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File: 27 KB, 319x165, BecauseFF6HasNoMainCharacter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5179443 No.5179443 [Reply] [Original]

Help me out here, /vr/. Who is the better Waifu in Final Fantasy 6? There is no definition in "waifu" for the purpose of this strawpoll. You can base this just on looks, on story quality, on gameplay, or a combination of all these things or none at all. I just need some votes in this.


>> No.5179471

>posts the shit mobile artwork
Yikes desu

>> No.5179472

Go back to writing your dumb clickbait article.

>> No.5179483

and kys

>> No.5179491

Terra is good with kids, Celes is an irate strong wymen, it's an easy pick.

>> No.5179510

Stop worshiping waifus. The woman is just another flawed human being with a soul in peril.

>> No.5179520

>baby crazy

red flag

Celes meanwhile is loyal, doesn't ditch the party to play mommy, and canonically beautiful enough to be kidnapped by a dangerous rogue.

Also, Terra is 200% more likely to have been molested by Kefka.

>> No.5179529

>red flag
in what universe? Also she runs an orphanage, not 'baby crazy'.

>doesn't ditch the party to play mommy
She chooses a sterile life.

>molested by Kefka
like Celes got gang banged in a prison? This kind of baiting is pointless.

>> No.5179568

This guy gets it. Celes has the mental fortitude to be literally tortured and not end up a broken, spiteful person because of it. That's a keeper.

>> No.5179576

>irate strong wymen

In the beginning she is but in the Japanese script particularly she goes full kawaii amine girl after the opera scene using "わ" in almost every sentence

>> No.5179583

Translate the significance of that to us non weebs?

>> No.5179615

"Good with kids" is not "baby crazy"

Terra wanted to know what love was and she found it by taking care of children. You people lack any notion of nuance when it comes to understanding narrative.

>> No.5179624

In Japanese entertainment they often use certain phrases to give characters more "character" despite it not being the way actual Japanese speak. It's kinda like a coded system to make cheap character moments, Celes has been talking like a man sofar but omg now she's speaking like a girl because she wants Locke's dick or whatever.

The example"わ", which is a "Wa" sound, is a feminine way of ending a sentence in Japanese to make yourself sound like a girl. A masculine equivalent would be ”よ” which is "Yo"

>> No.5179686
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>No Relm option.
Get out.

>> No.5179693
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Edgar had it right, if you know what I mean...

>> No.5180343

Power tools are awesome?

>> No.5180351

He's gonna introduce Relm to his Bioblaster.

>> No.5180368

… he gonna fart on her?

>> No.5180558

Celes going double-trans is honestly hilarious

>> No.5180574

That's not trans anything. It's a woman going from tomboyish tendencies to more stereotypical woman behavior.

Super common trope in media.

>> No.5180710

you're a bunch of spiteful internet hobgoblins. both girls are fine.

>> No.5180774

That's the Noiseblaster.

>> No.5181038

What are some other JRPGs with an ensemble cast?

>> No.5181050


>> No.5181070

Who /terra/ here? Easy pick bros xD

>> No.5181084
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He's gonna have to wait until she's 18

>> No.5181105

Question for people who actually enjoyed this game, when you play it who do you think of as "you" in the game and how do you feel when you have to play long sections where you aren't controlling "you"?

>> No.5181112


>> No.5181119

Terra's got superior genetics.

>> No.5181132

all the saga ones. seiken densetsu III.

>> No.5181364

don't @ me

>> No.5181472
File: 99 KB, 628x800, Final.Fantasy.VI.full.286187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5181478

There is no such thing as superior or inferior genetics, that's all nonsense.

>> No.5181483

This is what marxists unironically believe.

>> No.5181486

Objectively wrong. If two people who never trained a skill in their lives have different aptitudes at that skill, the person with most aptitude has superior genetics for that purpose.

>> No.5181554

>If two people who never trained a skill in their lives have different aptitudes at that skill, the person with most aptitude has superior genetics for that purpose.
maybe that person just has, you know, more aptitude. you'll have brothers and sisters with mostly identical genetic material but entirely different aptitude for various skills.

you are entirely ignoring the fact of random distribution and assuming some sort of biological predetermination. what are you, an online graduate of trump U?

>> No.5181672

Relm, obviously.

>> No.5181835

+ Mothering instinct
+ No in-laws
+ Aren't you at least a little curious about plowing a girl who's part monster?
- Emotionally conflicted; probably often not in the mood to bone.

