't make everything highly political.

>> No.5188452

Furthermore I think it's fair to say that the game is critical of society, its development and how it affects everyday life, as well as the meaninglessness of material pursuit. In this aspect it can be partly extended as a disillusioned view of capitalism. It's probably at its most straightforward when money is introduced and directly along with greed and jealousy. Critique of capitalism isn't the game's only theme, but it's one of the motifs.

>> No.5188484

>child nudity is inherently sexual
fucking kill yourself

>> No.5188529

I'm playing through Mother 1 right now and I got to the mountain again after the one boss fight you aren't supposed to win. Is it worth it to grind and finish the game or if I'm bored should I just start 2 instead?

>> No.5188537

Mt. Itoi is the end of the game.
Go back and find the boat.

>> No.5188542

Yes the end of the game is good

>> No.5188804

did you get teddy? how many melodies do you have? what lvl are you

>> No.5188807

>I love Mother 1 but the probable answer is that /vr/ is full of contrarians
we just like the game for what it is?

>> No.5188871

Thanks lads
Yep, getting the one from the fucking cactus right now, 30.

>> No.5188907
File: 58 KB, 1920x1080, mGBA_2018-11-29_18-14-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino dance

>> No.5188928
File: 93 KB, 1021x766, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for fun I tried out my program with the MOTHER 25th anniversary hack

>> No.5188931 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 521x297, 1543533929955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.5188939

Abducted humans

>> No.5188945

That's were all of the people disappeared too. I find it odd that Earthbound builds up Giygas to be a huge threat, but only a few people end up actually getting captured, unlike in mother 1 where an entire fucking town gets abducted.

>> No.5188950

The Starman tunnels in Winters have people in these types of pods.

>> No.5188953

It wasn't nearly as many as you see in Mother 1.

>> No.5188956

Looks neat

>> No.5188968

>almost 500 replies
>nobody has posted the actual best mother 1 track

>> No.5188971

I think this one gets slept on since everybody forgets about the 3 minute section where you can hear it, which is unfortunate because that's actually a really good track

>> No.5188978

its a goodhack but i wouldnt play it over the orignal, the altered map layout and the fact the cactus blends in with everyting was a chore

still nice though

>> No.5188981

good, 30 is a pretty good level. 40 is when Ana and Ninten peak in psi so keep that in mind. head to youngtown and learn teleport if you havent

>> No.5189102

IMO Mother is like a rough draft of EB

>> No.5189110

Absolute pleb

>> No.5189126

real question is why people were even abducted in 2

>> No.5189129

Mother is toy story
earthbound is toy story 2

>> No.5189135
File: 9 KB, 225x225, pkotoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably to make experiments like pic related.
Or to stop Ness and co., since most of the people abducted were key on helping Ness find Gyiyg.

>> No.5189137

Toy Story 1 was iconic and Toy Story 2 was forgettable tho

>> No.5189157


>> No.5189161

Like Mr. T?

>> No.5189167

Why aren’t there more psychic NPCs

>> No.5189169

Let's be honest hear. The actual story to earthbound is forgettable. People remember Pokey, Giygas and the sanctuaries, but nothing else.

>> No.5189171


>> No.5189674
File: 14 KB, 501x428, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5190287

Ninten's dad is a giant

>> No.5190295

What was he going to talk about?

>> No.5190314

It is the end of the game Mother, there is nothing after the "and..."

>> No.5190323

He's a big guy.

>> No.5190329

for you

>> No.5190429

REEEEEEEE why are real EB carts so expensive

>> No.5190454

i dont get why Mother 1 gets hated so much. the sprites are charming and the high encounter rate is manageable with quick battles and repel rings. do people just not have patience?

>> No.5190486

>Mother is like a rough draft of EB
just because the sequel takes inspiratiion from the previous doesnt mea you should compare the two, you dont see people say NES zelda is a prototype Link to the Past right?

>> No.5190498
File: 385 KB, 600x600, Mother0 crew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because the majority of mother fans are also smash fans, so its unlikely you'll see them talk about anything other then those 2 & 3, why else do you think mother fans get so hostile at the mention of Ninten in smash? to them he's just proto-Ness,
besides when they do play mother 1 they get hit hard by its classic dragon quest gameplay so it turns them off more easily

or at least thats my idea on why

>> No.5190583

You have to understand that there's a different mentality between zelda and earthbound fans.
Earthbound fans, just hate the very notion of Mother 1 existing. So they collectively try to bury it, or discredit it. "Don't play, mother it's too hard" "Don't play mother, it's just a first draft of Earthbound" "If you do play mother, at least install patches or us a remake with earthbound's tileset".

Earthbound fans actively try discredit mother 1. Whereas zelda fans celebrate zelda 1

>> No.5190604

I am a Zelda fan and I don't care for Zelda 1.

