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File: 608 KB, 922x711, PE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5179327 No.5179327 [Reply] [Original]

Parasite Eve remake incoming?

>> No.5179348

Mobile game. Calling it.

>> No.5179351

That or ots action trash

>> No.5179364

This makes the most sense given Square's track record with the FF series.

>> No.5179365

I do remain somewhat hopeful, even more so than 99% of other remakes. PE is already a single player action jrpg, and the framework for a remake has already been developed with games like FF13 and FF15. I absolutely hated FF13 because you could only input commands for the party leader, and I assume that FF15 is no different, however, these engines could actually work well with PE since you are only controlling one character in PE anyway... if done properly, it could actually be amazing.

>> No.5179475 [DELETED] 

I don't know...they probably know that the RE2 remake is going to be a commercial success and they want to cash in on something similar with their own IP while FF7R is in production. Action jrpg engines already exist (ff13 and 15) and it might not be too much effort to rebuild the characters/monsters/environments from the ground up. I can't see them remaking PE and having the gameplay be so dramatically different from the original. IF this is a PE remake, it could actually be good given that they know how to make action rpgs..... I would bet $100 that if it is a remake, it won't be OTS like the other another suggested.

>> No.5179558

Hell yeah

>> No.5179562

To be fair, Record Keeper gets legit good once the difficulty ramps up.

>> No.5179565


>> No.5179845

You actually play mobile games?

>> No.5180028

The Final Fantasy general on /vg/ consists almost entirely of mobile games. Unfortunately those are the better games in the franchise rn

>> No.5180038

3rd birthday is unironically a brilliant game that trolled literally everyone

>> No.5180041


>> No.5180042

15 actually lets you swap characters during battle and they each have different mechanics

it's not a bad game but it lacks depth and challenge

>> No.5180046

>implying you wouldn't love to be bent over by Aya's superhuman strength and rammed full of her 8 inches of pulsating mitochondria infused cock

>> No.5180271

I definitely do, especially if her feet are involved

>> No.5180378

I was super surprised by how fun 3rd Birthday was. I didn't care for the story though.

>> No.5180865

We can only hope

>> No.5181343 [DELETED] 


>> No.5181732

>current year +3

Don't get your hopes up, anon.

>> No.5181748

The only thing I'll be looking forward to for any future PE games is the porn

>> No.5181752

The best game in the series is Parasite in City.

>> No.5181851

And here I am, just burned a disk so I can play it in December.

>> No.5181978

I don't think that's a parasite eve game

>> No.5182032


Better off that way, too. I don't know why people get wet over the idea of remakes. They're inevitably worse than the original. "Enhanced graphics" doesn't improve games, simplified gameplay doesn't improve games, and adding hours of pointless dialogue doesn't expand the story, it just turns the entire thing into fanfiction.

>> No.5182042
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Because the last one worked out so well.

>> No.5182063

My dick says it is. Wouldn't you trust your dick?

>> No.5182071


New movie by their film department. That's still a thing remember?

>> No.5182076

No? Didn't they shut that down after the final fantasy movie bombed?

>> No.5182107

No. They used that studio to make Advent Children, Kingsglaive, and some of the CG cutscenes in all of the games past FFIX

>> No.5182529

It's not a hard concept to understand why people can be excited for remakes, but yeah, they rarely go over well. All the devs have to do is make the game look prettier with modern day graphics while leaving the gameplay unchanging and I will cum buckets for a PE remake. If it does get remade it will be shit though. To this day the only good remake is REmake.

>> No.5182571

Gameplay is legit good. It's just the rest that it's a mess.

