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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 128 KB, 260x231, SGokudenSeries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5185734 No.5185734 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about /vr/ Dragon Ball? I fucking loved Super Gokuden when I was a kid, it was one of my first ever imports. It's too bad the premise is fucking stupid. It wasn't until I played a translation recently that I realized it's a glorified trivia game more than an RPG. That battle system was a fucking blast though. Then there's Super Saiya densetsu. It's decent enough, but I'm not a big fan of card battling. If they were to make something like Saiya with a Gokuuden battle system, I would eat that shit up. What's your favorite /vr/ dragon ball game, and why the fuck hasn't there been a good turn based RPG?

>> No.5185738

DBZ stopped being objectively good after the cell saga

DBZ stopped actually being good after the sayjin saga

>> No.5185747

going to go semi-offtopic, are there any good Doctor Slump games? Been wanting to play one after watching its anime

>> No.5185748

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

>I didn't think DBZ was good after the Saiyan Saga
>But it's a fact that it was good through the end of the Cell Saga

I'll just throw this out here(counting android and cell as one saga):


>> No.5185750

I've seen people praise the PS1 game. You can't dent the graphics are stellar for its platform. Never played it myself tho

>> No.5185753
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Fug, forgot pic

>> No.5185758

i literally only covered my ass even mentioning the cell saga

i actually do think dbz stopped being good after the saiyan saga. frezia was fucking gay, and so was cell, it was the same shit but with more explosions and none of the lore or culture that DB was even about in the first place. if we are going that far, DBZ stopped being good after goku beat piccolo

DBZ past the saiyan saga is for retards

>> No.5185765

I actually agree with you somewhat. But you shouldn't feel the need to "cover yourself" from incels for insulting their favorite DBZ saga.

I feel like the Saiyan Saga was very much Dragon Ball; natural continuation, the characters all had a role and mattered. The Namek saga was a good segue though, it was essentially the same saga. I fucking hate the Cell saga, and never understood the love for it. Much of the animation was pretty bad to boot. It lost its identity. The Buu saga, though, felt to me like a return to form. More gags, a tourney, etc. Anyone who doesn't understand why people don't like every saga past the Saiyan saga doesn't have a very good understanding of what "makes" Dragon Ball. Also, Super can suck my donkey nuts.

>> No.5186231
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>It wasn't until I played a translation recently that I realized it's a glorified trivia game

I think that's amazing IMO, and the trivia parts only come up during dialogue scenes, the fight is much closer to what you find on Ultimate Tenkaichi, in that it's RPS like. I also love that and how it can get tense, along with all the minigames. Plus the game's story is very flexible and it has a cutscene for every possible bad ending which is fucking amazing. And as usual you get Yamamoto in its prime, with a lot of good tracks that returned in Final Bout. I think you are being too harsh on the Gokuuden series.

How about the entirety of 80's/90's Dragon Ball (basically, everything regarding the manga) never stopped being good you dumb faggot. Even GT was okay in the first bunch of episodes, before turning into the Z OVA series.

>> No.5186249

That really reminds me of Mega Man Legends.

>> No.5186537

I'm actually shocked they never made a Dragon Quest clone for OG DB. After it being a top down Zelda like game with Dragon Power it just became this strange card system like game. You would think a basic Dragon Quest RPG with Goku and the crew would have worked perfectly.

>> No.5186557

i haven't played the FC or SFC RPGs, nor the PCE game, but all the pre-Hyper Dimension fighting games are tosh

Shin Budokai is also tosh, barely better than Ultimate Battle 22. Final Bout is unplayable, actually worse than UB22

>> No.5186558

>Shin Budokai
i meant Shin Butouden

Shin Budokai (PSP game) is decent

>> No.5186573

UB2(7) is not a terrible game and pretty fun when you get around to it, at least you don't have to suffer the intros from the Japanese version (suffer as in they're cool, but AFAIK you can't disable them and they increase the loading times). Final Bout is flawed beyond belief but STILL fun if you know what to do, the problem with people playing it is assuming they can grasp its (limited) mechanics without a manual or FAQ.

I'm one of those faggots that don't sing FighterZ to high praise simply because it doesn't feel like a DB game anymore, but an ArcSys game with a DB paint on it, which I guess is the whole point

>> No.5186720

>but all the pre-Hyper Dimension fighting games are tosh
Super Butoden 2 is one of the best DBZ games period.
Butoden 3 is also pretty good except it doesn't have a story mode.
Shin Butoden is indeed a disappointment, though. They fucked up.

>> No.5186876

There's a DS game that covered the saiyan saga, pretty good. Wrecking vegeta with kaioken+genki dama was a blast.