+ Most likely is a better fuck than Terra, all things considered. Has a martial background, probably is more fit, probably a bit kinkier, higher sex drive I imagine.
- Damaged goods.
- Drama queen.
- Bad taste in men.
- You'll probably have to visit that retard Cid every so often, seeing as he's the closest thing she has to family.
- She's military. She'll probably be distant and eventually cheat on you, albeit in a naive way with regret.

>> No.5181845

Celes sucks

>> No.5181852

kill yourself

>> No.5181860


>> No.5181868

so call them a girl
quit bastardizing waifu to mean whatever you want it to mean, god damn you assholes are stupid

>> No.5181876

Celes is awesome you dummy

>> No.5181892

Edgar. Don't know why

But you can beat the game without her

>> No.5181948

>when you play it who do you think of as "you" in the game
No one, because I'm not autistic and don't have to self-insert onto a character in every game. FFVI has an ensemble cast you get to watch interact and learn more about as the story goes on. None of them are me, I am simply watching their stories unfold.

>> No.5181949

It's obviously both. There is the basic genetic sequence which predicts a spectrum of possibilities and the actual growth of that material that physically ends up happening due to interaction with the environment it finds itself in which is to say there is the organism and then the entire rest of the universe as a context for that organism's development. To suggest that genetic viability is not a thing is to suggest that a zebra could be a pro basketball player or a rocket scientist if it were only given the right opportunity when everybody knows that zebras are predisposed to have little interest in either of those things and a great difficulty with the languages they're historically taught with.

People are not created equal but all living things thirst for life. Each individual is able to accomplish something in the context of their own life that no other can truly match, but it's sheer absurdity to suggest than anyone can do anything if they only tried and were nurtured correctly, to have such a thought is to attempt to negate the individuality of others to massage the insecurity and cognitive dissonance from your own brain.

It's an incredibly selfish concept of a trained quitter is what I'm saying.

>> No.5181954

the ability to empathize or relate to people or characters is basically the antithesis of autism

>> No.5182025

Empathizing or relating to characters is not the same as "thinking of [a character] as 'you' in the game."

>> No.5182065

Empathy is the process that allows you to relate, so for the purpose of this discussion, it is.

>> No.5182069

Terra, I like her design better.

>> No.5182105

I would argue that someone who has to self-insert onto a character and see that character as being themselves to be invested is not really empathizing. Empathy requires the recognition that the person you're empathizing with is not you and that you don't necessarily have to agree with how someone feels to understand why they feel the way they do.

>> No.5182126

this, it just sounds more autistic
i actually enjoyed these games more when i grew out of that kind of projection and could take them on their own. that stuff is good for working out your imagination but it needs to be put in its place eventually

>> No.5182137

Empathizing is understanding, but it doesn’t imply agreeing/condoning.

>> No.5182430

Locke. I generally love thieves and Locke had a pretty charming personality so it was a win-win.

>how do you feel when you have to play long sections where you aren't controlling "you"?
I really don't care to be honest.

>> No.5182592

That's what I said, and that's why projecting yourself onto a character and saying "this character IS ME" is not real empathy.

>> No.5182604

This anon knows what's up.

>> No.5182605

But simply wanting to relate isn’t a hallmark of autism.

>> No.5182617

The core process is still empathy, however inept/futile. That’s the process the mind is using, albeit unwittingly in a narrow and self-serving manner.

>> No.5183086

what the fuck are you even on about you sperg

>> No.5183116

Celes is used goods, Terra is pure.

>> No.5183121

He's the king, he makes the laws.

>> No.5183154
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>> No.5183159


>> No.5183163
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>making me choose
It's so hard...

>> No.5183224

I related the most to Celes but no one. I didn't think of Cecil or Bartz as "me" either. The only "me" was when I named a Black Mage after myself in FF1.

>> No.5183245

>A virgin
>gang raped by imperial soldiers

real hard choice

>> No.5183252
File: 77 KB, 529x333, 1538934701745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5183258

>Chooses the guy who hides under a big hat for 2/3 of the game
Socially awkward?

>> No.5183267

Well yeah, I'm on /vr/

>> No.5184573

Terra's got magic in her genes. Celes just got magic jammed inside of her with science.

>> No.5184609

>on 4chan
>not socially awkward or socially dysfunctional

>> No.5184614

more proof this series is fucking cancer for the brain, or this is a false flag post, although ff fans do the job of looking like shites just fine by themselves. ff viii and tactics are the only good ones btw.

>> No.5184690

>stop liking what i don't like!

>> No.5184904