>> No.5182730
File: 65 KB, 500x374, look at those beautiful thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope not.
>horror without survival
>fully imbued with cinematics (perhaps unskippable ones)
>kid-mode aka too fucking easy gameplay
Maybe i'll not be entirely correct, mine are just speculations based on the current videoludic situation. I'm certain that everyone here knows that bringing back into vogue something that was so beautiful back then it's often if not always a very bad idea, especially if the people working behind it are scumbags only driven by a gratuitous cash in of a previous success and ultimately not even passionated enough.
Let those games sleep peacefully, for fuck's sake. We already have too much examples of titles that should have died long, long ago.

>> No.5182806

OR Squeenix is about to break another exclusive agreement with Sony, and needs another placeholder exclusive in the form of another reissued game for PS4.

>> No.5182889

Could just be securing the trademark for a re-release of the PSX game.

>> No.5182913

It says a lot about the state of Final Fantasy that the spinoffs are often better than the main games. I consider Bravely Default and FFT the best Final Fantasy games.

>> No.5182916

Spider-Man on the PS4 has an option to completely disable QTEs, disabled gamer advocates have been speaking out against them, and games have been given bad reviews because of them. The pushback is long overdue but it is happening.

In fact, I recall someone planning a class action lawsuit on behalf of disabled gamers to force developers to have basic accommodation for games, much like how a building is expected to be wheelchair accessible.

>> No.5182937

>horror without survival
Huh? I love legitimate survival horror as well, but PEs action horror jrpg was amazing and I HATE the direction RE went with 4. Wow!

>> No.5183328
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*blocks your path*

>> No.5183330


>> No.5183332
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>> No.5183403
File: 57 KB, 601x768, e834868fe5b91f83ccf8b26d3e0a03cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File: look at those beautiful thighs.jpg (65 KB, 500x374)
>You are now aware of how many people in this thread alone fapped to Aya in her lewd black evening attire

>> No.5183406

I fapped more to Eve's pantsu in 3rd birthday

>> No.5183419

I require pictorial evidence of this, good sir

>> No.5183425

Have you played 3rd bd? you can move the camera and look up her skirt and her clothing breaks down when she takes damage

>> No.5183429

>another good IP is going to get shit on

>> No.5183501

Anyone got any leads on some good Aya Brea foot porn?

>> No.5184378
File: 67 KB, 800x600, parasite_eve_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the sperm and nobody gets hurt!

>> No.5184386

No it doesn't.

>> No.5184454
File: 235 KB, 791x599, name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her name again?

>> No.5184487

As absurd as this does sound, this is probably the best thing activism has lately been aiming for. I support this very much. We already have colour blind mode in some games, so this is a good next step. You know what would be cool? A bullet time trigger in one of those handicapped controller. You hold a button to slow down the game until you landed the jump or are happy with your input. Shouldnt be too difficult to implement, if you play retro games on a modern console.

>> No.5184572

I live in the EU and we didn't had PE1, I would like a physical port/remaster.

>> No.5184721

Sperm Denier

>> No.5184841

only 8 characters

>> No.5184857

I used to simply call her names like Bitch, Slut, Whore etc. solely for the reason of amusing me when another character talks with her.

>> No.5185057

I always name her Rinoa. Maybe next time I will call her Aya.

>> No.5185236

It would funny if it let you rename the other characters as well

>> No.5185262

Her name is Eve. It's right in the damn title: Parasite Eve. But since it's a Japanese game they put her first name second.

>> No.5185281

So fucking disrespectful.

>> No.5185286

PE1 was a solid game.
PE2 was desperate to be Resident Evil with Coke product placement.
PE3 wasn't even a PE game at all; it was some other game that they slapped PE characters onto after the fact.

What makes you think that they're going to do anything but fuck up here?

>> No.5185331

I mean, the series DID have a mobile game before.

>> No.5185361
File: 333 KB, 1152x864, el gloton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PE2 was desperate to be Resident Evil with Coke product placement.
It was a really great game with lots of replay value. Plenty of guns, plenty of spells, plenty of monsters.

The only thing it lacked was alternate outfits for Aya and multiple endings. I wanted one more fight against No 9.