>> No.5187040

>Yamamoto in its prime, with a lot of good tracks that returned in Final Bout

Wait, what? What tracks?

>I think you are being too harsh on the Gokuuden series

Maybe to some extent, I mean, I did enjoy the shit out of them when I didn't even know what was going on. I actually played through the first Gokuuden recently as an alternative to reading the manga. Fuckin Red Ribbon arc is just soooo boring to me.

>> No.5187060
File: 143 KB, 368x364, gokudenOST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And as usual you get Yamamoto in its prime
Fuck yes, the Gokuden soundtrack is amazing.
This is also probably the comfiest menu music
I also like to play the Gokuden games as an alternative to the manga. It's weird because it doesn't really have that many action graphics, most of them are profile pictures (many many of them, making characters very expressive), ala VN.
But somehow it nails the feel of the manga pretty well. Battles are alright, you can make the game fun if you want to fuck around with the custom moveset. Otherwise you can spam the strongest attack and you'll rarely fail.
And yes, all the alternate scenarios are fun to see. I still haven't unlocked them all.
I also like the detail of being able to see the manga covers on the menu screen.

>> No.5187062

>Wait, what? What tracks?

I think they're Kakusei-hen tracks only, the one from the tournament fights and when Goku goes SSJ.

>> No.5187070

That illustration of Freeza is one of my favorites.

>> No.5187116
File: 51 KB, 346x402, GokuGekitouden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got something better.

>> No.5187118


>> No.5187137

Is this, The Legend (Idainaru DB Densetsu), and ???????? (insert title here by replying) the holy trinity of 90s DB games?

>> No.5187161

Butoden 2 obviously.

>> No.5187486

Was actually breddy gud. Too bad there's no fantran

>> No.5187575


You're a fucking autist retard who can't understand basic narrative.

It's pretty clear that Goku turning Super Sayan and killing Frieza who's responsible for killing off Goku's species is the closure Dragon Ball needed since the first episode. Weird kid with a tail grows up, discovers his roots and avenges his species. End of story. You're gay.

>> No.5187668

Namek/Frieza were good but it had some dumb shit in it that spelled the doom of the series. Namely the Namek DBs being so powerful. It made fine sense that they would be since they were made on Namek and not by some rogue, but it made death cheap. The Earth DBs could bring you back once and that was it. Krillin dying a second time could have been tragic but it just didn’t feel that much like it mattered because now there were all these loopholes.

It was the most gruesomely violent saga which was cool. But you also had some dumb, drawn-out fights, and cheesy moments like Vegeta being tortured and killed by Frieza. Goku turning Super Saiyan is also ruined by this. “Five minutes” that turns into 10 episodes. He should have just killed him outright. Having this whole routine where they power up and Goku tries to show him mercy lessened the impact.

>> No.5187671

Namek dragon balls were fine, as long as they never came back after the elder died. Dende's dragon balls should have had the same parameters as Kami-sama's

>> No.5187724
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>> No.5187732

Holy shit, that could almost be a Dreamcast game. When was this released?

>> No.5187737

Negro, it's in the the fucking image.

>> No.5187746

Fuck me. I was so drawn into the visuals.

>> No.5187793
File: 24 KB, 250x256, Dragon_Ball_Z_LSW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if this counts as retro but it is for the GBC. DBZ Legendary Super Warriors. My favorite DBZ game ever, and one of my favorite video games ever. It's crazy how many characters and abilities they could fit onto such a tiny cartridge.

>> No.5187882

I've tried so many times to get into this game, but the start is soooooooo gaddang slow. Can you recommend a save file? I just want to pick up and play beyond the tutorial section. I understand how to play.

>> No.5188090
File: 56 KB, 466x419, 61yp8X2FNuL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work perfectly but not retro

>> No.5188835

>if you want to fuck around with the custom moveset
I wish I wasn't a brainlet so I could figure that shit out

>> No.5189158

Toriyama didn't have that planned from Dragonball though, he really made up stuff on the go and retconned some things. Originally planet Vegeta had only been destroyed a couple years before Raditz arrives on Earth, and King Kai corroborates this when Goku is training with him. It wasn't until the Bardock tv special aired (in 1990, it originally aired in Japan during the fight against Guldo) that Freiza destroying Planet Vegeta became canon.

>> No.5189178

Saiyan > 22nd Budokai > 23rd Budokai > Freeza > 21st Budokai > Demon King Piccolo > Majin Boo > Red Ribbon Army > Cell > Pilaf

>> No.5189183
File: 189 KB, 1200x900, super-lote-de-figuritas-dragon-ball_MLA-F-3582841640_122012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toriyama didn't really have anything planned past the Pilaf saga. It was a long 10 year journey of just making up shit, and it was glorious.