>> No.5190619

thanks for announcing your bad taste

>> No.5190654
File: 494 KB, 1000x1415, mother by Miyazaki Akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate this because your right, any time theres an earthbound content creator theres almost no chance they played mother 1
hell even earthbound themed channels on youtube only see the game as a predeccesor of mother 2 and nothing more, for fucks sake when the game got localized everyone was pissed it wasnt mother 3
it fucking sucks man, and since we're likely getting Porky as a new earthbound character in smash its just gonna get worse
at least japan appreciates it

>> No.5191475

im an EB fan and i prefer 1 to 3.

>> No.5192434

I just beat it. Holy shit man.

>> No.5192626

ayy how was it dude?

>> No.5192658

what's the best translation of mother to play?

>> No.5192832

Is Ninten Kenshiro in a little boy’s body?

>> No.5193065
File: 304 KB, 500x705, EB0 crew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES earthbound has the new script where as tomatos 1+2 version is a direct translation of the japanese version

>> No.5193074
File: 133 KB, 600x722, 29000139_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninten is actually named "Ken" in the mother novel so maybe

>> No.5193076

>a fucking japanese headband when he's supposed to be american
what the fug

>> No.5193089
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So what's the best ending for Mother 1?
The Japanese ending is at Holy Loly/Mt. Itoi's peak, the characters stay there as the ending credits roll on.
The extended NOA ending which was also added to the japanese GBA port, has the actual events that happen afterwards, revealing a happy ending, with Teddy still alive. Apparently in Japan, Teddy was thought dead or seriously badly injured. But on the extended ending we see him forming his own rock band and doing excellent.
I like to know that the game ends well, but I feel the original, kind of ambiguous ending was more impactful, and sort of became iconic that way.
Pic unrelated, for some reasons it was on my mother folder.

>> No.5193151

same reason Teddy has a katana and one of Ana's favorite albums is japanese according to the Mother Encyclopedia.

>> No.5193156

getting back llyod to replace teddy feels like shit

>> No.5193157

And why Ninten has a baseball signed by a japanese play.
Or how Teddy's favorite book is about a japanese singer

>> No.5193162

Don't trigger the cutscene.

>> No.5193176

forgot to save before beating gilgas. last save was before EVE. feels bad man

>> No.5193189

But that's even better, now you can play the EVE part anytime.

>> No.5193195

is it worth replaying mother 1 with the anniversay fanmod or is it too souless?

>> No.5193204

I never use Ana's PK a attacks. they feel too shit to use and rather just guard and heal desu.

>> No.5193210
File: 445 KB, 494x700, ana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I can certainly tell you that her freeze and beam attacks saved my ass multiple times during my playthroughs

>> No.5193218

her alpha attacks?

>> No.5193221

you really have to know which moves to use.

>> No.5193241

Depends. Do you like square trees that look like Super Mario pipes?

>> No.5193430

George is the true villian of the series.

>> No.5193436

You think if the ayys were so pissed at them for stealing their PSI info that they would send a more powerful ayy than one that cries when they hear a song. George probably only stole Giygas's class essay on PSI and only Giygas cares about it

>> No.5193439

which status ailment is good if any? i used a rope on Starman Jr and it made the whole fight a pushover

>> No.5193443

He was the leader of the Ayys wasn't he?

>> No.5193541

def down/up doesnt affect psi atks right?

>> No.5193656

physical attacks only

>> No.5194812

try and use defense down alot, it works like a charm

>> No.5194912

>EB cart is $500 MINIMUM
What the fuck.

>> No.5194924

Just buy the japanese Mother 2 boxed for $20

>> No.5196809


>> No.5196916

>For some reason, Ninten's EXP increased.

>> No.5197121

LA > Summers > Podunk/Magicant/Onett > everything else

>> No.5197187


>> No.5197208


Not sure why you believe this but you are so wrong it's hilarious.

>> No.5197275

/v/ is throwing a shitshow because all brawl bosses are spirits except Porky
the only mention of Porky in smash is the Absolutely Safe Capsule
truth be told i'd rather have Giegue or Ninten since Porky was never really my first choice for a mother rep

>> No.5197291

Porky is only ever fought while he is inside some sort of giant ship. Literally too big for smash. Also, MOTHER is a finished series and Nitnendo would want to promote newer series.

>> No.5197413

and which one is better? as in more 'fun'

>> No.5197421

well i perfer the NES version since it had more charm imo

>> No.5197436

Looks like this thread is auto saging but real quick can someone tell me the best version of mother 1 to play. I don't want to grind

>> No.5197748

GBA version with the easy mode patch fucking casual

>> No.5198120


>> No.5198915


>> No.5198918
File: 103 KB, 571x581, earthbound ness shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last post for Ness is best boy

>> No.5199027

Last for Mother 3 is just OK

>> No.5199031
File: 44 KB, 567x788, earthbound ness burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for Ness a cute