PE had it's charm, but also a bunch of issues.
>long unskippable sequences
>shitty graphics by 1998
>most spells are useless
>most weapon effects are useless
>most weapon types are shit compared to pistols and rifles (machineguns especially suck)
>gun modding system gives you ridiculously OP guns (as long as you what you're doing)
>keys take up inventory slots and are not discarded after use (except in the hospital)

The first time I played I don't know what I was doing and I gimped my gun so much.

>> No.5185384

yes, it does, all of the 4 main characters are controllable

>> No.5185389

I actually don't find those kinds of dresses and heels to be attractive and prefer her normal practical attire

>> No.5185395

Somehow I can imagine enjoying an RE4-style remake of this game, that's me accepting the inevitable betrayal of its original concept.

Aya's got some moves that sets her aside from military or SWAT. It would be cool to see her use melee/PE counters enemies, especially those Golems. The puzzles would have to be better than RE4 though.. yeesh.

>> No.5185409

Parasite Eve was never actually referred to as a survival horror game by squaresoft, it is in fact a "Cinematic RPG" and was designed as such from the beginning. Anyone who talks about Parasite Eve being survival horror is in fact an idiot as well as anybody who doesn't think it is all about the cinematics and the narrative, the gameplay is designed to carry the narrative and isn't designed to be incredibly deep or involving either. It is simple action and simple math made for casual yet not totally braindead play.

It is in many ways the perfect concept of how an RPG should be designed, and also not actually in any way about survival or horror so much as it's just about science fiction and storytelling.

>> No.5185415

>It is in many ways the perfect concept of how an RPG
An on-rails story? I think you meant graphical adventure with shooting monsters and tuning guns.

>> No.5185416

>>most weapon types are shit compared to pistols and rifles (machineguns especially suck)
machine guns are the best weapon type you fool

>> No.5185418

>An on-rails story?
fucking exactly. the only game that does a non-linear rpg with an open ended narrative and sequence with branching paths correctly is steambot chronicles and nobody is ever going to make a game that way in the west.

>> No.5185419

>take forever to shoot
>consume ammo like niggers

>> No.5185461

Correct. Also, nothing is more broken than a pistol with rate of fire 2.

>> No.5185464

how about a pistol with a rof of 1 and triple action?

>> No.5185485

Can you even set rof to 1? I thought 2 was the lowest. I need to replay it soon I'm overdue.

>> No.5185490

You can remove the rof modifier with a super tool

>> No.5185503

also the M8000 (dropped by the t-rex) has no rof modifier

>> No.5185505

Dang, I will have to remember that for the next run.

>> No.5185529

>Plenty of guns
iirc there were a lot more guns in the original desu

>> No.5185530

Machineguns shoot the fastest out of all the guns

Machinegun>Pistol>Rifle>Shotgun>Grenade Launcher>Rocket Launcher

Any RoF mod can be overwritten by a better one (like x2 or x3 which are the only ones you should ever use) and random RoF can be overwritten by spread but otherwise actually only increases your damage rate without splitting it between bullets unless you're using the worst version of it which you shouldn't.

>> No.5185584

they were all the same with different stats


>> No.5186140

PE2 > PE1

>> No.5186162

After you buy the royal edition and download all updates and dlc, making the game take up 100 gigs of space. Sure. Base game is only noctis.

>> No.5186170

It gets the survival horror label, because a lot of people thought it felt like a combination of RE2 and FFVII when it came out in america.

Also, if RE4 is a survival horror (labeled as such on the back of it's box) then PE meets the apparently very loose requirements too.

Basically, ANY game with action/adventure elements and monsters is a survival horror game...

>> No.5186429


>> No.5186438


>> No.5186673

For real though, people love to shit on PE2 but I feel like it's a great game... it does go in the opposite direction of the original and without the epic New York set pieces so I understand people not liking it though.