>> No.5189282


>> No.5189283

Come on dude, it's not that hard. You learn attacks as you progress through the game. You assign attacks to certain buttons/button combos. Eg A for rock paper scissors, up+ A for nyoibo attack

>> No.5190195

>Butoden 3 is also pretty good except it doesn't have a story mode
Why do you pretend to give a shit? 95% of you can't read moon, and both the french and english translations are pretty much gibberish.

>> No.5190265
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, sb2_cell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>95% of you can't read moon
Well, as a kid I sure didn't, but I still enjoyed all these interactive cutscenes on Super Butoden 2.
At the time, only original Dragon Ball was airing on TV, so I had no idea who all these characters were. It was very confusing but at the same time it was so mysterious to me.
Then I learned how to get all the alternate scenarios by trial and error by playing the game over and over. Definitely didn't need to understand it to enjoy it.
Now I can read japanese, and it's cool, but the best thing about the story mode are the actual cutscenes (graphics), the music and the atmosphere.

>> No.5190560

How did you learn to read moon? I've been dabbling for years, but I get so hung up on some things that I give up after a while. Like, how the fuck does "O genki desu ka" mean "how are you"? Litteral translation reads like gibberish.

>> No.5190602

not the othre guy but are you serious and willing to put in time and effort?

in general:
practice reading and use anki to help learn vocab via the sentences method.

if you want to learn to speak do a lot of listening practice as well

Mattvsjapan has a good channel to help you get started even if it gets memed a bit too much.

>> No.5190685

DB threads on /a/ are such shitshows

>> No.5190917

I have studied a bit in the past, but in reality it's that I'm in constant contact with the language. I'm not fluid in it, probably I'd be a lot better if I actually studied hard, but I can read simple stuff and get a general idea. Plus, since I know Dragon Ball and the context, it's a lot easier to follow the text in the games.

>> No.5191236

Thanks for the suggestions

Good thing we're on /vr/ then

>> No.5191534
File: 76 KB, 509x512, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the real Dragonball game

>> No.5191768

I in ironically loved this game when I was a kid. It along with Final Bout. 'Member disc swapping? I bought a special "add on" for my ps1 that allowed you to play imports via disc swap, not realizing that it was just a knock off game shark (which I had already owned)

>> No.5192071

Great roster, but the gameplay is abysmal.
Shin Butoden is better, but that's not even saying much.
Butoden 2 and 3, Bu Yu Retsuden and Hyper Dimension are the best retro DBZ fighters.

>> No.5193816
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one ever talks about Butouden 1? I find it to be a unique entry. Sure, it was rough around the edges, but I found it was neat to be able to fight as imperfect Cell, #16 and #20.

>> No.5194123

It's because gameplay-wise, Butoden 2 blew it out of the water of course. But yeah it has an interesting roster of characters and comfy ass graphics. And as always, good music too.

>> No.5194242

>Like, how the fuck does "O genki desu ka" mean "how are you"? Litteral translation reads like gibberish.
It literally translates to "are you in good spirits?", and if you can't wrap your head around how that works as a friendly greeting the same way "How are you?"does in English, there might be something wrong with your ability to interpret meaning.

>> No.5194252

They used to be fine. They went to shit when Super started and all the /v/ kids flocked in.

>> No.5194469

Whatch out, the nip police are here

>> No.5194496
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>t.pic related

Wouldn't "are you in good spirits" be "anata wa genki"? Either fucking way, it's a language so very different from English that it just doesn't make sense to put down a random anon on the internet for not understanding on the same level as you.

>> No.5194547

>understanding the barest basics of how the concept of language works is too much for murricans
Holy shit.

>> No.5194556
File: 301 KB, 500x375, 1401564217744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5194571

Get cucked, I know it's you HidingInMyRoom

>> No.5194578

It might help if you don't think of genki so much as something with a direct translation. It suggests different things in different contexts, although the general theme persists.


Japanese has a lot of these, but it's not unique to Japanese. Whether your native language is English or something else, you have probably been using words that aren't really translatable. In these cases, foreign languages tend to just adopt the word as it is.

Now, that's not me advising you to start using the word "genki" in regular English discourse, but in a certain light, you could.

>> No.5194579

>Dragonball thread
>gets ruined when the Americans show up
Every time

>> No.5194591


>> No.5194593

Thank you for the insight. true, the concept of a word taking on context specific meaning exists in English too. It can just be frustrating when trying to grasp a greater understanding of a language as a whole.

I'm the American who started this thread. Was it doomed from the start?

>> No.5194594

>Was it doomed from the start?