>> No.5186863

I really liked the game, but it makes little sense as a survival horror with numerical damage and leveled abilities. I liked dead space's approach to enemies with unclear health and weakspots; you just have to learn by experiences. Messing with your PE abilities to alter the attack style similar to DS3 would be fun too.

>> No.5186909


>> No.5187390

It wasn't survival horror, it was an action rpg that looked similar to RE (because it was designed by the same people).

>> No.5188218

Where does one find a super tool?

>> No.5188236

one in the subway, one in the museum

>> No.5188857

I named her Stacy

>> No.5188864


>> No.5188935


>> No.5189003

citation needed faggot, i don't believe this for a second.

>> No.5189016


>> No.5189062

>one guy
>designed by the same people
wow, one guy is really a whole dev team from capcom.

>> No.5189065

>Also, if RE4 is a survival horror (labeled as such on the back of it's box) then PE meets the apparently very loose requirements too.
Biohazard 4 is actually called a "Psycho Adventure" on the Japanese box art while Biohazard 2 is called a "Survival Horror", It's anyone's guess as to
>what did shinji mikami mean by this
but it's clear that Resident Evil 4 is only a survival horror game because the NA advertisement team didn't give a fucking shit about anything other than getting idiots to buy their god damn zombie monster game. You're an idiot if you get your info from people whose job is to take your money.

>> No.5189078


>> No.5189413

I feel like it probably has more in common with the galerians

>> No.5189419

This is not a good thing in 2018.

>> No.5190025

I wonder if they will follow the conspiracy stuff from PE2? It was about the same stuff that happened in the shitty RE movies.
I think I would prefer it to take a different path.

>> No.5190572

I didn't know rate of fire split your damage with each bullet so I restarted the game and only used the m16 as soon as I got it and never modded it higher than a rof of 2.

>> No.5190578

Good. Also, elemental damage nerfs your gun except against creatures that are vulnerable to that element. Don't use it.
Remember to put all your BPs on the attack stat of your gun.

>> No.5190589

I'm not doing a playthrough of it now, that one was from a few years ago. I'm guessing BP is shit for your personal stats, when I played I put half in active time and the rest into the m16's damage.

>> No.5190626

The thing is that if you put it in active time it won't carry to the next playthrough. And you need like 600 attack to kill the chrysler boss

>> No.5191256

Guess I'll do a new save file if I ever decide to play the game again. Are the weapons you get from farming junk worth it?

>> No.5191302

They have around 120-150 attack. The gun you get from the TRex has 57, so that's a difference of about 100.
You can get like 20000 BP from beating one round of the game, which tranlates into 200 attack added to a gun, and it way easier and less tedium to beat the game rather than farm junk.
On the other hand AK-47.

>> No.5191343
File: 22 KB, 640x480, daniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do all square games have BASED black men

>> No.5191384

When I first played the game, I decided to change her name to Maya. This made a few parts of the plot really hard to follow.

>> No.5191437

This might actually be true.

>> No.5191504

She must be ripping a massive fart. How is her leg just hovering in the air like that? It must smell bad too she's covering her nose.

>> No.5191518

The P90 is basically the best gun since you can make it pretty much perfect if you skip the element mods, but it would be a better use of your time to just kill dinosaurs for BP, since it basically works out to 1000BP = 1 atk and dinos give 1-3 atk per fight. You have to level up or advance chapters to get that BP though. If you fight green dinosaurs for junk the game will basically be cake by the time you get enough for 300 junk since you break the level cap at 38 or so and can level up easily after that trivializing any challenge that was left.

Theoretically you could also collect all the cards and items in the tower and merge everything onto one super perfect piece of gear with all the bonuses and none of the penalties. Getting the super toolkit from Vance by finding enough rare cards takes a while but the tower also hands out supertools while you climb it. There's also a couple other guns just sitting in the tower that are as good as the best junk guns.

>> No.5192169

His coalburner ex-wife payed the toll.

>> No.5192504

His wife was black, his kid was brown too.

>> No.5192547

The kids was light brown, the wife was white.

>> No.5192635
File: 59 KB, 512x366, 1245875837806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5192691

As long as is not like the PSP game. That was disappointing. Played it for 10 hours and all upgrades I found were just passive stat boosts unlike the original where you had crazy magic along with weapon customization. PSP game was just boring after a while.

>> No.5192718

It had more weapon customization than PE1, but you're right about the spells.

It did have grenades, multiple outfits and clothing damage.

>> No.5193329

>the wife was white
Lmao no you're just a sniveling little cuck

>> No.5193356
File: 64 KB, 735x129, kdjdfhuyserf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read what you linked?

>> No.5193368

Douglas is Daniel's best friend anon, he used to be Daniel's partner

>> No.5193391

Do you realize the article never states her race, and implies she may, although unlikely, be white?

I say she was white because the kid was lighter color than Daniel.

>> No.5193419

how do you know he wasn't adopted? do you think that all black people have the same shade of skin? Do you think that mixing race is like mixing paint when it's based on sets of genes and paired alleles? What if Ben is simply the exact same color as his mom and picked up Daniel's recessive pigment genes instead and he's just got the same eyebrows or earlobes as Dan?

The point is that you've extrapolated all your own baggage out of one thing for pretty much no reason other than you have baggage

>> No.5193428

>how do you know he wasn't adopted?
grasping at straws

stop projecting, faggot

>> No.5193451

what would you say if I told you that your cognitive dissonance was being manipulated by a third party?

>> No.5193501

That you're paranoid.

>> No.5193838

>ask him if his cognitive dissonance is being used or directed by others systematically
>he rationalizes the possibility away to solve the cognitive dissonance of the question
really makes you not think

>> No.5195848
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>> No.5195883

>square enix
shit, doa

>> No.5195986

If they trademarked "Parasite Eve" it means they are using the novel's IP, so the story will have to be about mitochondria. If they were going to use a different story they wouldn't bother with paying for the name, just like they did with 3rd Birthday.

>> No.5197004
File: 38 KB, 640x448, Aya_Motivational_Message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5198132

I fucking hope so

>> No.5199531

More remakes need to be like the shadow of the colossus remake

>> No.5199543

ehh I don't really like that one

like it's just not improved in any way

>> No.5199972

They shouldn't do remakes at all.

>> No.5201563

What's your favourite gun in PE2?
Mine was the M4A1+GL, sencond the P229

>> No.5201630

The Bayonet.

>> No.5201686

Was p229 the silenced one? Yeah that was fun

Also you cunts better have saved the doggo fren

>> No.5202258

The doggo and the soldier

>> No.5202265

Good remakes exist anon, like the RE remake and Deadly Silence, or the Tales of Phantasia X enhanced port.

Unfortunately most are absolute garbage not worth playing over their original versions. They keep making them because it's low effort and people buy them anyways. Pokémon Let's Go is hot garbage but it sold pretty well.

>> No.5202267


>> No.5202281

I think tools, super tools and bonus points were a fun and interesting implementation.. but being the jew i am, i've never used any of those, never ever. probably because the game literally gives you a shower of new, more powerful weapons everytime, so i just thought "well, i'll use those things only when i find the perfect weapon".. needless to say i finished the game without using any of that stuff; i was so disappointed.. still, it's a great, great game

>> No.5202314

The point of the tools is to transfer the improvements from a gun to another.

But I did much like you, saving the tools and pluses for later, and then tried to create the ultimate weapon, which because of my lack of understanding of the gun mechanics, turned out very nerfed.

>> No.5202337

dem legs though.

>> No.5202681

I never said i didn't know what the tools did, though.

>> No.5204148

>being this autistic
I get that a lot of remakes change games for the worse, which sucks, but I am always on board for remakes after REmake and Twin Snakes (remakes done correctly).

>> No.5204159


Twin Snakes is pretty bad.

>> No.5204203

>tfw i still use advantaliate strat cuz i cant be assed to try

>> No.5204384

>In fact, I recall someone planning a class action lawsuit on behalf of disabled gamers to force developers to have basic accommodation for games, much like how a building is expected to be wheelchair accessible.

>> No.5204410
File: 66 KB, 484x484, mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not any worse than the original version, desu.

>> No.5205343

How'd you get a screen like that? Is that an easter egg?

>> No.5205345

it's in the hospital if you check a certain window facing the chrysler building

It's hard to figure out whose talking to who there

>> No.5205603

''Made by manipulating screenshots with ePSXe and TheCheat.''

>> No.5205617
File: 33 KB, 400x300, 282D5311-1C32-495A-8A5A-6B0EDD872F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5206230

The fuck is this? I don't remember the sex scene from the book being written like this

>> No.5206259

About fucking time, both games on PS1 were good

>> No.5206505

Probably some autistic Brazilian fan fiction

>> No.5206769

Its not the sex scene, its the ultimate being mindfucking the guy

>> No.5206790
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>> No.5207307


>> No.5207312

I feel you should have been given the unlimited tool kit on day 2 so you could play around with modifying guns and armor more.

>> No.5207328

>unlimited tool kit on day 2
might as well remove the requirement of tools for modding

>> No.5207953

This is the likely answer....unfortunately.

>> No.5210160

Dude, why did you have to make it weird?

>> No.5210168

I hope it's as good as 3 tbf

>> No.5210362

The fuckin way she goes bud

>> No.5211398

Not really, it is decent, minus the music.

>> No.5211413

another franchise getting ruined by [[[square enix]]]

>> No.5212137

It would be nice

>> No.5212325

Whatever they do, please let us change her outfit.

>> No.5213092

I never played PE3. can someone sum up the story quickly for me?

>> No.5213174

PE only goes to 2

>> No.5213540

It's called 3rd Birthday because tbe Parasite Eve name doesn't beñong to Square but to the guy who wrote the novel and they might have had some copyright issues.
3BD isn't /vr/, but if you want to know [spoilers]read the wiki, you fucking nigger[/spoilers]

>> No.5213672

So needlessly edgy it is cringe

>> No.5213763

>saying that a 2010 game is not /vg/ is edgy

>> No.5213821

I meant his post was needlessly edgy and cringe

>> No.5213827

what is cringe about it?

>> No.5213838

This is most likely it. If they were actually planning something, you'd have seen PE on the Classic in all regions.

Not to mention 3rd birthday killed it in the west.

>> No.5213879

Mobile platforms definitely can be not shit for games, but the ones I'm thinking of are mostly retro ports not made by Square (King of Dragon Pass for example) and digital board game adaptations.

People just need to stop looking at the free waifu horseshit at the front of the app store and dig.

>> No.5214123

3bd literally doesnt count

>> No.5214165

I don't want to read the wiki, I want my /vr/os to give me a summary of it. it's more fun. yes I could just google it but it's not the point.

>> No.5214331

The plot is shit, Aya was going to marry Kyle, then a death squad appears and shoots up the wedding because America. Aya's soul splits and the fragments b3come monsters called the the twisted, the other atendees become boss monters. Eve is transported to the future in which she is found without her memories and IDd as Aya because clone. The military are fighting a lost battle against the twisted and a scientist invented a time machine that only Eve could use and try to use it to change tbe past. Eventually she goes back to the wedding and kills Aya.

>> No.5214334

Some government guys come to murder everyone at Aya's wedding to Kyle. Eve who is growing super fast on account of being a clone is also turning 3 or something, and has a nervous breakdown in the middle of the shootout. Somehow for reasons that aren't really explained Eve uses psychic power to jump into Aya's body switching their consciousness in a freaky friday type situation and then blows her own brains out getting stuck in Aya's body and killing Aya forever(?). For some reason this transforms everyone nearby into some sort of time traveling biological horror monster that's based on spirochete bacteria that drill their bodies through time and space or the earth's crust or something else weird that also is never clearly explained. NotAya then has to travel through time using some sort of matrix bed by possessing the bodies of an international special forces group of volunteer soldiers designated to combat the horror monsters and somehow change the timelines.

The whole thing is basically designed to troll anybody stupid enough to make a fictional character their waifu, but is also aesthetic and weird as fucking hell and a bitchin fun action game focused on continuous decision making and threat management (a tactical action game where the player controls a team of guys by possessing them one at a time and tries to keep them alive).

>> No.5214346

No Eve is actually in Aya's body and killed her own clone body the first time man, that was the whole point of it all.

>> No.5214369

It was so fucking weird

>> No.5214449

thanks /vr/os. I heard things about the story being bad but that was an understatement.

>> No.5214681

Sadly I guarantee it's probably a mobile game.

>> No.5214869


>> No.5215763

The 4th Birthday confirmed

>> No.5215793

The opposite of this

>> No.5215975

Starring a clone of Maya?

>> No.5216116

Starring Aya's clone that you leave behind in the lab in PE2.

>> No.5217224

Favorite PE form 1 or 2? Mine is necrosis followed by apobiosis.

>> No.5217640

>when you farm enough to get the P90 to 999 attack and range and put every single ability you could want on it

Jesus Christ, is this the most broken RPG of all time? I know it takes autistic hours of grinding to max out the stats on it but still, once you do everything is cucked.

>> No.5217649

You need a superpowered gun to beat Maya, and after you beat her the game is officially over.

>> No.5217710

I heard the Chysler Building stays complete once you beat it, even when you do a 2nd NG+. Is this true? I'm about to fight Maya on my current save soon.

>> No.5217714

Yes, nothing respawns in chrysler

>> No.5217985

>the current videoludic situation
Having fun smelling your own farts there, dicklips?

>> No.5218485


>> No.5219424

It isn't that bad

>> No.5219482

The story is terrible and uniersally disliked. The dialogs suck too. VA is ok except for Maeda who is extremely annoying.

>> No.5220554


>> No.5220589

I thought it was bad until I found out the guy who wrote Bahamut Lagoon was behind it. Then I realized he was trolling me on purpose for being stupid enough to waifu a girl from a videogame, and for ever taking all this videogame plotline shit seriously.

>> No.5221427

About the hook up the ps2 for the annual PE run. Anyone else in the spirit for Christmas yet?

>> No.5221437

wait you mean all this time I could have trademarked this Parasite Eve?

>> No.5221472

Its called trademark squatting. If you did, Square Enix wouldn't have given you a cent, they would just not make the game or name it something different again.

>> No.5222715

Yeah same thing happened with the guy who owned playdiablo4.com

>> No.5222752

Please no

>> No.5222795 [DELETED] 
File: 897 KB, 3600x3000, 1538918320026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm relaxing this afternoon with siome pizza and the OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cs_wheBIvs, and when it's done i'm going to watch ep 6-12 of the anime. Yurucamp is AOTY. Sorry zombies.

>> No.5224993

You spelled yes wrong

>> No.5225098 [DELETED] 

100% it's pozzed with trans people

>> No.5225268 [DELETED] 

Japan is not burgerland

>> No.5225271 [DELETED] 

There is literally nothing wrong with being trans.

>> No.5225290 [DELETED] 

Wrong. It is a mental illness and should be treated as such.

>> No.5225310

It's either that or a re-release of 3rd Birthday. Was that the PSP game's name? I can't remember.

>> No.5225329 [DELETED] 

41% suicide rate says otherwise

>> No.5227523

PE 2 was comfy, I never played the first one tho

>> No.5227597

Grab her by the pussy, retrons!